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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Entwicklung einer Methode zur intraorganisationalen Prozessstandardisierung

Zellner, Philipp 04 February 2016 (has links)
Die Standardisierung von Geschäftsprozessen ist ein innovativer Ansatz zur Steigerung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von Unternehmen. Die vorliegende Arbeit hat dazu die Entwicklung einer Methode zum Gegenstand. Dabei wird zunächst ein Instrument entwickelt, mit dessen Hilfe Prozesse auf Standardisierbarkeit überprüft werden können. Standardisierbare Prozesse werden im Anschluss auf elementarer Ebene auf Vielfalt untersucht, mit dem Ziel ausschließlich positive Vielfalt in Prozessen zuzulassen. Die entwickelten Instrumente und erforderlichen Aktivitäten zur Standardisierung von Prozessen werden in Form von Methodenfragmenten beschrieben und stellen in der Summe die Methode zur Prozessstandardisierung dar.

Оценка влияния внедрения цифрового двойника на эффективность бизнес-процессов промышленного предприятия : магистерская диссертация / Assessment of the impact of the introduction of a digital twin on the efficiency of business processes of an industrial enterprise

Петренко, С. И., Petrenko, S. I. January 2022 (has links)
В настоящий момент технология цифрового двойника находит все большее применение во всех сферах промышленности. Влияя на эффективность бизнес-процессов предприятия, цифровой двойник формирует конкурентные преимущества, снижает себестоимость продукции при повышении ее качества. Целью магистерской диссертации является разработка методического инструментария к оценке влияния и внедрению цифровых двойников. В работе рассматривается понятие цифровых двойников, вопросы положительного и негативного влияния на бизнес-процессы и эффективность бизнес-процессов предприятия. В качестве источников использовалась научно-исследовательская и методическая литература, нормативно-правовые акты и финансовая отчетность организаций в открытом доступе. В магистерской диссертации был предложен методический инструментарий к оценке влияния и внедрению цифровых двойников, основанный на оценке целесообразности внедрения цифровых двойников, оценке эффективности внедрения цифрового двойника в бизнес-процессы производства с использованием коэффициентов повышения экономии и разработке стратегической карты внедрения цифрового двойника. / At the moment, digital twin technology is increasingly being used in all areas of industry. Influencing the efficiency of business processes of an enterprise, the digital twin creates competitive advantages, reduces the cost of production while improving its quality. The purpose of the master's thesis is to develop methodical tools for assessing the impact and implementation of digital twins. The paper discusses the concept of digital twins, issues of positive and negative impact on business processes and the efficiency of enterprise business processes. As sources, research and methodical literature, legal acts and financial statements of organizations in the public domain were used. In the master's thesis, a methodical toolkit was proposed for assessing the impact and implementation of digital twins, based on assessing the feasibility of introducing digital twins, evaluating the effectiveness of introducing a digital twin into business processes of production using savings increase factors and developing a strategic map for implementing a digital twin.

Challenges Involved in the Automation of Regression Analysis

Holmgren, Rachelle 01 January 2016 (has links)
Extracting meaningful insights from massive datasets to help guide business decisions requires specialized skills in data analysis. Unfortunately, the supply of these skills does not meet the demand, due to the massive amount of data generated by society each day. This leaves businesses with a large amount of unanalyzed data that could have been used to support business decision making. Automating the process of analyzing this data would help address many companies' key challenge of a lack of appropriate analytical skills. This paper examines the process and challenges in automating this analysis of data. Central challenges include removing outliers without context, transforming data to a format that is compatible with the analysis method that will be used, and analyzing the results of the model.

Elements of a Knowledge Management Guide for Public Sector Organizations

Harris, Mark Cameron 01 January 2013 (has links)
This study explored the factors that are critical to the success of public (government) sector knowledge management initiatives and the lessons from private sector knowledge management and organizational learning that apply in the public sector. The goal was to create a concise guide, based on research-validated success factors, to aid government organizations in establishing effective knowledge management initiatives to improve organizational learning. Academic and business literature provided 91 success factors in nine categories relating to social, organizational, managerial, and technological considerations. Determining which factors will have more bearing on success can be challenging for any organization, but possibly more so for public organizations, given that most guidance derives from the private sector. Many of the few government oriented studies targeted service to the public, but effective services depend on healthy processes and practices that capture, organize, share, maintain, apply, and--when complex, turbulent environments demand novel approaches--create new knowledge to enable desired outcomes. A review of knowledge management and organizational learning literature--most of which reflected private sector initiatives--provided a set of candidate success factors. A panel of knowledge management experts with public sector experience tested a draft survey instrument and provided suggestions for improving its questions and organization. Links to the amended survey instrument were provided in online and email solicitations targeting members of online professional communities dedicated to knowledge management and organizational learning, and who had experience with public sector knowledge management initiatives. Members of these communities participated, providing insights into the factors that most affected the success of their initiatives. After responding to the survey questions, 17 participants clarified and expanded on some of their responses during follow-on interviews. Analysis and conclusions based on survey and interview findings supplemented the literature review in providing content for the guide, which has been offered to participants.


[pt] Esta dissertação trata sobre as modificações que o trabalho vem sofrendo a partir do processo de reestruturação produtiva praticado no Brasil desde a década de 1990, visando compreender melhor as alterações em curso, especialmente no que se refere às novas gestões empresariais baseadas em processos. Neste sentido, buscou conhecer a gestão por processos e sua relação com a organização do trabalho, tomando como exemplo uma empresa do setor elétrico brasileiro. Ressalta-se que tal modelo de gestão teve início, no setor, em 2012, com a reorganização da estrutura empresarial, desde a área de negócios até a gestão de recursos humanos. A pesquisa buscou analisar, também, a chamada reestatização do setor elétrico, associada a um movimento de aceleração do crescimento incrementada por exigências de competências e adventos tecnológicos, dada a sua posição estratégica para a economia e o acesso à energia pelos brasileiros. Da mesma forma, objetivou investigar a mobilidade gerada pelo modelo de gestão de processos, imposta aos trabalhadores, enquanto possibilidade de trabalho precário ou trabalho decente. A abordagem teórico-metodológica adotada pautou-se no conceito de trabalho decente como o direito a ter trabalho e de mantê-lo com dignidade e proteção social, tomando-se o trabalho precário como contraposição ao trabalho decente, isto é, como aquele que promove a redução ou suspensão dos direitos. Para tanto, foram realizados contatos com os gestores e com os trabalhadores da empresa estudada, de forma a se compreender a possibilidade de existência do trabalho decente em meio a uma mudança nos padrões de produção e organização do trabalho, onde a palavra de ordem é otimização, uma vez que a implementação da gestão por processos significa a possibilidade de tornar a empresa mais competitiva no mercado, através da otimização de custos e consequente aumento da eficiência na produção de energia elétrica. Os resultados da pesquisa indicaram que a empresa vem operando profundas modificações para atender às exigências do mercado, de forma ágil. Com isso, verificou-se uma diminuição considerável de gastos, principalmente na área de pessoal, com promoção de cortes no orçamento, desenvolvendo, dessa forma, um plano de incentivo à demissão de funcionários terceirizados, o que torna o trabalho decente uma possibilidade ainda distante de se realizar. / [en] This dissertation discusses the changes that work has suffered since the restructuring process practiced in Brazil since the 1990s, intending to understand better the transformations underway, especially those which are related to new corporate managements based processes. The research sought to understand business process management and its relation to the organization of work, through the case study of a Brazilian public electrical company. It is worth emphasizing that this management model started in this sector in 2012 with the reorganization of the company structure, from the business departments to human resource management. The research also sought to analyze the so-called renationalization of the electricity sector associated with accelerating growth by increased demands for skills and technological advances, due to the strategic position of the economy and the access to energy for Brazilians. Equally, we aimed to investigate the mobility generated by this business process management model, imposed on work, and on those who only need their work to survive, through precarious or decent work. The methodological approach adopted was based on the concept of decent work as the right to work with dignity and social protection, seeing precarious work as the opposite of decent work, in other words, as one that promotes the reduction or suspension of rights. With this objective contacts were made with the managers and workers of the company studied in order to understand the possible existence of decent work during the changes in patterns of production and organization of work, where the buzzword is optimization, as the implementation of process management means the ability to make the company more competitive in the market, by optimizing costs and consequently increasing efficiency in electricity production. The research results indicated that the company carries out profound transformations in order to attend to market requirements in an agile way. With this, a considerable decrease in spending mainly in personnel was clear, with promotion of spending cuts, developing, a plan which incentivized the redundancy of outsourced workers, making decent work a distant dream to be achieved.

Implementação do arcabouço WED-flow para controle de processos transacionais / An Implementation of WED-flow for Controlling Transactional Processes

Garcia Ortega, Marcela 28 March 2013 (has links)
A área de gerenciamento de processos de negócio apresenta-se ativa e tem recebido atenção tanto da comunidade de pesquisa como da indústria. Uma das principais preocupações nessa área é a escolha da melhor abordagem para modelagem e implementação de processos de negócio. Atualmente, organizações possuem processos de negócio com complexas estruturas que são reavaliados e ajustados com frequência, exigindo flexibilidade das linguagens para modelagem de processos. Além disso, processos de negócio atuais também exigem ambientes para implementação capazes de garantir confiabilidade na execução de instâncias do processo modelado, especialmente em caso de falhas. Embora diversos modelos transacionais tenham sido propostos com o objetivo de garantir propriedades transacionais adaptadas ao contexto de processos de negócio, a implementação de processos transacionais ainda oferece um cenário com desafios teóricos e práticos. Neste trabalho apresentamos uma implementação da abordagem WED-flow para controle de processos transacionais. A WED-flow é uma abordagem que combina conceitos de modelos transacionais avançados, eventos e estados de dados com o objetivo principal de reduzir a complexidade no tratamento de exceções. A ferramenta de software desenvolvida é capaz de controlar a execução de instâncias de processos de negócio, permite a evolução incremental do modelo projetado e ainda disponibiliza a estrutura necessária para apoiar a implementação de mecanismos de recuperação para tratar interrupções em instâncias causadas por exceções. / Business processes management is an active area which have received increased attention from research and industry communities. A major concern is the selection of the best approach for modeling and implementing business processes. Nowadays, organizations have business processes with complex structures, which are reevaluated and adjusted frequently, requiring flexibility from modeling languages. In addition, current business processes also require implementation environments capable of ensuring execution reliability, especially in case of failures. Although several transactional models have been proposed in order to guarantee transactional properties adapted to the context of business processes, the implementation of transactional processes still offers a scenario with several theoretical and practical challenges. In this work, we present an implementation of WED-flow approach for controlling transactional processes. WED-flow is an approach which combines the concepts of advanced transactional models, events and data states for the purpose of reducing exception handling complexity. The developed software tool is able of controlling the execution of business processes instances, allows incremental evolution of the designed model and also provides the necessary structure to support recovery mechanisms implementation to handle instances interruptions caused by exceptions.

Técnicas de modelagem para a análise de desempenho de processos de negócio / Modeling techniques for business process performance analysis

Braghetto, Kelly Rosa 21 September 2011 (has links)
As recentes pesquisas na área de Gestão de Processos de Negócio (GPN) vêm contribuindo para aumentar a eficiência nas organizações. A GPN pode ser compreendida como o conjunto de métodos, técnicas e ferramentas computacionais desenvolvidas para amparar os processos de negócios. Tipicamente, a GPN é fundamentada por modelos de processos. Esses modelos, além de permitirem a automação da configuração e execução, aumentam a capacidade de análise dos processos de negócio. Apesar de auxiliar os especialistas de negócio nas diferentes fases envolvidas no ciclo de vida de um processo de negócio (projeto, configuração, implantação/execução e a análise), os modelos definidos em linguagens específicas de domínio, como a BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation), não são os mais apropriados para amparar a fase de análise. De formal geral, esses modelos não possuem uma semântica operacional formalmente definida (o que limita o seu uso para a verificação e validação dos processos) e nem mecanismos para quantificar o comportamento modelado (o que impossibilita a análise de desempenho). Neste trabalho de doutorado, nós desenvolvemos um arcabouço que ampara e automatiza os principais passos envolvidos na análise de desempenho de processos de negócio via modelagem analítica. Nós estudamos a viabilidade da aplicação de três formalismos Markovianos na modelagem de processos de negócio: as Redes de Petri Estocásticas, as Álgebras de Processo Estocásticas e as Redes de Autômatos Estocásticos (SAN, do inglês Stochastic Automata Networks). Escolhemos SAN como formalismo base para o método proposto neste trabalho. Nosso arcabouço é constituído por: (i) uma notação para enriquecer modelos de processos de negócio descritos em BPMN com informações sobre o seu gerenciamento de recursos, e (ii) um algoritmo que faz a conversão automática desses modelos não-formais de processos para modelos estocásticos em SAN. Com isso, somos capazes de capturar o impacto causado pela contenção de recursos no desempenho de um processo de negócio. A partir de um modelo em SAN gerado com o nosso arcabouço, podemos predizer variados índices de desempenho que são boas aproximações para o desempenho esperado do processo de negócio no mundo real. / Recent results in the research field of Business Process Management (BPM) are contributing to improve efficiency in organizations. BPM can be seen as a set of methods, techniques and tools developed to support business processes in their different requirements. Usually, the BPM techniques are based on a process model. In addition to enabling automated process configuration and execution, these models also increase the analizability of business processes. Despite being able to support business specialists in different phases of the life cycle of a business process (design, configuration, execution, and analysis), the models created in domain-specific languages, such as BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation), are not the most appropriated ones to support the analysis phase. Generally, these models have neither a formally defined operational semantics (which hinders their use for verification and validation), nor mechanisms to quantify the modeled behavior (which hinders their use for performance analysis). In this PhD research, we developed a framework to support and to automatize the main steps involved in the analytical modeling of business processes aiming performance evaluation. We studied the viability of applying three Markovian formalisms in business process modeling: Stochastic Petri Nets, Stochastic Process Algebras and Stochastic Automata Networks (SAN). We have chosen SAN to support the method proposed in this work. Our framework is composed of: (i) a notation to enrich BPMN business process models with information concerning the associated resource management and (ii) an algorithm that automatically converts these non-formal business process models in SAN stochastic models. With this, we are able to capture the impact caused by resource contention in the performance of a business process. From a model generated through our framework, we are able to extract varied performance indices that are good approximations for the expected process performance in the real world.

Abstraction and modular verification of inter-enterprise business processes / Abstraction et vérification modulaire des processus métier inter-entreprise

Ochi, Hanen 11 December 2015 (has links)
De nos jours, les entreprises sont de plus en plus étendues et faisant collaborer plusieurs organisations pour la réalisation composée d'un objectif global. Des phénomènes tels que le commerce électronique et l'Internet stimulent en effet la coopération entre les organisations, donnant lieu a des processus métier inter-entreprises. Dans cette thèse de doctorat, nous proposons une approche ascendante pour vérifier l’interaction correcte entre des processus répartis sur un certain nombre d'organisations. Le modèle du système global étant indisponible, une approche d'analyse descendante est tout simplement impossible. Nous considérons deux critères de correction des processus métier inter-entreprises composés de deux (ou plusieurs) processus métier qui communiquent de manière synchrone et/ou asynchrone et/ou partageant des ressources. Le premier critère est générique et est exprimé par la propriété de soundness (robustesse), et certaines de ses variantes. Le deuxième critère est spécifique et peut être exprimé avec n'importe quelle formule de la logique temporelle linéaire. Chaque composante du processus global rend publique un modèle abstrait, représenté par un graphe appelé Graphe d'Observation Symbolique (GOS), permettant à la fois de préserver la confidentialité du processus local, la vérification de sa correction et de celle du processus global par composition de GOSs. Nous avons revisité et adapté le GOS afin de réduire la vérification du modèle composite à la vérification de la composition des abstractions des ses composants (leurs GOSs). Nous avons implémenté notre approche de vérification, basée sur le GOS, aussi bien pour les propriétés génériques que pour les propriétés spécifiques (LTL), et nous avons comparé les résultats obtenus avec ceux d'outils connus dans le domaine. Les résultats obtenus sont encourageants au vu du temps d’exécution et de l'espace mémoire consommés par notre technique. Ceci renforce notre conviction que le GOS est une structure appropriée pour l'abstraction et la vérification de processus métiers, en particulier lorsque ceux-ci sont faiblement couplés. / Today's corporations often must operate across organizational boundaries. Phenomena such as electronic commerce, extended enterprises, and the Internet stimulate cooperation between organizations. We propose a bottom-up approach to check the correct interaction between business processes distributed over a number of organizations. The whole system's model being unavailable, an up-down analysis approach is simply not feasible. We consider two correctness criteria of Inter-Enterprise Business Processes (IEBP) composed by two (or more) business processes communicating either synchronously or asynchronously and sharing resources : a generic one expressed with the well known soundness property (and some of its variants), and a specic one expressed with any linear time temporal logic formula. Each part of the whole organization exposes its abstract model, represented by a Symbolic Observation Graph (SOG), in order to allow the collaboration with possible partners. We revisited and adapted the SOG in order to reduce the verification of the entire composite model to the verification of the composition of the SOG-based abstractions. We implemented our verification algorithms, aiming at checking both specic and generic properties using SOGs, and compared our approach to some well known verification tools. The experimental results are encouraging in terms of both the construction time and the size of the abstraction's size. This strengthen our belief that the SOGs are suitable to abstract and to compose business processes especially when these are loosely coupled.

An analysis of business through social media

Reddy Karnegari, Keshav, SaiPrasad Karnam, Vikram, Shaik, Gayasuddin January 2013 (has links)
In recent years social media has become ubiquitous and necessary for social networking and content sharing. Social media reached a stage where its impact is being felt by larger organizations that exist today. It has become necessary for the organizations to re-examine their existing business processes and formulate new business processes to compete in the globalized markets. In our paper we are going to deal with issues like how the social media affect the business processes and why they are affecting the business processes in contemporary organizations. The success of a business depends on effective implementation of its business processes. So these business processes when being designed several factors are being taken into consideration. Social media facilitates for the conjecture of a mixture of people from different domains for sharing of content, it serves as an important and indispensable factor in defining business processes. / Program: Magisterutbildning i informatik

Uncovering the Hidden Co-Evolution in the Work History of Software Projects

Bala, Saimir, Revoredo, Kate, Goncalves, Joao Carlos de A. R., Baiao, Fernanda, Mendling, Jan, Santoro, Flavia January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The monitoring of project-oriented business processes is difficult because their state is fragmented and represented by the progress of different documents and artifacts being worked on. This observation holds in particular for software development projects in which various developers work on different parts of the software concurrently. Prior contributions in this area have proposed a plethora of techniques to analyze and visualize the current state of the software artifact as a product. It is surprising that these techniques are missing to provide insights into what types of work are conducted at different stages of the project and how they are dependent upon another. In this paper, we address this research gap and present a technique for mining the software process including dependencies between artifacts. Our evaluation of various open-source projects demonstrates the applicability of our technique.

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