Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bakteriophage"" "subject:"bakteriophagen""
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Etude de l'interaction entre GpJ, une protéine du bactériophage Lambda, et LamB, une protéine de la membrane externe des bactéries gram-négatives / Interaktion zwischen dem Protein GPJ des Bakteriophagen Lambda und LamB, einem Protein aus der externen Membran von gram-negativen BakterienBerkane, Emir January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
La fixation du bactériophage Lambda sur son récepteur cellulaire, LamB, est dûe à une protéine de sa queue appelée GpJ. Le but des travaux est d’étudier l’intéraction entre le bactériophage Lambda et LamB à travers l’étude du complexe entre LamB et GpJ exprimée en protéine de fusion. Pour ce faire, deux protéines de fusion sont utilisées : MBP-gpJ et HisgpJ. MBP-gpJ est une protéine de fusion entre la Maltose Binding Protéine et l’extrêmité Cterminale de la protéine GpJ (résidu 684 à 1132), grâcieusement fournie par le Pr. Charbit (Paris, France). Grâce à la Technique du Film Noir (BLM), il a été permis d’observer que MBP-gpJ, après expression dans E.coli et purification, intéragit grâce au fragment de GpJ avec l’extrêmité extracellulaire de LamB. Cette intéraction se traduit par un blocage complet et réversible des canaux de LamB sauvage, mais également de mutants: LamB de Shigella sonnei, LamB Y118G et LamB D4+D6+D9v. Afin d’obtenir des informations sur la liaison de LamB avec uniquement le fragment de GpJ sans la partie MBP, une autre protéine de fusion a été réalisée: His-GpJ. His-gpJ représente l’extrêmité C-terminale de GpJ (684-1132) en fusion avec un 6×Histidine-tag. Cette protéine est exprimée sous forme de corps d’inclusion dans E.coli. Après purification et renaturation, une protéine de nouveau soluble peut être obtenue. Lors d’expériences de Film Noir, His-gpJ intéragit certes avec LamB, mais n’induit pas le blocage des canaux comme précedemment observé après ajout de MBP-gpJ. En parallèle, la formation d’un complexe entre His-gpJ et LamB sauvage, ainsi que de mutants a pu être confirmée au travers de travaux de SDS-PAGE et d’immunodétection par la présence de bandes de masse moléculaire élevée. L’utilisation de mutants de LamB a par ailleurs permis d’essayer d’identifier la partie de LamB impliquée dans l’interaction avec le fragment C-terminal de GpJ, qui se révèle être différente de celle de GpJ dans la queue du bactériophage Lambda. Mots clés: bactériophage Lambda, gpJ, LamB, technique du film noir (BLM), immunodétection. / The bacteriophage Lambda is a virus which infects bacteria carrying LamB protein in their outer membrane. GpJ, a protein of the tail of the phage, is involved in the binding to LamB. The study of the interaction between GpJ expressed as fusion protein and LamB was performed in order to investigate the interaction between the bacteriophage Lambda and LamB. The fusion proteins are called MBP-gpJ and His-gpJ. MBP-gpJ is a chimeric protein representing Maltose Binding Protein connected to the Cterminal part of the GpJ protein (residue 684 until 1132), graciously given by Pr. Charbit (Paris, France). MBP-gpJ, expressed in E.coli and purified, bound to the exoplasmic side of LamB and LamB variants in planar lipid bilayer experiments and allowed a complete and reversible blockage of LamB channels. In order to obtain data about the binding of the GpJ fragment alone to LamB, an other fusion protein without MBP was created, called His-gpJ. His-gpJ is the C-terminal part of GpJ (684-1132) in fusion with a 6×Histidine-tag, produced as insoluble form in E.coli. After renaturation, a soluble protein can be obtained. Without MBP, the GpJ fragment still bound to LamB in planar lipid bilayer experiments, but did not block significantly its channels, as previously observed after addition of MBP-gpJ. The interaction between His-gpJ and LamB or LamB mutants was also demonstrated on SDSPAGE and immunodetection by the presence of high molecular mass bands. Furthermore, the use of variants of lamB allowed to demonstrate that the C-terminal fragment of GpJ does not bind to the same area on the surface of LamB than GpJ involved in the tail of the Lambda phage.
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Vibrio cholerae Phage K139 / Vibrio cholerae Phage K139Kapfhammer, Dagmar M. January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Bisher sind ca. 190 verschiedene Vibriophagen beschrieben, nur 10 davon stellen filamentöse Phagen dar, der Rest gehört zu den sogenannten Caudovirales, d.h. sie weisen ein kubisches Nukleokapsid mit einem mehr oder weniger langen Schwanz auf. Der letzteren Gruppe ist auch der Phage K139 zuzurechnen. K139 ist ein temperenter Phage, dessen Wirtsspektrum sich nach bisherigen Erkenntnissen auf V. cholerae Stämme der Serogruppen O1 und O139 beschränkt. Als Rezeptor dient ihm dabei das O1 Lipopolysaccharid (LPS), Morphologisch ist er der Familie der Myoviridae zuzurechnen, innerhalb des Klassifikations-Schemas der Vibriophagen den Kappa-Phagen. Diese Phagengruppe weist eine hohe Assoziation mit epidemischen O1 El Tor Stämmen auf, es gibt aber keine Hinweise auf eine Beteiligung an der Virulenz von V. cholerae. In dieser Arbeit wurde die vollständige K139 Genomsequenz ermittelt. Diese besteht aus 33.1 kb ds DNA, die Sequenzierung deutet auf eine terminale Redundanz hin. Zusammen mit dem bereits bekannten Sequenzabschnitt ergab sich eine Zahl von insgesamt 44 offenen Leserastern (ORFs). Sowohl auf Sequenzebene als auch hinsichtlich der Organisation des Genoms konnte eine Verwandtschaft von K139 zu den P2-Phagen gefunden werden. Insgesamt weisen 26 ORFs Homologie zu P2 Genprodukten auf. Für 14 ORFs war eine Funktionszuordnung basierend auf der Homologie zu bereits bekannten Proteinen möglich. Auch über die Analyse der Sequenzmotive wurde versucht, Hinweise auf eine mögliche Funktion der putativen Proteine zu erhalten. Zur Unterstützung der bioinformatischen Auswertung wurden weiterführende Untersuchungen angestellt. So wurden die Proteine des Phagenpartikels mittels 2D SDS-PAGE und MALDI-TOF analysiert. Auf diese Weise konnten vier putative Kapsid- und drei putative Schwanz-Proteine als Bestandteil des Phagenpartikels ermittelt werden. Weiterhin wurde durch Überexpression und Restriktionsanalysen Orf8 als Adenin-spezifische Methyltransferase identifiziert. Als Methylierungssequenz wurde die Basenabfolge 5´-GATC-3´ ermittelt. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt lag auf der Funktionszuordnung putativer Genregulatoren. Dies wurde einmal für die Proteine Orf2 und CI durch Überexpression und Konstruktion von Deletionsmutanten und deren phänotypischer Bestimmung in Plaque-Assays untersucht. Dabei konnte Orf2 eine mögliche Schutzfunktion vor superinfizierenden Phagen zugeschrieben werden. Widersprüchlich sind dagegen die Ergebnisse für die Funktion von CI, das aufgrund seiner Homologie als Repressor der Lyse dienen sollte. Zum zweiten wurde in einem Promotor-Test System der Einfluß der Proteine CI, Orf2, 8, 11, 12 und 13 auf vier verschiedene putative Promotor-Bereiche von K139 untersucht. Weiterhin wurde durch Southern Blot Analysen die Verbreitung von K139 innerhalb verschiedener V. cholerae Isolate untersucht. Dabei wurden in 50% der O1 und O139 und in 7% der Nicht-O1/O139 Stämme ein positives Hybridisierungssignal gefunden. Dabei zeigten der O1 klassische Stamm sowie zwei Nicht-O1/O139 Stämme ein verändertes Restriktionsmuster. Nähere Untersuchungen der verschiedenen Phagentypen mittels Southern-Blot und PCR zeigten eine hohe Verwandtschaft, lediglich eine Region, die der K139 Genomregion zwischen dem rep und dem orf15 Gen entspricht, zeigte auffällige Unterschiede. Die Sequenzierung ergab eine auffallend mosaikartige Struktur mit homologen und nicht-homologen Sequenzabschnitten im Vergleich der Phagen untereinander. Schließlich wurde noch eine weitere Genregion sequenziert, orf35 bis orf36, in der wirtsspezifische Sequenzunterschiede vermutet wurden. Für die Sequenz von orf35, das für das putative Schwanzfaser Protein kodiert, konnte eine mosaikartige Struktur ermittelt werden, die durch die Anwesenheit von zwei konservierten (C1 und C2) und zwei variablen (V1 und V2) Regionen zustande kommt. Die Kombination der variablen Bereiche ergab drei verschiedene Schwanzfaser-Protein Typen. Überraschenderweise korrelieren diese Typen nicht mit der Serogruppe des Wirtes. So konnte der gleiche Schwanzfaser-Typ in drei verschiedenen Serogruppen gefunden werden. Als Grund hierfür wird die Fähigkeit von V. cholerae diskutiert, durch horizontalen Gentransfer ein neues LPS Biosynthese-Cluster zu erwerben und damit die Serogruppe zu wechseln. / So far 183 different tailed and ten filamentous Vibrio phages were described. Phage K139 belongs to the Myoviridae family of tailed phages. It can be isolated from V. cholerae strains of the O1 and O139 serogroups. The receptor is known to be the O1 LPS. In the classification scheme of Vibriophages K139 can be assigned as a Kappa-phage based on its morphology. The Kappa group was shown to be widely distributed among epidemic V. cholerae strains, but no evidence could be provided so far showing whether or not it is contributing to V. cholerae pathogenicity. In this study the complete genome sequence of K139 was characterized. It consists of 33.1 kb linear ds DNA with terminal redundant ends of unknown length. Along with the already known sequence of the lysogenic/lytic control region the genome harbours 44 ORFs. Database analysis revealed that 26 of them are homolog to P2-like phages. The relationship to the P2-like phage group is also reflected by the genomic organization of K139, which resembles that of phage HP1. A possible function could be assigned to 14 ORFs based on homology to proteins of already known function. Determination of sequence motifs of the deduced gene products further helped to identify possible functions. In addition, the putative function of several ORFs assigned by bioinformatic analysis was supported by experimental data. For example, the proteins of the phage particles were analysed by MALDI-TOF. Four putative capsid and three putative tail proteins could be identified as part of the phage particle by this method. Moreover, Orf8 could be assigned a function as adenine-specific methyltransferase by overexpression and restriction analysis. The specific methylation sequence could be identified as 5´-GATC-3´. A further focus of this study was the identification of potential K139 gene regulators. Overexpression vectors and knock-out mutants of orf2 and cI were tested for their phenotype in plaque assays. Thereby Orf2 was found to be involved in protection against superinfecting K139 phages. The phenotypical data about the CI function is contradictory. Homology analysis suggested a function as lytic repressor, which was confirmed only by part of the plaque assays. A different approach of elucidating the function of putative repressors was done by the construction of a promoter-probe system, which allowed to test a possible influence of the proteins Orf2, CI, Orf8, 11, 12 and 13 on the putative K139 promoter sequences. Thereby Orf11 could be shown to activate transcription of its own promoter P11, whereas Orf13 activates the late promoter P17 of the morphogenesis cluster, which confirmed the function of Orf13 assigned by homology analysis. Furthermore the occurence of K139 related phage sequences was investigated by Southern Blot screening of V. cholerae isolates belonging to different serogroups. K139 could be detected in 50% of the O1 and O139 strains, but related sequences were also found in two non-O1/O139 strains. The different phage types were further characterized by Southern Blot and PCR analysis, which revealed an almost identical overall genome organization. Only one genomic region produced strikingly differing PCR products. Sequencing of this region revealed a mosaic-like pattern of homologous an non-homologous sequences. Finally the orf35 and orf36 regions of the phages were also sequenced, because the putative function of Orf35 as the receptor binding protein suggested host-specific differences. Indeed, two conserved (C1 and C2) and two variable (V1 and V2) regions were identified. Three different V1 and two different V2 regions could be detected within the K139 related phages. The combination of these variable regions defines three types of tail fiber proteins. Interestingly, the tail fiber types don´t correspond to the serogroup of the host in some of the cases. For example, the same tail fiber gene product could be detected in three different serogroups, whereas strains of the same serogroup contain three different tail fiber gene products. As a reason for this observation the possibility of serogroup conversion of the host strain by acquisition of a new LPS biosynthesis gene cluster via horizontal gene transfer is discussed.
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Das Gen-3-Protein filamentöser Phagen als Modellsystem zur Untersuchung von Proteinstabilität, Faltungsmechanismen und ProlylisomerisierungJakob, Roman. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss., 2009--Bayreuth.
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Die Eigenschaften der Translationsinitiationsregion in E. coli Effizienz verschiedener Signale aus dem Genom des Bakteriophagen T7 /Kleber, Marcus. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
Universiẗat, Diss., 2003--Heidelberg.
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Aktivierung der Genexpression in Xenopus durch sequenzspezifische DNA-RekombinationWerdien, Dagmar. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
Universiẗat, Diss., 2003--Essen.
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Chip-Calorimetric Monitoring and Biothermodynamic Analysis of Biofilm Growth and Interactions with Chemical and Biological Agents / Chipkalorimetrisches Monitoring und Biothermodynamische Analyse von Biofilmen und ihren Wechselwirkungen mit chemischen und biologischen AgentienMariana, Frida 16 February 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Over the last years, varieties of technologies for biofilm analysis were developed and established. They work on different principles and deliver information about biofilms on different information levels. In this work, chip-calorimetry was applied as an analytical tool that measures heat produced from biofilms. Any change of metabolism in biofilms is reflected by a changed heat flow. The heat, which is the integral of the heat flow vs. time, is quantitatively related to the growth stoichiometry of the biofilm, as described by the Hess’ Law. The heat flow is related to the growth kinetics with the reaction heat as proportionality factor. The results from the calorimetric measurement thus, deliver general information about growth stoichiometry and kinetics.
The other interpretation of calorimetric results bases on the assumed proportionality between heat flow and oxygen consumption rate (- 460 kJ/mol ). This ratio is called oxycaloric equivalent. Because in case of aerobic growth the majority of oxygen is consumed in catabolic processes during the electron transport phosphorylation, calorimetry is assumed to provide information about the catabolic side of the metabolism.
The newly developed chip-calorimeter applied in this work is much more suitable for biofilm studies compared to conventional microcalorimeters due to the flow-through design of the calorimetric chamber. The measurement of undisturbed growing biofilms and the comparison with conventional biofilm analysis tools (i.e. plate counts, confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), and the determination of intermediates’ concentrations (e.g. ATP)) demonstrate the proper functionality of the calorimetric method and the related cultivation procedure by delivering measurement results in the range of literature values.
However, when the biofilms were challenged with antimicrobial agents i.e. antibiotics, bacteriophage, and predatory bacteria, the calorimetric results surprisingly deviated from the reference analyses. By combining the results of the calorimetric and reference analyses, additional information about the antimicrobial effects on biofilms can be acquired. Combination of heat measurement and plate counts, which is one of the most conventional approaches, demonstrated that antimicrobials (especially the bactericidal acting kanamycin) could cause the loss of culturability while the cells were still metabolically active. The measurement of ATP content resulted in values out of the typical range, which indicated that antimicrobial treatments disturbed the cellular ATP regulation and the ATP concentration was no longer linearly correlated to the cell number. ATP measurements are therefore not suitable for antimicrobial susceptibility testing.
The comparison of heat profiles with the biovolume determined by quantification of microscopic images shows an elevated cell specific heat production rate after the introduction of some antimicrobials (antibiotics and bacteriophage). In case of antibiotics, this can be explained as a consequence of the bacterial defense mechanisms. Most of the described defense mechanisms against antibiotics need biological energy and therefore drive the electron transport phosphorylation (ETP). In case of biofilm treatments with bacteriophage, the trigger of increasing ETP might be the synthesis of phage proteins, hull material, and genetic information molecules. In aerobic conditions, oxygen is used as terminal electron acceptor. Elevated ETP leads therefore to an increase in oxygen consumption, which correlates to the heat production using oxycaloric equivalent as a factor. These correlations explain the increase of cell specific heat productions as biofilms were challenged by antibiotics and bacteriophage. However, also a decrease of specific heat production was observed (in case of predatory bacteria). Here, the predatory bacteria activity caused various damages in host cells, including the interruption of ETP.
With these experiments, chip-calorimetry was demonstrated as a promising complementary tool in biofilm research, which provides deeper insights about metabolic activity and alterations. It benefits from the noninvasive handling and the online, real-time measurement that allow the method to be applied for monitoring purposes. Furthermore, its miniaturized dimension allows easy integration in more complex analytic systems and also reduces experiment costs with minimal media/chemical consumption.
This thesis also demonstrates the potential development of chip-calorimetry to be more suitable for routine analyses. The use of superparamagnetic beads as matrix to grow biofilms allows regulated transfer of biofilm samples into and from the measurement chamber. This was an initial step towards automation and higher-throughput analysis.
One further outcome of the thesis is based on the highly interesting fact about the elevated heat production rate of the host cells induced by the phage infection observed in the chip- calorimetric experiments. The volume specific detection limit of the chip-calorimeter is lower compared to a commercial microcalorimeter. Thus, the infection effect of phages was additionally measured in microcalorimeter to get better quantitative information about the thermal effect of the infection. The results showed that the immediate heat increase after the addition of phage into the solution of the host cells appeared to be quantitatively related to the infection factor, MOI (Multiplicity of Infection).
Unfortunately, microcalorimetric measurements in closed ampoules are often subjected to the oxygen limitation. Thus, this problem of microcalorimetric measurement has been addressed. The combination of experimental results and mathematical modeling showed that the rate of metabolism in the static ampoules is defined by the diffusion rate of oxygen into media. This factor has to be considered while designing biological experiments in closed calorimetric measuring chambers and interpreting the calorimetric results for their biological meaning. Some possible solutions to overcome the oxygen bioavailability problem are e.g. to design the experiments with low biomass, or by using media with elevated density to float the biomass at the interface to air and thus to reduce the diffusion path.
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Transkription von Markergenen an immbolisierten Nukleinsäuren / Transcription of reportegenes with immobilized nucleic acidsSteffen, Jenny January 2005 (has links)
Die Etablierung der Transkription von kompletten Genen auf planaren Oberflächen soll eine Verbindung zwischen der Mikroarraytechnologie und der Transkriptomforschung herstellen. Darüber hinaus kann mit diesem Verfahren ein Brückenschlag zwischen der Synthese der Gene und ihrer kodierenden Proteine auf einer Oberfläche erfolgen.
Alle transkribierten RNAs wurden mittels RT-PCR in cDNA umgeschrieben und in einer genspezifischen PCR amplifiziert. Die PCR-Produkte wurden hierfür entweder per Hand oder maschinell auf die Oberfläche transferiert. Über eine Oberflächen-PCR war es möglich, die Gensequenz des Reportergens EGFP direkt auf der Oberfläche zu synthetisieren und anschließend zu transkribieren. Somit war eine Transkription mit weniger als 1 ng an Matrize möglich.
Der Vorteil einer Oberflächen-Transkription gegenüber der in Lösung liegt in der mehrfachen Verwendung der immobilisierten Matrize, wie sie in dieser Arbeit dreimal erfolgreich absolviert wurde.
Die Oberflächen-Translation des EGFP-Gens konnte ebenfalls zweimal an einer immobilisierten Matrize gezeigt werden, wobei Zweifel über eine echte Festphasen-Translation nicht ausgeräumt werden konnten.
Zusammenfassend kann festgestellt werden, dass die Transkription und Translation von immobilisierten Gensequenzen auf planaren Oberflächen möglich ist, wofür die linearen Matrizen direkt auf der Oberfläche synthetisiert werden können. / In vitro mRNA synthesis and in vitro translation are of great interest for biochemical and molecular biological basic research, and also for biotechnology and other applications. Solid phase coupled synthesis is very useful for the development of high throughput procedures to elucidate and manipulate gene products. An artificial gene was constructed combining the T7 promoter and terminator with the EGFP-gene from the plasmid pEGFP. The functionality of the construct was shown by in vitro translation. The gene-construct was immobilised on a planar glass surface. The transcription was performed on the immobilised gene and mRNA was determined by RT-PCR.
These results demonstrate that the complete gene is transcribed from the covalently coupled PCR product. Thus, it is possible to transfer a standard transcription technique onto an On-chip reaction. The direct PCR amplification of transcriptionable sequences of EGFP bound on surfaces was successfully used for solid phase transcription. Successful transcriptions were also performed at least to 1 ng of used template. The RNA synthesis was also successful in the second and third reaction on the same slide as observed by signals after RT-PCR. It seems to be possible to transfer the translation of reportergenes in a solid phase coupled synthesis, too.
For further integration of cellular procedures on a chip, the cell-free RNA synthesis on immobilised templates is an crucial technical hurdle to conquer. Major advantages of using immobilised templates for transcription are, low risk of contamination occuring in solution, and no necessity of further purification steps for downstream applications of the RNA product.
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Investigating the impact of carbohydrate and peptide attachment to multivalent scaffolds on influenza inhibitionAdam, Lutz 16 August 2022 (has links)
Hämagglutinin (HA) des Influenzavirus ist eine mögliche Zielstruktur für antivirale Therapeutika. Aus der Menge experimenteller HA-Inhibitoren stechen die kürzlich beschriebenen Q-beta-Sialoside aufgrund ihrer hohen Affinität und akkuraten, multivalenten Abbildung der Rezeptorbindungsstellengeometrie hervor. Anknüpfend an diese Eigenschaften beschreibt die vorliegende Arbeit die Erweiterung der Q-beta-Sialosidplattform durch neuartige Varianten und Anwendungsgebiete.
Verschiedene Strategien für die Entfernung von Lipopolysacchariden aus Kapsidproben wurden untersucht, wobei sich das Verfahren der Cloud Point als am besten geeignet herausstellte. Das gereinigte Material war geeignet für in vivo Versuche. Teilsialylierte Kaspidvarianten wurden auf ihre inhibitorische Aktivität untersucht und im Vergleich der Ergebnisse mit statistischen Berechnungen Hinweise auf einen vorherrschend trivalenten Bindungsmodus zwischen Q-beta-Sialosiden und HA gefunden. Die Arbeit beinhaltet die ersten Beispiele heterobifunktionaler Q-beta-Sialoside, die verschiedene Sialinsäureliganden oder Kombinationen aus Zuckern und Fluoreszenzfarbstoffen aufweisen. Die fluoreszenzmarkierten Kapside wurden in Mukus-Mobilitätsstudien angewendet und ihre Undurchgängigkeit der äußeren Mukusbarriere visualisiert. Mehrere Sialinsäureester wurden als potenzielle ladungsmaskierte Liganden für erhöhte Mukusgängigkeit untersucht.
Ein zweiter Schwerpunkt der Arbeit war die Entwicklung eines peptidbasierten HA-Inhibitors. Eine Gruppe von aus HA-bindenden Antikörpern und Lactoferrin abgeleiteten Peptiden wurde mit Hilfe der mikroskaligen Thermophorese auf ihre Affinität zu HA oder Influenza A/X31 (H3N2) getestet. Die vorläufigen Resultate weisen auf eine gute Bindung mehrerer Kandidaten hin. Multivalente Peptid-Polymer-Konjugate wurden auf Basis von linearem Polygylcerol niedrigen Molekulargewichts synthetisiert, jedoch zeigte keines eine Inhibierung der getesteten Influenzastämme. / The influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) attracts much attention as a target widely unexploited by licensed therapeutics. From the numerous experimental HA inhibitors, the recently reported Q-beta sialosides stand out through their affinity and accurate, multivalent reflection of the receptor binding site geometry. Building upon these characteristics, this work expands the variety of the Q-beta sialoside platform with novel variants and explores new areas of application.
Several strategies were compared to remove lipopolysaccharides from capsid preparations, determining cloud point extraction as the most suitable. The purified material shown to be suitable for in vivo experiments. The inhibitory activities of partially sialylated capsids were compared to statistical models to obtain evidence for the prevalence of trivalent interactions between Q-beta sialosides and HA. Moreover, this work contains the first examples of heterobifunctional Q sialosides, bearing multiple sialic acid (SA) ligands or combinations of sugars and fluorescent dyes. Fluorescently labeled Q-beta sialosides were applied in mucus mobility studies to visualize their entrapment in the outer mucus layer. Several SA esters were examined as potential masked-charge ligands to increase mucus permeation.
A second focal point of the thesis was the design of a novel, peptide-based HA inhibitor. A library of peptides derived from HA-binding antibodies and lactoferrin was investigated using microscale thermophoresis for binding to recombinant HA or influenza A/X31 (H3N2) concentrate. Preliminary results indicated good affinity for some candidates. Multivalent polymer-peptide conjugates of several peptides were synthesized by immobilization on low molecular weight linear polyglycerol. However, none of the conjugates was able to inhibit influenza strains A/X31 (H3N2) or A/PR8 (H1N1) in a hemagglutination inhibition test.
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Chip-Calorimetric Monitoring and Biothermodynamic Analysis of Biofilm Growth and Interactions with Chemical and Biological AgentsMariana, Frida 21 July 2015 (has links)
Over the last years, varieties of technologies for biofilm analysis were developed and established. They work on different principles and deliver information about biofilms on different information levels. In this work, chip-calorimetry was applied as an analytical tool that measures heat produced from biofilms. Any change of metabolism in biofilms is reflected by a changed heat flow. The heat, which is the integral of the heat flow vs. time, is quantitatively related to the growth stoichiometry of the biofilm, as described by the Hess’ Law. The heat flow is related to the growth kinetics with the reaction heat as proportionality factor. The results from the calorimetric measurement thus, deliver general information about growth stoichiometry and kinetics.
The other interpretation of calorimetric results bases on the assumed proportionality between heat flow and oxygen consumption rate (- 460 kJ/mol ). This ratio is called oxycaloric equivalent. Because in case of aerobic growth the majority of oxygen is consumed in catabolic processes during the electron transport phosphorylation, calorimetry is assumed to provide information about the catabolic side of the metabolism.
The newly developed chip-calorimeter applied in this work is much more suitable for biofilm studies compared to conventional microcalorimeters due to the flow-through design of the calorimetric chamber. The measurement of undisturbed growing biofilms and the comparison with conventional biofilm analysis tools (i.e. plate counts, confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), and the determination of intermediates’ concentrations (e.g. ATP)) demonstrate the proper functionality of the calorimetric method and the related cultivation procedure by delivering measurement results in the range of literature values.
However, when the biofilms were challenged with antimicrobial agents i.e. antibiotics, bacteriophage, and predatory bacteria, the calorimetric results surprisingly deviated from the reference analyses. By combining the results of the calorimetric and reference analyses, additional information about the antimicrobial effects on biofilms can be acquired. Combination of heat measurement and plate counts, which is one of the most conventional approaches, demonstrated that antimicrobials (especially the bactericidal acting kanamycin) could cause the loss of culturability while the cells were still metabolically active. The measurement of ATP content resulted in values out of the typical range, which indicated that antimicrobial treatments disturbed the cellular ATP regulation and the ATP concentration was no longer linearly correlated to the cell number. ATP measurements are therefore not suitable for antimicrobial susceptibility testing.
The comparison of heat profiles with the biovolume determined by quantification of microscopic images shows an elevated cell specific heat production rate after the introduction of some antimicrobials (antibiotics and bacteriophage). In case of antibiotics, this can be explained as a consequence of the bacterial defense mechanisms. Most of the described defense mechanisms against antibiotics need biological energy and therefore drive the electron transport phosphorylation (ETP). In case of biofilm treatments with bacteriophage, the trigger of increasing ETP might be the synthesis of phage proteins, hull material, and genetic information molecules. In aerobic conditions, oxygen is used as terminal electron acceptor. Elevated ETP leads therefore to an increase in oxygen consumption, which correlates to the heat production using oxycaloric equivalent as a factor. These correlations explain the increase of cell specific heat productions as biofilms were challenged by antibiotics and bacteriophage. However, also a decrease of specific heat production was observed (in case of predatory bacteria). Here, the predatory bacteria activity caused various damages in host cells, including the interruption of ETP.
With these experiments, chip-calorimetry was demonstrated as a promising complementary tool in biofilm research, which provides deeper insights about metabolic activity and alterations. It benefits from the noninvasive handling and the online, real-time measurement that allow the method to be applied for monitoring purposes. Furthermore, its miniaturized dimension allows easy integration in more complex analytic systems and also reduces experiment costs with minimal media/chemical consumption.
This thesis also demonstrates the potential development of chip-calorimetry to be more suitable for routine analyses. The use of superparamagnetic beads as matrix to grow biofilms allows regulated transfer of biofilm samples into and from the measurement chamber. This was an initial step towards automation and higher-throughput analysis.
One further outcome of the thesis is based on the highly interesting fact about the elevated heat production rate of the host cells induced by the phage infection observed in the chip- calorimetric experiments. The volume specific detection limit of the chip-calorimeter is lower compared to a commercial microcalorimeter. Thus, the infection effect of phages was additionally measured in microcalorimeter to get better quantitative information about the thermal effect of the infection. The results showed that the immediate heat increase after the addition of phage into the solution of the host cells appeared to be quantitatively related to the infection factor, MOI (Multiplicity of Infection).
Unfortunately, microcalorimetric measurements in closed ampoules are often subjected to the oxygen limitation. Thus, this problem of microcalorimetric measurement has been addressed. The combination of experimental results and mathematical modeling showed that the rate of metabolism in the static ampoules is defined by the diffusion rate of oxygen into media. This factor has to be considered while designing biological experiments in closed calorimetric measuring chambers and interpreting the calorimetric results for their biological meaning. Some possible solutions to overcome the oxygen bioavailability problem are e.g. to design the experiments with low biomass, or by using media with elevated density to float the biomass at the interface to air and thus to reduce the diffusion path.
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