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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Das Selbstbild von biologisch wirtschaftenden Bauern : eine sozialempirische Untersuchung über ihre Beweggründe, Denkweise und ihr Berufsverhalten /

Fischer, Rätus. January 1980 (has links)
Diss. Nr. 6636 techn. Wiss. ETH Zürich. / Bibliogr.: S 244-250.

Det optimala intranätet : Fallstudie i hur intranätet för ett utbildningsföretag bör utvecklas utifrån ett medarbetarperspektiv / The optimal intranet : Case study in how the intranet for a educational organization should be developed based upon employee perspective

Abadi, Farah, Jacobs, Viktor January 2010 (has links)
<p>I ett samhälle som vårt ställs det höga krav på effektiv intern kommunikation. Avstånd ska inte längre vara ett problem för att informera och kommunicera med samtliga medarbetare inom ett företag. Den dagliga kommunikationen som tidigare förts öga mot öga ska nu ersättas av en likvärdig virtuell kommunikation.</p><p>Denna studie syftar till att undersöka idealbilden av ett intranät utifrån medarbetarna inom John Bauer Organization som är ett utbildningsföretag med vuxen- och gymnasieutbildningar på ett trettiotal orter spridda över hela landet. Vilka funktioner efterfrågas av medarbetarna och bör all information och kommunikation ske via ett intranät? Vilka andra kanaler förutom intranät tycker medarbetarna bör finnas?</p><p>Fokusgrupper har valts som intervjumetod med medarbetare från John Bauer Organization. Sedan har en innehållsanalys gjorts för att få fram tendenser och åsikter bland medarbetarna.</p><p>Viktiga resultat som studien visar är att det bör finnas ett integrerat system där det endast behövs ett login för att komma åt samtliga program. Ökat inflytande över den egna intranätssidan efterfrågas också, där medarbetarna själv vill kunna välja den information de vill läsa.</p><p>Förutom ett intranät tyckte medarbetarna även att det bör finnas kontinuerliga nyhetsbrev från ledningen och administration. Dessutom utryckte medarbetarna sin åsikt om att det även bör finnas en personaltidning för att öka ”vi-känslan” inom John Bauer Organization. Samtliga intervjuade medarbetare tyckte även att det fysiska mötet var en viktig del för utbyte av idéer och förståelse bland medarbetarna.</p> / <p>In a society like ours we are in need for effective internal communication. Distance will no longer be a problem in order to inform and communicate with all employees within a company. The daily communication previously been eye to eye is now replaced by an equivalent virtual communication.</p><p>This study aims to investigate the ideal image of an intranet based on the needs of employees in the John Bauer Organization. What features are requested by the employees and should all of the information and communication take place via an intranet? What other channels in addition to intranet should there be according to the employees?</p><p>Focus groups have been chosen as the interview method with employees from John Bauer Organization. A content analysis has been done to obtain trends and opinions among the employees.</p><p>Findings of the survey show that there should be an integrated system which only requires one login to access all programs. Empowerment over their own intranet page is also requested, in which employees want to be able to choose the information they want to read. In addition to an intranet, employees also felt that there should be continuous newsletters from leadership and management. In addition, employees expressed the view that there should also be a staff magazine for increasing the "we-feeling" in John Bauer Organization. All the employees interviewed felt that the physical meeting was an important element for the exchange of ideas and understanding among the staff.</p>

Det optimala intranätet : Fallstudie i hur intranätet för ett utbildningsföretag bör utvecklas utifrån ett medarbetarperspektiv / The optimal intranet : Case study in how the intranet for a educational organization should be developed based upon employee perspective

Abadi, Farah, Jacobs, Viktor January 2010 (has links)
I ett samhälle som vårt ställs det höga krav på effektiv intern kommunikation. Avstånd ska inte längre vara ett problem för att informera och kommunicera med samtliga medarbetare inom ett företag. Den dagliga kommunikationen som tidigare förts öga mot öga ska nu ersättas av en likvärdig virtuell kommunikation. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka idealbilden av ett intranät utifrån medarbetarna inom John Bauer Organization som är ett utbildningsföretag med vuxen- och gymnasieutbildningar på ett trettiotal orter spridda över hela landet. Vilka funktioner efterfrågas av medarbetarna och bör all information och kommunikation ske via ett intranät? Vilka andra kanaler förutom intranät tycker medarbetarna bör finnas? Fokusgrupper har valts som intervjumetod med medarbetare från John Bauer Organization. Sedan har en innehållsanalys gjorts för att få fram tendenser och åsikter bland medarbetarna. Viktiga resultat som studien visar är att det bör finnas ett integrerat system där det endast behövs ett login för att komma åt samtliga program. Ökat inflytande över den egna intranätssidan efterfrågas också, där medarbetarna själv vill kunna välja den information de vill läsa. Förutom ett intranät tyckte medarbetarna även att det bör finnas kontinuerliga nyhetsbrev från ledningen och administration. Dessutom utryckte medarbetarna sin åsikt om att det även bör finnas en personaltidning för att öka ”vi-känslan” inom John Bauer Organization. Samtliga intervjuade medarbetare tyckte även att det fysiska mötet var en viktig del för utbyte av idéer och förståelse bland medarbetarna. / In a society like ours we are in need for effective internal communication. Distance will no longer be a problem in order to inform and communicate with all employees within a company. The daily communication previously been eye to eye is now replaced by an equivalent virtual communication. This study aims to investigate the ideal image of an intranet based on the needs of employees in the John Bauer Organization. What features are requested by the employees and should all of the information and communication take place via an intranet? What other channels in addition to intranet should there be according to the employees? Focus groups have been chosen as the interview method with employees from John Bauer Organization. A content analysis has been done to obtain trends and opinions among the employees. Findings of the survey show that there should be an integrated system which only requires one login to access all programs. Empowerment over their own intranet page is also requested, in which employees want to be able to choose the information they want to read. In addition to an intranet, employees also felt that there should be continuous newsletters from leadership and management. In addition, employees expressed the view that there should also be a staff magazine for increasing the "we-feeling" in John Bauer Organization. All the employees interviewed felt that the physical meeting was an important element for the exchange of ideas and understanding among the staff.

Biblische Theologie des Neuen Testaments in ihrer Anfangszeit ihre methodischen Probleme bei Johann Philipp Gabler und Georg Lorenz Bauer und deren Nachwirkungen.

Merk, Otto, January 1972 (has links)
Habilitationsschrift-Marburg. / Bibliography: p. [289]-304.

"Wider die Tabuisierung des Ungehorsams" Fritz Bauers Widerstandsbegriff und die Aufarbeitung von NS-Verbrechen /

Fröhlich, Claudia, January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Freie Universität, Berlin, 2003. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 397-430).

Evolution of the Galapagos Rise and the Bauer Microplate: implications for the Nazca plate

Wright, Jennifer Catherine McGuire 12 April 2006 (has links)
Analysis of the satellite altimetry based predicted bathymetry, magnetic anomalies, and earthquake seismic data relating to the geophysical structure on the Nazca plate indicates that the Galapagos Rise system served as the transitional spreading system between Pacific-Farallon spreading and the current East Pacific Rise (EPR) system. First order age/depth relationships for this area indicate that the Galapagos Rise, the most prominent extinct spreading system within the Nazca plate, accommodated most of the Pacific-Nazca plate separation from ~23 million years ago (Ma) to ~8 Ma. After this time, spreading was dominantly along the EPR, with probable ultra slow spreading along the Galapagos Rise continuing until very recent times (0-5 Ma). Magnetic lineations and depth trends across the Bauer Basin suggest that it was captured between the failing Galapagos Rise and the currently active EPR. Anomalously shallow ridge crests along the Galapagos Rise indicate that magmatic activity may have occurred until very recent time (0-5 Ma). Tightly curved (concave southward) fracture zones offsetting Galapagos Rise ridge segments indicate a pole of rotation at the present day position of ~22.5 S and ~99.5 W. The curvature of the fracture zones and the fan-shaped spreading pattern of seafloor structures produced at the Galapagos Rise indicate that the Galapagos Rise initiated parallel to the Mendaña fracture zone. Consistent with the rotation of the Nazca plate after the fragmentation of the Farallon plate, the Galapagos Rise rotated counterclockwise during its active phase. The Galapagos Rise initiated in the vicinity of Gallego fracture zones and propagated southward. Failure of the Galapagos Rise occurred as spreading jumped westward in stages to the East Pacific Rise.

Ruppiner Bauernleben 1648 - 1806 sozial- und wirtschaftsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen einer ländlichen Gegend Ostelbiens

Iida, Takashi January 1999 (has links)
Zugl.: Tokio, Univ., Diss., 1999

Die "Gemeine Mark" und ihre Teilung in Lette bei Coesfeld : e. Beitr. zur sozialen Problematik d. Markgenossenschaft u. Markenteilung im Münsterland /

Lachenicht, Gerhard. January 1900 (has links)
Zugl.: Paderborn, Universiẗat, Diss.

Private Museums and Their Legacies: The Case of Ronald S. Lauder and Adele Bloch-Bauer's Neue Galerie

January 2012 (has links)
abstract: The Neue Galerie in New York City includes some of the most impressive and culturally-specific artwork from Ronald S. Lauder's private art collection. The Neue's permanent exhibitions showcase pieces from the Wiener Sezession (Vienna Secession) and Wiener Werkstätte (Applied Arts of Vienna) in an environment that also employs replicas and period specific motifs to evoke the interiors of the private homes in which affluent fin-de-siècle Viennese art patrons lived, displayed influential modernist work, and held culturally important salons. Gustav Klimt's celebrated Adele Bloch-Bauer I (1907) is arguably the museum's most prized artwork. It serves as an icon that immortalizes Ronald Lauder as private collector. The figure of Adele Bloch-Bauer has also become an important emblem, whose story epitomizes the complexities of Jewish identity and its influence upon Viennese modern art. This thesis explores how the Neue Galerie's physical layout represents a specific model of modernism. By focusing on the portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer, I urge a rethinking of the museum's relationship to modern art as an interpretation of the past. The themes that surround Adele Bloch-Bauer I have shaped Lauder's agenda as the leading private collector of the art of fin-de-siècle Vienna. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.A. Art History 2012

Fractionation of thermomechanical pulp in pressure screening:an experimental study on the classification of fibres with slotted screen plates

Ämmälä, A. (Ari) 01 March 2001 (has links)
Abstract Pressure screening, nowadays the most widely used method for cleaning pulp, has been traditionally investigated as a debris removal process. The aim of this thesis, however, was to study it with a view to the fractionation of pulps, examining systematically and extensively the effects of screening parameters on fractionation under actual working conditions in order to provide an insight into its possibilities and limitations as a fractionation method. The experimental work was performed with a full-scale two-stage pressure screen connected to an industrial TMP process. Fractionation of the pulp was analysed in terms of consistency, freeness, optical fibre length distribution, coarseness index and Bauer-McNett fractions. Two sampling systems were used during the screening experiments, manual and semiautomatic. The latter was assessed to be more reliable, as reflected in lower stochastic variation and the absence of a systematic bias in the mass balance errors over the screen. The poorer reliability of the manual sampling system was offset by the large number of screening tests, however. The results of the screening experiments showed that with a given design of the screen plate, the separation of each fraction was dependent almost exclusively on the mass and volumetric reject rates. The mass flow of fines, defined as the Bauer-McNett P200 fraction, was dependent mostly on the volumetric reject rate, while the mass flow of fibrous fractions (R200, R50, R30, R16) depended mostly on the mass reject rate. The mass reject rate obtained in pressure screening was a result of the choice of operating parameters, but fractionation efficiency could not be affected by using different combinations of these parameters (feed consistency, rotor tip speed and slot velocity) if the mass and volumetric reject rates were kept constant. The slot width together with the contouring of the screen plate affected the fractionation efficiency as compared with the situation at constant mass and volumetric reject rate. Increased fractionation was obtained by reducing the slot width and contouring. The pulp passage ratio, which combines the mass and volumetric reject rates into one parameter, was found to be a expedient way of expressing the fractionation of pulp, as it was possible to present fractionation uniformly as a function of this ratio. The change in freeness was found to correlate quite well with that in Bauer-McNett fractions, and it was a good indicator of fractionation efficiency in screening. Apart from fractionation according to length (or Bauer-McNett fractions), the slotted pressure screen was also found to classify the fibres according to their coarseness. The coarseness difference was partially dependent on the fibre length, but additionally the coarseness in the accept pulp for any given fibre length class was always lower than that in the reject pulp. The difference obtained seemed to depend on the passage ratio of the pulp. This thesis provides new information for the modelling of pulp quality and the design of fractionation experiments, fractionation processes and screen room control strategies.

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