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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Privatpersoners finansiella risktolerans vid aktieinvestering : En studie om vilka aspekter som påverkar / Individuals’ Financial risk tolerance When investing in Stocks : A study of affecting aspects

Colliander Samuelsson, David, Ivarsson, Henrik January 2017 (has links)
The economic development in Sweden in recent years has led to increased financial savings in Swedish households. Financial savings have mostly increased on bank accounts with low interest rates, since private individuals generally have a more cautious position on stocks and stock trading. The reason for this passive position is believed to be due to the fact that decisions that benefit most economically often challenge the feeling of being in control. At the same time, cautious position that a particular individual possess is affected by the risk-tolerance. As a consequence, the risk tolerance of private individuals affects the investment decision and hence the development of the stock market. Savings and investment are two important factors that affect a nation's economic growth, which makes it important to study underlying factors to what affects an individual when making a financial decision. When talking about risk tolerance in everyday life, previous research has revealed that there are four different aspects that affect this complex concept, namely the economic aspect, physical aspect, social aspect and ethical aspect. As investment decisions are affected by financial risk tolerance and the four aspects in turn, affect risk tolerance, the issue becomes how these aspects affect a private investor's financial risk tolerance when investing in stocks. The purpose of this study has been to explain the four aspects of a person’s risk tolerance when investing in stocks. The study has been conducted using a quantitative method and deductive approach. The selection group that the study turned to is Swedish stock investors and the data collection has been done by a survey that was answered by 232 people. The underlying factors for the four aspects tested in the study are income, gender, age, education, marital status and ethical character. The study shows that all four aspects together have a combined impact on private individuals' financial risk tolerance. The study has also shown that all the four aspects, each one separately, are linked to financial risk tolerance, by the underlying factors, income level, gender, marital status and ethical character. / De senaste årens ekonomiska utveckling i Sverige har lett till ett ökat finansiellt sparande i de svenska hushållen. Detta sparande har mestadels ökat på bankkonton med låga räntor då privatpersoner i allmänhet har ett mer försiktigt ställningstagande till aktie och börshandel. Anledningen till detta passiva ställningstagande tros bero på att beslut som gynnar mest ekonomiskt ofta utmanar känslan av att ha kontroll. Samtidigt påverkas ställningstagandet av den risktoleransnivå som en viss individ besitter. Följden av detta blir att privatpersoners risktolerans påverkar investeringsbeslutet och därmed även utvecklingen av aktiemarknaden. Sparande och investering är två viktiga faktorer som påverkar en nations ekonomiska tillväxt vilket gör det viktigt att studera bakomliggande faktorer till vad som påverkar en privatperson när ett finansiellt beslut ska tas. När det pratas om risktolerans i vardagslivet har tidigare forskning delgett att det finns fyra olika aspekter som påverkar detta komplexa begrepp, nämligen den ekonomiska aspekten, fysiska aspekten, sociala aspekten och etiska aspekten. Då investeringsbeslut påverkas av den finansiella risktoleransen och risktoleransen i sin tur påverkas av de fyra aspekterna blir problemfrågan hur dessa aspekter påverkar en privatpersons finansiella risktolerans vid investering i aktier.  Syftet med denna studie har varit att förklara de fyra aspekterna för privatpersoners finansiella risktolerans vid aktieinvestering. Studien har genomförts med hjälp av en kvantitativ metod och deduktiv ansats. Den urvalsgrupp som studien vänt sig till är svenska aktieinvesterare och datainsamlingen har gjorts med hjälp av en enkätundersökning som besvarats av 232 personer.  De bakomliggande faktorerna för de fyra aspekterna som har testats i studien är inkomst, kön, ålder, utbildning, civilstånd och etisk karaktär. Studien visar att alla fyra aspekter tillsammans har sammantagen påverkan på privatpersoners finansiella risktolerans. Studien har även visat att alla de fyra aspekterna har en koppling till den finansiella risktoleransen, var och en för sig, genom de underliggande faktorerna inkomstnivå, kön, civilstånd och etisk karaktär.

多國籍企業在中國大陸投資行為之比較研究 / Comparative Analysis of Multinational Enterprise's Investment Behavior in Mainland China

郭淑瓊, Kuo, Shu-Chiung Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化發展與區域整合的大趨勢下,多國籍企業在世界上的地位是越來越重要,掌握兩岸加入WTO後的大陸外資政策變化、瞭解中國大陸市場開放趨勢、進行臺灣與美日多國籍企業進攻大陸市場策略聯盟評估、以及實證多國籍企業在大陸投資行為所衍生的機會與挑戰等,爰為本文之目的。   本研究從多國籍企業在中國大陸投資的歷史進程與發展、中國大陸吸引外商直接投資的政策演進、多國籍企業在中國大陸的投資行為分析與比較及其對中國大陸投資區位選擇之影響因素,通過這些分析得到一些啟示,對於影響未來多國籍企業與臺商中國大陸投資區位選擇之策略運用,及中國大陸在兩岸加入WTO後對利用外商直接投資的政策將有更大的借鑑與因應。   以中國大陸近年積極吸引外商直接投資,不斷改善投資環境,轉變政府職能,充分發揮廣大的勞動力資源與市場的比較優勢,並將利用外資與其國內經濟結構調整、國有企業改組和改造西部大開發結合起來,進一步積極吸引外資加大對中西部地區的投入。由於中西部地區幅員遼闊、人口眾多,中西部地區經濟發展水平直接影響和決定了中國大陸經濟發展。中西部地區不具備東部沿海地區優勢,要吸引外商直接投資,需要有一些優惠政策,並加快基礎設施建設,改善投資軟硬體環境,大力發展科技教育,廣泛宣傳中西部地區的資源優勢和勞動力低成本優勢,從而降低外商對中西部地區投資的成本以吸引外商直接投資。   臺灣優先,全球佈局,中國已成為世界最大製造中心,我政府應積極從區位優勢上,致力於促進研發以提昇產業競爭力,並鼓勵與歐、美、日策略聯盟,運用臺灣過去累積的優勢,即時掌握臺灣利基,創造永續發展策略與產業出路。   從區位優勢到全球運籌與佈局,臺灣未來走向應由傳統製造中心轉型,重新定位成為多國籍企業創新研發設計中心及企業營運總部基地。政府有關單位當前如能加速整合臺灣的優勢,臺商未來應該有很大的發展空間,因此臺商更應積極掌握與歐美日多國籍企業策略聯盟之契機,確保臺商在大陸投資發展之競爭優勢。   以本文研究顯示,絕大多數臺商到大陸投資之後仍保持與臺灣母公司或其他上下游廠商或企業有緊密之業務聯繫,兩岸產業分工之格局逐漸形成,兩岸產業結合程度也越來越深,顯示臺商投資的企業在大陸經營當地化的趨勢與歐美日等多國籍企業一樣越來越明顯。基於兩岸經濟地位比較利益,唯恐臺灣未來的優勢不再,臺商在大陸所構建的兩岸產業分工策略,實為臺商全球佈局非常重要的一環。臺商在與美日多國籍企業策略聯盟進攻大陸市場時,我國政府在大陸投資政策上亦應有全盤架構,以配合臺商在策略聯盟國際市場競爭之需要。 關鍵詞:中國大陸,多國籍企業,投資行為,兩岸產業分工,策略聯盟,對外直接投資,投資區位選擇,研究與發展 / Under the trend of globalization development, the position of Multi-National Enterprise’s is becoming more and more important. The purpose of this study is to conduct a Comparative Analysis of Multi-National Enterprise’s Behaviors of Investment in Mainland China. The main assumptions of this study is that the Multi-National Enterprises are pursuing the maximization of enterprise's profit. According to the influence factors of the locational choice of foreign direct investment, we explore multi-national enterprises’ behavior of investment, location distribution and future direction of development.   As regards to the result of this empirical research, the signs of the coefficients of the east, west and the central of the all regional characteristic independent variables are compatible to prior expectation. It shows that the research results of the east and west region have more significant statistical level than that of the central region. Also, both of the east and west region have better cluster effects than that of the central region.   Since Mainland China has become the largest manufacturing center of the world, the Taiwan government should take the comparative advantage of Taiwan’s geographical location and promote R&D, and global logistics for attracting the multi-national enterprises to establish their head quarters in Taiwan. From the research results of this study, it shows that Taiwanese enterprises in mainland China should put more emphasis on their strategies alliances with those multi-national enterprises and forces on the global thinking for cutting their competitive edges. Keywords: Multi-National Enterprise, MNE, Behaviors of Investment, Foreign Direct Investment, FDI, strategies alliances, Mainland China, R&D

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