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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Research on rising competences in technical education by implementing dual system´s elements under El Salvador conditions in the field of Mechatronic

Duran de Alvarado, Reina 04 November 2013 (has links)
Die Beschäftigungsfähigkeit ist einer der größten Anliegen in El Salvador, besonders für Jugendlichen (UNPD, 2008). Außerdem betont die Studie über die Herausforderungen des Bildungssystems in El Salvador die Notwendigkeit, eine Anknüpfung zwischen Akademie und Industrie zu haben (Barraza, 2008). In diesem Kontext begann El Salvador in 2008 die Umsetzung von einigen Elementen des Deutschen Dualsystems (neues System) im Bereich der technologischen Ausbildung, mit der Absicht, einen Versuch zu machen ob dieses System bessere Kompetenzen bei Studenten entwickelt, welche ihnen bessere Arbeitseinsatzmöglichkeiten anbietet. Im Dualsystem wird die Ausbildung von der Akademie und Industriesektor geleistet. Grundsätzliche Ziele waren: (1) Analyse der Einflüsse zur Ansteigung der Beschäftigungsfähigkeit unter Gebrauch einer besseren Kombination von Theorie und Praxis während des Studiums – Möglichkeiten einer Dualerfahrung aus Deutschland unter den Bedingungen in El Salvador (2) Analyse der Möglichkeiten und Probleme unter Berücksichtigung des Kompetenzschwerpunktes für die Entwicklung und Beschäftigungsfähigkeit der Studenten; (3) Festlegung, ob die Studenten mit Studienausgang in 2008-2010, die im Dualsystem teilgenommen haben, bessere berufliche Kompetenzen zur Einsetzung im Produktivprozess erlangt haben im Vergleich zu diejenigen aus dem traditionalem System (ohne Unternehmenserfahrung); (4) Festlegung der Einflussfaktoren die den Industriesektor an der Teilnahme am Dualsystem motivieren; und (5) Darstellung der Folgen aus der Umsetzung dieses Systems unter den salvadorianischen Gegebenheiten und Anregungen zu deren Anpassung zu entwickeln. Bei der Untersuchung ging es um die Erstellung eines Vergleichs zwischen Studenten der Studienrichtung Mechatronik mit Ausgang in 2008 – 2010; ein Student aus dem Dualsystem und einer aus dem traditionellen System. Die angewandte wissenschaftliche Methodologie war eine Verknüpfung von einer quantitativen und qualitativen Methode mit Fragebogen, Interviews und Messungen der Kompetenzen, nötige Zeit zum Erwerben einer Arbeitsstelle und Gehaltsbedingungen. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung waren: (a) Beide Gruppen hatten ähnliche Kompetenzen laut ihrer akademischen Benotung, aber bessere Kompetenzen für die Duale Gruppe wenn Arbeitsbedingungen eingeschlossen sind. In Bezug auf die Motivation der Entscheidungsträgern hat die Untersuchung folgendes erwiesen: (1) Vorherige Kenntnis über das System (2) Personen sind mit bessere Kompetenzen bedarfsgerecht für die Industrie ausgebildet; (3) Minderung des Risikos, falsche Leute aufzunehmen; (4) Optimierung der Ausbildungskosten, (5) Innovation einer neuen Studienrichtung die vom Unternehmen benötigt wird; (6) Soziale Verantwortung; und (7) Verbesserung der Produktivität und Qualität. Schlussfolgerung ist, das Dualsystem könnte eine Möglichkeit für die Verbesserung der Kompetenzniveaus als auch für die Beschäftigungsfähigkeit der Studenten in El Salvador sein, jedoch bringt es neue Herausforderungen für das technologische Ausbildungssystem. / Employability is one of the biggest concerns in El Salvador, especially for young people (UNPD, 2008). Besides, the study about challenges in the educative system in El Salvador, outlines the necessity to have a link between academy and industry (Barraza, 2008). Under this context 2008, El Salvador began the implementation of some elements of the German Dual System (New system) in technological education, with the purpose to experiment if this system developed better competences in students allowing them better job opportunities. In Dual System, the formation is developed between the academy and the enterprise. The main purposes were: (1) To analyze influences to rise employability under using of better combination of theory and practice in studies - possibilities of dual experiences from Germany for El Salvador`s conditions; (2) to analyze possibilities and problems using competences approach for student’s development and employability; (3) to determine if the students of cohort 2008-2010 who study under dual system acquire better professional competences to be inserted in the productive process that those from traditional system (without enterprise curriculum); (4) to determine the factors that motivates industrialists to participate in dual system; and (5) to show consequences of implement this system under the Salvadoran reality and develop suggestions its adaptation. The research was comparing students from cohort 2008 – 2010 in Mechatronic career; one in dual and other in traditional system. The scientific methodology to apply were a combination of quantitative and qualitative method with questionnaires, interviews and measurements about competences, time to get a job and the salary conditions. Results of the research are: (a) both groups had similar competences according academics grades, but better competences for Dual group when jobs conditions are included. About decision makers motivations, findings were: (1) Previous knowledge about the system; (2) People with better competences according the needs of the company; (3) to reduce the risk to hire wrong people; (4) Optimize training costs, (5) the innovation of a new career that enterprise needs; (6) social responsibility; and (7) to improve the productivity and quality. In conclusion, Dual system could be an opportunity in El Salvador for improving the level of competences, and the employability of the students, but it means new challenges in technological educational system.

Communities’ Expectations from Higher Education Institutions in their Regions: A Case of two Higher Education Institutions in the Northern Province of Rwanda

Shyiramunda, Theophile 21 August 2024 (has links)
This study explores the expectations of local communities from higher education institutions (HEIs) in the Northern Province of Rwanda, focusing on two specific institutions: IPRC Musanze and INES Ruhengeri. Employing a robust mixed-method design, the research integrates both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Quantitative data were collected through structured surveys administered to HEI staff and alumni, while qualitative insights were gathered via in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with key stakeholders, including community members. Additionally, secondary data sources, such as policy documents and institutional reports, were utilized to complement the primary data. The study's findings reveal a significant disparity between community expectations and the actual capabilities of HEIs, shaped by factors such as institutional type (public vs. private), program offerings, and the socio-economic needs of residents. Notably, gender differences emerged, with women generally harbouring higher, often unrealistic, expectations of HEIs compared to men. Communities view HEIs as crucial drivers of regional development, expecting them to enhance employability, contribute to local economic growth, and provide essential community services. However, challenges including inadequate collaboration, resource constraints, and differing expectations between public and private institutions were identified. To address these issues, the study proposes adding the 'local community' as a fourth element to the existing triple helix model (university-industry-government) to better align HEI outputs with community needs. Furthermore, it emphasizes the necessity of redefining roles and responsibilities between HEIs and the government to foster more effective and sustainable collaborations. The research contributes to the broader discourse on higher education's role in societal development, particularly in emerging economies like Rwanda. The rigorous methodological approach, employing the three main research programmes Citavi, NVivo and SPSS, ensures that the study's insights are both robust and actionable:The current thesis is divided into eight chapters: (1) General Introduction, (2) Related Works, (3) Guiding Theories/Models, (4) Research Methodology, (5) Talking from Experience: Graduates' Voice from Graduation to Labour Market, (6) Communities in the Vicinity of HEIs: A Local Perspective and Expectations, (7) Collaboration between HEIs and their Neighbouring Communities: Challenges and Proposed Solutions and lastly but not least, the chapter (8) which is conclusion. I start the first chapter by giving readers a broad introduction that sets the scene for the study and is followed by a statement of the problem. I also define the study's purpose, research questions, and the scope. Finally, I talk about the significance of the study. In the second chapter, I attempt to conduct a critical review of the existing literature on the research questions. Weaknesses, gaps, immediate relevance, and contributions are identified in this review, and the exploration reflects the variables specified in the research questions and objectives. The third chapter identifies the underlying theories reflecting the relationships between the concepts and theories that I intend to analyze in order to achieve the stated goals of the study. The fourth chapter discusses the research questions, resources, and procedures along with how they relate to the study's theoretical framework. To achieve this, a brief discussion of the research design, study location, study population, sampling technique, sample size, data collection and methods, data sources, data analysis, and ethical considerations is provided. The fifth chapter presents and discusses field data that was gathered to address one of the four major research questions that the current thesis seeks to investigate. A special focus is placed on graduates from HEIs. It primarily focuses on what we can learn from the experiences of current HEI graduates on the job market. Graduates discuss their practical experience in the labour market from the time of graduation to their current position. The analysis and presentation of the findings in relation to the following research questions are covered in the sixth chapter: What do local communities anticipate of HEIs in their areas? Do communities' expectations of public and private HEIs differ in any way? Which one, if any? It aims to ascertain the various kinds of expectations that the communities in Rwanda's Northern Region have of the HEIs nearby. The chapter contrasts the expectations of the two study institutions' local communities. The study participants were selected from residential areas close to the colleges; IPRC Musanze (public) and INES Ruhengeri (private). While Chapter 6 presented and discussed facts and expectations primarily related to collaboration between higher education institutions and neighbouring communities under the current study, Chapter 7 presents and discusses field data collected to answer another key research question that focuses on the challenges that collaboration faces. Its primary goal is to identify the most significant challenges and potential solutions to the majority of those challenges. Based on their practical experience, both local community members and staff from the two HEIs identified pressing challenges. Finally, in Chapter 8, a conclusion is drawn using data primarily from two higher education institutions in Rwanda's northern province as a case study. The conclusion was reached following the study's objectives, based on evidence and reasoning grounded on collected data and evaluated literature while keeping the theoretical framework in mind. / Diese Studie untersucht die Erwartungen der Lokalgemeinschaften an Hochschulen (HEIs) in der Nordprovinz Ruandas, wobei der Fokus auf zwei spezifischen Institutionen liegt: IPRC Musanze und INES Ruhengeri. Durch den Einsatz eines bewährten Mixed-Method-Designs integriert die Forschung sowohl quantitative als auch qualitative Ansätze. Quantitative Daten wurden durch strukturierte Umfragen erhoben, die an das Personal und die Alumni der HEIs gerichtet waren, während qualitative Erkenntnisse durch tiefgehende Interviews und Fokusgruppendiskussionen mit wichtigen Interessengruppen, einschließlich Gemeindemitgliedern, gesammelt wurden. Zusätzlich wurden sekundäre Datenquellen, wie politische Dokumente und institutionelle Berichte, herangezogen, um die Primärdaten zu ergänzen. Die Ergebnisse der Studie zeigen eine signifikante Diskrepanz zwischen den Erwartungen der Gemeinschaften und den tatsächlichen Fähigkeiten der HEIs, die von Faktoren wie der Art der Institution (öffentlich vs. privat), dem Studienangebot und den sozioökonomischen Bedürfnissen der Bewohner beeinflusst werden. Auffällig sind auch Geschlechterunterschiede, wobei Frauen im Allgemeinen höhere, oft unrealistische Erwartungen an die HEIs haben als Männer. Die Gemeinschaften sehen die HEIs als wesentliche Treiber der regionalen Entwicklung, erwarten von ihnen eine Steigerung der Beschäftigungsfähigkeit, einen Beitrag zum lokalen Wirtschaftswachstum und die Bereitstellung wesentlicher Dienstleistungen für die Gemeinschaft. Es wurden jedoch Herausforderungen wie unzureichende Zusammenarbeit, begrenzte Ressourcen und unterschiedliche Erwartungen zwischen öffentlichen und privaten Institutionen festgestellt. Um diese Probleme zu bewältigen, schlägt die Studie vor, die Lokalgemeinschaft als viertes Element dem bestehenden Triple-Helix-Modell (Universität-Industrie-Regierung) hinzuzufügen, um die Ergebnisse der HEIs besser an die Bedürfnisse der Gemeinschaft anzupassen. Darüber hinaus wird die Notwendigkeit betont, die Rollen und Verantwortlichkeiten zwischen den HEIs und der Regierung neu zu definieren, um eine effektivere und nachhaltigere Zusammenarbeit zu fördern. Die Forschung leistet einen Beitrag zur breiteren Diskussion über die Rolle der Hochschulbildung in der gesellschaftlichen Entwicklung, insbesondere in aufstrebenden Volkswirtschaften wie Ruanda. Der streng methodische Ansatz, der die drei Hauptforschungsprogramme Citavi, NVivo und SPSS einsetzt, stellt sicher, dass die Erkenntnisse der Studie sowohl fundiert als auch umsetzbar sind:The current thesis is divided into eight chapters: (1) General Introduction, (2) Related Works, (3) Guiding Theories/Models, (4) Research Methodology, (5) Talking from Experience: Graduates' Voice from Graduation to Labour Market, (6) Communities in the Vicinity of HEIs: A Local Perspective and Expectations, (7) Collaboration between HEIs and their Neighbouring Communities: Challenges and Proposed Solutions and lastly but not least, the chapter (8) which is conclusion. I start the first chapter by giving readers a broad introduction that sets the scene for the study and is followed by a statement of the problem. I also define the study's purpose, research questions, and the scope. Finally, I talk about the significance of the study. In the second chapter, I attempt to conduct a critical review of the existing literature on the research questions. Weaknesses, gaps, immediate relevance, and contributions are identified in this review, and the exploration reflects the variables specified in the research questions and objectives. The third chapter identifies the underlying theories reflecting the relationships between the concepts and theories that I intend to analyze in order to achieve the stated goals of the study. The fourth chapter discusses the research questions, resources, and procedures along with how they relate to the study's theoretical framework. To achieve this, a brief discussion of the research design, study location, study population, sampling technique, sample size, data collection and methods, data sources, data analysis, and ethical considerations is provided. The fifth chapter presents and discusses field data that was gathered to address one of the four major research questions that the current thesis seeks to investigate. A special focus is placed on graduates from HEIs. It primarily focuses on what we can learn from the experiences of current HEI graduates on the job market. Graduates discuss their practical experience in the labour market from the time of graduation to their current position. The analysis and presentation of the findings in relation to the following research questions are covered in the sixth chapter: What do local communities anticipate of HEIs in their areas? Do communities' expectations of public and private HEIs differ in any way? Which one, if any? It aims to ascertain the various kinds of expectations that the communities in Rwanda's Northern Region have of the HEIs nearby. The chapter contrasts the expectations of the two study institutions' local communities. The study participants were selected from residential areas close to the colleges; IPRC Musanze (public) and INES Ruhengeri (private). While Chapter 6 presented and discussed facts and expectations primarily related to collaboration between higher education institutions and neighbouring communities under the current study, Chapter 7 presents and discusses field data collected to answer another key research question that focuses on the challenges that collaboration faces. Its primary goal is to identify the most significant challenges and potential solutions to the majority of those challenges. Based on their practical experience, both local community members and staff from the two HEIs identified pressing challenges. Finally, in Chapter 8, a conclusion is drawn using data primarily from two higher education institutions in Rwanda's northern province as a case study. The conclusion was reached following the study's objectives, based on evidence and reasoning grounded on collected data and evaluated literature while keeping the theoretical framework in mind.

Research on rising competences in technical education by implementing dual system´s elements under El Salvador conditions in the field of Mechatronic

Duran de Alvarado, Reina 25 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Die Beschäftigungsfähigkeit ist einer der größten Anliegen in El Salvador, besonders für Jugendlichen (UNPD, 2008). Außerdem betont die Studie über die Herausforderungen des Bildungssystems in El Salvador die Notwendigkeit, eine Anknüpfung zwischen Akademie und Industrie zu haben (Barraza, 2008). In diesem Kontext begann El Salvador in 2008 die Umsetzung von einigen Elementen des Deutschen Dualsystems (neues System) im Bereich der technologischen Ausbildung, mit der Absicht, einen Versuch zu machen ob dieses System bessere Kompetenzen bei Studenten entwickelt, welche ihnen bessere Arbeitseinsatzmöglichkeiten anbietet. Im Dualsystem wird die Ausbildung von der Akademie und Industriesektor geleistet. Grundsätzliche Ziele waren: (1) Analyse der Einflüsse zur Ansteigung der Beschäftigungsfähigkeit unter Gebrauch einer besseren Kombination von Theorie und Praxis während des Studiums – Möglichkeiten einer Dualerfahrung aus Deutschland unter den Bedingungen in El Salvador (2) Analyse der Möglichkeiten und Probleme unter Berücksichtigung des Kompetenzschwerpunktes für die Entwicklung und Beschäftigungsfähigkeit der Studenten; (3) Festlegung, ob die Studenten mit Studienausgang in 2008-2010, die im Dualsystem teilgenommen haben, bessere berufliche Kompetenzen zur Einsetzung im Produktivprozess erlangt haben im Vergleich zu diejenigen aus dem traditionalem System (ohne Unternehmenserfahrung); (4) Festlegung der Einflussfaktoren die den Industriesektor an der Teilnahme am Dualsystem motivieren; und (5) Darstellung der Folgen aus der Umsetzung dieses Systems unter den salvadorianischen Gegebenheiten und Anregungen zu deren Anpassung zu entwickeln. Bei der Untersuchung ging es um die Erstellung eines Vergleichs zwischen Studenten der Studienrichtung Mechatronik mit Ausgang in 2008 – 2010; ein Student aus dem Dualsystem und einer aus dem traditionellen System. Die angewandte wissenschaftliche Methodologie war eine Verknüpfung von einer quantitativen und qualitativen Methode mit Fragebogen, Interviews und Messungen der Kompetenzen, nötige Zeit zum Erwerben einer Arbeitsstelle und Gehaltsbedingungen. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung waren: (a) Beide Gruppen hatten ähnliche Kompetenzen laut ihrer akademischen Benotung, aber bessere Kompetenzen für die Duale Gruppe wenn Arbeitsbedingungen eingeschlossen sind. In Bezug auf die Motivation der Entscheidungsträgern hat die Untersuchung folgendes erwiesen: (1) Vorherige Kenntnis über das System (2) Personen sind mit bessere Kompetenzen bedarfsgerecht für die Industrie ausgebildet; (3) Minderung des Risikos, falsche Leute aufzunehmen; (4) Optimierung der Ausbildungskosten, (5) Innovation einer neuen Studienrichtung die vom Unternehmen benötigt wird; (6) Soziale Verantwortung; und (7) Verbesserung der Produktivität und Qualität. Schlussfolgerung ist, das Dualsystem könnte eine Möglichkeit für die Verbesserung der Kompetenzniveaus als auch für die Beschäftigungsfähigkeit der Studenten in El Salvador sein, jedoch bringt es neue Herausforderungen für das technologische Ausbildungssystem. / Employability is one of the biggest concerns in El Salvador, especially for young people (UNPD, 2008). Besides, the study about challenges in the educative system in El Salvador, outlines the necessity to have a link between academy and industry (Barraza, 2008). Under this context 2008, El Salvador began the implementation of some elements of the German Dual System (New system) in technological education, with the purpose to experiment if this system developed better competences in students allowing them better job opportunities. In Dual System, the formation is developed between the academy and the enterprise. The main purposes were: (1) To analyze influences to rise employability under using of better combination of theory and practice in studies - possibilities of dual experiences from Germany for El Salvador`s conditions; (2) to analyze possibilities and problems using competences approach for student’s development and employability; (3) to determine if the students of cohort 2008-2010 who study under dual system acquire better professional competences to be inserted in the productive process that those from traditional system (without enterprise curriculum); (4) to determine the factors that motivates industrialists to participate in dual system; and (5) to show consequences of implement this system under the Salvadoran reality and develop suggestions its adaptation. The research was comparing students from cohort 2008 – 2010 in Mechatronic career; one in dual and other in traditional system. The scientific methodology to apply were a combination of quantitative and qualitative method with questionnaires, interviews and measurements about competences, time to get a job and the salary conditions. Results of the research are: (a) both groups had similar competences according academics grades, but better competences for Dual group when jobs conditions are included. About decision makers motivations, findings were: (1) Previous knowledge about the system; (2) People with better competences according the needs of the company; (3) to reduce the risk to hire wrong people; (4) Optimize training costs, (5) the innovation of a new career that enterprise needs; (6) social responsibility; and (7) to improve the productivity and quality. In conclusion, Dual system could be an opportunity in El Salvador for improving the level of competences, and the employability of the students, but it means new challenges in technological educational system.

Virtual. International. Job orientated. – Best practice on how virtual collaboration courses can succeed

Nenner, Christin, Bergert, Aline, Naa Amlah Böhnisch, Angelina 06 June 2018 (has links) (PDF)
From April to June 2016 a new and exclusively virtual teaching format – the international STEM1 Summer School – was provided at the University of Mining and Technology in Freiberg. The paper presents the approach, didactical design, and results of evaluation. The international STEM Summer School was developed and tested within the project „Holistic International STEMs - Learning with case studies and real-life industry experiences“. The aim was to better prepare STEM students for challenges in the current professional world that are characterized by in-ternationalization and digitalization. The project offers some ideas on how to teach the currently re-quired skills and competencies by industry in higher education. The conceptualization of the project was made possible with funding from the Donors\' Association for the Promotion of Humanities and Sciences in Germany2. The exclusively virtual collaboration is due to the different geographical distances and locations of the participating students, which generates specific challenges. On the one hand, technical conditions at the particular places of residence have an impact on virtual collaboration. On the other hand, cultural, lingual, and occupational differences, as well as the differing media literacy, play an important role. In addition, the setting of objectives and provision of incentives is decisive for the shared virtual work. The results of the first round of the international STEM Summer School indicate possible solution strategies based on the three areas of media use, interaction, and task orientation. During the Summer School, students from ten different countries solved real-life job case studies in small interdisciplinary teams. The exchange took place with the help of various e-learning tools like the virtual classroom, wiki, forum and e-portfolio. The participants were mentored by national and international industry partners, STEM professors, and e-tutors. After nine weeks work in intercultural teams they presented their results and learning outcomes during a web conference. The following article focusses on the evaluation results as well as selected insights and challenges.

Virtual. International. Job orientated. – Best practice on how virtual collaboration courses can succeed

Nenner, Christin, Bergert, Aline, Naa Amlah Böhnisch, Angelina 06 June 2018 (has links)
From April to June 2016 a new and exclusively virtual teaching format – the international STEM1 Summer School – was provided at the University of Mining and Technology in Freiberg. The paper presents the approach, didactical design, and results of evaluation. The international STEM Summer School was developed and tested within the project „Holistic International STEMs - Learning with case studies and real-life industry experiences“. The aim was to better prepare STEM students for challenges in the current professional world that are characterized by in-ternationalization and digitalization. The project offers some ideas on how to teach the currently re-quired skills and competencies by industry in higher education. The conceptualization of the project was made possible with funding from the Donors\' Association for the Promotion of Humanities and Sciences in Germany2. The exclusively virtual collaboration is due to the different geographical distances and locations of the participating students, which generates specific challenges. On the one hand, technical conditions at the particular places of residence have an impact on virtual collaboration. On the other hand, cultural, lingual, and occupational differences, as well as the differing media literacy, play an important role. In addition, the setting of objectives and provision of incentives is decisive for the shared virtual work. The results of the first round of the international STEM Summer School indicate possible solution strategies based on the three areas of media use, interaction, and task orientation. During the Summer School, students from ten different countries solved real-life job case studies in small interdisciplinary teams. The exchange took place with the help of various e-learning tools like the virtual classroom, wiki, forum and e-portfolio. The participants were mentored by national and international industry partners, STEM professors, and e-tutors. After nine weeks work in intercultural teams they presented their results and learning outcomes during a web conference. The following article focusses on the evaluation results as well as selected insights and challenges.

Die Auswirkungen der Studienstrukturreform auf die Beschäftigungsfähigkeit der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftler/innen

Schütz, Katrin 28 April 2016 (has links)
In dieser Dissertation werden die Themen Studienstrukturreform, Beschäftigungsfähigkeit und die besondere Situation der Absolventinnen und Absolventen der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften untersucht. Im Theorieteil wird entlang der Modernisierungstheorie nach Ulrich Beck eine Analyse des gesellschaftlichen Wandels der Teilbereiche Arbeit und Bildung vorgenommen. Die Modernisierung, die als multidimensionaler Vorgang beschrieben wird, ist als Ursache und Motor für die Bologna-Reform zu verstehen, so die Grundthese der Arbeit. Beschäftigungsfähigkeit stellt ein zentrales Ziel der Bologna-Reform dar. Im Rahmen der Untersuchung wird entlang eines Diskurses um den Begriff und dessen Verwendung untersucht, welche Fähigkeiten, Kompetenzen und Kenntnisse Studierende der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften vermittelt bekommen sollen, damit sie Beschäftigungsfähigkeit erwerben. Ein dritter Schwerpunkt des theoretischen Abschnitts kennzeichnet die Beschreibung der Bologna-Reform. Im Rahmen des empirischen Teils wurden die an der Bologna-Reform beteiligten Akteure unter Verwendung von quantitativen und qualitativen Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung untersucht. So brachte die Dokumentenanalyse relevanter Bologna-Dokumente hervor, dass auf allen Ebenen der Hochschulpolitik Beschäftigungsfähigkeit thematisiert wird. Ein weiteres zentrales Ergebnis der empirischen Untersuchung ist, dass sowohl die befragten Absolvent/innen der Philosophischen Fakultäten der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin als auch die Arbeitgeber/innen die Integration von praxisrelevanten Elementen ins Hochschulstudium begrüßen. An der praktischen Umsetzung wird jedoch Kritik geübt. Trotz Thematisierung der Beschäftigungsfähigkeit und Einführung praxisrelevanter Elemente in die Curricula bleibt die Akzeptanz des Bachelorabschlusses insbesondere in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften auf dem Arbeitsmarkt eher gering. / This graduate thesis is analysing the reform of structur regarding to studies, employability as well as particular circumstances of graduates in humanities and social sciences. Regarding to the theory of modernization according to Ulrich Beck the social change with its parts of labor and education is analysed it the theoretical part. You need to understand modernisation - which is described as multidimensional event - as cause and influential force of the (educational) so called Bologna reform, so the main thesis of this paper. Employability is a chief aim of Bologna reform. To analyse how students of humanities and social sciences are getting skills, expertise and knowledge so they’ll acquire employability there is a discourse about the term and its utilisation (of employability). The third focus within the theoretical part is the description of the Bologna reform. In the context of the empirical part involved parties of the Bologna reform has been analysed based on quantitative and qualitative methods of empirical social research. To impart employability is an aim that you can find within discussions at the European Higher Education Area via higher education policy in Germany to the point of practical study regulations at HU Berlin. On the one hand both the polled graduates of the faculty of philosophy at HU Berlin and the employer are acclaiming/welcoming the integration of practical oriented units into university studies; on the other hand they are finding fault with the implementation. Even though employability is picked out as a central theme as well as practical oriented units are integrated into curricula the acceptance of a bachelor degree on labour market is still on a low level in particular within humanities and social sciences.

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