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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Propriedades ópticas experimentais e teóricas de filmes ultrafinos de polifuoreno / Óptical experimental and theoretical properties of ultra thin polyfluorene films

Zago, Leandro Augusto 13 April 2017 (has links)
A espectroscopia de molécula única (SMS) é uma poderosa técnica para entender como a conformação da cadeia polimérica é modificada por superfícies e interfaces. No presente trabalho, a interação substrato-polímero foi modificada pela alteração da carga superficial do substrato pela modificação do caráter hidrofóbico-hidrófilico da superfície do substrato. A conformação planar / não planar assumida pelo poli (9,9 dioctilfluoreno) (PFO) foi utilizada para acessar os efeitos de substratos e inter-cadeias sobre a conformação do polímero. Usamos a combinação de diferentes tratamentos para alterar superfícies de quartzo inerte de super hidrofílico (ângulo de contato ∼ 0°) para hidrofóbico (ângulo de contato ∼ 80°) quase continuamente. As películas ultrafinas de polímero (<10 nm) e moléculas isoladas podem ser depositadas em diferentes superfícies do substrato por técnica de revestimento por centrifugação de forma controlada, que permitiu a investigação de processos foto físicos a um nível molecular único. Utilizou-se três técnicas espectroscópicas para caracterizar tais filmes ultrafinos, a saber: microscopia de fluorescência confocal equipada com imagens de fluorescência espectral, espectroscopia de absorção UV / Vis e espectroscopia de fotoluminescência dependente da temperatura. As propriedades de emissão e eficiência de filmes de PFO ultrafinos são fortemente afetadas pela presença da interface do substrato. No caso de uma única cadeia de PFO, a fase planar (energia mais baixa) é induzida pela forte interação superfície-polímero no caso da superfície hidrofílica carregada. Além disso, esta interação pode ser fortemente perturbada ou inteiramente destruída por interações entre cadeias. / Single molecule spectroscopy (SMS) is a powerful technique to understand how polymeric chain conformation is modified by surfaces and interfaces [1]. In the present work, substrate-polymer interaction was modified by changing substrate superficial charge by the modification of the hydrophobic-to-hydrophilic character of the substrate surface or by the deposition of charged self-assembling monolayers or polyelectrolytes as well. The planar/non-planar conformation assumed by poly (9,9 dioctylfluorene) (PFO) was used to access the effects of substrates and interchain interactions on the polymer conformation [2]. We used the combination of dif-ferent treatments to change inert quartz surfaces from superhydrophylic (contact angle ∼ 0°) to hydrophobic (contact angle ∼ 80°) almost continuously. Polymer ultrathin films (<10 nm) and isolated chains can be deposited on different substrate surface by spin-coating technique in a controlled way that allowed the investigation of photophysical processes at a single molecular level. We employed three spectroscopic techniques to characterize such ultrathin films, namely: confocal fluorescence microscopy equipped with spectral facilities, UV/Vis absorption spectroscopy and temperature dependent photoluminescence spectroscopy. The emission properties and efficiency of ultrathin PFO films are strongly affected by presence of the inert substrate interface. In the case of single PFO chain, the planar phase (lower energy) is induced by the strong surface-polymer interaction in the case of charged hydrophilic surface. Moreover, this interaction can be strongly perturbed or entirely disrupted by interchain interactions.

Propriedades ópticas experimentais e teóricas de filmes ultrafinos de polifuoreno / Óptical experimental and theoretical properties of ultra thin polyfluorene films

Leandro Augusto Zago 13 April 2017 (has links)
A espectroscopia de molécula única (SMS) é uma poderosa técnica para entender como a conformação da cadeia polimérica é modificada por superfícies e interfaces. No presente trabalho, a interação substrato-polímero foi modificada pela alteração da carga superficial do substrato pela modificação do caráter hidrofóbico-hidrófilico da superfície do substrato. A conformação planar / não planar assumida pelo poli (9,9 dioctilfluoreno) (PFO) foi utilizada para acessar os efeitos de substratos e inter-cadeias sobre a conformação do polímero. Usamos a combinação de diferentes tratamentos para alterar superfícies de quartzo inerte de super hidrofílico (ângulo de contato ∼ 0°) para hidrofóbico (ângulo de contato ∼ 80°) quase continuamente. As películas ultrafinas de polímero (<10 nm) e moléculas isoladas podem ser depositadas em diferentes superfícies do substrato por técnica de revestimento por centrifugação de forma controlada, que permitiu a investigação de processos foto físicos a um nível molecular único. Utilizou-se três técnicas espectroscópicas para caracterizar tais filmes ultrafinos, a saber: microscopia de fluorescência confocal equipada com imagens de fluorescência espectral, espectroscopia de absorção UV / Vis e espectroscopia de fotoluminescência dependente da temperatura. As propriedades de emissão e eficiência de filmes de PFO ultrafinos são fortemente afetadas pela presença da interface do substrato. No caso de uma única cadeia de PFO, a fase planar (energia mais baixa) é induzida pela forte interação superfície-polímero no caso da superfície hidrofílica carregada. Além disso, esta interação pode ser fortemente perturbada ou inteiramente destruída por interações entre cadeias. / Single molecule spectroscopy (SMS) is a powerful technique to understand how polymeric chain conformation is modified by surfaces and interfaces [1]. In the present work, substrate-polymer interaction was modified by changing substrate superficial charge by the modification of the hydrophobic-to-hydrophilic character of the substrate surface or by the deposition of charged self-assembling monolayers or polyelectrolytes as well. The planar/non-planar conformation assumed by poly (9,9 dioctylfluorene) (PFO) was used to access the effects of substrates and interchain interactions on the polymer conformation [2]. We used the combination of dif-ferent treatments to change inert quartz surfaces from superhydrophylic (contact angle ∼ 0°) to hydrophobic (contact angle ∼ 80°) almost continuously. Polymer ultrathin films (<10 nm) and isolated chains can be deposited on different substrate surface by spin-coating technique in a controlled way that allowed the investigation of photophysical processes at a single molecular level. We employed three spectroscopic techniques to characterize such ultrathin films, namely: confocal fluorescence microscopy equipped with spectral facilities, UV/Vis absorption spectroscopy and temperature dependent photoluminescence spectroscopy. The emission properties and efficiency of ultrathin PFO films are strongly affected by presence of the inert substrate interface. In the case of single PFO chain, the planar phase (lower energy) is induced by the strong surface-polymer interaction in the case of charged hydrophilic surface. Moreover, this interaction can be strongly perturbed or entirely disrupted by interchain interactions.

Traitements thermomecaniques de l'alliage de titane Ti-17. Etude expérimentale et modélisation de recristallisation de la phase Beta. / Thermomechanical processing of alloy Ti-17. Experimental investigation and modeling of dynamic recrystallization in the Beta range.

Pallot, Lois 07 December 2012 (has links)
Au cours de leur mise en forme, les alliages de titane destinés à la fabrication de pièces tournantes pour moteurs d'avions suivent un schéma thermomécanique complexe constitué généralement de plusieurs opérations de forgeage. L'étape de forgeage dans le domaine monophasé β joue un rôle important, car elle conditionne la transformation de phases qui s'opère au cours du refroidissement ou du traitement thermique consécutif dans le domaine biphasé α-β, et donc les propriétés mécaniques finales de la pièce. La maîtrise de l'évolution de la microstructure et de la texture cristallographique au cours du forgeage dans le domaine β est donc indispensable pour optimiser l'ensemble du procédé de mise en forme. Pour cela, il est important de bien comprendre les mécanismes de recristallisation dynamique (continue et géométrique) se produisant dans ce type de matériau.Dans cette étude, les effets de la température, de la déformation et de la vitesse de déformation ont été étudiés au moyen d'essais de compression uniaxiale et de torsion à chaud. Les microstructures et textures de déformation ont été caractérisées par diffraction des électrons rétrodiffusés (EBSD). Ces approches expérimentales sont associées à un travail de modélisation, pour lequel le schéma de recristallisation dynamique "continue" (ou CDRX), consistant en une fragmentation progressive des grains β initiaux par la formation de nouveaux joints de grains, a été adapté à partir d'études antérieures. Les paramètres caractérisant les mécanismes élémentaires de la CDRX (écrouissage, restauration dynamique, migration des joints) ont été déterminés par ajustement sur les données expérimentales.Ces travaux ont pour objectif l'élaboration d'un post-processeur métallurgique dédié au forgeage des alliages de titane en phase β. / Titanium alloys used for the manufacture of rotating parts of aircraft engines undergo complex thermomechanical processing schedules, involving usually several forging operations. The forging step in the single -phase domain plays an important role, because it governs the phase transformation that occurs during cooling or subsequent heat treatment in the two-phase α+β range, and therefore the final mechanical properties of the workpiece. Controlling the microstructural evolutions during forging in the β-domain is of prime interest to optimize the entire process of disks manufacture. A full understanding of the (continuous and geometric) dynamic recrystallization mechanisms occurring in this type of material is therefore required.In this study, the effects of temperature, strain and strain rate were investigated by hot uniaxial compression and torsion tests. The microstructures and textures were characterized using backscattering electron diffraction (EBSD). These experimental approaches were associated with the development of a physical model. In the latter, the mechanism of "continuous" dynamic recrystallization (CDRX), consisting of a progressive initial fragmentation of the grains leading to the formation of new grain boundaries, was adapted from former studies. The parameters characterizing the elementary mechanisms of CDRX (strain hardening, dynamic recovery, grain boundary migration) were determined by fitting the experimental data.The final objective of this work is to develop a metallurgical post-processor dedicated to forging operations of titanium alloys in the -phase range.

Flexible and 3D printable conductive composites for pressure sensor applications

Bertolini, Mayara Cristina 16 December 2022 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi o desenvolvimento de compósitos poliméricos flexíveis e altamente condutores elétricos preparados por moldagem por compressão e por fabricação de filamentos fundidos (FFF) para possíveis aplicações como materiais piezoresistivos ou piezoelétricos para sensores de compressão. Compósitos baseados em misturas de poli(fluoreto de vinilideno)/poliuretano termoplástico (PVDF/TPU) como matriz e contendo várias frações de negro de fumo-polipirrol (CB-PPy) como aditivo condutor foram preparados. Diversas técnicas de caracterização foram realizadas para avaliar as propriedades mecânicas, térmicas, químicas e elétricas, morfologia e printabilidade dos materiais investigados. Primeiro, blendas de PVDF/TPU com diferentes composições foram produzidas por mistura por fusão seguida de moldagem por compressão. Os resultados mostraram que a flexibilidade desejada para os materiais foi melhorada com a adição de TPU aos compósitos de PVDF. As imagens SEM evidenciaram a obtenção de uma blenda co-contínua com 50/50 vol% de PVDF/TPU. As blendas compostas de PVDF/TPU 38/62 vol% e a blenda co-contínua de PVDF/TPU 50/50 vol% foram selecionadas como matrizes para a preparação de compósitos moldados por compressão e impressos em 3D a fim de alcançar uma ótima combinação entre condutividade, propriedades mecânicas e printabilidade. Várias quantidades de negro de fumo-polipirrol, de 0 a 15%, foram adicionadas às blendas selecionadas para aumentar a condutividade elétrica dos compósitos e possivelmente atuar como agente nucleante para a fase cristalina do PVDF a fim de aumentar sua resposta piezoelétrica. A adição de CB-PPy aumentou a condutividade elétrica de todos os compósitos. No entanto, a condutividade elétrica dos compósitos baseados em blendas co-contínuas PVDF/TPU 50/50 vol% foi maior do que as encontradas para os compósitos de PVDF/TPU 38/62 vol% com mesma concentração de aditivo. De fato, o limiar de percolação elétrico dos compósitos com blenda co-contínua foi de 2%, enquanto o limiar de percolação elétrico dos compósitos compostos da blenda não contínua foi de 5%. Com relação às propriedades mecânicas, a incorporação do aditivo condutor nas blendas resultou em materiais mais rígidos com maior módulo de elasticidade, menor alongamento na ruptura e maior módulo de armazenamento. O módulo de armazenamento (G') e a viscosidade complexa (η*) dos compósitos aumentaram com a adição de CB-PPy. O limiar de percolação reológico foi de 3% para PVDF/TPU/CB-PPy 38/62 vol% e 1% para PVDF/TPU/CB-PPy 50/50 vol%, indicando que uma quantidade maior de carga poderia comprometer a processabilidade dos compósitos. A adição de CB-PPy também resultou na redução dos valores de Tg e Tm dos compósitos devido à redução da mobilidade das cadeias poliméricas. Com base na condutividade elétrica e no comportamento mecânico dos compósitos, três composições diferentes foram selecionadas para a extrusão de filamentos para serem posteriormente utilizados no processo de impressão 3D. No geral, as peças impressas em 3D apresentaram propriedades mecânicas e elétricas inferiores devido à presença de vazios, defeitos e camadas sobrepostas que podem dificultar o fluxo de elétrons. Os valores de condutividade elétrica dos compósitos impressos em 3D de PVDF/TPU/CB-PPy 38/62 vol% contendo 5% e 6% de CB-PPy são de uma a sete ordens de grandeza menores do que os encontrados para os compósitos com a mesma composição moldados por compressão. Mesmo que o valor da condutividade elétrica para o compósito PVDF/TPU 38/62 vol% com 6% de CB-PPy moldado por compressão foi de 1,94x10-1 S•m-1, o compósito impresso em 3D com a mesma composição mostrou um valor muito baixo de condutividade elétrica de 6,01x10-8 S•m-1. Por outro lado, o compósito co-contínuo de PVDF/TPU 50/50 vol% com 10% de aditivo impresso em 3D apresentou um alto valor de condutividade elétrica de 4,14×100 S•m-1 mesmo após o processo de impressão. Além disso, as respostas piezoresistivas dos compósitos foram investigadas. Para os compósitos PVDF/TPU/CB-PPy 38/62 vol%, as amostras moldadas por compressão e impressas em 3D com 5% e 6% de CB-PPy exibiram boa resposta piezoresistiva. No entanto, apenas os compósitos com 6% de aditivo apresentaram valores elevados de sensibilidade e gauge factor, atuação em ampla faixa de pressão e respostas piezoresistivas reprodutíveis durante a aplicação de 100 ciclos de compressão/descompressão para ambos os métodos de fabricação. Por outro lado, para os compósitos co-contínuos de PVDF/TPU/CB-PPy apenas a amostra moldada por compressão com 5% de CB-PPy apresentou respostas piezorresistivas boas e reprodutíveis. A cristalinidade e o teor de fase β do PVDF foram investigados para os compósitos. Embora o grau de cristalinidade das amostras tenha diminuído com a adição de CB-PPy, a porcentagem de fase β no PVDF aumentou. O coeficiente piezoelétrico d33 das amostras aumentou com a porcentagem de fase β. A adição de 6% ou mais de CB-PPy foi necessária para aumentar significativamente o coeficiente piezoelétrico (d33) dos compósitos. O conteúdo de fase β e as respostas piezoelétricas do PVDF foram menores para as amostras preparadas por FFF. Por fim, como pesquisa colateral, a eficiência de blindagem contra interferência eletromagnética (EMI-SE) foi medida para todos os compósitos. Compósitos com maior condutividade elétrica apresentaram melhor blindagem da radiação eletromagnética. Além disso, os compósitos baseados na blenda co-contínua apresentaram maior eficiência de blindagem contra EMI do que os compósitos de PVDF/TPU 38/62 vol%. O principal mecanismo de blindagem foi a absorção para todos os compósitos. As amostras preparadas por FFF apresentaram respostas de EMI-SE menores quando comparadas às amostras moldadas por compressão. / The aim of this study was the development of flexible and highly electrically conductive polymer composites via compression molding and fused filament fabrication for possible applications as piezoresistive or piezoelectric materials for pressure sensors. Composites based on blends of poly(vinylidene fluoride)/thermoplastic polyurethane (PVDF/TPU) as matrix and containing various fractions of carbon black-polypyrrole (CB-PPy) as conductive filler were prepared. Several characterization techniques were performed in order to evaluate the mechanical, thermal, chemical and electrical properties, morphology and printability of the investigated materials. First, PVDF/TPU blends with different compositions were prepared by melt compounding followed by compression molding. The results showed that the flexibility aimed for the final materials was improved with the addition of TPU to PVDF composites. SEM images evidenced the achievement of a co-continuous blend comprising 50/50 vol% of PVDF/TPU. The blends composed of PVDF/TPU 38/62 vol% and the co-continuous blend of PVDF/TPU 50/50 vol% were selected as matrices for the preparation of compression molded and 3D printed composites in order to achieve an optimal compromise between electrical conductivity, mechanical properties and printability. Various amounts of carbon black-polypyrrole, from 0 up to 15%, were added to the selected blends in order to rise the electrical conductivity of the composites and to possible act as nucleating filler for the β crystalline phase of PVDF in order to increase its piezoelectric response. The addition of CB-PPy increased the electrical conductivity of all composites. However, the electrical conductivity of composites based on PVDF/TPU 50/50 vol% co-continuous blends was higher than those found for PVDF/TPU 38/62 vol% composites at the same filler content. Indeed, the electrical percolation threshold of the conductive co-continuous composite blends was 2%, while the electrical percolation threshold of the composites with the nonco-continuous composite blends was 5%. With respect to the mechanical properties, the incorporation of the filler into the blends leaded to more rigid materials with higher elastic modulus, lower elongation at break and higher storage modulus. The storage modulus (G’) and complex viscosity (η*) of the composites increased with the addition of CB-PPy. The rheological percolation threshold was found to be 3% for PVDF/TPU/CB-PPy 38/62 vol% and 1% for PVDF/TPU/CB-PPy 50/50 vol%, indicating that higher amount of filler could compromise the processability of the composites. The addition of CB-PPy also resulted in a reduction on the Tg and Tm values of the composites due to the reduction of the mobility of the polymeric chains. Based on the electrical conductivity and mechanical behavior of the composites, three different compositions were selected for the extrusion of filaments to be used in a 3D printing process. Overall, the 3D printed parts presented lower mechanical and electrical properties because of the presence of voids, defects and overlapping layers that can hinder the flow of electrons. The electrical conductivity values of PVDF/TPU/CB-PPy 38/62 vol% composites containing 5% and 6 wt% of CB-PPy 3D printed samples are one to seven orders of magnitude lower than those found for compression molded composites with the same composition. Even if the electrical conductivity value for PVDF/TPU 38/62 vol% compression molded composite with 6% of CB-PPy was as high as 1.94x10-1 S•m-1, the 3D printed composite with same composition showed a very low electrical conductivity of 6.01x10-8 S•m-1. On the other hand, the 3D printed co-continuous composite PVDF/TPU 50/50 vol% with 10% of filler displayed a high value of electrical conductivity of 4.14×100 S•m-1 even after the printing process. Moreover, the piezoresistive responses of the composites were investigated. For PVDF/TPU/CB-PPy 38/62 vol% composites, the compression molded and 3D printed samples with 5% and 6% of CB-PPy exhibited good piezoresistive response. However, only the composites with 6% displayed high sensitivity and gauge factor values, large pressure range and reproducible piezoresistive responses under 100 cycles for both methods. On the other hand, for PVDF/TPU/CB-PPy co-continuous composites only the compression molded sample with 5% of CB-PPy presented good and reproducible piezoresistive responses. The crystallinity and β phase content of PVDF were investigated for the composites. Althought the degree of crystallinity of the samples decreased with the addition of CB-PPy, the percentage of β phase in PVDF was increased. The piezoelectric coefficient d33 of the samples increased with the percentage of β phase. The addition of 6% or more of CB-PPy was necessary to increase significatively the piezoelectric coefficient (d33) of the composites. The β phase content and piezoelectric responses of PVDF were lower for samples prepared by FFF. Finally, as a collateral research, the electromagnetic interference shielding effectiveness (EMI-SE) were measured for all composites. Composites with higher electrical conductivity showed better shielding of the electromagnetic radiation. In addition, composites based on the co-continuous blend displayed higher EMI shielding efficiency than 38/62 vol% composites. The main mechanism of shielding was absorption for all composites. Specimens prepared by FFF displayed diminished EMI-SE responses when compared to compression molded samples. / Lo scopo di questo studio è lo sviluppo di compositi polimerici flessibili e ad elevata conducibilità elettrica tramite stampaggio a compressione e manifattura additiva (fused filament fabrication) per possibili applicazioni come materiali piezoresistivi o piezoelettrici in sensori di pressione. In particolare, sono stati preparati compositi a base di miscele di poli(vinilidene fluoruro)/poliuretano termoplastico (PVDF/TPU) come matrice e contenenti varie frazioni di nerofumo-polipirrolo (CB-PPy) come riempitivo conduttivo. Sono state utilizzate diverse tecniche di caratterizzazione al fine di valutare le proprietà meccaniche, termiche, chimiche ed elettriche, la morfologia e la stampabilità dei materiali ottenuti. In primo luogo, miscele PVDF/TPU con diverse composizioni sono state preparate mediante mescolatura allo stato fuso seguita da stampaggio a compressione. I risultati hanno mostrato che la flessibilità del PVDF viene notevolemente migliorata dall’aggiunta di TPU. Le immagini SEM hanno evidenziato il raggiungimento di una miscela co-continua per una composizione 50/50% in volume di PVDF/TPU. Le miscele composte da PVDF/TPU 38/62 vol% e la miscela co-continua di PVDF/TPU 50/50 vol% sono state selezionate come matrici per la preparazione di compositi per stampaggio a compressione e manifattura additiva al fine di ottenere un compromesso ottimale tra conducibilità, proprietà meccaniche e stampabilità. Alle miscele selezionate sono state aggiunte varie quantità di nerofumo-polipirrolo, dallo 0 al 15%, per aumentare la conducibilità elettrica dei compositi ed eventualmente fungere da additivo nucleante per la fase β cristallina del PVDF al fine di aumentarne la risposta piezoelettrica. L'aggiunta di CB-PPy ha aumentato la conduttività elettrica di tutti i compositi. Tuttavia, la conduttività elettrica dei compositi basati su miscele co-continue di PVDF/TPU 50/50% in volume era superiore a quella trovata per compositi PVDF/TPU 38/62% in volume con lo stesso contenuto di riempitivo. Infatti, la soglia di percolazione elettrica delle miscele conduttive era del 2%, mentre la soglia di percolazione elettrica dei compositi con miscele composite non continue era del 5%. Per quanto riguarda le proprietà meccaniche, l'incorporazione del riempitivo nelle mescole ha portato a materiali più rigidi con modulo elastico più elevato, allungamento a rottura inferiore e modulo conservativo più elevato. Il modulo conservativo (G') e la viscosità complessa (η*) dei compositi sono aumentate con l'aggiunta di CB-PPy. La soglia di percolazione reologica è risultata essere del 3% per PVDF/TPU/CB-PPy 38/62 vol% e dell'1% per PVDF/TPU/CB-PPy 50/50 vol%, indicando che una maggiore quantità di riempitivo potrebbe compromettere la processabilità dei compositi. L'aggiunta di CB-PPy ha comportato anche una riduzione dei valori di Tg e Tm dei compositi a causa della riduzione della mobilità delle catene polimeriche. Sulla base della conduttività elettrica e del comportamento meccanico dei compositi, sono state selezionate tre diverse composizioni per l'estrusione di filamenti da utilizzare in un processo di stampa 3D. Nel complesso, le parti stampate in 3D presentavano proprietà meccaniche ed elettriche inferiori a causa della presenza di vuoti, difetti e strati sovrapposti che possono ostacolare il flusso di elettroni. I valori di conducibilità elettrica dei compositi PVDF/TPU/CB-PPy 38/62 vol% contenenti il 5% e il 6% di CB-PPy di campioni stampati in 3D sono da uno a sette ordini di grandezza inferiori a quelli trovati per i compositi stampati a compressione con la stessa composizione. Anche se il valore di conducibilità elettrica per il composito stampato a compressione PVDF/TPU 38/62 vol% con il 6% di CB-PPy era pari a 1,94x10-1 S•m-1, il composito stampato in 3D con la stessa composizione ha mostrato un valore molto basso di conducibilità elettrica, pari a 6,01x10-8 S•m-1. D'altra parte, il composito PVDF/TPU 50/50 vol% stampato in 3D con il 10% di riempitivo ha mostrato un elevato valore di conducibilità elettrica, pari a 4,14 × 100 S•m-1, anche dopo il processo di stampa. Inoltre, sono state studiate le risposte piezoresistive dei compositi. Per i compositi PVDF/TPU/CB-PPy 38/62 vol%, i campioni stampati a compressione e stampati in 3D con il 5% e il 6% di CB-PPy hanno mostrato una buona risposta piezoresistiva. Tuttavia, solo i compositi con il 6% hanno mostrato valori di sensibilità e gauge factor elevati, ampio intervallo di pressione e risposte piezoresistive riproducibili in 100 cicli per entrambi i metodi. D'altra parte, per i compositi co-continui PVDF/TPU/CB-PPy solo il campione stampato a compressione con il 5% di CB-PPy ha presentato risposte piezoresistive adeguate e riproducibili. La cristallinità e il contenuto di fase β del PVDF sono stati studiati per i compositi. Sebbene il grado di cristallinità dei campioni diminuisca con l'aggiunta di CB-PPy, la percentuale di fase β in PVDF risulta aumentata. Il coefficiente piezoelettrico d33 dei campioni aumenta anch’esso con la percentuale di fase β. L'aggiunta del 6% o più di CB-PPy è stata necessaria per aumentare significativamente il coefficiente piezoelettrico (d33) dei compositi. Il contenuto di fase β e le risposte piezoelettriche del PVDF sono inferiori per i campioni ottenuti mediante stampa 3D. Infine, come ricerca collaterale, è stata misurata l'efficacia della schermatura contro le interferenze elettromagnetiche (EMI-SE) per tutti i compositi. I compositi con una maggiore conduttività elettrica hanno mostrato una migliore schermatura della radiazione elettromagnetica. Inoltre, i compositi basati sulla miscela co-continua hanno mostrato un'efficienza di schermatura EMI maggiore rispetto ai compositi a 38/62% in volume. Per tutti i compositi, il principale meccanismo di schermatura è l'assorbimento. I campioni preparati mediante manifattura additiva hanno mostrato risposte EMI-SE inferiori rispetto ai campioni stampati a compressione.

Design and Fabrication of Transparent Ultrasonic Transducers for Optoelectronic Applications

Warren, Stephen Colby 08 December 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Acoustic levitation utilizes general principles of ultrasonics to trap particles in midair without external support. This is done by creating an array of ultrasonic transducers to propagate sound waves to a focused point in space. In order to optimize the particle trap it is necessary to design transducers that can produce enough sound to create pressure pockets. In this work I examine the fundamental principles of acoustics by testing the sound pressure levels (SPL) of a known transducer in both air and water mediums. A comparison between domed and bimorphed transducers are also examined. Experimentation was performed on the feasibility of implementing a domed transducer array. Methods are described to fabricate a piezoelectric thin film made from poly(vinylidene difluoride) (PVDF). These films were analyzed for β-phase concentration, as well as transmission, resolution, and contrast. An additional study into the use of Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) as a conductive dielectric layer of a transducer is also examined. These studies are designed to test if spin coating can provide the necessary conditions to fabricate transparent, piezoelectric PVDF films. Included are the research and experiments that I conducted to determine the transparency of PVDF. I performed analysis on the transmission, absorption, and scatter of fabricated PVDF films. My results show that it is possible to fabricate PVDF films that are both transparent and piezoelectric.

Advanced Manufacturing of Titanium Alloys for Biomedical Applications

Mavros, Nicholas C. 12 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Strukturell komplexe intermetallische Verbindungen im System Al-Mg-Zn

Berthold, Rico 26 November 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die Elemente Al, Mg und Zn sind wichtige Komponenten für leichte und hochfeste Legierungen, wie die Al- oder Mg-Knetlegierungen. Darüber hinaus ist das Al-Mg-Zn-System sehr interessant, weil vier ternäre komplexe intermetallische Phasen, genannt τ1, τ2, Φ und q, darin vorkommen. Die aktuellen experimentellen Phasendiagramme des Al-Mg-Zn-Systems enthalten nur provisorische oder keine Homogenitätsbereiche der Φ-, τ2- und der q-Phase aufgrund unzureichender experimenteller Daten. Ziel der Arbeiten war es, die Homogenitätsbereiche der q-, τ2- und der Φ-Phase neu zu ermitteln und die Kristallstruktur der Φ-Phase zu bestimmen. Proben wurden durch Schmelzen und Wärmebehandlung in Ta-Ampullen oder durch Zentrifugieren aus der Schmelze hergestellt und durch XRD, SEM, EDXS, WDXS und DSC charakterisiert. Während der Neuuntersuchung der Al-Mg-Zn Phasengleichgewichte in der Nähe des Teilsystems Mg-Zn und nahe bei τ1 wurde eine Reihe von neuen ternären Phasen entdeckt. Die Kristallstrukturen für die Φ-Phase (Pbcm, a = 8,9374 (2) Å, b = 16,812 (3) Å, c = 19,586 (4) a) und drei der neuen intermetallischen Verbindungen wurden gelöst und die Kristallstruktur des τ2 Phase wurde erneut untersucht. Während τ2 (Pa-3, a = 23,034 (3) Å) ein Approximant der ikosaedrischen quasikristallinen Phase q ist, erwies sich eine der neuen Phasen (τd, Imm2, a = 5,2546 (2), b = 40,240 (2), c = 25,669 (1) Å) als dekagonaler Approximant. Überraschenderweise wurde eine Phase (Fd-3m, a = 27,5937 (9) Å) gefunden, die isotyp zu der binären Phase β-Al3Mg2 ist, aber eine Zn-reiche Zusammensetzung hat. / The elements Al, Mg and Zn are major components for a large number of light and high strength alloys, such as the Al-based alloys of the 7xxx series. In addition, the Al-Mg-Zn system has attracted much interest because four complex metallic alloy phases, called τ1, τ2, Φ and q are formed as ternary intermetallic compounds. The current experimental phase diagrams of the Al-Mg-Zn system contain only provisional or no homogeneity ranges of the Φ phase, τ2 phase and the q phase due to insufficient experimental data. The aim of the work was to redetermine the homogeneity ranges of the q, τ2 and the Φ phases and to determine the crystal structure of the Φ phase for a reliable data set. Samples were prepared by furnace-controlled melting and annealing in Ta ampoules or by centrifugation from the self-flux and characterized by XRD, SEM, EDXS, WDXS and DSC. While reinvestigating the Al-Mg-Zn phase equilibria in the vicinity of the subsystem Mg-Zn close to τ1, a number of new ternary phases were discovered. Single phase material could be obtained for the known Φ and τ2 phases and for four new intermetallic compounds. The crystal structures for the Φ phase and two of the new intermetallic compounds were solved and the crystal structure of the τ2 phase was reinvestigated. While τ2 (Pa-3, a = 23.034(3) Å) is an approximant of the icosahedral quasicrystalline phase q, the Φ phase (Pbcm, a = 8.9374(2) Å, b = 16.812(3) Å, c = 19.586(4) Å) and one of the new phases (Imm2, a = 5.2546(2), b = 40.240(2), c = 25.669(1) Å) turned out to be decagonal approximants. Surprisingly, we have found one phase (Fd-3m, a = 27.5937 (9) Å) isotypic to the Samson’s phase β-Al3Mg2 at Zn rich composition.

Strukturell komplexe intermetallische Verbindungen im System Al-Mg-Zn

Berthold, Rico 29 October 2014 (has links)
Die Elemente Al, Mg und Zn sind wichtige Komponenten für leichte und hochfeste Legierungen, wie die Al- oder Mg-Knetlegierungen. Darüber hinaus ist das Al-Mg-Zn-System sehr interessant, weil vier ternäre komplexe intermetallische Phasen, genannt τ1, τ2, Φ und q, darin vorkommen. Die aktuellen experimentellen Phasendiagramme des Al-Mg-Zn-Systems enthalten nur provisorische oder keine Homogenitätsbereiche der Φ-, τ2- und der q-Phase aufgrund unzureichender experimenteller Daten. Ziel der Arbeiten war es, die Homogenitätsbereiche der q-, τ2- und der Φ-Phase neu zu ermitteln und die Kristallstruktur der Φ-Phase zu bestimmen. Proben wurden durch Schmelzen und Wärmebehandlung in Ta-Ampullen oder durch Zentrifugieren aus der Schmelze hergestellt und durch XRD, SEM, EDXS, WDXS und DSC charakterisiert. Während der Neuuntersuchung der Al-Mg-Zn Phasengleichgewichte in der Nähe des Teilsystems Mg-Zn und nahe bei τ1 wurde eine Reihe von neuen ternären Phasen entdeckt. Die Kristallstrukturen für die Φ-Phase (Pbcm, a = 8,9374 (2) Å, b = 16,812 (3) Å, c = 19,586 (4) a) und drei der neuen intermetallischen Verbindungen wurden gelöst und die Kristallstruktur des τ2 Phase wurde erneut untersucht. Während τ2 (Pa-3, a = 23,034 (3) Å) ein Approximant der ikosaedrischen quasikristallinen Phase q ist, erwies sich eine der neuen Phasen (τd, Imm2, a = 5,2546 (2), b = 40,240 (2), c = 25,669 (1) Å) als dekagonaler Approximant. Überraschenderweise wurde eine Phase (Fd-3m, a = 27,5937 (9) Å) gefunden, die isotyp zu der binären Phase β-Al3Mg2 ist, aber eine Zn-reiche Zusammensetzung hat.:1 Einleitung 1 2 Grundlagen 5 2.1 Frank-Kasper-Phasen und tetraedrisch dicht gepackte Strukturen 5 2.2 Parkettierungen, Quasikristalle and Approximanten 11 2.3 Phasendiagramme und Phasen des Al-Mg-Zn Systems 16 3 Experimentelle Methoden und Theoretische Berechnungen 24 3.1 Ausgangsstoffe 24 3.2 Präparation der Proben 24 3.2.1 Schmelzspinnen 25 3.2.2 Schmelzzentrifugation 26 3.2.3 Abkühlvarianten 26 3.3 Charakterisierung der Legierungen 27 3.3.1 Chemische Analysen 27 3.3.2 Metallografie, Röntgenspektroskopie, Elektronenbeugung 28 3.3.3 DSC- und Massendichtemessungen, Messungen des elektrischen Widerstands 29 3.3.4 Pulver-Röntgendiffraktion und Pulver-Neutronendiffraktion 29 3.3.5 Einkristall-Röntgendiffraktion 30 3.4 Theoretische Berechnungen 31 3.4.1 Berechnungen der elektronischen Struktur 31 3.4.2 Gesamtenergieberechnungen 31 3.4.3 Calphad-Berechnungen und DTA-Simulation 32 4 Ergebnisse 34 4.1 Die Phi-Phase 34 4.1.1 Phasenanalyse 35 4.1.2 Physikalische Eigenschaften 44 4.1.3 Kristallchemie 45 4.1.4 Ergebnisse der Gesamtenergieberechnungen, DOS 57 4.2 Die tau-2-Phase 59 4.2.1 Phasenanalyse 60 4.2.2 Strukturmodellierung mit kanonischen Zell-Parkettierungen 73 4.2.3 Strukturverfeinerung 77 4.2.4 Kristallchemie 83 4.2.5 Ergebnisse der Gesamtenergieberechnungen 88 4.3 Primäre Phasenfelder der Mg-reichen Seite des Al-Mg-Zn Systems und die q-Phase 93 4.3.1 Die quasikristalline Phase q und ihr komplex-reguläres Eutektikum 98 4.4 Neue komplexe intermetallische Verbindungen im Al-Mg-Zn System 106 4.4.1 Phasenanalytische Untersuchungen in der Nähe des binären Teilsystems Mg-Zn 106 4.4.2 Physikalische Eigenschaften 113 4.4.3 Kristallchemie 114 Die beta-Zn-Phase 114 Die tau-d-Phase, ein dekagonaler Approximant 125 Die lambda-Phase 134 5 Zusammenfassung 141 6 Literatur 149 A Anhang 159 A.1 Verfeinerung der Einkristall-Röntgenbeugungsdaten 159 A.2 Grundlagen der DTA-Simulation 160 A.2.1 DTA-Simulation in VBA für den Excel-Export von Pandat2012 161 A.3 Zusätzliche Information über die Phi-Phase des Al-Mg-Zn Systems 168 A.3.1 Informationen zu den effektiven Paarpotentialen für das ternäre Al-Mg-Zn System 172 A.4 Zusätzliche Informationen über die tau-2-Phase im Al-Mg-Zn System 175 A.5 Zusätzliche Informationen über die Abtastung der primären Phasenfelder 180 A.6 Zusätzliche Informationen über die beta-Zn-Phase im System Al-Mg-Zn 185 A.7 Zusätzliche Informationen über die tau-d-Phase im System Al-Mg-Zn 191 A.8 Zusätzliche Informationen über die lambda-Phase im System Al-Mg-Zn 195 / The elements Al, Mg and Zn are major components for a large number of light and high strength alloys, such as the Al-based alloys of the 7xxx series. In addition, the Al-Mg-Zn system has attracted much interest because four complex metallic alloy phases, called τ1, τ2, Φ and q are formed as ternary intermetallic compounds. The current experimental phase diagrams of the Al-Mg-Zn system contain only provisional or no homogeneity ranges of the Φ phase, τ2 phase and the q phase due to insufficient experimental data. The aim of the work was to redetermine the homogeneity ranges of the q, τ2 and the Φ phases and to determine the crystal structure of the Φ phase for a reliable data set. Samples were prepared by furnace-controlled melting and annealing in Ta ampoules or by centrifugation from the self-flux and characterized by XRD, SEM, EDXS, WDXS and DSC. While reinvestigating the Al-Mg-Zn phase equilibria in the vicinity of the subsystem Mg-Zn close to τ1, a number of new ternary phases were discovered. Single phase material could be obtained for the known Φ and τ2 phases and for four new intermetallic compounds. The crystal structures for the Φ phase and two of the new intermetallic compounds were solved and the crystal structure of the τ2 phase was reinvestigated. While τ2 (Pa-3, a = 23.034(3) Å) is an approximant of the icosahedral quasicrystalline phase q, the Φ phase (Pbcm, a = 8.9374(2) Å, b = 16.812(3) Å, c = 19.586(4) Å) and one of the new phases (Imm2, a = 5.2546(2), b = 40.240(2), c = 25.669(1) Å) turned out to be decagonal approximants. Surprisingly, we have found one phase (Fd-3m, a = 27.5937 (9) Å) isotypic to the Samson’s phase β-Al3Mg2 at Zn rich composition.:1 Einleitung 1 2 Grundlagen 5 2.1 Frank-Kasper-Phasen und tetraedrisch dicht gepackte Strukturen 5 2.2 Parkettierungen, Quasikristalle and Approximanten 11 2.3 Phasendiagramme und Phasen des Al-Mg-Zn Systems 16 3 Experimentelle Methoden und Theoretische Berechnungen 24 3.1 Ausgangsstoffe 24 3.2 Präparation der Proben 24 3.2.1 Schmelzspinnen 25 3.2.2 Schmelzzentrifugation 26 3.2.3 Abkühlvarianten 26 3.3 Charakterisierung der Legierungen 27 3.3.1 Chemische Analysen 27 3.3.2 Metallografie, Röntgenspektroskopie, Elektronenbeugung 28 3.3.3 DSC- und Massendichtemessungen, Messungen des elektrischen Widerstands 29 3.3.4 Pulver-Röntgendiffraktion und Pulver-Neutronendiffraktion 29 3.3.5 Einkristall-Röntgendiffraktion 30 3.4 Theoretische Berechnungen 31 3.4.1 Berechnungen der elektronischen Struktur 31 3.4.2 Gesamtenergieberechnungen 31 3.4.3 Calphad-Berechnungen und DTA-Simulation 32 4 Ergebnisse 34 4.1 Die Phi-Phase 34 4.1.1 Phasenanalyse 35 4.1.2 Physikalische Eigenschaften 44 4.1.3 Kristallchemie 45 4.1.4 Ergebnisse der Gesamtenergieberechnungen, DOS 57 4.2 Die tau-2-Phase 59 4.2.1 Phasenanalyse 60 4.2.2 Strukturmodellierung mit kanonischen Zell-Parkettierungen 73 4.2.3 Strukturverfeinerung 77 4.2.4 Kristallchemie 83 4.2.5 Ergebnisse der Gesamtenergieberechnungen 88 4.3 Primäre Phasenfelder der Mg-reichen Seite des Al-Mg-Zn Systems und die q-Phase 93 4.3.1 Die quasikristalline Phase q und ihr komplex-reguläres Eutektikum 98 4.4 Neue komplexe intermetallische Verbindungen im Al-Mg-Zn System 106 4.4.1 Phasenanalytische Untersuchungen in der Nähe des binären Teilsystems Mg-Zn 106 4.4.2 Physikalische Eigenschaften 113 4.4.3 Kristallchemie 114 Die beta-Zn-Phase 114 Die tau-d-Phase, ein dekagonaler Approximant 125 Die lambda-Phase 134 5 Zusammenfassung 141 6 Literatur 149 A Anhang 159 A.1 Verfeinerung der Einkristall-Röntgenbeugungsdaten 159 A.2 Grundlagen der DTA-Simulation 160 A.2.1 DTA-Simulation in VBA für den Excel-Export von Pandat2012 161 A.3 Zusätzliche Information über die Phi-Phase des Al-Mg-Zn Systems 168 A.3.1 Informationen zu den effektiven Paarpotentialen für das ternäre Al-Mg-Zn System 172 A.4 Zusätzliche Informationen über die tau-2-Phase im Al-Mg-Zn System 175 A.5 Zusätzliche Informationen über die Abtastung der primären Phasenfelder 180 A.6 Zusätzliche Informationen über die beta-Zn-Phase im System Al-Mg-Zn 185 A.7 Zusätzliche Informationen über die tau-d-Phase im System Al-Mg-Zn 191 A.8 Zusätzliche Informationen über die lambda-Phase im System Al-Mg-Zn 195


Ashley S Dale (8771429) 02 May 2020 (has links)
Improved fabrication of poly(vinylindenefluoride)-hexafluoropropylene (PVDF-HFP) thin films is of particular interest due to the high electric coercivity found in the beta-phase structure of the thin film. We show that it is possible to obtain high-quality, beta-phase dominant PVDF-HFP thin films using a direct approach to Langmuir-Blodgett deposition without the use of annealing or additives. To improve sample quality, an automated Langmuir-Blodgett thin film deposition system was developed; a custom dipping trough was fabricated, a sample dipping mechanism was designed and constructed, and the system was automated using custom LabVIEW software. Samples were fabricated in the form of ferroelectric capacitors on substrates of glass and silicon, and implement a unique step design with a bottom electrode of copper with an aluminum wetting layer and a top electrode of gold with an aluminum wetting layer. Samples were then characterized using a custom ferroelectric measurement program implemented in LabVIEW with a Keithley picoammeter/voltage supply to confirm electric coercivity properties. Further characterization using scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy confirmed the improvement in thin film fabrication over previous methods.

Developing an approach to improve beta-phase properties in ferroelectric pvd-hfp thin films

Dale, Ashley S. 05 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Improved fabrication of poly(vinylindenefluoride)-hexafluoropropylene (PVDF-HFP) thin films is of particular interest due to the high electric coercivity found in the beta-phase structure of the thin film. We show that it is possible to obtain high-quality, beta-phase dominant PVDF-HFP thin films using a direct approach to Langmuir-Blodgett deposition without the use of annealing or additives. To improve sample quality, an automated Langmuir-Blodgett thin film deposition system was developed; a custom dipping trough was fabricated, a sample dipping mechanism was designed and constructed, and the system was automated using custom LabVIEW software. Samples were fabricated in the form of ferroelectric capacitors on substrates of glass and silicon, and implement a unique step design with a bottom electrode of copper with an aluminum wetting layer and a top electrode of gold with an aluminum wetting layer. Samples were then characterized using a custom ferroelectric measurement program implemented in LabVIEW with a Keithley picoammeter/voltage supply to confirm electric coercivity properties. Further characterization using scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy confirmed the improvement in thin film fabrication over previous methods.

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