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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"It won't get better until we make it better" : the politics of self-representation, resistance and empowerment in the queer youth response to the It Gets Better Project

Harding, Ashton Lee 13 July 2011 (has links)
With the ultimate goal of illustrating the ways that queer youth employ change and act as agents of self-representation, this project examines the relationship between the It Gets Better Project, a queer adult project focused upon ‘bettering‘ the lives of their younger generation, and the Make it Better Project created in response by queer youth. This thesis addresses the following questions: How do adult conceptualizations of queer youth as vulnerable victims operate within discourses that employ queer youth as agents of change? In what ways do queer youth grapple with such conceptualizations? Furthermore, how might queer youth actively resist adult narratives of risk, vulnerability, and surveillance? Seeking to not only examine the ways in which queer youth negotiate adult narratives of adolescent risk and vulnerability, this project is organized to highlight the ways in which queer youth understand and experience their own representational and performative narratives, particularly when performed in response to adult narratives. In examination of the “It Gets Better: Dan and Terry” (2010a) and “It Gets Better: President Barack Obama” (2010c) vlogs of the It Gets Better Project, this thesis seeks to uncover the ways that assimilationist goals of inclusion, tolerance, and equality impact the intelligibility of queer youth. As a means for which to explore the possible resistance employed to counter such silencing mechanisms, the examination turns to three youth-produced vlogs of the Make it Better Project. An additional intent of the focus on the “LGBTQ Youth Speak Out”, “Make it Better Project” and “Make it Better Project - You Can Make it Better Now!” vlogs is to construct a space to analyze the complex and fluid dynamics of queer youth communities. With focus given to the various mechanisms employed by the adult and youth performers of these particular vlog-narratives, this project constructs an interdisciplinary framework of new social movement theory, new online media studies, queer theory, quare (queer of color) studies, feminist sociolinguistics, and critical youth studies as a means to position queer youth voices at the forefront of discussion. With the goal of continuing research that represents queer youth as agents of their own experiences, bodies, lives, and identities, it is my hope that the framework provided by this examination will inspire future work that highlights and centers the voices of queer youth. / text

Adaptiv styrning under osäkerhet : En kvantitativ studie om sambandet mellan osäker miljö och adaptiva styrprinciper

Lundin, Axel, Panelius, Althea, Pappiland, Diana January 2022 (has links)
Adaptiva styrprinciper har framhållits som potentiell lösning till en rad strategiskt kostsamma nackdelar kopplade till den traditionella årsbudgeten. Denna studie syftar till att studerasambandet mellan dessa adaptiva styrprinciper och osäker miljö. Teoribildningen som ligger till grund för det analytiska ramverket har tematiserats i fyra kategorier av adaptiva styrprinciper som visats återkommande i den tidigare forskningen rörande beyond budgeting och dess besläktade hybrider: decentralisering, adaptiv planering och resursallokering, adaptiv målsättning och prestationsmätning samt adaptiva incitamentspraktiker. Denna tidigare forskning har emellertid inte undersökt mindre företags benägenhet att implementera dessa praktiker, och hur detta förhåller sig under perioder av generell osäkerhet. Covid-19-pandemin utgör en unik möjlighet på så sätt att andra typer av osäkerhet tidigare har tagit formen av specifika attribut (exempelvis konkurrensutsättning), medan pandemin får anses vara generellt utan motstycke under de i övrigt rådande omständigheterna. Forskningsfrågan definieras därmed som: Har mindre svenska tillverkningsföretag anammat adaptiva styrprinciper i större utsträckning under pandemin? För att undersöka huruvida dessa styrprinciper har ett samband med osäker miljö på det sätt som antyds utifrån teori användes en kvantitativ metod. En enkät skickades till 616 svenska tillverkningsföretag med 10-199 anställda, varav 88 användbara svar samlades in. Även om respondenterna uppvisade bred tendens till anammande (såsom teorin skulle förutse) var inte denna förändringsgrad under pandemin statistiskt signifikant utifrån linjär sannolikhetsmodell. / Adaptive management practices have been touted as being the solution to a number of strategically costly problems connected to the traditional yearly budget. The purpose of this study is to examine the relation between adaptive management practices and an uncertain environment. The underlying theory of the analytical framework specifically concerns four adaptive management practices that have proven to be recurring in the beyond budgeting literature and its adjacent hybrids: decentralization, adaptive planning and resource allocation, adaptive goal and performance measurements and adaptive incentives. Prior research has overlooked the aspect of smaller companies and their willingness to change and adapt their management practices during times of general uncertainty. The Covid-19 pandemic during 2020-2021 constituted a rare opportunity in the sense that other types of uncertainty have tended to be specific (e.g. increased competition), whereas the pandemic is taken to be generally unprecedented in relation to all other aspects of the current business environment. The research question was therefore formulated as: Have Swedish small scale manufacturing companies adopted adaptive management practices to a larger extent during the pandemic? To examine whether the adoption of these tools relate to uncertain environments, in the manner in which the theory suggests, a quantitative approach was utilized. A survey was sent to 616 Swedish manufacturing companies with 10-199 employees, out of which 88 useful answers were gathered. Although the respondents showed tendencies of adoption across the board (as the theory would predict) the changes made during the pandemic did not reach statistical significance in the linear probability model.

Life cycle assessment of cotton yarns for IKEA / Livscykelanalys av bomullsgarn för IKEA

Campos, Ana Teresa Villarreal, Goyal, Ruchira January 2021 (has links)
Cotton is one of the leading fibers in the textile industry due to its superior mechanical qualities. It accounts for high environmental impacts, especially water consumption and scarcity. Since cotton is a significant raw material for IKEA, it had set a target to source from only sustainable sources such as from the Better Cotton Initiative, and recycled cotton. At the same time, IKEA also has a commitment to transition to a circular business, which includes recycling. This comparative and accounting Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) analyzes virgin (two types - conventional cotton and Better Cotton) yarns, and mixed (virgin plus recycled) cotton yarns from some of the top supplier countries of the company, on a cradle-to-gate perspective. Water quantity and quality impacts are analyzed together with climate change. The Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) shows that there is a proportional reduction in impacts of the mixed yarns as recycled cotton percentage is increased, since the impacts of recycled yarns are much lower than virgin yarns. In virgin conventional yarns, the main stages that contributed the most to the impacts were cotton cultivation and spinning. Irrigation used in cotton cultivation accounted for the most impacts in water availability. For water quality, the impacts were mostly coming from electricity use and direct field emissions from cotton cultivation. In addition, this study demonstrated that there were high differences between the impacts in the countries studied. The results also suggested that there were water savings by using Better Cotton compared to conventional cotton yarns. / Bomull är en av de vanligaste fibrerna i textilindustrin på grund av dess överlägsna mekaniska egenskaper. Den orsakar dock hög miljöpåverkan, särskilt vattenförbrukning och -brist. Eftersom bomull är ett viktigt råmaterial för IKEA, har de satt ett mål att endast använda hållbara källor, som från Better Cotton Initiative, och återvunnen bomull. Samtidigt har IKEA också åtagit sig att övergå till en cirkulär affärsmodell som inkluderar återvinning. Denna jämförande studie beaktar livscykelanalys (LCA) och analyserar jungfruligt garn (två typer - konventionell bomull och Better Cotton) och blandat bomullsgarn (jungfru plus återvunna) från några av företagets främsta leverantörsländer ur ett vagga-till-port-perspektiv. Vattenmängder och kvalitetseffekter analyseras tillsammans med klimatförändringar. Livscykelbedömningen (LCIA) visar att det finns en proportionell minskning av effekterna av de blandade garnerna när andelen återvunnen bomull ökar, eftersom effekterna av återvunnet garn är mycket lägre än jungfruliga garner. I konventionellt jungfruligt garn var bomullsodling och spinning de främsta stegen som bidrog mest till effekterna. Bevattning som används vid bomullsodling svarade för de största effekterna på tillgången till vatten. För vattenkvaliteten kom effekterna huvudsakligen från elanvändning och direkta utsläpp från bomullsodling. Dessutom visade denna studie att det fanns stora effektskillnader mellan de studerade länderna. Resultaten antydde också att det fanns vattenbesparingar genom att använda Better Cotton jämfört med konventionella bomullsgarn.

How to live with pop : contextualizing the early work of Sigmar Polke, Gerhard Richter, and Konrad Lueg

Hanson, Lauren Elizabeth 19 October 2010 (has links)
On October 11, 1963, artists Gerhard Richter and Konrad Lueg held the event “Leben mit Pop: Eine Demonstration für den kapitalistischen Realismus” (Living with Pop: A Demonstration for Capitalist Realism) at the Berges furniture store in Düsseldorf, Germany. Many scholars have treated this event as an image, useful only in outlining the trajectories of the later successful careers of Gerhard Richter, Konrad Lueg, and Sigmar Polke. Few have attempted to contextualize this event in its social, historical, and political settings or to consider its effects on and relationship to the audience at the event. In this thesis, I resituate “Living with Pop” in terms of its experiential effects and its socio-historical context and extend my investigation of “Living with Pop” to the contemporaneous paintings and drawings of Richter, Lueg, and Polke. I argue that their artworks, which parody and question domestic tropes of the postwar era, reveal the complexities and ambiguities underlying the notion of West Germany’ s Wirtschaftswunder, or “economic miracle.” I examine how Polke, Richter, and Lueg explored artistic and national identities, a postwar culture of consumerism, contemporary modes of communication, and theories of culture and aesthetics in the late 1950s and early 1960s. To investigate the relationships between artistic creation, artistic identity, and contemporary daily life, I use domestic design exhibitions, advertisements, the journal Magnum, and a few select texts on contemporary society and culture by Jürgen Habermas and Theodor W. Adorno as relevant sources. / text

Cultura religiosa protestante e rendimento escolar nas camadas populares: um estudo sobre práticas socializadoras / Protestant religious culture and schooling development within popular layers: a study about socializing practices

Montezano, Maria de Lourdes da Cunha 04 July 2006 (has links)
Este estudo trata da relação de afinidade entre a religião, a família e a escola e suas influências no desempenho escolar de alunos provenientes das chamadas \"classes populares\". Com base em entrevistas, realizadas em uma escola pública da periferia da cidade de São Paulo, investiga-se o estilo de vida de famílias de alunos protestantes, que apresentaram um rendimento escolar favorável no ensino fundamental. Para tanto, utiliza-se, como referência, o consumo, considerado em termos de práticas culturais relacionadas às demandas escolares. Analisa-se a articulação entre as práticas socializadoras da religião protestante, da escola e das famílias protestantes entrevistadas, a partir das afinidades eletivas entre elas, com o objetivo específico de determinar disposições de habitus que contribuem para que o aluno apresente um rendimento escolar favorável. Demonstra-se, por meio de evidências empíricas, baseadas nas observações de campo e no discurso dos informantes, que o êxito escolar de alunos protestantes apresenta-se associado a um feixe de situações socializadoras, uma vez que tal êxito não se deve apenas ao fato da pertença religiosa protestante, mas ao modo como as famílias se relacionam com a religião. Dessa forma, focaliza-se o êxito no rendimento escolar dos alunos investigados enquanto relacionado a uma coerência nos projetos das instâncias de socialização aos quais esses alunos estão sujeitos - família, escola e religião. / This research is about the relation linking religion, family and school, and their influences on the schooling development on students who belong to layers named \"popular classes\". Based on interviews made within a public school in São Paulo City suburbia, it\'s surveyed the sort of life Protestants students\' families take due to their better shown schooling development at the elementary school. For this survey to happen it\'s searched the purchasing habits considered in term of cultured practices in relation to the schooling demands. It\'s analyzed the articulation between the Protestant religion socializing practices of schools and families from the interviewed ones, with the specific aim to determine the dispositions of habitués that contribute to the student with a better schooling development. It\'s shown, by the usage of empirics evidences, based on field observations and on informing speeches that the schooling improvement of Protestant students is linked to socializing situations, once this improvement doesn\'t happen just due to the fact of the Protestant religion presence, but to the way families relate to religion. Through this the schooling improvement is spotlighted within the surveyed students along with coherence on the socialization to which these students are subjected - family, school and religion.

Alternative Regulierungsansätze im Kontext der Better Regulation Agenda : eine Analyse von Konzepten, Potenzialen und Erfolgsfaktoren von Regulierung im Schatten staatlicher Hierarchie / Alternative forms of regulation and the Better Regulation Agenda : an analysis of concepts, potentials and success factors of regulation in the shadow of hierarchy

Denker, Philipp January 2008 (has links)
Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht das Potential und die Bedingungen alternativer Regulierungsformen vor dem Hintergrund von Better Regulation in Deutschland. Nahezu alle EU- und OECD-Staaten betreiben heute umfassende politische Reformprogramme zur Modernisierung der Regulierungsarchitekturen, die unter dem Label Better Regulation subsumiert werden. Die Zielsetzung dieser Programme besteht zum einen in der wirtschaftsfreundlichen Reduktion von Regulierungskosten und zum anderen in der Effektivitätssteigerung von Regulierung durch Vermeidung unintendierter Nebeneffekte. Better Regulation ist ein Toolkit verschiedener metaregulativer Policy-Instrumente, deren programmatische Zusammensetzung vom nationalen politischen Kontext abhängt. Im Rahmen der parallel verlaufenden Reformagenden werden überdies alternative Regulierungsformen von verschiedenen Advokaten besserer Regulierung thematisiert, und als Alternative zur rein staatlichen, hierarchischen Command-and-Control-Regulierung (CaC-Regulierung) promotet, jedoch weder näher auf deren Bedingungen noch deren Konsequenzen einzugehen. Den optimistischen Vorstellungen eines evidenzbasierten Regulatory Managements folgend, erfolgt die Prüfung und Analyse alternativer Regelungsformen im Zuge der Gesetzesfolgenabschätzung (GFA; Regulatory Impact Assessment RIA). Bisher fristen alternative Regulierungsformen allerdings ein Dasein im Schatten von Standardkosten-Modell, RIA und Co. und werden von den Policy-Makern nicht systematisch in Betracht gezogen oder eingesetzt. CaC-Regulierung ist und bleibt das dominante Steuerungsinstrument des Staates. Es existieren jedoch zahlreiche diskursive Anknüpfungspunkte einschließlich zahlreicher Kritiken an der hierarchisch-regulativen Steuerung, welche die Auseinandersetzung mit alternativen Regulierungsformen begründen. Ziel dieses Papieres ist es daher, die in der Kritik stehende CaC-Regulierung Modellen alternativer Regulierungsformen entgegenzustellen, wobei alternative Regulierung mit den Konzepten Selbstregulierung, Koregulierung und regulierter Selbstregulierung eng definiert wird, und nur jene Konstellationen betrachtet werden, die kooperativ zwischen Regierung und Wirtschaft operieren. Ebenso wird der Versuch unternommen, die mannigfaltigen Konzepte und Erscheinungsformen alternativer Regulierung zu definieren und zu kategorisieren. Im Anschluss an den theoretischen Part erfolgt im nächsten Schritt die Identifikation der Einsatz- und Erfolgsbedingungen alternativer Regulierung. Dies geschieht anhand zweier empirischer Fallbeispiele aus den Politikfeldern Berufsbildungspolitik („der Ausbildungspakt der deutschen Wirtschaft“) sowie Umweltpolitik („die Mehrwegquotenverpflichtung“), wobei gezielt ein erfolgreiches und gescheitertes Beispiel alternativer Regulierung verglichen werden und Erfolgsfaktoren abgeleitet werden. Das Ergebnis ist, dass alternative Regulierung gewisse Potentiale und Anreize für staatliche wie privatwirtschaftliche Akteure bietet, aber der Einsatz dieser Steuerungsformen höchst voraussetzungsvoll ist und nur in wenigen Politikfeldern möglich und zu empfehlen ist. So besteht das Potential alternativer Regulierungsformen vor allem in der ganzheitlichen Senkung von Regulierungskosten (Befolgungs- und Vollzugskosten) und in der Erhöhung der Steuerbarkeit der Adressaten. Allerdings sind die korporativen Akteure auf beiden Seiten zum einen nicht immer hinreichend auf diese Form indirekter Steuerung vorbereitet. Zum anderen wird alternative Regulierung durch die Fragmentierung und Schwäche von Wirtschaftsverbänden sowie durch Interessengegensätze unter den Regelungsadressaten gehindert, die in Trittbrettfahrertum und dem letztlichen Scheitern selbstregulativer Verpflichtungen münden. Als entscheidende, aber anspruchsvolle Erfolgskomponente erweisen sich die politische Kommunikation und die Durchsetzbarkeit staatlicher Sanktionen sowie die Erfolgskontrolle, um die Regelungseinhaltung durch die Wirtschaft zu gewährleisten. Generell ist zu konstatieren, dass alternative Regulierungsformen dort zustande kommen, wo sich konzentrierter Widerstand auf Seiten der Adressaten gegen geplante, autoritative Steuerung abzeichnet, eine gewisse Pfadabhängigkeit bzw. eine Historie sektoraler Selbstregulierung vorliegt und eine Win-Win-Situation bei der Kooperation für Politik und Wirtschaft ersichtlich ist. In der Konsequenz zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass alternative Regulierung nicht nach einem synoptisch-rationalen Modell politischer Prozesse entsteht, sondern ein ursprünglich nicht intendiertes Produkt Garbage Can-artiger Verhandlungen mit einem hohen Konfliktniveau darstellt. Folglich ist das Resultat für die Vorstellung einer „Rational Regulatory Choice“ induzierenden Better Regulation-Agenda desillusionierend. / This paper analyses the potentials and the preconditions of alternative forms of regulation against the background of Better Regulation in Germany. Today, almost every OECD- and EU-country runs extensive regulatory reform programs to modernize its regulatory governance structures, which are summarized under the label Better Regulation. The goal of this type of agenda can be regarded, firstly, as the business-friendly reduction of overall regulatory costs and secondly as the increase of regulatory efficiency by removing unintended side-effects. Better Regulation is a toolkit consisting of several meta-regulatory instruments, whose programmatic composition and use varies with the national political context. Moreover, within these parallel proceeding reform agendas alternative forms of regulation are constantly promoted by advocates of Better Regulation and portrayed as alternative to purely governmental command-and-control approaches (CaC), though neither responding to their preconditions nor addressing their consequences. According to the optimistic notion of an evidence-based regulatory management, the examination and analysis of regulatory alternatives is supposed to be carried out within regulatory impact assessments (RIA). However, hitherto alternative forms of regulations exist unnoted in the shadow of the standard cost model, RIA and co. and they are not systematically considered and applied by policy-makers. CaC-regulation is and remains the dominant and favoured policy-instrument of the state. Yet, there are several discursive connections including broad criticism on hierarchical-regulative steering, which give reason to the deeper analysis of alternative forms of regulation. Therefore the aim of this paper is to contrast alternative regulation with the criticized CaC-technique, whereas alternative regulation is defined narrowly as the concepts of self-regulation, co-regulation and regulated self-regulation which operate as cooperative substitutes of CaC between government and business. Moreover, this paper attempts to define and to categorize the diverse concepts and natures of alternative regulation. Subsequent to the theoretical part the preconditions and critical success factors for alternative regulation are identified in the next section. For this purpose two empirical case studies from two different policies, under which one is successful and the other has failed, are examined and compared to deduce success factors. The case studies are from vocational training policy (“The Training Pact of the German Business”) and waste policy (“refill quota for beverage containers”). The result is that alternative forms of regulation offer several potential und incentives for state and business actors, but that the use of these policy instruments is highly demanding and in addition only possible and recommendable in few policies. Undoubtedly its potential lies in the holistic reduction of regulatory costs (compliance and enforcement costs) and in the enhancement of the governability of the regulated business. However, the corporate actors on both sides are not always adequately prepared for this indirect mode of steering. Furthermore, alternative regulation is hindered by the fragmentation and weakness of business associations and opposing interests among the regulated sectors and companies, which may lead to free-riding and could result in the final failure of alternative regulation. The political communication and assertiveness of public sanctions as well as the measurement of success, which ensure self-regulatory compliance, turned out to be decisive, but very demanding constituents of success. Generally speaking, alternative forms of regulation emerge in those cases and policy areas, where concentrated resistance against planned CaC-measures becomes apparent, where a certain path dependency or history of sectoral self-regulation exists, and where a win-win-situation becomes obvious for politicians and business. To sum up, this paper argues that alternative regulations don’t emerge by a synoptic-ration model of policy process, but that they present an unintended product of garbage can like policy processes, further characterized by a high level of conflict. Consequentially, this paper’s findings disillusion the (exaggeratedly) optimistic notion of a rational regulatory choice inducing Better Regulation agenda.

Stochastic stability and equilibrium selection in games

Matros, Alexander January 2001 (has links)
This thesis consists of five papers, presented as separate chapters within three parts: Industrial Organization, Evolutionary Game Theory and Game Theory. The common basis of these parts is research in the field of game theory and more specifically, equilibrium selection in different frameworks. The first part, Industrial Organization, consists of one paper co-authored with Prajit Dutta and Jörgen Weibull. Forward-looking consumers are analysed in a Bertrand framework. It is assumed that if firms can anticipate a price war and act accordingly, so can consumers. The second part, Evolutionary Game Theory, contains three chapters. All models in these papers are based on Young’s (1993, 1998) approach. In Chapter 2, the Saez Marti and Weibull’s (1999) model is generalized from the Nash Demand Game to generic two-player games. In Chapter 3, co-authored with Jens Josephson, a special set of stochastically stable states is introduced, minimal construction, which is the long-run prediction under imitation behavior in normal form games. In Chapter 4, best reply and imitation rules are considered on extensive form games with perfect information. / Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögsk., 2001

Making Sense of Village Politics in China: Institutions, Participation, and Governance

Wang, Xinsong 21 August 2008 (has links)
How do democratic institutions function in authoritarian states? This study answers this question by examining the political institutions in rural China ¨C democratic elections of villagers committees and village oversight agencies. Using a nationwide survey on China¡¯s villager self-governance conducted in 2005 and in-depth case data collected in 2007 and 2008, this study finds that rural political institutions have significantly changed the political processes in China¡¯s countryside. The quality of village elections and the functioning of oversight agencies such as villager representative assemblies and financial supervision teams all have been crucial to affect the level of electoral participation and the quality of rural governance. The study shows that Chinese peasants are more active to vote as the village election methods feature more competitiveness and transparency. Moreover, higher quality of village elections and well-maintained village oversight structures have improved the quality of rural governance by holding village cadres more accountable to peasants¡¯ demands, as demonstrated in the higher level of peasant satisfaction with the performance of villagers committees in public services provision. The study also reveals that the effect of rural political institutions is a function of village economic conditions. The effect of village elections and oversight agencies in holding cadres accountable is significantly higher in villages that own substantial collective resources than in the ones that do not. This study challenges the traditional view in comparative politics that democratic institutions are established in authoritarian states for cosmetic purposes. It shows that, under economic pressure, political institutions matter in making democracy work in authoritarian regimes by encouraging political participation and generating better governance. It also suggests the necessity for the Chinese government to reinforce its efforts of standardizing village election rules and regulations and enforcing the establishment and maintenance of village oversight institutions.

Lifting the Veil Between George Eliot's "The Lifted Veil" and Henry James' "The Beast in the Jungle

Abitz, Dan 03 December 2013 (has links)
This thesis works towards establishing a legacy of influence between George Eliot’s “The Lifted Veil” and Henry James’ “The Beast in the Jungle.” Through an exploration of James’ relationship to Eliot’s oeuvre and a close study of the two works in tandem, it will become apparent the influence Eliot’s slight Gothic story held on James’ celebrated short story. Furthermore, this thesis will introduce another chapter of the growing critical tradition of studying the relationship between George Eliot and Henry James.

Uma proposta de formação de gestores tendo em vista a implantação do Programa São Paulo Faz Escola / A formation proposal of managers regarding implantation of the Programa São Paulo Faz Escola

Salmazo, Marta Maria [UNESP] 26 January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by MARTA MARIA SALMAZO null (mmsalmazo@hotmail.com) on 2016-03-10T20:37:32Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTAÇÃO MARTA.pdf: 3576603 bytes, checksum: 87199763f5425382877a24e3fd51e939 (MD5) / Rejected by Felipe Augusto Arakaki (arakaki@reitoria.unesp.br), reason: A versão do arquivo submetida é considerada a versão final do trabalho, não sendo possível realizar alterações posteriormente. Solicitamos que realize uma nova submissão seguindo as orientações abaixo: A data informada na capa do documento está diferente da data de defesa. É necessário submeter o arquivo final contendo a ficha catalográfica. Consulte a biblioteca caso possua dúvidas para elaborar a ficha catalográfica. Corrija estas informações no arquivo PDF e realize uma nova submissão contendo o arquivo correto. Agradecemos a compreensão. on 2016-03-14T12:52:38Z (GMT) / Submitted by MARTA MARIA SALMAZO null (mmsalmazo@hotmail.com) on 2016-03-15T23:21:46Z No. of bitstreams: 2 DISSERTAÇÃO MARTA.pdf: 3576603 bytes, checksum: 87199763f5425382877a24e3fd51e939 (MD5) dissertaçao final repositorio.pdf: 3569418 bytes, checksum: 3c4a9b5a3e5a4526d948d722b27c6d9c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Juliano Benedito Ferreira (julianoferreira@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-03-17T14:53:14Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 salmazo_mm_me_arafcl.pdf: 3569418 bytes, checksum: 3c4a9b5a3e5a4526d948d722b27c6d9c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-17T14:53:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 salmazo_mm_me_arafcl.pdf: 3569418 bytes, checksum: 3c4a9b5a3e5a4526d948d722b27c6d9c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-01-26 / Este estudo aborda uma proposta de formação de gestores desenvolvida por duas Supervisoras de Ensino da Diretoria de Ensino Região de Araraquara no ano de 2014. Realizada a partir do método de pesquisa-ação, teve como objetivo fornecer subsídios para uma melhor compreensão da atual Organização Curricular do Estado de São Paulo pelas equipes escolares. Optou-se por organizá-la em três seções: a primeira apresenta os documentos que compõem o programa São Paulo Faz Escola e o seu processo de implantação. A segunda apresenta uma incursão pelos resultados de uma avaliação externa realizada anualmente pela Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo, denominada Sistema de Avaliação do Rendimento Escolar do Estado de São Paulo (Saresp), que demonstra em termos de indicadores numéricos como está sendo feita a implementação desse programa entre os anos 2009 e 2014. Por fim, a terceira seção apresenta um processo de realização de uma Proposta de Formação de Gestores das escolas estaduais da Diretoria de Ensino da Região de Araraquara, cujos objetivos centraram-se em validar o papel de formador dos gestores das escolas diante de sua equipe escolar e, ainda, em prepará-los para uma melhor compreensão dos fundamentos e diretrizes da atual Organização Curricular do Estado de São Paulo. / This study addresses a proposal for a management training developed by two Supervisors of Diretoria de Ensino Região de Araraquara in 2014. Held from the action research method, aimed to provide a basis for better understanding of the current Curricular Organization the State of São Paulo by school teams. It was decided to organize it into three sections: the first presents the documents that make up the São Paulo Faz Escola program and its implementation process. The second presents an incursion by the results of an external evaluation carried out annually by the Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo, called Sistema de Avaliação do Rendimento Escolar do Estado de São Paulo (Saresp), which shows in terms of numerical indicators as is being done the implementation of this program in the years 2009 and 2014. Finally, the third section presents a process of conducting a Proposal for Training Managers of state schools of the Diretoria de Ensino da Região de Araraquara, whose objectives focused on validating the role of school managers trainer in front of his school team and also to prepare them for a better understanding of fundamentals and guidelines of the current Curricular Organization of the State of São Paulo.

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