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Proof-theoretical observations of BI and BBI base-logic interactions, and development of phased sequence calculus to define logic combinationsArisaka, Ryuta January 2013 (has links)
I study sequent calculus of combined logics in this thesis. Two specific logics are looked at-Logic BI that combines intuitionistic logic and multiplicative intuitionistic linear logic and Logic BBI that combines classical logic and multiplicative linear logic. A proof-theoretical study into logical combinations themsel ves then follows. To consolidate intuition about what this thesis is all about, let us suppose that we know about two different logics, Logic A developed for reasoning about Purpose A and Logic B developed for reasoning about Purpose B. Logic A serves Purpose A very well, but not Purpose B. Logic B serves Purpose B very well but not Purpose A. We wish to fulfill both Purpose A and Purpose B, but presently we can only afford to let one logic guide through our reasoning. What shall we do? One option is to be content with having Logic A with which we handle Purpose A efficiently and Purpose B rather inefficiently. Another option is to choose Logic B instead. But there is yet another option: we combine Logic A and Logic B to derive a new logic Logic C which is still one logic but which serves both Purpose A and Purpose B efficiently. The combined logic is synthetic of the strengths in more basic logics (Logic A and Logic B). As it nicely takes care of our requirements, it may be the best choice among all that have been so far considered. Yet this is not the end of the story. Depending on the manner Logic A and Logic B combine, Logic C may have extensions serving more purposes than just Purpose A and Purpose B. Ensuing is the following problem: we know about Logic A and Logic B, but we may not know about combined logics of the base logics. To understand the combined logics, we need to understand the extensions in which base logics interact each other. Analysis on the interesting parts tends to be non-trivial, however. The mentioned two specific combined logics BI and BBI do not make an exception, for which proof-theoretical development has been particularly slow. It has remained in obscurity how to properly handle base-logic interactions of the combined logics as appearing syntactically. As one objective of this thesis, I provide analysis on the syntactic phenomena of the BI and BBI base-logic interactions within sequent calculus, to augment the knowledge. For BI, I deliver, through appropriate methodologies to reason about the syntactic phenomena of the base-logic interactions, the first BI sequent calculus free of any structural rules. Given its positive consequence to efficient proof searches, this is a significant step forward in further maturity of BI proof theory. Based on the calculus, I prove decidability of a fragment of BI purely syntactically. For BBI which is closely connected to application via separation logic, I develop adequate sequent calculus conventions and consider the implication of the underlying semantics onto syntax. Sound BBI sequent calculi result with a closer syntax-semantics correspondence than previously envisaged. From them, adaptation to separation logic is also considered. To promote the knowledge of combined logics in general within computer science, it is also important that we be able to study logical combinations themselves. Towards this direction of generalisation, I present the concept of phased sequent calculus - sequent calculus which physically separates base logics, and in which a specific manner of logical combination to take place between them can be actually developed and analysed. For a demonstration, the said decidable BI fragment is formulated in phased sequent calculus, and the sense of logical combination in effect is analysed. A decision procedure is presented for the fragment.
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Consistent bi-level variable selection via composite group bridge penalized regressionSeetharaman, Indu January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Statistics / Kun Chen / We study the composite group bridge penalized regression methods for conducting bilevel variable selection in high dimensional linear regression models with a diverging number of predictors. The proposed method combines the ideas of bridge regression (Huang et al., 2008a) and group bridge regression (Huang et al., 2009), to achieve variable selection consistency
in both individual and group levels simultaneously, i.e., the important groups and
the important individual variables within each group can both be correctly identi ed with
probability approaching to one as the sample size increases to in nity. The method takes full advantage of the prior grouping information, and the established bi-level oracle properties ensure that the method is immune to possible group misidenti cation. A related adaptive group bridge estimator, which uses adaptive penalization for improving bi-level selection, is also investigated. Simulation studies show that the proposed methods have superior performance in comparison to many existing methods.
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Mätning av fuktnivåer i betonggolv / Measurement of moisture levels in concrete slabsMetin, Dennis, Hashem, Dylan January 2016 (has links)
Examensarbetet redovisar försök utförda på betonggolv i syfte att studera betongens uttorkningsprocess. Testresultaten jämförs med beräkningar utförda i BI Dry och TorkaS. Betongen i testerna utsattes för fuktbelastning av olika grader och skeden. Detta skulle modellera att betong på byggen exponeras för väder och vind. Examensarbetet innehåller både litteraturstudier gällande betongensuttorkningsprocessen och tester. TorkaS 3.2, BI Dry 2.0 samt HumiGuards webbaserade beräkningsprogram användes för att beräkna uttorkningsprocessen och göra en analys av uppmätt data. / The thesis reports experiments performed on the dehydration process of moisture in concrete floor specimens. The aim is to study the RF-values in concrete exposed to humidity and for comparing actual measurements with calculation results from software. Investigation is made on the drying concrete affected by moisture at different levels and stages modelling for cases where concrete is usually exposed to weather conditions for fairly long periods before a controlled drying environment is achieved. The thesis was performed by using literature studies and tests. For each concrete slab specimen moisture controls were mounted sampling data which was implemented into the calculation program. TorkaS 3.2, BI Dry 2.0 and HumiGuard webbased calculation software was used for modelling the drying process and it is reported with graphs in the work.
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Étude de l'expression d'AtBI-1 lors de la mort cellulaire programmée causée par les UV-CChaîné, Marie-Andrée January 2011 (has links)
Chez les végétaux, la mort cellulaire programmée (MCP) permet d'assurer le développement optimal de la plante et de protéger l'organisme contre différents stress biotiques et abiotiques. Peu d'effecteurs de la MCP végétale sont connus et caractérisés. L'objectif de ce projet de maîtrise était donc d'améliorer nos connaissances sur l'un de ces effecteurs : la protéine anti-apoptotique Bax inhibitor-1 (BI-1). Chez les plantes, BI-1 possède un rôle de protection contre la MCP induite par différents stress et ce projet s'est intéressé à la caractérisation de ce rôle pour trois agents stressants. L'utilisation de différents mutants nuls et surexpresseurs d'AtBI-1 chez la plante modèle Arabidopsis thaliana pour des tests de germination et l'extraction de la chlorophylle a permis la démonstration d'un rôle de protection d'AtBI-1 contre la MCP induite par les UV-C et le méthyl viologène puisque son absence augmente la sensibilité des plantules. Par contre, dans les conditions utilisées, AtBI-1 ne semble pas jouer de rôle de protection contre une MCP induite par les cytokinines. La suite du projet s'est concentrée sur la régulation du gène AtBI-1 suite à une irradiation aux UV-C. Une région régulatrice spécifique aux UV-C a pu être identifiée grâce à une série de constructions comprenant la région régulatrice d'AtBI-1 coupée à différents sites de restriction et couplée au gène rapporteur GUS. Cette région régulatrice est probablement impliquée dans la régulation négative du gène puisque sa délétion entraîne une forte augmentation de l'expression basale d'AtBI-1. Enfin, une analyse bio-informatique de cette région régulatrice spécifique aux UV-C a permis l'identification de plusieurs motifs et sites de liaison pouvant potentiellement être impliqués dans la régulation d'AtBI-1 par les UV-C. De plus, des essais de gel à retardement sur cette région régulatrice montrent qu'elle est liée par un facteur nucléaire en conditions normales et qu'il y a perte de cette liaison suite à un traitement aux UV-C. L'identification de ce facteur nucléaire permettra de déterminer son implication dans la régulation d' AtBI-1 par les UV-C.
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International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 21, 2002 / Town & Country Hotel and Conference Center, San Diego, California / This paper will present the results of some experiments with non-coherent, single symbol detection
of pulse code modulation (PCM)/frequency modulation (FM) where the receiver intermediate
frequency (IF) bandwidth is much wider than the bit rate. The experiments involved varying the
peak deviation and measuring the bit error probability (BEP) at various signal energy per bit to noise
power spectral density ratios (E(b)/N(o)). The experiments showed that the optimum peak-to-peak
deviation was about 0.7 to 0.8 times the –3 dB IF bandwidth and that the E(b)/N(o) required for a given
BEP increased as the ratio of IF bandwidth to bit rate increased. Further, bi-phase-level/FM
performed slightly better than non-return-to-zero-level (NRZ-L)/FM with an ac coupled RF signal
generator and IF bandwidths much wider than the bit rate.
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Emission de particules chargées légères induite par neutrons rapides (En = 25 - 65 MeV) sur noyaux lourds (209 Bi et nat U)Raeymackers, Erwin 01 April 2004 (has links)
Les spectres énergétiques (sections efficaces doublement différentielles) de production de protons, deutons, tritons et particules alpha induite par des neutrons rapides sur 209Bi et natU sont présentées pour plusieurs énergies de neutrons incidents comprises entre 25 et 65 MeV. Les spectres ont été obtenus à 9 angles laboratoire entre 20° et 160° et extrapolés et interpolés à 10 autres angles afin de couvrir le domaine angulaire de 0 à 180°. Le dispositif expérimental et les procédures d'analyse des données incluant les corrections et la normalisation sont présentées et discutées. Sur base des sections efficaces doublement différentielles obtenues, les sections efficaces différentielles en énergie et en angle ainsi que les sections efficaces totales de production et les coefficients KERMA partiels associés sont également déduits. La thèse présente également des comparaisons aux rares mesures existantes dans la littérature ainsi qu'aux calculs théoriques basés sur les codes de réactions nucléaires INCL3, GNASH et TALYS. Tandis que l'INCL3 se base sur la cascade intranucléaire, les deux autres codes intègrent le modèle optique et les modèles de réactions directes, de prééquilibre, de fission et de noyaux composés dans un unique schéma de calcul. Finalement, sur base de l'ensemble des résultats obtenus depuis une dizaine d'années par le groupe, une vue nouvelle des sections efficaces totales de production et des coefficients KERMA partiels en fonction de la masse de la cible est proposée.
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CPM - strategi : Planering, utveckling och implementering utav en övergripande Business intelligence strategiBerntsson, Alexander January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att ta fram en Corporate Performance Management strategi som man kan nyttja för att ändra organisationsstrukturen till att uppnå en mer holistisk struktur med hjälp utav Business intelligence verktyg. Helt enkelt hur man skapar en helhet inom organisationen med en Business intelligence strategi. Den forskningsfråga som författaren har fokuserat mest på involverar hur man utvecklar och implementerar en CPM-strategi. De andra frågorna utreder vilka fördelar som finns med att införskaffa en CPM strategi och vilka Business intelligence verktyg som används i en CPM-strategi. I denna uppsats utförs en studie om begreppet Corporate Performance Management och kunskapsbidraget är en strategi för hur man utvecklar och implementerar CPM. Manuella sökningar efter litteratur ifrån olika bibliotek har granskats och både böcker och artiklar har hittats. Internet har självklart använts till att söka efter datorbaserad information och författaren har hittat relevanta artiklar. Forskningsfrågorna har också besvarats genom att utföra intervjuer med leverantörer och en forskare inom CPM. En kognitiv forskningsprocess har bedrivits där en inledande diskussion har inspirerat fram forskningsfrågor som har lett vidare till att en förstudie har genomförts. Informationen ifrån denna har i sin tur lett fram till en problemdiskussion, nya forskningsfrågor och ett nytt syfte.</p><p>Fördelarna med en CPM-strategi är att man kan organisera, automatisera och analysera processer och system, detta förenar organisationens olika enheter för att kunna fatta beslut som är det bästa för organisationen som helhet och gör så att användaren kan effektivisera sin arbetsdag och få mer tid för andra viktiga arbetsuppgifter med mera. En CPM-strategi består först utav att man gör en första övergripande analys av verksamheten för att kunna ta fram en strategi. Man jobbar effektivt med taktiska och operativa frågor. Därefter utvecklas en kravspecifikation vilken inkluderar en omfattande kravanalys. Viktiga moment är intervjuer med anställda samt öppna diskussioner med personalen. Nästa moment är att CPM-strategin designas genom att verksamheten modelleras upp och arkitekturen bestäms. I nästa steg utvecklar man systemet, det finns olika lösningar att ta till sig. En lösning är att använda sig utav en lokal leverantör som erbjuder en färdig standardlösning, en annan lösning är att utveckla systemet inhouse eller outsourca till ett låglöneland. Därefter så sker själva implementationen och testningen utav strategin och då finns det ett antal steg som man följer, implementationen bygger dock mycket på erfarenheter ifrån tidigare projekt och det finns inga riktiga mallar för hur detta ska ske. Personalen utbildas därefter på nya lösningar som har utarbetats, utan denna kunskap så kommer de kanske inte att kunna använda den. Då den egna verksamheten och omvärlden förändras hela tiden så måste man hela tiden ha en grupp som stödjer underhållet utav CPM-strategin. Det mest kända Business intelligence verktyget inom CPM är Excel och det vanligaste användandet är olika rapporter.</p>
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Diné T'áá Bi At'éego, Wholeness as a Well-Directed Person: Navajo Narratives that Revisit the Work of Kenneth BegisheBrown, Gilbert January 2013 (has links)
This grounded theory qualitative study explores conceptualizations of Diné T'áá Bi At'éego, "a well-directed person," held by eighteen Diné people, ranging in age from their 20s to 70s, from three distinctly different communities. By inquiring into personal attributes and abilities valued in Diné culture, the groundbreaking work of Navajo philosopher Kenneth Begishe is extended. The purpose of this study is to identify and document specific characteristics, attributes, skills, knowledge, practices, connections, and relationships currently honored and respected within Diné communities so they might be used to develop long-term Student Learning Objectives in the creation of a Diné culture based curriculum supporting the development of a strong Diné identity in students. The data, provided by participants through interviews, leads to the emergence of four umbrella categories (Thinking, Doing, Being, Achieving Harmony) and numerous sub-categories constituting the characteristics attributes, skills, knowledge, connections, and relationships valued and respected by the participants. The results are compared to Kenneth Begishe's (1968) model of "Diné T'áá Bi At'éego," in which he indicates important characteristics of a well-directed person. The comparison suggests that Diné people continue to value many of the same characteristics Begishe identified more than four decades ago. In spite of the affirmation of characteristics represented in Begishe's model, participants in this study provide a recurring theme that is not articulated by Begishe - the achievement of harmony, which, a review of the literature reveals, is closely related to three important aspects of the Diné worldview, K'é, Sa'ah Naagháí Bik'eh Hózhó (SNBH), and Hózhó. Study findings suggest that although Diné people who participated in the project continue to value time-honored characteristics, attributes, skills, knowledge, practices, connections, and relationships in people they admire and respect, they do hold several conceptualizations that seem to be shifting away from traditional Diné perspectives and toward those held in the mainstream. Study data further reveals four categories of narratives used by participants to communicate and emphasize characteristics, attributes, skills, knowledge, practices, connections, and relationships exhibited by those who are "well-directed." The narratives range from traditional accounts involving mythical elements, to first-person descriptions of individuals with whom participants were intimately familiar.
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Utbildning inom Business Intelligence : En kvalitativ fältstudie om utbildningsformer och utbildningsmaterial för BI-systemSjöberg, Jacob, Sandström, Anton, Markgren, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
Business Intelligence (BI) is a subject that has risen under the last two decades. BI is collection of tools used to interpret data and represent it in an understandable way. The problem that exist within education in BI is the knowledge gap that exist between the necessary knowledge in both analytic and technical fields. The purpose of this study is to propose and discuss the ways BI-knowledge can be transferred to people that work in the BI-field. The study is based on research, interviews and the training opportunities that our collaborative cooperation presented. Throughout this study we interviewed three people, were all of them worked in the BI-field. Beside the interviews we also attended trainings opportunities in BI which were based on theory and demonstration of a BI-system. After the training, we performed a configuration of the BI-system, with the purpose of evaluating the knowledge we got from the training and give feedback regarding the configuration. To help minimize the knowledge gap that exist in the analytic and technical fields, we propose that you construct the education with the individual background of the participant in mind and use different education methods to help stimulate the necessary cognitive modes for better knowledge receptivity. After this study, we can conclude that one of the most important factors to have in mind when choosing learning methods with the purpose of education in BI, is to choose a method that contributed to the reflective side of the participants and combine theory with practical exercises.
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Synthesis and Properties of GaAs1-xBix Prepared by Molecular Beam EpitaxyLi, Jincheng January 2016 (has links)
<p>GaAs1-xBix is a III-V semiconductor alloy which has generated much fundamental scientific interest. In addition, the alloy possesses numerous device-relevant beneficial characteristics. However, the synthesis of this material is very challenging and its properties are not well understood. The focus of this dissertation is to advance the understanding of its synthesis using molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and, as a result, improve its key as-grown properties that are of great importance to device applications, such as increasing Bi concentration in the alloy and enhancing its optical emission efficiency.</p><p>In chapter 3, the discovery of a trade-off between the structural and optical characteristics of GaAs1-xBix , controlled by the degree to which the growth is kinetically-limited, is described. Chapter 4 discusses the exploitation of a growth method that utilizes the spatial distribution of MBE fluxes to facilitate numerous studies of the critical dependence of GaAs1-xBix characteristics on the V/III flux ratio. Chapter 5 describes the results of experiments utilizing vicinal substrates to modify both Bi incorporation and optical emission efficiency of synthesized GaAs1-xBix and enable new understanding of the Bi incorporation mechanism. Specifically, incorporation primarily at A steps, defined as the steps generated by misorienting the GaAs (001) substrate toward the (111)A surfaces, enhances Bi incorporation but reduces optical emission efficiency. Chapter 6 describes the identification of two new signatures in the Raman spectra of GaAs1-xBix that can be used to determine the Bi content and the hole concentration of nominally undoped GaAs1-xBix. Finally, in Chapter 7 the GaAs1-xBix growth using pulsed Ga fluxes is described. The use of pulsed-growth significantly modifies the incorporation of Bi and suggests it is a promising method for widening the GaAs1-xBix MBE growth window enabling improved synthesis control and materials properties.</p> / Dissertation
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