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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relationship of Proactive Personality, Financial Planning Behavior and Life Satisfaction

Smith, Lisa 01 May 2017 (has links)
The present study examines relationships among differences in personality, financial planning behaviors, and retirement life satisfaction. The hypothesized sequence of relationships is: PersonalityàFinancial Planning BehavioràRetirement Life Satisfaction. The study adds to prior research by clarifying the hypothesized role that proactive personality (as opposed to other personality variables such as the Big Five) has as a predictor, and also by showing how differences in discrete types of financial planning behavior influence retirement life satisfaction and mediate effects of proactive personality on satisfaction. This study tests these linkages while also addressing limitations and ambiguity in prior research regarding these potentially important effects among disposition, financial planning and a satisfactory retirement.

Könsföreställningars inverkan på uppfattningen av en individ

Olausson, Mathilda, Granqvist, Tove January 2017 (has links)
Att kvinnor och män bedöms olika enbart baserat på könstillhörighet har tidigare kunnat konstateras i flertalet olika sammanhang. Föreliggande studie syftade till att undersöka hur personlighetsdragen hos en individ uppfattades beroende på om individen var kvinna eller man, samt huruvida skillnader i uppfattningen av individen gick i linje med generella könsföreställningar. I undersökningen deltog 105 socionomstudenter (M=23,3 år), vilka indelades i två grupper. Grupperna fick lyssna till olika versioner av en och samma inspelade dialog, där individen Kim framställdes med antingen kvinnlig eller manlig röst genom en röstförvrängningsmetod. Detta akustiska material hämtades från ett forskningsprojekt, Raising Awareness through Virtual Experience (RAVE), vid Umeå universitet. Formuläret Ten Item Personality Inventory (TIPI), som mäter personlighetsdrag utifrån femfaktorteorin, användes för att mäta uppfattningen av individen Kim samt generella föreställningar om kvinnor och män. Resultaten visade att en och samma individ uppfattades olika enbart baserat på könstillhörighet, då Kim som kvinna uppfattades mer extrovert, samvetsgrann, emotionellt stabil och öppen än Kim som man. Avseende generella föreställningar om kvinnor och män, ansågs kvinnor generellt sett mer vänliga, samvetsgranna och öppna än män, medan män generellt sett ansågs mer emotionellt stabila än kvinnor. Individen Kim som kvinna och man uppfattades både i linje med generella könsföreställningar och emot. Ett område att vidare undersöka är på vilket sätt könsföreställningar inverkar på oss i bildandet av en uppfattning av en individ. / The fact that women and men are judged differently solely on the basis of their gender has previously been found in several different contexts. The present study aimed at investigating how the personality traits of an individual were perceived depending on whether the individual was a woman or a man, and whether differences in the perception of the individual were in line with gender beliefs. The survey included 105 students at the bachelor of social service (M = 23.3 years), who were divided into two groups. The groups listened to different versions of the same recorded dialogue, where the individual Kim was presented with either female or male voice through a voice morphing method. This acoustic material was gathered from a research project, Raising Awareness through Virtual Experience (RAVE), at Umeå University. The Ten Item Personality Inventory (TIPI), which measures personality traits based on five-factor theory, was used to measure the perception of the individual Kim as well as general beliefs about women and men. The results showed that the individual Kim was perceived differently solely based on gender. Kim as a woman was perceived more extrovert, conscientious, emotionally stable and open than Kim as a man. Regarding general beliefs about women and men, women were considered more agreeable, conscientious and open than men, while men were considered more emotionally stable than women. The individual Kim as a woman and man was perceived both in line with and in opposite of gender beliefs. An area to further investigate is how gender beliefs affect us when forming an opinion of an individual.

Team Management 3.0: Virtual team management with gamified aspects / Management 3.0; Virtualni management s gamifikovanymi aspekty

Kotoun, Karel January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to analyse gamification practices as well as to study management by personalities. Upon this basis the objective will be to design a management software for the new management era that will collect large quantities of data about individual team members (Big Data-based software), thus enabling managers to allocate new team members onto teams upon their personalities, skills and experience in gamified user interface. The ultimate goal of this paper will be to serve as guidebook for managers to manage by knowing the variety of personalities as well as by applying gamification elements onto everyday tasks.

Sambandet mellan Generell mental hälsa, Personlighetsegenskaper och Känsla för sammanhang

Al Khafaji, Sumaya January 2021 (has links)
Flera modeller och skalor har gjorts genom psykologins historia för att bättreförstå och reflektera kring individens hälsa och dennes perception av den.Studiens syfte var att undersöka samband mellan femfaktorsmodellen,KASAM samt generell mental hälsa med bakgrundsvariablerna kön, ålderoch civilstatus. Totalt 86 högskolestudenter från mellersta Sverige deltog istudien genom att fylla i en enkät innehållande GHQ-12 skala, Shafer’sfemfaktorsskala och Antonovskys KASAM skala. Resultaten visade inget samband mellan generell mental hälsa och de valda bakgrundsvariablerna;negativt samband mellan psykisk ohälsa och KASAM; negativt sambandmellan mental ohälsa och extraversion, positivt samband mellan generellmental ohälsa och neuroticism, inget samband mellan mental hälsa och andrapersonlighetsegenskaper. Totalt kunde 47 % av variationen i generell mentalhälsa förklaras av samtliga prediktorvariablerna. Svagheten med studien varbl.a. urval och andel deltagare samt förståelse av modellerna. Vidarediskuteras resultaten i jämförelse med andra relevanta studier.

Big Five Personality Traits andSustainable Investments : A survey study based on the Swedish private investors willingness to pay for ESG rating

Björnström Hellbom, Amanda, Jigholm, Erika January 2021 (has links)
This thesis contributes to the currently still sprawling literature on the force of sustainable investing together with the “Big Five” personality structure (Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism). By investigating which personality trait, based on the Big Five personality taxonomy, that was willing to exchange revenue for a higher ESG rating in a hypothetical investment fund, we were able to determine when private investors were willing to pay more for a more sustainable investment. We use new data from our own questionnaire where the respondents are adult individuals residing in Sweden who has invested in the stock market. The data was analyzed with an econometric approach and for the regression ordinary least square and tobit was used. The results revealed that two personality traits (conscientiousness and agreeableness) tended to be less interested in sustainable investments, as they were not willing to pay for a fund with a higher ESG rating, unlike Openness to Experience, where the willingness to pay was high. The other two traits also showed a positive relationship and thus willingness to trade revenue for sustainability. This thesis contributes to the knowledge on how the personality of the private investors can motivate investment decisions and the preference of companies they invest in.

Personlighetsdrag och digitala möten : En kvantitativ studie om hur individens personlighet speglas i digitala möten / Personality traits and digital meetings : A quantitative method about how personality reflects in digital meetings

Adamsson, Jenny, Solberg, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
Som en konsekvens av covid-19 har fysiska möten blivit ersatta med digitala möten. Företag har insett stora fördelar med digitala möten och distansarbete kan därmed fortsätta till viss del efter pandemin. Digitala möten innebär att människor interagerar bakom en skärm, där andra beteenden kan uppstå i jämförelse med fysiska möten. Vidare har tidigare forskning visat att personlighetsdrag är en god prediktor för beteenden. Det fanns begränsad forskning inom området, därför hade studien ett explorativt syfte att undersöka förhållandet mellan personlighetsdrag och individens beteende vid digitala möten. En kvantitativ metod användes, där studien bestod av totalt 167 deltagare (M = 41 år, SD = 13 år; 131 kvinnor). För att samla in data gjordes en internetbaserad enkät med självskattade påståenden. Enkäten byggde på påståenden utifrån personlighetstestet IPIP-30 och egna utformade påståenden. De avsåg att mäta personlighetsdragen i femfaktormodellen och en individs beteende vid digitala möten. Materialet analyserades genom en korrelationsanalys och multipla regressionsanalyser. Vår studie visade att det fanns ett förhållande mellan personlighetsdrag och beteenden vid digitala möten. Resultatet bidrog därav till en ökad förståelse om individuella skillnader vid digitala möten. Vidare för en mer ingående beskrivning av förhållandet rekommenderas att fler studier utförs och mätinstrument vidareutvecklas. Personlighetsdraget samvetsgrannhet hade störst betydelse för specifika beteenden vid digitala möten och uppvisade positiva samband till ett flertal beteenden. Det innebär att ju högre grad av personlighetsdraget samvetsgrannhet individer har, desto mer tenderar individer att hålla med om specifika beteenden vid digitala möten. / Because of covid-19 physical meetings have been replaced with digital meetings. Companies have perceived great advantage with digital meetings and teleworking may therefore continue partially after the pandemic. At digital meetings peoplecommunicate behind a screen and other behaviors may arise in comparison with physical meetings. Previous research has shown that personality traits are a good predictor for behaviors. There was limited research in the field, therefore the study had an exploratory purpose where the relationship between personality traits and individual behaviors at digital meetings were investigated. A quantitative method was used, and a total of 167 people participated in the study (M = 41 years, SD = 13; 131 women). To collect data an internet-based survey was made with self-rated questionnaires. The survey was based on the personality test IPIP-30 and self-designed statements, intended to measure the personality traits in The Big Five and individual behaviors at digital meetings. The data collection was analyzed through a correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. Our study showed that there was a relationship between personality traits and behaviors at digital meetings and contributed to an increased knowledge of individual differences. For a deeper understanding of the relationship, more studies need to be accomplished and the instrument needs further development. The personality trait conscientiousness had the most meaningful impact of specific behaviors at digital meetings and showed positive correlation with several behaviors. This means that the higher value the individuals have of the personality trait conscientiousness, the more they tend to agree with specific behaviors at digital meetings.

Relationen Mellan Personlighetsdrag och Ensamhet / The Relation Between Personality Traits and Loneliness

Bolinder Skånfors, Gabriel, Ågren, Samuel January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka relationen mellan personlighetsdrag och ensamhet enligt definitionen av femfaktormodellen, och bringa klarhet i om denna association beror på könstillhörighet eller invandrarstatus. För att beskriva sambandet mellan personlighetsdrag och ensamhet har Kindling-hypotesen anammats. Kortfattat beskriver Kindling-hypotesen att oönskade  personlighetsdrag kan lämna “psykologiska ärr” på en individs personlighet, som i sin tur intensifierar upplevd ensamhet. Totalt inkluderades 171 respondenter i studien (i åldrarna 18-36; 71,3 % var kvinnor, och 28,7 % män).  Resultaten påvisade att det fanns en positiv association mellan neuroticism och ensamhet, och en negativ association mellan samvetsgrannhet och ensamhet. Slutsatsen som kunde dras från studien är att neuroticism samt samvetsgrannhet har en roll i relation till ensamhet. / The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between personality traits according to the Big Five model of personality and loneliness, and bring to light whether this association is moderated by gender or immigrant status. In order to describe the relation between personality traits and loneliness, the Kindling Effect has been used. Briefly, the Kindling Effect describes how unwanted personality traits can leave “psychological scars” in an individual’s personality, which in turn intensifies perceived loneliness. 171 respondents were included in a survey (aged 18-46; 71.3 % were women and 28,7 % men). The results showed that there was a positive association between neuroticism and loneliness, and a negative association between extraversion and loneliness. These results suggest that extraversion and neuroticism plays an important role in relation to loneliness.

Compliance with behavioural guidelines in Sweden during the Covid-19 pandemic : The role of personality traits and perceptions of the situation

Brunsberg, Essi, Enquist, Nathalie January 2021 (has links)
The Covid-19 pandemic caused countries across the world to implement a wide range of restrictions and recommendations to control the spread of the virus. The current study aimed to investigate how differences in personality traits and differences in how an individual perceives the situation of Covid-19 among Swedish university students affect the overall compliance with guidelines applied by their government. A total of 106 university students completed a questionnaire measuring personality traits (Big Five) and perceptions of the situation (Situational Eight DIAMONDS) in relation to their self-estimated compliance. The data analysis showed that the students complied with the guidelines with a mean of 77%. Individuals who were less agreeable and perceived less adversity in the Covid-19 situation complied more. All predictor variables could account for approximately 28% of the explained variance in compliance. These results are of importance in a preparatory purpose for governments to efficiently cope with future threats.

Využití metody stanovování krátkodobých cílů u sportovců vzhledem k jejich osobnostním rysům / Use of the short-term goal-setting method for athetes with regard to their personality traits

Nezdoba, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the possibilities of predicting success in athletes in the short- term, process-oriented goal-setting method using the NEO-FFI inventory. The first part of the thesis describes the five-factor model of personality and the possibilities of its psychodiagnostics' measurement. The second part of the thesis describes the mechanisms of the goal-setting method with rules and procedures for its effective application. The method of goal-setting is then connected in theory as well as research with a five-factor personality model using a correlation study in real conditions. The research sample consisted of 316 performance ice-hockey players aged 15 to 19 years. These players underwent the goal- setting method and the personality traits measurement using NEO-FFI. The strongest predictor of success found using the goal-setting method was the size of the selected goal. Of the personality traits, it was merely a trait extraversion, which, however, provided a relatively weak prediction option.

Hur väl talar vänliga personer kärlekens fem språk? : En kvantitativ studie om sambandet mellan personlighetsdraget vänlighet och kärleksspråk / How well do agreeable people speak the five languages of love? : A quantitative study on the relationship between the personality trait agreeableness and love language

Pettersson, Linnea, Johansson, Frida January 2023 (has links)
Kärleksrelationer är en betydande del av många människors liv. En viktig del för en välfungerande relation är att visa varandra kärlek, förslagsvis genom olika kärleksspråk. De fem kärleksspråken utformades av Chapman (1992) och innefattar tjänster, fysisk beröring, bekräftande ord, kvalitetstid och gåvor. Kärleksspråk har visat sig vara en bidragande faktor för kvalitativa kärleksrelationer. Personlighetsdraget vänligheten från femfaktormodellen är bland annat kopplat till kärleksfulla och empatiska karaktärsdrag. Denna studie har som syfte att studera sambandet mellan vänlighet och kärleksspråk. Studien undersökte även om det fanns någon skillnad på vilket kärleksspråk man har beroende på om man är singel eller i en relation. Detta undersöktes genom en enkätstudie med 417 deltagare som skapades utifrån de validerade mätverktygen Dimensioner för kärleksspråk (Love Language Subscales) och Mini-IPIP (Mini International Personality Item Pool-Five-Factor Model). Data analyserades med hjälp av en korrelationsanalys samt ett t-test. Resultatet från korrelationsanalysen visade ett signifikant positivt samband mellan vänlighet och alla fem kärleksspråk. Med andra ord tyder detta på att personer som skattar högt på vänlighet även skattar högt på Chapmans fem kärleksspråk. T-testet visade endast en svagt signifikant skillnad mellan olika relationsstatus och fysisk beröring samt bekräftande ord, där de i relation skattade högre på båda. Relationsstatus tycks alltså kunna indikera personers kärleksspråk till viss del. / Romantic relationships are a significant part of many people's lives. An important part of a well-functioning relationship is showing love to each other, preferably through different love languages. The five love languages were developed by Chapman (1992) and include Acts of Services, Physical Touch, Words of Affirmation, Quality Time and Gifts. Love languageshave been shown to be a contributing factor to high quality romantic relationships. The personality trait Agreeableness from the Five-factor model is linked to loving and empathic traits, among others. This study aims to study the relationship between Agreeableness and love language. The study also investigated if there was any difference in love language depending on whether you are single or in a relationship. This was done through a survey study with 417 participants that was created using the validated measurement tools Love Language Subscales and Mini-IPIP (Mini International Personality Item Pool-Five-Factor Model). The data were analyzed using a correlation analysis and a t-test. The results of the correlation analysis showed a significant positive correlation between Agreeableness and all five love languages. In other words, this indicates that people who score high on Agreeableness also score high on Chapman's five love languages. The t-test showed only a weak significant difference between relationship status and Physical Touch and Words of Affirmation, with those in relationships scoring higher on both. Thus, relationship status seems to be able to indicate love language to some extent.

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