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Is the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) confounded by scoring method in individuals with facial disfigurement?Martin, C.R., Newell, Robert J. January 2005 (has links)
No / The GHQ-12 has been recommended as a reliable screening instrument for psychological distress in all clinical groups. The usefulness of the GHQ-12 was evaluated in individuals with significant facial disfigurement by examination of the impact of alternative scoring methods on case detection rates. The type of scoring method used had a significant impact on the relative prevalence of `cases'. However, examination of the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) of the alternative scoring methods revealed a good fit between methods. The use of the GHQ-12 as a screening instrument to determine psychological distress in individuals with facial disfigurement may be enhanced by inclusion of an appearance-specific measure in the screening schedule and by the adoption of one scoring method; the GHQ method.
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Samband mellan sjuksköterkors skattning av psykisk hälsa och given vårdkvalitetBlom, Mathias, Rivera Johnsson, Angelica January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Den psykiska hälsan hos sjuksköterskor kan påverka den givna vårdkvaliteten gentemot patienter. Oregelbundna arbetstider, dålig arbetsmiljö och stress är några av de faktorer som kan ge en försämrad psykisk hälsa. Syfte: Syftet med detta arbete är att studera om det finns ett samband mellan skattningen av psykisk hälsa och skattning av given vårdkvalitet hos sjuksköterskor vid ett sjukhus i Mellansverige. Jämförelse görs även utifrån variablerna kön, ålder och aktiva år i sjuksköterskeprofessionen och om det finns ett samband mellan ovan variabler. Metod: Data samlades in via en enkät med två skalor; GHQ-12 som avser att upptäcka psykisk ohälsa och påvisa tecken på depression, samt ett självskattningsformulär som behandlar kvaliteten av given vård. Resultat: Det kunde inte påvisas något signifikant samband mellan skattad psykisk hälsa och skattad given vårdkvalitet. Det fanns ett statistiskt signifikant samband mellan skattad psykisk hälsa och inkludering av patienten och anhöriga i utformning och genomförandet av vården. Studien visar att kvinnliga sjuksköterskor skattar sin psykiska hälsa sämre jämfört med manliga sjuksköterskor. Slutsats: Det fanns i denna studie inget signifikant samband mellan skattad psykisk hälsa och skattad given vårdkvalitet. Vid analys av delskalor inom variabeln vårdkvalitet fann vi att sjuksköterskor som skattar en lägre psykisk hälsa även skattar att de är sämre på att inkludera patienten och/eller anhöriga i utförandet och utformningen av vården / Background: The psychological health in nurse practitioners can affect the quality of the care given to patients. Irregular work hours, bad working environment and stress are some of the factors that can result in a decline in psychological health. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to compare the self-perceived psychological health in nurse practitioners at Academic Hospital in Uppsala with their own perception of quality of given care. Comparisons will also be done regarding gender, age and active years in the nursing profession. Methods: Data was collected via a survey with two scales; GHQ-12 which is used to distinct psychological disorders and signs of depression, along with a self-assessment form regarding quality of given care. Results: There was no significant correlation between self-perceived psychological health and self-perceived quality of given care. There is a statistical significant connection between psychological health and inclusion of the patient and relatives regarding planning and giving care. This study shows that female nurses grade their psychological health as lower compared to male nurses. Conclusions: This study showed no significant correlation between self-perceived psychological health and self-perceived quality of given care. The result shows that nurses that have a lower self-perceived psychological health grade themselves lower regarding the inclusion of the patient and/or their relatives in the planning and implementation of the care
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Könsskillnader i välbefinnande utifrån val av fysisk aktivitet / Gender Differences in Well-being Based on the Choice of Physical ActivityÖhlund, Rebecca January 2014 (has links)
Samhället uppmuntrar individer att se över sina hälsovanor för att öka välbefinnandet. Syftet var att undersöka om val av fysisk aktivitet hade effekt på den generella hälsan i ökat subjektivt välbefinnande samt om det fanns könsskillnader i dessa. Sextio män och kvinnor mellan 25-50 år valdes slumpmässigt ut från träningsanläggningar för att besvara the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) samt Swedish Core Affect Scale (SCAS). Resultatet visade på signifikant ökning av välbefinnande efter fysisk aktivitet samt inga könsskillnader. Dock fanns en signifikant interaktionseffekt mellan kön och fysisk aktivitet, de män som promenerade och kvinnor som konditionstränade hade högst välbefinnande och generell hälsa. Slutsatsen blev att välbefinnandet ökade oavsett kön efter fysisk aktivitet dock gav olika aktiviteter varierande ökningar mellan könen. / The society encourages individuals to promote their health habits in order to improve their well-being. The aim was to investigate the effect of different types of physical activity on experience of general health in well-being in men and woman. Sixty men and women in ages 25-50 years old were randomly chosen from training facilities to answer the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) and Swedish Core Affect Scale (SCAS). The results showed a significant increase in positive well-being due to the practice of physical activity, but there were no gender difference. However, it was found a significant interaction effect of age and physical activity on health, the men who walked and women who conditioning trained showed highest well-being and general health. The conclusion was that the well-being increase regardless of sex after physical activity, however, different activities gave varying increases between the sexes.
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Psykisk hälsa och LCHF : Kvantitativ enkätundersökning av psykiskt välbefinnande och psykiskt hälsotillstånd i en grupp som äter LCHF.Andersson, Linda, Björklund Johansson, Åsa January 2017 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka psykisk hälsa och välbefinnande i en grupp som äter LCHF (Low Carb High Fat). I studien deltog 246 personer, rekryterade från intressegrupper om LCHF på Facebook. Deltagarna delades in i två grupper efter hur strikt och hur länge de ätit LCHF. Studien genomfördes som en enkätundersökning. Psykiskt välbefinnande och nedsatt psykiskt välbefinnande undersöktes med GHQ-12. Psykiskt hälsotillstånd undersöktes med en självskattad retrospektiv före- och eftermätning. Resultaten av nedsatt psykiskt välbefinnande jämfördes med Folkhälsomyndighetens nationella populationsvärde. Resultaten visade att båda LCHF-grupperna skattade sitt psykiska hälsotillstånd signifikant bättre efter LCHF diet än före. Hela LCHF gruppen skattade nedsatt psykiskt välbefinnande signifikant bättre än den svenska populationen. Resultaten tyder på att LCHF diet har en positiv inverkan på den psykiska hälsan och välbefinnandet. / The purpose of the study was to investigate mental health and mental well-being in a group eating LCHF (Low Carb High Fat). In the study, 246 people recruited from interest groups about LCHF on Facebook participated. The participants were divided into two groups by how strictly and how long they had eaten LCHF. The study was conducted as a questionnaire survey. Mental well-being and impaired mental well-being were investigated with GHQ-12. Mental health status was investigated with self-assessed retrospective pre- and post-measurement. The results of impaired mental well-being were compared with the The Public Health Agency of Swedens national population value. The results showed that both LCHF groups estimated their mental health status significantly better after LCHF diet than before. The entire LCHF group estimated its impaired mental well-being significantly better than the Swedish population. The results indicate that LCHF diet has a positive impact on mental health and well-being.
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Välmående bland ledare kan förutsägas av (o)välvillig personlighet / Well-being among leaders may be predicted by (deviant) personalityJuntikka, Jaana, Bolander, Henrietta January 2016 (has links)
Med hjälp av personlighetstester och genom att känna till individers personlighet har forskning visat att man i viss mån kan förutsäga beteende och upplevd mental hälsa. Föreliggande studie syftade till att undersöka om och hur personlighetsdraget agreeableness (svenskans välvillighet) samverkar med upplevt välmående hos personer med en ledarroll. I en ledarroll förväntas personen kunna hantera beslutsfattande och konfrontationer. Furnham, Richards och Paulhus (2013) menar att Dark Triad, socialt avvikande personlighetsdrag, är en förlängning av agreeableness. Därför användes Dark Triad i studien och även för att eventuellt finna ytterligare samband med välmående i rollen som ledare. Mätinstrument som användes var IPIP-NEO-120 (α=.87) utifrån Big Five teorin vilken är den vanligaste teorin bland forskning om personlighet. För att mäta Dark Triad användes Dirty Dozen (α=.86). För att mäta välmående användes GHQ-12 (General Health Questionnaire) (α=.87). Studien utfördes med en online-enkät som besvarades av respondenter som har eller har haft en ledarposition (N=99). Respondenternas ålder varierade mellan 25-67, könsfördelningen var 54% män och 46% kvinnor. Insignifikanta resultat återfanns mellan agreeableness och upplevt välmående. Signifikanta resultat återfanns mellan Dark Triad och upplevt välmående (r=.22*) vilket vidare kan tolkas som att personer tenderar att må bättre om de besitter socialt avvikande personlighetsdrag. En rimlig slutsats av resultatet är därmed att det inte går att predicera hur välmående upplevs hos personer med en ledarroll med hjälp av agreeableness, dock i viss mån med hjälp av Dark Triad. / With the help of personality tests and by knowing the individual's personality, research has shown that it's possible to predict behavior and perceived mental health to some extent. The present study aimed to examine whether and how the personality trait agreeableness relates to perceived well-being among leaders. Furnham, Richards and Paulhus (2013) argue that Dark Triad, socially deviant personality traits, is an extension of agreeableness. Therefore Dark Triad was used in this study and in order to possibly obtain more connections for perceived well-being. Instruments used were IPIP-NEO-120 (α=.87), based on the Big Five theory, the most common theory among personality research. To measure Dark Triad traits Dirty Dozen (α=.86) was used. To measure well-being GHQ-12 (General Health Questionnaire) (α=.87) was used. The study was conducted by an online survey that was answered by respondents who have or have had a leader position (N=99). Respondents age ranged from 25-67, the gender distribution was 54% male and 46% female. Insignificant results were found between agreeableness and perceived well-being. Significant results were found between Dark Triad and perceived well-being (r=.22*), which is further interpreted to mean that people tend to feel better if they possess deviant personality traits, and particularly narcissism. A reasonable conclusion from the study is that it's not possible, based on our sample, to predict how well-being is perceived in the role of leader with agreeableness but to some extent with the help of Dark Triad.
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Job Crafting, psykisk hälsa och vårdkvalitet : Jämförelse av anställdas formande av sina arbeten i två europeiska länders äldreomsorgZandler, Jonna January 2016 (has links)
Job Crafting (JC) är en teori om hur anställda aktivt formar sina jobb. I denna tvärsnittsstudie undersöktes hur 530 anställda och chefer i svensk och spansk äldreomsorg skattade JC. Syftet var att undersöka hur land, position och JC kunde predicera psykisk hälsa och vårdkvalitet. JC mättes med Job Crafting Questionnaire, JCQ. Variablernas relation analyserades med multipel hierarkisk regressionsanalys. Huvudresultaten visade att variabelmodellen i viss mån predicerade psykisk hälsa och vårdkvalitet. Land gav högst grad av utfall. De svenska skattningarna visade lägre psykisk hälsa och vårdkvalitet än de spanska. Fler studier kan ge förståelse skillnaderna mellan länderna som framkom. För kunskap om JC behövs longitudinella studier av både kvalitativ och kvantitativ art. Det kan visa sätt att hantera europeisk äldreomsorgs framtida rekryteringsbehov och arbetsvillkor.
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Negativ kroppsuppfattning hos unga män : En kvantitativ studie om negativ kroppsuppfattning och psykisk ohälsa hos unga män på gymnasietVencel, Monika, Ella, Bivall January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att kvantitativt undersöka förekomsten av negativ kroppsuppfattning samt sambandet mellan negativ kroppsuppfattning och psykisk ohälsa hos unga män. Frågeställningarna var hur vanligt det var med negativ kroppsuppfattning hos unga män på gymnasieskolor i södra Sverige, samt om det fanns ett samband mellan negativ kroppsuppfattning och psykisk ohälsa hos samma målgrupp. Urvalet bestod av 116 deltagare ( M = 17 år), vilka besvarade en enkät där negativ kroppsuppfattning och psykisk ohälsa mättes med hjälp av mätinstrumenten Appearance Evaluation respektive Global Health Questionnaire 12 . Resultaten visade att 23 % av deltagarna hade en negativ kroppsuppfattning, och att det fanns ett signifikant samband med medium effektstorlek mellan negativ kroppsuppfattning och psykisk ohälsa. Slutsatsen blev att negativ kroppsuppfattning förekom hos unga män på gymnasieskolor i södra Sverige, samt att det fanns ett samband mellan negativ kroppsuppfattning och psykisk ohälsa hos de unga männen. Emellertid bidrog metodologiska svårigheter till att resultaten inte är generaliserbara. / The purpose of this study was to quantitatively investigate the prevalence of negative body image and the correlation between negative body image and psychological distress in young men. The research questions were how common negative body image was in young men in high schools in southern Sweden, and if negative body image correlated with psychological distress within the target group. The sample consisted of 116 participants ( M = 17 years), who answered a survey where negative body image and psychological distress was measured by Appearance Evaluation and General Health Questionnaire 12. Results showed that 23 % of the participants had a negative body image, and that there was a significant correlation with medium effect size between negative body image and psychological distress. The conclusion was that negative body image existed in young men in high schools in southern Sweden, and that there was a correlation between negative body image and psychological distress among these young men. However, the methodological difficulties contributed to the results not being generalizable.
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Sambandet mellan Generell mental hälsa, Personlighetsegenskaper och Känsla för sammanhangAl Khafaji, Sumaya January 2021 (has links)
Flera modeller och skalor har gjorts genom psykologins historia för att bättreförstå och reflektera kring individens hälsa och dennes perception av den.Studiens syfte var att undersöka samband mellan femfaktorsmodellen,KASAM samt generell mental hälsa med bakgrundsvariablerna kön, ålderoch civilstatus. Totalt 86 högskolestudenter från mellersta Sverige deltog istudien genom att fylla i en enkät innehållande GHQ-12 skala, Shafer’sfemfaktorsskala och Antonovskys KASAM skala. Resultaten visade inget samband mellan generell mental hälsa och de valda bakgrundsvariablerna;negativt samband mellan psykisk ohälsa och KASAM; negativt sambandmellan mental ohälsa och extraversion, positivt samband mellan generellmental ohälsa och neuroticism, inget samband mellan mental hälsa och andrapersonlighetsegenskaper. Totalt kunde 47 % av variationen i generell mentalhälsa förklaras av samtliga prediktorvariablerna. Svagheten med studien varbl.a. urval och andel deltagare samt förståelse av modellerna. Vidarediskuteras resultaten i jämförelse med andra relevanta studier.
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A study of two models of primary mental health care provisions in Yogyakarta, IndonesiaAnjara, Sabrina Gabrielle January 2019 (has links)
Background The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Despite its importance, mental health provisions are often limited. In 2015, Indonesia had only 773 psychiatrists for 250 million residents. This shortage of specialist mental health professionals is shared by most Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) and is reflected in the Treatment Gaps in this region indicating the very small proportion of people who receive adequate mental health care for their needs. While the median worldwide Treatment Gap for psychosis is 32.2% (Kohn et al., 2004), in Indonesia it is more than 90%. Experts suggested integrating mental health care into primary care, to help bridge this gap (Mendenhall et al., 2014). The systematic introduction of the World Health Organization Mental Health Gap Action Programme into primary care clinics across Indonesia and the presence of a 15-year-old co-location of Clinical Psychologists in Yogyakarta province's primary care clinics presented an opportunity to assess the clinical and cost-effectiveness of both frameworks. Methods This research ("the trial") set out to develop an approach, and then implement it, to compare the adapted WHO mhGAP framework with the existing specialist framework within primary mental health services in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, through a pragmatic, two-arm cluster randomised controlled non-inferiority trial. This design enabled an examination of patients derived from whole populations in a 'real world' setting. The trial involved two phases: a pilot study in June 2016 with the objectives to refine data collection procedures and to serve as a practice run for clinicians involved in the trial; as well as a substantive trial beginning in December 2016. The 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) was established as a 'fairly accurate' screening tool using a Receiver Operating Curve study. Using the GHQ scoring method of 0-0-1-1, a threshold of 1/2 was identified for use in clinical setting, i.e. the context of the trial. The primary outcome was the health and social functioning of participants as measured by the Health of the Nation Outcome Scale (HoNOS) and secondary outcomes were disability as measured by WHO Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS 2.0), quality of life as measured by European Quality of Life Scale (EQ‐5D-3L), and cost of intervention evaluated from a health services perspective, which aimed to determine the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of both frameworks at six months. Results During the recruitment period, 4944 adult primary care patients attended 27 participating primary care centres. Following screening (n=1484) and in-depth psychiatric interviews (n=394), 174 WHO mhGAP arm and 151 Specialist arm participants received a formal diagnosis and were recruited into the trial. The number of required participants per treatment arm, to provide statistical power of 0.80 and statistical bilateral significance value of 0.05 was estimated to be 96. A total of 153 participants of the WHO mhGAP arm and 141 of the Specialist arm were followed-up at six months, representing 90.8% of all participants diagnosed. At follow-up, 82% (n=126) participants of the WHO mhGAP arm indicated they had attended at least one treatment session during the trial, significantly more than in the Specialist Arm (69%; n=97), 2 = 7.364, p=0.007. The WHO mhGAP arm was proven to be statistically not inferior to the Specialist arm in reducing symptoms of social and physical impairment, reducing disability, and improving health-related quality of life at six months. Cost-effectiveness analyses show that the Specialist arm was dominant for a unit of improvement in patient outcomes at six months. While the framework is more expensive for the Health System, participants in the Specialist arm were found to have larger improvements. Conclusion Given that both frameworks yielded positive patient outcomes, there is no immediate need to increase the absolute number of specialist mental health professionals in community psychiatry (i.e. replicate the specialist framework outside Yogyakarta). As most psychologists and psychiatrists in Indonesia reside in large cities, the current systematic roll-out of the adapted WHO mhGAP framework might address the need to strengthen non-stigmatising mental health care within community contexts, reflecting the preferences of primary care patients. In districts or provinces which could afford the additional cost, however, the Specialist framework was shown to be better at improving patient outcomes than the adapted WHO mhGAP framework. Existing resources for specialist care can be arranged in a hub-and-spoke (step-up care) model where higher-level interventions are provided for those with greater needs. The proposed model would free-up resources for advanced clinical training of the specialist workforce in key areas of need while keeping specialist services accessible. Trial Registration This trial has been registered with clinicaltrials.gov since 25 February 2016, NCT02700490. Ehical Standards Full ethics approval from the University of Cambridge, UK was received on 15 December 2015 (PRE.2015.108) and from Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia on 14 April 2016 (1237/SD/PL.03.07/IV/2016). A condition of ethics approval from the University of Cambridge is that the investigator is covered by indemnity insurance and that participants are insured for the period of their participation. This was provided by the University of Cambridge Trial Insurance Office (609/M/C/1510). Ethics approval from all the clusters was not required as each cluster (Puskesmas) is a local GP surgery which does not have its own ethics committee. Instead, approval to conduct research at the province of Yogyakarta including all five districts: Kota Yogyakarta, Sleman, Gunung Kidul, Kulon Progo, Bantul Districts was obtained from the Provincial Government Office (070/REG/V/625/5/2016) following ethics approvals. Written consent to participate was obtained from clinicians taking part as well as all patient-participants.
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