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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Wang, Tsui-hsia 09 August 2007 (has links)


胡喬治, Hu, George Unknown Date (has links)
崛起中的中國大陸,對國際政治、經濟秩序而言,是一個日趨重要的影響因素。尤其是對美外交為中共對外政策之主軸,其重要性實不言可喻,深具研究價值。 研究中共對美外交政策,可以發現在政策演變的過程中,其對美政策取向與內涵係因應內外環境的轉變及美中的互動關係而逐漸形成。因此,經由中共美外交政策的系統研究,可進一步掌握其政策思維與運作內涵,正確分析影響其外交政策的要素,以瞭解其發展與演變之脈絡。 基此,本文的研究目的在於: 一、闡明中共外交形成的因素,無論是在宏觀層面,諸如國內外環境因素導致中共外交理論與原則的改變、決策過程機制以及參與程度與範圍之變化;配合微觀層次決策者所起的作用,以檢視中共外交政策內涵,以瞭解其發展與演變。 二、經由中共與美國互動情形,分由政治、經濟、軍事、涉台外交等層面分析雙方關係內涵,以論證中共對美外交政策之發展與特質。 三、由於雙邊關係日趨密切,合作範圍與領域日增,因此經由雙邊互動模式之探討,以展望雙邊關係未來的可能發展。 四、「台灣問題」在雙邊關係的重要性日增,美中關係有可能因為「台灣問題」而面臨嚴峻的挑戰,因此格外值得探討。 經由上述議題之探討,本文歸納了影響美中關係的可能因素,並對政策的持續面與演變面加以探討,最後並提出美中關係未來發展之看法,作為本文之總結。 / China, as a rising power, is a factor with growing impact that affects international politics and economic order. Being at the core of its foreign policy, China’s US policy is of great importance and worth a close look. By examining China’s foreign policy regarding the US, we can find that China shapes the orientation and content of its US policy in accordance with changes in domestic and international circumstances and in US-China interactions. Therefore, by studying China’s US policy systematically, we can further understand its policy reasoning and course of implementation, analyze correctly the influential factors, and hence obtain a clear view of the context of its policy forming. Therefore, the purposes of the article are: 1.To elucidate influences upon China’s foreign policy, including macroscopic aspects such as domestic and international circumstances that caused China’s adjustment in the theory and principles of its foreign policy, and variations in policy-making mechanism and the extent of involvement, along with microscopic aspects such as the impact from policy makers. This is to look into the content of China’s foreign policy in order to acquire a clear picture of its development. 2.Via examining the interactions between China and the US, to analyze the China-US relation from aspects of politics, economy, military and Taiwan affairs. This is to find out the course of development and characteristics of China’s US policy. 3.With links between China and Taiwan growing stronger and scope and fields of collaboration increasing, to anticipate the possible development in cross-strait relations by studying patterns of bilateral interactions. 4.With the “Taiwan Issue” being of growing impact upon bilateral relations, the China-US relations can be serious challenged by the issue, and is therefore worth a close investigation. By exploring the above issues, the article catalogues possible factors that will affect China-US relations, observes the potential continuity and alteration of the policy, and finally concludes with a prospect of future China-US relations.

中國和平崛起外交戰略之研究 / On China's "Peaceful Rise" Diplomatic Strategy

黃奕龍, Huang, Yi-lung Unknown Date (has links)
針對外界流傳已久的中國威脅論,中國於2003年底開始推出「和平崛起」論述,主張中國以和平的方式崛起,並且旨在維護和平、以和平為目的。除了基於國際環境給予的動力與壓力之外,中國決策者對中國崛起的自信,以及期望建立一套新的國家發展論述促使和平崛起戰略的出台。中國建立了以和平崛起為目標的國家發展戰略,其中對外建構了一套和平崛起外交戰略,具體落實在大國外交、睦鄰外交、與發展中國家關係及多邊外交上。本研究自中國崛起的背景著手,從國際環境、國家實力與決策者認知理解中國提出和平崛起的原因、目的與特色,並觀察中國相應而生的具體外交作為。最後,本研究指出和平崛起外交戰略面臨到中美權力競逐與矛盾問題、中日安全困境與衝突利益問題、領海與資源爭議以及台灣問題的嚴格考驗。 / This dissertation focuses on the “peaceful rise” argument brought by China in the end of 2003. By contending that China will rise by peace, for peace, and peacefully, the so-called “peaceful rise” argument tried to counter “China threat” argument, which distributed for a long time. The making of China’s “peaceful rise” national strategy is motivated and forced by the international environment. On top of that, the confidence of Chinese decision-makers for a rising China provides power to the formation of the new national strategy as well as the expectation for a new national development discourse. Following the national development strategy which aims at a peacefully rising China, the “peaceful rise” diplomatic strategy was built by a series of concrete foreign policies, including “Big-power diplomacy,” “Good-neighboring diplomacy,” “Relations with developing countries,” and “Multi-lateral diplomacy”. This dissertation starts from the background of a rising China, comprehends the reason, goal and character of China’s “peaceful rise” by international environment, national power, and decision-maker’s cognitive approaches. Moreover, concrete foreign policies accompanying its national strategy are analyzed. Finally, this research finds that the peaceful rise diplomatic strategy needs to deal with certain challenges such as Sino-U.S. power struggle with conflicting issues, Sino-Japan security dilemma with conflicting issues, peripheral territorial sea and land disputes, and last but not least, the Taiwan problem.


張北海 Unknown Date (has links)
冷戰結束後,中共在亞太地區及全球安全戰略格局中的地位逐漸上升。時空際會,當今國際秩序與全球化正值發展階段,因而出現一個有利於中共改善與周邊國家關係的國際環境,並提供一個穩定周邊良好的機遇。邁入21世紀之初,中共在第四代領導人集體審時度勢下,調整了對外政策,以「大國外交」與「睦鄰外交」為重要的外交戰略,在外交理念上堅持以互相信任為基礎,長期穩定為前提,睦鄰友好為保障,全面合作是紐帶,共同發展繁榮為目標,致力於大國及周邊國家的合作友好關係建立。 中共在「十六大」政治報告後,將「大國外交」與「睦鄰外交」列為對外關係的重要戰略。除運用元首出訪、經貿交流、軍事交流等外交作為,與美、俄、日、歐盟及印度等主要大國及周邊重要國家建立友好關係與傳統外交外,並積極參與或主導有關政治、經濟、軍事等具全球性議題的雙邊或多邊組織,以展現其對國際社會善盡義務,藉以塑造為體系中「負責任大國」與「睦鄰、安鄰、富鄰」友好鄰國之形象。   2003年中共胡溫領導人掌權後,在遂行「大國外交」、「睦鄰外交」時,係採取「韜光養晦、有所作為」具體行動,並倡議「新安全觀」、「和平發展」、「和諧世界」、「國際關係民主化」的外交理念,並強調「不對抗、不結盟、不針對三者」主張,逐步融入國際體系,積極從事國家經濟建設,以期與主要大國與周邊國家建構「平等、協作、互信、互利」的合作夥伴關係,目的就在創造一個安全、穩定的國際與周邊環境。 中共總體外交戰略是在謀求國家利益發展戰略,進而轉向與世界謀求共同發展與安全戰略。此一戰略轉變,是以經濟利益與區域安全為基點,以積極參與國際事務、加強國際合作為途徑,以拓展國家戰略利益、發揮負責任大國作用為目標。自胡溫掌政後即積極與世界各主要大國與鄰近重要國家建立戰略性協作夥伴關係,目前與中共建立戰略夥伴關係的國家共有30個國家,從中共積極推動「大國外交」與「睦鄰外交」之戰略與手段觀察,事實上我們不難發現其為何一直在積極維護和創造有利於現代化的國際與周邊環境,並企圖拓展國家戰略利益的範圍和空間,不斷地擴大在國際間地位與影響力之目的所在。 關鍵字:大國外交、睦鄰外交戰略、新安全觀、和平崛起、和諧世界 / After the cold war, China is gradually gaining a raising status of military strategic position in the Asia-Pacific region as well as in global layout. International order and Globalization is at its developing phase, thus forming a advantageous circumstance for Chinese government to enhance its foreign affair status with surrounding countries also providing a chance to stabilize regional diplomatic pressure. In the beginning of 21st centry, 4th generation leaders of Chinese government carefully evaluated situations and adjusted their diplomatic policies, focusing their diplomatic strategies on foreign affair with powerful nations and surrounding countries, insisting their foreign policy to be based on trust with views of long-term balance. With the objectives of mutual growth, china is dedicated to build amicable relation with powerful and surrounding countries by bonding full collaboration and assured partnership. After the 16th Congress political report, china listed “Big-Power Diplomacy” and “Good-Neighborly Diplomacy” as their major foreign affair strategy. Besides building friendly relation and applying traditional foreign tactics with major nations such as USA, Russia, Japan, EU, and India, China’s foreign tactics also includes financial and military collaboration, visiting friendly soil by country leader(s), etc. China also actively leads and/or joins associtions/organizations with concern of global issues regarding political, economical, and military importance, in attempt to demonstrate the image of a powerful nation and to establish the good-neighborly figure in the international society. China’s overall foreign affair strategy is focused on gaining national benefits and later seeks global growth collaboration and international security. This change of strategy is based on considerations of economical benefits and regional security, achieved by actively attending international events, with clear objectives of expanding maximum strategical gain and developing the representation of an accountable country. Governor Hu and governor Wen had been actively building strategic partnership with major nations and vicinal countries. At present, there are 30 countries having strategic partnership with Chinese government. Examining china’s strategic means and diplomatic tactics, one can obviously notice how china is aggressively maintain and further create the circumstance which is most beneficial for extending its national strategic space and range, thus accomplish its goal of raised international influence. Key word:Big-power Diplomacy、Good-Neighborly Diplomacy、New Security View、Peaceful Rise、Harmonize the world

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