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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Independent Project in Chemical Engineering and Materials Engineering : A literature study of powder-based additive manufacturing

Feldt, Daniel, Hedberg, Petra, Jarlöv, Asker, Persson, Elsa, Svensson, Mikael, Vennberg, Filippa, You, Therese January 2018 (has links)
The focus of this literary study was additive manufacturing (AM) and the purpose was to find general trends for selected materials that have been additively manufactured and compare them to results from other reviews. The raw materials studied were stainless steels 316L, 17-4 PH, 15-5 PH and 420, as well as tool steel H13 and nickel alloys 625, 718 and Hastelloy X.The AM techniques studied were selective laser melting (SLM), electron beam melting (EBM) and binder jetting (BJG).  A total of 69 articles have been studied to fulfill the purpose above. The articles were used to write a summary of the techniques, compare them to each other and to conventional methods. They were also used to create a database to compile information on mechanical properties, microstructure and process parameters. Based on the database mechanical properties for SLM tend to be higher compared to EBM. This however varied somewhat depending on the processed material. Furthermore the yield and tensile strength obtained from the database for SLM seemed to be higher compared to the values in review articles for almost all materials. Unfortunately not enough values were found for BJG to compare it to SLM and EBM.AM seems to produce weaker, equal and superior products compared to conventional methods. However due to the limited nature of the project and the research found no conclusions can be drawn about any trends, how to achieve the different results or how parameters affect the finished product. To be able to say anything with more certainty more research has to be done. Not only in general concerning the AM techniques, but more studying of existing articles is needed. Finally a standardization on how to reference properties and process parameters is necessary. Currently it is very difficult to compare results or draw conclusions due to different designations, units and a lot of missing essential information.

Independent Project in Chemical Engineering and Materials Engineering : A literature study of powder-based additive manufacturing

Feldt, Daniel, Hedberg, Petra, Jarlöv, Asker, Persson, Elsa, Svensson, Mikael, Vennberg, Filippa, You, Therese January 2018 (has links)
The focus of this literary study was additive manufacturing (AM) and the purpose was to find general trends for selected materials that have been additively manufactured and compare them to results from other reviews. The raw materials studied were stainless steels 316L, 17-4 PH, 15-5 PH and 420, as well as tool steel H13 and nickel alloys 625, 718 and Hastelloy X. The AM techniques studied were selective laser melting (SLM), electron beam melting (EBM) and binder jetting (BJG).  A total of 69 articles have been studied to fulfill the purpose above. The articles were used to write a summary of the techniques, compare them to each other and to conventional methods. They were also used to create a database to compile information on mechanical properties, microstructure and process parameters. Based on the database mechanical properties for SLM tend to be higher compared to EBM. This however varied somewhat depending on the processed material. Furthermore the yield and tensile strength obtained from the database for SLM seemed to be higher compared to the values in review articles for almost all materials. Unfortunately not enough values were found for BJG to compare it to SLM and EBM.AM seems to produce weaker, equal and superior products compared to conventional methods. However due to the limited nature of the project and the research found no conclusions can be drawn about any trends, how to achieve the different results or how parameters affect the finished product. To be able to say anything with more certainty more research has to be done. Not only in general concerning the AM techniques, but more studying of existing articles is needed. Finally a standardization on how to reference properties and process parameters is necessary. Currently it is very difficult to compare results or draw conclusions due to different designations, units and a lot of missing essential information.

Ligante ecofriendly à base de borracha natural para o processo de moldagem por injeção de pó de ferro

Escobar, Camila Ferreira January 2017 (has links)
O processo de moldagem de pós por injeção (MPI) é uma tecnologia relativamente recente e permite a fabricação de peças e componentes de diversos materiais, com a possibilidade de fabricar peças em larga escala. O processo MPI é composto por quatro etapas: mistura do pó com o material orgânico (ligante), moldagem por injeção, extração do ligante e sinterização. O ligante é um veículo temporário composto por polímeros e/ou ceras e sua função é possibilitar o escoamento da carga injetável para o molde durante a moldagem por injeção e após a moldagem este deve ser totalmente removido da peça. A maioria dos polímeros utilizados no ligante é oriunda do petróleo, que é uma fonte não renovável que gera sérios impactos ambientais. Neste estudo foi proposto a utilização de ligante à base de borracha natural, que além de ser proveniente de fonte renovável, confere elasticidade à peça moldada, que possibilita a fácil desmoldagem de peças com geometria complexa e pequenas espessuras. Também se analisou a substituição da parafina, que estudada em trabalhos anteriores em ligante para injeção de alumina com a borracha natural, pela cera de carnaúba na moldagem por injeção de pó de ferro metálico. Foram avaliados três ligantes à base de borracha natural e as ceras: (i) parafina, (ii) cera de carnaúba e (iii) parafina + cera de carnaúba e estudou-se o efeito da composição do ligante em cada etapa do processo MPI. Investigou-se as propriedades químicas e térmicas dos ligantes, o teor de pó admissível nas cargas injetáveis, as rotas de remoção do ligante por via térmica e solvente e as propriedades finais como retração linear, porosidade, microestrutura e resistência à flexão. As composições de ligante a base de borracha natural e cera de carnaúba proporcionaram melhores propriedades ao processo MPI. Nestas composições foi possível a moldagem por injeção de cargas injetáveis com maior teor de pó, apresentaram maior estabilidade reológica, em que a viscosidade apresentou baixa variação em relação à temperatura e maior estabilidade com o aumento do teor de pó. Além disso, foram as únicas amostras que não apresentaram defeitos durante a extração por solvente e apresentaram propriedades finais satisfatórias para o processo MPI de ferro. / The Powder Injection Molding process (PIM) is a relatively new technology and allows the manufacturing of parts and components of various materials, with the possibility of fabricating parts in microscale. The PIM process is composed of four steps: mix the powder with the organic material (binder), injection molding, extraction of the binder and sintering. The binder is a temporary vehicle composed of polymers and/or waxes and its function is to allow the flow of the feedstock into the mold during injection molding, and after molding this should be completely removed from the sample. Most of the polymers used in the binder are derived from petroleum, which is a non-renewable source that generates serious environmental impacts. In this study, it was proposed the use of binder based on polymer and wax from renewable sources that reduce the environmental impact. It was analyzed the substitution of paraffin, which was studied in previous studies with natural rubber, by the carnauba wax in the injection molding of the iron carbonyl. Were evaluated three binders based on polymer and wax: (i) paraffin, (ii) carnauba wax and (iii) paraffin wax carnauba wax and we studied the binder composition effect in each step of PIM process. The chemical and thermal binder properties, the critical powder volume concentration, the solvent and thermal debinding and the sintered properties were analyzed. As results, we found that the natural rubber and carnauba wax binder have better PIM process properties. In this binder was possible an injection molding with higher powder content, showing higher rheological stability, which the viscosity was more stable under temperature and powder content variation. Furthermore, the samples with this binder shown no defects after solvent debinding and suitable sintered properties for the iron PIM process.

Contribution to the Understanding of Fresh and Hardened State Properties of Low Cement Concrete

Tagliaferri de Grazia, Mayra 12 September 2018 (has links)
Concrete, the major construction material used in the civil industry worldwide, displays remarkable performance and economic benefits. Yet, it also presents a huge environmental impact producing about 7% of the global carbon dioxide (CO2). Given the rise of global warming concerns, studies have been focusing on alternatives to reduce the amount of Portland cement (PC), which is the least sustainable ingredient of the mixture, for example by adopting particle packing model (PPM) techniques. Although a promising alternative, there is currently a lack of studies regarding the efficiently use of PPMs to reduce PC without compromising the fresh and hardened properties of the material. This work appraises the influence of PPMs and advanced mix-design techniques on the fresh (rheological behaviour) and hardened (compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, porosity, and permeability) state behaviours of systems with reduced amount of PC, the so-called low cement content (LCC) concrete. Results show that is possible to produce eco-efficient concrete maintaining and/or enhancing fresh and hardened properties of the material. Nevertheless, further durability and long-term behaviour must be performed on LCC systems.

Mesoscopic modeling, experimental and thermodynamic approach for the prediction of agglomerates structures in granulation processes / Modélisation mésoscopique, approches expérimentale et thermodynamique pour la prédiction des structures des agglomérats dans les procédés de granulation

Jarray, Ahmed 03 November 2015 (has links)
Le procédé de granulation en voie humide nécessite l'ajout d'un agent d’enrobage ou liant, typiquement composé d'agents tensioactifs, d'eau, de plastifiant et de charge hydrophobe. Cependant, dans les procédés de granulation en voie sèche, l'agent d’enrobage est ajouté sous la forme de fines particules solides. L’objectif de ce travail est double : d’une part, examiner le comportement des particules dans les systèmes secs et aqueux aux échelles microscopique et mésoscopique, et d’autre part, développer des méthodologies prédictives permettant de choisir le liant adéquat et formuler la bonne solution d’enrobage. Dans le cadre de cette étude, nous avons utilisées l'hydroxypropyl-méthylcellulose (HPMC) et la cellulose d'éthyle (EC) comme agents d’enrobage, polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) et la cellulose microcristalline (MCC) généralement utilisés comme liants, l'acide stéarique (SA) qui est une charge hydrophobe, et le polyéthylène glycol (PEG) comme plastifiant. Tous ces matériaux sont largement utilisés dans les industries alimentaires et pharmaceutiques. La réussite d’une granulation dépend de l’affinité entre les particules primaires et le liant. Afin de prédire l'affinité liant-substrat en milieu sec et en milieu aqueux, nous avons comparé deux approches; la première est basée sur le travail de l'adhésion alors que la seconde s’appuie sur le concept de résistance à la traction idéale. L’équation de résistance à la traction idéale a été étendue aux systèmes ternaires dans le but de l’appliquer pour la granulation en milieu aqueux. Les approches développées ont été ensuite confrontées aux données expérimentales sur différent systèmes (composées de PVP, MCC, HPMC, SA, EC, PEG et l'eau). Nous avons ainsi trouvé que l’approche basée sur le travail d'adhésion semble donner de meilleures prédictions des affinités. Les deux approches prédisent que le HPMC est un bon liant pour le MCC. Les résultats indiquent également que le PEG a une bonne affinité avec le HPMC et le SA. Nous avons ensuite étudié la structure des agglomérats formés dans les formulations colloïdales utilisées dans les procédés d’enrobage. Pour ce faire, nous nous sommes appuyés sur des analyses expérimentales et des simulations mésoscopiques. Ces dernières reposent sur l’utilisation de la méthode de dynamique des particules dissipatives (DPD) dans laquelle les composés sont décrits comme un ensemble de billes souples (approche « coarse-grain ») interagissant selon le modèle de Flory-Huggins. Les interactions répulsives entre les billes ont été évaluées en utilisant le paramètre de solubilité (δ) calculé par simulation moléculaire tout-atome. Les résultats de simulation DPD ont été comparés aux résultats expérimentaux obtenus par plusieurs voies : cryogénique-MEB, analyse de distribution de taille de particule et par la technique DSC. Les résultats de la simulation DPD montrent que le polymère HPMC est un meilleur agent stabilisant pour le SA que le PVP et le MCC. En outre, HPMC est capable de recouvrir la particule de SA d'une couche épaisse et d’y pénétrer en profondeur, empêchant ainsi l’agglomération et la croissance des cristaux de SA. Néanmoins, HPMC est incapable de stabiliser les particules de SA lorsque celles-ci sont en quantités élevées (supérieurs à 10% (w/w)). Nous constatons également que le PEG se diffuse à l'intérieur des chaînes de HPMC entrainant l’extension de ce dernier, formant ainsi un polymère composite lisse. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent des tendances similaires; l’analyse de la distribution de taille de particule indique qu’en présence de HPMC, pour de faible pourcentages de SA (au-dessous de 10% (w/w)), la majorité des particules de SA sont inférieures à 1 μm de diamètre. Les images MEB révèlent que HPMC entoure les cristaux de SA avec un film texturé et ancre sur leur surface. / Wet granulation process requires the addition of a coating agent or binder, typically composed of surfactants, water, plasticizers and fillers. In dry granulation however, the coating agent is added to the system in the form of fine solid particles. Our goals are to investigate the particles behaviour and agglomeration mechanism in dry and aqueous systems at the micro and meso scales, and also, to develop predictive methodologies and theoretical tools of investigation allowing to choose the adequate binder and to formulate the right coating solution. In this study we chose materials widely used in food and pharmaceutical industries, including; coating agents such as Hydroxypropyl-methylcellulose (HPMC) and Ethyl cellulose (EC), binders such as Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC), hydrophobic filler such as Stearic acid (SA) and plasticizer such as Polyethylene glycol (PEG). A successful granulation requires good affinity between host and guest particles. In this context, in the first part of this work, two approaches to predict the binder-substrate affinity in dry and in aqueous media were compared; one based on the work of adhesion and the other based on the ideal tensile strength. The concept of ideal tensile strength was extended to ternary systems and applied for granulation in aqueous media. The developed approaches were thereafter tested for various systems (composed of PVP, MCC, HPMC, SA, EC, PEG and water) and compared to experimental observations. Approaches yielded results in good agreement with the experimental observations, but the work of adhesion approach might give more accurate affinity predictions on the particles affinity than the ideal tensile strength approach. Both approaches predicted that HPMC is a good binder for MCC. Results also indicated that PEG has a good affinity with HPMC and SA. In a second part of our work, we used mesoscale simulations and experimental techniques to investigate the structure of agglomerates formed in aqueous colloidal formulations used in coating and granulation processes. For the simulations, dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) and a coarse-grained approach were used. In the DPD method, the compounds were described as a set of soft beads interacting according to the Flory-Huggins model. The repulsive interactions between the beads were evaluated using the solubility parameter (δ) as input, where, δ was calculated by all-atom molecular simulations. The mesoscale simulation results were compared to experimental results obtained by Cryogenic-SEM, particle size distribution analysis and DSC technique. According to the DPD simulations, HPMC polymer is a better stabilizing agent for SA than PVP and MCC. In addition, HPMC is able to cover the SA particle with a thick layer ant to adsorb in depth into its inner core, preventing SA agglomeration and crystal growth. But, for high amounts of SA (above 10% (w/w)), HPMC is unable to fully stabilize SA. We also found that PEG polymer diffuses inside HPMC chains thereby extending and softening the composite polymer. Experimental results presented similar trends; particle size distribution analysis showed that in the presence of HPMC, for low percentages of SA (below 10% (w/w)), the majority of SA particles are below 1 μm in diameter. SEM images revealed that HPMC surrounds SA crystals with a hatching textured film and anchors on their surface.

Contribuição para calibração de curva de evolução de afundamentos em trilha de roda de revestimentos asfálticos com utilização de resultados obtidos de simulador de tráfego em escala real. / A contribution to the calibration of performance curves for the prediction of permanent deformation in asphalt pavements using the results obtained from a large scale mobile traffic simulator

Douglas Polcaro Negrão 07 March 2012 (has links)
A deformação permanente em trilha de roda é uma patologia crítica de pavimentos asfálticos por afetar diretamente os custos de transporte, devido à redução de conforto ao rolamento, e a segurança dos usuários, dadas as dificuldades de dirigibilidade ou ainda o acúmulo de água nos períodos chuvosos comprometendo a aderência pneu-pavimento. Em pavimentos de rodovias concessionadas, onde existem limites máximos de afundamentos nas trilhas de roda bem rígidos para a aceitação da condição dos pavimentos, o monitoramento deve ser periódico por força contratual. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo central propor uma metodologia para calibração de curvas de desempenho que prevejam a evolução dos afundamentos da trilha de roda de pavimentos asfálticos, com a utilização de resultados de deformação permanente obtidos de forma acelerada por meio de Simuladores de Tráfego em escala real, como contribuição aos projetos de pavimentação/restauração, aos programas de gerencia de pavimentos e ao planejamento rodoviário. Para tanto, foram dosadas e determinadas propriedades mecânicas de três diferentes misturas asfálticas a quente em laboratório, que foram aplicadas como revestimento asfáltico de três trechos consecutivos, em pista ascendente da BR 376/PR, na 3ª. faixa de tráfego, utilizada por veículos comerciais muito pesados e lentos. As três soluções diferentes para a camada de rolamento são compostas por: um concreto asfáltico com ligante modificado por SBS, um concreto asfáltico com ligante modificado por RET e um GAP-GRADED com ligante modificado por borracha de pneu moído. As pistas testes foram solicitadas de forma acelerada com um equipamento simulador de tráfego móvel, em tamanho real, que simulou 500 mil semiciclos de carga ou a quantidade de semiciclos necessários para atingir o limite de deformação em trilha de roda constante no contrato da Concessionária Autopista Litoral Sul, que administra o segmento onde se encontram as pistas testes, com o poder concedente. Com as medidas periódicas dos afundamentos em trilha de roda realizadas durante a aplicação de carga do simulador de tráfego em cada um dos três trechos, foram calibradas as equações de evolução de afundamentos em trilha de roda, empregando o modelo do HDM IV. Com base nos procedimentos adotados nesta pesquisa, foi proposto um método de calibração das curvas de desempenho para futuros estudos em que se empregam simuladores de tráfego em escala real. / Permanent deformation, or rutting, is a critical type of pavement distress given that it is directly associated with transportation costs, due to a reduction of the ride quality, and user safety, due to poor driving conditions or water build-up during rainy periods that affect the tire-pavement interaction. In the case of pavements of highways belonging to concessionaries, where strict limits are required by contract for acceptance of the pavement conditions, the pavement\'s monitoring must be frequent. The present study\'s main objective is to propose a methodology for calibration of performance curves that can predict the behavior of permanent deformation in asphalt pavements using results obtained from Full-Scale Accelerated Pavement Testing (APT) by means of a Traffic Simulator as a contribution to pavement design and rehabilitation projects, to pavement management software, and to highway planning. In order to do so, the mechanical properties of three different hot-mix asphalt (HMA) mixtures were determined in the laboratory and the mixtures were used as the surface course of three consecutive test sections in an ascending, slow lane on highway BR 376 used mainly by heavy commercial vehicles. The test sections were loaded using an HVS large scale mobile traffic simulator machine for up to 500 thousand loading cycles or until the permanent deformation limits defined in contract for the Concessionária Autopista Litoral Sul concession, which manages the highway sections where the test sections were built, were met. The results of the periodic monitoring of the permanent deformation of the three test sections under HVS loading were then used to calibrate the equations for predicting the pavement deformation behavior for each of the three types of mixtures tested using the HDM IV model. A method for future calibration of performance curves using full scale traffic simulators was proposed based on the procedures used in this study.

Estudo do comportamento do asfalto modificado com óleo de girassol visando à obtenção de misturas mornas.

CARVALHO, Jeovanesa Régis. 16 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Lucienne Costa (lucienneferreira@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-04-16T22:04:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JEOVANESA RÉGIS CARVALHO – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGECA) 2018.pdf: 2847549 bytes, checksum: bebe69c78ee7035f4b1727ad4e6f1ce9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-16T22:04:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JEOVANESA RÉGIS CARVALHO – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGECA) 2018.pdf: 2847549 bytes, checksum: bebe69c78ee7035f4b1727ad4e6f1ce9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-23 / Capes / No setor de pavimentação asfáltica, a emissão de gases-estufa para a atmosfera é decorrente principalmente das altas temperaturas de mistura e compactação. A tecnologia de Misturas Asfálticas Mornas (MAMs), se apresenta como um processo alternativo de fabricação das misturas asfálticas, pois as mesmas proporcionam uma redução das altas temperaturas de mistura e compactação, propiciando benefícios de sustentabilidade evidentes a curto, médio e longo prazo, possíveis de agrupar em vantagens sociais, econômicas e ambientais. Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo estudar as propriedades físicas e mecânicas de misturas asfálticas com ligante modificado pela adição do óleo de girassol. O óleo de girassol, aditivo utilizado nesta pesquisa, foi adotado em virtude de o mesmo encontrar-se entre as quatro oleaginosas mais consumidas mundialmente, respondendo pelo equivalente a 8,74% do consumo total de óleos vegetais segundo os usos alimentar e industrial. O óleo de girassol foi adicionado ao ligante asfáltico nos teores de 1, 2 e 3%. Para a avaliação das propriedades físicas do ligante asfáltico com e sem o aditivo, foram realizados os ensaios físicos de: penetração, ponto de amolecimento e o ensaio de Espectroscopia Infra Vermelho por Transformada de Fourier (FTIR) antes e após o procedimento de Rolling Thin-Film Oven (RTFO), além do ensaio reológico de viscosidade rotacional. Para a caracterização mecânica das misturas asfálticas dosadas a partir da metodologia SUperior PERforming asphalt PAVEments (SUPERPAVE), foram realizados os ensaios de: Flow Number, Lottman Modificado, Módulo de Resiliência, Resistência à Tração e Vida de Fadiga. Os resultados indicaram a viabilidade técnica da incorporação do óleo de girassol ao ligante asfáltico, pois possibilitou a vantagem de reduzir as temperaturas de mistura e compactação em até 6ºC, porém, esta redução, não possibilita a classificação do ligante modificado em uma típica MAM. Contudo, as misturas produzidas com ligante modificado proporcionaram um aumento da lubricidade e da resistência ao dano por umidade, contribuindo para adesividade e coesão da mistura asfáltica e ainda apresentaram um maior limite de resistência à fadiga. Os corpos de prova moldados com a adição de 2% do aditivo, apresentaram propriedades mecânicas e volumétricas satisfatórias em relação aos critérios preconizados pelas normas adotadas. / In the asphalt pavement sector, the emission of greenhouse gases to atmosphere is mainly due to high temperatures of mixing and compaction. The Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) technology is an alternative process of manufacturing the asphalt mixtures. This technology provides reduction of the high temperatures of mixing and compaction and provide sustainable benefits in short, medium and long term to social, economic and environmental advantages. This research aims to study the physical and mechanical properties of asphalt mixtures with modified binder by the addition of sunflower oil. Sunflower oil, additive used in this research, was adopted because it is among the four most consumed oleaginous plants worldwide. Sunflower oil accounting for the equivalent of 8.74% of the total consumption of vegetable oils in food and industrial uses. The sunflower oil was added to the asphaltic binder in the contents of 1, 2 and 3%. In order to evaluate the physical properties of the asphalt binder with and without the additive, the physical tests of penetration, softening point and the Fourier Transformed Infra Red (FTIR) test were performed before and after the Rolling Thin-Film Oven (RTFO) in addition to the rheological test of rotational viscosity. For the mechanical characterization of asphalt mixtures dosed by SUperior PERforming Asphalt PAVEments (SUPERPAVE), the following tests were performed: Flow Number, Modified Lottman, Resilience Modulus, Tensile Strength and Fatigue Life. The results indicated technical feasibility of sunflower oil incorporation to the asphalt binder. Sunflower oil provided advantages as reducing the mixing and compacting temperatures up to 6ºC. However, this reduction does not allow classify modified binder as a typical WMA. However, mixtures produced with modified binder provided a greater increase in lubricity and resistance to moisture damage, contributing to tackiness and cohesion of the asphalt mixture and still provided an increase in fatigue strength. The specimens molded with the addition of 2% of the additive had satisfactory mechanical and volumetric properties in relation to the criteria recommended by the adopted standards.

Ligante ecofriendly à base de borracha natural para o processo de moldagem por injeção de pó de ferro

Escobar, Camila Ferreira January 2017 (has links)
O processo de moldagem de pós por injeção (MPI) é uma tecnologia relativamente recente e permite a fabricação de peças e componentes de diversos materiais, com a possibilidade de fabricar peças em larga escala. O processo MPI é composto por quatro etapas: mistura do pó com o material orgânico (ligante), moldagem por injeção, extração do ligante e sinterização. O ligante é um veículo temporário composto por polímeros e/ou ceras e sua função é possibilitar o escoamento da carga injetável para o molde durante a moldagem por injeção e após a moldagem este deve ser totalmente removido da peça. A maioria dos polímeros utilizados no ligante é oriunda do petróleo, que é uma fonte não renovável que gera sérios impactos ambientais. Neste estudo foi proposto a utilização de ligante à base de borracha natural, que além de ser proveniente de fonte renovável, confere elasticidade à peça moldada, que possibilita a fácil desmoldagem de peças com geometria complexa e pequenas espessuras. Também se analisou a substituição da parafina, que estudada em trabalhos anteriores em ligante para injeção de alumina com a borracha natural, pela cera de carnaúba na moldagem por injeção de pó de ferro metálico. Foram avaliados três ligantes à base de borracha natural e as ceras: (i) parafina, (ii) cera de carnaúba e (iii) parafina + cera de carnaúba e estudou-se o efeito da composição do ligante em cada etapa do processo MPI. Investigou-se as propriedades químicas e térmicas dos ligantes, o teor de pó admissível nas cargas injetáveis, as rotas de remoção do ligante por via térmica e solvente e as propriedades finais como retração linear, porosidade, microestrutura e resistência à flexão. As composições de ligante a base de borracha natural e cera de carnaúba proporcionaram melhores propriedades ao processo MPI. Nestas composições foi possível a moldagem por injeção de cargas injetáveis com maior teor de pó, apresentaram maior estabilidade reológica, em que a viscosidade apresentou baixa variação em relação à temperatura e maior estabilidade com o aumento do teor de pó. Além disso, foram as únicas amostras que não apresentaram defeitos durante a extração por solvente e apresentaram propriedades finais satisfatórias para o processo MPI de ferro. / The Powder Injection Molding process (PIM) is a relatively new technology and allows the manufacturing of parts and components of various materials, with the possibility of fabricating parts in microscale. The PIM process is composed of four steps: mix the powder with the organic material (binder), injection molding, extraction of the binder and sintering. The binder is a temporary vehicle composed of polymers and/or waxes and its function is to allow the flow of the feedstock into the mold during injection molding, and after molding this should be completely removed from the sample. Most of the polymers used in the binder are derived from petroleum, which is a non-renewable source that generates serious environmental impacts. In this study, it was proposed the use of binder based on polymer and wax from renewable sources that reduce the environmental impact. It was analyzed the substitution of paraffin, which was studied in previous studies with natural rubber, by the carnauba wax in the injection molding of the iron carbonyl. Were evaluated three binders based on polymer and wax: (i) paraffin, (ii) carnauba wax and (iii) paraffin wax carnauba wax and we studied the binder composition effect in each step of PIM process. The chemical and thermal binder properties, the critical powder volume concentration, the solvent and thermal debinding and the sintered properties were analyzed. As results, we found that the natural rubber and carnauba wax binder have better PIM process properties. In this binder was possible an injection molding with higher powder content, showing higher rheological stability, which the viscosity was more stable under temperature and powder content variation. Furthermore, the samples with this binder shown no defects after solvent debinding and suitable sintered properties for the iron PIM process.

Formulation et étude des propriétés mécaniques d'agrobétons légers isolants à base de balles de riz et de chènevotte pour l'éco-construction / Design and mechanical properties of lightweight insulating bio-based concretes using rice husk and hemp hurd for green building

Chabannes, Morgan 26 November 2015 (has links)
L’optimisation des performances énergétiques du bâtiment et la réduction des émissions de CO2 générées par le secteur de la construction sont devenus des enjeux majeurs. Il s’agit non seulement de réduire considérablement les consommations d’énergie liées au chauffage et à la climatisation durant la période de fonctionnement des bâtiments mais aussi de choisir des matériaux à faible impact carbone en privilégiant l’utilisation de ressources renouvelables et locales. Ces dernières années ont vu naître un intérêt croissant pour les bétons de chanvre. Ces agromatériaux associent un granulat végétal issu de la tige du chanvre avec un liant minéral. Il en résulte un matériau isolant qui présente une certaine efficacité à réguler les variations de température et d’humidité. Considérés comme multifonctionnels, les bétons de chanvre constituent une alternative écologique aux enveloppes traditionnelles. Face aux matériaux à isolation répartie comme le béton cellulaire ou la brique dont l’impact carbone est élevé, les bétons de chanvre présentent l’inconvénient d’être peu résistants mécaniquement et sont de ce fait associés à une structure porteuse. Ce travail de thèse s’inscrit dans une démarche visant d’une part à diversifier la ressource végétale utilisée pour la confection des agromatériaux de construction en développant un béton innovant incorporant les balles de riz de Camargue et d’autre part à étudier certains procédés dans l’optique d’améliorer les performances mécaniques de ces matériaux après les premiers mois de cure. Le premier objectif a consisté à caractériser la balle de riz naturelle préalablement à son association avec un liant à base de chaux. Les caractéristiques propres au granulat de balles de riz se sont traduites par la fabrication d’un agrobéton moins dosé en eau et de densité apparente plus élevée que celle du béton de chanvre (en restant inférieure à 800 kg.m-3). La conductivité thermique du béton à base de balles de riz s’est montrée similaire à celle du béton de chanvre pour un ratio massique « liant/granulat (L/G) » identique. En revanche, les performances mécaniques en compression se sont révélées plus faibles pour le béton à base de balles de riz après 1 mois de cure à 20°C et 50%HR.Le second axe de travail s’est porté sur le suivi temporel des caractéristiques mécaniques et du durcissement du liant jusqu’à 10 mois de conservation soit à 20°C et 50%HR soit en conditions extérieures. Les bétons de chanvre se sont caractérisés par un gain de résistance en compression plus favorable que celui observé sur les bétons de balles de riz malgré une cinétique de durcissement du liant équivalente. Cette conservation naturelle a été comparée à une cure en carbonatation accélérée (CO2). Les résultats ont montré que ce procédé a permis d’obtenir une résistance en compression 2 mois après la fabrication des éprouvettes équivalente à celle obtenue après 10 mois de conservation à l’extérieur. Considérant que la résistance mécanique du béton à base de balles de riz est limitée par la liaison mécanique liant/particule, ce travail s’est porté également sur l’effet d’un traitement des particules à l’eau de chaux saturée. S’il s’est montré inefficace pour le béton de chanvre, il a permis d’améliorer la résistance en compression des bétons à base de balles de riz.Enfin, cette étude a traité de l’effet d’une cure humide (95%HR) et d’une élévation de température (50°C) sur le durcissement du liant et l’acquisition des résistances mécaniques à court terme. L’étude a été préalablement menée sur des mortiers de chaux. Les résultats ont montré que ce type de cure permet une très forte augmentation de la résistance mécanique du liant après 28 jours par un effet cinétique sur les réactions d’hydratation. Toutefois, ces conditions de cure ont entrainé une perturbation de la zone de transition entre le liant et la particule et par conséquent une dégradation des propriétés mécaniques des agrobétons. / The improvement of building energy efficiency and the reduction of CO2 emissions from the construction industry have become a major issue over the last years. We need to cut the energy consumption linked to heating and cooling of buildings during their operating period but also to choose materials with low carbon footprint using renewable and local resources.Hemp concretes are more and more used in green construction. These bio-based building materials consist of hemp-derived aggregates mixed with mineral binders and water. These concretes have attractive insulating properties and present some effectiveness in buffering variations of temperature and humidity in buildings. Considered as a multifunctional material, hemp concrete can offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional building envelopes but have the disadvantage of being very low strength. Unlike cellular concrete or clay bricks, hemp concretes cannot be used as load-bearing materials but for infilling walls with a wood timber frame. The aim of this thesis work is, on the one hand, to diversify plant aggregates used for the manufacturing of bio-based concretes by developing an innovative material based on local rice husk from the Camargue area and on the other hand to investigate some processes in order to increase mechanical strength of these materials after the first months of curing. The first objective of this work was to characterize rice husks prior to incorporating them in a lime-based mix. Intrinsic features of rice husks led to the manufacturing of a new bio-based concrete designed with a lower water content and a higher apparent density than hemp concrete (by remaining below 800 kg.m-3). Thermal conductivity of rice husk concrete was comparable to that of hemp concrete for a given « binder on aggregates (B/A) » mass ratio. Nevertheless, mechanical performances in compression have proved lower for the rice husk concrete after one month of hardening at 20°C and 50%RH. The second line of the work dealt with the evolution of mechanical properties and binder hardening over time. Specimens were cured during 10 months either at 20°C and 50%RH or exposed outdoors. Hemp concrete exhibited a higher compressive strength gain over time than that achieved for rice husk concrete despite a same hardening kinetics. This curing under natural carbonation was compared to an accelerated one (CO2 curing). Accelerated carbonation provided the opportunity to obtain the same compressive after 2 months than that reached after the outdoor exposure during 10 months. Considering that compressive strength of rice husk concrete is restricted by the bonding strength between the binder and the aggregates, this work also focused on the effect of a lime-water treatment of plant aggregates. This latter was not efficient for hemp concrete but increased compressive strength of rice husk concrete. Finally, the effect of a moist curing (95%RH) and elevated temperature (50°C) on binder hardening and strength development of bio-based concretes was investigated. This aspect was also studied on lime-based mortars. The results showed that this type of curing led to a strong increase of mechanical strength for the binder after 28 days due to kinetic effects on hydration reactions. Nevertheless, these curing conditions were detrimental to the transition zone between the binder and the plant aggregates and consequently counterproductive for the mechanical performances of bio-based concretes.

Revestimento asfáltico tipo SMA para alto desempenho em vias de tráfego pesado. / SMA asphalt surface course for high performance on heavy traffic roads.

Rafael Marcal Martins de Reis 25 April 2002 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta alguns resultados de pesquisa laboratorial compreendendo projeto de dosagem, comportamento mecânico da mistura SMA (Stone Matrix Asphalt - Matriz Pétrea Asfáltica), bem como, aspectos executivos relacionados ao desenvolvimento de um trecho experimental em SMA para revestimento de pavimentos. Os resultados de laboratório obtidos mostram que o SMA é um revestimento asfáltico que pode apresentar bom desempenho sob cargas pesadas em climas quentes, pois estas misturas são muito resistentes à deformação permanente, mas preservam a flexibilidade como os concretos asfálticos densos. O SMA é uma solução bem conhecida para tráfego pesado na Europa e mais recentemente na América do Norte. O SMA também tem sido empregado para aumento de aderência em pista molhada e para redução de ruído. / This research presents laboratory test results of mixture design, mechanical behavior of SMA (Stone Matrix Asphalt), as well as some construction aspects regarding to development of Brazilian road trial section as a new bituminous surface course to pavement construction or maintenance.The laboratory results show that SMA can perform very well in hot climate under heavy load conditions due to the mixture to be very resistant against permanent deformation but still flexible like dense asphalt concrete. The SMA is a well Known solution for heavy traffic in Europe and, more recently, in North America. The SMA is also employed to increase the adherence in wet conditions and for noise reduction.

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