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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Some aspects on the reduction of olivine pellets in laboratory scale and in an experimental blast furnace

Sterneland, Jerker January 2002 (has links)
<p>The reduction behaviour of the olivine iron ore pellet MPBOwas studied in laboratory scale at KTH as well as in the LKABexperimental blast furnace. Initially, a newreduction-under-load, or so-called reduction/softening/melting,test equipment was developed. Experiments using differentreducing conditions, corresponding to different radialpositions of the blast furnace, were conducted. The experimentsincluded different temperature profiles, reducing atmospheresand mechanical loads applied on the sample bed to simulate thevarying conditions in the blast furnace process. The progressof reduction was investigated, as well as the processes ofsintering and contraction during reduction. A model of thecarburisation (pick-up of carbon by the reduced iron) andmelt-down process during rapid contraction was presented.</p><p>Laboratory testing of MPBO pellets was compared with resultsfrom the LKAB experimental blast furnace. The reduction of ironore pellets in the experimental blast furnace was surveyed by adissection of the furnace after quenching. The high temperaturephenomena occurring when reducing the MPBO pellet, with limitedsoftening and a short temperature range of the melting process,resulting in a thin cohesive zone, were found to be the same inlaboratorytests and in the experimental blast furnace. Thereduction down through the burden of the experimental blastfurnace was similar, but not identical to the results of theRUL experiments. The differences were found to be due todifferent reducing conditions. Therefore, it was concluded thata simulation of the reduction occurring in the blast furnacecan be performed in laboratory scale, provided the experimentalconditions are correctly chosen.</p><p>Finally, a modification to further improve the properties ofthe MPBO pellets was examined. With the aim to improve theblast furnace process, coating of blast furnace pellets wasinvestigated in laboratory scale, as well as in the LKABexperimental blast furnace. Olivine, dolomite and quartzitewere used as coating agents. In laboratory scale the stickingprevention action of the different coating materials wasverified, in established test methods as well as in new testmethods, modified for blast furnace conditions. Testing of thecoated pellets in the experimental blast furnace revealedseveral advantages; significantly reduced blast furnace fluedust generation, improved gas utilisation and a smoother blastfurnace operation with a potential for a lowered fuel rate.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>Olivine, pellets, pellet testing,reduction/softening/melting, MPBO, blast furnace, reduction,quenching, dissection, coating, sticking, coated pellets.</p>

On impacts and ride-through of voltage sags exposing line-operated AC-machines and metal processes

Carlsson, Fredrik January 2003 (has links)
<p>During the last decade, power quality has been recognised asa global problem. Among different types of power qualityproblems, voltage sags have been identified to be one of themost severe problems for different process industries. The mostcommon reason to voltage sags is lightning strikes in powerlines. Protection equipment, usually located at switchyards,disconnect faulted power lines as soon as possible, which isapproximately 100 ms. Thus, the duration of voltage sags areapproximately 100 ms. The sensitivity to voltage sags ofelectrical equipment in process industries can be observed asfor instance malfunction, automatic turnoff or damages.</p><p>This thesis gives an overview of three metals processes withfocus on the sensitivity to voltage sags and interruptions. Theinherent energy in the process is used to find the sensitivity.This energy may also be used to obtain "ride-through" for theprocesses. The three metals processes are a blast furnaceprocess, a hot rolling mill process and a cold rolling millprocess. The main attention in this thesis is paid to the blastfurnace process, which is powered by a line-operatedsynchronous machine.</p><p>The thesis shows that the protection equipment forelectrical machines can be adjusted to avoid unnecessaryshutdowns. It is also explained why there are high torque andcurrents during voltage sags as well as after voltage sags. Itis shown that the first peak torque and current during thevoltage sags is almost proportional to the voltage change, thatis the voltage magnitude before the voltage sag minus thevoltage magnitude during the voltage sag. The first peak torqueand current after the voltage sag depends sinusoidal-like onthe duration of the voltage sag and almost proportional to thevoltage change during the voltage sag. There is no fluxsaturation during voltage sags, however after voltage sagssaturation is very likely to occur. The thesis explains why andalso how the flux is changed during and after voltage sags.</p><p>The duration of voltage sags is in many cases set by theprotection equipment located in switchyards. It is shown thatthe durations of voltage sags can be changed to durations thatwill cause less peak torque and current after voltage sags forline-operated AC-machines. It is also shown how this istheoretically achieved.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>Rolling mill, Blast furnace, Power Quality,Synchronous machine, Asynchronous machine, Voltage sag, Voltageinterruption, Ride-through, Process disturbances, Simulation,Modelling</p>


Oberlink, Anne Elizabeth 01 January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this project was to produce a “greener” cement from granulated ground blast furnace slag (GGBS) using non-Portland cement activation. By eventually developing “greener” cement, the ultimate goal of this research project would be to reduce the amount of Portland cement used in concrete, therefore reducing the amount of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere during cement production. This research studies the behavior of mineral binders that do not contain Portland cement but instead comprise GGBS activated by calcium compounds or fluidized bed combustion (FBC) bottom ash. The information described in this paper was collected from experiments including calorimetry, which is a measure of the release of heat from a particular reaction, the determination of activation energy of cement hydration, mechanical strength determination, and pH measurement and identification of crystalline phases using X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results indicated that it is possible to produce alkali-activated binders with incorporated slag, and bottom ash, which have mechanical properties similar to ordinary Portland cement (OPC). It was determined that the binder systems can incorporate up to 40% bottom ash without any major influence on binder quality. These are positive results in the search for “greener cement”.

Reactions in the Lower Part of the Blast Furnace with Focus on Silicon

Gustavsson, Joel January 2004 (has links)
The thermodynamic conditions for the behaviour of silicon in the lower part of the blast furnace have been the focus of the thesis. More specifically, the influences of temperature, carbon activity, total gas pressure and Fe reoxidation on silicon have been studied. Calculations show that an increased temperature gives higher equilibrium ratio between silicon in hot metal and slag. Furthermore, laboratory reduction studies shows that the carbon activity in the cohesive zone increase with an increased reduction time. Increased carbon activity will increase the equilibrium silicon content in liquid metal. Equilibrium calculations based on tapped hot metal and slag shows that the equilibrium silicon content of the liquid metal phase is higher than measured at tapping. Around the raceway area the equilibrium silicon content is very high. The high equilibrium silicon content makes it important to differ between the conditions under operation and the conditions of samples taken out of the blast furnace before studied. The equilibrium silicon content is strongly correlated to the CO gas partial pressure. Often this partial pressure is changed during sampling and cooling of samples. At tapping the equilibrium partial pressure of CO has been calculated to higher values than the total gas pressure inside the blast furnace. Metal droplets found in tapped slags are probably formed by reduction of FeO. In the periphery part of the lower part of the blast furnace, it is believed that mainly FeO oxidises silicon in hot metal. It is not expected that the metal droplets in the slag is formed if FeO oxidises dissolved silicon. Instead, the iron droplets may form at reactions with gas, coke carbon or coal powder carbon. Around some droplets increased magnesium content has been found. This may be due to reactions with gaseous magnesium that, according to thermodynamic conditions, is easy to form. It has been reported that much FeO may be formed in the raceway area. The metal droplets may indicate how much FeO that reacts with other components than liquid iron. The iron found in metal droplets in the slag corresponds to between 0.02 and 0.2 wt-% FeO in the slag.


AUGUSTO MENDONCA LESSA 16 January 2018 (has links)
[pt] A indústria de minério de ferro tem importante papel na melhoria das condições de vida da população mundial por ser o principal insumo à produção de aço que, por sua vez, é o material mais utilizado e com as mais variadas aplicações no mundo. Neste contexto, é de suma importância o desenvolvimento tecnológico das empresas de mineração no âmbito de produzir seus minérios com mais qualidade, em maior escala e com menores custos para o benefício de toda a cadeia. Foi desenvolvido neste trabalho um modelo de medição do Valor em Uso de cargas metálicas no processo de Alto-Forno, que é a rota mais importante e responsável por 94 por cento da produção mundial de ferro primário. Os resultados do modelo desenvolvido foram validados com dados reais de 23 Altos-Fornos de 7 países, os quais possuem práticas operacionais distintas. Este modelo apresentou um desvio médio de 4 por cento entre os resultados obtidos e os dados de operação. O estudo de caso para cálculo de Valor em Uso foi realizado focando um dos 23 Altos-Fornos, operando com uma distribuição de carga metálica composta de sínter, pelota e lump, similar à média mundial. A proporção de pelotas na carga metálica foi variada de 17 a 50 por cento. Em um dos cenários avaliados, a adição de valor no processo siderúrgico, advinda desta variação, foi de 4,6 por cento na margem de contribuição, e de 2,1 por cento na produtividade do Alto-Forno. Caso este ganho em valor fosse transferido ao preço do insumo pelota de minério de ferro, este poderia ser acrescido em 11 por cento. Os resultados obtidos evidenciam o quão importante é o desenvolvimento das ferramentas de análise de Valor em Uso para uma maior explicitação dos ganhos ou perdas proporcionados pelos diferentes tipos de minérios de ferro. Além disso, a análise de Valor em Uso demonstrou estar relacionada com as condições específicas do mercado e dos acordos comerciais estabelecidos e, sem dúvida, se constitui numa poderosa ferramenta para o desenvolvimento das indústrias de minério de ferro e aço. / [en] As steel is the most utilized and applied material in the world the iron ore industry has a very important role to society on improving human beings life conditions. It is of single importance the technological development of iron ore companies on producing higher quality materials, in larger scales and at lower costs creating value to the whole. It was developed an iron ore burden Value In Use assessment model for the Blast Furnace process which is responsible for producing 94 percent of all iron in the World. The outputs from the model were cross checked with real operational data of 23 Blast Furnaces with distinct practices, from 7 countries. The model exhibited an average deviation achieved was of 4 percent between the calculated outputs and the operational data set. For the case study one out of the 23 Blast Furnaces was chosen due its world average equivalent burden distribution in terms of sinter pellets and lump to perform an iron ore Value In Use assessment. Scenarios were built with pellet participation in the metallic burden varying from 17 to 50 percent, achieving 4,6 percent gains in the contribution margin and 2,1 percent incremental BF productivity in one of the scenarios. If all this gain is reverted to the pellet price, it could be increased by 11 percent. The obtained results show how important the development of Value In Use analysis tools are as to revel true gains or losses from each iron ore type to the process. Further Value In Use analysis is an important tool to mining and steel industries and is always made against one reference case, relating it to a specific market and commercial conditions being applied to a single operation.

Quantificação do teor de char e finos de coque no pó de balão do alto-forno por difração de raios-X

Machado, André da Silveira January 2011 (has links)
A injeção de carvão pulverizado (PCI — pulverized coal injection) nos altos-fornos (AFs) é uma tecnologia utilizada pelas usinas siderúrgicas para aumentar a produtividade e diminuir o consumo de coque no AF. Nas últimas décadas as taxas de injeção de carvão pulverizado aumentaram na maior parte dos AFs. O principal problema associado à utilização de altas taxas de PCI é a geração de char (carvão incombusto) na zona de combustão. Este material percorre um caminho ascendente junto ao fluxo gasoso, podendo acumular-se e assim prejudicar a permeabilidade do AF. A presença, nas amostras sólidas recolhidas do gás de saída do AF, de altos teores de char pode ser o resultado da injeção de um carvão pulverizado com uma combustibilidade inadequada e de uma operação instável do AF. Portanto, conhecer a proporção de char que sai do AF contribuirá na seleção do tipo de carvão utilizado e na otimização da prática de PCI. Análises químicas das amostras de pó do AF revelam, sem distinguir, a presença de materiais carbonosos. A microscopia ótica foi utilizada para estudar estas amostras sólidas, mas apresenta certas limitações. A difração de raios-X (DRX) é uma técnica padrão para caracterizar a estrutura cristalina dos materiais. Ela também pode ser utilizada para quantificar as dimensões dos cristalitos (Lc, La, etc.) dos materiais carbonosos. Uma vez que a estrutura do coque é mais ordenada que a do char, seria possível quantificar a proporção destes materiais nas amostras de pó do AF através da DRX combinada a análises químicas. O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi identificar e quantificar os componentes carbonosos (char e finos de coque) presentes no pó de balão (PB) do AF, por DRX e análise elementar de carbono. O efeito da temperatura sobre a grafitização do coque também foi avaliado, a fim de identificar a possível origem dos finos de coque gerados no AF. Três amostras de PB coletadas de um AF, uma em operação a coque e duas a PCI, foram selecionadas. Os pós foram fracionados e analisados quimicamente. Após, as frações destas amostras foram moídas, desmineralizadas e analisadas por DRX e análise elementar de carbono. Amostras de char produzidas em laboratório e respectivos carvões foram utilizados como padrões para a quantificação. Amostras de coque foram tratadas termicamente a diferentes temperaturas, sendo posteriormente analisadas por DRX. Este estudo mostrou que a DRX pode ser usada como técnica padrão para identificar as estruturas do char e do coque podendo ser utilizada para quantificar a proporção destes materiais carbonosos no pó de balão do AF. Além disto, observou-se que quanto maior a temperatura de tratamento térmico mais ordenada fica a estrutura cristalina do coque. / In a Blast Furnace (BF), Pulverized coal injection (PCI) is the most popular injection technology used worldwide to reduce coke consumption and to increase the productivity. In the last decades the PCI injection rates raised in the most of BFs. One of the problems during the PCI operation in BF is the unburnt char formation. Higher char levels in the BF stack could impact burden permeability. The off gas BF solid samples contain char, coke fines, metallic oxides, etc. The quantification of the carbonaceous materials content in these samples could be used to improve the PCI performance in operating BF. Chemical analysis in the BF dust samples reveal without differentiates some carbonaceous material. The optical microscopy was used to study these solid samples but with some restrictions. XRD (X-ray diffraction) is a standard means of characterizing the structure of materials. This technique has been utilized to determine the crystallite sizes (Lc, La, etc.), in carbonaceous materials. Since the coke structure is more ordered than the char structure, it would be possible to quantify the proportion of these materials in the off-gas BF samples by chemical analysis in combination with XRD. The aim of this work is to identify and quantify carbonaceous components (coal, char and coke fines) in the flue dust BF samples through the use of the XRD technique and ultimate analysis. Besides, the effect of temperature on coke graphitization will be studied aiming to identify the possible origin of coke fines in the BF dust. Four dusts collected in the off-gas BF, two at all coke and two at PCI operations, were selected for this investigation. The dusts were fractioned and chemically analyzed. After the fractions were grounded, demineralized and analyzed by ultimate analysis and XRD. Besides, were investigated the atomic structure of raw coals and its laboratory char, and raw coke and its laboratory heattreated samples. This study has shown that the XRD technique could be used as a standard procedure to identify the char and coke structures and could be used to quantify the fines proportions of these carbonaceous materials in the BF flue dust. It was concluded that the bigger the annealing temperature the more ordered becomes the atomic coke structure.

Caracterização tecnológica de carvão da Mina de Leão-II(Camada Inferior) para a geração de carvões pulverizados de injeção em ventaneiras(PCI), Brasil-RS

Raposo, Fortunato Lucas Quembo January 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo a caracterização do carvão da mina de Leão IIcamada inferior, com a finalidade de gerar carvão pulverizado para a injeção nas ventaneiras do alto-forno na indústria siderúrgica. Esta prática visa diminuir o custo do coque, através do aumento da taxa de substituição do coque por carvões brasileiros de baixo rank. Para o estudo foram realizados ensaios de beneficiamento, análise imediata e elementar, poder calorífico, análise petrográfica e índice de inchamento livre. Na 1ª etapa de ensaios de beneficiamento, usaram-se densidades entre: 1,3-2,4g/cm3, com intervalo de diferença de 0,1 e 0,2 para as densidades de 1,3-1,9 e 2,0-2,4 g/cm3, respectivamente.Verificou-se que a fração de densidade 1,3 g/cm3 apresentou uma menor recuperação (2,0%) e um teor de cinzas de 4,3%. As maiores massas foram obtidas nas densidades de 1,4; 1,5 e 2,4 g/cm3, com recuperação de 11,1%;14,3% e 22,2% e teores de cinzas de 14,9%; 24,3% e 83,4%, respectivamente. Foram escolhidas as frações de densidades 1,4 e 1,5 g/cm3 com maior recuperação na 1ª etapa e com teor de cinzas em torno de 12 a 18%, conforme as curvas lavabilidade. Na 2ª etapa foi flutuado o carvão nas densidades de interesse escolhidas para o PCI e obtiveram-se recuperações mássicas de 13,11% e 27,00%, respectivamente. Assim as recuperações das médias ponderadas corresponderam a 22,46% para os carvões de interesse com alto teor de matéria carbonosa enquanto para as frações indesejadas obteve-se 80,45% em massa. A partir da análise imediata foram obtidos os teores das frações densidades flutuadas de 1,4 e 1,5 g/cm3, obteve-se os seguintes teores: U%- 14,45%; Cz(%bs)-15,22%;MV(bs)-36,04%; MV(bsic)- 42,51%; CF(bs) -50,54% e CF(bsic)- 59,6%. As médias da análise elementar obtida das duas frações foram: enxofre total-0,54%, hidrogênio total-5,44% e carbono total-56.74%, respectivamente. O poder refletor da vitrinita médio foi de 0,46 a 0,48% Ro, sendo classificado como sub-betuminosoB de acordo com a ASTM. O valor do poder calorífico médio foi de 5462 kcal/kg. A fração FL 1,4 é levemente aglutinante com 0,5 de perfil de inchamento, pois concentrou mais vitrinita e perfil zero (0) para fração de FL 1,5g/cm3 e NB, não sendo aglutinante. A partir dos resultados o carvão de leão II apresenta altos voláteis, bom poder calorífico superior; baixo S<1% e teores de cinzas e umidade razoáveis após beneficiamento em densidade de 1,4 a 1,5g/cm3. Assim pode ser usado para PCI, mas há necessidade de se fazer a devida mistura com carvão de médio e/ou alto rank para ajustar algumas propriedades de interesse de acordo com as exigências de cada alto-forno. / The present study concerns itself with the characterization of coal from the mine of Leão II (lower layer), for use in the steel industry with the purpose of generating pulverized coal for injection in the blast furnace. This practice is intended to reduce the cost of coke, by increasing the rate of replacement of Coke by Brazilian low-rank coals. For the study, were carried processing trials, proximate(%) and ultimate(%) analysis, calorific value, petrographic analysis and free swelling index. In the first step of processing tests, it was used density in between densities: 1.3-2, 4 g/cm3, with range of difference of 0.1 and 0.2 to 1.3 densities-1.9 and -2.0 2.4 g/cm3, respectively. It was found that the fraction of 1.3 g/cm3 density showed a minor recovery (2.0%) and an ash content of 4.3%. The biggest masses were obtained in 1.4; 1.5 and 2.4 g/cm3 densities, with 11.1%; 14.3% and 22.2% recovery and 14.9%; 24.3% and 83.4% ash content, respectively. There were chosen the fractional density 1.4 and 1.5 g/cm3 with greater recovery on the first step and with ash content around 12 to 18%, as the washability curves. The second stage was floated coal in densities of interest chosen for PCI and led to mass recalls of 13.11% and 27.00%, respectively. So recoveries of weighted averages corresponded to 22.46% to the coals with high carbon content while the unwanted fraction was 80.45% by mass. From the immediate analysis were obtained the contents of the fractions of floated densities of 1.4 and 1.5 g/cm3, the following levels: U%- 14.45%; as (% bd)- 15.22%; VM (bd)- 36.04%; VM (daf)- 42.51%; FC(bd)- 50.54% and FC (daf)- 59.6%. The averages of the elemental analysis obtained from two fractions were: total sulphur- 0.54%, total hydrogen- 5.44% and total carbon- 56.74%, respectively. The vitrinite reflector medium power was of 0.46 to 0.48% Ro, being classified as Sub-bituminous B in accordance with the ASTM standard. The value of the calorific average was of 5462 kcal/kg. The fraction FL 1.4 is slightly binder with 0.5 swelling profile because it obtained more vitrinite and focused profile of zero (0) for FL1.5 g/cm3 fraction and NB not agglutinative. From the results the Leão II coal has it was obvious presenting high volatile, good upper calorific value; low levels of S<1% and ashes and humidity reasonable after processing in density of 1.4 to 1.5 g/cm3. So it can be used for PCI, but there is need to do proper mixture with medium carbon and/or high rank to set some properties of interest according to the requirements of each blast furnace.

Avaliação da combustibilidade e reatividade de biomassas termicamente tratadas e carvões com vistas à injeção em altos-fornos

Pohlmann, Juliana Gonçalves January 2014 (has links)
O processo de injeção pelas ventaneiras dos altos-fornos (Pulverized Coal Injection - PCI) é uma das tecnologias mais promissoras para a incorporação de biomassas termicamente tratadas na siderurgia e um dos meios de alcançar uma redução consistente nas emissões de CO2 no setor. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a combustibilidade e reatividade ao CO2 de biomassas de madeira e caroço de azeitona tratadas em laboratório desde temperaturas de torrefação (250°C) até de carbonização (450°C) e comparar com carvões típicos utilizados em PCI, correlacionando com as características ocorridas devido aos tratamentos térmicos. Além da caracterização química, as transformações devido aos tratamentos térmicos das biomassas foram avaliadas via testes de combustão em termobalança, técnicas de microscopia ótica e eletrônica, espectroscopia de infravermelho por transformada de Fourier (FTIR) e técnicas de adsorção para análise da porosidade. Testes de combustibilidade foram conduzidos em um forno de queda livre (Drop Tube Furnace - DTF) em atmosferas convencional (O2/N2) e de oxi-combustão (O2/CO2) e os chars resultantes destes testes foram caracterizados quanto à estrutura e à reatividade ao CO2 em termobalança. Além disso, foram feitos testes de reatividade ao CO2 de misturas de eucalipto termicamente tratado e carvões em termobalança. A torrefação manteve o alto teor de voláteis das biomassas, enquanto que as biomassas carbonizadas apresentaram teores de carbono e poder calorífico semelhantes aos dos carvões de mais alto rank, com as vantagens típicas de biomassas de manterem um baixo teor de cinzas e enxofre. No entanto, o elevado teor de álcalis e fósforo nas cinzas pode ser um fator limitante na composição de misturas para PCI. O tratamento térmico das biomassas levou a gradual decomposição dos componentes da madeira com uma progressiva homogeneização da estrutura celular, associada a um aumento de aromaticidade e porosidade. De uma maneira geral, quanto menor foi a temperatura de tratamento térmico das biomassas, maior foi o burnout obtido no DTF. Comparada à atmosfera convencional (O2/N2), a atmosfera de oxicombustão (O2/CO2) levou a maiores burnouts para os chars de todas as biomassas e carvões. As biomassas carbonizadas apresentaram burnouts mais elevados que o carvão de mais baixo rank e o caroço de azeitona carbonizado apresentou baixa conversão, equivalente a um carvão de alto rank. Os chars das biomassas torrefeitas apresentaram estruturas cenosféricas isotrópicas de elevada porosidade nas paredes enquanto que os chars das carbonizadas preservaram a morfologia apresentada nas amostras originais. Os chars das biomassas foram altamente porosos, com áreas superficiais de meso e microporos em média 15 e 5 vezes maior que os chars dos carvões, respectivamente. Com relação aos testes de reatividade ao CO2 em termobalança, em geral, a reatividade dos chars das biomassas torrefeitas foi maior do que a reatividade dos chars das biomassas carbonizadas e estes foram pelo menos 10 vezes mais reativos ao CO2 do que o chars do carvão de mais baixo rank. Além das maiores áreas superficiais, principalmente o ordenamento da estrutura carbonosa e a morfologia foram fundamentais nas diferenças de reatividade ao CO2 entre os chars das biomassas e dos carvões. As misturas do carvão de mais baixo rank com a biomassa carbonizada apresentaram os melhores resultados em termos de aditividade na reatividade ao CO2. / Pulverized Coal Injection (PCI) in the blast furnace tuyeres is a promising technology for incorporation of thermally-treated biomasses and it is a way to reduce CO2 emissions in ironmaking processes. The aim of this work was to evaluate combustibility and CO2 reactivity of laboratory torrefied (250°C) and carbonized (450°) olive stone and woody biomasses, comparing with typical PCI coals. The transformations produced in biomasses due to torrefaction and carbonization were evaluated by chemical analyses, combustion tests in thermobalance, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and optical and electron microscopy and adsorption techniques. Combustion experiments were carried out in a Drop Tube Furnace (DTF) under conventional (O2/N2) and oxy-fuel (O2/CO2) atmospheres and the chars collected were characterized by its structure and CO2 reactivity in thermobalance. Reactivity tests were also conducted in thermobalance with blends of thermally-treated eucalyptus and coals. Torrefied samples maintained high contents of volatile matter, typical of raw biomasses, while carbonized biomasses showed carbon contents and high heating values similar to that of high rank coals, retaining low ash and sulfur contents. However, its high alkali and phosphorus contents could be a limiting factor to the use in blends for PCI. The thermal treatments of biomasses lead to a gradual decomposition of wood components and to a progressive homogenization of cell structure, associated to an increase in aromaticity and porosity. In general, the lower the thermal treatment temperature, the higher was the burnout in the DTF. Compared to conventional atmosphere, oxy-fuel combustion led to the highest burnouts for all biomass chars. The carbonized biomasses showed higher burnouts than the high-volatile coal and olive stone showed burnouts similar to a low-volatile coal. The chars from the torrefied biomasses showed isotropic cenospheric structures with high porosity within the walls and the chars from the carbonized biomasses preserved the morphology seen in original carbonized samples. The biomass chars presented highly porosity, with micro and mesoporosity in average, 5 and 15 times greater than the coal chars, respectively. In relation to the CO2 reactivity tests, in general, the torrefied biomass chars were more reactive than the carbonized biomass chars. However, due to its higher surface areas, structure arrangement and morphology, the carbonized biomass chars were at least 10 times more reactive than the high-volatile coal chars. The blends of high-volatile coal and carbonized eucalyptus showed good additivity in the CO2 reactivity tests in thermobalance.

Quantificação do teor de char e finos de coque no pó de balão do alto-forno por difração de raios-X

Machado, André da Silveira January 2011 (has links)
A injeção de carvão pulverizado (PCI — pulverized coal injection) nos altos-fornos (AFs) é uma tecnologia utilizada pelas usinas siderúrgicas para aumentar a produtividade e diminuir o consumo de coque no AF. Nas últimas décadas as taxas de injeção de carvão pulverizado aumentaram na maior parte dos AFs. O principal problema associado à utilização de altas taxas de PCI é a geração de char (carvão incombusto) na zona de combustão. Este material percorre um caminho ascendente junto ao fluxo gasoso, podendo acumular-se e assim prejudicar a permeabilidade do AF. A presença, nas amostras sólidas recolhidas do gás de saída do AF, de altos teores de char pode ser o resultado da injeção de um carvão pulverizado com uma combustibilidade inadequada e de uma operação instável do AF. Portanto, conhecer a proporção de char que sai do AF contribuirá na seleção do tipo de carvão utilizado e na otimização da prática de PCI. Análises químicas das amostras de pó do AF revelam, sem distinguir, a presença de materiais carbonosos. A microscopia ótica foi utilizada para estudar estas amostras sólidas, mas apresenta certas limitações. A difração de raios-X (DRX) é uma técnica padrão para caracterizar a estrutura cristalina dos materiais. Ela também pode ser utilizada para quantificar as dimensões dos cristalitos (Lc, La, etc.) dos materiais carbonosos. Uma vez que a estrutura do coque é mais ordenada que a do char, seria possível quantificar a proporção destes materiais nas amostras de pó do AF através da DRX combinada a análises químicas. O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi identificar e quantificar os componentes carbonosos (char e finos de coque) presentes no pó de balão (PB) do AF, por DRX e análise elementar de carbono. O efeito da temperatura sobre a grafitização do coque também foi avaliado, a fim de identificar a possível origem dos finos de coque gerados no AF. Três amostras de PB coletadas de um AF, uma em operação a coque e duas a PCI, foram selecionadas. Os pós foram fracionados e analisados quimicamente. Após, as frações destas amostras foram moídas, desmineralizadas e analisadas por DRX e análise elementar de carbono. Amostras de char produzidas em laboratório e respectivos carvões foram utilizados como padrões para a quantificação. Amostras de coque foram tratadas termicamente a diferentes temperaturas, sendo posteriormente analisadas por DRX. Este estudo mostrou que a DRX pode ser usada como técnica padrão para identificar as estruturas do char e do coque podendo ser utilizada para quantificar a proporção destes materiais carbonosos no pó de balão do AF. Além disto, observou-se que quanto maior a temperatura de tratamento térmico mais ordenada fica a estrutura cristalina do coque. / In a Blast Furnace (BF), Pulverized coal injection (PCI) is the most popular injection technology used worldwide to reduce coke consumption and to increase the productivity. In the last decades the PCI injection rates raised in the most of BFs. One of the problems during the PCI operation in BF is the unburnt char formation. Higher char levels in the BF stack could impact burden permeability. The off gas BF solid samples contain char, coke fines, metallic oxides, etc. The quantification of the carbonaceous materials content in these samples could be used to improve the PCI performance in operating BF. Chemical analysis in the BF dust samples reveal without differentiates some carbonaceous material. The optical microscopy was used to study these solid samples but with some restrictions. XRD (X-ray diffraction) is a standard means of characterizing the structure of materials. This technique has been utilized to determine the crystallite sizes (Lc, La, etc.), in carbonaceous materials. Since the coke structure is more ordered than the char structure, it would be possible to quantify the proportion of these materials in the off-gas BF samples by chemical analysis in combination with XRD. The aim of this work is to identify and quantify carbonaceous components (coal, char and coke fines) in the flue dust BF samples through the use of the XRD technique and ultimate analysis. Besides, the effect of temperature on coke graphitization will be studied aiming to identify the possible origin of coke fines in the BF dust. Four dusts collected in the off-gas BF, two at all coke and two at PCI operations, were selected for this investigation. The dusts were fractioned and chemically analyzed. After the fractions were grounded, demineralized and analyzed by ultimate analysis and XRD. Besides, were investigated the atomic structure of raw coals and its laboratory char, and raw coke and its laboratory heattreated samples. This study has shown that the XRD technique could be used as a standard procedure to identify the char and coke structures and could be used to quantify the fines proportions of these carbonaceous materials in the BF flue dust. It was concluded that the bigger the annealing temperature the more ordered becomes the atomic coke structure.

Efeito da escória de siderurgia na nutrição e desenvolvimento inicial de eucalipto /

Leite, Regina Marques, 1976. January 2008 (has links)
Resumo: A escória de siderurgia é um dos resíduos gerados durante a produção de ferro-gusa. O Brasil é um dos maiores produtores de ferro-gusa e isso significa geração de aproximadamente dez milhões de toneladas por ano deste passivo ambiental. Entretanto, as escórias básicas de siderurgia podem ser usadas como corretivos de acidez do solo, fornecendo cálcio, magnésio e silício, sendo que o seu uso evita a extração de outros produtos da natureza, como o calcário, por exemplo. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar a influência das escórias de siderurgia no crescimento e nutrição do eucalipto na sua fase inicial (6 meses pós plantio) e nos atributos químicos do solo. O experimento foi conduzido em Latossolo e Neossolo Quartzarênico e foi analisado de duas formas: 1ª) avaliação do efeito da aplicação de doses crescentes de escória (doses proporcionais a zero; 300; 600; 1200 e 2400 kg/ha); e 2ª) comparação do tratamento equivalente a 2400 kg/ha de escória com testemunha absoluta, adubação química (somente NPK) e calcário. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos inteiramente casualizados, com seis repetições. Foram realizadas análises químicas de solo aos três e aos seis meses após o início da condução do experimento. Avaliou-se mensalmente a altura e o diâmetro das plantas e, ao encerramento, quantificou-se massa verde e massa seca de folhas, galhos, tronco e raízes, área foliar, teores de macro e micronutrientes e silício nas folhas, galhos, tronco e raízes. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente com o auxílio do programa SISVAR.2 Os resultados indicaram que, após três meses, a aplicação de 2400 kg/ha de escória proporcionou aumento do pH e V% do solo e redução da acidez potencial em ambos os solos. Após seis meses do plantio, os valores de pH foram semelhantes quando se comparou a dose de 2400 kg/ha com o calcário... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Blast furnace slag is one of residues generated during cast-iron production. Brazil is one of the largest producers of cast-iron. This means the generation of approximately ten million tonnes per year of environmental liabilities. However, slag can be used as soil pH-correcting material supplying calcium, magnesium and silicon, and that its use prevents the extraction of other products of nature, such as limestone, for example. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the influence of blast furnace slags on growth and nutrition of eucalyptus in its initial phase (6 months after planting) and chemical soil attributes. The experiment was conducted in Oxisol and a Typic Quartzipsamment and was analyzed in two ways: 1st) evaluation of the effect of application of increasing slag doses (rates proportional to zero, 300, 600; 1200 and 2400 kg / ha), and 2nd) comparison of a treatment equivalent to 2400 kg / ha of slag against an absolute control, chemical fertilization (NPK only) and limestone. The experimental design consisted of completely randomized blocks with six repetitions. Soil chemical analyses were performed three and six months after installation of the experiment. It was evaluated monthly height and diameter of the plants and the closure, is quantified green and dry mass of leaves, branches, trunk and roots, leaf area; macronutrient, micronutrient, and silicon in the leaves, branches, trunk and roots . The data were analyzed statistically using the SISVAR software program. The results indicated that, after three months, the application of 2400 kg / ha of slag increased soil pH and V%, and decreased potential acidity in both soils. Six months after planting, pH values were similar when the 2,400 kg / ha dose was compared with the dose of limestone. Increased slag doses provided increased green and dry mass production of leaves, leaf area, and dry mass of branches, increased leaf... (Complete abstract click electronic acess below) / Orientador: Iraê Amaral Guerrini / Coorientador: Dirceu Maximino Fernandes / Banca: Roberto Lyra Villas Bôas / Banca: Lísias Coelho / Mestre

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