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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nastavení optimálního režimu vyšetřování markerů sledovaných klinicky významných infekcí u dobrovolných dárců krve / Optimizing of the regime of marker's examination of clinically important infections in blood donors

Dušková, Daniela January 2014 (has links)
Project title: Optimalization of the regime of marker's examination of clinically important infections in blood donors Project author: Daniela Dušková, M.D. Project supervisor: prof. Vladimír Tesař, M.D., Dr.Sc., MBA, FASN The aim of this project is to contribute to the discussion about introducing the methods of molecular biology into the routine blood donor testing in the transfusions departments in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part includes a brief history and some turning points in transfusion medicine. The next part within the theoretical section is dedicated to the problems of infectious diseases concerning transfusion and the general examination processes used during the selection of blood donors. The end of the theoretical part concentrates on existing possibilities of markers' examination of clinically important infections in blood donors, including the list of processes performed in the Czech Republic, the European Union and other countries. The practical part describes this study, ie. the routine screening test of blood donors using the CMIA method (a routine method) and using RT-Real Time PCR method (a molecular biology method) for detecting infectious markers (HCV, HBV, HIV). Within this part, the principle of both methods and the process of actual examinations are described in...

Doadores de granulócitos, plaquetas e sangue total. O real perfil altruístico e seu capital social / Granulocyte donors, platelets and whole blood donors: the real altruistic profile and their social capital

Pedro Capuani Rocha 29 May 2013 (has links)
O concentrado de granulócitos é um importante componente para o tratamento de pacientes oncológicos. A doação deste componente é mais complexa do que outras doações de sangue ou hemocomponentes, porque necessita de maiores esforços e assumção de riscos por parte do doador e, também, o uso de equipamento automatizado de aférese. O presente estudo tem o objetivo de aumentar o conhecimento sobre a população de doadores de granulócitos e avaliar a diferença entre suas motivações para realizarem as doações e seu capital social geral comparando com doadores de plaquetas e doadores altruistas de sangue total. Com esses resultados os hemocentros que realizam a coleta de granulócitos não só poderão ter informações mais objetivas que tornem mais eficaz o recrutamento deste tipo de doador e, consequentemente, aumentar a disponibilidade deste componente como também, identificando um perfil semelhante dos doadores de granulócitos na população geral de doadores o banco de sangue poderá fidelizar estes indivíduos e promover doações de sangue mais seguras. O perfil dos doadores de granulócitos foi avaliado a partir de um estudo caso-controle, sendo o grupo casos formado por estes doadores (n=64) e, os controles por doadores de plaquetas (n-64) e de sangue total (n=68), na razão de um caso para dois controles. Doadores de granulócitos são principalmente do sexo masculino e com idade mais avançada do que os controles. Com referência às motivações para doarem, doadores de granulócitos não se diferem substancialmente dos doadores de plaquetas, mas em relação aos doadores de primeira vez de sangue total há diferenças consideráveis principalmente no que diz respeito ao interesse nos resultados dos testes sorológicos. Doadores de sangue total são quase duas vezes mais motivados a doarem pelo recebimento dos resultados comparados aos doadores de granulócitos, bem como também se motivam mais a doarem para tirar o dia de folga do trabalho o que indica um gesto de menor altruísmo destes daodores. O perfil sócio determinante entre os grupos de doadores também se difere, doadores de granulócitos são pessoas efetivamente mais engajadas socialmente comparados aos controles e têm de uma rede comunitária mais coesa e confiável, concordando cerca de duas vezes mais do que doadores de plaquetas que têm vizinhos conhecidos que os ajudaria financeiramente (OR=2,49) ou concordando quatro vezes mais que doadores de sangue total que têm vizinhos conhecidos que estariam sempre prontos a ajudar outros vizinhos (OR=4,02). Concluimos que os resultados indicam que há a necessidade dos bancos de sangue utilizarem novas estratégias de recrutamento para aumentar a conversão de doadores, passando a utilizar, além do recrutamento interno, comunicações mais efetivas que, consigam atingir a população foco com maior eficiência, em locais onde a probabilidade de encontrar doadores mais engajados socialmente é aumentada, como clubes, centros comunitários ou associações / The concentrate of granulocytes is an important component for oncologic patient\'s treatment. Donation of this component is more complex than other blood components donations, because it claims more efforts and risks assumptions by the donor, and also the use of automated apheresis equipment. The present study is aimed to increase knowledge about the granulocyte donors´ population and evaluate differences among their motivations to accomplish donations and their general social capital, comparing with platelets apheresis donors and altruistic whole blood donors. These results may help blood centers, which carry granulocyte collection, not just to achieve much more objective information about these donors, but also to identify similar granulocyte donors´ profile within the general population. Blood banks may be able to achieve fidelity among these individuals and to promote safer blood donations. Granulocyte donors´ profile was evaluated in a case-control study. Cases were formed by granulocytes donors (n=64) and controls by platelet apheresis donors (n-64) and first time whole blood donors (n=68), in a ratio of one case per two controls. Granulocyte donors are mainly male and older than controls. Regarding the motivation to donate, granulocyte donors are not essentially different from platelets donors, but regarding first time whole blood donors, there are considerable differences, especially in respect to test seeking. Moreover, whole blood donors are almost twice more motivated to donate to take a day off at work, which shows a minor altruistic gesture. The determinant social profile among donors´ groups is also different. Granulocyte donors are effectively more social engaged people when compared to controls, and have a much more coherent and trustful community net, assenting about twice more than platelets donors, which have acquainted neighbors that would be ever ready to help other neighbors (OR=4.02). In conclusion, these findings indicate that is necessary to blood centers to use new recruitment strategies to increase donor´s retention. More effective communications procedures, besides internal recruitment, that achieves the target with more efficiency in locals where the probability to find donors more social engaged is increased, as clubs, community centers or associations must be warranted

"Prevalência do HHV - 8 em doadores de sangue e politransfundidos na cidade de São Paulo, pelas técnicas de imunofluorescência indireta e Nested PCR" / Prevalence of HHV-8 in blood donors and recipients in the city of São Paulo, by indirect imunofluorescent assay and Nested PCR

Suzete Cleusa Ferreira 18 August 2005 (has links)
A prevalência de anticorpos e DNA viral de HHV-8 em 400 doadores de sangue e 50 indivíduos politransfundidos da Fundação Pró-Sangue Hemocentro de São Paulo, através das técnicas de Nested PCR e IFI para antígenos lítico e latente. Foi detectada uma soroprevalência mais alta entre doadores de sangue(4%) quando comparados a indivíduos politransfundidos (14%) (p= 0,002). A prevalência também foi mais alta entre mulheres em relação a homens, 7% versus 1.8% (p= 0,012; 95% IC 1,14 - 16,6). Foram detectados DNA de HHV-8 no plasma e PBMC de um doador 0.25%. Esta amostra foi seqüenciada confirmando a presença de HHV-8. O encontro de DNA viral no plasma de um doador de sangue indica a transfusão sanguínea como um possível meio de transmissão deste agente / The prevalence of antibodies and DNA viral of HHV-8 in 400 donors of blood and 50 receiving of the Fundação Pró-Sangue Hemocentro of São Paulo, through Nested PCR'S techniques and IFI for lithic and latent antigens. A seroprevalence of 4% was detected in the donors of blood and 14% in receiving, significantly high in comparison with the prevalence in donors of blood (p = 0,002). There was a significant difference in the prevalence among men 1,8% and 7% in the women (p= 0,012; 95% CI 1,14 - 16,6). They were detected DNA of HHV-8 in the plasma and a donor's 6,3% PBMC, and it was sequenced and submitted to the Gene Bank where presented 100% of identity. This allows to define the transmission tax and the need of introducing methods for this agent's selection

Estudos sobre infecções pelos vírus da hepatite B (HBV), hepatite C (HCV), hepatite delta (HDV) e vírus GB-C (GBV-C) em diferentes regiões da América do Sul / Studies on viral infections by hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), hepatitis delta virus (HDV) and GB virus C (GBV-C) in different regions of South America

Monica Viviana Alvarado Mora 11 October 2011 (has links)
As hepatites virais estão entre as mais importantes pandemias mundiais da atualidade. Existem várias causas de hepatite, entre elas, o vírus da hepatite B (HBV), o vírus da hepatite C (HCV) e o vírus da Hepatite Delta (HDV). Da mesma forma, o vírus GB-C (GBV-C) é importante na coinfecção com outros vírus, como o HIV. Nesse estudo, várias regiões da América do Sul foram analisadas. Na Colômbia, os estados do Amazonas e Magdalena foram encontradas como regiões hiperendêmicas para HBV. O genótipo F3 (75%) foi o mais prevalente. Determinou-se que o subgenótipo F3 é o mais antigo dos subgenótipos F. No estado de Chocó, encontrou-se o subgenótipo A1 (52,1%) como o mais prevalente. Surpreendentemente, nesse mesmo estado foram encontrados nove casos autóctones de infecção pelo genótipo E (39,1%). Para o HCV, em Bogotá, encontrou-se o subtipo 1b (82,8%) como o mais prevalente. Da mesma forma, estimou-se que esse subtipo foi introduzido por volta de 1950 e se propagou exponencialmente entre 1970 a 1990. O HDV foi identificado em casos de hepatite fulminante do estado de Amazonas, todos classificados como genótipo 3. Se determinou que o HDV/3 se espalhou exponencialmente a partir de 1950 a 1970 na América do Sul e depois desta época, esta infecção deixou de aumentar, provavelmente devido a introdução de vacinação contra o HBV. GBV-C foi procurado em doadores de sangue colombianos infectados com HCV e/ou HBV de Bogotá e em povos indígenas com infecção pelo HBV no Amazonas. A análise filogenética revelou a presença do genótipo 2a como o mais prevalente entre os doadores de sangue e o 3 nos povos indígenas estudados. A presença do genótipo 3 na população indígena foi previamente relatada na região de Santa Marta, na Colômbia e nos povos indígenas da Venezuela e da Bolívia. No Chile, foi realizado um estudo com 21 pacientes cronicamente infectados pelo HBV sem tratamento antiviral prévio. Todas as sequências obtidas eram do subgenótipo F1b e se agrupavam em quatro diferentes grupos, sugerindo que diferentes linhagens desse subgenótipo estão circulando no Chile. No Brasil, no estado de Rondônia, para o HCV, encontramos o subtipo 1b (50,0%) como o mais frequente. Esse foi o primeiro relato sobre os genótipos do HCV neste estado. Para o HBV, o subgenótipo A1 (37,0%) foi o mais frequente. Os resultados do estado de Rondônia são consistentes com outros estudos no Brasil, mostrando a presença de vários genótipos do HBV, refletindo a origem mista da população Brasileira. Estudando o estado do Maranhão, avaliamos a frequência da infecção pelo HBV e seus genótipos. Foram encontradas 4 sequencias genótipo A1 que agruparam com outras sequências reportadas do Brasil. Em outro estudo, caracterizamos os subgenótipos do HBV em 68 pacientes com hepatite crônica B em Pernambuco, encontrando 78,7% de presença do subgenótipo A1. Finalmente, em um estudo realizado com amostras da cidade de São Paulo, encontramos um caso de HBV genótipo C em um brasileiro nativo, sendo essa a primeira sequência completa do genoma de HBV/C2 notificados no Brasil / Viral hepatitis are among the major pandemics in the world nowadays. There are many causes of hepatitis, including hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) and hepatitis delta virus (HDV). Similarly, GB virus C (GBV-C) is a relevant agent in co-infection with HIV. In this study, several regions of South America were studied. In Colombia, the states of Amazonas and Magdalena were identified as highly endemic areas for HBV. Genotype F3 (75%) was the most prevalent. It was determined that subgenotype F3 is the oldest among all F subgenotypes. In the state of Chocó, subgenotype A1 (52.1%) was the most prevalent. Surprisingly, nine indigenous cases of infection by genotype E (39.1%) were found in this state. For HCV, in Bogotá, subtype 1b (82.8%) was the most frequent. Likewise, it was estimated that this subtype was introduced around 1950 and spread exponentially from 1970 to 1990. HDV has been identified in cases of fulminant hepatitis in the state of Amazonas, all of them classified as genotype 3. It was determined that the HDV/3 spread exponentially from 1950 to 1970 in South America and after this time, this infection stopped to increase, probably due to introduction of vaccination against HBV. GBV-C was sought in Colombian blood donors infected with HCV and/or HBV in Bogotá and indigenous peoples with HBV infection in the Amazon. The phylogenetic analysis revealed the presence of genotype 3 as the most prevalent among blood donors and in three studied indigenous people. The presence of genotype 3 in the indigenous population has been previously reported in the region of Santa Marta, Colombia, and in the indigenous peoples of Venezuela and Bolivia. In Chile, a study was carried out with 21 patients chronically infected with HBV without any prior antiviral treatment. All sequences obtained belonged to subgenotype F1b and clustered into four different groups, suggesting that different strains that are circulating in Chile. In Brazil, the state of Rondônia, we found HCV subtype 1b (50.0%) as the most frequent. This was the first report on HCV genotypes in this state. For HBV, subgenotype A1 (37.0%) was the most frequent. The results of the state of Rondônia are consistent with other studies carried out in Brazil, showing the presence of several HBV genotypes, reflecting the mixed origin of the Brazilian population. Studying the state of Maranhão, we evaluated the frequency of HBV infection and its genotypes and we found 4 genotype A1 sequences that grouped with other sequences reported in Brazil. In another study, we characterized HBV subgenotypes in 68 patients with chronic hepatitis B in Pernambuco and we found subgenotype A1 in 78.7% cases. Finally, in a study of samples from São Paulo, we found a case of HBV genotype C in a native Brazilian patient and this is the first complete genome sequence of HBV/C2 reported in Brazil

Processo de punção venosa na captação e transfusão de sangue e trauma vascular periférico na perspectiva do binômio usuário-profissional / Peripheral venipuncture process in withdrawal and blood transfusion and peripheral vascular trauma in perspective of user-professional binomial

Peres, Aline Almeida 11 October 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-04-12T15:15:12Z No. of bitstreams: 1 alinedealmeidaperes.pdf: 4968992 bytes, checksum: b682ecc1e40f813d6f65a50bb5cd23a6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-04-18T13:11:03Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 alinedealmeidaperes.pdf: 4968992 bytes, checksum: b682ecc1e40f813d6f65a50bb5cd23a6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-04-18T13:11:17Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 alinedealmeidaperes.pdf: 4968992 bytes, checksum: b682ecc1e40f813d6f65a50bb5cd23a6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-18T13:11:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 alinedealmeidaperes.pdf: 4968992 bytes, checksum: b682ecc1e40f813d6f65a50bb5cd23a6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-10-11 / Pesquisa delineada no método misto (estudos de caso com pessoas internadas para receber hemocomponentes; representações sociais do binômio usuário-profissional sobre o processo de punção venosa periférico em hemoterapia; coorte prospectiva com doadores de sangue para calcular a incidência de trauma vascular periférico; survey sobre a prática de punção desempenhada com profissionais de duas instituições e sobre o nível de satisfação de doadores de sangue sobre o processo de punção venosa para doação de sangue; e implicações da punção venosa periférica em hemoterapia para a enfermagem). Objetivou analisar as especificidades do processo de punção de vasos durante a captação e transfusão de hemocomponentes, a ocorrência de trauma vascular periférico na perspectiva do binômio usuário-profissional e as representações sociais de profissionais e doadores de sangue sobre o processo de punção realizado com fins hemoterápicos. Utilizados referenciais da Teoria das Representações Sociais (TRS) e Teoria do Cuidado Transpessoal de Jean Watson. Foram dois os cenários da investigação: hemocentro e instituição hospitalar de ensino em Minas Gerais. Delineamentos amostrais: 1) por tipicidade para estudo de caso com seis receptores de hemocomponentes; 2) seleção completa composta por 200 doadores de sangue de um hemocentro, cujas representações sociais sobre o processo de punção foram captadas nas abordagens processual e estrutural; 3) amostra de seleção completa composta de 62 profissionais oriundos de duas instituições, cujos usuários tiveram suas veias puncionadas para fins hemoterápicos e para captação de representações sociais e survey sobre a prática laboral de profissionais que puncionam veias; 4) amostra de seleção completa com 150 doadores que integraram uma coorte prospectiva e aferição de seu nível de satisfação sobre o processo de punção. Dados coletados de Junho/2015 a Agosto/2016. Estudo de caso e coortes estruturadas a partir de instrumento previamente validado, utilizando escalas mensurativas, paleta cromática e registros fotográficos de manifestações de trauma vascular. Utilizadas técnica de evocação livre a partir de termos indutores (―doar sangue‖, ―receber sangue‖ e ―punção da veia para doar sangue‖) para abordagem estrutural da TRS e gravação de áudio com entrevista semiestruturada para abordagem processual. Survey abordando práticas profissionais e aferição da satisfação de doadores quanto à punção. Atendidas recomendações éticas e legais da pesquisa com seres humanos. Integraram os estudos de caso pessoas com anemia, plaquetopenia e imunodepressão, cujos acessos venosos viabilizaram transfusões sanguíneas e infusão de terapia intravenosa. Detectada perda da punção havendo divergência entre registros profissionais e prática laboral. Complexo de fixação não atendeu aos protocolos institucionais. Foram manifestações de trauma vascular: edema e equimose. Atendidas recomendações sobre o calibre do cateter intravenoso e uso de vaso central para a infusão de drogas vesicantes. Abordagem processual das representações sociais de profissionais evidenciou três categorias temáticas que retrataram o processo de punção venosa. Técnica de evocação livre para etapas do processo hemoterápico evidenciou motivações do grupo para o ato de doação, proximidade com familiares e influência das informações compartilhadas sobre o comportamento de doadores. Identificado distanciamento do recebimento de sangue devido xviii falta de ancoragem em experiências próprias ou de terceiros. Registrado desconforto daqueles que doam sangue. Elementos simbólicos para o ato de doação e de se ter veia puncionada (―sensaçãoruim-desconforto‖, ―menor-dor‖, ―medo-ansiedade‖ e ―agulha-picada‖) retrataram representações semelhantes. Incidência de trauma vascular foi 6,7% com manifestações de dor e equimose. O survey com profissionais evidenciou sentimentos de ―sentir-se avaliado‖, ao longo das etapas da punção, ―alívio‖ ao término da punção e ―apreensão‖ no período de manutenção do acesso venoso. Foram comportamentos emergentes: ―vigilância‖ ao longo das etapas do processo e ―tagarelar‖. Aferição da satisfação dos doadores com a punção evidenciou escores ≥6/10, sendo a menor pontuação atribuída ao tempo de atendimento. Conclui-se sobre a existência de peculiaridades no processo de punção de vasos para fins hemoterápicos quando comparado à sua utilização para outras finalidades, sendo a coerência entre práticas laborais com: boas práticas, educação permanente dos profissionais e controle de eventos adversos que norteiam a reestruturação das ações terapêuticas fatores que justificam a incidência de trauma vascular de 6,7%. As implicações dos resultados para o cuidado de enfermagem, com base na Teoria do Cuidado Transpessoal, evidenciaram a necessidade de ressignificar a realização do processo de punção venosa periférico para as pessoas que o vivenciam e está em coerência com uma assistência de enfermagem que vise proporcionar um momento de cuidado autêntico aos usuários do contexto hemoterápico. / Outline research in a mixed method (case of study with hospitalized individuals to receive blood component; social representation of user-professional binomial involving the peripheral venipuncture process; prospective cohort with blood donator to calculate the peripheral venipuncture damage occurrence; survey about the puncture practice performed by professionals in two institutions and the satisfaction level of the blood donators with the venipuncture process for blood donation; and peripheral venipuncture implications in hemotherapy for nursing. The main goal is to analyze the venipuncture process specificities during withdrawal and transfusion of blood component, the peripheral venipuncture damage occurrence in a user-professional binomial approach and the social representation of professionals and blood donators in the venipuncture process performed for hemotherapy purposes. Was utilized Social Representation Theory’s references (SRT) and Jean Watson’s Human Caring Theory: Pertinent Transpersonal. Was two investigative scenarios: Hemocentro and Education Hospital Institute. Sampling Designs: 1) By types for case of study with six blood component receivers; 2) Completely selection composed by 200 blood donators of a Hemocentro, whom social representations about the venipuncture process were captured in the procedural and structural approach; 3) Sample of complete selection composed by sixty-two professionals from the two institutions. Which the users had venipuncture for the hemotherapy purposes and social representation gathering. Include professional’s venipuncture labor practice survey; 4) Sample of complete selection with a 150 donators which integrated a prospective cohort e standardization of satisfaction level in the puncture process. The data was collected from June/2015 to August/2016. Case of study and cohort were structured from an instrument previously authenticate. Was utilized measurable scale, chromatic palette, and photographic register of venous damage. Also, was utilized the free evocation technique from inductor terms: ―blood donation‖,‖ blood receiver‖, ―venipuncture for blood donation‖ for structure approach of (SRT) and audio record interview semi-structured for processual approach. Survey involving professional practice and measurement of donators satisfaction as the puncture. Was attended the ethical recommendations and statutory research with human beings. Integrate the Study’s case people with anemia, thrombocytopenia and immunosuppression people whom venous access allowed blood transfusion and venous therapy infusion. Was detected puncture loss involving divergence between professional register and labor practice. Dressing devices didn’t attempt the institute protocol. Was damage veins manifestations: edema and ecchymosis. Attended recommendations about gauge intravenous catheter and use of central vessel to infusion of vesicant drugs. The processual approach of professional’s social representation showed three thematic categories that reflects the venipuncture process. The free evocation technique for stages of the hemotherapeutic process showed group motivations for the donation act, proximity with relatives and the influence of shared information about the donor behavior. Was identified distancing from receiving blood due to lack of anchorage in own experiences or others. Was registered discomfort of those who donate blood. Symbolic elements to the act of donate and have punctured vein: ―bad feeling – uncomfortable‖, ―less pain‖, ―afraid-anxious‖, ―needle-sting‖, pictured similar representations. The vascular trauma incidence was 6,7% with manifestations of pain and ecchymosis. The professional’s survey showed feelings of ―relief‖ during the puncture steps, ―relief‖ at the puncture’s end, seizure during the maintenance of venous access. Were emerging behaviors: ―vigilance‖, along the process steps and ―chatter‖. Gauging the satisfaction of donors with the punch showed scores >= 6/10, being the lowest score assigned to the service time. Was concluded the existence of peculiarities in the vessel puncture xx process for hemotherapic purpose when compared to its use for other purposes, being the coherence between labor practices with: good practices, continuing professional’s education and control of adverse events that guide the restructuring of therapeutic actions. Factors that justify the incidence of vascular trauma by 6,7%. The implications of the results for nursing care, based on the Human Caring Theory: Pertinent Transpersonal, highlighted the need to reframe the completion of the peripheral venipuncture process for people who experienced and is coherent with a nursing care that aims to provide a moment of authentic care to the users of the hemotherapic context.

Epidémiologie moléculaire du virus de l'hépatite C (VHC) chez les donneurs de sang français entre 2008 et 2011 : caractérisation de génomes complets du VHC appartenant au génotype 2 / Molecular epidemiology of hepatitis C(HCV) among blood donors french between 2008 and 2011 and characterization of complete genome hepatitis C virus(HCV) among genotype 2 strains

Jordier, Edme 19 December 2013 (has links)
La distribution des génotypes du virus de l’hépatite C (VHC). chez les donneurs de sang Français entre 2008 et 2011 a été analysée afin d’actualiser nos connaissances. Le génotypage des souches a permis d’identifier la diversité des génotypes circulants. Les sous-types 1a, 1b et 3a sont majoritairement retrouvés (80% des souches). L’analyse phylogénétique a démontré une grande variabilité chez les types 2 et 4 représentés par de nombreux sous-types. Les résultats montrent que les comportements à risque tendent à influencer et redessiner la distribution de ces génotypes dans la population générale. Certains sous-types se répandent dans des groupes à risque où ils finissent par adopter un profil épidémique. Enfin, la sélection des donneurs et la mise en place de tests diagnostiques ont permis de rendre la contamination transfusionnelle négligeable. Les données épidémiques obtenues ont été enrichies de nouvelles connaissances sur l'évolution et la classification du VHC. 15 séquences codantes complètes de plusieurs souches appartenant au type 2 ont été caractérisées. L’analyse phylogénétique révèle 2 clusters distincts. Le cluster 1 comprend la plupart des souches tandis que le cluster 2 comprend le sous-type 2l. Les génomes obtenus ont un ORF de 9042 à 9108 bases (3014 à 3036 acides aminés). Les distances moyennes entre sous- types sont égales à 20% dans le cluster 1 et 26% entre les deux clusters. La bifurcation entre clusters a eu lieu tôt lors de l'évolution du virus. L'insertion de 60 bases dans la région NS5A caractéristique du type 2 est absente chez les 2l. Donc, l'apparition et la fixation de celle-ci sont tardives dans l'évolution du virus. / The distribution of genotypes of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection among blood donors French between 2008 and 2011 was analyzed in order to update our knowledge. Genotyping strains identified the diversity of circulating genotypes. Subtypes 1a, 1b and 3a are found predominantly (80 % of strains). Phylogenetic analysis showed a great variability in types 2 and 4 represented by many subtypes. The results show that risk behaviors tend to influence and reshape the distribution of these genotypes in the general population. Some subtypes are spreading risk groups where they eventually adopt an epidemic profile. Finally, donor selection and implementation of diagnostic tests reduced drastically blood contamination. Epidemic data were enriched of new knowledge about the evolution and classification of HCV. 15 complete coding sequences of several strains of type 2 have been characterized. Phylogenetic analysis reveals two distinct clusters. Cluster 1 includes most strains while cluster 2 includes subtype 2l. Genomes obtained have an ORF of 9042 to 9108 bases (3014-3036 amino acids). The average distances between subtypes are equal to 20% in cluster 1 and 26 % between the two clusters. The bifurcation between clusters occurred early during the evolution of the virus. The insertion of 60 bases in the NS5A region characteristic of Type 2 is absent in 2l. So the appearance and fixing it is late in the evolution of the virus.

Nastavení optimálního režimu vyšetřování markerů sledovaných klinicky významných infekcí u dobrovolných dárců krve / Optimizing of the regime of marker's examination of clinically important infections in blood donors

Dušková, Daniela January 2014 (has links)
Project title: Optimalization of the regime of marker's examination of clinically important infections in blood donors Project author: Daniela Dušková, M.D. Project supervisor: prof. Vladimír Tesař, M.D., Dr.Sc., MBA, FASN The aim of this project is to contribute to the discussion about introducing the methods of molecular biology into the routine blood donor testing in the transfusions departments in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part includes a brief history and some turning points in transfusion medicine. The next part within the theoretical section is dedicated to the problems of infectious diseases concerning transfusion and the general examination processes used during the selection of blood donors. The end of the theoretical part concentrates on existing possibilities of markers' examination of clinically important infections in blood donors, including the list of processes performed in the Czech Republic, the European Union and other countries. The practical part describes this study, ie. the routine screening test of blood donors using the CMIA method (a routine method) and using RT-Real Time PCR method (a molecular biology method) for detecting infectious markers (HCV, HBV, HIV). Within this part, the principle of both methods and the process of actual examinations are described in...

Drépanocytose et transfusion sanguine: étude réalisée à Kisangani en République Démocratique du Congo

Batina Agasa, Salomon 22 June 2011 (has links)
Introduction<p><p>La drépanocytose, affection génétique concernant 1 à 2% de la population en Afrique sub-saharienne, est une maladie chronique dont l’un des traitements essentiels est la transfusion sanguine. Kisangani, une ville du Nord-est de la République Démocratique du Congo, compte environ un million d’habitants et près de 30 000 naissances par an. Elle est caractérisée entre autre par l’endémie malarienne, la fréquence élevée dans la population des virus de l’immunodéficience humaine (VIH), des virus des hépatites B (VHB) et C (VHC) et la carence d’autosuffisance en sang. Le don de sang est fait par des donneurs volontaires et par des donneurs de remplacement. Les tests VIH et VHB sont réalisés chez les donneurs depuis les années 80, celui de VHC depuis fin 2004. Dans ce contexte, définir des actions prioritaires pour assurer, en général et en particulier pour les patients drépanocytaires, la sécurité transfusionnelle la plus optimale possible est essentiel. <p><p>Méthodologie<p><p>Afin de déterminer les prévalences d’infections virales, les marqueurs sérologiques du VIH, VHB et VHC ont été recherchés chez 4637 donneurs de sang (2236 volontaires et 2401 de remplacement) du Centre Provincial de Transfusion et des hôpitaux de Kisangani. Chez 140 patients drépanocytaires suivis dans un centre médical de Kisangani, 127 ont été transfusés. Parmi eux, 79 sont « polytransfusés » et 94 ont été transfusés avant 2004. Outre la sérologie VIH, VHB et VHC, l’allo-immunisation anti-HLA et anti-érythrocytaire ont été recherchées et les indications de transfusion déterminées. Afin d’estimer la prévalence de la drépanocytose à la naissance, l’HbS a été identifiée systématiquement par focalisation isoélectrique sur du sang du cordon ombilical de 520 nouveau-nés suivis dans cinq maternités de Kisangani. Afin de déterminer les indications transfusionnelles dans la drépanocytose à Kisangani, un relevé de ces indications a été réalisé pour ces mêmes 127 patients drépanocytaires transfusés. Afin de comparer l’usage de la transfusion à Kisangani et à Bruxelles pour des complications non liées à l’environnement, les 140 patients drépanocytaires suivis à Kisangani ont été comparés à 195 patients suivis à Bruxelles ;parmi eux, 71 patients ont pu être appariés pour l’âge. <p><p>Résultats<p><p>La prévalence des marqueurs viraux chez les donneurs de sang est de l’ordre de 4% pour le VIH, de 5% pour le VHB et de 4% pour le VHC. Les séroprévalences de VIH (2,2 vs 4,1%) et VHB (3,0 vs 4,6%) sont moindres chez les donneurs bénévoles par rapport aux donneurs de remplacement. La prévalence du VIH et du VHB observée chez les donneurs bénévoles était plus élevée en 2006 qu’en 2004. Treize patients drépanocytaires non transfusés ne sont pas porteurs des marqueurs viraux. Six pourcent des patients qui ont une sérologie VHC positive sont des polytransfusés ;1% chez ceux qui avaient reçu une ou deux transfusions. Suite au retard d’introduction du dépistage VHC chez les donneurs, une séroprévalence pour le VHC de 7 % des malades pour seulement 0,7% pour celle du VIH et de 1,4% pour celle du VHB a été démontrée. Le fait qu’aucun patient transfusé après 2004, n’a été trouvé positif au VHC alors que 10 % l’ont été parmi ceux transfusés avant 2004 montre le bénéfice de l’introduction de moyens simples et peu coûteux. Deux (1,6 %) patients étaient porteurs d’anticorps anti-HLA et 13 (10%) des anticorps anti-érythrocytaires (2 anti-C-D, 1 anti-E et 1 anti-C-D-E). Aucun des patients n’étaient porteurs des anticorps anti-Kell (K), anti-Kidd (Jka et Jkb) ou anti-Duffy. La prévalence de la drépanocytose chez les nouveau-nés de Kisangani est d’environ 1 %. A Kisangani, outre l’anémie liée à la malaria (46 %), un facteur environnemental, 34 % des transfusions ont été administrées pour des crises douloureuses simples. En comparaison, aucun patient suivi à Bruxelles n’a été transfusé pour cette indication. Cette attitude est probablement à mettre en relation avec la méconnaissance de la maladie par le personnel médical et par les familles des malades. L’anémie chronique de ces patients est souvent mal connue et interprétée comme une anémie aiguë. <p><p>Conclusion<p><p>Un encouragement des dons bénévoles sans exclure les donneurs de remplacement est nécessaire pour continuer à accroître l’approvisionnement en sang. Afin d’améliorer la sécurité transfusionnelle, la généralisation des tests simples de dépistage des donneurs de sang comme ceux du VHC devrait constituer une priorité dans les centres de transfusion. Avec une prévalence d’environ 1%, la drépanocytose est une affection fréquente à Kisangani. Pour ces patients drépanocytaires, établir des recommandations concernant les indications transfusionnelles permettrait de leur éviter des transfusions inappropriées. <p><p>Abstract<p><p>Introduction <p><p>Sickle cell disease (SCD), a genetic disorder that affects 1% to 2% of the population in sub-Saharan Africa, is a chronic disease in which blood transfusion is one of the essential treatments. Kisangani, a town in north-eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, has about one million inhabitants and nearly 30 000 births per year. It is characterized among others by the endemic malarial, a high frequency in the population of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B (HBV) and C (HCV) virus, but also a lack of self-sufficiency in blood. Blood donation is given by volunteers and replacement donors. HBV and HIV screening tests are performed in donors since the 80s, while for HCV it is available only since late 2004. In that context in view to ensure blood transfusion safety, it is essential to define priority actions, in general and especially for patients with sickle cell disease.<p><p>Methodology <p><p>To determine the prevalence of viral infections, serological markers for HIV, HBV and HCV were investigated in 4637 blood donors (2236 volunteers and 2401 replacement) of the Provincial Center of Transfusion and hospitals in Kisangani. Among 140 SCD-patients followed in a medical centre in Kisangani, 127 were transfused; 79 were considered as “multiple-transfused” and 94 were transfused before 2004. HIV, HBV and HCV seroprevalences, alloimmunization anti-HLA and against red blood cells were determined as well as the indications for transfusion. <p>To estimate the prevalence of SCD at birth, HbS was identified by isoelectric focusing on umbilical cord blood of 520 newborns in five maternities of Kisangani.<p>To determine the indications for transfusion in SCD patients at Kisangani, these indications were recorded for the 127 SCD transfused patients.<p>To compare the use of transfusion in Kisangani and in Brussels for clinical events unrelated to the environment, the 140 SCD-patients followed in Kisangani were compared with the 195 SCD-patients followed in Brussels and 71 patientsin both groups could be matched for age. <p><p><p>Results <p><p>The prevalence of viral markers among blood donors is around 4% for HIV, 5% for HBV and 4% for HCV. The seroprevalence of HIV (2.2 vs. 4.1%) and HBV (3.0 vs. 4.6%) were lower among volunteer donors compared to replacement donors. The prevalence of HIV and HBV infection observed among blood donors was higher in 2006 than in 2004.<p>Thirteen non-transfused sickle cell patients were not carriers of any serological viral marker. The SCD-patients HCV(+) were “multiple-transfused” patients (6%) or those who received one or two transfusions (1%). Following the delayed introduction of HCV donor screening, a HCV seroprevalence of 7% of patients for only 0.7% for the HIV and 1.4% for the HBV was demonstrated. The fact that no patients transfused after 2004 were HCV(+) compared to 10% of those transfused before 2004 shows the benefit of the introduction of a simple and inexpensive screening test. Two (1.6%) patients had anti-HLA antibodies and 13 (10%) red blood cells antibodies (2 anti-CD, 1 anti-E and an anti-C-D-E). None of the patients displayed Kell (K), Kidd (Jka and Jkb) or Duffy red cells antibodies.<p>The prevalence of sickle cell disease in newborns of Kisangani is about 1%. In Kisangani, in addition to anaemia due to malaria (46%), an environmental factor, 34% of transfusions were administered for uncomplicated painful crises. In comparison, no patient followed in Brussels were transfused for that indication. This attitude is likely to be related with the ignorance of the disease by the medical staff and patients’ families. The chronic anaemia of those patients is often poorly understood and interpreted as acute anaemia.<p><p>Conclusion<p><p>Encouragement of voluntary donations without excluding the replacement donors is needed to pursue to increase the blood supply. To improve blood safety, the generalization of simple tests for screening blood donors as those for HCV should be a priority in transfusion centres. With a prevalence of about 1%, the SCD is a common disease in Kisangani. For those SCD-patients, establish guidelines for indications of transfusion would avoid inappropriate transfusion.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences médicales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Problematika dárcovství krve z pohledu lékařů a laické veřejnosti / The issue of blood donation from the perspective of doctors and the general public

Cicák, Filip January 2021 (has links)
Introduction: The properties of human blood are so specific that it has not yet been possible to replace human blood with any other fluid than obtaining it as a blood gift from donors. In recent years, there has not been a sufficient number of new blood donors in the Czech Republic to compensate for the decrease in the number of donors due to the increasing incidence of a number of civilization diseases and age (Czech Red Cross, 2020). Blood donation and the need for blood products are constantly increasing with the development of the methods of treatment and medicine as a science. Ensuring a sufficient number of blood donors and sufficient deposition of blood obtained from donors is a permanent task of healthcare (Society for Transfusion Medicine of the Czech Medical Association JEP, 2019). Aim of the work: The main goal of the research was to map the issue of blood donation, to identify the factors by which blood donors are motivated to donate. Furthermore, what can cause stagnation in the growth of blood donors and what means doctors motivate potential blood donors. Methodology: A qualitative research method was chosen for the research survey. Data collection took place in the form of semi-structured interviews and was completed by achieving theoretical data saturation. In order to preserve...

Increased Prevalence of Helicobacter Pylori Antibodies Among Nurses

Wilhoite, S L., Ferguson, D A., Soike, D R., Kalbfleisch, J. H., Thomas, E. 22 March 1993 (has links)
BACKGROUND: Numerous studies have suggested that Helicobacter pylori infection in asymptomatic subjects is transmitted from person to person. Its prevalence is higher in the institutionalized setting. If that is the case, persons involved in patient care should have a higher prevalence of the infection. METHODS: We estimated the prevalence of H pylori antibodies among groups of asymptomatic medical and nursing staff and compared them with volunteer blood donors of similar age and sex. RESULTS: One hundred fifty-eight nurses and aides, 59 residents, 46 senior medical students, and 22 senior nursing students were enrolled in this study. Serum samples were tested for IgG antibodies against H pylori by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Sixty-two (39%) of 158 nurses were found to be positive for antibodies to H pylori compared with 114 (26%) of 441 specimens from the blood donor group. Within the youngest age group (20 to 34 years), 13 (25%) of 51 nurses were positive for H pylori antibodies compared with 19 (13%) of 143 age-matched serum samples from the blood donor group. Within the middle age group (35 to 49 years), 32 (39%) of 83 nurses were positive for H pylori antibodies vs 43 (26%) of 167 age-matched blood donors. In the oldest age group (> 50 years), 17 (71%) of 24 nurses were positive for H pylori antibodies compared with 52 (40%) of 131 age-matched blood donors. Twenty-three (27%) of 86 nurses with 1 to 15 years of occupational exposure were positive for H pylori antibodies compared with 40 (56%) of 72 nurses with more than 15 years of occupational exposure. CONCLUSIONS: Nurses have an increased prevalence of H pylori antibodies that is significantly higher than the comparable prevalence of volunteer blood donors and is evident in the youngest age group. In addition, the increased prevalence is related to a longer duration of patient exposure in the nursing group.

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