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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effects of bisphosphonates and COX-2 inhibitors on the bone remodelling unit

Valkealahti, M. (Maarit) 05 August 2008 (has links)
Abstract Bone remodelling occurs in humans throughout life, therefore bone is continuously renewed to better respond to changes in weightbearing circumstances. Bone remodelling is extremely vulnerable during fracture healing and integration of prostheses into the surrounding bone. Bone remodelling is a complex system in which many growth factors, cytokines and enzymes, which are essential for the differentiation of osteoblasts and osteoclasts, are involved. Some widely used drugs can affect this sensitive system of remodellation in unexpected manner. Painkillers such as cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitors have been demonstrated in animal studies to interfere with fracture healing and a few retrospective clinical studies confirm these observations. Bisphosphonates (BP), main target of which is the bone resorbing osteoclast, have been suggested to be the drug of choice to improve periprosthetic bone density and thus prevent aseptic loosening of implants. The exact mechanism of action of clodronate (CLO), a non-amino-BP, which was selected for the study, has not been clarified thus far. In order to gain a deeper understanding of the role of the COX enzyme in the differentiation of osteoblasts we studied human mesenchymal stem cell (hMSC) cultures in the presence of different COX-inhibitors; indomethacine, parecoxib and NS398, a specific COX-2 inhibitor. We used the liposome encapsulated CLO metabolite (AppCCl2p) to study in detail the mechanism of BP induced apoptosis in osteoclast. The effects of different BPs CLO, pamidronate (PAM) and zoledronic acid (ZOL), on the differentiation of osteoblasts and osteoclasts were tested in vitro. The optimal concentration for in situ CLO rinsing in clinical study was found. Finally, the effects of in situ and per oral CLO on the periimplant bone density and integration of prostheses were studied in vivo. All tested COX-inhibitors significantly inhibited osteoblast differentiation from hMSCs and stimulated the differentiation of adipocytes. It was also demonstrated that AppCCl2p inhibits mitochondrial function by a mechanism that involves competitive inhibition of ADP/ATP translocase. In the comparison of BPs, ZOL seemed to posses the properties of both non-amino- and amino-BPs and it thus belongs to a new class of BPs. Peroral and in situ CLO seemed to have different mechanisms of action. Peroral CLO delayed the integration of prosthesis to the bone and increased peri-implant osteolysis while is situ CLO accelerated integration. In conclusion, we can alter normal bone remodellation during fracture healing and prosthesis integration. On the other hand, we can also improve the circumstances for the integration of implant to the surrounding bone by in situ BP rinsing, thus creating a better environment for bone ingrowth. / Tiivistelmä Läpi elämän luustossa tapahtuu uudelleenmuotoutumista, remodelaatiota, jonka seurauksena luu pystyy paremmin vastaamaan muuttuneisiin kuormitusolosuhteisiin. Remodelaatioprosessi on hyvin haavoittuvainen murtuman luutumisen aikana sekä proteesin kiinnittyessä ympäröivään luuhun. Luun remodelaatioon osallistuvat kasvutekijät, sytokiinit ja entsyymit, jotka puolestaan ovat välttämättömiä osteoblastien ja osteoklastien erilaistumiselle. Monet lääkeaineet voivat yllättävällä tavalla vahingoittaa tätä herkkää remodelaatiosysteemiä. Kipulääkkeet, kuten syklo-oksygenaasi (COX) estäjät, voivat häiritä murtuman luutumista aikaisempien eläintöiden ja muutamien retrospektiivisten potilastutkimusten mukaan. Lisäksi bisfosfonaatit, joiden päävaikutuskohde on luuta hajoittava osteoklasti, voisivat olla lupaavia lääkkeitä myös parantamaan proteesia ympäröivän luun laatua ja siten estämään aseptista implantin irtoamista. Tutkimuksen yhtenä tarkoituksena oli selvittää klodronaatin, ensimmäisen polven typpi-ryhmää sisältämättömän bisfosfonaatin tarkka vaikutusmekanismi. Viljelemällä ihmisen luuytimen kantasoluja indometasiinia, parekoksibia tai spesifistä COX-2 estäjää NS 398:a, sisältävässä kasvatusliuoksessa selvitettiin COX-entsyymin merkitys osteoblastien erilaistumiselle. Liposomien sisälle pakattua klodronaatin metaboliittia (AppCCl2p) käytettiin tutkittaessa millä vaikutusmekanismilla klodronaatti aiheuttaa osteoklastien apoptoosin. Bisfosfonaattien; klodronaatin, pamidronaatin ja tsoledronaatin vaikutusta osteoklastien ja osteoblastien erilaistumiseen tutkittiin soluviljelmämallissa ja määritettiin kliinisessä potilastyössä paikallisesti käytettävän klodronaattiliuoksen pitoisuus. Lopuksi potilastyössä selvitettiin paikallisen klodronaattihuuhtelun ja suun kautta annostellun klodronaatin vaikutus proteesia ympäröivän luun tiheyteen ja proteesin kiinnittymiseen ympäristöönsä. Tutkimukseen valitut COX-estäjät vähensivät ihmisen kantasolujen erilaistumista osteoblasteiksi ja lisäsivät erilaistumista rasvasoluiksi. Lisäksi todettiin, että AppCCl2p estää mitokondrioissa tapahtuvaa hengitystä estämällä ADP/ATP-vaihtajan toiminnan, saaden aikaan solukuoleman. Vertailtaessa bisfosfonaatteja, tsoledronaatilla vaikutti olevan sekä ensimmäisen, että kolmannen polven (sisältää typpi-ryhmän) bispfosfonaattien vaikutuksia, joten tsoledronaatti kuuluu aivan uuteen bisfosfonaattiryhmään. Potilastutkimuksessa suun kautta ja paikallisesti reisiluun ytimeen annostellulla klodronaatilla oli täysin erilainen vaikutus. Suun kautta syötynä klodronaatti hidasti proteesin kiinnittymistä ja aiheutti osteolyysiä. Sen sijaan paikallinen klodronaatti nopeutti merkittävästi proteesin kiinnittymistä ympäröivään luuhun. Näiden tutkimustulosten perusteella voidaan olettaa, että COX-estäjät, samoin kuin peroraalinen bisfosfonaatti, voivat tahattomasti häiritä luun remodelaatiota.

Návrh výplňových prvků s trabekulární strukturou pro revizní implantát kolenního kloubu / Design of filling elements with trabecular structure for revision implant of total knee arthroplasty

Lang, Roman January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes the design of filling element with trabecular structure for revision implant of total knee arthroplasty. Design of the filling element is created by the digital data of the patient tissue. Production of a functional sample is performed using additive technology Selective Laser Melting. This work also include analyze of the accuracy of this technology for the production of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V.

Ridge Dimensional Changes: A Comparative Study of Socket Compression After Dental Extraction with No Compression

Bennett, Duane Everett, II, 1984- January 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Exodontia, or extraction of teeth, has been a well-documented dental treatment that forms one of the foundations of dentistry. The steps associated with extracting teeth have changed little in the last century and these steps are largely part of the dogma of dentistry. One such step is that of socket compression post-extraction. Rationale for socket compression after extraction is manifold. They include: shorter healing times, fewer dry sockets and re-approximating walls that were stretched in the elevation and delivery stages of extractions. The purpose of this study was to determine if post-extraction ridge compression negatively affected alveolar ridge dimensions when compared to sites that are not compressed post-extraction. Secondary outcome measures will identify if socket compression/re-approximation affects the rate of soft tissue closure or occurrence of alveolar osteitis. In this study, 14 subjects were recruited. Eight subjects formed the compression group, while six formed the non-compression group. The subjects in the compression group received compression of their alveolar ridges after extraction to approximate their original pre-extraction width. The subjects in the non-compression group did not receive ridge compression. Each subject had pre-extraction and post-extraction CBCT scans along with post-operative follow up visits at 1, 2, and 4 weeks post-extraction. The present investigation found that with respect to changes in ridge width, sites that were compressed did not lose significantly more dimension than those that were not. With respect to ridge height, sites that were compressed did not lose significantly more dimension than those that were not. Sites that were compressed and sites that were not, healed at approximately the same rate, with respect to soft tissue closure. While the results showed a lack of statistical significance between both groups, there appears to be a trend towards the ridge compression group having a smaller ridge width. Such a trend was not noted with soft tissue closure, thereby invalidating the rationale for socket compression after extraction. One of the limitations of this pilot study is the small sample size. Further validation of these results must be done with a larger sample size in order to provide clinical guidance to dental practitioners.

Understanding the Effects of Long-Duration Spaceflight on Fracture Risk in the Human Femur Using Finite Element Analysis

Henderson, Keyanna Brielle 01 December 2020 (has links) (PDF)
Long-duration spaceflight has been shown to have significant, lasting effects on the bone strength of astronauts and to contribute to age-related complications later in life. The microgravity environment of space causes a decrease in daily mechanical loading, which signals a state of disuse to bone cells. This affects the bone remodeling process, which is responsible for maintaining bone mass, causing an increase in damage and a decrease in density. This leads to bone fragility and decreases overall strength, posing a risk for fracture. However, there is little information pertaining to the timeline of bone loss and subsequent fracture risk. This study used finite element analysis to model the human femur, the bone most adversely affected by spaceflight, and to simulate the environments of Earth preflight, a six-month mission on the International Space Station, and one year on Earth postflight. Changes in the properties of cortical and trabecular bone in the femoral neck were measured from the simulations, and used to provide evidence for high fracture risk and to predict when it is most prominent. It was found that a risk for fracture is extremely evident in the femoral neck in both cortical and trabecular bone. Cortical bone in the inferior neck exhibited high magnitudes of damage, while the superior neck suffered the greatest increases in damage that proceeded to increase upon return to Earth. The density of trabecular bone decreased the most significantly and was not fully recovered in the following year. While it is still unclear exactly when these changes cause the greatest risk for fracture, it is possible that they will add to and advance the onset of medical complications such as osteoporosis. Additionally, the results of this study support the claim that the current countermeasure of inflight exercise is insufficient in sustaining bone mass and preserving skeletal health. The effects of long-duration spaceflight on bone health should continue to be investigated especially if future missions are to last as long as one to three years.

Histomorphometry of the Elderly Rib: A methodological approach with implications for biomechanics, function, and fracture risk

Agnew, Amanda Marie 20 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Fator de crescimento endotelial vascular na doença periodontal inflamatória induzida experimentalmente em ratos / Expression of VEGF on the progression in experimental periodontitis in rats

Oliveira, Thais Marchini de 26 June 2007 (has links)
A doença periodontal é caracterizada por alterações inflamatórias, como vermelhidão e edema da margem gengival, sangramento provocado, alterações no contorno gengival e perda óssea alveolar. Evidências recentes sugerem que o fator de crescimento endotelial vascular (VEGF) pode ser um mediador importante na doença periodontal inflamatória. Portanto, este trabalho teve como objetivos avaliar durante a progressão da doença periodontal inflamatória induzida experimentalmente em ratos: 1) o efeito do meloxicam, inibidor preferencial da COX-2, na perda óssea alveolar; 2) a cinética de expressão de RNAm para COX-2, VEGF, VEGFR-1 e VEGFR-2; e 3) a cinética de expressão da proteína VEGF. Cento e vinte (120) ratos foram aleatoriamente divididos em: grupo 1 (sem tratamento com meloxicam) e grupo 2 (tratados com meloxicam). Ligaduras de fio de seda foram colocadas na margem gengival do primeiro molar inferior direito de todos os ratos. O grupo 2 foi tratado por 3, 7, 14 e 30 dias com meloxicam (3 mg/kg/dia, via intraperitoneal) e o grupo 1 foi usado como controle. As técnicas utilizadas para as análises foram: análise microscópica, RT-PCR, Western Blot e imunohistoquímica. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de Correlação de Pearson, Análise de Variância (ANOVA), seguida do teste de Tukey, sendo adotado nível de significância de 5%. Observou-se, neste estudo, que o meloxicam foi efetivo em diminuir a perda óssea alveolar nos tecidos periodontais em todos os períodos de indução da doença periodontal. Experimentos de RT-PCR revelaram correlação positiva da cinética de expressão de RNAm para COX-2 e VEGF nos tecidos gengivais afetados pela doença periodontal inflamatória (R=0,80). A expressão de RNAm para VEGF na doença periodontal inflamatória, no período de 14 dias, diminuiu no grupo de animais tratados com meloxicam, mostrando diferença estatisticamente significativa quando comparado com os animais não tratados (p=0,023). Não houve diferença significativa na expressão de RNAm para os receptores VEGFR-1 e VEGFR-2 no tecido gengival em nenhum dos períodos de indução da doença periodontal. Nos experimentos de Western Blot houve tendência de menor expressão da proteína VEGF na doença periodontal inflamatória no período de 14 dias nos animais tratados com meloxicam (p=0,08). Em experimentos de imunohistoquímica foi detectado aumento da expressão da proteína VEGF nos tecidos afetados pela doença periodontal em todos os períodos estudados, bem como diminuição da expressão desta proteína nos tecidos periodontais dos animais tratados com meloxicam. Portanto, a análise conjunta dos dados sugere importante participação do VEGF na doença periodontal inflamatória induzida experimentalmente em ratos e o meloxicam, inibidor preferencial da COX-2, pode modificar a progressão da doença periodontal neste modelo experimental por diminuir a perda óssea e a expressão de VEGF. / Inflammatory periodontal disease is characterized by alveolar bone loss and inflammatory changes in the periodontal tissues, which become hemorrhagic and edematous. However, there is little information concerning the biologic mechanisms which may produce these changes. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a macromolecule of importance in inflammation. The aims of this study were to investigate the presence of VEGF during progression of periodontal disease, and to evaluate the effect of a preferential COX-2 inhibitor, meloxicam, on the alveolar bone loss and VEGF expression in experimentally induced periodontitis. One hundred and twenty (120) Wistar rats were randomly separated into two groups [group 1 (no treatment with meloxicam) and group 2 (treatment with meloxicam)]. Silk ligatures were placed at the gingival margin level of the lower right first molar of all rats. Group 2 was treated for 3, 7, 14 and 30 days with meloxicam (3 mg/kg/day, intraperitoneal) and the group 1 was used as control. The expression of VEGF was assessed by RT-PCR, Western Blot and immunohistochemical analysis. Alveolar bone loss was determined by microscopic analysis. The results were submitted to the analysis of Correlation Coefficient by Pearson, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and Tukey\'s post test (p<0.05). A reduction of the alveolar bone resorption was observed in the meloxicam treated group (2), as compared with the control group (1) in all periods studied. There was a positive correlation between COX- 2 mRNA and VEGF mRNA in the gingival tissue with periodontal disease (R=0.80). VEGF mRNA expression was significantly lower in rats treated with meloxiam after 14 days (p=0.023). No difference in the expression of VEGFR-1 mRNA and VEGFR-2 mRNA was observed for all the periods studied. VEGF protein expression was significantly higher in diseased sites as compared with healthy sites (p<0.05). After 14 days lower VEGF protein expression in rats treated with meloxicam was detected (p=0.08). Altogether these data suggest an important participation of VEGF in the progression of periodontal disease, and the systemic therapy with meloxicam, preferential COX-2 inhibitor, can modify the progression of experimentally induced periodontitis in rats by reducing the alveolar bone loss and the VEGF expression.

Aplicação da microtomografia computadorizada para a análise morfométrica bi e tridimensional na avaliação da perda óssea experimental em ratos / Use of micro-computed tomography in two and three-dimensional morphometric analyses for experimental bone loss evaluation in rats

Fernandes, Patricia Garani 04 June 2014 (has links)
Introdução: A histomorfometria do osso é um dos métodos padronizados que pode ser utilizado para quantificar a microestrutura do osso trabecular. Existem muitos meios de acesso para conseguir a visualização dos defeitos ósseos no caso de um acometimento de doença periodontal, por exemplo. A extensão e morfologia da perda óssea alveolar podem ser acessadas e examinadas após confecção de retalhos mucoperiosteais em cirurgias periodontais ou através de exames radiográficos. A partir de então, a tecnologia da micro- CT tornou-se padrão ouro para avaliação da arquitetura 3D do osso trabecular; exibindo como uma de suas principais vantagens sua habilidade em proporcionar resultados quantitativos com pouco ou nenhum preparo da amostra e sem a sua destruição. Metodologia: Foram utilizados 40 ratos machos: ratos normotensos (WK) e espontaneamente hipertensos (SHR) foram divididos em grupos com doença periodontal induzida por ligaduras (DP), e grupos controle, em que a DP não foi induzida (C). Cada um desses quatro grupos foram divididos em 2 subgrupos, de acordo com o período de eutanásia, que foi realizada no 10° e no 21° dia do experimento, desse modo cada grupo teve um n=5. Os animais do grupo DP receberam ligadura com fio de algodão ao redor do primeiro molar inferior. Após a eutanásia todas as hemimandíbulas dos animais tiveram seu tecido mole removido através de processos químico e biológico a fim de proporcionar uma peça histológica preparada adequadamente para ser escaneada no microtomógrafo. Para realização da análise microtomográfica foi utilizado um aparelho modelo 1172 da fabricante SkyScan®. As amostras foram verificadas nos três planos espaciais através dos softwares CTAN®, DATA VIEWER® e CTVOX® que também foram utilizados para a visualização tridimensional, análise qualitativa e quantitativa da anatomia externa e interna do osso alveolar. Resultados: Os resultados das medidas lineares foram aqueles extraídos de uma imagem bidimensional de uma fatia única escolhida por ser a mais representativa para detectar a perda óssea alveolar. Para a quantificação dos parâmetros volumétricos foi realizada a avaliação em dois pontos distintos: a área da região de furca do M1 mandibular e a área da região interproximal entre M1 e M2 da mandíbula. De todos os parâmetros avaliados e analisados os mais representativos para detectar a perda óssea alveolar neste modelo de estudo foram: Furca e JCE-COV (junção cemento-esmalte crista óssea vestibular) em 2D (medidas lineares) e a relação entre a superfície óssea e o volume ósseo; relação entre o volume ósseo e o volume total; porosidade e densidade mineral óssea nos parâmetros em 3D (medidas volumétricas). Conclusão: A metodologia empregada mostrou ser eficiente para a caracterização da perda óssea alveolar nos grupos controle e doença periodontal. A região escolhida e o método de análise tem influência no resultado. Assim medidas lineares e medidas volumétricas de uma mesma amostra podem apresentar porcentagens diferentes em relação à perda óssea. / Introduction: The histomorphometry of bone is one of the standard methods that can be used to quantify the microstructure of the trabecular bone. There are many ways to get access to the visualization of bone defects in the case of onset of periodontal disease, for example. The extent and morphology of alveolar bone loss may be accessed and examined after making mucoperiosteais flaps in periodontal or through radiographic examinations surgeries. Since then, the technology of micro - CT has become the gold standard for evaluation of the 3D architecture of trabecular bone; showing as one of its main advantages its ability to provide quantitative results without destruction and with little or no sample preparation. Methodos: Normotensive rats (WK) and spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) were divided into groups of ligature-induced periodontal disease (PD), and control groups (C), where PD is not induced. 40 rats were used and each of these four groups were divided into 2 subgroups according to the time of euthanasia , which was held on the 10th and 21st day of the experiment , thus each group had an n = 5 . The animals in the PD group received ligature with cotton thread around the first molar. After euthanasia, all animals had their mandibles soft tissue removed through chemical and biological processes to provide a suitably prepared for micro-ct analysis. In order to perform the micro-CT analysis, a model 1172 device manufacturer of SkyScan® was used. The samples were observed in the three spatial planes through the CTAN®, DATA VIEWER® and CTVOX® softwares which were also used for threedimensional visualization, qualitative and quantitative analysis of the external and internal anatomy of the alveolar bone. Results: The results of linear measurements were those extracted from a twodimensional image of a single slice chosen for being the most representative for detecting bone loss. For quantification of the volumetric parameters were assessed at two different points: the area of the furcation region of the mandibular M1 and interproximal area of the region between M1 and M2 of the jaw. Of all the most representative in detecting alveolar bone loss in this model of study parameters were evaluated and analyzed : Furcation and cementum-enamel junction to the buccal bone crest = 2D (linear measurements) and the relationship between the bone surface and bone volume ; ratio of bone volume to the total volume ; porosity and bone mineral density in 3D parameters ( volumetric measurements). Conclusion: The methodology was efficient for the characterization of alveolar bone loss in the periodontal disease groups. The region chosen and method of analysis have affected the outcome. Thus, linear and volumetric measurements of the same sample may have different percentages in relation to bone loss.

Aplicação da microtomografia computadorizada para a análise morfométrica bi e tridimensional na avaliação da perda óssea experimental em ratos / Use of micro-computed tomography in two and three-dimensional morphometric analyses for experimental bone loss evaluation in rats

Patricia Garani Fernandes 04 June 2014 (has links)
Introdução: A histomorfometria do osso é um dos métodos padronizados que pode ser utilizado para quantificar a microestrutura do osso trabecular. Existem muitos meios de acesso para conseguir a visualização dos defeitos ósseos no caso de um acometimento de doença periodontal, por exemplo. A extensão e morfologia da perda óssea alveolar podem ser acessadas e examinadas após confecção de retalhos mucoperiosteais em cirurgias periodontais ou através de exames radiográficos. A partir de então, a tecnologia da micro- CT tornou-se padrão ouro para avaliação da arquitetura 3D do osso trabecular; exibindo como uma de suas principais vantagens sua habilidade em proporcionar resultados quantitativos com pouco ou nenhum preparo da amostra e sem a sua destruição. Metodologia: Foram utilizados 40 ratos machos: ratos normotensos (WK) e espontaneamente hipertensos (SHR) foram divididos em grupos com doença periodontal induzida por ligaduras (DP), e grupos controle, em que a DP não foi induzida (C). Cada um desses quatro grupos foram divididos em 2 subgrupos, de acordo com o período de eutanásia, que foi realizada no 10° e no 21° dia do experimento, desse modo cada grupo teve um n=5. Os animais do grupo DP receberam ligadura com fio de algodão ao redor do primeiro molar inferior. Após a eutanásia todas as hemimandíbulas dos animais tiveram seu tecido mole removido através de processos químico e biológico a fim de proporcionar uma peça histológica preparada adequadamente para ser escaneada no microtomógrafo. Para realização da análise microtomográfica foi utilizado um aparelho modelo 1172 da fabricante SkyScan®. As amostras foram verificadas nos três planos espaciais através dos softwares CTAN®, DATA VIEWER® e CTVOX® que também foram utilizados para a visualização tridimensional, análise qualitativa e quantitativa da anatomia externa e interna do osso alveolar. Resultados: Os resultados das medidas lineares foram aqueles extraídos de uma imagem bidimensional de uma fatia única escolhida por ser a mais representativa para detectar a perda óssea alveolar. Para a quantificação dos parâmetros volumétricos foi realizada a avaliação em dois pontos distintos: a área da região de furca do M1 mandibular e a área da região interproximal entre M1 e M2 da mandíbula. De todos os parâmetros avaliados e analisados os mais representativos para detectar a perda óssea alveolar neste modelo de estudo foram: Furca e JCE-COV (junção cemento-esmalte crista óssea vestibular) em 2D (medidas lineares) e a relação entre a superfície óssea e o volume ósseo; relação entre o volume ósseo e o volume total; porosidade e densidade mineral óssea nos parâmetros em 3D (medidas volumétricas). Conclusão: A metodologia empregada mostrou ser eficiente para a caracterização da perda óssea alveolar nos grupos controle e doença periodontal. A região escolhida e o método de análise tem influência no resultado. Assim medidas lineares e medidas volumétricas de uma mesma amostra podem apresentar porcentagens diferentes em relação à perda óssea. / Introduction: The histomorphometry of bone is one of the standard methods that can be used to quantify the microstructure of the trabecular bone. There are many ways to get access to the visualization of bone defects in the case of onset of periodontal disease, for example. The extent and morphology of alveolar bone loss may be accessed and examined after making mucoperiosteais flaps in periodontal or through radiographic examinations surgeries. Since then, the technology of micro - CT has become the gold standard for evaluation of the 3D architecture of trabecular bone; showing as one of its main advantages its ability to provide quantitative results without destruction and with little or no sample preparation. Methodos: Normotensive rats (WK) and spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) were divided into groups of ligature-induced periodontal disease (PD), and control groups (C), where PD is not induced. 40 rats were used and each of these four groups were divided into 2 subgroups according to the time of euthanasia , which was held on the 10th and 21st day of the experiment , thus each group had an n = 5 . The animals in the PD group received ligature with cotton thread around the first molar. After euthanasia, all animals had their mandibles soft tissue removed through chemical and biological processes to provide a suitably prepared for micro-ct analysis. In order to perform the micro-CT analysis, a model 1172 device manufacturer of SkyScan® was used. The samples were observed in the three spatial planes through the CTAN®, DATA VIEWER® and CTVOX® softwares which were also used for threedimensional visualization, qualitative and quantitative analysis of the external and internal anatomy of the alveolar bone. Results: The results of linear measurements were those extracted from a twodimensional image of a single slice chosen for being the most representative for detecting bone loss. For quantification of the volumetric parameters were assessed at two different points: the area of the furcation region of the mandibular M1 and interproximal area of the region between M1 and M2 of the jaw. Of all the most representative in detecting alveolar bone loss in this model of study parameters were evaluated and analyzed : Furcation and cementum-enamel junction to the buccal bone crest = 2D (linear measurements) and the relationship between the bone surface and bone volume ; ratio of bone volume to the total volume ; porosity and bone mineral density in 3D parameters ( volumetric measurements). Conclusion: The methodology was efficient for the characterization of alveolar bone loss in the periodontal disease groups. The region chosen and method of analysis have affected the outcome. Thus, linear and volumetric measurements of the same sample may have different percentages in relation to bone loss.

Influência do formato do rebordo na associação de uma prótese parcial removível de extremidade livre mandibular associada ao implante com sistema de retenção ERA, pelo método dos elementos finitos /

Lucas, Liliana Vicente Melo de. January 2006 (has links)
Resumo: Associação das próteses parciais removíveis de extremidade livre com os implantes osseointegrados é, ainda, uma opção de tratamento pouco explorada na Odontologia reabilitadora moderna. Por isso, o objetivo deste estudo é avaliar, utilizando o método dos elementos finitos bidimensional, a distribuição de tensão e o deslocamento nas estruturas de suporte da prótese parcial removível de extremidade livre (PPREL) associada a um implante osseointegrado de 10,0 x 3,75 mm com sistema ERA de retenção, em diferentes formatos de rebordo alveolar. Para tanto, foram criados oito modelos, os quais, em corte sagital, representam: Modelo A (MA) - uma hemiarcada com rebordo horizontal, sem suporte posterior, com a presença do dente 33 e de uma PPREL convencional, com apoio metálico na incisal do dente 33, em substituição aos dentes 34, 35, 36 e 37; Modelo B (MB) - semelhante ao MA, diferenciando-se deste pela presença de um implante de 3,75 x 10,00 mm com sistema ERA de retenção associado, na região posterior da base da PPREL; Modelo C (MC) - semelhante ao MA, entretanto o rebordo distal apresenta uma conformação ascendente distal; Modelo D (MD) - semelhante ao MC, diferenciando-se deste pela presença do implante com sistema de retenção associado; Modelo E (ME) - semelhante ao MA, entretanto o rebordo distal apresenta uma conformação descendente distal; Modelo F (MF) - semelhante ao ME, diferenciando-se deste pela presença do implante com sistema ERA de retenção; Modelo G (MG) - semelhante ao MA, entretanto o rebordo distal apresenta formato descendente-ascendente; Modelo H (MH) - semelhante ao MG, diferenciando-se deste pela presença do implante com sistema ERA de retenção. Com o auxílio do programa de elementos finitos ANSYS 9.0, os modelos foram carregados com forças verticais de 50 N, em cada ponta de cúspide....(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The association of mandibular distal extension removable artial dentures with an osteointegrated implant is a treatmeat hasn't been fully explored by modern rehabilitation dentistry yet. For this reason, the objective of this study is to evaluate, by means of the bidimensional method of finite elements, the distribution of tension and the displacement on the structures supporting the distal extension removable partial denture (DERPD), associated to a 10.0 x 3.75 mm osteointegrated implant with an ERA retention system, in alveolar ridges of different shapes. For that purpose, eight models were created, representing, from a sagittal perspective: Model A (MA) - a half arch with a horizontal ridge without posterior support, with the presence of the lower left canine, and a conventional DERPD, with metallic support in the incisal aspect of this canine, as replacement for the first and second pre-molars and the first and second molars of the lower left half arch; Model B (MB) - similar to MA, but different because of the presence of a 3.75 x 10.00 mm implant with an associated ERA retention system in the posterior region of the DERPD base; Model C (MC) - similar to MA, however with a distally ascending ridge format; Model D (MD) - similar to MC, but different because there is an implant associated to a retention system; Model E (ME) - similar to MA, however with a distally descending ridge format; Model F (MF) - similar to ME, but different in the sense that there is an implant with an associated ERA retention system; Model G (MG) - similar to MA, however with a distally descending-ascending ridge format; Model H (MH) - similar to MG, but different in the sense that there is an implant with an associated ERA retention system. The finite element program ANSYS 9.0 was used to load the models with vertical forces of 50 N, on each cuspid tip...(Complete abstract, click electronic address below) / Orientador: Eduardo Piza Pellizzer / Coorientador: João Antonio Pereira / Banca: Adriano de Almeida de Lima / Banca: Paulo Renato Junqueira Zuim / Banca: Regina Tamaki / Banca: Wilson Roberto Poi / Doutor

Résultats des cupules de grand diamètre dans les reprises d’arthroplastie totale de hanche : suivi minimum de deux ans.

Nzokou, André 05 1900 (has links)
La révision d’arthroplastie de la hanche en cas d’important déficit osseux acétabulaire peut être difficile. Les reconstructions avec cupule de très grand diamètre ou cupule « jumbo » (≥ 62 mm chez la femme et ≥ 66 mm chez l’homme) sont une option thérapeutique. Nous voulions évaluer la préservation et la restauration du centre de rotation de la hanche reconstruite en la comparant au coté controlatéral sain ou selon les critères de Pierchon et al. Nous voulions également évaluer la stabilité du montage à un suivi d’au moins 2 ans. Il s’agissait de 53 cas consécutifs de révision acétabulaire pour descellement non septique avec implantation d’une cupule jumbo sans ciment à l’Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont. Le déficit osseux évalué selon la classification de Paprosky et al. Les cupules implantées avaient un diamètre moyen de 66 mm (62-81) chez les femmes et 68 mm (66-75) chez les hommes. L’allogreffe osseuse morcelée et massive était utilisée dans 34 et dans 14 cas respectivement. La cupule a été positionnée avec un angle d’inclinaison moyen de 41.3° (26.0-53.0). Le centre de rotation de la hanche reconstruite a été jugé satisfaisant dans 78% de cas sur l'axe médiolatéral, 71% sur l'axe craniopodal et amélioré dans 27% dans cet axe. Au recul moyen radiologique de 84.0 mois (24.0-236.4) et clinique de 91.8 mois (24.0 – 241.8): 6 cas étaient décédés, 3 perdus au suivi. On a observé le descellement radiologique dans un 1 cas, la luxation récidivante dans 5 cas et l’infection dans 4 cas. Le retrait de la cupule a été effectué dans 2 cas pour infection. L’ostéointégration des greffons osseux était complète dans tous les cas sauf 3. Les scores cliniques étaient pour le HHS de 82 +/-17, le WOMAC de 86 +/- 14 et le SF-12 physique de 46 +/- 12 et mental 53 +/-13. La cupule jumbo peut être considérée comme un moyen fiable pour gérer le déficit osseux dans les révisions acétabulaires. Elle permet de conserver ou d’améliorer la position du centre de rotation physiologique de la hanche. La fixation sans ciment favorise l’ostéointégration de la cupule et permet une stabilité à moyen terme. Le taux de complications est comparable ou inférieur à d'autres procédures de reconstruction. / Acetabular implant revision with large bone defects, can be challenging. One of the reconstruction options is a large outer diameter cup or “jumbo cup” (≥62 mm in women and ≥66 mm in men). We hypothesized that cementless jumbo cups is a reliable technique to preserve or reconstruct hip center of rotation. We also evaluated stability at least 2 two years follow up. Fifty-three consecutive non septic loosening acetabular arthroplasty revisions at Hopital Maisonneuve-Rosemont where a cementless jumbo cup was used were assessed. Bone defect was evaluated according to Paprosky classification. Mean implanted component size was 66 mm (62-81) in women and 68 mm (66-75) in men. Cancelous bone chips allograft was used in 34 cases and bulk bone allograft in 14. Immediate postoperative AP view showed a mean abduction cup angle of 41.3° (26.0-53.0). Hip centre were found at satisfy position in 78% on mediolateral axis, in 71% on craniopodal axis and it was improved in 27% in this late axis. At the mean follow up of 84.0 months (24.0-236.4) radiologically and 91.8 months (24.0-241.8) clinically: 6 patients were died and 3 were lost of follow up. Complications were: dislocation in 5 cases (4 revisions with constrained liner), infection in 4 cases (2 treated conservatively and 2 revised in 2 times procedure) and radiographic loosening in 1 case. Bone graft integration was completed in all except in 3 cases. Clinically, the mean HHS was 82% +/- 17, WOMAC 86 +/- 14, physical SF-12 46 +/- 12 and mentally SF-12 53 +/- 13. Jumbo cups appear as a reliable procedure to manage bone loss in acetabular revision. It allows conservation or improvement of physiologic hip center. Also, cementless fixation promote bone integration. with subsequent cup stabilitity. The complication rate is comparable or may be less than others reconstruction procedures .

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