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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kit-box mekanism / Kit-box mechanism

Boateng, Kevin, Holm, Erick Lucian Matias January 2023 (has links)
På uppdrag av EQpack var projektets mål att utveckla ett koncept för en hyllvagn tänkt att användas i fabriksgolv av montörer. Hyllvagnen ska bära på kit-boxar med komponenter och ta upp mindre golvyta än befintliga hyllvagnar för kit-boxar. EQpacks idé var att till skillnad från konventionella hyllvagnar, i vilka kit-boxar placeras horisontellt till varandra och förs vidare med rullband, i stället ha hyllvagnar där kit-boxar kan placeras vertikalt i relation till varandra. Någon form av mekanism ska möjliggöra styckvis nedförsel av kit-boxar åt montören, i vilken form detta sker var föremål för utveckling i projektet. Utvecklingen av hyllvagnen skedde i fyra faser; analys och avgränsning, faktainsamling, genomförande samt utvärdering. Som förstudie har bland annat befintliga vagnar i en fabrik observerats vid arbete samt har samtal förts med de olika användarna om deras synpunkter. Under samtal med handledare sattes förväntningar, krav och avgränsningar. Genomförandet bestod av att ta fram diverse idéer och testa deras funktionsduglighet m.h.a bland annat lego. De olika koncepten analyserades och jämfördes med puhg matris. Med valda legomodellen som grund gjordes en CAD-modell med standardiserade komponenter som förslag på hur det skulle kunna konstrueras. Modellen uppmättes ta upp ca en fjärdedel av golvytan som en konventionell vagn tar. / The aim of the project was to develop a concept for a shelf trolley for EQpack, intended to be used on factory floors by assemblers. The shelf trolley must be able to carry kit boxes with components and take up less floorspace than existing shelf trolleys for kit boxes. EQpack's idea was to, unlike conventional shelf trolleys, in which kit boxes are placed next to each other horizontally and transported by conveyor belts, instead have shelf trolleys where kit boxes can be placed vertically in relation to each other. Some form of mechanism must enable piecemeal lowering of kit boxes for the assembler. How this is done was subject for development in the project. The development of the shelf trolley took place in four phases; analysis and boundaries, fact-gathering, exicution and evaluation. As a preliminary study, existing trolleys in a factory have been observed at work and discussions have been held with the various users about their views. Through discussion with supervisors the expectations, requirements and boundaries were set. The execution consisted of development of various ideas and testing their functionality with Lego. The different concepts were analyzed and compared with a puhg matrix. With the chosen Lego model as a basis, a CAD model was made with standardized components as suggestions for how a final product could be constructed. The final model was measured to take up about a quarter of the floorspace that the conventional trolley occupies.

Skivförpackningar–en studie om konsumentval

Bengtsson, Johan January 2009 (has links)
Denna rapport är en konsumentundersökning rörande skivförpackningar. Syftet med undersökning är att ta reda på vad konsumenter har för attityd, tankar och känslor kring olika slags skivförpackningar. Förändringar i människors köpbeteende och den ökad miljömedvetenhet i samhället gör det intressant att undersöka om detta även påverkar konsumenters syn på skivförpackningar.Undersökningen genomfördes genom att tre olika fokusgrupper träffades för att diskutera fyra olika skivförpackningar. I en öppen diskussion fick respondenterna redogöra för sina attityder, tankar och känslor kring skivförpackningar, därefter fick deltagarna svara på mer styrda frågor kring förpackningar och förpackningars miljöpåverkan. I forskningsresultaten framgår det att de flesta respondenter har en positiv attityd till Digipack, som enligt dem har de bästa produktattributen. Jewel box har kritiserats för att den inte är hållbar. Respondenterna uttrycker sig både starkt positivt och negativt om Jakebox, som upplevs som onödigt komplicerad eller kul och sexig. I grupperna ger man uttryck för en miljömedvetenhet, men att förpackning är miljövänlig tas inte upp som ett viktigt produktattribut. Hållbarhet, utseende och användarvänlighet betraktas som viktiga egenskaper hos en skivförpackning. I grupperna är man beredd att betala ett högre pris för att få skivor levererade i sina favoritförpackningar. / This report is a consumer market research study about cd packaging. The purpose was to examine people’s attitudes, thoughts and feelings regarding different cd packaging solutions. The recent change in society regarding environmental awareness and the change in people’s buying behaviour makes getting consumer’s view on cd packaging relevant. The study was performed with three focus groups that discussed four different types of cd packaging solutions. The respondents expressed their attitudes, feelings and thoughts in an open discussion regarding different packaging solutions. The participants also answered more direct questions regarding cd packaging and the environmental impact of packaging. Many of the respondents expressed a positive attitude towards Digipack, which in their opinion possessed the most attractive product attributes. Jewel box was criticized for its lack of durability. Respondents expressed both a strong positive and negative attitude towards Jakebox, which some experienced as to complicated whereas others thought of it as funny and sexy. The groups expressed environmental concern but environmental impact was almost never suggested as an important product attribute. Durability, appearance and usability were regarded as the most important qualities in cd packaging. The respondents expressed a willingness to pay a higher price to get cd´s in there packaging of choice.


GUSTAVO PESSANHA ALVIM 14 November 2024 (has links)
[pt] A Portaria INMETRO número 291, de 7 de julho de 2021, estabelece um erro máximo admissível de 1,0 por cento para o valor final obtido pelo sistema dinâmico de medição de Gás Liquefeito de Petróleo (GLP), ou seja, a massa de GLP. Adicionalmente, o regulamento define, de forma univariada, erros máximos para grandezas associadas, como pressão estática, temperatura e massa específica. O objetivo desta dissertação foi propor a otimização dos critérios de aceitação da calibração de instrumentos associados ao sistema de medição de GLP, com base nos preceitos estabelecidos pela Portaria INMETRO número 291. A motivação deste estudo foi a necessidade de uma avaliação multivariada que visasse à otimização dos critérios-limites de aceitação da calibração desses instrumentos secundários no sistema de medição dinâmico de GLP. A aplicação das metodologias Planejamento de Experimentos do tipo Box-Behnken e Doehlert, e Análise de Superfícies de Respostas mostrou-se eficaz, pois os resultados obtidos definiram, de forma multivariada, critérios-limites otimizados para a calibração de cada um dos transmissores secundários supracitados. Por fim, concluiu-se que foi possível ultrapassar os valores-limite propostos e, ainda assim, manter a variável de saída (massa de GLP) dentro do erro máximo admissível de 1,0 por cento para o sistema de medição. Como consequência direta, evitou-se o descarte desnecessário de instrumentos que, inicialmente, não estariam dentro dos parâmetros exigidos, mantendo, ao mesmo tempo, o nível de confiabilidade requirido pela Portaria reguladora. / [en] INMETRO Ordinance No. 291, dated July 7, 2021, establishes a maximum permissible error of 1.0 percent for the final value obtained by the dynamic measurement system of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), i.e., the mass of LPG. Additionally, the regulation univariately defines maximum errors for associated quantities, such as static pressure, temperature, and density. The objective of this dissertation was to propose the optimization of the acceptance criteria for the calibration of instruments associated with the LPG measurement system, based on the principles established by INMETRO Ordinance No. 291. The motivation for this study was the need for a multivariate evaluation aimed at optimizing the acceptance criteria limits for the calibration of these secondary instruments in the dynamic LPG measurement system. The application of methodologies such as Box-Behnken and Doehlert experimental designs, and Response Surface Analysis, proved effective since the results obtained defined, in a multivariate manner, optimized criteria limits for the calibration of each of the above-mentioned secondary transmitters. Finally, it was concluded that it was possible to exceed the proposed limit values while still maintaining the output variable (LPG mass) within the maximum permissible error of 1.0 percent for the measurement system. As a direct consequence, unnecessary disposal of instruments that would initially not meet the required parameters was avoided, while maintaining the level of reliability required by the regulatory ordinance.

Ethical hacking of a premium robot vacuum : Penetration testing of the Roborock S7 robot vacuum cleaner / Etiskt hackande av en högkvalitativ robotdammsugare : Penetrationstestande av robotdammsugaren Roborock S7

Dahlberg Sundström, Tobias, Nilsson, Johan January 2022 (has links)
With the advancements made in the field of data science, smart IoT devices are be-coming increasingly common. Consequently, this creates an increased number of targets for hackers to potentially exploit. This is a study about ethically hacking a robot vacuum, the Roborock S7, and evaluating the security of the target system. The DREAD and Stride threat models are used in order to find potential exploits. These exploits are then tested on the vacuum. Four tests were done on the system: scan-ning, denial-of-service attack, man-in-the-middle sniffing and man-in-the-middle tampering. The study found that the vacuum is relatively secure against web threats with weaknesses found surrounding its handling of its own network and lack of re-sistance to denial-of-service attacks on the DHCP protocol. / Med de framsteg som sker inom datavetenskap och teknologi blir IoT-enheter allt vanligare i hemmen. Detta medför en ökad mängd enheter med potentiella sårbar-heter som hackare kan utnyttja. Denna rapport handlar om att etiskt hacka en ro-botdammsugare av modell Roborock S7 och utvärdera dess säkerhet mot internet-hot. DREAD och STRIDE används som hotmodeller för att hitta sårbarheter. Sår-barheterna testas sedan på dammsugaren. Fyra tester utfördes på system: scanning, denial-of-service-attack, man-in-the-middle-avlyssning och man-in-the-middle-av-lyssning med manipulering. Rapporten hittade att dammsugaren är resonabelt säker mot internethot men med svagheter i hur enheten hanterar sitt egna nätverk samt ett bristande motstånd mot en denial-of-service-attack genom DHCP-protokollet.

Hybride semi-parametrische Modellierung der thermooxidativen Stabilisierung von PAN-Precursorfasern

Mädler, Jonathan, Richter, Benjamin, Wolz, Daniel S. J., Behnisch, Thomas, Böhm, Robert, Jäger, Hubert, Gude, Maik, Urbas, Leon 22 May 2024 (has links)
Kohlenstofffasern sind aufgrund ihrer hohen massespezifischen mechanischen Belastbarkeit ein unverzichtbarer Werkstoff im Leichtbau. Diese werden mittels eines zeitaufwendigen, thermooxidativen Stabilisierungs- und eines inerten Carbonisierungsprozesses hergestellt. Bedingt durch die kommerziell dominierte Forschung basiert der Großteil der veröffentlichten Optimierungsansätze für diese Prozessschritte bis heute auf unvollständigen, empirischen oder nicht-parametrischen, datengetriebenen Modellen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden hybride semi-parametrische Ansätze unter Berücksichtigung der Eigenschaften des Precursorsystems und der Prozessparameter für die Modellierung des Stabilisierungsprozesses untersucht. / Carbon fibers are an indispensable material in lightweight construction due to their mass-specific mechanical load capaci-ty. These are produced by means of a time-consuming, thermo-oxidative stabilization process and an inert carbonizationprocess. Due to commercially dominated research, the majority of published optimization approaches for these processsteps to date is based on incomplete, empirical or non-parametric, data-driven models. In the present work, hybrid semi-parametric approaches considering the properties of the precursor system and the process parameters are investigated formodeling of the stabilization process.

Comparative study of neural networks and design of experiments to the classification of HIV status / Wilbert Sibanda.

Sibanda, Wilbert January 2013 (has links)
This research addresses the novel application of design of experiment, artificial neural net-works and logistic regression to study the effect of demographic characteristics on the risk of acquiring HIV infection among the antenatal clinic attendees in South Africa. The annual antenatal HIV survey is the only major national indicator for HIV prevalence in South Africa. This is a vital technique to understand the changes in the HIV epidemic over time. The annual antenatal clinic data contains the following demographic characteristics for each pregnant woman; age (herein called mother's age), partner's age (herein father's age), population group (race), level of education, gravidity (number of pregnancies), parity (number of children born), HIV and syphilis status. This project applied a screening design of experiment technique to rank the effects of individual demographic characteristics on the risk of acquiring an HIV infection. There are a various screening design techniques such as fractional or full factorial and Plackett-Burman designs. In this work, a two-level fractional factorial design was selected for the purposes of screening. In addition to screening designs, this project employed response surface methodologies (RSM) to estimate interaction and quadratic effects of demographic characteristics using a central composite face-centered and a Box-Behnken design. Furthermore, this research presents the novel application of multi-layer perceptron’s (MLP) neural networks to model the demographic characteristics of antenatal clinic attendees. A review report was produced to study the application of neural networks to modelling HIV/AIDS around the world. The latter report is important to enhance our understanding of the extent to which neural networks have been applied to study the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Finally, a binary logistic regression technique was employed to benchmark the results obtained by the design of experiments and neural networks methodologies. The two-level fractional factorial design demonstrated that HIV prevalence was highly sensitive to changes in the mother's age (15-55 years) and level of her education (Grades 0-13). The central composite face centered and Box-Behnken designs employed to study the individual and interaction effects of demographic characteristics on the spread of HIV in South Africa, demonstrated that HIV status of an antenatal clinic attendee was highly sensitive to changes in pregnant mother's age and her educational level. In addition, the interaction of the mother's age with other demographic characteristics was also found to be an important determinant of the risk of acquiring an HIV infection. Furthermore, the central composite face centered and Box-Behnken designs illustrated that, individual-ally the pregnant mother's parity and her partner's age had no marked effect on her HIV status. However, the pregnant woman’s parity and her male partner’s age did show marked effects on her HIV status in “two way interactions with other demographic characteristics”. The multilayer perceptron (MLP) sensitivity test also showed that the age of the pregnant woman had the greatest effect on the risk of acquiring an HIV infection, while her gravidity and syphilis status had the lowest effects. The outcome of the MLP modelling produced the same results obtained by the screening and response surface methodologies. The binary logistic regression technique was compared with a Box-Behnken design to further elucidate the differential effects of demographic characteristics on the risk of acquiring HIV amongst pregnant women. The two methodologies indicated that the age of the pregnant woman and her level of education had the most profound effects on her risk of acquiring an HIV infection. To facilitate the comparison of the performance of the classifiers used in this study, a receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve was applied. Theoretically, an ROC analysis provides tools to select optimal models and to discard suboptimal ones independent from the cost context or the classification distribution. SAS Enterprise MinerTM was employed to develop the required receiver-of-characteristics (ROC) curves. To validate the results obtained by the above classification methodologies, a credit scoring add-on in SAS Enterprise MinerTM was used to build binary target scorecards comprised of HIV positive and negative datasets for probability determination. The process involved grouping variables using weights-of-evidence (WOE), prior to performing a logistic regression to produce predicted probabilities. The process of creating bins for the scorecard enables the study of the inherent relationship between demographic characteristics and an in-dividual’s HIV status. This technique increases the understanding of the risk ranking ability of the scorecard method, while offering an added advantage of being predictive.

Black-Box Modeling and Attitude Control of a Quadcopter

Kugelberg, Ingrid January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis, black-box models describing the quadcopter system dynamics for attitude control have been estimated using closed-loop data. A quadcopter is a naturally unstable multiple input multiple output (MIMO) system and is therefore an interesting platform to test and evaluate ideas in system identification and control theory on. The estimated attitude models have been shown to explain the output signals well enough during simulations to properly tune a PID controller for outdoor flight purposes. With data collected in closed loop during outdoor flights, knowledge about the controller and IMU measurements, three decoupled models have been estimated for the angles and angular rates in roll, pitch and yaw. The models for roll and pitch have been forced to have the same model structure and orders since this reflects the geometry of the quadcopter. The models have been validated by simulating the closed-loop system where they could explain the output signals well. The estimated models have then been used to design attitude controllers to stabilize the quadcopter around the hovering state. Three PID controllers have been implemented on the quadcopter and evaluated in simulation before being tested during both indoor and outdoor flights. The controllers have been shown to stabilize the quadcopter with good reference tracking. However, the performance of the pitch controller could be improved further as there have been small oscillations present that may indicate a stronger correlation between the roll and pitch channels than assumed.

Comparative study of neural networks and design of experiments to the classification of HIV status / Wilbert Sibanda.

Sibanda, Wilbert January 2013 (has links)
This research addresses the novel application of design of experiment, artificial neural net-works and logistic regression to study the effect of demographic characteristics on the risk of acquiring HIV infection among the antenatal clinic attendees in South Africa. The annual antenatal HIV survey is the only major national indicator for HIV prevalence in South Africa. This is a vital technique to understand the changes in the HIV epidemic over time. The annual antenatal clinic data contains the following demographic characteristics for each pregnant woman; age (herein called mother's age), partner's age (herein father's age), population group (race), level of education, gravidity (number of pregnancies), parity (number of children born), HIV and syphilis status. This project applied a screening design of experiment technique to rank the effects of individual demographic characteristics on the risk of acquiring an HIV infection. There are a various screening design techniques such as fractional or full factorial and Plackett-Burman designs. In this work, a two-level fractional factorial design was selected for the purposes of screening. In addition to screening designs, this project employed response surface methodologies (RSM) to estimate interaction and quadratic effects of demographic characteristics using a central composite face-centered and a Box-Behnken design. Furthermore, this research presents the novel application of multi-layer perceptron’s (MLP) neural networks to model the demographic characteristics of antenatal clinic attendees. A review report was produced to study the application of neural networks to modelling HIV/AIDS around the world. The latter report is important to enhance our understanding of the extent to which neural networks have been applied to study the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Finally, a binary logistic regression technique was employed to benchmark the results obtained by the design of experiments and neural networks methodologies. The two-level fractional factorial design demonstrated that HIV prevalence was highly sensitive to changes in the mother's age (15-55 years) and level of her education (Grades 0-13). The central composite face centered and Box-Behnken designs employed to study the individual and interaction effects of demographic characteristics on the spread of HIV in South Africa, demonstrated that HIV status of an antenatal clinic attendee was highly sensitive to changes in pregnant mother's age and her educational level. In addition, the interaction of the mother's age with other demographic characteristics was also found to be an important determinant of the risk of acquiring an HIV infection. Furthermore, the central composite face centered and Box-Behnken designs illustrated that, individual-ally the pregnant mother's parity and her partner's age had no marked effect on her HIV status. However, the pregnant woman’s parity and her male partner’s age did show marked effects on her HIV status in “two way interactions with other demographic characteristics”. The multilayer perceptron (MLP) sensitivity test also showed that the age of the pregnant woman had the greatest effect on the risk of acquiring an HIV infection, while her gravidity and syphilis status had the lowest effects. The outcome of the MLP modelling produced the same results obtained by the screening and response surface methodologies. The binary logistic regression technique was compared with a Box-Behnken design to further elucidate the differential effects of demographic characteristics on the risk of acquiring HIV amongst pregnant women. The two methodologies indicated that the age of the pregnant woman and her level of education had the most profound effects on her risk of acquiring an HIV infection. To facilitate the comparison of the performance of the classifiers used in this study, a receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve was applied. Theoretically, an ROC analysis provides tools to select optimal models and to discard suboptimal ones independent from the cost context or the classification distribution. SAS Enterprise MinerTM was employed to develop the required receiver-of-characteristics (ROC) curves. To validate the results obtained by the above classification methodologies, a credit scoring add-on in SAS Enterprise MinerTM was used to build binary target scorecards comprised of HIV positive and negative datasets for probability determination. The process involved grouping variables using weights-of-evidence (WOE), prior to performing a logistic regression to produce predicted probabilities. The process of creating bins for the scorecard enables the study of the inherent relationship between demographic characteristics and an in-dividual’s HIV status. This technique increases the understanding of the risk ranking ability of the scorecard method, while offering an added advantage of being predictive.


Lam, Daniel-Hung, Moyes, Robert 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 17-20, 1994 / Town & Country Hotel and Conference Center, San Diego, California / This paper discusses the design and performance of the FM/PM/BPSK "personal computer card-based" receiver. In PSK, a carrier recovery technique must be used for signal demodulation. Costas loop is a well known method and is the basis in the design of the BPSK demodulation. A new design approach employing digital Box Car arm filters is used to improve receiver performance and flexibility. Detail design and performance of the digital Costas loop will be explored in a later section. A classical technique is employed for Phase demodulation with the use of tracking Phase Lock Loop. Frequency demodulation is designed around a simple, single FM discriminator IC.

Biosuccé : En producents finansiella strategier

Siggeson, Paulina, Isabella, Frank January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Filmklimatet har gjort det svårt för producenter att nå lönsamhet och fånga en stor biopublik. Under 2014 var det 78 % av svensk film som gick med förlust. Filmbranschen har genomgått stora förändringar till följd av digitaliseringen, där den nya tekniken har resulterat i en stor flexibilitet som har medfört att biograferna snabbare kan svara på biopublikens efterfrågan. Filmer kan numera snabbt plockas bort från biorepertoaren. Det har resulterat i att gapet mellan filmer som går bra och filmer som går dåligt har ökat. Aktörer talar om en bransch som präglas av turbulens, osäkerhet och risktagande, där den primära inkomstkällan för producenter är intäkter som genereras från bio. Producenters strategiska val blir allt viktigare för en films överlevnad.  Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka vilka strategiska val en producent kan använda sig av för att en film ska erhålla höga intäkter och nå lönsamhet. Metod: Studien använder sig av en kvantitativ metod som utgår från en deduktiv ansats där 111 filmer har studerats genom regressionsanalyser.  Resultat: Studien har identifierat att budget och huvudrollsinnehavare påverkar en films intäkter. Det går det inte att urskilja vilka strategier som leder till att en film blir lönsamhet.

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