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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kulturkuben / The Culture Cube

Svahn, Morgan January 2015 (has links)
En kulturskola är inte ett skyltfönster för barnens talang utan en kreativ verkstad för att utvecklas. Detta har jag tagit fasta på och har en idé om en kulturskola där större delen av skolan är vikt till barnens trygghet. De vuxna har sin plats och resten av byggnaden är barnens. Här ska blyga kunna öva i trygghet och de som vill spela ut hela sin repertoar har möjlighet till det. Skolan ska också kunna vara en plats att hänga på någon timme innan sin lektion. Gestaltningsmässigt har skolan här ett öppet foajéplan som är semioffentlig. Caféet är öppet för allmänheten och kan användas för utställningar, föreläsningar och liknande. Men denna yta är också den som är de vuxnas. Kommer du med ditt barn så är det här du får vänta medan barnet springer in och gör sitt. Resten av foajéplanet är en flexibel yta som egentligen kan programmeras lite hur som helst. Uppåt i huset finns en yta för barn, som ett väntrum, där de kan hänga innan sin lektion. Uppåt finns också lektionssalar. Blandad verksamhet för att blanda barnen.  Den nedre delen av huset är nästan som ett helt annat hus. Här finns verksamhetslokaler samt flertalet av de servicefunktioner som måste finnas. Ytan att vistas på är här begränsad då det inte är tänkt att man ska uppehålla sig här mellan lektionerna. Som en bärande idé har jag fört med mig forskning som visar på hur man kan bygga bort mobbning. Huset har inga långa dolda korridorer och överallt kan lärare överse, utan att bevaka, alla utrymmen där barnen befinner sig. Med hörsel och syn kopplas hela huset samman genom principen att visuell och audiell kommunikation är trygghetens kärna. / A Culture school should not be a kids talent show room. It should be a creative shop for their own development. This is the starting point of my project. I have an idea of a culture school where the bigger part is for the children and only the children. A place to be safe. The shy kids should be able to practice in a safe environment and the more outspoken kids will have the opportunity to perform. This, normally a place you just spend a lesson at, should be a place to hang around after school. The entrance floor is a semi public floor with an café open for the public and with an area to have flexible purposes, maybe a show room one day and an open lecture the next. This area is the only area for the grown ups. When you pass through into the building you are in the world for the kids. The flexible entrance floor is accompanied with a ”half floor” entirely voided for the kids to hang at. Another floor up and two floors down you’ll find the rooms for different activities. The entire house is devoted to minimize bullying. No long corridors, a constant ability for teachers to watch the kids without being monitors and throughout the house you can hear, and almost see, everything.

Development of grey-box models for simulating heating consumption in buildings : A study applying system identification methodology to a physics-based framework

Klockar, Zack January 2021 (has links)
This study models the energy used for heating in buildings by applying system identification methodology. The model development is grounded in physics to provide guidance and interpretability when evaluated. Time-series of heating demand, outdoor temperature, indoor temperature and solar irradiation are considered for the modelling purpose. Evaluation is done through simulation and relies on quantitative measures, residual analysis and visual inspection of model output. Through model development, the study seeks to extrapolate information of physical properties that drives heating demand in buildings. Seven buildings located in the same geographic area are studied. It is found that linear ARX-models can simulate heating demand with high precision but at times low accuracy. A common system model structure can be identified between buildings, indicating that physical properties shared between buildings can be identified through this methodology. A sensitivity analysis is conducted to derive the contributions from model constituents to simulation results. Two buildings were also modelled as OE-models. These models performed better than the respective ARX-models but were deemed more difficult to use for the purpose of this study. The study finds difficulties in implementing aggregated time-series of indoor temperature, which could be explored further in future studies for more detailed interpretations.


Grzyb, Anna Natalia 05 February 2007 (has links)
Neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes of the central nervous system (CNS) arise from a common pool of multipotent neuroepithelial progenitor cells lining the walls of the neural tube. Initially, neuroepithelial cells undergo symmetric proliferative divisions, thereby expanding the progenitor pool and determining the size of brain compartments. At the onset of neurogenesis, a subset of progenitors switch to asymmetric or terminal symmetric neurogenic divisions. Maintenance of progenitor cell population throughout the period of neurogenesis is essential to generate the full diversity of neuronal cell types and proper histological pattern. However, the mechanisms responsible for the maintenance of progenitor cells proliferation are far from being fully understood. The family of Y-box proteins is involved in control of proliferation and transformation in various normal and pathological cellular systems, and therefore was considered as a candidate to exert such a function. Y-box proteins have a capacity to bind DNA and RNA, thereby controlling gene expression from transcription to translation. This study aimed to examine the expression of mouse Y-box protein 3 (MSY3) in the developing nervous system and elucidate its putative role in regulation of proliferation of progenitor cells. As presented in this work, the MSY3 protein in the embryonic CNS is expressed solely in progenitor cells and not neurons. Moreover, as shown by two independent approaches: morphologically, i.e. using immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy, and biochemically, MSY3 expression is downregulated concomitantly with the spatiotemporal progression of neurogenesis. Interestingly, in preliminary results it was shown that MSY3 is expressed in Dcx-positive transient amplifying precursors in germinal zones of the adult brain, and in EGF-dependent neurospheres. To evaluate whether MSY3 could regulate the neurogenesis, the levels of the MSY3 protein in the progenitors were acutely downregulated or elevated by electroporation of RNAi or MSY3 expression plasmids, respectively. Neither premature reduction of MSY3 in the neuroepithelium (E9.5-E11.5) nor prolonged expression at the developmental stage when this protein is endogenously downregulated (E10.5-14.5) did affect proliferation versus the cell cycle exit of progenitors. Moreover, in Notch1-deficient progenitors in the cerebellar anlage, which exhibit precocious differentiation, MSY3 was not prematurely downregulated, suggesting that MSY3 also is not an early marker of differentiation. Differential centrifugation, immunoprecipitation and polysomal analysis performed in this study revealed that the MSY3 protein in the developing embryo, as well as in Neuro-2A cells, is associated with RNA. On a sucrose density gradient MSY3 co-fractionates with ribosomes and actively translating polysomes, suggesting that it might have a role in regulation of translation. However, downregulation or overexpression of MSY3 in the Neuro-2A cell line did not affect global translation rates. Other researchers suggested that the MSY3 protein has the redundant function with Y-box protein 1 (YB-1). Accordingly, in our system the MSY3 protein could be co-immunoprecipitated with YB-1. Importantly, developmentally regulated expression of MSY3 is not a hallmark of general translation apparatus, as several other proteins involved in translation did not show similar downregulation. To summarise, this work showed that the MSY3 protein is a marker of proliferation of progenitor cells in the embryonic and adult brain, being absent from neurons. Discovery of the molecular mechanism by which MSY3 exerts its role in the cell could provide the link between the translational machinery and proliferation.

Analys av klimatpåverkan och lokaliseringsbeslut för en Factory-In-A-Box produktionsanläggning / Analysis of climate impact and location decision for a Factory-In-A-Box production facility

Ding, Yiming Alex, Qian, Liuyu January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att analysera lokaliseringsbeslut för en Factory-In-A-Box (FIAB) produktionsanläggning med fokus på dess klimatpåverkan genom användning av livscykelanalys (LCA). En FIAB produktionsanläggning användes som ett exempel för att utföra analysen. Metoden som användes för att bedöma klimatpåverkan var LCA, där kategorin global uppvärmningspotential (GWP) valdes som den primära indikatorn. Materialen som användes för tillverkning av personlig skyddsutrustning, såsom polyeten (PE), polyetentereftalat (PET), polypropen (PP), polyuretan (PUR) och syntetiskt gummi, analyserades. Dessutom studerades energianvändningen i produktionsanläggningen samt avfallshanteringsstrategier i både Turkiet och Sverige. Anledningen till det var att den utvalda Factory-In-A-Box fabriken hade sitt ursprung i Sverige, och Turkiet identifierades som en plats med avsevärd potential för produktion av enkla produkter som skulle kunna tillverkas med hjälp av FIAB-anläggningen i händelse av nödsituationer. Resultaten av detta arbete visade att mer än hälften av utsläpp av de personliga skyddsutrustningar som producerades av FIAB-fabriken av EQpack AB kom från material som hade använts i tillverkning och att användningen av återvunnet material borde prioriteras, då utsläppen av återvunnen polyeten var endast hälften så stora som utsläppen från primära material. Resultaten visade också att det inte fanns någon klimatmässig nackdel med att omlokalisera FIAB-fabriken till Turkiet, eftersom energianvändningen i Turkiet skulle medföra endast 4.4% ökning av emissionen än att producera varorna i Sverige, vilken jämnades ut med transport av varor från Sverige till Turkiet. Dock identifierades andra aspekter som behövde beaktas vid omlokalisering av en FIAB-fabrik till områden som hade drabbats av kris, till exempel krig eller jordbävningar. Sammanfattningsvis gav denna studie insikter om klimatpåverkan av EQpack AB:spersonliga skyddsutrustning och diskuterade olika aspekter som behöver övervägas vid beslut om lokalisering av en FIAB-produktionsanläggning. / This thesis describes a study aimed at analyzing the location decision for a Factory-In-A-Box (FIAB) production facility in terms of its climate impact using life cycle assessment (LCA). A FIAB production facility was used as a case study to conduct the analysis. LCA was employed to assess the climate impact, with global warming potential (GWP) chosen as the primary indicator. The materials used for manufacturing personal protective equipment, such as polyethylene (PE), polyethyleneterephthalate (PET), polypropylene (PP), polyurethane (PUR), and synthetic rubber, were analyzed. Additionally, the energy use in the production facility and waste management strategies in both Turkey and Sweden were examined. The reason to this was that Sweden is a baseline FIAB location and Turkey was chosen as one of the locations with high potential for simple products that can be produced using the FIAB-facility for emergency situations. This study showed that more than half of the emissions derived from the production of Personal Protective Equipment at the FIAB-factory, operated by EQpack AB, originated from the manufacturing materials. The results suggest prioritizing the use of recycled materials, as the emissions from recycled polyethylene were only half as large as those from primary materials. The results also revealed that, from a climate perspective, there was no obvious disadvantage in relocating the FIAB factory to Turkey. As the energy consumption in Turkey would result in 4.4% greater environmental burdens compared to producing the goods in Sweden, which would be covered by the transport of goods from Sweden to Turkey. However, other aspects needed to be considered when relocating a FIAB factory to areas affected by crises, such as war or earthquakes. In conclusion, this study provides insights into the climate impact of EQpack AB'spersonal protective equipment and discusses various aspects to consider when making decisions regarding the localization of a FIAB production facility.

A Study on Behaviors of Machine Learning-Powered Intrusion Detection Systems under Normal and Adversarial Settings

Pujari, Medha Rani 15 June 2023 (has links)
No description available.


LUIZA MARIA OLIVEIRA DA SILVA 19 December 2005 (has links)
[pt] A metodologia Box & Jenkins tem sido mais utilizada para fazer previsões do que outros métodos até então. Alguns analistas têm relutado, entretanto, em usar esta metodologia, em parte porque a identificação da estrutura adequada é uma tarefa complexa. O reconhecimento tanto dos padrões de comportamento das funções de autocorrelação quanto da autocorrelação parcial (teórica/estimada) dependem da série temporal através da qual é possível extraí-las. Uma vez obtidos os resultados, pode-se inferir qual o tipo de estrutura Box & Jenkins adequada para a série. A proposta do trabalho é desenvolver três novas metodologias de identificação automática das estruturas Box & Jenkins ARMA simples e/ou sazonais, identificar os filtros sazonal e linear da série de uma forma menos complexa. A primeira metodologia utiliza árvores de decisão, a segunda, redes neurais e a terceira, K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN). A estas metodologias serão utilizadas as estruturas Box & Jenkins sazonais de períodos 3, 4, 6 e 12 e não sazonais. Os resultados são aplicados a séries simuladas, bem como a séries reais. Como comparação, utilizou-se o método automático de identificação proposto no software FPW-XE. / [en] The Box & Jenkins is the most popular forecasting technique. However, some researchers have not embraced it because the identification of its structure is highly complex. The process of proper characterizing the properties of both autocorrelation functions and partial correlation (theoretical or estimated) depends on the time series from which they are being obtained. Given the results in question, it is possible to infer the proper Box & Jenkins structure for the time series being studied. For the reasons above, the goal of this dissertation is to develop three new methodologies to identifying, in an automatic fashion, the Box & Jenkins structure of an ARMA series. The methodologies identify, in a simpler manner, both the seasonal and linear filters of the series. The first methodology applies the decision tree. The second applies the neural networks. The third applies the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN). In each of them the Box & Jenkins seasonal structures of 3, 4, 6 and 12 periods were used, as well as the nonseasonal structure. The results are applied to simulated and actual series. For comparison purposes, the automatic identification procedure of the software FPW-XE is also used.

Modeling and Simulation of a Remote Controlled Weapon Station / Modellering och Simulering av Fjärrmanövrerad Vapenstation

Svalstedt, Mats January 2022 (has links)
Understanding how a system behaves when exposed to different scenarios is key when improvingand developing complex structures. The amount of different approaches is immense and variesfrom case to case. One of the simpler approaches is black-box modelling as it only targetsan input and output to a system, and not necessarily the mathematical interpretations. Fora nonlinear system such as a remote controlled weapon station, this approach is appropriate,as it allows to only focus on a certain scenario and the results obtained for that case. In thisstudy, a remote controlled weapon station is further investigated when exposed to disturbancesfrom a combat vehicle. The data obtained is simulated on a platform and the results are usedin Matlab to analyze and find the best model from these tests. A Hammerstein-Wiener modelwith nonlinear wavelet networks is deemed the best as it gives the most accurate representationof the station’s behavior. The results obtained are considered to be moderately accurate dueto its precision and should only be used as reference point, rather than being interpreted as atrue representation of the system. / Att förstå hur ett system beter sig när det utsätts för olika scenarier är viktigt när man skaförbättra och utveckla komplexa strukturer. Mängden olika tillvägagångssätt är näst intillobegränsad och varierar från fall till fall. Ett av de enklare tillvägagångssätten är "blackbox" modellering eftersom det bara riktar sig till in- och utsignal till ett system, och intenödvändigtvis de matematiska tolkningarna. För ett icke-linjärt system så som en fjärrstyrdvapenstation, är detta tillvägagångssätt lämpligt, eftersom det tillåter att bara fokusera på ettvisst scenario och de resultat som erhålls för det fallet. I denna studie undersöks en fjärrstyrdvapenstation när den utsätts för störningar från ett stridsfordon. Den erhållna datan simuleraspå en plattform och resultaten används i Matlab för att analysera och hitta den bästa modellenfrån dessa tester. En Hammerstein-Wiener-modell med icke-linjära wavelet-nätverk anses varaden bästa eftersom den ger den mest exakta representationen av stationens beteende. Deerhållna resultaten anses vara mediokra på grund av dess precision och bör endast användassom en referenspunkt, snarare än att tolkas som en sann representation av systemet.

En föränderlig låda : Game juice och tidsinverkan på en användares upplevelse av att öppna en loot box

Åfeldt, Filip, Wikdahl, Li January 2022 (has links)
I denna undersökning analyserar vi hur game juice och tid kan påverka en användares upplevelse av att öppna en loot box. Vi undersöker detta med mål att kvantifiera vilka faktorer som kan påverka användarens upplevelse och vilken typ av påverkan dessa faktorer kan ha. Vi undersöker detta genom en fysisk gestaltning av en låda som styrs av fyra knappar, där tid och game juice närvarar i olika grader baserat på vilken knapp som trycks ned. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer fann vi att game juice verkar ha en tydlig påverkan på användarens upplevelse, samt att närvaron av game juice till stor del upplevdes som positiv. Tid hade större variation av resultat då färre upplevde att tid påverkat deras upplevelse, och de som upplevde att tid påverkat upplevelsen angav att tid haft både positiv och negativ påverkan. Vår förhoppning är att detta arbete kan leda till mer diskussion kring hur loot boxes upplevs samt mer utforskning av andra faktorer som kan ha betydelse för användarens upplevelse. / This study aims to analyse how game juice and time may affect a user’s experience of opening a loot box. Our aim in this study is to identify factors that may affect a user’s experience, and to quantify the type of effect these factors may have. We study this by creating a physical artifact in the form of a loot box controlled via four buttons, whereby the amount of time and game juice present are modulated based on which button is pressed by a user. Through qualitative interviews we found that game juice appears to have a significant effect on the user experience, and that the presence of game juice was largely perceived to infer a positive effect on the overall experience. Time as a factor had a greater variation of results due to fewer interviewees believing that time had had any effect on their experience, and those who did describe any difference believed this difference to have a partially positive, but also partially negative impact on their experience. We hope that this study may lead to an expanded discussion regarding the experience of the loot box itself as opposed to its contents, but also further study and exploration that may help further identify factors that may be significant to a user’s experience.


DANIEL PEREIRA HUMBERTO 30 November 2023 (has links)
[pt] Metal Organic Frameworks(MOFs) são compostos de coordenação que possuem íons ou clusters metálicos ligados a espécies orgânicas, formando uma rede porosa, cristalina e de elevada área superficial. Essas características despertaram interesse no desenvolvimento de materiais oriundos de MOFs e, possivelmente, utilizá-los como catalisadores na produção de combustíveis líquidos. Nesta pesquisa, a síntese do Co-MOF-71 foi realizada pelo método solvotérmico, misturando ácido tereftálico, obtido a partir da despolimerização por hidrólise alcalina do polietileno tereftalato (PET) reciclável, e nitrato de cobalto hexahidratado, em solução de N,N-dimetilformamida, etanol e água. Após reação a temperatura de 110, 130 e 150 graus C, o material foi caracterizado quanto a sua resistência térmica, através da análise termogravimétrica, a cristalinidade, na análise de difração de raios X, e, de forma qualitativa, a composição elementar, avaliada na análise de microscopia eletrônica de varredura com energia dispersiva. O planejamento de experimentos de Box-Behnken foi elaborado, variando-se três fatores (temperatura, concentração de ácido tereftálico e quantidade de cobalto), totalizando quinze reações. A Co-MOF-71 foi calcinada em atmosfera inerte de N2 a 500 graus C para gerar uma matriz carbônica contendo cobalto, da qual a área superficial específica foi medida por adsorção-dessorção de N2, aplicando-se o método de Brunauer-Emmett-Teller. Um modelo polinomial de segunda ordem foi aplicado, com sua respectiva análise de variância (ANOVA) e os efeitos das variáveis de entrada foram classificados, constatando que a temperatura não exerceu influência significativa na faixa aplicada. Em seguida, o modelo foi atualizado, atingindo coeficiente de determinação (R2) de 87,39 por cento, revelando o teor de ácido tereftálico como o efeito mais expressivo. Além disso, a superfície de resposta confirmou que o cenário de maior área superficial é alcançado ao adicionar excesso de ligante orgânico no sistema, consistente com o melhor resultado experimental (82 m2.g-1). / [en] MOFs (Metal-organic frameworks) are special compounds that can be an interesting alternative for heterogeneous catalysis, due their singularities like a porous and crystalline structure with high specific area. This work proposes an environmentally favorable production route of Co-MOF-71 derived material, starting with the depolymerization of PET from plastic waste to obtain terephthalic acid, which is the source of ligand BDC (1,4-benzenodicarboxylate). The synthesis of Co-MOF-71 was performed by solvothermal method and, optimizing the research, Box-Behnken design were developed with three independent variables: amount of terephthalic acid, cobalt content, and temperature. The samples were characterized by XRD, TGA, and SEM analysis before and after calcination at 500 degrees C. Finally, the specific surface area was measured by N2 adsorption-desorption, and a second-order polynomial model was suggested, with its respective analysis of variance (ANOVA), indicating that temperature has no significant influence in the applied range. Then, the model was updated, reaching the coefficient of determination (R2 ) of 87.39 percent and presenting the terephthalic acid content as the most relevant effect. Additionally, the response surface confirmed the scenario of higher surface area with excess BDC in the system, consistent with the best experimental result (82 m2 / g).

Lorenz Curve for Profitable Insurance Portfolio Management / Lorenzkurva för lönsam hantering av försäkringsportföljer

Törner, Gustaf, Sävenäs, Erik January 2023 (has links)
Since its introduction by Max Otto Lorenz, the Lorenz curve has been utilizedin several financial contexts. By using regression analysis to approximate theclaim cost of policyholders, a vector consisting of policyholder characteristics canbe obtained. The ordered Lorenz curve can subsequently be used to understandwhat commonalities are shared between profitable policyholders. This allows forbetter management of the insurance portfolio and thus better customer relationstowards both the policyholders and the insurer, which is important for an insuranceconsultancy agency. The aim of this thesis was to investigate which attributesapproximate the policyholder claim costs and consequently obtain insight into whatattributes are shared among profitable portfolio clients. The results presented inthis thesis show that a multi-linear regression model, transformed using the Box-Cox method is insufficient to approximate the claim costs in a convincing manner.The model obtained in the thesis was capable of identifying significant regressorsbut the overall result displayed uncertainties in regards to overall goodness of fit.This means that the variability explained by the regression model only represents4.95% of the variability in the claim cost data. Thus, the relativity measureintroduced in section 2.1.1 was deemed uninterruptible in a meaningful way.Consequently, the empirical distribution functions presented in section 1.1 wouldbe based on a faulty order statistic, and in turn the visualization of an orderedLorenz curve with such a relativity measure is unnecessary. / Sedan Lorenzkurvan introducerades av Max Otto Lorenz 1904 har den använtsinom flera finansiella sammanhang. Genom att använda regressionsanalys föratt approximera försäkringstagares skadekostnader kan en vektor som består avförsäkringstagarnas attribut erhållas. Den sorterade Lorenzkurvan kan i sin turanvändas för att förstå vilka gemensamma attribut som delas mellan lönsammaförsäkringstagare. Detta möjliggör bättre hantering av försäkringsportföljen ochdärmed bättre kundrelationer mot både försäkringstagarna och försäkringsbolaget,något som är viktigt för försäkringsförmedlare. Syftet med denna avhandling var attundersöka vilka egenskaper som approximerar försäkringstagarnas skadekostnaderoch därmed få insikt i vilka attribut som delas bland lönsamma portföljkunder.Resultaten som presenteras i denna avhandling visar att en multilinjär regressionsmodell,som transformeras med Box-Cox-metoden, är otillräcklig för att approximeraskadekostnader på ett övertygande sätt. Modellen som erhölls i avhandlingenkunde identifiera signifikanta regressorer, men det övergripande resultatet visadeosäkerheter när det gäller den generella anpassning. Detta innebär att variabilitetensom förklaras av regressionsmodellen bara representerar 4,95% av variabilitetenbland skadekostnadsdatan. Därmed ansågs relativitetsmåttet som introduceras iavsnitt 2.1.1 vara oanvändbart på ett meningsfullt sätt. Följaktligen ger de empiriskafördelningsfunktionerna som presenteras i avsnitt 1.1 ett felaktig sorteringsmåttsom i sin tur medför att visualiseringen av en sorterad Lorenzkurva baserad påovannämnda mått är onödigt.

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