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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Atmospheric boundary layer stability and its application to computational fluid dynamics

Breedt, Hendrik Johannes January 2018 (has links)
In the wind resource and wind turbine suitability industry Computational Fluid Dynamics has gained widespread use to model the airflow at proposed wind farm locations. These models typically focus on the neutrally stratified surface layer and ignore physical process such as buoyancy and the Coriolis force. These physical processes are integral to the accurate description of the atmospheric boundary layer and reductions in uncertainties of turbine suitability and power production calculations can be achieved if these processes are included. The present work focuses on atmospheric flows in which atmospheric stability and the Coriolis force are included. The study uses Monin-Obukhov Similarity Theory to analyse time series data output from a proposed wind farm location to determine the prevalence and impact of stability at the location. The output provides the necessary site data required for the CFD model as well as stability-dependent wind profiles from measurements. The results show non-neutral stratification to be the dominant condition onsite with impactful windfield changes between stability conditions. The wind flows considered in this work are classified as high Reynolds number flows and are based on numerical solutions of the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations. A two-equation closure method for turbulence based on the k __ turbulence model is utilized. Modifications are introduced to standard CFD model equations to account for the impact of atmospheric stability and ground roughness effects. The modifications are introduced by User Defined Functions that describe the profiles, source terms and wall functions required for the ABL CFD model. Two MOST models and two wall-function methods are investigated. The modifications are successfully validated using the horizontal homogeneity test in which the modifications are proved to be in equilibrium by the model�s ability to maintain inlet profiles of velocity and turbulence in an empty domain. The ABL model is applied to the complex terrain of the proposed wind farm location used in the data analysis study. The inputs required for the stability modifications are generated using the available measured data. Mesoscale data are used to describe the inlet boundary conditions. The model is successfully validated by cross prediction of the stabilitydependent wind velocity profiles between the two onsite masts. The advantage of the developed model is the applicability into standard wind industry loading and power production calculations using outputs from typical onsite measurement campaigns. The model is tuning-free and the site-specific modifications are input directly into the developed User Defined Functions. In summary, the results show that the implemented modifications and developed methods are applicable and reproduce the main wind flow characteristics in neutral and non-neutral flows over complex wind farm terrains. In additions, the developed method reduce modelling uncertainties compared against models and measurements that neglect non-neutral stratification. / Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2018. / Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering / MEng / Unrestricted

Study of stability improvement measures meeting the effects of new use of a secondhand cement carrier vessel / Studie av stabilitetsförbättringsåtgärder vid ny användning av ett begagnat cementfartyg

Novri, Jansen January 2022 (has links)
Secondhand ship is an option to improve marine business competitiveness. It provides a way for ship owners to integrate customer market rapidly without spending many resources on producing new ships. However, secondhand ships that perfectly suit owner's requirements becomes unavoidable challenge. Ship owners may decide to modify their ships to completely fulfill their requirements. A modification method that is often implemented is cargo replacement as observed from customer and global trends. It impacts ship stability due to different cargo properties which leads to different ship physical properties, such as position of center of gravity and buoyancy. Due to this impact, some ships may have excessive or reduced stability which causes potential damages. To ensure that cargo replacement does not negatively impact ship stability, it is evaluated according to the stability regulation of International Maritime Organization and classification society. A cement carrier vessel named MV Cemfjord is used as an example ship. The cargo is replaced from cement (ρ=1.35 tons/m3) to iron ore (ρ=3.03 tons/m3) and fly ash (ρ=0.794 ton/m3). Some modifications such as cargo position and total payload weight will be adjusted to some requirements. After implementing those modifications, some stability issues due to ship center of gravity shifting are considered. Therefore, the possibility of excessive and reduced stability may follow because of this effect. This study will investigate those stability issues and define the solution to overcome them. In this study, two solutions are offered. Firstly, the ship center of gravity is adjusted bymodifying the general arrangement. Other solution is conducted through adjusting the ship center of buoyancy by adding sponsons that affects buoyancy force on the ship hull. After defining the solution, it will be visualized into physical manners, in form of the new general arrangement or the sponsons dimension. Advantages and disadvantages of the chosen solution will also be discussed. / Andrahandsmarknaden för skepp är ett alternativ för sjöfartsindustrin att öka sin konkurrenskraft. Det ger möjligheten att etablera verksamheten på nya marknader utan att behöva bygga nya skepp. Utmaningen med detta är att hitta andrahandsskepp som kan möta kravspecifikationen som den nya ägaren ställer. En modifikation som ofta implementeras är byte av frakt gods för att tillgodose kunder och globala trender. Däremot påverkar lastens olika egenskaper stabiliteten i fartyget genom att masscentrum och flytkraftscentrum förskjuts. Detta är något som kan skada fartygen. För att undvika negativa konsekvenser från lastersättningen utreds den utifrån regler som är bestämda utav International Maritime Organization och klassificeringssällskap. Fartyget MV Cemfjord används som exempelskepp under den här studien. Ursprungligen är det ett fartyg som fraktar cement (ρ=1.35 ton/m3). I den här studien byts lasten ut till järnmalm (ρ= 3.03 ton/m3) och flyg aska (ρ=0.794 ton/m3). Modifikationer rörande lastpositionen och maximal lastkapacitet kommer göras för att möta vissa krav. Efter implementeringen kommer hänsyn tas till förskjutningen av fartygets masscentrum utifrån ett stabilitetshänseende. Studien kommer utreda och presentera lösningar för att komma till rätta med dessa problem. Två lösningar presenteras. Den första lösningen går ut på att flytta fartygets masscentrum genom att ändra fartygets generella layout. Den andra lösningen går ut på att förändra fartygets flytkraftscentrum. Detta görs genom att montera volymer på sidan av fartyget (eng. sponsons) som förändrar fartygets flytkraft. När lösningarna definierats kommer de visualiseras för att jämföra skillnader i fartygets yttre dimensioner. Fördelar och nackdelar med de två alternativen diskuteras också.

Development and assessment of CFD models including a supplemental program code for analyzing buoyancy-driven flows through BWR fuel assemblies in SFP complete LOCA scenarios

Artnak, Edward Joseph 31 January 2013 (has links)
This work seeks to illustrate the potential benefits afforded by implementing aspects of fluid dynamics, especially the latest computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling approach, through numerical experimentation and the traditional discipline of physical experimentation to improve the calibration of the severe reactor accident analysis code, MELCOR, in one of several spent fuel pool (SFP) complete loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) scenarios. While the scope of experimental work performed by Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) extends well beyond that which is reasonably addressed by our allotted resources and computational time in accordance with initial project allocations to complete the report, these simulated case trials produced a significant array of supplementary high-fidelity solutions and hydraulic flow-field data in support of SNL research objectives. Results contained herein show FLUENT CFD model representations of a 9x9 BWR fuel assembly in conditions corresponding to a complete loss-of-coolant accident scenario. In addition to the CFD model developments, a MATLAB based control-volume model was constructed to independently assess the 9x9 BWR fuel assembly under similar accident scenarios. The data produced from this work show that FLUENT CFD models are capable of resolving complex flow fields within a BWR fuel assembly in the realm of buoyancy-induced mass flow rates and that characteristic hydraulic parameters from such CFD simulations (or physical experiments) are reasonably employed in corresponding constitutive correlations for developing simplified numerical models of comparable solution accuracy. / text

Movement control and guidance of an automated underwater vehicle

Pauck, Simon James 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis presents the design process of the movement control and guidance systems for an automated underwater vehicle (AUV) constructed by the Institute of Maritime Technology in Simon’s Town. The full non-linear mathematical model and simulation environment for the AUV were previously developed in [1]. The design process in this thesis covers an analysis of existing test data and the performance of the current systems in place on the AUV, derivation and analysis of the linear model for the AUV, design of upgraded control and guidance systems, analysis of the new designs including simulation results, practical implementation of the new designs and the results thereof. Over the course of this project a number of flaws were identified in the original control designs and other aspects of the AUV. Most notably, the capability of the AUV is limited owing to its construction, and the current control and guidance methods result in poor movement characteristics. The new control designs are executed through multiple SISO feedback loops, with the most complicated controllers consisting of proportional and integral control. A completely new guidance method was designed which grants theAUVthe ability to track both straight line and circular path segments with no steady state error. These designs were tested in simulation, with results showing good tracking performance, even in the presence of output disturbances. The new designs were implemented on the physical AUV, but testing was limited, with poor results being obtained. The poor test results were caused primarily by the construction of the AUV. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis stel die ontwerpsproses voor vir die bewegingsbeheer- en navigasiestelsels vir ’n outonome duikboot wat gebou is deur die Instituut vir Maritieme Tegnologie in Simonstad. Die volle nie-lineˆere wiskundige model en simulasieomgewing vir die duikboot is voorheen ontwikkel in [1]. Die ontwerpsproses in hierdie tesis behels ’n analise van bestaande toetsdata en van die werksverrigting van die stelsels wat tans op die duikboot ge¨ınstalleer is, die afleiding en analise van ’n lineˆere model vir die duikboot, die ontwerp van verbeterde beheer- en navigasiestelsels, die analise van die nuwe ontwerpe, wat simulasieresultate insluit, die praktiese implementering van die nuwe ontwerpe, en die resultate daarvan. Deur die loop van die projek is ’n aantal tekortkominge ge¨ıdentifiseer in die oorspronklike beheerstelselontwerpe en ander aspekte van die duikboot. Die mees beduidende tekortkominge is dat die vermo¨e van die duikboot beperk word deur die konstruksie daarvan, en dat die huidige beheer- en navigasietegnieke swak bewegingseienskappe lewer. Die nuwe beheerstelselontwerpe is uitgevoer deur ’n aantal enkelintree, enkeluittree terugvoerlusse, waar die mees komplekse beheerders bestaan uit proporsionele en integraalbeheer. ’n Heeltemal nuwe navigasiemetode is ontwerp, wat die duikboot in staat stel om beide reguit lyne en sirkulˆere padsegmente te volg sonder ’n stasionˆere volgfout. Hierdie ontwerpe is getoets in simulasie, waar die resultate goeie volging getoon het, selfs in die teenwoordigheid van uittreeversteurings. Die nuwe ontwerpe is ge¨ımplementeer op die fisiese duikboot, maar beperkte toetse is gedoen, en het swak resultate gelewer. Die swak toetsresultate was hoofsaaklik as gevolg van die konstruksie van die duikboot.

Regional analysis of Residual Oil Zone potential in the Permian Basin

West, Logan Mitchell 24 October 2014 (has links)
This study provides independent analysis of Residual Oil Zones (ROZs) in the Permian Basin from a regional perspective, focusing on the formation mechanism and present ROZ locations. Results demonstrate widespread potential for ROZs, defined here as thick volumes of reservoir rock containing near-residual saturations of predominantly immobile oil formed by natural imbibition and displacement of oil by dynamic buoyant or hydrodynamic forces. Previous work suggests hydrodynamic forces generated by regional tectonic uplift drove widespread oil remobilization and ROZ creation. To test the hypothesis, uplift and tilting are quantified and the resulting peak regional potentiometric gradient used as a physical constraint to compute and compare predicted ROZ thicknesses from hydrodynamics for several ROZ-bearing San Andres fields with known ROZ thicknesses. Late-Albian Edwards Group geologic contacts, which are interpreted to have been deposited near sea level prior to uplift, are used as a regional datum. Approximate elevations determined for the present datum show ~1800 m of differential uplift since Edwards deposition, with an average regional slope of ~0.128˚. This post-Edwards tilting increased the pre-existing regional structural gradient of the San Andres Formation to ~0.289˚. Using the calculated post-Edwards gradient results in to prediction of ROZ thicknesses from hydrodynamics that is consistent with measured ROZ thicknesses at several fields. When compared with countervailing buoyancy forces, hydrodynamics is calculated to be the more dominant driving force of oil movement for reservoirs with structural dips less than 1.5˚, which is the common dip for San Andres Formation platform deposits where ROZs have been identified. To predict the location of ROZs, ROZ-related oil field properties were identified and analyzed for over 2,800 Permian Basin reservoirs. A strong basin-wide correlation between API and crude sulfur content is consistent with the expected outcome of oil degradation driven by oil-water interaction, and supports the use of API and sulfur content as proxies for ROZ potential in the Permian Basin. Spatial analysis of sulfur data shows that the highest probability for ROZ existence exists in Leonardian through Guadalupian-age reservoirs, distributed primarily in shelf and platform areas of Permian structures. Combined, these results support the widespread potential for ROZs across the Permian Basin generated primarily by regional scale tilting and resultant hydrodynamic forces. / text

Vliv aqua-činek na intenzitu zatížení při aqua-aerobiku v mělké vodě / Influence of buoyancy dumb-bells on load intensity during shallow water aerobic

Houdová, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
Title: Influence of buoyancy dumb-bells on load intensity during shallow water aerobic Objectives: The aim of this theses was to compare the heart rate to several variants during 14 minutes head-out aquatic exercise (with simultaneous legs and arms actions and with simultaneous legs and arms actions using buoyancy dumb-bells). 8 females, clinically healthy and with a regular level of physical activity in age between 25-60 years (age 42 ± 11,4 years) were studied. The other aim of this theses was to compare the heart rate during rest on land and rest in water during shallow water aerobic in an upright position with water level to shoulder depth. Methods: We monitored heart rate changes during 14 minutes head-out aquatic exercise by Sport Tester S610i. The results of the tests were analyzed and evaluated with Polar Precision Performance software. Chi-squared test was used to examine the average difference to heart rate during tests. Results: We found non-significant increases on load intensity during test with using buoyancy dumb-bells. Average heart rate during rest in water showed decreases by 13 beats per minute. Keywords: buoyancy dumb-bells, load intensity, heart rate, shallow water aerobic

Novel pleiotropic regulators of gas vesicle biogenesis in Serratia

Quintero Yanes, Alex Armando January 2019 (has links)
Serratia sp. ATCC 39006 (S39006) is known for producing carbapenem and prodiginine antibiotics; 1-carbapen-2-em-3-carboxylic acid (car) and prodigiosin. It displays different motility mechanisms, such as swimming and swarming aided by flagellar rotation and biosurfactant production. In addition, S39006 produces gas vesicles to float in aqueous environments and enable colonization of air-liquid interfaces. Gas vesicles are thought to be constructed solely from proteins expressed from a gene cluster composed of two contiguous operons, gvpA1-gvpY and gvrA-gvrC. Prior to this study, three cognate regulators, GvrA, GvrB, and GvrC, encoded by the right hand operon were known to be essential for gas vesicle synthesis. Post-transcriptional regulators such as RsmA-rsmB were also known to be involved in the inverse regulation of gas vesicles and flagella based motility. Furthermore, gas vesicle formation, antibiotic production, and motility in S39006 were affected by cell population densities and de-repressed at high cellular densities through a quorum sensing (QS) system. The aim of this research study was to identify novel regulatory inputs to gas vesicle production. Mutants were generated by random transposon mutagenesis followed by extensive screening, then sequencing and bioinformatic identification of the corresponding mutant genes. After screening, 31 mutants and seven novel regulatory genes impacting on cell buoyancy were identified. Phenotypic and genetic analysis revealed that the mutations were pleiotropic and involved in cell morphology, ion transport and central metabolism. Two new pleiotropic regulators were characterized in detail. Mutations in an ion transporter gene (trkH) and a putative transcriptional regulator gene (floR) showed opposite phenotypic impacts on flotation, flagella-based motility and prodigiosin, whereas production of the carbapenem antibiotic was affected in the transcription regulator mutant. Gene expression assays with reporter fusions, phenotypic assays in single and double mutants, and proteomics suggested that these regulatory genes couple different physiological inputs to QS and RsmA-dependent and RsmA-independent pathways.

Förskolebarns diskussioner kring ett naturvetenskapligt fenomen : En kvalitativ studie om förskolebarns diskussioner kring koldioxidbubblor och dess flytkraft / Preschoolers' discussions about a scientific phenomenon : A qualitative study on preschoolers' discussions about carbon dioxide bubbles and its buoyancy

Pedersen, Sofie, Johansson, Carola January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study is to provide knowledge about how preschoolers discuss about carbon dioxide bubbles and its buoyancy. To answer the study´s questions, three focus groups with a total of twelve children and six group interviews with a total of eight children, have been used as a method. In the implementation of the focus groups and the group interviews, the experiment dancing raisins was used. The experiment was used as a concrete material to make the carbonic acid visible to the children. A social constructivist perspective has been used during the analyzes of the data. From the keywords that emerged during the analysis, nine categories have been identified and divided to answer the questions of the study. The result shows that when the children were to describe the carbonic acid, they used the words bubbles and bubble water. Only one child said the word gas, but none of the children used the word carbonic acid. The result also shows that the children in the study have previous experiences that the appearance and characteristics of objects affect whether they float or sink. The result shows that the children mainly used everyday concepts and lack scientific concepts when describing the phenomenon. The result of the study can contribute to a developed chemistry teaching in the preschool, by letting preschool teachers know what words children use to describe a phenomenon and thus adapt the chemistry content of the preschool.

Characterisation and Analysis of a Vibro-fluidised Granular Material

Sunthar, P 03 1900 (has links)
The present work is concerned with the mathematical modelling of a bed of granular material in a gravitational field vertically fluidised by a vibrating surface. The particles are in rapid motion, and lose energy by inelastic collisions. The steady state is maintained by a balance of the rate of dissipation of energy in inelastic particle collisions and the rate of transfer of energy due to particle collisions with the vibrating surface. The limit where the energy dissipation due to inelastic collisions is small compared to the mean kinetic energy of the particles is considered. This non-equilibrium steady state is similar to a dilute gas at equilibrium with a uniform temperature and an exponentially decaying density, obtained from the ideal gas equation of state. From the analysis of this state, four non-dimensional numbers are derived which uniquely specify the state of the system. A perturbative analysis about the uniform temperature state is carried out and analytical solutions to the macroscopic variables of the system are obtained using two types of approximations. The first is a hydrodynamic model using constitutive relations from the general kinetic theory of granular media, and the second is a kinetic theory formulation derived exclusively for the vibro-fluidised bed. The latter permits an anisotropy between the horizontal and vertical directions due to the anisotropic nature of the source of energy at the bottom wall. The kinetic theory is extended to incorporate the corrections due to the high density effects, which is similar to the Enskog correction to dense gases. An event driven (ED), or hard sphere molecular dynamic (MD), simulation of the vibrated bed is carried out. The quantitative predictions of the theories are validated by the simulation. A systematic probing of the parameter space within the ED simulations revealed two new phenomena in a vibro-fluidised bed which are inhomogeneous in the horizontal direction. These are convection rolls similar to the Rayleigh-Benard instability in fluids, and a clustering instability leading to a phase separation. The instabilities are characterised using a phase diagram. The homogeneous states close to these new states are adequately described by the models developed here. An analysis of the stability of this state could have implications in understanding the instabilities in driven granular materials (such as in sheared media and fluidised beds) in general, and pattern formation in vibrated beds in particular.

Επίδραση της αλατότητας και του σταδίου ανάπτυξης στην πλευστότητα αυγών τσιπούρας (Sparus aurata, L. 1758) / The effect of salinity and stage of development on the buoyancy of eggs of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata, L. 1758)

Λεονταρίτου, Παναγιώτα 28 June 2007 (has links)
Η τσιπούρα είναι ένα είδος με ιδιαίτερο εμπορικό ενδιαφέρον. Στην Ελλάδα η εκτροφή της είναι ιδιαίτερα σημαντική. Παρά τη μεγάλη μελέτη λόγω της εκτροφής του είδους, υπάρχουν ακόμα πολλά αναπάντητα ερωτήματα ειδικά σε θέματα της αναπαραγωγής. Η μελέτη που έγινε δίνει πληροφορίες σχετικά με την πλευστότητα αυγών τσιπούρας εκτροφής, προέλευσης Ατλαντικού και Μεσογείου, φυσικής και όψιμης φωτοπεριόδου, όπως αυτή διαμορφώνεται καθ’ όλη τη διάρκεια της αναπαραγωγικής περιόδου (4,5 μήνες) και σε 7 διαφορετικές αλατότητες (32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 ppt). Η αλατότητα ωοτοκίας ήταν 40 ppt. Μετρήθηκαν επίσης οι διάμετροι των αυγών σε δύο από αυτές τις αλατότητες (32 και 35ppt). Τα αποτελέσματα έχουν ιδιαίτερο οικολογικό ενδιαφέρον, καθώς επιτρέπουν τη δόμηση κάποιων υποθέσεων σχετικά με την επίδραση διαφορετικών συνθηκών, στην πιθανότητα επιβίωσης των αυγών και συνεπώς και επανένταξης νέων ατόμων στο φυσικό περιβάλλον. / Gilthead seabream is a species of high commercial interest. It is very important for Greek fish farming. Although, there has been great research on the species, there are still many questions unanswered, especially in the area of reproduction. This study gives information regarding the egg buoyancy of farmed gilthead seabream coming from the Atlantic or the Mediterranean, under natural or late photoperiod, during the whole reproduction period (4,5 months)and under 7 different salinities (32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 ppt). Salinity at reproduction was 40 ppt. The diameter of the eggs was also measured (at 32 and 35 ppt). The results have particular ecological interest, as they allow the formation of some hypothesis regarding the influence of different factors in the recruitment of gilthead seabream in nature.

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