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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analys av klimatskärmens lufttäthet i ett småhus

Hadodod, Melic, Ahlgren, Karl January 2007 (has links)
<p>Together with NCC and Sweco we measured the air-flow on a semi-detached house in Jönköping. When a pressure measurement is made, the house gets exposed to over- and under pressure. This is done in order to examine the houses climate shell. The climate shell of the semi-detached house we tested exceeded the required air thickness in BBR-2002, hence, measures have to be taken.</p><p>This report also displays the importance of building air thick houses and what consequences a non air-thick house can have for the ones residing the house. A discussion of different measures is on for the addressed problems with the flow-measurement and the alternative construction-solutions.</p><p>Furthermore we have described in this report of how to account for the performance of the air pressure, what kind of equipment we used and how we came up with the results. An ocular inspection was continually made in order for us to examine its gained results and thereby see why possible flaws arose.</p>

Materialval i utfackningsväggar

Lönnbark, Emil January 2007 (has links)
<p>The aim of this report is to give a concise description of curtain walls, what it is and why they are used. It is also a description of six different but commonly used design technologies. By giving a detailed description of the different types and there special properties, the pros and cons will be clarified. The three most interesting alternatives were selected to be included in a test, to show the best alternative from a certain point of view.</p><p>The parameters are:</p><p>• Environment</p><p>• Cost</p><p>• Ergonomics</p><p>• Isolation against noise and fire</p><p>• Durability</p><p>These are important parameters in the planning and design phase. The report contains a summary about each parameter and what is important to pay attention to during construction work.</p><p>The test is based on these parameters and by allotting points to each wall according to properties, for each parameter a best choice can be pointed out.</p><p>The report ends up with a discussion about the result and what are the most important properties. The end result shows the points per parameter for each wall.</p>

Funktionsentreprenad Brounderhåll : en pilotstudie i Uppsala län

Mattsson, Hans-Åke January 2006 (has links)
<p>Before 1992 the Swedish Road Administration (SRA) carried out all bridge maintenance and minor repair for all bridges in Sweden by themselves. The bridge maintenance crew in a county consisted typically of 3-6 workers and a bridge-engineer.</p><p>SRA and some contractors suggest that it could be a good idea for SRA to procure bridge maintenance in one or two counties for a long-time, e. g., seven to ten years. The bridge maintenance crew could be a model for this.</p><p>The aim of the research project is to present an updated model for procurement of bridge maintenance based on functional requirements. The base for this updated model will be the findings and conclusions that could be drawn from a real project – a case study. The research project shall continuously follow-up the performed maintenance and document how the contractor is planning and performing the work. The research will specially focus on measurable verifying methods for the performed maintenance. The results from the research project will be evaluated and compared with standard maintenance methods and the results will hopefully be used to update current regulations. The hope is also that the contractor will develop new and effective maintenance methods with the larger freedom a functional contract enables. At the end the final goal is to reduce the cost for the society for bridge maintenance in the future.</p><p>The basic idea behind performance contract is that the client makes measurable functional demands with regard to the finished product, instead of presenting technical solutions. As an example the client could demand a certain friction and smoothness for the road surface. These functional demands should be formulated so that they have a direct relevance for the safety and flow of traffic.</p><p>It is important that these functional requirements are divided into a target level and an absolutely lowest possible level (acute level). A contractor should maintain the target level both as an average functional level during the contract period and when the contract is completed. For the acute level there should be stipulated a maximum allowable time before corrective action needs to be taken.</p><p>The methods that have been used in the research project are interviews, meetings, literature studies, reports, follow-up, statistics, participating in seminars, the authors own inspections, annual reports and so on.</p><p>Since the author didn’t find anything published about bridge management on performance contract, to the author’s best knowledge, the literature studies have been concentrated on nearby topics, e. g., highways on performance contract and bridge maintenance in general et cetera.</p><p>The research project has so far consisted mostly of a pilot study. From the beginning the idea behind the project was:</p><p>• To procure bridge maintenance for the small and mid-sized bridges,</p><p>• in one or two counties,</p><p>• for a longer time, e. g., seven to ten years.</p><p>• The value of a maintenance contract could be in the range of about 100 MSEK for the whole time.</p><p>Since this is the first project of its kind in Sweden the owner (SRA) did not dare to let this pilot project be too voluminous. What will be tested and followed by this research project is to use contracting for maintenance based on functional requirements for all 400 bridges in Uppsala County in Sweden and for a period of three years and with an option for three more years. Uppsala County is situated some 20 km to 200 km north of Stockholm.</p><p>To summarise the actual contract:</p><p>• A contractor should perform bridge maintenance for all 400 bridges in Uppsala County.</p><p>• The contract was three years (1 Sept. 2004 – 31 Aug. 2007) with an option for three more years (1 Sept. 2007 – 31 Aug. 2010).</p><p>• The bridges were deemed to be in satisfactory condition if the contractor verified that they met the functional requirements in SRA’s regulations once a year.</p><p>• Repair of 25 bridges during the contract’s first three years.</p><p>• If the option for three more years will be used, then there will be some additional bridge repairs.</p><p>• The contractor was expected to contribute in the research project.</p><p>There were six contractors that requested the tender documents, but only three of them submitted an offer to SRA, see table below.</p><p>Contractor Submitted offer</p><p>Vägverket Produktion 20 387 943 SEK</p><p>DAB-Domiflex AB 23 728 040 SEK</p><p>NCC Construction 28 620 000 SEK (Advance 2 000 000 SEK)</p><p>All of the three contractors deemed to have met the standards of a contractor set by SRA. Vägverket Produktion (VP) was the lowest bidder and therefore it was contracted by SRA for this project.</p><p>Interviews were carried out with all six contractors that had requested tender documents. All of them thought that a multiyear bridge maintenance contract was an interesting idea. Large companies tend to want large contracts and small companies tend to settle for smaller contracts. All of the contractors thought that it was easy to calculate the 25 bridge repairs compared to bridge maintenance on functional demands.</p><p>According to the contract VP should repair 25 bridges during a three year period. VP divided these repairs in three equal parts: nine bridges 2005, eight bridges 2006 and eight bridges 2007.</p><p>The functional requirements for the bridges should be verified once a year according to the contract. Both representatives for SRA and VP carried out bridge inspections during the first year and it was noted that the representatives had a different view on some of the discovered defects on the bridges. The representatives had a different view mainly on the bridges’ structural members’ slope and embankment end, edge beam and surfacing. It is important to specify how to measure and interpret the results from inspections regarding defects in functional requirements. Defects in functional requirements should be divided into acute defects and non-acute defects. Acute defects needs to be more precisely defined but could be surfacing against bridge, settling in slope and embankment end and flushing.</p><p>These defects should be rectified as soon as possible. Non-acute defects could be rectified when there is enough work for the contractor to carry out but not later then October 31st every year. The research project will continue to follow-up and evaluate the first three years of the pilot study.</p><p>The research project will also follow-up and evaluate if the option for extending the contract three more years will be used. According to the contract, if the option will be used, there need to be a meeting between the client and the contractor not later than 31 Aug. 2006 and a settlement need to be reached not later than 30 Sep. 2006.</p><p>It is of interest to study the possibility to use, in future tender documents, the indicator Lack of Capital Value and/or the average permissible level of defects in functional requirements for the bridge stock. Further research should also be focused on how defects on different members of the bridge evolve and the cost associated to rectify them. It is of interest to know how many defects that are evolved during a normal year for the 400 bridges in the study. If one knew the number of defects one can estimate the costs to rectify these. The estimated cost can then be included as information for the potential contractor in future tender documents.</p><p>So far SRA’s representatives are satisfied with the project and with the good relationship that evolved between SRA and the contractor. SRA is also satisfied with the increased focus on the bridge functional requirements.</p><p>If this project will continue to show good results then SRA will consider procure bridge maintenance on similar contracts for more counties.</p>

Heated air gaps : a possibility to dry out dampness from building constructions

af Klintberg, Tord January 2008 (has links)
<p>The air gap method is a modification of the common way of building indoor walls and floors. The aim of the method is to make a construction, less fragile to water damage, with air gaps where moisture can be removed with a thermally driven air flow, caused by a heating cable. The thesis includes a number of experimental studies of this method.</p><p>Temperature and convective air flow in a vertical air gap was studied and it was noted how air flow increased with raised power of the heating cable. The air flow for one meter of wall varied between 50 m3/day (13 air changes per hour) and 140 m3/day (36 air changes per hour). The lower value was caused by a temperature difference in the range 0.2-0.3 oC. Without heating no air flow was found.</p><p>In studies of moisture and RH in wet “slab on ground” constructions, it was noted how the slab in the room with the air gap method dried to a much higher extent than the slab in the room built in an ordinary way. It was also noted that moisture was transported from the air gap in the floor and up through the air gap in the wall. In the room with the air gap construction, the RH values beneath the floor was at a lower level (and below 75 % RH) than the RH values beneath the floor of conventional construction. Mould does not grow below 75 % RH.</p><p>In the study of a flooded intermediate floor it was noted how the thermally driven convective air flow evidently speeded up drying of the construction. Mould growth was only noted in the case where the heating cables were turned off.</p> / <p>Spaltmetoden är en modifiering av det reguljära sättet av att bygga innerväggar och bjälklag. Syftet med metoden är att skapa en byggnadskonstruktion som är mindre skör med avseende på fuktskador. Detta görs med spalter där fukt kan avlägsnas genom ett termiskt drivet luftflöde som orsakas av en värmekabel. Denna avhandling innehåller ett antal experimentella studier på metoden. Spaltmetoden har studerats med avseende på 1. Samband mellan temperatur och luftflöde, 2. Uttorkning och RF nivåer i golvkonstruktioner samt 3. Översvämning av ett mellanbjälklag</p><p><strong>1. Samband mellan temperatur och luftflöde</strong></p><p>Temperatur och konvektivt luftflöde har studerats i en vertikal spalt och resultatet visar att luftflödet ökar med ökad effekt hos värmekabeln. Luftflödet i en vägg med en meters bredd varierade mellan 50 kubikmeter/dag (13 luftväxlingar per timme) och 140 kubikmeter/dag (36 luftväxlingar per timme). Det lägre flödet orsakades av en temperaturskillnad på 0,2-0,3 oC mellan luftspalt och rum. När värmekabeln var avstängd så registrerades inget luftflöde.</p><p><strong>2. Uttorkning och RF nivåer i golvkonstruktioner ovan betongplatta</strong></p><p>Detta experiment visade att fukt har transporterats från spalten i golvet genom spalten i väggen ut i rumsluften. I spaltkonstruktion var RF inuti golvkonstruktionen lägre (och understeg 75 % RF), jämfört med den konventionella konstruktionen, (mögel växer inte under 75 % RF). Det har också registrerats att betongplattan som hörde till spaltmetoden torkade ut snabbare än betongplattan som var inbyggd i ett gängse rum.</p><p><strong>3. Översvämning av ett mellanbjälklag</strong></p><p>I studien där ett mellanbjälklag blev översvämmat noterades att spaltmetoden förkortade torktiden från 21 dagar till 13 vid den fuktigaste mätpunkten. Mögelväxt noterades endast då värmekabeln hade varit frånslagen.</p><p> </p><p> </p>

Risker med karbamidskumplast- och cellplastisolering i kulturhistoriskt värdefulla byggnader

Andersson, Sören January 2008 (has links)
<p>Examensarbetet har genomförts på uppdrag av Länsstyrelsen i Blekinge och Ronneby Kommun och syftar på att utreda om tidigare tilläggsisolering med karbamidskumplast och polystyrencellplastkulor, på tre stycken byggnadsminnesförklarade byggnader på Ronneby Brunn i Blekinge, har medfört eventuella fuktskador. Undersökningarna av byggnaderna har utförts med ett antal valda undersökningsmetoder som var, okulär besiktning, termografering, klimatmätning, materialtest, fuktkvotsmätning elektrisk, fuktkvotsmätning med metoden vägning-torkning-vägning, samt simulerade fuktdiffusionsberäkningar. Efter att ha sammanvägt de olika undersökningsmetodernas resultat för respektive byggnad antas det att isoleringen inte utgör något hot för väggkonstruktionerna så länge de har en hög ånggenomsläpplighet och har tätt ytskikt på utsidan. Den förhöjda relativa fuktigheten som har noterats vid beräkningar av väggkonstruktionerna antas torka ut snabbt då konstruktionen har lågt ånggenomgångsmotstånd. De skador som upptäckts vid undersökningarna beror inte på byggnadernas isolering. Ett materialtest på karbamidskumplasten visar att fuktupptagningsförmågan är högre för material ifrån byggnaderna än från ett nyare material. Det innebär att om byggnaderna utsätts för inträngande vatten kan detta sugas upp kapillärt. Därför är det av vikt att den yttre tätningen som endast består av träpanel och färg har ett tätt skikt. Polystyrencellplasten antas däremot inte ha någon större kapillaritet alls. Då konstruktionerna har ett mycket begränsat värmemotstånd och vetskapen om att ogenomtänkta åtgärder kan skapa problem, bör det företas en kartläggning av byggnadernas möjlighet till att bli mer fuktsäkra och inte minst mer energieffektiva.</p>

Stenmjöl eller naturgrus i betong<em></em> : <em>En jämförande studie</em>

Johansson, Henrik, Hedberg, Niklas January 2009 (has links)
<p> </p><p>The objective of this thesis is to examine the difference in workability in fresh concrete, when crushed fine aggregate replaces natural gravel. The shape of the fine aggregate,  packing and flow of six crushed material and three natural materials will be determined by easy studies, the results will be compared with a slump cone test.</p>

Anläggningsarbeten för ett vindkraftverk i Karryd / Construction works for a wind turbine in Karryd

Freidh, Martin, Winberg, Sebastian January 2009 (has links)
<p> </p><p>Vindkraftsindustrin är en starkt växande marknad både Sverige och övriga världen och utbyggnaden ökar hela tiden. Detta ger inte bara arbete åt de företag som tillverkar själva vind-kraftverken utan även för företag inom anläggningsbranschen.</p><p>Skanska väg och anläggning i Växjö har fått en offertförfrågan på uppförande av vägar och fundament för ett vindkraftverk i Karryd. I detta arbete har vi utrett metoder och kostnader för projektet i Karryd. Vi har även undersökt vilka olika typer av fundament som idag används vid uppförandet av vindkraftverk.</p><p>Grunden till detta arbete är att Skanska mer exakt ska kunna uppskatta kostnader för anläggning av vindkraftverk men också få en inblick i vilka fundamentstyper som finns. Vårt resultat är en kalkyl och en tidplan som vi hoppas Skanska ska kunna ha nytta av vid kommande vindkraftprojekt.</p>

Studentbostäder i trä med Prefab-teknik

Al-Ansari, Nabil, Te Seng, Meng January 2009 (has links)
<p>The Results of this thesis was the creation of two designed house variants with a module to</p><p>all the apartments. In addition till the first module there are three other modules of</p><p>apartments that can be put in the houses if it so needs. The house are volume prefabricated</p><p>and are placed on site in a way that it create an enclosure of the area which faces against the</p><p>nature and car parks also lies hidden behind these houses.</p><p>For the actual structure, a cross beam was created to carry the floor above and it is support</p><p>by all four walls. The structure between the first and the second floor has no "syll" but</p><p>instead there are two differently alternative to linking the floors in order so that it will not</p><p>move. The reason with this solution was that there will not be any subsidence when the</p><p>forces from above are pressed down ward. The forces are instead directly down to the next</p><p>timber frame system. This can happen when the real estate's owner might want to build</p><p>more floors on the house than the present two floors house when there is no land to build</p><p>and spaces are needed in the future.</p>

Linnéuniversitetets järnvägsstation : Ett utformningsförslag

Blomberg, Harriet, Pettersson, Anders January 2009 (has links)
<p>Studien i rapporten sammanställs i ett utformningsförslag till Linnéuniversitetets järnvägsstation.Stationen är dimensionerad efter 35 sittande, väntande resenärer. Materialen är till sörsta del träoch glas.Utformningen visualiceras med en modell i trä, 2d ritningar i cad och 3d modell i googlesketchup.Förslaget går i modernismens teorier med avskalad och geometrisk enkel arkitektur. Det har enöppen planlösning med många funktioner.</p>

Analys av klimatskärmens lufttäthet i ett småhus

Hadodod, Melic, Ahlgren, Karl January 2007 (has links)
Together with NCC and Sweco we measured the air-flow on a semi-detached house in Jönköping. When a pressure measurement is made, the house gets exposed to over- and under pressure. This is done in order to examine the houses climate shell. The climate shell of the semi-detached house we tested exceeded the required air thickness in BBR-2002, hence, measures have to be taken. This report also displays the importance of building air thick houses and what consequences a non air-thick house can have for the ones residing the house. A discussion of different measures is on for the addressed problems with the flow-measurement and the alternative construction-solutions. Furthermore we have described in this report of how to account for the performance of the air pressure, what kind of equipment we used and how we came up with the results. An ocular inspection was continually made in order for us to examine its gained results and thereby see why possible flaws arose.

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