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The molecular genetics of the human complement component C4Pálsdóttir, Á January 1986 (has links)
No description available.
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The Regulatory Effect Of Ccar Activator On The Cephamycin C Gene Cluster Of Streptomyces ClavuligerusKurt, Aslihan 01 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Streptomyces clavuligerus produces industrially important secondary metabolites such as cephamycin C (a &beta / -lactam antibiotic) and clavulanic acid (a potent &beta / -lactamase inhibitor). Cephamycin C is active against penicillin-resistant bacteria due to presence of methoxyl group in C-7 position of cephalosporin nucleus. Clavulanic acid is prescribed in combination with &beta / -lactams for treatment of various bacterial infections. Cephamycin C and clavulanic acid gene clusters form &beta / -lactam supercluster in S. clavuligerus genome. CcaR (Cephamycin C-Clavulanic Acid Regulator), encoded by ccaR, located in cephamycin C gene cluster, is a positive regulator of &beta / -lactam supercluster. Previous studies on cephamycin C gene cluster have used different techniques, such as S1 nuclease (Paradkar et al., 1994), Northern blot (Perez-Llarena et al., 1997), and Western blot (Alexander and Jensen, 1998) to determine expression of cephamycin C genes at mRNA level and to identify their functions at protein level, and they have studied on different parts of the cluster. Hence, a comprehensive study is needed to understand molecular mechanisms of pathway-specific regulation of cephamycin C production by S. clavuligerus.
In this study, time-dependent expression levels of cephamycin C gene cluster in a ccaR-disrupted mutant and ccaR-overexpressed recombinant strain of S. clavuligerus as compared to those in the wild strain were analysed by RT-PCR and qRT-PCR. In addition, DNA-binding sequences of CcaR on cephamycin C gene cluster were examined by EMSA. The effect of ccaR disruption and overexpression on cephamycin C and clavulanic acid yields were determined by bioassay and HPLC.
Three polycistronic and two monocistronic transcripts were obtained by RT-PCR. CcaR regulation showed its effect on mostly ccaR, lat, cmcI, cefD, blp and cefF expression levels. qRT-PCR data was supported by EMSA showing CcaR binding to lat, cefD&ndash / cmcI and ccaR promoters. ccaR overexpression from multi-copy recombinant plasmid resulted in significant increase in cephamycin C and clavulanic acid yields, making the respective recombinant strain as an attractive industrial strain. qRT-PCR data presented herein constitute the first that reveal the effect of CcaR activator on the expression of cephamycin C genes in a time-dependent manner.
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Análise molecular e implicações biológicas do vírus da Hepatite B, em pacientes naturais do estado do AmazonasOliveira, Cintia Mara Costa de 01 June 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-06-01 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas / The hepatitis B virus (HBV) is an agent of universal distribution which produces in humanity both the gaud and chronic infection. According to the World health organization (WHO) approximately 30% of world population, or about 2 billion of the people, are infected by the HBV. Of these, more than 350, million have become chronic patients. The molecular analysis of the genome HBV has allowed the identification of different genotypes as well as the main mutations which are present in its genome. The present study had as objective to make the sequence of S and C of HBV isolated from different samples born in the Amazon State and to analyze the frequency of mutations in these genes related with the disease evolution. Samples of 80 patients positive for the HBV were obdied. From these, 60 were born on Manaus and 20 on the urban zone of Labrea city, AM.. The amplification of the S gene and C gene by PCR showed that from 80 samples that were analyzed, 68 (85%) were DNA-HBV positive. The filogenetic analyze identified 3 genotypic groups A, D and F. The prevalent genotype was the A type 40/51 (78,4%), followed by F genotype, (7%) and D 2/51 (3,9%) as walles two undetermined sequences. The A genotype was the most frequent in the samples obtained of people who were born in Manaus, while the F genotype was prevalent in the samples of people from the interior of the Amazon State. Considering the mutations, a very low frequency of mutations related with the development of the disease both in the S and C gene was observed. / O vírus da hepatite B (VHB) é um patógeno de distribuição universal que produz no homem tanto a infecção aguda quanto a crônica. De acordo com a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), aproximadamente 30% da população do planeta, ou cerca de dois bilhões de pessoas no mundo, estão infectadas pelo VHB. Destas, mais de 350 milhões tornaram-se portadoras crônicas. A análise molecular do genoma VHB têm permitido a identificação de diferentes genótipos bem como das principais mutações presentes em seu genoma. O presente estudo teve como principais objetivos seqüenciar os genes S e C do genoma do VHB isolados de diferentes amostras obtidas de indivíduos naturais do Estado do Amazonas e analisar a freqüência de mutações nesses genes relacionando-as a evolução da doença. Foram analisadas um total de 80 amostras de plasma de indivíduos positivos para o VHB. Destas, 60 foram procedentes de Manaus e 20 da zona urbana do município de Lábrea, AM. A amplificação dos genes S e C por PCR mostrou que das 80 amostras analisadas, 68 (85%) foram DNA-VHB positivas. A análise filogenética identificou os três grupos genotípicos A, D e F. O genótipo A foi predominante em 40/51 (78,4%), seguido dos genótipos F 7/51 (13,7%) e D 2/51 (3,9%) além de duas seqüências não determinadas. O genótipo A foi mais freqüente nas amostras obtidas de indivíduos naturais da cidade de Manaus enquanto que o genótipo F predominou nas amostras de indivíduos procedentes do interior do Estado do Amazonas. Quanto às mutações observou uma baixa freqüência de mutações relacionadas ao desenvolvimento da doença tanto no gene S quanto no C.
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Characteristics of victims of non-ischemic sudden cardiac deathHookana, E. (Eeva) 04 December 2012 (has links)
A non-ischemic etiology of sudden cardiac death (SCD), mostly due to various cardiomyopathies (CMP), accounts for about 20% of all SCDs. Most of the major studies of risk factors for SCD have focused on coronary artery disease (CAD). The aim of the present study was to clarify the characteristics of non-ischemic SCD in Northern Finland.
In this study, consecutive victims of SCD (n=2661) were prospectively collected, and among whom post-mortem examinations were performed between 1998 and 2007. Information about the SCD victims was obtained from a combination of available medical records, postmortem examination reports, medication used at the time of SCD, and standardized questionnaire filled out by the closest family members of the victims of SCD. We also screened the candidate genes from a Finnish family in which fatal arrhythmias was first manifestation of a cardiac disease. The collagen content of the myocardium from histological samples in victims of SCD due to idiopathic myocardial fibrosis (IMF) was also evaluated.
CAD was the most common cause of death (2082 victims, 78.2%). The prevalence of non-ischemic SCDs was 21.8% of all the SCDs. After sub-grouping the non-ischemic SCDs into various categories, the most common cause of death was CMP related to obesity (23.7%), followed by alcoholic CMP (19.0%), hypertensive CMP (15.5%) and IMF (13.6%). The association of SCD with IMF is notably frequent among victims <40 years old (28.3%). The prevalence of family history of SCD was significantly higher in the victims of ischemic (34.2%) than non-ischemic SCD (13.4%, P<0.001) or controls (17.6%, P<0.001). Lamin A/C gene mutation R541C was found from Finnish SCD family, in which the IMF was predominant pathologic-anatomic finding. Myocardial type I collagen synthesis was increased in victims of SCD due to IMF.
In conclusion, the characteristics of non-ischemic SCD in Finland differ from those reported previously. Higher prevalences of CMP-associated SCDs related to obesity, IMF and alcoholic CMP were observed as clinical and/or pathologic bases for non-ischemic SCD. The family history of SCD is not significantly increased in victims of non-ischemic SCD, suggesting a larger role of sporadic occurrence than inherited traits as the cause of non-ischemic SCD. Replacement of cardiac myocytes by fibrosis can be responsible for fatal cardiac arrhythmias in subjects with the lamin A/C gene mutation. The victims of SCD due to IMF have increased myocardial type I collagen synthesis. / Tiivistelmä
Ei-iskeeminen sydänperäinen äkkikuolema aiheuttaa noin 20 % kaikista sydänperäisistä äkkikuolemista. Suurin osa ei-iskeemisistä sydänperäisistä äkkikuolemista johtuu erilaisista sydänlihassairauksista, kardiomyopatioista. Useimmat sydänperäisen äkkikuoleman riskitekijöitä kartoittavista tutkimuksista ovat keskittyneet sepelvaltimotautiin. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää ei-iskeemisen sydänperäisen äkkikuoleman tunnuspiirteitä pohjoissuomalaisessa väestössä.
Tutkimuksessa käytettiin potilasaineistona sydänperäiseen äkkikuolemaan menehtyneitä vainajia (n=2661), joille on tehty oikeuslääketieteellinen ruumiinavaus. Tiedot vainajista saatiin saatavilla olevista potilaskertomuksista, ruumiinavauspöytäkirjoista, äkkikuoleman aikaisesta lääkityksestä ja lähiomaisille lähetetystä standardisoidusta kyselylomakkeesta. Kandidaattigeenit tutkittiin pohjoissuomalaisesta perheestä, jossa ensimmäinen oire sydänsairaudesta oli hengenvaarallinen rytmihäiriö. Lisäksi sydänlihaksen kollageenikoostumus analysoitiin histologisista näytteistä potilailta, joiden sydänperäinen äkillinen kuolema johtui idiopaattisesta sydänlihaksen sidekudoskasvusta.
Sepelvaltimotauti oli yleisin sydänperäisen äkkikuoleman aiheuttaja (n=2082, 78,2 %). Ei-iskeemisten sydänperäisten äkkikuolemien osuus oli 21,8 % (n=579) kaikista sydänperäisistä äkkikuolemista. Ei-iskeemiset sydänperäiset äkkikuolemat jaettiin alaryhmiin, joista yleisimmät olivat lihavuuteen assosioituva kardiomyopatia (23,7 %), alkoholikardiomyopatia (19,0 %), korkeaan verenpaineeseen assosioituva kardiomyopatia (15,5 %) sekä idiopaattinen sydänlihaksen sidekudoskasvu (13,6 %), joka myös oli yleisin ei-iskeemiseen sydänperäiseen äkkikuolemaan johtava syy alle 40-vuotiailla (28,3 %). Positiivinen sydänperäisen äkkikuoleman sukuhistoria oli tilastollisesti merkitsevästi yleisempää iskeemisillä (34,2 %) kuin ei-iskeemisillä (13,4 %) sydänperäisen äkkikuoleman uhreilla. Lamin A/C – geenin mutaatio löydettiin pohjoissuomalaisesta äkkikuolemaperheestä, jossa idiopaattinen sydänlihaksen sidekudoskasvu todettiin pääasialliseksi patologiseksi löydökseksi. Tyypin I kollageenin synteesi todettiin kohonneeksi idiopaattiseen sydänlihaksen sidekudoskasvuun menehtyneillä vainajilla.
Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, pohjoissuomalaisen väestön ei-iskeemisen sydänperäisen äkkikuoleman tunnuspiirteet eroavat aiemmin raportoiduista; lihavuuteen assosioituva kardiomyopatia, alkoholikardiomyopatia, sekä idiopaattinen sydänlihaksen sidekudoskasvu olivat aiempaa yleisempiä ei-iskeemisen äkkikuoleman aiheuttajia. Positiivinen sydänperäisen äkkikuoleman sukuhistoria ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevästi kohonnut ei-iskeemisen sydänperäiseen äkkikuolemaan menehtyneillä. Tämä tarkoittaa, että perinnöllinen syy ei-iskeemisen sydänperäisen äkkikuoleman aiheuttajana on luultua harvinaisempi. Lamin A/C – geenimutaation kantajilla sydänlihassolujen korvautuminen sidekudoksella todettiin hengenvaarallisen rytmihäiriön aiheuttajaksi. Lisäksi, tyypin I kollageenin synteesi todettiin kohonneeksi idiopaattiseen sydänlihaksen sidekudoskasvuun menehtyneillä vainajilla.
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