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Centro de investigación para el ciclo de vida en los materiales: en Parque Tecnológico Laguna Carén de la Universidad de ChileYáñez Zamorano, Pablo January 2016 (has links)
Memoria para optar al título de Arquitecto
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Estudio e identificación de los procesos bioquímicos asociados a los nutrientes N y P en interacción con el ciclo del carbono: Caso de estudio: Laguna Carén, ChileAránguiz Kusar, Catalina Andrea January 2019 (has links)
Memoria para optar al título de Ingeniera Civil / Los fenómenos de eutrofización como respuesta biológica de los sistemas acuáticos ante la carga antropogénica de nutrientes, se han extendido en lagos, ríos y sistemas costeros. Los sistemas someros son un foco particular de estudio debido a la respuesta que ofrecen ante los efectos de la eutrofización. En este contexto, la laguna Carén, ubicada en la comuna de Pudahuel (Región Metropolitana, Chile), surge como un ecosistema acuático somero, cuyo interés de estudio recae en su condición de hipereutrofización que supera los índices señalados por \citet{Smith1999}.
El principal objetivo de este estudio es caracterizar y cuantificar los procesos que vinculan al dióxido de carbono con los ciclos de nutrientes en cuerpos de agua someros y en estado eutrófico. En base a las mediciones realizadas en la laguna y la revisión de antecedentes de cuerpos de agua someros, se buscó elaborar un modelo numérico que reprodujera el comportamiento de las variables de oxígeno disuelto, dióxido de carbono, nitrógeno y fósforo en el tiempo.
Entre las fechas del 22-12-17 y el 28-11-18 se realizó un monitoreo continuo de las forzantes del sistema, las variables hidrodinámicas y del intercambio de dióxido de carbono con la atmósfera. Se complementó la información anterior con muestreos puntuales para un análisis de calidad del agua de la laguna. A partir de estas mediciones se efectuó la calibración del modelo numérico de la laguna.
Las mediciones en terreno mostraron una evolución estacional de la laguna, a la vez que una evolución intradiaria. Las concentraciones medidas de nutrientes corroboraron el estado de hipereutrofización de la laguna y mostraron el efecto que tiene la descarga de la planta de aguas servidas Izarra de lo Aguirre. Los resultados del modelo numérico lograron simular una variación estacional de las variables estudiadas ($NH_4$,$NO_3$,$PO_4$), sin embargo no se logró reproducir la fuerte dinámica intradiaria para las variables de OD y $CO_2$.
Los resultados del estudio identifican como principales procesos la fotosíntesis, la mineralización y la respiración, cuya evolución es aún más significativa a nivel diario. Para reproducir la dinámica intradiaria de la laguna, es necesario profundizar en las variaciones verticales de la concentración de las variables OD y $CO_2$. En la misma línea, se requiere profundizar en la caracterización de los sedimentos y los procesos que ocurren en ellos, como también en la resuspensión y sedimentación. Por último, se recomienda estudiar las cargas externas de nutrientes que recibe la laguna, ya que pueden explicar las altas concentraciones observadas en terreno.
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Development and Application of a Virtual Reality Stumble Method to Test an Angular Velocity Control OrthosisMontgomery, Whitney S. 05 June 2013 (has links)
The Ottawalk-Speed (OWS) orthosis prevents knee collapse in stumble situations. The purpose of this study was to develop a virtual stumble perturbation to measure OWS response to a knee collapse when walking. A new split speed perturbation was developed for the CAREN virtual reality system. This perturbation induced a stumble with increased knee flexion for five able-bodied participants, with either a hopping or stopping recovery strategy. Three knee-ankle-foot orthosis users were subjected to five stumble trials while wearing the OWS. OWS participants used a straight-legged recovery strategy, and extended the knee through recovery weight acceptance. Therefore, the split speed perturbation was not appropriate to measure OWS response to a stumble since knee collapse did not occur. The OWS allowed free knee motion during gait. Further study is required to measure OWS response during a stumble with a knee collapse event.
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Development and Application of a Virtual Reality Stumble Method to Test an Angular Velocity Control OrthosisMontgomery, Whitney S. January 2013 (has links)
The Ottawalk-Speed (OWS) orthosis prevents knee collapse in stumble situations. The purpose of this study was to develop a virtual stumble perturbation to measure OWS response to a knee collapse when walking. A new split speed perturbation was developed for the CAREN virtual reality system. This perturbation induced a stumble with increased knee flexion for five able-bodied participants, with either a hopping or stopping recovery strategy. Three knee-ankle-foot orthosis users were subjected to five stumble trials while wearing the OWS. OWS participants used a straight-legged recovery strategy, and extended the knee through recovery weight acceptance. Therefore, the split speed perturbation was not appropriate to measure OWS response to a stumble since knee collapse did not occur. The OWS allowed free knee motion during gait. Further study is required to measure OWS response during a stumble with a knee collapse event.
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Betydelsen av fysisk aktivitet i egenvården vid diabetes mellitus : En intervjustudie / The importance of physical activity in self-care in diabetes mellitus. : An interviewAlowersson, Anna January 2010 (has links)
Att drabbas av diabetes medför en omställning i livet och kräver att individen vet vilka åtgärder som är nödvändiga eftersom egenvården är en stor del av behandlingen. Fysisk aktivitet är en typ av egenvård och det är viktigt att individen finner motivationen. Syftet med studien är att beskriva hur människor med sjukdomen diabetes upplever fysisk aktivitet i vardagen. En kvalitativ metod användes och data samlades in via intervjuer med personer, vilka haft diabetes mellan 3-48 år. De berättade om sina upplevelser kring fysisk aktivitet. Intervjuerna spelades in via en mobiltelefon, transkriberades och därefter genomfördes en manifest innehållsanalys där huvudkategorier med tillhörande underkategorier skapades. Resultatet visade att fysisk aktivitet ökade välbefinnandet, vilket ledde till ett ökat behov av att röra på sig. Att finna sina rutiner var en förutsättning för att respondenterna skulle må bra och ökade förmågan att kunna styra sitt blodsockervärde. Svårigheter med motivationen kunde infinna sig när respondenterna inte märkte de positiva effekterna med träningen. Den fysiska aktiviteten kunde även medföra ett lågt blodsockervärde nattetid, vilket upplevdes som väldigt obehagligt. Vikten av förberedelse framkom som den viktigaste faktorn i samband med den fysiska aktiviteten. / Diabetes involves a change in life and requires the individual to understand what actions are required, since self-care is an essential part of the treatment. Physical activity is a kind of self-care and it’s important that the individual finds the motivation. The aim of this study is to clarify how people with diabetes experience physical activity in everyday life. A qualitiative method was used and data were collected through interviews with people whom have had diabetes for between 3-48 years. They talked about their experiences related to physical activity. The interviews were recorded on a mobile telephone, transcribed and made a manifest content analysis in which the main categories and associated subcategories were created. The results indicated that physical activity increased well-being and lead to a continuing urge to exercise. Develop routines that work in everyday life was a prerequisite for the respondents’ well-being and also increased the ability to control blood sugar. Difficulties with motivation could appear when respondents didn’t experience any positive effects from exercising. Physical activity could also lead to a very low blood sugar at night, which was perceived as very unpleasant. The importance of preparation emerged as the most important factor associated with physical activity.
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Virtual reality and the clinic: an ethnographic study of the Computer Assisted Rehabilitation Environment (The CAREN Research Study)Perry, Karen-Marie Elah 26 April 2018 (has links)
At the Ottawa Hospital in Ontario, Canada, clinicians use full body immersion virtual reality to treat a variety of health conditions, including: traumatic brain injuries, post- traumatic stress disorder, acquired brain injuries, complex regional pain syndrome, spinal cord injuries, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and lower limb amputations. The system is shared between military and civilian patient populations. Viewed by clinicians and the system’s designers as a value neutral medical technology, clinical virtual reality’s sights, sounds, movements, and smells reveal cultural assumptions about universal patient experiences. In this dissertation I draw from reflexive feminist research methodologies, visual anthropology and sensory ethnography in a hospital to centre the body in current debates about digital accessibility in the 21st Century. 40 in-depth interviews with practitioners and patients, 210 clinical observations, and film and photography ground research participant experiences in day-to-day understandings of virtual reality at the hospital. In this dissertation I address an ongoing absence of the body as a site of analytical attention in anthropological studies of virtual reality. While much literature in the social sciences situates virtual reality as a ‘post-human’ technology, I argue that virtual reality treatments are always experienced, resisted and interpreted through diverse body schemata. Furthermore, virtual reality cannot be decoupled from the sensitivities, socialities and politics of particular bodies in particular places and times. The Ottawa Hospital’s Computer Assisted Rehabilitation Environment (CAREN) system features a digitally enhanced walk-in chamber, treadmills on hydraulic pistons, surround sound audio, advanced graphics and user feedback utilizing force plates and a dynamic infrared motion capture system. The CAREN system utilizes hardware and software reliant on specific assumptions about human bodies. For example, these assumptions are echoed in depictions of race, gender, class, and indigeneity. Patients using virtual reality technologies can experience more than one disability or health condition at a time, further disrupting the idea of universal user experiences. As clinicians and patients confront the limitations of body normativity in the CAREN system’s interface design, they improvise, resist, and experience virtual reality in ways that defy design agendas, ultimately shaping patient treatments and unique paths to healing and health. / Graduate
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