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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metodjämförelse för fixturkonstruktion till prototyptillverkning

Aldegård, Alexander, Gapinski, William January 2018 (has links)
The thesis work is done in collaboration with Prodtex AB, which works to develop digital tools to facilitate the constructor´s work in virtual environments, for instance CAFD within CATIA V5. What the client wanted the project participants to perform was a comparison of the company's semi-automatic software for fixture design, and the traditional construction method with CATIA. The reason for the method comparison is because Prodtex AB requires data, which they can present to potential customers. The participants produced a method to enable the necessary components of the project, the method consisted of training in fixture design, fixture construction and work with the consulting company´s application. These elements have been essential for the comparison to be reliable. The main part of the assignment consisted of constructing units for the given fixture. The reason behind this is due to the necessity of a certain level of experience in fixture design, which is required to be able to assemble units with an accurate and efficient procedure. The method comparison generated data in terms of time in the measurement areas, input, design and export that the project participants analyzed and compiled in the result section. Based on the statistics, participants were able to find answers about which features the software made the most time savings of, and how abundant these were in relation to the traditional design method. A conclusion about when it was beneficial for a company to invest in the software was based on reasoning deduced from the outcome discussion.

Geometry-Based Requirements : Support requirement owners in connecting and mediating requirements from SystemWeaver to CATIA V5

Hamilton, Jakob, Jeresi, Mahmoud January 2018 (has links)
Requirements of a Volvo car are stored in a requirements management system at Volvo Car Group (VCG). VCG recently implemented a new requirements management system, a system called SystemWeaver. Many different types of requirements are stored in the SystemWeaver software, where the requirements can only be described in text and pictures. However, some requirements are geometry-based, describing some type of shape or measurement in space that the car should fulfil. Geometry-based requirements are stored in Teamcenter and have two components, the requirement text and requirement geometry in the form of CAD-models. The models are used to illustrate the requirement in space. This master thesis examines the possibilities of connecting text-based requirements in SystemWeaver to requirement geometries. The technical aspects are studied as well as the organizational mechanisms of creating and changing a geometry-based requirement. To find a working solution, research relating to the issue gave input to the project. Furthermore, interviews were conducted at different departments at VCG to get insight in the working tasks of requirement management at the company. The project resulted in a concept of a new process, describing the actions of geometry-based requirement management and how requirement geometries should be connected to SystemWeaver. The new concept outlined the logical steps that are required to work with SystemWeaver and geometry-based requirements. The work has laid a foundation on which future studies can be conducted to further streamline management of geometry-based requirements at VCG.

Konstruktion av svingarm till EcoistVehicleTM

Öhman, Oliver, Wikman, Christian January 2017 (has links)
Den här rapporten handlar om ett maskintekniskt konstruktionsprojekt som framtagits av Christian Wikman och Oliver Öhman. Det är ett uppdrag som givits av EcoistVehicleTM för att slutföra högskoleingenjörsexamen inom maskinteknik vid Högskolan i Halmstad. Princip- och Primärkonstruktion (Olsson, 1995), Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics (Gillespie, 1992) och en stor mängd egen sökning har använts som grund till metoden som använts under projektets gång.   EcoistVehicleTM är ett fordonsprojekt som startats av Thomas Koch. Det är en eldriven, singelsits och trehjulig bil med ett drivande bakhjul. Idén bakom bilen är att transportera föraren till sin destination på ett miljövänligt sätt. Bilen är lämpad till landsbygd och pendling med en räckvidd på 40-50km. Syftet med uppdraget som gavs våren 2017 var att hitta snabbare metoder att konstruera och tillverka en svingarm till fordonet.   Uppdraget som gavs var att konstruera och möjligtvis tillverka en svingarm för det drivande bakhjulet som skall passa in på bilens dimensioner samt ha en relativt snabb tillverkningsprocess för en produktionsserie på 10-20 bilar. Uppdragsgivarens önskemål var att 3D-printa ut de större delarna av svingarmen och sedan efterbearbeta monteringsdelar och passytor med fräsning. Flera tillverkningsprocesser som används inom fordonsindustrin för framtagning av motorcykelsvingarmar har setts över och jämföras för att få fram den metod som passar detta projekt.   Det som författarna bidragit med till projeketet är en högre kunskap om 3D-printning av metall, då specifikt aluminium, olika koncept för tillverkning samt analyser av konstruktionen för att testa hållfasthet till den slutgiltiga produkten. / This report will be about a mechanical design project that has been developed by Christian Wikman and Oliver Öhman. The assignment was given by EcoistVehicleTM to complete a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering at Halmstad University. Princip- och Primärkonstruktion (Olsson, 1995), Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics (Gillespie, 1992) and a large amount of research on the web has been used as the foundation for the method that’s been used all through this project.   EcoistVehicleTM is a vehicle project started by Thomas Koch. It is an electrically powered, single seat, three wheeled vehicle that's driven by a single rear wheel. The idea behind the car is to transport the driver to his destination in an environmentally friendly way. The car is suited for commuting in the countryside with a range of 40-50km. The purpose of the assignment that was given in the spring of 2017 was to look into faster methods of designing and manufacturing a swingarm for the vehicle.   Our assignment was to design and possibly manufacture a swingarm for the driving rear wheel that should fit the specifications of the car and have a relatively fast manufacturing process for a series of 10-20 cars. Our mentor and taskmaster has a request to 3D-print the larger parts of the swingarm then after work the mounting surfaces and mating surfaces with milling. Several manufacturing processes used in the automotive industry for the production of motorcycle swingarms will be screened and compared to get the method that will fit this project.   The authors have contributed with a higher knowledge of 3D-printing, specifically aluminum, different design concepts together with analysis of the design to test the solidity of the final product.

Simulação digital utilizada para desenvolvimento de um projeto automobilístico / Simulation digital used for development of an automotive project

Jansen Anderson Gomes 07 January 2016 (has links)
Diante de um cenário automobilístico que consiste em uma busca incessante por reduções de custos e de tempo para um projeto a importância da simulação digital se destaca de forma contundente pois permite a antecipação de problemas bem como implementação de ações para resolvê-los ainda durante a fase digital, o que remete a uma redução de custos e de tempo. Um dos principais objetivos das montadoras a cada lançamento de um novo veículo é a manutenção e incremento das vendas, não levando em conta somente a divisão de mercado que cada montadora possui, mas também a quantidade real de carros que cada montadora vende. Com o cenário competitivo e a necessidade de aumentar o número de carros vendidos, faz-se necessário o desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias para redução de tempo e de custos necessários para realizar um lançamento de um veículo. Uma técnica rotineiramente utilizada dentre as montadoras é de produzir em um país um veículo que já é produzido em outro país, porém para que isso ocorra com sucesso, faz-se necessário um estudo mercadológico para identificação de possíveis modificações necessárias para atender não somente a legislação vigente do País, mas também as necessidades desse novo mercado. Para conseguir programar essas modificações necessárias nos produtos e garantir um lançamento mais enxuto tanto em tempo como em custos, o uso de ferramentas computacionais passa a ser cada vez mais utilizados. O objetivo do presente trabalho é a verificação dos resultados na prática da utilização da metodologia de simulação digital não mais focada no desenvolvimento do processo e sim no desenvolvimento de uma adaptação necessária ao veículo, porém sem perder a sinergia com o processo já desenvolvido e implantado em outra planta do grupo. Foram obtidas significativas reduções de tempo e de custos devido à utilização desta metodologia, e com os resultados obtidos é possível auxiliar no planejamento da modernização de um veículo já existente, buscando-se alternativas para diminuição do tempo de lançamento, bem como no estudo de diversas possibilidades de produto para minimizar os impactos financeiros no desenvolvimento posteriormente do processo. Para o teste computacional, foram utilizados os softwares comerciais de simulação Catia e Process Designer. Este estudo delimita-se a aplicação do conceito de simulação digital na implementação de um projeto na unidade de Taubaté, cidade do Estado de São Paulo. / One of the automakers main goals in each new vehicle launching is to keep and increase sales, always focused not only in the market share, but also increasing the number of vehicles sales. In addition to this situation, there is also a more competitive market, with more automakers offering more variety and modern cars, with these challenges the automakers need to develop a new manner to reduce the vehicle launch timing and costs. A method already used among the automakers is to produce in such country a vehicle that is already assembled in another country, but to succeed it is required a marketing analysis to identify possible required modifications to accomplish with not only legal aspects but also the needs of the new market. In order to execute those product modifications and guarantee a leaner launch regarding timing and costs, the automakers start using computational tools to achieve this goal. The present study has the objective to share the results of using digital simulation methodology, when used to make the vehicle improvements to sell these cars on the domestic market, focused in product engineering, keeping the synergy with the process already developed and installed in any other country. It was achieved relevant results regarding development time and cost reduction with this methodology. To the computational tests, it was used the softwares catia and process designer. The obtained results may be used to better plan the modernization of an existing vehicle, seeking for alternatives to reduce the launch timing, as well checking the different product possibilities to minimize financial development impacts after the launch process.

Využití programových prostředků GIS a CAD pro tvorbu digitálního modelu terénu / Usage of GIS and CAD software for Digital Terrain Model

Čička, Peter January 2014 (has links)
Master thesis is focused on formation of digital terrain model. The aim of work is to become acquainted with a dilemma in regard to terrain formation theory from the very beginning of data gathering process up to landscape digital model creation of interested area. The result of thesis is to compare advantages and disadvantages of particular programs destined for 3D modelling (ArcGIS, AutoCAD, Atlas DMT, Microstation, Catia, SolidWorks) in relation to geodetics and geoinformatics.

Návrh metodiky tvorby 3D modelu femorální části kolenní náhrady / A Proposal for a Methodology of a Knee Joint Replacement Femoral Part 3D Model Creation

Kodys, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The aim of the Diploma Thesis is to propose the methodology of a 3D model creation of a femoral part of a knee joint replacement. As the knee joint is the most loaded joint of the human body, the function, description and biomechanics relation is described in first part of the Thesis. The second part is focused on degenerative damage of knee joints that leads to the implantation of standard knee joint replacements. The third part deals with the construction of standard knee joint replacements and their surgery implantation. The last part of the Thesis describes the creation of an individual knee joint replacement, especially the femoral part.

Návrh a pevnostní kontrola systému řízení letounu TL 4000 / Design of the control system of TL 4000 aircraft

Greň, Martin January 2015 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem mechanismu řízení letounu TL 4000, určení sil působících na jednotlivé součásti řízení a jejich pevnostní analýzou. V této práci jsou vypracovány všechny tři složky řízení a to tak, aby vyhovovaly stavebnímu předpisu CS 23.

Konstruktionsoptimering av teknisk utrustning

Svensson, Robert, Rydberg, Simon January 2021 (has links)
Detta examensarbete handlar om konstruktionsoptimering av en ny och innovativteknisk produkt som riskerar att skadas då användaren av misstag tapparprodukten. Arbetet belyser tidigare studier där dropptester utförts för att insamlakunskap inför viktiga moment i detta arbete. Dropptest av produkten genomfördesoch data samlades in med hjälp av accelerometer och höghastighetskamera.Insamlad data presenteras i olika grafer och beräkningar som beskriversammanstötningsförloppet. Lösningsförslag genereras med CAD programmetCatia V5, sedan simulerades lösningsförslagen i programmet abaqus/explicit eftersamma principer och förhållanden som utfört dropptest visade. Genomfördasimuleringar verifierades med hjälp av insamlad data. Projektgruppen presenterarolika koncept av lösningsförslag till företag X genom olika exempel påkonstruktiva lösningar eller förslag till byte av befintligt produktmaterial. Underprojektets gång uppstod en del svårigheter i de olika delarna av studien, dessadiskuterades i studiens resultat- och metoddiskussion. Avslutningsvis taskonstruktionsoptimeringens inverkan på sociala, ekonomiska och miljömässigaaspekter i anseende. / This thesis is about design optimization of a new and innovative technical productthat risks being damaged when the user accidentally drops the product. The workillustrates previous studies where drop tests have been performed to gatherknowledge before introducing important stages in this work. Droptesting of theproduct was performed and data were collected using an accelerometer and ahigh-speed camera. Collected data are presented in various graphs andcalculations that describes the stages of impact. Solution proposals were generatedwith the CAD program Catia V5, then the solution proposals were transferred tothe program abaqus/explicit were the same principles and conditions that occurredduring the droptest was implemented in the simulations. Completed simulationswere verified using collected data. The project group presents different concepts iiof solution proposals to company X through various examples of constructivesolutions or proposals for replacement of existing product material. During theproject, some difficulties arose in the various parts of the study, these werediscussed in the study's results and method discussion. Finally, the impact ofdesign optimization on social, economic and environmental aspects was taken intoaccount.

Development of Brake Cooling / Utveckling av bromskylning

Lindgren, Arne January 2016 (has links)
Sports cars need efficient brake cooling as they shall perform well during hard driving conditions, like for example race track driving. Most sports cars use ducts that capture ambient airflow and directs this flow over the brakes to improve the cooling. This project was conducted in cooperation with Koenigsegg Automotive AB and aims to develop more efficient brake cooling ducts for their cars.  Computational Fluid Dynamics was used to analyse the convective cooling of the brake disc and the pads. First was the cooling with the previously used ducts analysed in order to establish a reference.  Then new concepts were created, analysed and developed in an iterative process.  A design is proposed, which have the inlet in the centre of the wheel axle and that directs the air through radial channels to the brake disc. The simulations indicate that the proposed design results in 14% higher heat transfer rate compared to the previously used cooling solution.   In addition to the cooling ducts, some passive cooling devices were also simulated. Simulations with these in combination with the proposed design, indicate up to 25% increase in heat transfer rate, but this cannot be fully confirmed due to limitations in the simulation model. / Sportbilar behöver effektiv bromskylning eftersom de ska prestera väl under hårda körförhållanden, som till exempel bankörning. De flesta sportbilar använder kanaler som fångar omgivande luftflöde och riktar detta flöde över bromsarna för att förbättra kylningen.  Detta projekt genomfördes i samarbete med Koenigsegg Automotive AB och syftar till att utveckla effektivare bromskylkanaler till deras bilar. Computational Fluid Dynamics användes för att analysera den konvektiva kylningen av bromsskivan och bromsbeläggen.  Först analyserades kylningen med den tidigare använda bromskylkanalen i syfte att skapa en referens. Sedan skapades nya koncept som analyserades och utvecklades i en iterativ process.  En konstruktion föreslås, som har inloppet i centrum av hjulaxeln och som sedan styr luften genom radiella kanaler till bromsskivan. Simuleringarna indikerar att den föreslagna konstruktionen resulterar i 14% högre värmeöverföringshastighet än den tidigare använda bromskylningslösningen.  Förutom kylkanalerna har några passiva kylanordningar också simulerats.  Simuleringar med dessa i kombination med den föreslagna konstruktionen, indikerar upp till 25% ökning av värmeöverföringshastigheten, men detta kan inte helt bekräftas på grund av begränsningar i den använda simuleringsmodellen.

KBE I PRODUKTUTVECKLING PÅ SCANIA : En undersökning av potentialen i CATIA Knowledgeware / KBE IN PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT AT SCANIA : An investigation of the potential in CATIA Knowledgeware

Jonas, Lundin, Mats, Sköldebrand January 2008 (has links)
Övergången från CATIA V4 till CATIA V5 innebär nya möjligheter för konstruktörerna på Scania att arbeta med Knowledge Based Engineering, KBE, för att effektivisera och kvalitets-säkra sitt arbete. Då CATIA V5 är en ny plattform som innehåller verktyg med samlingsnamnet knowledgware, för att bygga in kunskap i modeller ville Scania undersöka potentialen i att arbeta med KBE, och hur detta skulle kunna ske på Scania. Vid traditionell produktutveckling tas en helt ny artikel fram vid behov och ofta innebär detta att arbete som tidigare utförts, görs om igen. Syftet med arbetet är därför att undersöka huruvida KBE i CATIA V5 kan erbjuda möjligheter att återanvända kunskap från tidigare arbete och samtidigt kvalitetssäkra denna, samt utreda vilka knowledgewarelicenser som i så fall kan vara lämpliga för Scania. För att göra detta har en litteraturstudie genomförts för att undersöka vad som har gjorts inom området, och även en intervjustudie har utförts inom R&D på Scania. Vidare har sakkunniga på Linköpings Universitet och Tekniska Högskolan i Jönköping intervjuats. Detta material har sedan sammanställts och analyserats för att sedan resultera i slutsats och rekommendationer. Arbetet har resulterat i en demonstrationsmodell för Scania internt, som baserar sig på den information som framkommit under litteraturstudier och intervjuer. Att arbeta med KBE har både fördelar och nackdelar där den största svårigheten ligger i att bedöma om en artikel lämpar sig för KBE-modellering. Vinsterna med KBE är att stora tidsvinster kan göras och kvalitet kan säkerställas. De mest användbara licenserna för Scanias vidkommande är KWA och PKT, med vilka exempelvis kontroller av standarder och återanvändning av geometrier kan göras. Den slutliga rekommendationen baserat på teori och resultat är att Scania bör överväga att införa KBE som arbetssätt, och därför tillsätta en grupp som fungerar som expertis inom KBE. Denna bör då fungera som support och en resurs vid skapande av KBE-modeller och ansvara för att dessa är korrekta och underhålls. Vidare bör arbete med att definiera fysiska gränssnitt mellan artiklar startas och lämpligtvis då av GEO- eller Layoutgrupperna. / The transition from CATIA V4 to CATIA V5 opens up new possibilities for designers at Scania to work with Knowledge Based Engineering, KBE, in order to increase efficiency and assure quality. As CATIA V5 is a new platform complete with tools, referred to as knowledgeware, for infusing knowledge into models, Scania wanted to investigate the potential of working with KBE, and how this could be used at Scania. In traditional product development a completely new model is produced when needed, and this often entails performing tasks already undertaken and completed. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to ascertain whether or not KBE in CATIA V5 can offer the possibility to reuse knowledge from previous work and assuring the quality of this, and if so, determine which knowledgeware licenses would be appropriate for Scania. In order to do this, a literature study was conducted in order to look into what had been done in this field. Also, an interview study was carried out within Scanias R&D department. In addition to this, interviews were held with expertise at Linköping University and Jönköping University. The material was then compiled and analyzed, resulting in conclusions and recommendations. The thesis resulted in a demonstration model for Scania internally, based on the information gathered from literature and interviews. Working with KBE has its pros and cons, the biggest difficulty being to determine whether or not an article is suitable for KBE-modelling. The profits of KBE include quality assurance and sizeable reductions in design time. The most useful knowledgeware licenses for Scania are KWA and PKT, which for example enables users to implement checks for standards and to easily reuse geometry. The final recommendations of this thesis, based on theory and results, is that Scania should consider introducing KBE, and should therefore appoint a group to function as an authority on KBE. This group would provide support and act as a resource in the creation of KBE-models, and also be responsible for the validity and maintenance on these. Furthermore work should begin with defining physical interfaces between articles, preferably by GEO- and Layout groups.

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