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Die Regulation der humanen H3-Histongene / The regulation of the human histone H3 genesKössler, Heiner 06 November 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Quantification of cerebral blood flow with 15O-water PET : A comparison study between PET/CT and PET/MR and two different blood sampling instrumentsEriksson, Amanda January 2021 (has links)
Cerebral blood flow quantification is a vital diagnostic tool for disease monitoring and used for diagnosing a variation of pathological conditions. The human brain requires roughly about 20 % of the total cardiac output to sustain normal functioning, hence the perfusion of blood is an important factor to deliver oxygenated blood. The golden standard for quantifying the cerebral blood flow follows by measurement with dynamic positron emission tomography of 15O-labelled water modelled by tracer kinetic compartments. For implementation, knowledge of an input function must exist which is in general being sampled through arterial cannulation of the radial artery with a continuous sampling instrument. The core of this thesis is to establish if two sampling instruments contradicts in comparison to each other when sampling the data to the input function. In total 22 subjects underwent a 10-minute dynamic 15O-labeled water brain PET scan on two imaging modalities PET/CT and PET/MR. Continuous arterial sampling was performed either by a Veenstra on PET/CT or a Swisstrace on PET/MR during a baseline scan. In two subjects the two sampling instruments were coupled in series and imaged solely on the PET/CT. Cerebral blood flow analysis was done comparing varying dispersion times, the two imaging modalities compared each other and comparing the calculated and measured blood flows obtained through this study with the values obtained prior. To be able to compare the values showing inconsistency to the values obtained through this thesis, a comparison between two different iterative reconstruction methods was done. Here the method of ordered subsets expectation maximum was compared to a Bayesian penalized-likelihood method. To further compare the two sampling instruments an image derived input function was constructed and compared with the blood sampled input function. The results showed that there was no significant difference between measured cerebral blood flow between the two imaging modalities with the currently used reconstruction method based on Bayesian penalized likelihood but presented in the earlier data there was an inconsistency. A dispersion analysis with variation on the external dispersion time shows that if the time was chosen to low or to high compared to the standard time used it introduced distorted fitted models of the activity curves. This distortion creates further errors in the calculation of the cerebral blood flow, however with the analysis the standard dispersion time could be confirmed as an accurate fit. Subjects imaged with the two sampling instruments in series showed no significant difference except for the measured values on Veenstra to be slightly higher. Lastly the correlation between the image derived input function and the blood sampled input function showed poorly performance. Only a R2 value of 0.42 was achieved on the PET/CT while a meagre R2 value of 0.18 was achieved on the PET/MR. Although the correlation was poorly, the plotted activity curves from the two functions showed a representable appearance between each other. / Kvantifiering av det cerebrala blodflödet är ett nödvändigt diagnostiskt verktyg som används för att kontrollera och diagnostisera en variation av patologiska sjukdomstillstånd. Den mänskliga hjärnan kräver kring 20 %av den totala produktionen från hjärtat för att upprätthålla normal funktion, följaktligen är perfusion av blod en viktig faktor för att distribuera syrerikt blod runt om i kroppen. Den gyllene standarden för kvantifiering av det cerebrala blodflödet följer som undersökning med dynamisk positron emission tomografi av 15O-märkt vatten, modellerat med kinetisk kompartment teori. För att kunna implementera detta måste information om en input-funktion erhållas, generellt erhålls detta genom att blod tags genom arteriell kanylering av antingen den radiella artären med ett kontinuerligt samplings instrument. Målet med detta arbete är att fastställa om två samplings instrument motsäger varandra vid mätning av data till input-funktionen. Totalt deltagande är 22 patienter som genomgick en 10-minuters dynamisk 15O-märkt vatten PET undersökning av hjärnan på två bildtagningsmodaliteter PET/CT och PET/MR. Kontinuerlig blodtagning genomfördes antingen med en Veenstra sampler instrument på PET/CT eller en Swisstrace sampler instrument på PET/MR tillsammans med en baseline undersökning. Vid två undersökningar seriekopplades de två instrumenten och patienterna blev endast undersökta vid PET/CT. För ytterligare kunna utvärdera de två instrumenten, konstruerades en bild framtagen input-funktion som sedan kunde jämföras med den blod samplade input-funktionen. Cerebrala blodflödes analyser gjordes med olika dispersions tider, även för att kunna jämföra de två bildtagningsmodaliteterna mot varandra och jämföra erhållna värden framtagna under denna studie med en tidigare studie. För att kunna jämföra avvikelserna i de uppmätta värdena har även två olika rekonstruerings metoder studerats. Resultaten visar ingen signifikant skillnad mellan de uppmätta cerebrala blodflödena mellan de två bildtagningsmodaliteterna rekonstruerade med den nuvarande standarden. Dispersions analysen med varierande extern dispersions tid visar att om tiden är för kort eller för lång jämfört med standardtiden, introduceras en osann anpassning av aktivitets kurvorna. Denna förvrängning av datat resulterar till fler avvikelser i beräkningarna av blodflödet, likväl var det möjligt att bekräfta standardtiderna som används. Patienter som undersöktes med instrumenten i seriekoppling visade ingen signifikant skillnad förutom att det uppmättes en aningens högre värden hos patienter med Veenstra som blod sampler. Slutligen, korrelationen mellan den bild framtagna input-funktionen och den blod samplade input-funktionen visade ett dåligt resultat. Endast ett R2 värde på 0.42 erhölls för PET/CT medan endast ett R2 värde på 0.18 på PET/MR erhölls. Trotts att korrelationen var dålig, visade de plottade aktivitets kurvorna ett representativt utseende mellan de två typerna av input funktion.
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The role of reactive oxygen species in traumatic brain injury : Experimental studies in the ratMarklund, Niklas January 2001 (has links)
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major cause of mortality and disability. As common sequelae in survivors of TBI are disabling functional, emotional and cognitive disturbances, improved treatment of TBI patients is urgently needed. At present, no neuroprotective pharmacological treatment exists. The formation of oxygen-centered free radicals, reactive oxygen species (ROS), is considered an important event in the pathophysiology of TBI. In the present thesis, the fluid percussion (FPI) and controlled cortical contusion injury models of TBI in rats were used. Two nitrone radical scavengers, α-Phenyl-N-tert -butyl nitrone (PBN) and the sulfonated analogue of PBN, 2-sulfophenyl-N-tert-butyl nitrone (S-PBN), were used as tools to study the role of ROS in TBI. Pre-treatment with PBN (30 mg/kg) improved morphological and cognitive outcome after severe controlled cortical contusion injury. Treatment with equimolar doses of PBN and S-PBN administered 30 min after FPI followed by a 24 h intravenous infusion improved morphological outcome. Only S-PBN improved cognitive outcome as assessed in the Morris Water Maze. Surprisingly, pre-treatment with PBN increased the number of apoptotic neurons at 24 hours after injury despite a reduced lesion volume. FPI resulted in an early increase in glucose uptake and a reduction in regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) assessed by fluoro-2-deoxyglucose (FDG) and hexamethylpropylene amine oxime (HMPAO) autoradiography. At 12 h, a marked reduction in glucose uptake and rCBF ensued. These TBI-induced changes were attenuated by PBN and S-PBN pre-treatment. A method for ROS detection using 4-hydroxybenzoate in conjunction with microdialysis was evaluated. The results showed a marked increase in ROS formation as assessed by an increase in the single adduct 3,4-DHBA, lasting 90 min after injury. In a separate study, PBN and S-PBN equally reduced 3,4-DHBA formation despite no detectable brain concentrations of S-PBN at 30 or 60 min post-injury. In conclusion, ROS play an important role in the injury process after TBI. We report a method for ROS detection with potential clinical utility. Nitrones increased ROS elimination and improved functional and morphological outcome. Nitrone treatment may have a clinical potential as a neuroprotective concept in TBI.
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Existenz bei Fahr ad-Dīn ar-Rāzī / Fakhr ad-Dīn ar-Rāzī's notion of existenceWassouf, Hassan 23 January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Caractérisation du rôle des facteurs de transcription Homez et CBFbeta au cours de la neurogenèse et de la formation de la crête neurale chez Xenopus laevis / Characterization of the role of the transcription factors Homez and CBFbeta during the neurogenesis and the neural crest formation at the Xenopus laevisGhimouz, Rym 06 December 2012 (has links)
Le but des recherches du laboratoire de génétique du développement est de mieux comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires qui contrôlent le développement neural des vertébrés. C’est la raison pour la quelle, j’ai identifié deux EST (BC071005 et BC077938) spécifiques de l’expression génique chez le Xenopus laevis. Sur base de la littérature, ces deux gènes présentent des profils d’expression intéressants, caractéristiques des gènes impliqués dans la neurogenèse.<p><p>Le premier clone d’ADNc code pour l’homologue du facteur de transcription Homez, contenant trois homéodomaines et deux motifs leucine zipper et dont la fonction est inconnue. Mes résultats ont montré que chez l’embryon de xénope au stade neurula, Homez est exprimé préférentiellement dans la plaque neurale, l’expression la plus forte étant détectée dans les domaines où les neurones primaires apparaissent. Plus tard, Homez est détecté dans le tube neural dans des cellules neurales postmitotiques en cours de différenciation. En accord avec ce profil d’expression, j’ai observé que Homez est régulé positivement par l’atténuation des signaux BMPs et par le facteur proneural Ngnr1 et négativement par la voie Notch. Bien que le facteur Homez ne soit pas suffisant pour induire une expression ectopique de marqueurs neuronaux dans l’embryon de xénope, j’ai pu montrer, en utilisant une approche de morpholino antisens, que celui-ci est requis en aval du facteur Ngnr1 pour la différenciation des précurseurs neuraux en neurones primaires. <p><p>Le deuxième clone code pour l’homologue du facteur CBFβ qui s’associe avec une famille de protéines CBFα1-3/Aml1-3/Runx1-3 pour former un complexe hétérodimérique liant l’ADN. Alors que chez la souris, les facteurs Runx1 et Runx3 jouent un rôle important dans la neurogenèse dans les ganglions spinaux et que chez le xénope, Runx1 est requis pour la formation des neurones Rohon-Beard, le rôle de CBFβ au cours du développement du système nerveux est actuellement mal connu. Mes résultats ont montré que chez l’embryon de xénope au stade neurula, CBFβ est coexprimé avec les facteurs Runx1-3 en bordure de la plaque neurale, mais de manière plus étendue et plus précoce. Comme attendu pour un marqueur de la bordure de la plaque neurale, j’ai observé que l’expression de CBFβ est régulée par les signaux BMP, Wnt, FGF et Notch. De manière intéressante, son expression est induite par les facteurs proneuraux alors que celle de Runx1 est inhibée. Des expériences de perte de fonction à l’aide de morpholinos antisens bloquant la traduction de CBFβ ont été réalisées. Ces expériences suggèrent que le facteur CBFβ est nécessaire à la mise en place de la CN et à la différenciation des neurones de Rohon-Beard. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Nachweis von TEL-Genrekombinationen mittels Southern Blot bei Kindern mit akuter lymphoblastischer LeukämieKothe, Blanka 10 July 2003 (has links)
Das in der vorliegenden Arbeit vorgestellte Verfahren der nicht-radioaktiven Southern Blot Hybridisierung unter Verwendung einer Digoxigenin Markierung hat sich für die Darstellung von Rekombinationen im TEL-Genlokus genomischer DNA als sensitive Vergleichsmethode bewiesen. Es wurden insgesamt 122 Kinder mit dieser Methode auf das Vorliegen der Translokation t(12;21) untersucht. Bei einer nur relevante Faktoren berücksichtigenden Beschränkung des PatientInnenkollektivs auf protokollgerecht nach ALL-REZ BFM behandelte B-Vorläufer-Zell-ALL und Erstrezidive konnte eine Rekombination von TEL in 5 von 65 PatientInnen (7,7%) nachgewiesen werden. Lässt man die Einschlusskriterien der ALL-REZ BFM Studie unberücksichtigt, handelt es sich sogar um 7 von 71 (9,9%) PatientInnen. Damit bestätigen die hier vorliegenden Ergebnisse den Trend der aktuellen Diskussion über die Häufigkeit des Vorliegens des Fusionsgenes TEL-AML1 bei Erstrezidiven, die eine kumulative Inzidenz bei einem 10-jährigen Untersuchungszeitraum von 9 ± 5% angeben. Weiterhin konnte mit ereignisfreien Beobachtungszeiträumen nach dem 1. Rezidiv im Median von 8,6 Jahren ein Trend zu späten Rezidiven und somit eine mittelfristig günstige Prognose für die TEL-Rearrangement positiven Rezidivfälle konstatiert werden. Zusammenfassend kann gesagt werden, dass TEL-AML1 positive PatientInnen eine Subgruppe darstellen, die lange erkrankungsfreie Intervalle mit zur Zeit üblichen Therapieprotokollen erreichen, nach Therapie der Ersterkrankung aber auch nach dem ersten Rezidiv. Auf Grund der sich aus dem retrospektiven PatientInnekollektiv ergebenen Selektion war es nicht möglich, statistisch signifikante Aussagen zur unabhängigen prognostischen Bedeutung für die langfristige Prognose von ALL im Kindesalter mit TEL-Rekombinationen zu treffen. / The presence of TEL/AML1 fusion gene in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) defines a subgroup of patients with better than average outcome. Around 20% of the patient at point of initial ALL diagnosis are characterised by this fusion transcript from translocation t(12;21)(p12;q22). However, the prognostic significance of this aberration has recently been disputed by the Berlin-Frankfurt-Munster (BFM) study group due to its relatively high incidence found in relapsed patients (19.6% and 21.9%, in two cohorts). Here we wanted to get more data in a long term follow up retrospect investigation by analysing DNA from frozen conserved bone marrow samples of 65 children. In the study presented here only five out of 65 (7.7%) patients selected as childhood B cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukaemia only treated according to Berlin-Frankfurt-Munster (BFM) ALL relapse trial protocols (ALL-REZ BFM 82-96) (excluding T-lineage and Philadelphia chromosome (Ph)-positive leukaemia) carry this fusion. The detection was done due to a new developed non-radioactive Southern blotting with a Digoxigenin marked template. We could confirm the still good middle term prognosis in the relapsed TEL-AML1 positive subgroup. The TEL-AML1-positive and negative patients differed with respect to duration of last remission and age at initial diagnosis. At a median follow-up time of 8.6 years, children positive for TEL-AML1 had a higher probability of disease-free survival. Because of the small number of patients in this study it was not possible to get statistical significant facts about the independent prognostic impact for the long term prognosis of ALL in childhood with TEL rearrangement.
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