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Las Normas Antielusivas Específicas de la Ley Interna y su Aplicación a Nivel del Tratado / Las Normas Antielusivas Específicas de la Ley Interna y su Aplicación a nivel del TratadoVillanueva Gutiérrez, Walker 10 April 2018 (has links)
In this article, the author analyzes if the application of the Specific Antievasive Rules (NAE) is compatible in the scope of the Convention for the Avoidance of Double Taxation (CDI). For this purpose, he investigates if the Peruvian legal system adopts a monistic or dualistic position on the incorporation of CDI’s, so that the relationship between internal law and treaty by the technique of remission is established. / En el presente artículo, el autor analiza si es compatible la aplicación de las Normas Antielusivas Específicas (NAE) en el ámbito del Convenio para evitar la Doble Imposición (CDI). Para tal propósito, indaga sobre si el ordenamiento peruano adopta una postura monista o dualista sobre la incorporación de los CDI’S, de tal manera que se establezca la relación entre la ley interna y el tratado mediante la técnica de la remisión.
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Modernisering av Javabaserade webbapplikationer : Hur kan man på ett kostnadseffektivt sätt modernisera webbapplikationer, utvecklade med gamla Java-tekniker?Hansen, Tom January 2014 (has links)
The technology used in the development of web-applications is evolving at such rate that it has become more and more important to keep web-applications modern. If an application is based on a technical platform that is not renewed, the platform may over time develop into an obstacle in further development of the application. There may be compatibility issues and some of the code may be unnecessary due to abstraction, and therefore more time consuming to work with. Sometimes the reason may be that an application has been built to run, and is running on an application server that is no longer being maintained. The system can be large and modernization can cost a lot. In the study conducted and written about in the report, the task is to look at what possibilities there are to cost-effectively perform such a modernization. In the study two general modernization methods are identified, which define two different approaches that are studied. The different modernization approaches are tested in modernization of a web-based Java application to see advantages and disadvantages. The study results in two solutions, one more costly but that can have some benefits and another more cost-effective but that can be more short-sighted. / Utvecklingen går i rasande fart när det handlar om teknik och verktyg inom webb. Underhålls och förnyas inte den tekniska plattform en applikation bygger på, så kan den med tiden bli ett hinder i en framtida utveckling av produkten. Det kan vara kompatibilitetsproblem, eller att äldre tekniker används som är tidsödande och som idag har abstraherats bort. Orsaken kan vara att en applikation är utvecklad att köras på en viss applikationsserver som inte längre utvecklas, vilket kan ha hindrat applikationen från att följa med i utvecklingen. Om systemet då är stort kan en modernisering kosta mycket. I rapporten beskrivs en undersökning som har till uppgift att titta närmare på vad det finns för möjlighet att kostnadseffektivt utföra en sådan modernisering. Undersökningen i rapporten identifierar två generella moderniseringsmetoder som definierar två olika moderinseringsapproacher. Dessa används i två moderniseringsförsök på en webbaserad Java-applikation med mål att se fördelar och nackdelar. Undersökningen resulterar i två lösningar där en är mer kostsam men fullständigare, och en är snabbare men som i vissa fall kan vara kortsiktig.
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Clostridium difficile transcriptomics and metronidazole resistanceZhang, Jason J. 28 September 2012 (has links)
This is a two-part project. Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) have been associated with increased risk of C. difficile infections and increased toxin production when combined with antimicrobial therapy. The first part of this project involved characterization of a hypervirulent NAP1 C. difficile strain, including genome sequencing and assembly, and the development of methods to study its transcriptomics using RNA-Seq, which will enable future researchers to study different expression patterns when toxigenic C. difficile is challenged with PPIs and/or antimicrobials in vitro. The second part of this project involved characterizing a clinical isolate of a NAP1 C. difficile displaying a markedly elevated MIC to metronidazole (MIC = 16 mg/mL), which initially exhibited MIC of 32 mg/mL. A method of obtaining a metronidazole-susceptible revertant from this isolate was developed and a revertant was obtained. The genomes of both isolates were sequenced, assembled, and aligned, then compared to each other for polymorphisms.
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Clostridium difficile transcriptomics and metronidazole resistanceZhang, Jason J. 28 September 2012 (has links)
This is a two-part project. Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) have been associated with increased risk of C. difficile infections and increased toxin production when combined with antimicrobial therapy. The first part of this project involved characterization of a hypervirulent NAP1 C. difficile strain, including genome sequencing and assembly, and the development of methods to study its transcriptomics using RNA-Seq, which will enable future researchers to study different expression patterns when toxigenic C. difficile is challenged with PPIs and/or antimicrobials in vitro. The second part of this project involved characterizing a clinical isolate of a NAP1 C. difficile displaying a markedly elevated MIC to metronidazole (MIC = 16 mg/mL), which initially exhibited MIC of 32 mg/mL. A method of obtaining a metronidazole-susceptible revertant from this isolate was developed and a revertant was obtained. The genomes of both isolates were sequenced, assembled, and aligned, then compared to each other for polymorphisms.
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MDM of Product Data / MDM produktovych dat (MDM of Product Data)Čvančarová, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is focused on Master Data Management of Product Data. At present, most publications on the topic of MDM take into account customer data, and a very limited number of sources focus solely on product data. Some resources actually do attempt to cover MDM in full-depth. Even those publications are typically are very customer oriented. The lack of Product MDM oriented literature became one of the motivations for this thesis. Another motivation was to outline and analyze specifics of Product MDM in context of its implementation and software requirements for a vendor of MDM application software. For this I chose to create and describe a methodology for implementing MDM of product data. The methodology was derived from personal experience on projects focused on MDM of customer data, which was applied on findings from the theoretical part of this thesis. By analyzing product data characteristics and their impacts on MDM implementation as well as their requirements for application software, this thesis helps vendors of Customer MDM to understand the challenges of Product MDM and therefore to embark onto the product data MDM domain. Moreover this thesis can also serve as an information resource for enterprises considering adopting MDM of product data into their infrastructure.
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Faradaic Reactions in Capacitive Deionization : A Comparison of Desalination Performance in Flow-through Cell ArchitecturesBradley, John, Carlström, Miranda January 2023 (has links)
Capacitive Deionization (CDI) is an energy-efficient desalination technology that utilizes an electric field to extract ions from water. Flow-through CDI systems show potential for superior desalination performance compared to traditional flow-by CDI; however, they face the challenge of increased occurrence of Faradaic reactions, leading to undesired by-products and reduced energy efficiency. In this study, we constructed a flow-through CDI cell and investigated the desalination performance of the two possible cell configurations: upstream anode mode and downstream anode mode. A series of experiments were conducted, measuring conductivity and pH of the effluent solution during charging and discharging phases. The results were analyzed in terms of salt adsorption capacity and charge efficiency. We used pH fluctuations in the effluent solution as indicators of Faradaic reactions. It was found that upstream anode mode yielded superior desalination, with a salt adsorption capacity of 6.79 mg/g and charge efficiency of 64.3%, compared to downstream anode mode, which displayed a salt adsorption capacity of 5.19 mg/g and charge efficiency of 50.8%. However, upstream anode mode also produced more pronounced pH oscillations, suggesting a higher occurrence of Faradaic reactions. Reconciling these conflicting results and shedding light on the complex processes within the CDI cell calls for further investigation.
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Master Data Management a jeho využití v praxi / Master Data Management and its usage in practiceKukačka, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the Master Data Management (MDM), specifically its implementation. The main objectives are to analyze and capture the general approaches of MDM implementation including best practices, describe and evaluate the implementation of MDM project using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Master Data Services (MDS) realized in the Czech environment and on the basis of the above theoretical background, experiences of implemented project and available technical literature create a general procedure for implementation of the MDS tool. To achieve objectives above are used these procedures: exploration of information resources (printed, electronic and personal appointments with consultants of Clever Decision), cooperation on project realized by Clever Decision and analysis of tool Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Master Data Services. Contributions of this work are practically same as its goals. The main contribution is creation of a general procedure for implementation of the MDS tool. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first (theoretically oriented) part deals with basic concepts (including definition against other systems), architecture, implementing styles, market trends and best practices. The second (practically oriented) part deals at first with implementation of realized MDS project and hereafter describes a general procedure for implementation of the MDS tool.
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Estudo funcional e estrutural dos reguladores da biossíntese do Pilus Tipo IV de Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri / Functional and structural studies of the regulators of Type IV Pilus biogenesis in Xanthomonas citri subsp. citriCornejo, Edgar Enrique Llontop 13 June 2019 (has links)
O pilus tipo IV (T4P) são finos e flexíveis filamentos encontrados na superfície de uma ampla gama de bactérias Gram-negativas, Gram-positivas e archaea. O T4P desempenha um rol crucial no estilo de vida bacteriano ao estar envolvido em uma variedade de funções incluindo motilidade, aderência, formação de biofilme, patogenicidade, transformação natural e na infecção por fagos. Várias das proteínas requeridas para a biossíntese e regulação do T4P se estendem através do periplasma conectado a membrana interna e externa. O T4P são estruturas dinâmicas que sofrem ciclos de extensão e retração energizados por duas ATPases associadas com a membrana interna bacteriana. Durante a extensão, PilB, a ATPase de biossíntese do T4P, estimula a polimerização do pilus a partir de monômeros de pilinas localizados na membrana interna, através de um mecanismo ainda desconhecido. Duas proteínas, FimX e PilZ estão envolvidas na regulação da biossíntese do T4P via interações com PilB e nocautes de esses genes acabam com a biogênese e função do T4P. Neste trabalho, nós determinamos a estrutura cristalográfica do complexo binário formado pelo domínio N-terminal de PilB (PilBNt, resíduos 12-163) e a PilZ com uma resolução de 1.7 Å. As interações entre PilB e PilZ envolve uma superfície hidrofóbica formada por aminoácidos altamente conservados na família não canônica de domínios PilZ. Mutações ou deleções de alguns destes resíduos em PilZ enfraquecem a interação PilB-PilZ e afeta a função do T4P. Nós também observamos que esta interação induz mudanças conformacionais no domínio PilBNt, revelando a possibilidade de um rearranjo estrutural funcionalmente relevante da região Nterminal de PilB permitindo a sua interação com PilM, conectando a ATPase PilB como a maquinaria do T4P. Nós mostramos que PilB, PilZ e FimX podem formar um complexo ternário estável com uma massa molar aparente de ~600 kDa, sugerindo uma estequiometria de 6PilB:6PilZ:2FimX. Também observamos que FimX incrementa a atividade ATPase do complexo PilB-PilZ. O c-di-GMP e o ATPγS (um análogo não hidrolisável do ATP) induz mudanças conformacionais em FimX e no complexo PilB-PilZ, respectivamente, e estabiliza o complexo ternário PilB-PilZ-FimX. Além disso, PilB, PilZ e FimX localizam em um dos polos da célula (polo líder) em células de X. citri e a localização polar dirige a orientação da motilidade twitching. Finalmente, o T4P é necessário para a exitosa infecção de X. citri pelo fago ΦXacm4-11. Nossos resultados sugerem que asinterações entre PilB-PilZ-FimX estariam envolvidas na regulação da função de PilB, onde sinais especificas sentidas pelos domínios de FimX seriam transmitidas por PilZ até PilB. / Bacterial type IV pili (T4P) are thin and flexible filaments found on the surface of a wide range of Gram-negative bacteria and play a crucial role in their lifestyles due to their involvement in a variety of functions including motility, adherence, biofilm formation, pathogenicity, natural transformation and phage infection. Several proteins required for the biogenesis and regulation of T4P span the periplasm connecting both the inner and outer membranes. T4P are dynamic structures that undergo cycles of extension and retraction powered by two hexameric ATPases associated with the bacterial inner membrane. During extensions, the T4P assembly ATPase PilB stimulates the polymerization of pilin monomers from the inner membrane, though the precise mechanism is unknown. Two proteins, FimX and PilZ are involved in the regulation of T4P biogenesis via interactions with the PilB and knockouts of these proteins abolish T4P biogenesis. Here, we determined the crystal structure of the binary complex made up of the PilB N-terminal domain (PilBNt, residues 12- 163) bound to PilZ at 1.7Å resolution. PilZ interactions with PilB involve a hydrophobic surface made up of amino acids conserved in a non-canonical family of PilZ domains. Mutations or deletion of some these amino acids in PilZ weaken the PilZ-PilB interaction and affect T4P function. This interaction induces significant conformational changes in the PilBNt domain, suggesting that structural rearrangements of the PilB N-terminal domains could be important for its interaction with PilM, connecting the ATPase PilB with T4P machinery. We show also that full-length PilB, PilZ and FimX can form a stable ternary complex with apparent molecular weight of ~600 kDa, suggestive of a 6PilB:6PilZ:2FimX stoichiometry and that FimX increases the ATPase activity of the PilB PilZ complex. C-diGMP and ATPγS (non-hydrolysable analog of ATP) induce conformational changes in FimX and in PilB-PilZ, respectively, and stabilize the ternary PilB-PilZ-FimX complex. In addition, we show that PilB, PilZ and FimX localize at one cell pole (leading pole) that drives the movement in X. citri. Finally, the T4P is necessary for successful infection of X. citri cells by phage ΦXacm4-11. Our results suggest how FimXPilZPilB interactions could be involved in the regulation of PilB function, where specific environmental signals sensed by FimX domains could be transmitted via PilZ to PilB.
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Estudo descritivo e compreensivo da capacidade adaptativa de pacientes adultos submetidos ao implante de cardioversor desfibrilador implantável / Descriptive study and understanding of adaptive capacity of adult patients undergoing implantation of implantable cardioverter defibrillatorGomes, Andréa Cristina Boldrim Pinto 25 November 2014 (has links)
O cardioversor-desfibrilador implantável (CDI) é um dispositivo eletrônico utilizado no tratamento de pacientes com episódios ou risco de parada cardíaca. Tem a capacidade do monitoramento contínuo do ritmo cardíaco para o reconhecimento de arritmias fatais e o consequente disparo de choques para revertê-las. Esses choques elétricos são classificados como apropriados quando o disparo ocorre em decorrência de arritmia potencialmente fatal, ou inapropriados quando o CDI dispara o choque em função de interpretação incorreta dos batimentos cardíacos. Em geral, ocorrem com o paciente consciente provocando desconforto inesperado, geralmente de forte intensidade. A maneira como o paciente vivencia tais acontecimentos, suas reações e sua capacidade de enfrentamento diante de situações inesperadas influenciam de forma relevante sua adaptação à doença e ao CDI. Além disso, o dispositivo é um objeto estranho alojado dentro do corpo, que remete a falha no funcionamento cardíaco, podendo despertar sentimentos ambivalentes e dificuldade de elaboração. Assim, o principal objetivo desse estudo foi descrever e compreender como os pacientes entrevistados vivenciaram e se adaptaram ao implante do CDI a partir das quatro variáveis possíveis relacionadas ao funcionamento do dispositivo: ausência de choques, presença de choques apropriados, presença de choques inapropriados e presença de choques mistos (apropriados e inapropriados). Para tanto, foi utilizado o método clínico-qualitativo. Foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com 4 pacientes submetidos ao implante de CDI que representam cada uma das variáveis. Os critérios de inclusão foram pacientes do sexo masculino, com cardiopatia isquêmica prévia, implante do CDI como prevenção primária ou secundária de morte súbita cardíaca (MSC), idade entre 50 e 70 anos e dispositivo implantado há, pelo menos, dois anos. Todos os pacientes foram selecionados no ambulatório da Unidade Clínica de Estimulação Cardíaca Artificial do Instituto do Coração HC-FMUSP (Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo). Os dados foram analisados a partir do referencial Piscossomático e Psicanalítico Freudiano e categorizados posteriormente pela Escala Diagnóstica Adaptativa Operacionalizada Revisada (EDAO-R). Os resultados demonstraram que a adaptação, segundo o conceito utilizado, ao impacto do CDI e do choque está diretamente ligada ao impacto do IAM e do adoecimento como um todo, e as reações dos pacientes diante dos diferentes episódios parecem análogas evidenciando que só é possível compreender as repercussões psíquicas relativas ao CDI a partir da compreensão das repercussões causadas pela doença que levou o paciente a ter o dispositivo implantado. Um paciente demonstrou estar adaptado ao adoecimento e ao CDI, embora não tenha vivenciado episódios de choque, e os outros três pacientes demonstraram estar em processo de adaptação, vivenciando conflitos psíquicos que influenciam sua capacidade adaptativa. Existem evidências de que, se intervenções psicológicas e informativas forem adotadas, esse processo ocorrerá de maneira mais eficaz / The implantable cardioverter - defibrillator (ICD) is an electronic device used to treat patients with episodes or risk of cardiac arrest. It is able to continuously monitor of the patients heart rate for the recognition of fatal arrhythmias and the consequent triggering of shocks to reverse them. These electric shocks are classified as appropriate when the triggering occurs due to potentially fatal arrhythmias or inappropriate when the ICD fires the shock due to incorrect interpretation of the heart beat. In general, the shocks occur while patients are conscious, thus causing unexpected discomfort of strong intensity. The way the patient experiences such events, their reactions and their ability to cope with unexpected situations substantially influence their adaptation to the disease and to ICD. Furthermore, the device is a foreign object lodged inside the body, which refers to a malfunction of the heart and may arouse ambivalent feelings and difficulty of adaptation. Thus, the main objective of this study was to describe and understand how surveyed patients experienced and adapted to ICD implantation from the four variables related to operation of the device: the absence of shocks, the presence of appropriate shocks, the presence of inappropriate shocks and presence of (appropriate and inappropriate) mixed shocks. In order to carry out the study, the clinical-qualitative method was used. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 4 patients undergoing ICD implantation that represent each variable. Inclusion criteria were male patients with previous ischemic heart disease, ICD implantation as primary or secondary prevention procedure of sudden cardiac death (SCD ), aged between 50 and 70 years who had the implanted device for at least two years. All patients were selected from the outpatient clinic of the Clinical Unit of Cardiac Pacing of the Heart Institute - HC - USP (Hospital das Clinicas, Medical School, University of São Paulo). Data were analyzed having the Psychosomatic and Freudian Psychoanalytic referential and subsequently categorized by the Revised Operational Adaptive Diagnostic Scale (ROADS). The results have shown that adaptation (according to the concept used) to the impact of ICD and shock is directly linked to the impact of AMI and to the disease as a whole and that the reactions of patients on the different episodes seem analogous, showing that you can only understand psychic repercussions on the ICD from the understanding of the effects caused by the disease that led the patient to have the device implanted. One of the patients proved to be adapted to the illness and the ICD, although he has not experienced episodes of shock while the other three patients demonstrated to be somewhere along the adaptation process, having experienced psychic conflicts that influence their adaptive capacity. There is evidence that if psychological interventions are adopted, this adaptation process will occur much more effectively
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Le dessin comme médiation, du portrait à la scène de lecture : questionner les pratiques de lecteurs au collège / Drawing as mediation, from portrait to reading scene : examine reading practice in secondary schoolDupin de Saint Cyr-Heckel, Cécile 22 October 2018 (has links)
L'adolescence constitue une période de construction de soi pendant laquelle tant l'intériorité que le corps physique se transforment. Cette métamorphose change le rapport des jeunes aussi bien au monde, qu'au corps et qu'à la lecture. Leurs pratiques dans ce domaine sont très variées et sont souvent mises en concurrence avec d'autres activités. Certains sont en rupture avec le livre- perçu comme un objet contraignant- alors qu'il est très présent à l'école. Quel rapport l'élève entretient-il avec cet objet ? Quels sont ses pratiques et ses comportements de lecteur ? Inscrite dans une approche bibliologique (Otlet, Estivals) des phénomènes médiateurs et anthropologique des comportements (Lévi-Strauss, Monod) cette recherche à partir de la production de dessins que nous décrivons et analysons grâce aux langages documentaires -d'ordinaire utilisés par les professionnels de l'information-, opère un glissement du portrait du lecteur à la scène de lecture. Porteurs d'indices et de détails signifiants et croisés avec des entretiens, nous interprétons la matière informative recueillie à l'aide d'une grille d'observation et d'interprétation élaborée spécifiquement. Cet outil d'analyse de contenu, construit à partir d'un lexique spécifique lié à la pratique observée, permet de traduire le langage graphique en mots. Le dessin, comme méthode visuelle et sensible, révèle des pratiques, des postures, des attitudes, des comportements, des rituels de lecture et des ressentis. Ainsi, en montrant des sujets agissants et couplé à d'autres méthodes d'investigation, le dessin nous paraît apte à révéler une conscience de soi lecteur et à assurer la médiation entre ce dernier et le livre. / The teen years is a self-construction period : inner character and physical body are transformed. For the teenagers, this metamorphosis modifies their relationship to the world, their body and also their reading choises. In the field of reading, their practices are very different, frequently in competition with others activities. Some teenagers have broken away from the book sensed as a limiting object, despite its presence in the school environment. What kind of relationship exists between the pupils and this object ? What kind of practices and behaviours do they adopt as readers ? In keeping with the biblilogic approach (Otlet, Estivals) of the mediator and that of the anthropological phenomena of behaviours (Lévi-Strauss, Monod), the production of drawings described and analyzed through the indexing language - usually used by the information professionals - is the starting point of this research which undertakes a shift from the portrait of the reader to the reading scene. Whilst bringing significant clues and details alongside interviews, we analysed the collected informative material using an observation and interpretation table that we have specifically developed. This analysis tool constructed from specific lexicon linked with the observed practice is a way to translate the graphic language into words. The drawing, considered as a visual and sensitive method, reveals some practices, postures, attitudes, behaviours, reading rituals and perceptions. Finally, showing active subjects and with our approach supplemented by other investigation methods, drawings seems to be able to reveal a self-consciousness as reader and to act as mediator between the latter and the book.
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