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CFD simulace proudění páry v neregulovaném odběru parní turbíny / CFD simulation flow of steam in the unregulated extraction of steam turbineFilip, Patrik January 2017 (has links)
Diploma thesis named CFD simulation of the steam flow in the unregulated extraction of the steam turbine is about an analysis of the balance piston impact on the area of the steam turbine, where the extraction is located. First part describes basic knowledge of the steam turbine in general. At the end of this chapter, there is a description of the solved steam turbine. Next chapter is about introduction to the CFD. Practical part deals with a construction of 3D models, meshing and setting of the boundary conditions in the program ANSYS CFX. The main part of this thesis summarizes the results of the CFD simulation and stipulates the temperature range on the extraction pipe. In conclusion, there is a recommendation how to determine design temperature of the extraction pipe influenced by the balance piston.
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Parametrická studie zařízení pro zpětné získávání tepla / Parametric Study of Air Heat ExchangerPodola, David January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the impact of changes in operating and geometrical parameters of regenerative heat exchanger on the efficiency of decentralized ventilation units with heat recovery. Decentralized ventilation unit can be used for ventilation of family houses or smaller administration buildings. Output of this work is to determine the efficiency of a particular produced model of decentralized ventilation unit and overview of the possibilities increased efficiency of heat recovery of this units.
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Development of a Multi-field Two-fluid Approach for Simulation of Boiling FlowsSetoodeh, Hamed 12 May 2023 (has links)
Safe and reliable operation of nuclear power plants is the basic requirement for the utilization of nuclear energy since accidents can release radioactivity and with that cause irreversible damage to human beings. Reliability and safety of nuclear reactors are highly dependent on the stability of thermal hydraulic processes occurring in them. Nucleate boiling occurs in Pressurized Water Reactors (PWRs) and Boiling Water Reactors (BWRs) as well as in their passive safety systems during an accident. Passive safety systems are solely driven by thermal gradients and gravitational force removing residual heat from the reactor core independent of any external power supply in the case of accidents. Instability of flow boiling in these passive circuits can cause flow oscillations. These oscillations may induce insufficient local cooling and mechanical loads, which threatens the reactors’ safety. Analysis of boiling two-phase flow and associated heat and mass transfer requires an accurate modeling of flow regime transitions and prediction of boiling parameters such as void fraction, steam bubble sizes, heat transfer coefficient, etc. Flow boiling has been intensively investigated through experiments, one-dimensional codes, and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methods. Costly hardware and no accessibility to all locations in complex geometries restrict the experimental investigation of flow boiling. Since one-dimensional codes such as ATHLET, RELAP and TRACE are ”lumped parameter” codes, they are unable to simulate complex flow boiling transition patterns.
In the last decades, with the development of supercomputers, CFD has been considered as a useful tool to model heat and mass transfer occurring in flow boiling regimes. In many industrial applications and system designs, CFD codes and particularly the Eulerian-Eulerian (E-E) two-fluid model are quickly replacing the experimental and analytical methods. However, the application of this approach for flow boiling modelling poses a challenge for the development of bubble dynamics and wall boiling models to predict heat and mass transfer at the heating wall as well as phase-change mechanism. Many empirical and mechanistic models have been proposed for bubble dynamics modelling. Nevertheless, the validity of these models for only a narrow range of operating conditions and their uncertainties limit their applicability and consequently presently necessitate us to calibrate them for a given boundary condition via calibration factors. For that reason, the first aim of this thesis is the development of a bubble dynamics model for subcooled boiling flow, which needs no calibration factor to predict the bubble growth and detachment.
This mechanistic model is formulated based on the force balance approach, physics of a single nucleated bubble and several well-developed models to cover the whole bubble life cycle including formation, growth and departure. This model considers dynamic inclination angle and contact angles between the bubble and the heating wall as well as the contribution of microlayer evaporation, thermal diffusion and condensation around the bubble cap. Validation against four experimental flow boiling data sets was conducted with no case-dependent recalibration and yielded good agreement. The second goal is the implementation of the developed bubble dynamics model in the E-E two-fluid model as a sub-model to improve the accuracy of boiling flow simulation and reduce the case dependency. This implementation requires an extension of the nucleation site activation and wall heat-partitioning models. The bubble dynamics and heat-partitioning models were coupled with the Population Balance Model (PBM) to handle bubble interactions and predict the Bubble Size Distribution (BSD). In addition, the contribution of bubble sliding to wall heat transfer, which has been rarely considered in other modelling approaches, is considered. Validation for model implementation in the E-E two-fluid model was made with ten experimental cases including R12 and R134a flow boiling in a pipe and an annulus. These test cases cover a wide range of operating parameters such as wall heat flux, fluid velocity, subcooling temperature and pressure. The validated parameters were the bubble diameter, void fraction, bubble velocity, Interfacial Area Density (IAD), bubble passing frequency, liquid and wall temperatures.
Two-phase flow morphologies for an upward flow in a vertical heating pipe may change from bubbly to slug, plug, and annular flow. Since these flow patterns have a great impact on the heat and mass transfer rates, an accurate prediction of them is critical. The aim of this thesis is the implementation of the developed bubble dynamics and heat-partitioning models in the recently developed GENeralized TwO-Phase flow (GENTOP) framework for the modelling of these flow patterns transition as well. An adopted wall heat-partitioning model for high void fractions is presented and for a generic test case, flow boiling regimes of water in a vertical heating pipe were modelled using ANSYS CFX 18.2. Moreover, the impacts of wall superheat, subcooling temperature and fluid velocity on the flow boiling transition patterns and the effects of these patterns on the wall heat transfer coefficient were evaluated.:Nomenclature xi
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background and motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.3 Outline of the thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2 State-of-the-art in modelling of subcooled flow boiling 11
2.1 Physics of boiling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.2 Bubble growth modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.3 CFD simulation of boiling flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.3.1 The Eulerian-Eulerian two-fluid model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.3.2 The Population Balance Model (PBM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.3.3 Governing equations of the two-fluid model . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.3.4 Closure models for adiabatic bubbly flow . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.3.5 Phase transfer models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.3.6 The Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) wall boiling model 37
2.4 Flow boiling transition patterns in vertical pipes . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.5 The GENeralized TwO-Phase flow (GENTOP) concept . . . . . . . . . 45
2.5.1 Treatment of the continuous gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2.5.2 The Algebraic Interfacial Area Density (AIAD) model . . . . . 46
2.6 Interfacial transfers of continuous gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
2.6.1 Drag and lift forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
2.6.2 Cluster and surface tension forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
2.6.3 Complete coalescence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
2.6.4 Entrainment modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
2.6.5 Turbulence modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
2.7 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
3 An improved bubble dynamics model for flow boiling 55
3.1 Modelling of the bubble formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.1.1 Bubble growth rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3.1.2 Force balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
3.1.3 Detachment criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.1.4 Wall heat flux model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
3.1.5 Heat transfer in the heating wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
3.2 Results and discussions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
3.2.1 Discretization dependency study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
3.2.2 Model validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
3.2.3 Sensitivity analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
3.3 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
4 An improved wall heat-partitioning model 85
4.1 The cavity group activation model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
4.1.1 Bubble sliding length and influence area . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
4.1.2 Model implementation in the Eulerian-Eulerian framework . . 89
4.2 Results and discussions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
4.2.1 DEBORA experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
4.2.2 Subcooled flow boiling of R134a in an annulus . . . . . . . . 102
4.3 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
5 Modelling of flow boiling patterns in vertical pipes 115
5.1 Adopted wall heat-partitioning model for high void fractions . . . . . 115
5.2 Results and discussions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
5.2.1 Effect of wall superheat on the flow boiling transition patterns 118
5.2.2 Effect of flow morphologies on the wall heat transfer coefficient124
5.2.3 Comparison of GENTOP and Eulerian-Eulerian two-fluid
models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
5.2.4 Effect of subcooling on the flow boiling transition patterns . . 129
5.2.5 Effect of inlet fluid velocity on the flow boiling transition patterns
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
5.3 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
6 Conclusions and outlook 133
6.1 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
6.2 Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
References 137
Declaration 155
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Design Investigation into Liquid Oxygen Vaporisation Systems : Atomisation and Heat LoadsBernus, Borbala January 2020 (has links)
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations are presented within this study for super-cooled liquid oxygen atomisation and gasification in a subcritical chamber operating at 1MPa. Relatively low cost simulation techniques have been used and their accuracy evaluated. Gasification efficiency expected from theory is compared with simulation results and physical limitation in addition to modelling limitations are discussed. Impinging jets have been used within the simulations with the intent of atomising the incoming liquid oxygen, followed by injection of hot water vapour perpendicularly, to increase turbulent mixing, residence time and in turn expected gasification efficiency. A computational fluid dynamics heating analysis is also included in order to highlight constraints on the chamber geometry imposed by transient rapid oxidation material limits. 316 stainless steel and 3D printed Inconel 718 were investigated experimentally to identify their transient macroscopic rapid oxidation limits. This information supplements existing published literature for operation at high temperatures for a transient period of time in oxygen rich environments. ANSYS Fluent 2020R1, and its newly included Volume of Fluid to Discrete Particle (VOF-DPM) Model, is used for CFD simulation of LOx atomisation and vaporisation. The CFD simulation technique is discussed in detail in order to allow the reader to gain knowledge into areas where computational power can be saved while still allowing assessment of trends for conducting relatively quick feasibility reviews e.g. for different chamber configurations. The CFD simulation results are compared with published experimental data and its accuracy when extended to this application is discussed. Results indicate that gasification of LOx within a compact chamber may be feasible if sufficient turbulence, resulting in longer residence times is present providing sufficient time for heat and mass transfer from the continuous phase. Simulations indicate that due to the mixing and gasification process the LOx particles within the chamber that have not entered the gaseous phase are smaller than that from pure atomisation and therefore more susceptible to gasification if injected into the main motor combustion chamber. Results hint at the potential benefit of swirl injection of hot gases to increase residence time and in turn the gasification efficiency, therefore, this is recommended for the topic of future research. / Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simuleringar presenteras i denna studie för superkyld flytande syreförstoftning och förgasning i en underkritisk kammare som arbetar vid SI 1 MPa. Relativt billiga simuleringstekniker har använts och deras noggrannhet utvärderats. Förgasningseffektivitet som förväntas från teorin jämförs med simuleringsresultat och fysisk begränsning utöver detta diskuteras modelleringsberäkningarna. Stötstrålar har använts inom simuleringarna med avsikt att finfördela det inkommande flytande syret, följt av injektion av varm vattenånga vinkelrätt, för att öka turbulent blandning, uppehållstid och i sin tur förväntad förgasningseffektivitet. En beräkningsenhetsanalys för uppvärmningsdynamik ingår också för att belysa begränsningar för kammargeometri som införs genom övergående gränser för snabb oxidation. 316 rostfritt stål och 3D-printad Inconel 718 undersöktes experimentellt för att identifiera deras övergående makroskopiska snabba oxidationsgränser. Denna information kompletterar befintlig publicerad litteratur för drift vid höga temperaturer under en kort tid i syrgasrika miljöer. ANSYS Fluent 2020R1, och dess nyligen inkluderade volym av vätska till diskret partikel (VOF-DPM) -modell, används för CFD-simulering av LOxatomisering och förångning. CFD-simuleringstekniken diskuteras i detalj för att göra det möjligt för läsaren att få kunskap om områden där beräkningskraft kan sparas medan man fortfarande tillåter bedömning av trender för att göra relativt snabba genomförbarhetsgranskningar, t.ex. för olika kammarkonfigurationer. CFD-simuleringsresultaten jämförs med publicerade experimentella data och dess noggrannhet när den utvidgas till denna applikation diskuteras. Resultaten indikerar att förgasning av LOx i en kompakt kammare kan vara möjlig vid tillräcklig turbulens, vilket resulterar i längre uppehållstider är närvarande som ger tillräcklig tid för värme och massöverföring från den kontinuerliga fasen. Simuleringar indikerar att på grund av blandnings- och förgasningsprocessen är LOx-partiklarna i kammaren som inte har gått in i gasfasen mindre än den från ren förgasning och därför mer mottagliga för förgasning om de injiceras i huvudmotorns förbränningskammare. Resultat antyder den potentiella fördelen med virvelinjektion av heta gaser för att öka uppehållstiden och i sin tur förgasningseffektivitet, därför rekommenderas detta för ämnet för framtida forskning.
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<b>A MULTI-PARADIGM DATA-DRIVEN MODELING </b><b>FRAMEWORK FOR EFFECTIVE PANDEMIC </b><b>MANAGEMENT</b>Md tariqul Islam (14819002) 09 December 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Understanding disease transmission is a complex and challenging task as it encompasses a wide range of intricate interactions involving pathogens, hosts, and the environment. Numerous factors, including genetics, behavior, immunity, social dynamics, and environmental conditions, contribute to the complexity. Furthermore, diseases exhibit significant variability in transmission patterns, including variations in the mode of transmission (e.g., respiratory, oral, touch-based, vector-borne), incubation period, and infectiousness. The dynamic nature of disease transmission compounds the existing challenges by introducing temporal variability and environmental variations, thereby intensifying the complexity of the study. Therefore, understanding disease transmission requires comprehensive research, integrated models, and a multidisciplinary approach to decipher the intricate web of interactions and factors involved. This dissertation aims to bridge the use and scalability gap between different levels of transmission models through the utilization of multi-paradigm modeling methods, incorporating varying levels of abstraction, to gain comprehensive insights into disease transmission. The first goal focuses on enhancing pandemic resiliency by analyzing the impact of varying parameters of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) on the dynamics of exhaled droplets and aerosols in the indoor environment using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling. This goal operates at a micro-level of modeling, examining the detailed fluid dynamics and particle dispersion within indoor spaces. By simulating the movement of droplets under different HVAC configurations, this goal provides insights into the effectiveness of ventilation systems and optimizes parameter configurations in controlling disease transmission. The second goal of this dissertation is to aid organizations in evaluating potential policies to mitigate contact-caused risks in indoor spaces during a pandemic. This goal utilizes an ensemble of agent-based simulation (ABS) models, which operate at a higher level of abstraction. These models consider the behaviors and interactions of individuals within indoor environments, such as classrooms or meeting rooms, while incorporating physical distancing guidelines and seating policies. The third goal aims to improve pandemic prediction capabilities by developing a multivariate, spatiotemporal, deep-learning model that predicts COVID-19 hospitalization based on historical cases and evaluates the impact of state-level policy changes. This goal operates at the highest level of abstraction by utilizing deep learning techniques to analyze large-scale, publicly available data. The model captures temporal dependencies using long short-term memory (LSTM) networks and spatial dependencies using graph convolutional networks (GCN), graph attention networks (GAT), and graph transformer networks (GTN). By considering variables such as daily hospitalization and various policy changes, this approach provides a comprehensive framework for forecasting hospitalization cases and assessing policy impacts at the state level. This integrated, abstraction-based approach provides a more holistic understanding of disease transmission, allowing for the exploration of complex scenarios and the assessment of intervention impacts across different scales. This integrated architecture enables policymakers and public health professionals to develop targeted, effective strategies to mitigate the spread of diseases, allocate resources efficiently, and minimize the overall impact on public health. </p>
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Kavitation in der Ölhydraulik: Visualisierung, Simulation und ErosionOsterland, Sven 01 August 2024 (has links)
Diese Arbeit beinhaltet umfangreiche experimentelle Daten zur Kavitationsvisu-alisierung unter Trennung von Dampf- und Gaskavitation sowie eine validierte und praktikable Simulationsmethodik zur Lokalisierung und Quantifizierung der Kavitation und Kavitationserosion in einem realitätsnahen Hydraulikventil.
Ein wesentliches Defizit der bisherigen Forschung zur Kavitation in der Hydrau-lik liegt in der fehlenden Trennung der Kavitationsarten, wodurch es bisher nur punktuell gelang belastbare Kavitationsmodelle inklusive ihrer Parameter für ölhydraulische Strömungen zu entwickeln. Auch die Vorhersage der Kavitati-onserosion war nur eingeschränkt möglich und der Einfluss der Luft auf diese umstritten.
Durch ein effektives Entgasungskonzept trennt diese Arbeit experimentell die Effekte von Dampf- und Gaskavitation vollständig, sodass die jeweiligen Auswir-kungen auf die Kavitationsverteilung und -erosion sichtbar und analysierbar werden. Für 90 Betriebspunkte bei drei Sättigungszuständen des Mineralöls wird die kavitierende Strömung mit Hilfe einer Hochgeschwindigkeitskamera und der Methode der Shadowgraphy visualisiert und statistisch quantifiziert. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Verteilung der optischen Kavitationsintensität vollständig durch den Kavitationskoeffizienten beschrieben wird und dass der Kavitations-beginn unabhängig vom Sättigungszustand des Öls ist. Weiterhin wird nachge-wiesen, dass hydrodynamische Kavitationserosion durch Dampfkavitation und nicht durch Gaskavitation verursacht wird. Im Gegenteil, die durch Gaskavitation freige-setzte Luft dämpft die Kavitationserosion um den Faktor 4-5.
Zur Simulation der Dampf- und Gaskavitation wird schrittweise ein kompressib-les Euler-Euler-Mehrphasen CFD-Modell aufgebaut und mit der entwickelten Me-thode der „Virtual Shadowgraphy“ ausgewertet. Die Visualisierungsdaten wer-den zur Parametrierung das Zwart-Gerber-Belamri Dampfkavitationsmodell für Hydrauliköl genutzt. Die Modellierung wird um den Einfluss der Luft erweitert. Der Vergleich zwischen Simulation und Experiment zeigt über den gesamten Betriebsbereich eine sehr gute Übereinstimmung der räumlichen Kavitations-verteilung.
Es wird demonstriert, dass eine Turbulenzmodellierung mit LES notwendig ist, da diese das momentane und lokale Druckfeld aufgelöst und damit die druckge-triebene Kavitation korrekt berechnet.
Mit Hilfe der Kavitationserosionsindizes nach Nohmi ermöglicht das Modell die detaillierte Lokalisierung und Quantifizierung der Kavitationserosion, wobei ei-ne starke Kopplung zwischen Wirbeln und Kavitation beobachtet wird. Der ero-sionsdämpfende Einfluss der Luft wird von der Simulation ebenfalls abgebildet.
Das Modell ist einsatzbereit und ermöglicht die Simulation von Kavitation und Kavitationserosion in hydraulischen Pumpen und Ventilen.:1 Einleitung
2 Stand der Forschung
2.1 Übersicht zur Turbulenzmodellierung
2.1.1 Turbulenzmodellierung mittels RANS
2.1.2 Turbulenzmodellierung mittels LES
2.2 Grundlagen der Mehrphasen- und Kavitationsmodellierung
2.3 Modellierung der Dampfkavitation
2.4 Modellierung der Gaskavitation
2.5 Kavitationsmodellierung in der Hydraulik
2.6 Kavitationserosion und Einfluss der (gelösten) Luft im Hydrauliköl
2.7 Simulation der Kavitationserosion
2.8 Forschungslücke
3 Zielsetzung und Vorgehensweise
4 Das Fluid – Stoffwertbestimmung
4.1 Die Viskosität
4.2 Die Dichte
4.3 Der Kompressionsmodul
4.4 Der Dampfdruck
5 Experimente zur Kavitationsvisualisierung
5.1 Experimentelle Strategie
5.2 Versuchsaufbau
5.2.1 Das Hydrauliksystem
5.2.2 Der hydraulische Tank mit Entgasungsfunktionalität
5.2.3 Die Blasenanalysestrecken
5.2.4 Die Strömungsgeometrie
5.2.5 Strömungsvisualisierung mittels Shadowgraphy und Hochgeschwindigkeitskamera
5.3 Versuchsdurchführung
5.4 Versuchsauswertung und Ergebnisse
5.4.1 Definition der Ähnlichkeitskennzahlen Re,ζ,σ und X
5.4.2 Durchflusscharakteristik der Strömungsgeometrie
5.4.3 Bildverarbeitung und Quantifizierung der Kavitationsintensität mittels der statistischen Shadowgraphy
5.4.4 Räumliche Verteilung der Kavitationsintensität bei unterschiedlichen Sättigungsgraden und Betriebspunkten
5.4.5 Räumlich gemittelte Kavitationsintensität bei unterschiedlichen Sättigungsgraden und Betriebspunkten
6 Experimente zur Kavitationserosion und deren Abhängigkeit vom Luftgehalt 90
6.1 Durchführung der Erosionsversuche
6.2 Ergebnisse der Erosionsversuche
6.3 Messung der gelösten Luft und des Blasenspektrums im Nachlauf
6.4 Ergebnisinterpretation, Diskussion und Schlussfolgerungen der Erosionsversuche
7 Simulation
7.1 Simulationsstrategie
7.2 Geometrie und Diskretisierung
7.3 Modellaufbau und Auswertemethodik
7.3.1 Definition der Stoffeigenschaften
7.3.2 Turbulenzmodellierung
7.3.3 Kavitationsmodellierung
7.3.4 Rand- und Anfangsbedingungen
7.3.5 Die Auswertemethodik der „Virtual Shadowgraphy“
7.4 Simulationsergebnisse und Vergleich mit den Experimenten
7.4.1 Einfluss der Turbulenzmodellierung
7.4.2 Parametrierung des ZGB-Dampfkavitationsmodells für Mineralöl
7.4.3 Parametrierung des Lifante-Gaskavitationsmodells für Mineralöl
7.4.4 Weiterentwicklung des Lifante-Gaskavitationsmodells durch scherratenabhängige Desorbtionskoeffizienten
7.4.5 Modellreduktion zur Anwendung bei kavitationsintensiven Betriebspunkten und dem Vorhandensein freier Luft
7.5 Simulative Quantifizierung von Ort und Intensität der Kavitationsbelastung und Einfluss der Luft
7.5.1 Einfluss der Luft auf die Kavitationsbelastung
7.5.2 Vergleich und Bewertung der simulierten Kavitationsbelastung mit der experimentell beobachteten Kavitationserosion
8 Zusammenfassung
9 Ausblick
10 Literatur
11 Anhang / This thesis contains detailed experimental data on cavitation visualization with separation of vapor and gas cavitation as well as a validated and practicable simulation methodology for the localization and quantification of cavitation and cavitation erosion in a realistic hydraulic valve.
A major deficit of previous research on cavitation in hydraulics is the lack of separation of cavitation types, which has resulted in only selective success in developing reliable cavitation models including their parameters for oil-hydraulic flows. The prediction of cavitation erosion was also only possible to a limited extent and the influence of air on this was controversial.
Using an effective degassing concept, this work experimentally separates the effects of vapor and gas cavitation completely, so that the individual effects on cavitation distribution and erosion become visible and analyzable. For 90 oper-ating points at three saturation states of the mineral oil, the cavitating flow is visualized and statistically quantified using a high-speed camera and the meth-od of shadowgraphy. It is shown that the distribution of the optical cavitation intensity is completely described by the cavitation coefficient and that the in-ception of cavitation is independent of the saturation state of the oil. Further-more, it is shown that hydrodynamic cavitation erosion is caused by vapor cavi-tation and not by gas cavitation. On the contrary, the air released by gas cavita-tion dampens cavitation erosion by a factor of 4-5.
To simulate vapor and gas cavitation, a compressible Euler-Euler multiphase CFD model is developed step by step and evaluated using the 'Virtual Shadow-graphy' method. The visualization data is used to parameterize the Zwart-Gerber-Belamri vapor cavitation model for hydraulic oil. The modeling is ex-tended to include the influence of air. The comparison between simulation and experiment shows a very good agreement of the spatial cavitation distribution over the entire operating range. It is demonstrated that turbulence modeling with LES is necessary because it resolves the momentary and local pressure field and thus correctly calculates the pressure-driven cavitation.
With the help of the cavitation erosion indices according to Nohmi, the model enables the detailed localization and quantification of cavitation erosion, whereby a strong coupling between vortices and cavitation is observed. The erosion-damping influence of the air is also reflected by the simulation.
The model is ready for use and enables the simulation of cavitation and cavita-tion erosion in hydraulic pumps and valves.:1 Einleitung
2 Stand der Forschung
2.1 Übersicht zur Turbulenzmodellierung
2.1.1 Turbulenzmodellierung mittels RANS
2.1.2 Turbulenzmodellierung mittels LES
2.2 Grundlagen der Mehrphasen- und Kavitationsmodellierung
2.3 Modellierung der Dampfkavitation
2.4 Modellierung der Gaskavitation
2.5 Kavitationsmodellierung in der Hydraulik
2.6 Kavitationserosion und Einfluss der (gelösten) Luft im Hydrauliköl
2.7 Simulation der Kavitationserosion
2.8 Forschungslücke
3 Zielsetzung und Vorgehensweise
4 Das Fluid – Stoffwertbestimmung
4.1 Die Viskosität
4.2 Die Dichte
4.3 Der Kompressionsmodul
4.4 Der Dampfdruck
5 Experimente zur Kavitationsvisualisierung
5.1 Experimentelle Strategie
5.2 Versuchsaufbau
5.2.1 Das Hydrauliksystem
5.2.2 Der hydraulische Tank mit Entgasungsfunktionalität
5.2.3 Die Blasenanalysestrecken
5.2.4 Die Strömungsgeometrie
5.2.5 Strömungsvisualisierung mittels Shadowgraphy und Hochgeschwindigkeitskamera
5.3 Versuchsdurchführung
5.4 Versuchsauswertung und Ergebnisse
5.4.1 Definition der Ähnlichkeitskennzahlen Re,ζ,σ und X
5.4.2 Durchflusscharakteristik der Strömungsgeometrie
5.4.3 Bildverarbeitung und Quantifizierung der Kavitationsintensität mittels der statistischen Shadowgraphy
5.4.4 Räumliche Verteilung der Kavitationsintensität bei unterschiedlichen Sättigungsgraden und Betriebspunkten
5.4.5 Räumlich gemittelte Kavitationsintensität bei unterschiedlichen Sättigungsgraden und Betriebspunkten
6 Experimente zur Kavitationserosion und deren Abhängigkeit vom Luftgehalt 90
6.1 Durchführung der Erosionsversuche
6.2 Ergebnisse der Erosionsversuche
6.3 Messung der gelösten Luft und des Blasenspektrums im Nachlauf
6.4 Ergebnisinterpretation, Diskussion und Schlussfolgerungen der Erosionsversuche
7 Simulation
7.1 Simulationsstrategie
7.2 Geometrie und Diskretisierung
7.3 Modellaufbau und Auswertemethodik
7.3.1 Definition der Stoffeigenschaften
7.3.2 Turbulenzmodellierung
7.3.3 Kavitationsmodellierung
7.3.4 Rand- und Anfangsbedingungen
7.3.5 Die Auswertemethodik der „Virtual Shadowgraphy“
7.4 Simulationsergebnisse und Vergleich mit den Experimenten
7.4.1 Einfluss der Turbulenzmodellierung
7.4.2 Parametrierung des ZGB-Dampfkavitationsmodells für Mineralöl
7.4.3 Parametrierung des Lifante-Gaskavitationsmodells für Mineralöl
7.4.4 Weiterentwicklung des Lifante-Gaskavitationsmodells durch scherratenabhängige Desorbtionskoeffizienten
7.4.5 Modellreduktion zur Anwendung bei kavitationsintensiven Betriebspunkten und dem Vorhandensein freier Luft
7.5 Simulative Quantifizierung von Ort und Intensität der Kavitationsbelastung und Einfluss der Luft
7.5.1 Einfluss der Luft auf die Kavitationsbelastung
7.5.2 Vergleich und Bewertung der simulierten Kavitationsbelastung mit der experimentell beobachteten Kavitationserosion
8 Zusammenfassung
9 Ausblick
10 Literatur
11 Anhang
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Beitrag zum effizienten Heißgasschweißen von thermoplastischen KunststoffenSchmid, Johannes 19 December 2023 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird ein neuartiges Düsensystem zum effizienten Heißgas-schweißen erforscht. Die theoretisch gewonnenen Daten der CFD-Simulationen werden an einer serienfähigen Heißgasschweißanlage, zwei Werkstoffen und zwei Probekörpergeometrien bestätigt. Das Düsensystem macht eintauchende Düsensysteme für den Heißgasschweißprozess serienfähig und erlaubt eine Reduktion der Erwärmungszeit um bis zu 50 %. Zusätzlich sind Kunststoffe mit hoher Schmelztemperatur (z. B. PA6T/XT-GF35) erstmals zuverlässig schweißbar. Mit dem neuen Düsensystem können anspruchsvolle, technische Werkstoffe mit hohen Schmelztemperaturen und großer Temperatursen-sivität gefügt werden. Zudem erlaubt das Aufsatz-Düsen-System das Fügen von Bauteilen mit komplex verlaufenden Schweißnähten. Die schnelle und homogene Erwärmung des Kunststoffes mit dem neuartigen Düsensystem erlaubt es, den Energie- und Gasverbrauch deutlich zu reduzieren.:1 Einleitung
2 Problemstellung und Zielsetzung
3 Stand der Wissenschaft
4 Versuchsaufbau zur Untersuchung der Düsensysteme
5 Vergleich des RD- und AD-Systems durch CFD-Simulation und Auswahl eines Düsensystems
6 Optimierung des AD-Systems durch CFD-Simulation
7 Vergleich des AD-Systems mit dem Stand der Technik mittels serienfähiger Heißgasschweißanlage
8 Wechselwirkung ausgewählter Einstellparameter mit dem AD-System
9 Diskussion der Ergebnisse
10 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
Anhang ...................... / In this work, a new kind of nozzle system for efficient hot gas welding is re-searched. The theoretically obtained data from the CFD simulations are con-firmed on a production-capable hot gas welding system, two materials and two test specimens. The nozzle system makes immersed nozzle systems for the hot gas welding process suitable for series production and allows a reduction in heating time of up to 50 %. In addition, resins with high melting temperatures (e.g. PA6T/XT-GF35) can be reliably welded for the first time. With the new nozzle system, demanding engineering materials with high melting tempera-tures and high temperature sensitivity can be joined. In addition, the top nozzle system allows the joining of components with complex weld seams. The fast and homogeneous heating of the plastic with the new nozzle system allows energy and gas consumption to be significantly reduced.:1 Einleitung
2 Problemstellung und Zielsetzung
3 Stand der Wissenschaft
4 Versuchsaufbau zur Untersuchung der Düsensysteme
5 Vergleich des RD- und AD-Systems durch CFD-Simulation und Auswahl eines Düsensystems
6 Optimierung des AD-Systems durch CFD-Simulation
7 Vergleich des AD-Systems mit dem Stand der Technik mittels serienfähiger Heißgasschweißanlage
8 Wechselwirkung ausgewählter Einstellparameter mit dem AD-System
9 Diskussion der Ergebnisse
10 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
Anhang ......................
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Development, validation and application of an effective convectivity model for simulation of melt pool heat transfer in a light water reactor lower headTran, Chi Thanh January 2007 (has links)
<p>Severe accidents in a Light Water Reactor (LWR) have been a subject of the research for the last three decades. The research in this area aims to further understanding of the inherent physical phenomena and reduce the uncertainties surrounding their quantification, with the ultimate goal of developing models that can be applied to safety analysis of nuclear reactors. The research is also focusing on evaluation of the proposed accident management schemes for mitigating the consequences of such accidents.</p><p>During a hypothetical severe accident, whatever the scenario, there is likelihood that the core material will be relocated and accumulated in the lower plenum in the form of a debris bed or a melt pool. Physical phenomena involved in a severe accident progression are complex. The interactions of core debris or melt with the reactor structures depend very much on the debris bed or melt pool thermal hydraulics. That is why predictions of heat transfer during melt pool formation in the reactor lower head are important for the safety assessment.</p><p>The main purpose of the present study is to advance a method for describing turbulent natural convection heat transfer of a melt pool, and to develop a computational platform for cost-effective, sufficiently-accurate numerical simulations and analyses of Core Melt-Structure-Water Interactions in the LWR lower head during a postulated severe core-melting accident.</p><p>Given the insights gained from Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations, a physics-based model and computationally-efficient tools are developed for multi-dimensional simulations of transient thermal-hydraulic phenomena in the lower plenum of a Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) during the late phase of an in-vessel core melt progression. A model is developed for the core debris bed heat up and formation of a melt pool in the lower head of the reactor vessel, and implemented in a commercial CFD code. To describe the natural convection heat transfer inside the volumetrically decay-heated melt pool, we advanced the Effective Convectivity Conductivity Model (ECCM), which was previously developed and implemented in the MVITA code. In the present study, natural convection heat transfer is accounted for by only the Effective Convectivity Model (ECM). The heat transport and interactions are represented through an energy-conservation formulation. The ECM then enables simulations of heat transfer of a high Rayleigh melt pool in 3D large dimension geometry.</p><p>In order to describe the phase-change heat transfer associated with core debris, a temperature-based enthalpy formulation is employed in the ECM (the phase-change ECM or so called the PECM). The PECM is capable to represent possible convection heat transfer in a mushy zone. The simple approach of the PECM method allows implementing different models of the fluid velocity in a mushy zone for a non-eutectic mixture. The developed models are validated by a dual approach, i.e., against the existing experimental data and the CFD simulation results.</p><p>The ECM and PECM methods are applied to predict thermal loads to the vessel wall and Control Rod Guide Tubes (CRGTs) during core debris heat up and melting in the BWR lower plenum. Applying the ECM and PECM to simulations of reactor-scale melt pool heat transfer, the results of the ECM and PECM calculations show an apparent effectiveness of the developed methods that enables simulations of long term accident transients. It is also found that during severe accident progression, the cooling by water flowing inside the CRGTs plays a very important role in reducing the thermal load on the reactor vessel wall. The results of the CFD, ECM and PECM simulations suggest a potential of the CRGT cooling as an effective mitigative measure during a severe accident progression.</p>
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The Effective Convectivity Model for Simulation and Analysis of Melt Pool Heat Transfer in a Light Water Reactor Pressure Vessel Lower HeadTran, Chi Thanh January 2009 (has links)
Severe accidents in a Light Water Reactor (LWR) have been a subject of intense research for the last three decades. The research in this area aims to reach understanding of the inherent physical phenomena and reduce the uncertainties in their quantification, with the ultimate goal of developing models that can be applied to safety analysis of nuclear reactors, and to evaluation of the proposed accident management schemes for mitigating the consequences of severe accidents. In a hypothetical severe accident there is likelihood that the core materials will be relocated to the lower plenum and form a decay-heated debris bed (debris cake) or a melt pool. Interactions of core debris or melt with the reactor structures depend to a large extent on the debris bed or melt pool thermal hydraulics. In case of inadequate cooling, the excessive heat would drive the structures' overheating and ablation, and hence govern the vessel failure mode and timing. In turn, threats to containment integrity associated with potential ex-vessel steam explosions and ex-vessel debris uncoolability depend on the composition, superheat, and amount of molten corium available for discharge upon the vessel failure. That is why predictions of transient melt pool heat transfer in the reactor lower head, subsequent vessel failure modes and melt characteristics upon the discharge are of paramount importance for plant safety assessment. The main purpose of the present study is to develop a method for reliable prediction of melt pool thermal hydraulics, namely to establish a computational platform for cost-effective, sufficiently-accurate numerical simulations and analyses of core Melt-Structure-Water Interactions in the LWR lower head during a postulated severe core-melting accident. To achieve the goal, an approach to efficient use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has been proposed to guide and support the development of models suitable for accident analysis. The CFD method, on the one hand, is indispensable for scrutinizing flow physics, on the other hand, the validated CFD method can be used to generate necessary data for validation of the accident analysis models. Given the insights gained from the CFD study, physics-based models and computationally-efficient tools are developed for multi-dimensional simulations of transient thermal-hydraulic phenomena in the lower plenum of a LWR during the late phase of an in-vessel core melt progression. To describe natural convection heat transfer in an internally heated volume, and molten metal layer heated from below and cooled from the top (and side) walls, the Effective Convectivity Models (ECM) are developed and implemented in a commercial CFD code. The ECM uses directional heat transfer characteristic velocities to transport the heat to cooled boundaries. The heat transport and interactions are represented through an energy-conservation formulation. The ECM then enables 3D heat transfer simulations of a homogeneous (and stratified) melt pool formed in the LWR lower head. In order to describe phase-change heat transfer associated with core debris or binary mixture (e.g. in a molten metal layer), a temperature-based enthalpy formulation is employed in the Phase-change ECM (so called the PECM). The PECM is capable to represent natural convection heat transfer in a mushy zone. Simple formulation of the PECM method allows implementing different models of mushy zone heat transfer for non-eutectic mixtures. For a non-eutectic binary mixture, compositional convection associated with concentration gradients can be taken into account. The developed models are validated against both existing experimental data and the CFD-generated data. ECM and PECM simulations show a superior computational efficiency compared to the CFD simulation method. The ECM and PECM methods are applied to predict thermal loads imposed on the vessel wall and Control Rod Guide Tubes (CRGTs) during core debris heatup and melting in a Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) lower plenum. It is found that during the accident progression, the CRGT cooling plays a very important role in reducing the thermal loads on the reactor vessel wall. Results of the ECM and PECM simulations suggest a high potential of the CRGT cooling to be an effective measure for severe accident management in BWRs. / <p>QC 20100812</p>
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Multiphase fluid hammer: modeling, experiments and simulationsLema Rodríguez, Marcos 10 October 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the experimental and numerical analysis of the water hammer phenomenon generated by the discharge of a pressurized liquid into a pipeline kept under vacuum conditions. This flow configuration induces several multiphase phenomena such as cavitation and gas desorption that cannot be ignored in the water hammer behavior.<p><p>The motivation of this research work comes from the liquid propulsion systems used in spacecrafts, which can undergo fluid hammer effects threatening the system integrity. Fluid hammer can be particularly adverse during the priming phase, which involves the fast opening of an isolation valve to fill the system with liquid propellant. Due to the initial vacuum conditions in the pipeline system, the water hammer taking place during priming may involve multiphase phenomena, such as cavitation and desorption of a non-<p>condensable gas, which may affect the pressure surges produced in the lines. Even though this flow behavior is known, only few studies model the spacecraft hardware configuration, and a proper characterization of the two-phase flow is still missing. The creation of a reliable database and the physical understanding of the water hammer behavior in propulsion systems are mandatory to improve the physical models implemented in the numerical codes used to simulate this flow configuration.<p><p>For that purpose, an experimental facility modeling a spacecraft propulsion system has been designed, in which the physical phenomena taking place during priming are generated under controlled conditions in the laboratory using inert fluids. An extended experimental campaign was performed on the installation, aiming at analyzing the effect of various working parameters on the fluid hammer behavior, such as the initial pressure in the line, liquid saturation with the pressurant gas, liquid properties and pipe configuration. The influence of the desorbed gas during water hammer occurrence is found to have a great importance on the whole process, due to the added compressibility and lower speed of sound by an increasing amount of non-condensable gas in the liquid + gas mixture. This results in lower pressure levels and faster pressure peaks attenuation, compared to fluids without desorption. The two-phase flow was characterized by means of flow visualization of the liquid front at the location where the fluid hammer is generated. The front arrival was found to be preceded by a foamy mixture of liquid, vapor and non-condensable gas, and the pressure wave reflected at the tank may induce the liquid column separation at the bottom end. While column separation takes place, the successive pressure peaks are generated by the impact of the column back against the bottom end.<p><p>The resulting experimental database is then confronted to the predictions of the 1D numerical code EcosimPro/ESPSS used to assess the propulsion system designs. Simulations are performed with the flow configuration described before, modeling the experimental facility. The comparison of the numerical results against the experimental data shows that aspects such as speed of sound computation with a dissolved gas and friction modeling need to be improved. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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