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Využití spektrofotometrických metod ke kontrole falšování potravinPytel, Roman January 2014 (has links)
The theme od this dissertation is " Application of Spectrophotometric methods for inspection adulteration of food". In the theoretical part, there are stated chapters regarding adulteration of food (in general), adulteration of honey, quality requirements on honey, spectroscopy and its categories. The dissertaion is focused on spectrophotometric measurements of honey and sugar syrup samples where colour and consistence of honey was monitored. The techniques used for the analysis are NIR spectrophotometry and UV/VIS spectrophotometry. The results gained were statistically and graphically processed. It follows from the outcome that using FT-NIR for adulteration of honey detection is an appropriate method for honey inspection. The least effective method for proving adulteration of honey is the spectrophotometry specification of the colour of honey. Using this method, it is not possible to prove the links between colour of honey and colour of sugar syrup.
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The Influences on the Optical Properties of Paperboard Due to Dye Additives / Påverkan på de optiska egenskaperna hos kartong till följd av tillsats av färgämneWallmon, Tanya January 2019 (has links)
In the paper industry the appearance and optical performance of coated and uncoated paperboard is important, therefore colour dyes are widely used to enhance the paperboard. In order to enhance the appearance of paper products, the dyes are added directly into the pulp and/or in the coating. This addition can lead to dye buildup in the white water system. The white water system recirculates back to the pulp and contains both chemicals, dye and fibers. A general assumption is, when the concentration of dyes builds up in the system, it can lead to changes of the optical properties. Previously studies have been conducted to investigate the white water system at Iggesund Paperboard Workington Ltd. mill. Suspicion of a potential dye buildup in the white water system arose because of notable changes in the optical properties of the collected samples. An assumption was, when the concentration of dye increases in the white water system, it led to changes of the optical properties. The purpose of this project was therefore to investigate if/how potential dye buildup occurred in the white water system at Iggesund paperboard Workington Ltd. Mill. The system will be analyzed for dye buildup and to see if it influences the optical properties of the coated paperboard as a final product as well as how quickly it builds up in the system. This report contains a theoretical background for relevant knowledge about the white water system and optical properties of paperboard. The methodology for this project was to collect samples from the boardmachines’ white water system and analyze them through laboratory trials. Collected data is presented in the form of diagrams, trends have been investigated to validate assumptions. The dye dosage point was also analyzed through laboratory trials, to confirm or deny whether it is possible to achieve an optimal dosage point. The analysis showed that there were changes in the optical properties in the white water over time, as a result of dye buildup. Due to the complex system and different parameters that may affect the system, the sample collection needs to be extended further for a more precise conclusion. Such as how the dye responds to longer shuts and addition of polymers. Apart from what influenced the optical changes in the white water system and may have affected the paperboard, when the top coating from the production is applied, no changes or variations cannot be seen. Therefore giving the conclusion, that the changes of the optical properties do not influence the paperboard as a final product. / Kartong är bland de vanligaste materialen att använda vid paketering. Den optiska egenskapen hos kartong är viktig för att den ska se tilltalande ut, samt vara mottaglig för tryck. Användning av färg är vanligt förekommande inom pappersindustrin för att förbättra de optiska egenskaperna i obelagt papper och belagt papper. Färgen tillsätts vanligen direkt i pappersmassan och vid bestrykning av beläggningen. Dock kan det leda till övermättnad i bakvattnet när man tillsätter färgen direkt i massan, vilket i sin tur kan påverka och även förändra de optiska egenskaperna. Bakvattnet recirkuleras i processen tillbaka till massaflödet då vattnet fortfarande innehåller användbara kemikalier, färg och fibrer som kan ansluta sig till massaflödet igen. Skulle det ske förändringar av de optiska egenskaperna behöver doseringen av färgen förändras vid beläggningen, vilket i sin tur kan leda till överdosering av färgen. Tidigare studier gällande bakvattensystemet vid Iggesund Paperboard Workington Ltd. mill har gjorts. Förändringar i de optiska egenskaperna från samlade prover från bakvattnet resulterade i misstankar av en potentiell ökning av färg i systemet. Detta utmynnade i antagandet att den ökande koncentrationen av färg i bakvattensystemet, i slutändan orsakar optiska förändringar. Syftet med detta projekt var därför att undersöka denna potentiella färgökning i bakvattensystemet vid Iggesund paperboard Workington Ltd. Mill. Bakvattensystemet har analyserats för att se en ökad färgkoncentration och om dessa optiska förändringar påverkar slutprodukten, samt hur snabbt färgens koncentration ökar. Denna rapport innehåller en teoretisk bakgrund för bland annat bakvattensystemet samt de optiska egenskaperna hos kartong. Metodiken för projektet var att samla prover från kartongmaskinens bakvattensystem och att analysera dessa prover. Insamlad data presenteras i diagram och trender undersöktes, för att validera antaganden modellerades trender. Doseringen av färgen undersöktes genom försök, för att kunna bekräfta om det är möjligt att upptäcka en optimal doseringspunkt. Analyserna visar att det sker förändringar i dem optiska egenskaperna över tid, som ett resultat av en ökad koncentration av färg. Då systemet är komplext och olika parametrar kan ha påverkat, behöver denna undersökning förlängas för en säkrare slutsats. Till exempel hur långa stop och hur addition av polymerer påverkar processen. Bortsett från vad som påverkar de optiska förändringarna i bakvattnet och kan påverka slutprodukten, när kartongen bestryks med beläggning, kan inga förändringar/variationer ses. Därför ges slutsatsen, att förändringar i de optiska egenskaperna i bakvattnet inte påverkar kartongen som slutprodukt.
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Avaliação do efeito de diferentes concentrações de fotoiniciadores em propriedades mecânicas e na cor de um adesivo dental experimental / Effect of Different Photoinitiators Concentration on the Mechanical Properties and Shade of an Experimental Dental AdhesiveFaleiros, Daniel Elias de Melo 13 April 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve por foco prover uma revisão de conceitos relacionados às resinas dentais fotopolimeráveis e, também, analisar como diferentes concentrações de fotoiniciadores de uso comum em odontologia podem influenciar no desempenho mecânico e na cor de resinas dentais. Concentrações de 0,01%, 0,10%, 0,25% 0,50%, 0,75%, 1,00% e 10% em massa de fotoiniciador foram adicionadas em uma matriz polimérica composta por TEGDMA/BisGMA 50%/50% em massa de forma que, fixando variáveis externas referentes à fonte de luz e à preparação das amostras, foi possível avaliar o efeito da concentração de fotoiniciador nas propriedades mecânicas de resistência à fratura por compressão, resistência à fratura pela aplicação de tensão diametral e dureza Barcol. Por fim, o efeito da concentração na cor aferida através do método CIELab foi investigada. Os fotoiniciadores utilizados foram o Irgacure® 819, a 1-fenil-1,2-propanodiona (PPD) e a Canforoquinona a qual foi utilizada juntamente com ocoiniciador Etil-4 dimetilaminobenzoato (EDB) na concentração constante de 1% em massa. Os resultados mecânicos e de cor foram comparados entre as diferentes amostras através de análises estatísticas (ANOVA) e, especificamente para cor, o parâmetro de diferença de cor (ΔE) foi interpretado verificar se as alterações observadas são perceptíveis ao olho humano. Para fundamentar os estudos, análises do espectro de absorção das amostras, do espectro de irradiação da fonte de luz e do grau de conversão das amostras foram realizadas. Os resultados revelaram que, independentemente do fotoiniciador, graus de conversão da mesma ordem de grandeza de um adesivo comercial foram obtidos, porém as velocidades de reação foram diferentes (maior velocidade para as amostras de CQ e menor para PPD). Curvas características foram obtidas para os espectros de absorção e de irradiação confirmando, pela sobreposição das curvas, que a fonte de luz é efetiva para iniciação da polimerização das amostras. As análises de resistência à fratura revelaram que a quebra catastrófica do material ocorrerá preferencialmente quando a força é aplicada ao longo do diâmetro para os corpos de prova preparados. Quanto à dureza, verificou-se que que para a CQ houve um máximo, para Irgacure um comportamento assintótico com aumento da concentração e, para a PPD, não foi possível a obtenção de amostras (verificado que a PPD necessita de tempo de irradiação superior ao convencionalmente utilizado na prática odontológica). Os testes de ANOVA permitiram verificar que o Irgacure é capaz de fornecer resultados mecânicos semelhante em relação à CQ ocasionando, em contrapartida, um menor escurecimento e amarelamento. Analisando o parâmetro ΔE, confirmou-se que a alteração na cor se torna evidente à medida que ocorre o aumento da concentração de fotoiniciador independentemente do fotoiniciador utilizado, porém a alteração é maior para a CQ. / The focused of the present work was conduct a concept review of the photochemical dental restoratives (resins) state-of-art and, also, evaluate the influence of photoinitiator concentration in mechanical behavior and shade. Different quantities of photoinitiators (0,01%, 0,10%, 0,25%, 0,50%, 0,75%, 1,00% and 10% wt.) were added in a resin based prepared of TEGDMA/BisGMA (50%/50% wt./wt.) to inspect the effect of the photoinitiator load in the diametral tensile strength (DTS), compressive strength (CS), Barcol hardness and, also, in the color perception measured by CIELab test method. The photoinitiatorsused were the Irgacure. 819, the Phenil-propanodione (PPD) and the Camphoroquinone (CPQ), which was used with EDB (1% in weigh) as a coinitiator. The mechanical properties were compared between the different concentrations and photoinitiators using ANOVA statistical analysis. For color, the different samples was compared using the parameter ΔE. Finally, the absorption spectrum and the degree of conversion for each concentration was obtained to support the experimental tests. Results showed that, independently of the photoinitiator used, degrees of conversion similar with a commercial adhesive were obtained, but the polymerization rate were different (higher for the CPQ samples and lower for PPD). The absorption spectra of samples were obtained and the overlap with the 3M ESPE LED irradiation curve confirmed the effectiveness of the light source to promote the initiation of the polymerization process. Mechanical results analysis showed that the catastrophic breakdown of the material occurs preferentially when the force is applied along the diameter (DST tests) in the prepared specimens. Regarding hardness, different behavior could be perceived: i) a curve with a maximum point occur for CPQ, ii) for Irgacure. 819 an asymptotic curve was obtained with the photoinitiatorconcentration growth and, finally, iii) no curve was obtained for PPD once for PPD it was realized that is required an irradiation time higher than the conventional 20s used in the clinical interventions and, also, higher than the methodology used in the present work. ANOVA tests showed that Irgacure. 819 samples could provide similar mechanical performance compared CPQ but, on the other hand, lower color variation with the concentration growth. The parameter ΔE confirmed that the color change becomes more noticeable as an increase in photoinitiator concentration occurs regardless of photoinitiator used, but the color variation is much higher in CQ compared with the other systems.
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Avaliação de imagens através de Similaridade Estrutural e do conceito de Mínima Diferença de Cor Perceptível. / Evaluation of images by similarity Structural and the concept of Minimum Perceptible Color Difference.Renata Caminha Coelho Souza 20 October 2009 (has links)
A avaliação objetiva da qualidade de imagens é de especial importância em diversas
aplicações, por exemplo na compressão de imagens, onde pode ser utilizada para regular a
taxa que deve ser empregada para que haja a máxima compressão (permitindo perda de
dados) sem comprometer a qualidade final; outro exemplo é na inserção de marcas dágua,
isto é, introdução de informações descritivas utilizadas para atestar a autenticidade de uma
imagem, que devem ser invisíveis para o observador. O SSIM (Structural SIMilarity) é uma
métrica de avaliação objetiva da qualidade de imagens de referência completa projetada para
imagens em tons de cinza. Esta dissertação investiga sua aplicação na avaliação de imagens
coloridas. Para tanto, inicialmente é feito um estudo do SSIM utilizando quatro diferentes
espaços de cores RGB, YCbCr, Lαβ e CIELAB. O SSIM é primeiramente calculado nos
canais individuais desses espaços de cores. Em seguida, com inspiração no trabalho
desenvolvido em (1) são testadas formas de se combinar os valores SSIM obtidos para cada
canal em um valor único os chamados SSIM Compostos. Finalmente, a fim de buscar
melhores correlações entre SSIM e avaliação subjetiva, propomos a utilização da mínima
diferença de cor perceptível, calculada utilizando o espaço de cores CIELAB, conjuntamente
com o SSIM. Para os testes são utilizados três bancos de dados de imagens coloridas, LIVE,
IVC e TID, a fim de se conferir consistência aos resultados. A avaliação dos resultados é feita
utilizando as métricas empregadas pelo VQEG (Video Quality Experts Group) para a
avaliação da qualidade de vídeos, com uma adaptação. As conclusões do trabalho sugerem
que os melhores resultados para avaliação da qualidade de imagens coloridas usando o SSIM
são obtidas usando os canais de luminância dos espaços de cores YCbCr, Lαβ e especialmente
o CIELAB. Também se concluiu que a utilização da mínima diferença de cor perceptível
contribui para o melhoramento dos resultados da avaliação objetiva. / Objective image quality evaluation is of special interest in many image applications, for
example for image compression, where it can be used to control the rate in order to keep a
tradeoff between lost of data and image quality; another example is in the application of
watermarks, i.e., introduction of descriptive information used to guarantee the authenticity of
an image, that must be invisible to the observer who looks at the image. SSIM (Structural
SIMilarity) index is a full-reference image quality assessment metric developed to evaluate
gray images. This work investigates the application of SSIM in the evaluation of color
images. Therefore, four different color spaces are tested RGB, YCbCr, Lαβ e CIELAB.
Initially SSIM is calculated individually for each one of color spaces channels. Then, inspired
in (1), the results of the SSIM in the individual channels are combined in a unique result the
so called Composite SSIM. Finally, in order to improve the correlations between, calculated
using CIELAB color space, together with SSIM. Three color image databases, LIVE, IVC and
TID, were employed in the tests in order to confer solidity to the results. The evaluation of the
results is made using VQEG (Video Quality Experts Group) methodology, developed for
video quality evaluation with an adaptation regarding the time dimension that does not exist
in the image domain. The conclusions from the work were that SSIM performs better in the
evaluation of color images when applied to luminance channel of YCbCr, Lαβ and especially
to CIELAB color spaces. It was also concluded that the use of just noticeable difference
concept improve objective assessment results.
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Avaliação de imagens através de Similaridade Estrutural e do conceito de Mínima Diferença de Cor Perceptível. / Evaluation of images by similarity Structural and the concept of Minimum Perceptible Color Difference.Renata Caminha Coelho Souza 20 October 2009 (has links)
A avaliação objetiva da qualidade de imagens é de especial importância em diversas
aplicações, por exemplo na compressão de imagens, onde pode ser utilizada para regular a
taxa que deve ser empregada para que haja a máxima compressão (permitindo perda de
dados) sem comprometer a qualidade final; outro exemplo é na inserção de marcas dágua,
isto é, introdução de informações descritivas utilizadas para atestar a autenticidade de uma
imagem, que devem ser invisíveis para o observador. O SSIM (Structural SIMilarity) é uma
métrica de avaliação objetiva da qualidade de imagens de referência completa projetada para
imagens em tons de cinza. Esta dissertação investiga sua aplicação na avaliação de imagens
coloridas. Para tanto, inicialmente é feito um estudo do SSIM utilizando quatro diferentes
espaços de cores RGB, YCbCr, Lαβ e CIELAB. O SSIM é primeiramente calculado nos
canais individuais desses espaços de cores. Em seguida, com inspiração no trabalho
desenvolvido em (1) são testadas formas de se combinar os valores SSIM obtidos para cada
canal em um valor único os chamados SSIM Compostos. Finalmente, a fim de buscar
melhores correlações entre SSIM e avaliação subjetiva, propomos a utilização da mínima
diferença de cor perceptível, calculada utilizando o espaço de cores CIELAB, conjuntamente
com o SSIM. Para os testes são utilizados três bancos de dados de imagens coloridas, LIVE,
IVC e TID, a fim de se conferir consistência aos resultados. A avaliação dos resultados é feita
utilizando as métricas empregadas pelo VQEG (Video Quality Experts Group) para a
avaliação da qualidade de vídeos, com uma adaptação. As conclusões do trabalho sugerem
que os melhores resultados para avaliação da qualidade de imagens coloridas usando o SSIM
são obtidas usando os canais de luminância dos espaços de cores YCbCr, Lαβ e especialmente
o CIELAB. Também se concluiu que a utilização da mínima diferença de cor perceptível
contribui para o melhoramento dos resultados da avaliação objetiva. / Objective image quality evaluation is of special interest in many image applications, for
example for image compression, where it can be used to control the rate in order to keep a
tradeoff between lost of data and image quality; another example is in the application of
watermarks, i.e., introduction of descriptive information used to guarantee the authenticity of
an image, that must be invisible to the observer who looks at the image. SSIM (Structural
SIMilarity) index is a full-reference image quality assessment metric developed to evaluate
gray images. This work investigates the application of SSIM in the evaluation of color
images. Therefore, four different color spaces are tested RGB, YCbCr, Lαβ e CIELAB.
Initially SSIM is calculated individually for each one of color spaces channels. Then, inspired
in (1), the results of the SSIM in the individual channels are combined in a unique result the
so called Composite SSIM. Finally, in order to improve the correlations between, calculated
using CIELAB color space, together with SSIM. Three color image databases, LIVE, IVC and
TID, were employed in the tests in order to confer solidity to the results. The evaluation of the
results is made using VQEG (Video Quality Experts Group) methodology, developed for
video quality evaluation with an adaptation regarding the time dimension that does not exist
in the image domain. The conclusions from the work were that SSIM performs better in the
evaluation of color images when applied to luminance channel of YCbCr, Lαβ and especially
to CIELAB color spaces. It was also concluded that the use of just noticeable difference
concept improve objective assessment results.
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Avaliação do efeito de diferentes concentrações de fotoiniciadores em propriedades mecânicas e na cor de um adesivo dental experimental / Effect of Different Photoinitiators Concentration on the Mechanical Properties and Shade of an Experimental Dental AdhesiveDaniel Elias de Melo Faleiros 13 April 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve por foco prover uma revisão de conceitos relacionados às resinas dentais fotopolimeráveis e, também, analisar como diferentes concentrações de fotoiniciadores de uso comum em odontologia podem influenciar no desempenho mecânico e na cor de resinas dentais. Concentrações de 0,01%, 0,10%, 0,25% 0,50%, 0,75%, 1,00% e 10% em massa de fotoiniciador foram adicionadas em uma matriz polimérica composta por TEGDMA/BisGMA 50%/50% em massa de forma que, fixando variáveis externas referentes à fonte de luz e à preparação das amostras, foi possível avaliar o efeito da concentração de fotoiniciador nas propriedades mecânicas de resistência à fratura por compressão, resistência à fratura pela aplicação de tensão diametral e dureza Barcol. Por fim, o efeito da concentração na cor aferida através do método CIELab foi investigada. Os fotoiniciadores utilizados foram o Irgacure® 819, a 1-fenil-1,2-propanodiona (PPD) e a Canforoquinona a qual foi utilizada juntamente com ocoiniciador Etil-4 dimetilaminobenzoato (EDB) na concentração constante de 1% em massa. Os resultados mecânicos e de cor foram comparados entre as diferentes amostras através de análises estatísticas (ANOVA) e, especificamente para cor, o parâmetro de diferença de cor (ΔE) foi interpretado verificar se as alterações observadas são perceptíveis ao olho humano. Para fundamentar os estudos, análises do espectro de absorção das amostras, do espectro de irradiação da fonte de luz e do grau de conversão das amostras foram realizadas. Os resultados revelaram que, independentemente do fotoiniciador, graus de conversão da mesma ordem de grandeza de um adesivo comercial foram obtidos, porém as velocidades de reação foram diferentes (maior velocidade para as amostras de CQ e menor para PPD). Curvas características foram obtidas para os espectros de absorção e de irradiação confirmando, pela sobreposição das curvas, que a fonte de luz é efetiva para iniciação da polimerização das amostras. As análises de resistência à fratura revelaram que a quebra catastrófica do material ocorrerá preferencialmente quando a força é aplicada ao longo do diâmetro para os corpos de prova preparados. Quanto à dureza, verificou-se que que para a CQ houve um máximo, para Irgacure um comportamento assintótico com aumento da concentração e, para a PPD, não foi possível a obtenção de amostras (verificado que a PPD necessita de tempo de irradiação superior ao convencionalmente utilizado na prática odontológica). Os testes de ANOVA permitiram verificar que o Irgacure é capaz de fornecer resultados mecânicos semelhante em relação à CQ ocasionando, em contrapartida, um menor escurecimento e amarelamento. Analisando o parâmetro ΔE, confirmou-se que a alteração na cor se torna evidente à medida que ocorre o aumento da concentração de fotoiniciador independentemente do fotoiniciador utilizado, porém a alteração é maior para a CQ. / The focused of the present work was conduct a concept review of the photochemical dental restoratives (resins) state-of-art and, also, evaluate the influence of photoinitiator concentration in mechanical behavior and shade. Different quantities of photoinitiators (0,01%, 0,10%, 0,25%, 0,50%, 0,75%, 1,00% and 10% wt.) were added in a resin based prepared of TEGDMA/BisGMA (50%/50% wt./wt.) to inspect the effect of the photoinitiator load in the diametral tensile strength (DTS), compressive strength (CS), Barcol hardness and, also, in the color perception measured by CIELab test method. The photoinitiatorsused were the Irgacure. 819, the Phenil-propanodione (PPD) and the Camphoroquinone (CPQ), which was used with EDB (1% in weigh) as a coinitiator. The mechanical properties were compared between the different concentrations and photoinitiators using ANOVA statistical analysis. For color, the different samples was compared using the parameter ΔE. Finally, the absorption spectrum and the degree of conversion for each concentration was obtained to support the experimental tests. Results showed that, independently of the photoinitiator used, degrees of conversion similar with a commercial adhesive were obtained, but the polymerization rate were different (higher for the CPQ samples and lower for PPD). The absorption spectra of samples were obtained and the overlap with the 3M ESPE LED irradiation curve confirmed the effectiveness of the light source to promote the initiation of the polymerization process. Mechanical results analysis showed that the catastrophic breakdown of the material occurs preferentially when the force is applied along the diameter (DST tests) in the prepared specimens. Regarding hardness, different behavior could be perceived: i) a curve with a maximum point occur for CPQ, ii) for Irgacure. 819 an asymptotic curve was obtained with the photoinitiatorconcentration growth and, finally, iii) no curve was obtained for PPD once for PPD it was realized that is required an irradiation time higher than the conventional 20s used in the clinical interventions and, also, higher than the methodology used in the present work. ANOVA tests showed that Irgacure. 819 samples could provide similar mechanical performance compared CPQ but, on the other hand, lower color variation with the concentration growth. The parameter ΔE confirmed that the color change becomes more noticeable as an increase in photoinitiator concentration occurs regardless of photoinitiator used, but the color variation is much higher in CQ compared with the other systems.
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Vliv způsobů balení na mikroflóru masaZemánková, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with methods of packaging influenced the microbiological contamination of meat. The relation among develompment of microbiological contamination and color of meat, according on time of storage and methods of packaging. The first part deals with quality of the meat,chemical composition of meat and post mort changes, when muscles are changed to meat, which we can proces and consume. The main part of the thesis pays methods of packaging and microbiological contamination of meat. The last section describes main bacterias which can cause alimentary diseases. Part of this work is experimental determination of the major groups of microorganisms which can significally affect the quality of the meat. A comparison was made between aerobically refrigerated meat and vakuum preserved meat between 1, 3, 7 and 11 days. As a sample was used pork and poultry. The color of meat was concurrently assessed at the same time by Konica Minolta CM-3500d device. The results were evaluated by CMs-100w Spectramagic NX, indicate values of CIE L*a*b*. The methods of packaging greatly influenced durability dependent on the development of contaminating microflora and color of meat.
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Sledování jakostních ukazatelů při zrání hovězího masaZelinková, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with monitoring sensory chracteristics of beef during ripening. It is devided into two parts. The first part describes how is beef ripen and what enzymes are important for beef aging. It also describes the difference between dry and wet maturing. The larger part is devoted to sensory analysis and instrumental methods used to determined the color and texture of beef. The practical part deals with instrumental analysis of raw steaks. Of their color and texture. And with sensory analysis of cooked rumpsteak during 8 weeks of maturing. Various sensory parameters are monitored here. Such as flavour pleasantness and in-tensity, softness, juiciness etc. The color of beef meat changed by 18 %, where the lon-ger aged beef were darker. Also the softness decreased and the strenght increased. The best result had sample number 7 (7 weeks of aging), which had the best pleasantness and intensity of flavour and taste. But sample number 4 (4 weeks of aging) had best results when it comes to juiciness and texture to bite. The lenght of dry-ripening had statistically significant effect on lightness and texture properties of rumpsteak measured by instrumental methods.
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Fungal pigmentation responses to microclimatic variables in isolated forest patches in Northern Sweden / Svampar i färg: Hur mikroklimat påverkar pigmentering i fragmenterade skogssamhällenSoler Kinnerbäck, Karl January 2023 (has links)
Investigating functional traits is an important tool for understanding fungal communities, yet ecological functions of fungal pigmentation remain poorly investigated. Recent studies support the thermal-melanism hypothesis for fungal color lightness in relation to macroclimate, but it remains unclear if microclimate also affects fungal pigmentation. In this study I use fruit bodies of wood-living polypores to further investigate this subject. While previous studies have used database-derived color lightness from photos often taken under unknown and non-standardized conditions, here I extract all color values from standardized photos taken in situ. In contrast to previous studies that have only examined fungal color lightness, I also studied the other components of the CIE L*a*b* color space, which may be related to e.g. protection, thermoregulation or signaling. I investigated community-level fungal pigmentation of pore surfaces and caps of polypores in fragmented forest patches in northern Sweden, in relation to microclimate proxies, deadwood availability and surrounding landscape structure. Two types of multiple linear regression models were used, one for community weighted means (CWM) and one for the coefficient of variance (CV) of patch level pigmentation. While no support was found for the thermal-melanism hypothesis in this study, saturation in the yellow spectrum was positively related to canopy cover and forest patch size. Variance in lightness of pore surfaces and in saturation in the red spectrum of caps was also positively related to diversity of decay stages and forest patch size respectively. These results indicate previously unknown relationships between fungal pigmentation and environment which warrant further research.
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Variability in experimental color matching conditions: effects of observers, daylight simulators, and color inconstancyMangine, Heather Noelle 14 July 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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