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Dynamique des faisceaux dans la section finale de focalisation du futur collisionneur linéaire / Beam dynamics in the final focus section of the future linear colliderBlanco, Oscar 03 July 2015 (has links)
L’exploration d’une nouvelle physique à l’échelle d’énergie des « Tera electron Volt » (TeV) nécessite de collisionner des leptons dans de grands accélérateurs linéaires à grande luminosité. Ces collisionneurs linéaires requiert une taille de faisceau à l’echelle nanométrique au Point d’Interaction (IP).Parmi les multiples effets participant à la degradation de la luminosité, la correction de la chromaticité, l’effet du rayonnement synchrotronique et la correction des erreurs dans la ligne sont parmi les trois effets à maîtriser afin de réduire la taille du faisceau dans la Section Finale de Focalisation (FFS).Cette these propose un nouveau schéma de correction de la chromaticitè que l’on appelera “non-entrelacé”, appliqué ici au projet CLIC. Lors de l’implementation de cette nouvelle methode, il a été mis en evidence que le probléme principal est la dispersion de deuxième ordre au Doublet Final (FD), qui traverse un sextupole utilisé pour annuler les composantes géometriques restantes.L’effet du rayonnement peut être evalué par méthode de tracking des particules ou par des approximations analytiques. Afin d’inclure ces effets du rayonnement et les paramétres optiques de la ligne pendant la conception et le processus d’optimisation, l’effet Oide et le rayonnement dû aux aimants dipolaires ont été etudiés.Le résultat analytique du rayonnement synchrotronique dans les aimants dipolaires fut generalisé dans les cas avec alpha et dispersion non-nulles à l’IP. Cette généralisation est utilisée pour améliorer le code de simulation PLACET.Le rayonnement dans les aimants quadripolaires finaux imposent une limite à la taille verticale minimale du faiceau, connu comme l’effet Oide. Celui-ci est uniquement important à 3 TeV, donc deux possibilités sont explorées pour atténuer sa contribution dans la taille du faisceau : doubler la longueur et réduire le gradient du dernièr quadripole (QD0), ou integrer une paire d’aimants octupolaires, un en amont et un en aval du QD0.Une partie des exigences du FFS pour les nouveaux collisionneurs linéaire à leptons est testée expérimentalement dans l’« Accelerator Test Facility » (ATF). La réduction de la taille du faisceau d’électrons en utilisant le schéma local de correction de la chromaticité est explorée dans une extension de la ligne originale, appellé ATF2, oú deux buts furent fixés : atteindre 37 nm de taille verticale du faisceau à l’IP, et stabiliser de l’ordre du nanomètre la position verticale du faisceau à l’IP. Depuis 2014, une taille de 44 nm avec un nombre de particules d’environ 0.1 × 10^10 par paquet est atteint de manière regulière.Des cavités radio-frequence seront utilisées pour la stabilisation du faisceau, et également pour détecter le déplacement/les fluctuations du faisceau au dehors la marge tolerable pour le systéme de mesure, ainsi que des erreurs non detectées dans l’optique.Un set de trois cavités furent installées et sont utilisées pour mesurer la trajectoire du faiceau dans la région de l’IP, fournissant ainsi des informations pour reconstruire la position et l’angle à l’IP. Les specifications pour l’optique nominale d’ATF2, i.e. 1 nm de résolution sur 10 μm de gamme dynamique à un nombre de particules de 1.0 × 10^10 par paquet, n’ont pas encore été atteint.La meilleur résolution atteinte jusqu’ici correspond à 50 nm pour 0.4 × 10^10 particules par paquet, où le bruit de l’éléctronique impose une limite de 10 nm par cavité sur la résolution. La gamme dynamique est de 10 μm à 0.4 × 10^10 particules par paquet et 10 dB d’attenuation du signal des cavités, nécéssitant de mettre l’électronique à niveau. Le test du système d’asservissement pour stabiliser le faisceau a atteint une réduction de la fluctuation jusqu’a 67 nm, compatible avec la résolution des cavités. / The exploration of new physics in the “Tera electron-Volt” (TeV) scale with precision measurements requires lepton colliders providing high luminosities to obtain enough statistics for the particle interaction analysis. In order to achieve design luminosity values, linear colliders feature nanometer beam spot sizes at the Interaction Point (IP).Three main issues to achieve the beam size demagnification in the Final Focus Section (FFS) of the accelerator are the chromaticity correction, the synchrotron radiation effects and the correction of the lattice errors.This thesis considers two aspects for linear colliders: push the limits of linear colliders design, in particular the chromaticity correction and the radiation effects at 3 TeV, and the instrumentation and experimental work on beam stabilization in a test facility.A new chromaticity correction scheme, called non-interleaved, is proposed to the local and non-local chromaticity corrections for CLIC. This lattice is designed and diagnosed, where the main issue in the current state of lattice design is the non-zero second order dispersion in the Final Doublet (FD) region where a strong sextupole is used to correct the remaining geometrical components.The radiation effect can be evaluated by tracking particles through the lattice or by analytical approximations during the design stage of the lattices. In order to include both, radiation and optic parameters, during the design optimization process, two particular radiation phenomena are reviewed: the Oide effect and the radiation caused by bending magnets .The analytical result of the radiation in bending magnets in was generalized to the case with non-zero alpha and non-zero dispersion at the IP, required during the design and luminosity optimization process. The closed solution for one dipole and one dipole with a drift is compared with the tracking code PLACET, resulting in the improvement of the tracking code results.The Oide effect sets a limit on the vertical beamsize due to the radiation in the final quadrupole. Only for CLIC 3 TeV this limit is significant, therefore two possibilities are explored to mitigate its contribution to beam size: double the length and reduce the QD0 gradient, or the integration of a pair of octupoles before and after QD0.Part of the requirements of the FFS for new linear accelerators are tested in The Accelerator Test Facility (ATF). The beam size reduction using the local chromaticity correction is explored by an extension of the original design, called ATF2 with two goals: achieve 37 nm of vertical beam size at the IP, and the stabilization of the IP beam position at the level of few nanometres. Since 2014 beam size of 44 nm are achieved as a regular basis at charges of about 0.1 × 10^10 particules per bunch.A set of three cavities (IPA, IPB and IPC), two upstream and one downstream of the nominal IP and on top of separate blocks of piezo-electric movers, were installed and are used to measure the beam trajectory in the IP region, thus providing enough information to reconstruct the bunch position and angle at the IP. These will be used to for beam stabilization and could detect beam drift/jitter beyond the tolerable margin and undetected optics mismatch affecting the beam size measurements. The specifications required of 1 nm resolution over 10 μm dynamic range at 1.0 × 10 10 particules per bunch with the ATF2 nominal optics have not been yet achieved.The minimum resolution achieved is just below 50 nm at 0.4 × 10^10 particules per bunch with a set of electronics impossing a noise limit on resolution of 10 nm per cavity. The dynamic range is 10 μm at 10 dB attenuation and 0.4 × 10^10 particules per bunch, indicating the need to upgrade theelectronics. The integration to the ATF tuning instruments is ongoing. Nonetheless, feedback has been tested resulting in reduction of beam jitterdown to 67 nm, compatible with resolution.
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Emittance preservation and luminosity tuning in future linear collidersEliasson, Peder January 2008 (has links)
<p>The future International Linear Collider (ILC) and Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) are intended for precision measurements of phenomena discovered at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and also for the discovery of new physics. In order to offer optimal conditions for such experiments, the new colliders must produce very-high-luminosity collisions at energies in the TeV regime.</p><p>Emittance growth caused by imperfections in the main linacs is one of the factors limiting the luminosity of CLIC and ILC. In this thesis, various emittance preservation and luminosity tuning techniques have been tested and developed in order to meet the challenging luminosity requirements.</p><p>Beam-based alignment was shown to be insufficient for reduction of emittance growth. Emittance tuning bumps provide an additional powerful preservation tool. After initial studies of tuning bumps designed to treat certain imperfections, a general strategy for design of optimised bumps was developed. The new bumps are optimal both in terms of emittance reduction performance and convergence speed. They were clearly faster than previous bumps and reduced emittance growth by nearly two orders of magnitude both for CLIC and ILC.</p><p>Time-dependent imperfections such as ground motion and magnet vibrations also limit the performance of the colliders. This type of imperfections was studied in detail, and a new feedback system for optimal reduction of emittance growth was developed and shown to be approximately ten times more efficient than standard trajectory feedbacks.</p><p>The emittance tuning bumps require fast and accurate diagnostics. The possibility of measuring emittance using a wide laserwire was introduced and simulated with promising results. While luminosity cannot be directly measured fast enough, it was shown that a beamstrahlung tuning signal could be used for efficient optimisation of a number of collision parameters using tuning bumps in the Final Focus System.</p><p>Complete simulations of CLIC emittance tuning bumps, including static and dynamic imperfections and realistic tuning and emittance measurement procedures, showed that an emittance growth six times lower than that required may be obtained using these methods.</p>
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Nanostructure des particules polymériques : aspects physiques, chimiques et biologiquesRabanel, Jean-Michel 04 1900 (has links)
Les nanotechnologies appliquées aux sciences pharmaceutiques ont pour but d’améliorer l’administration de molécules actives par l’intermédiaire de transporteurs nanométriques. Parmi les différents types de véhicules proposés pour atteindre ce but, on retrouve les nanoparticules polymériques (NP) constituées de copolymères “en bloc”. Ces copolymères permettent à la fois l’encapsulation de molécules actives et confèrent à la particule certaines propriétés de surface (dont l’hydrophilicité) nécessaires à ses interactions avec les milieux biologiques. L’architecture retenue pour ces copolymères est une structure constituée le plus fréquemment de blocs hydrophiles de poly(éthylène glycol) (PEG) associés de façon linéaire à des blocs hydrophobes de type polyesters. Le PEG est le polymère de choix pour conférer une couronne hydrophile aux NPs et son l’efficacité est directement liée à son organisation et sa densité de surface. Néanmoins, malgré les succès limités en clinique de ces copolymères linéaires, peu de travaux se sont attardés à explorer les effets sur la structure des NPs d’architectures alternatives, tels que les copolymères en peigne ou en brosse.
Durant ce travail, plusieurs stratégies ont été mises au point pour la synthèse de copolymères en peigne, possédant un squelette polymérique polyesters-co-éther et des chaines de PEG liées sur les groupes pendants disponibles (groupement hydroxyle ou alcyne). Dans la première partie de ce travail, des réactions d’estérification par acylation et de couplage sur des groupes pendants alcool ont permis le greffage de chaîne de PEG. Cette méthode génère des copolymères en peigne (PEG-g-PLA) possédant de 5 à 50% en poids de PEG, en faisant varier le nombre de chaînes branchées sur un squelette de poly(lactique) (PLA). Les propriétés structurales des NPs produites ont été étudiées par DLS, mesure de charge et MET. Une transition critique se situant autour de 15% de PEG (poids/poids) est observée avec un changement de morphologie, d’une particule solide à une particule molle (“nanoagrégat polymére”). La méthode de greffage ainsi que l’addition probable de chaine de PEG en bout de chaîne principale semblent également avoir un rôle dans les changements observés. L’organisation des chaînes de PEG-g-PLA à la surface a été étudiée par RMN et XPS, méthodes permettant de quantifier la densité de surface en chaînes de PEG. Ainsi deux propriétés clés que sont la résistance à l’agrégation en conditions saline ainsi que la résistance à la liaison aux protéines (étudiée par isothermes d’adsorption et microcalorimétrie) ont été reliées à la densité de surface de PEG et à l’architecture des polymères.
Dans une seconde partie de ce travail, le greffage des chaînes de PEG a été réalisé de façon directe par cyclo-adition catalysée par le cuivre de mPEG-N3 sur les groupes pendants alcyne. Cette nouvelle stratégie a été pensée dans le but de comprendre la contribution possible des chaines de PEG greffées à l’extrémité de la chaine de PLA. Cette librairie de PEG-g-PLA, en plus d’être composée de PEG-g-PLA avec différentes densités de greffage, comporte des PEG-g-PLA avec des PEG de différent poids moléculaire (750, 2000 et 5000). Les chaines de PEG sont seulement greffées sur les groupes pendants. Les NPs ont été produites par différentes méthodes de nanoprécipitation, incluant la nanoprécipitation « flash » et une méthode en microfluidique. Plusieurs variables de formulation telles que la concentration du polymère et la vitesse de mélange ont été étudiées afin d’observer leur effet sur les caractéristiques structurales et de surface des NPs. Les tailles et les potentiels de charges sont peu affectés par le contenu en PEG (% poids/poids) et la longueur des chaînes de PEG. Les images de MET montrent des objets sphériques solides et l'on n’observe pas d’objets de type agrégat polymériques, malgré des contenus en PEG comparable à la première bibliothèque de polymère. Une explication possible est l’absence sur ces copolymères en peigne de chaine de PEG greffée en bout de la chaîne principale. Comme attendu, les tailles diminuent avec la concentration du polymère dans la phase organique et avec la diminution du temps de mélange des deux phases, pour les différentes méthodes de préparation. Finalement, la densité de surface des chaînes de PEG a été quantifiée par RMN du proton et XPS et ne dépendent pas de la méthode de préparation.
Dans la troisième partie de ce travail, nous avons étudié le rôle de l’architecture du polymère sur les propriétés d’encapsulation et de libération de la curcumine. La curcumine a été choisie comme modèle dans le but de développer une plateforme de livraison de molécules actives pour traiter les maladies du système nerveux central impliquant le stress oxydatif. Les NPs chargées en curcumine, montrent la même transition de taille et de morphologie lorsque le contenu en PEG dépasse 15% (poids/poids). Le taux de chargement en molécule active, l’efficacité de changement et les cinétiques de libérations ainsi que les coefficients de diffusion de la curcumine montrent une dépendance à l’architecture des polymères. Les NPs ne présentent pas de toxicité et n’induisent pas de stress oxydatif lorsque testés in vitro sur une lignée cellulaire neuronale. En revanche, les NPs chargées en curcumine préviennent le stress oxydatif induit dans ces cellules neuronales. La magnitude de cet effet est reliée à l’architecture du polymère et à l’organisation de la NP.
En résumé, ce travail a permis de mettre en évidence quelques propriétés intéressantes des copolymères en peigne et la relation intime entre l’architecture des polymères et les propriétés physico-chimiques des NPs. De plus les résultats obtenus permettent de proposer de nouvelles approches pour le design des nanotransporteurs polymériques de molécules actives. / The goal set to nanotechnologies applied to pharmaceutical sciences is to improve drug delivery and benefits with the help of nanometer-sized vehicles. At this time different types of drug carriers had been proposed. Amongst them, block copolymer nanoparticles (NP) have been designed to allow, at the same time, efficient drug encapsulation and provide surface properties (hydrophilic layer) to the NP which are necessary for its interactions with biological systems by preventing the opsonisation and the subsequent recognition by the mononuclear macrophage system (MPS) and the rapid elimination of the drug carrier.
The most prominent polymer architecture in drug delivery application is the linear di-block copolymer architecture, such as poly(ethylene glycol) blocks (PEG) linked to a polyester hydrophobic chain. PEG is the gold standard to add a hydrophilic corona to drug carrier’s surface, but its efficacy is directly linked to its surface organization and surface densities. In spite of limited success of diblock at the clinical stage, few studies have been devoted to other type of architecture such as comb-like copolymers, either for the exploration of new synthesis routes or for the characterization of particles prepared from alternative architecture polymers. We attempted in preamble of this work to define more closely the conceptual and technical framework allowing quantitative determination of PEG surface densities. This review work has been used in the experimental work to define the characterization methods.
Several synthesis strategies have been developed for the preparation of comb copolymers in this work. All strategies are based on random copolymerization of dilactide with small epoxy molecules with a pendant group suitable for subsequent PEG grafting, yielding a polyester-co-ether backbone. In a second step, PEG chains have been grafted on available pendant groups (alcohol groups or alkyne) to produce the final comb copolymers. In the first part of the experimental work, esterification reaction by acylation and coupling (the Steglish reaction) allowed the preparation of a first comb-like copolymer library with PEG content varying from 5 to 50 % (w/w). The number of PEG chains (PEG grafting density) was varying while the lengths of the PEG chains and the hydrophobic PLA backbone were kept constant. The library of comb-like polymers was used to prepare nanocarriers with dense PEG brushes at their surface, stability in suspension, and resistance to protein adsorption. The structural properties of nanoparticles (NPs) produced from these polymers by a surfactant-free method were assessed by DLS, zeta potential, and TEM and were found to be controlled by the amount of PEG present in the polymers. A critical transition from a solid NP structure to a soft particle with either a “micelle-like” or “polymer nano-aggregate” structure was observed when the PEG content was between 15 to 25% w/w. This structural transition was found to have a profound impact on the size of the NPs, their surface charge, their stability in suspension in presence of salts as well as on the binding of proteins to the surface of the NPs. The arrangement of the PEG-g-PLA chains at the surface of the NPs was investigated by 1H NMR and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). NMR results confirmed that the PEG chains were mostly segregated at the NP surface. Moreover, XPS and NMR allowed the quantification of the PEG chain coverage density at the surface of the solid NPs. Concordance of the results between the two methods was found to be remarkable. Physical-chemical properties of the NPs such as resistance to aggregation in saline environment as well as anti-fouling efficacy, assessed by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), were related to the PEG surface density and ultimately to polymer architecture.
In the second part of this work, grafting of PEG chains on a polyester-co-ether backbone was directly performed using cyclo-addition of PEG azide on pendant alkyne groups. The new strategy was designed to understand the contribution of PEG chains grafted on PLA backbone ends. The new polymer library was composed of PEG-g-PLA with different PEG grafting densities and PEG molecular weights (750, 2000 and 5000 D). PEG chain grafting could only take place on pendant groups with this approach. NPs were produced by different methods of nanoprecipitation, including “flash nanoprecipitation” and microfluidic technology. Some formulation variables such as polymer concentration and speed of mixing were studied in order to observe their effects on NP surface characteristics. Unlike for the first copolymer library, here the NPs size and zeta potential were found to not be much affected by the PEG content (% w/w in polymer). Sizes were also not affected by the PEG chains length. TEM images show round shaped object and as expected sizes were found to decrease with polymer concentration in the organic phase and with a decrease in mixing time of the two phases (for flash nanoprecipitation and microfluidic technology). PEG chain surface densities were assessed by quantitative 1H NMR and XPS.
In the third experimental part, we explored the role of polymer architecture on drug encapsulation and release of curcumin from NPs. Curcumin has been chosen as a model with a view to develop a delivery platform to treat diseases involving oxidative stress affecting the CNS. As previously observed with blank NPs, a sharp decrease in curcumin-loaded NP size and morphology change occurred between 15 to 20 % w/w of PEG. Drug loading, Drug loading efficiency and the diffusion coefficients of curcumin in NPs are showing a dependence over the polymer architecture. NPs did not present any significant toxicity when tested in vitro on a neuronal cell line. Moreover, the ability of NPs carrying curcumin to prevent oxidative stress was evidenced and linked to polymer architecture and NPs organization.
In a nutshell, our study showed the intimate relationship between the polymer architecture and the biophysical properties of the resulting NPs and sheds light on new approaches to design efficient NP-based drug carriers. The results obtained lead us to propose PEG-g-PLA comb architecture copolymers for nanomedecine development as an alternative to the predominant polyester-PEG diblock polymers.
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Methodological development in peptide chemistry for synthesis of antimicrobial and antifungal derivatives of marine natural peptides / Développement méthodologique en synthèse peptidique pour l'obtention de composés antifongiques et antibactériens dérivés de peptides marins.Das, Sanjit 16 November 2018 (has links)
La chimie de clic est devenue indispensable dans les nombreux domaines de chimie associée à la conception de médicament. Dans ce contexte, comme nous savons(connaissons) l'étude concernant l'impact d'insertion triazole sur la conformation de peptaibol est limitée, nous avons conduit l'étude pour examiner l'impact et l'adaptabilité de 1, 1 4-disubstituted, 2, l'insertion 3-triazole dans peptaibols différent. Selon le résultat de cette expérience touchant à l'activité réduite et la conformation perturbée de l'analogue peptaibol, le substitut dipeptide décoré du fragment triazole portant substituents hydrophobe divers a été inséré à très N-ter la partie du peptaibol. L'amélioration du bioactivity et de la restauration de la conformation pour les analogues peptaibol a été observée et le fait a été aussi soutenu par les résultats obtenus de l'étude biophysique des analogues choisis d'ALM F50/5. Nous avons plus loin prolongé notre étude pour employer notre stratégie à être appliqué sur le peptide P42 thérapeutique qui souffre de la limitation de manque de perméabilité et de stabilité. Le peptide P42 est impliqué dans le pathophysiology de la maladie d'Huntington neurodégénératif. Un total de 12 analogues de peptide de P42-camelote a été synthétisé par SPPS par notre protocole optimize. Dans la deuxième partie, nous avons développé une stratégie pour synthétiser lipopeptide cyclique produit de l'espèce cynaobacterial marine. Notre objectif principal était de synthétiser Hormothamnin A, undecapeptide cyclique consistant de plusieurs acides aminés artificiels incluant dehydroamino acide (Dhaa) qui fait la synthèse de ce peptide compliqué. En raison de cette raison, premièrement, nous avons voulu appliquer notre stratégie de synthétiser Trichormamide A, une sorte relativement plus simple de cylic lipopeptide. Après l'accomplissement de cette tâche, une première tentative a été faite pour synthétiser Hormothamnin A. Le résultat préliminaire de ceci est présenté dans cette section. Enfin, nous avons essayé de développer une méthodologie robuste pour synthétiser Fmoc-Dhaa dans la phase de solution et son insertion dans l'ordre peptaibol par une norme(un standard) SPPS le protocole. Les résultats préliminaires que nous avons concernant la synthèse Dhaa et son insertion dans peptaibol sont aussi discutés ici de plus avec la synthèse de phase solide de Bergofungin naturel D. / The click chemistry has become indispensible in the many areas of chemistry associated with drug design. In this context, as we know the study concerning the impact of triazole insertion on the conformation of peptaibol is limited, we have conducted the study to investigate the impact and adaptability of the 1, 4-disubstituted 1, 2, 3-triazole insertion into different peptaibols. Depending on the outcome of this experiment relating to reduced activity and perturbed conformation of the peptaibol analogue, the dipeptide surrogate decorated with the triazole moiety bearing various hydrophobic substituents was inserted at the very N-ter part of the peptaibol. The improvement of the bioactivity and restoration of the conformation for the peptaibol analogues was observed and the fact was also supported by the results obtained from the biophysical study of the selected analogues of ALM F50/5. We have further extended our study to employ our strategy to be applied on the therapeutic P42 peptide which suffers from the limitation of lack of permeability and stability. P42 peptide is involved in the pathophysiology of neurodegenerative Huntington’s disease. A total of 12 analogues of P42-TAT peptide were synthesized through SPPS by our optimized protocol. In the second part, we have developed a strategy for synthesizing the cyclic lipopeptide originated from marine cynaobacterial species. Our main objective was to synthesize Hormothamnin A, a cyclic undecapeptide consisting of several unnatural amino acids including dehydroamino acid (Dhaa) which makes the synthesis of this peptide complicated. Due to this reason, firstly, we have chosen to apply our strategy to synthesize Trichormamide A, a relatively simpler kind of cylic lipopeptide. After accomplishing this task, a first attempt was made to synthesize Hormothamnin A. The preliminary result of this is presented in this section. At last, we have tried to develop a robust methodology to synthesize Fmoc-Dhaa in solution phase and its insertion into the peptaibol sequence through a standard SPPS protocol. The preliminary results we have got concerning the Dhaa synthesis and its insertion into peptaibol are also discussed here in addition with the solid phase synthesis of natural Bergofungin D
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Charged Higgs Bosons at the ATLAS Experiment and BeyondConiavitis, Elias January 2010 (has links)
In the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, direct searches for the elusive Higgs boson will be conducted, as well as for physics beyond the Standard Model. The charged Higgs boson (H±) is interesting both as a part of the Higgs sector, and as a clear sign of new physics. This thesis focuses on H± searches, with H± production in top-antitop pair events, and in particular the bW± bH±, H±→τhadν, W±→qq channel. Its potential was investigated as part of a larger study of the expected performance of the entire ATLAS experiment. Full simulation of the ATLAS detector and trigger was used, and all dominant systematics considered. It was shown to be the most promising H± discovery channel for mH±<mt. As hadronic τ decays are important for H± searches, their correct identification is critical. Possibilities of improving tau-jet identification in pile-up and top-antitop pair events were investigated. Redundant or even performance-reducing variables in the default likelihood identification were identified, as were new variables showing discriminatory power. This allows for increased rejection of QCD jets in these environments, and higher robustness of the method. Before any physics studies, a commissioned and well-understood detector is required. The Lorentz angle of the ATLAS Semi-Conductor Tracker (SCT) barrel was measured using 2008 cosmic-ray data. It is an important observable for the performance of several detector aspects. Potential sources of systematics were investigated and evaluated. The Lorentz angle in the SCT barrel was measured as θL = 3.93 ± 0.03(stat) ± 0.10(syst) degrees, agreeing with the model prediction. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a proposed successor to the LHC. The potential for charged and heavy neutral Higgs bosons at CLIC was investigated, in terms of both discovery and precision measurement of parameters like tanβ or the Higgs masses, up to and beyond 1 TeV, which would be challenging at the LHC
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Emittance preservation and luminosity tuning in future linear collidersEliasson, Peder January 2008 (has links)
The future International Linear Collider (ILC) and Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) are intended for precision measurements of phenomena discovered at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and also for the discovery of new physics. In order to offer optimal conditions for such experiments, the new colliders must produce very-high-luminosity collisions at energies in the TeV regime. Emittance growth caused by imperfections in the main linacs is one of the factors limiting the luminosity of CLIC and ILC. In this thesis, various emittance preservation and luminosity tuning techniques have been tested and developed in order to meet the challenging luminosity requirements. Beam-based alignment was shown to be insufficient for reduction of emittance growth. Emittance tuning bumps provide an additional powerful preservation tool. After initial studies of tuning bumps designed to treat certain imperfections, a general strategy for design of optimised bumps was developed. The new bumps are optimal both in terms of emittance reduction performance and convergence speed. They were clearly faster than previous bumps and reduced emittance growth by nearly two orders of magnitude both for CLIC and ILC. Time-dependent imperfections such as ground motion and magnet vibrations also limit the performance of the colliders. This type of imperfections was studied in detail, and a new feedback system for optimal reduction of emittance growth was developed and shown to be approximately ten times more efficient than standard trajectory feedbacks. The emittance tuning bumps require fast and accurate diagnostics. The possibility of measuring emittance using a wide laserwire was introduced and simulated with promising results. While luminosity cannot be directly measured fast enough, it was shown that a beamstrahlung tuning signal could be used for efficient optimisation of a number of collision parameters using tuning bumps in the Final Focus System. Complete simulations of CLIC emittance tuning bumps, including static and dynamic imperfections and realistic tuning and emittance measurement procedures, showed that an emittance growth six times lower than that required may be obtained using these methods.
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Development of a beam-based phase feedforward demonstration at the CLIC test facility (CTF3)Roberts, Jack January 2016 (has links)
The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a proposal for a future linear electron--positron collider that could achieve collision energies of up to 3 TeV. In the CLIC concept the main high energy beam is accelerated using RF power extracted from a high intensity drive beam, achieving an accelerating gradient of 100 MV/m. This scheme places strict tolerances on the drive beam phase stability, which must be better than 0.2 degrees at 12 GHz. To achieve the required phase stability CLIC proposes a high bandwidth (>17.5 MHz), low latency drive beam "phase feedforward" (PFF) system. In this system electromagnetic kickers, powered by 500 kW amplifiers, are installed in a chicane and used to correct the phase by deflecting the beam on to longer or shorter trajectories. A prototype PFF system has been installed at the CLIC Test Facility, CTF3; the design, operation and commissioning of which is the focus of this work. Two kickers have been installed in the pre-existing chicane in the TL2 transfer line at CTF3 for the prototype. New optics have been created for the line to take these changes in to account, incorporating new constraints to obtain the desired phase shifting behaviour. Three new phase monitors have also been installed, one for the PFF input and two to verify the system performance. The resolution of these monitors must be significantly better than 0.2 degrees to achieve CLIC-level phase stability. A point by point resolution as low as 0.13 degrees has been achieved after a series of measurements and improvements to the phase monitor electronics. The performance of the PFF system depends on the correlation between the beam phase as measured at the input to the PFF system, and the downstream phase, measured after the correction chicane. Preliminary measurements found only 40% correlation. The source of the low correlation was determined to be energy dependent phase jitter, which has been mitigated after extensive efforts to measure, model and adjust the machine optics. A final correlation of 93% was achieved, improving the theoretical reduction in jitter using the PFF system from a factor 1.1 to a factor 2.7. The performance and commissioning of the kicker amplifiers and PFF controller are also discussed. Beam based measurements are used to determine the optimal correction timing. With a maximum output of around 650 V the amplifiers provide a correction range of ±5.5 ± 0.3 degrees. Finally, results from operation of the complete system are presented. A mean phase jitter of 0.28 ± 0.02 degrees is achieved, in agreement with the theoretical prediction of 0.27 ± 0.02 degrees for an optimal system with the given beam conditions. The current limitations of the PFF system, and possible future improvements to the setup, are also discussed.
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Calorimetry at a future Linear ColliderGreen, Steven January 2017 (has links)
This thesis describes the optimisation of the calorimeter design for collider experiments at the future Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) and the International Linear Collider (ILC). The detector design of these experiments is built around high-granularity Particle Flow Calorimetry that, in contrast to traditional calorimetry, uses the energy measurements for charged particles from the tracking detectors. This can only be realised if calorimetric energy deposits from charged particles can be separated from those of neutral particles. This is made possible with fine granularity calorimeters and sophisticated pattern recognition software, which is provided by the PandoraPFA algorithm. This thesis presents results on Particle Flow calorimetry performance for a number of detector configurations. To obtain these results a new calibration procedure was developed and applied to the detector simulation and reconstruction to ensure optimal performance was achieved for each detector configuration considered. This thesis also describes the development of a software compensation technique that vastly improves the intrinsic energy resolution of a Particle Flow Calorimetry detector. This technique is implemented within the PandoraPFA framework and demonstrates the gains that can be made by fully exploiting the information provided by the fine granularity calorimeters envisaged at a future linear collider. A study of the sensitivity of the CLIC experiment to anomalous gauge couplings that {affect} vector boson scattering processes is presented. These anomalous couplings provide insight into possible beyond standard model physics. This study, which utilises the excellent jet energy resolution from Particle Flow Calorimetry, was performed at centre-of-mass energies of 1.4 TeV and 3 TeV with integrated luminosities of 1.5$\text{ab}^{-1}$ and 2$\text{ab}^{-1}$ respectively. The precision achievable at CLIC is shown to be approximately one to two orders of magnitude better than that currently offered by the LHC. In addition, a study into various technology options for the CLIC vertex detector is described.
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Mitteilungen des URZ 3/2003Richter, Frank, Riedel, Ursula 22 August 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Die 'Mitteilungen des URZ' enthalten Informationen für die Nutzer des Universitätsrechenzentrums der TU Chemnitz und erscheinen vierteljährlich.
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Mitteilungen des URZ 2000Becher, Clauß, Heik, Hübsch, Müller, Richter, Riedel, Schier, Wolf, Ziegler 23 November 2000 (has links)
Das CLIC-Projekt;
X2X - ein Werkzeug zur Darstellung von XML-Dokumenten;
Der Backupdienst des URZ;
Betreuung von Ausbildungspools durch das URZ;
Aktueller Netzausbauzustand;
Komfortablere E-Mail-Bearbeitung mit IMAP;
MagicPoint - Präsentationen unter Linux;
10 Jahre ¨UNIX-Stammtisch in Sachsen¨
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