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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Impact Of Sensitive Science & Technology Control Mechanism Against The Competitive Advantages of Taiwan Semiconductor Industry.

Wu, Hsueh-Fung 10 July 2006 (has links)
The 8-inch wafer Fab. landing China or not evoked highly concerned in the worldwide, and even evoked the misdoubt if Taiwan clash with Wassenar Agreements . On New Year¡¦s Day, President Chen Shei-Ben reiterated the Policy of Economy and Trade across the Taiwan Straits, ¡§Proactive liberalization with effective management¡¨, which also evoked controversy in the worldwide. While UMC (United Microelectronic Corporation) ¡¥s He-Jan investment was been debating hotly, we considered if it also had great effect of production race between Taiwan and China, besides business benefits. Moreover, we considered if it resulted in the technology illegal landing, and conflicted with Wassenar Agreements, by avoiding to threaten the national security. If Taiwan was a launching pad of America high tech to China, it would cause other high techs importing forbiddance from America. Because of that, Taiwan gets more a loss than gains. Suppose ¡§Economic globalization¡¨ is the lifeblood of Taiwan; The semiconductor industry is not only holding on the advantages of past , but also trying to approach to the market. Furthermore, it should create production competitiveness. The government should follow the market rules, develop the reciprocal relationship with business and reach the goal of looking after both sides, economic developing and national security. In this study, it expects to discuss the influence of The Sensitive Scientific Technology Draft Bill legislation of funding, technology, equipment, brain-import abridged in semiconductor production in Taiwan to the competitive advantage of production; (1) Understanding the status and meaning of The Sensitive Scientific Technology Draft Bill in Taiwan. (2) Does tech-import controlling of The Sensitive Scientific Technology Draft Bill in Taiwan has connecting to international relative laws? (3) Analyzing the impact of the protect mechanism of The Sensitive Scientific Technology Draft Bill to competitive advantage of semiconductor industry. The first study step is to comparing analyze the aims, effects, targets of international relative laws by documents study, especially according to the international relative laws of high-tech import controlling, for example, the administration rules and complement actions of COCOM and Wassenar Agreements, for understanding the reasonable and objective of The Scientific Technology Draft Bill (The Sensitive Scientific Technology Draft Bill). Moreover, base on profound interview with business to processing the situational analysis of business, production, people, society, government and the national security. This study conclusion and the suggestions from business experience can offer the reference resources for lawmaking and revising.

"Önskar man hade två käftar och tre telefoner" : COCOM och kontroll inom flygledning / "Wish I had two mouths and three phones" : COCOM and Control in Air Traffic Control

Rankin, Erik January 2015 (has links)
Denna magisteruppsats redogör för en anpassning av COCOM (Contextual Control Model) till flygledningsdomänen. COCOM är en modell som kan användas för att beskriva och förutse kontroll hos operatörer i komplexa system. En central del av modellen är begreppet kontrollnivå vilket beskriver hur graden av kontroll hos ett JCS (Joint Cognitive System) beror av och påverkar de parametrar som beskriver dess prestation. Fokus i denna uppsats ligger på det JCS som omfattar flygledaren i sin arbetsposition. I uppsatsen anpassas Hollnagels generella beskrivning av kontrollnivåer i COCOM till flygledningsdomänen. Till grund för anpassningen ligger en kvalitativ studie i form av observation och intervju av sju operativa flygledare vid en svensk kontrollcentral. De tre parametrarna målavvägning, subjektivt tillgänglig tid samt planering och prioritering befinns särskilt lämpliga för att beskriva kontroll inom flygledning. I uppsatsen identifieras också, med utgångspunkt i resilience engineering, tolv strategier som flygledare använder för att bibehålla kontroll i det vardagliga arbetet. Två exempel på strategier är att anpassa sig till kollegor och deras arbetssituation, samt användandet av ”extra ögon”, att låta en kollega övervaka arbetet. Valet av strategi kopplas i uppsatsen samman med vilken kontrollnivå flygledaren befinner sig på. Domänanpassningen av COCOM visar att modellen är lämplig för modellering av operatörer. COCOM för flygledning kan användas för att bättre klassificera prestation specifikt inom detta område, samt som stöd i samband med utvecklandet av nya verktyg och arbetsmetoder. Kunskap om kontrollstrategier kan med fördel utnyttjas vid utbildning av flygledare, som med denna typ av metakunskap kan få mer medvetna verktyg för att bibehålla kontroll.

Truck drivers’ attitudes and interactions with advanced driver assistance systems : Applying the joint cognitive system perspective and the contextual control model in naturalistic driving contexts

Ryrberg, Tobias January 2023 (has links)
One of the most common causes of death is road accidents and in 95% of these accidents the human factor is involved. Therefore, Advanced-Driver-Assistance-Systems (ADAS) have been developed to support the drivers. To achieve the great potential that ADAS have, it is important that they are designed well for the drivers to trust, appreciate and use them. Previous research has investigated this, but mostly in the private car industry and where there is limited research within heavy vehicles. Therefore, the aim with this study was to investigate truck drivers’ attitudes towards ADAS, how they interacted with the systems and their thoughts about them in the future. This was done by interviewing and observing truck drivers in two different real-world environments, local and long haulage, which later were analysed with a thematic analysis. The results indicated a difference between the drivers’ attitudes towards ADAS, where the local drivers had a more overall appreciation to the systems than the long haulage drivers. It was also identified the drivers trusted the systems, but not completely. Furthermore, the feedback from the systems supported both groups of drivers but could in some situations be annoying to listen to. Regarding the interaction with ADAS, it was identified that the driving context affected the driver’s usage of the systems, but also the system performance. Lastly, the drivers were sceptical towards automation and self-driving trucks in the future where they also emphasized the importance of letting the drivers having the control over the vehicle. The results confirmed previous research to some extent, while other parts were contradictory. Therefore, more research has to be done to achieve a future safe transport system. / En av de vanligaste dödsorsakerna är trafikolyckor och i 95% av dessa olyckor är den mänskliga faktorn inblandad. Därför har Avancerade-Förar-Assistans-System (ADAS) utvecklats för att stödja förarna. För att uppnå den potential som dessa system har är det viktigt att de är utformade så att förarna kan lita, uppskatta och använda dem. Tidigare forskning har undersökt detta, men främst inom den privata bilindustrin och där det finns begränsad forskning inom tunga fordon. Syftet med denna studie var därför att undersöka lastbilschaufförers attityder mot ADAS, hur de interagerade med systemen samt deras tankar om dem i framtiden. Detta genomfördes genom intervjuer och observationer av lastbilschaufförer i två olika miljöer, lokala och långa transporter, som senare analyserades med hjälp av en tematisk analys. Resultaten indikerade på en skillnad i förarnas attityder till ADAS, där de lokala förarna generellt uppskattade systemen mer än fjärrförarna. Det identifierades också att förarna litade på systemen, men inte helt. Dessutom stöttade feedbacken från systemen båda grupperna av förare, men kunde i vissa situationer vara irriterande att lyssna på. Gällande interaktionen med ADAS identifierades det att körkontexten påverkade förarens användning av systemen, men också systemets prestanda. Slutligen var förarna skeptiska till automatisering och självkörande lastbilar i framtiden, där de även betonade vikten av att låta förarna ha kontrollen över fordonet. Resultaten både bekräftade och dementerade tidigare forskning. Därför måste mer forskning genomföras för att uppnå ett framtida säkert transportsystem.

Strokekedjan från början till slut : En etnografisk studie om farlighet och tid i en akut vårdkedja / An ethnographic study of decisionmaking during handling of acute stroke patients

Ståhl, Sally January 2012 (has links)
Varje år drabbas 30 000 svenskar av stroke, vilket innebär stora personliga omställningar och stora kostnader för samhället. Den mest effektiva behandlingen, trombolys, måste ges så snart som möjligt för att ha god effekt.  Samtidigt som det är av största vikt att ta reda på om patienten har några differentialdiagnoser som gör behandlingen riskfylld. Den här studien undersöker hur strokekedjan går till och vilka faktorer som påverkar beslutsfattandet. Studien är baserad på etnografiska fältstudier på fyra svenska sjukhus och materialet är analyserat med metoder från sammansatta kognitiva system och målorienterad design. Resultaten visar att trots olika organiserade strokekedjor på de olika sjukhusen är processerna desamma och direkt kommunikation är mest framgångsrik för att effektivt sprida information mellan dem. Neurologjouren är viktig roll som, liksom resten av aktörerna i strokekedjan, ständigt balanserar sitt beslutsfattande mellan effektivitet och grundlighet. Kombinationen av analyser ger resultat både på system- och individnivå. Möjligheter för förbättrade strokekedjor ges i termer av logistiska, tekniska och organisatoriska förslag. / 30 000 people in Sweden get a stroke every year. This leads to large personal adaptions as well as high costs for the society. The most efficient treatment, thrombolysis, must be given as soon as possible to have a good effect. At the same time it is very important to find out if the patient has any differential diagnosis that can make the treatment hazardous. This study investigates how the course ov events around acute stroke patients take place and important factors for the decision making. The studiy is based on ethnographic field studys on four swedish hospitals. The material is analysed with methods from joint cognitive systems and goal-oriented design. The results show that in spite of different organisation of the course  of events around acute stroke patients are the processes and direct communication most successful for effective spread of information between the processes. The neurologist on call is an important roll who, as well as the rest of the participants in the course of events, balances the decision making between efficiency and thoroughness. The combination of analysis gives results on both system- and individual levels. Possibilites for improvents are given in three categories: logistic, technological and organizational.

Technological ambiguity & the Wassenaar Arrangement

Evans, Samuel A. January 2009 (has links)
International cooperation on export controls for technology is based on three assumptions, that it is possible: to know against whom controls should be directed; to control the international transfer of technology; and to define the items to be controlled. These assumptions paint a very hierarchical framing of one of the central problems in export controls: dual-use technology. This hierarchical framing has been in continual contention with a competitive framing that views the problem as the marketability of technology. This thesis analyses historical and contemporary debates between these two framings of the problem of dual-use technology, focusing on the multilateral Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies. Using a framework of concepts from Science & Technology Studies and the theory of sociocultural viability, I analyse the Arrangement as a classification system, where political, economic, and social debates are codified in the lists of controlled items, which then structure future debates. How a technology is (not) defined, I argue, depends as much on the particular set of social relations in which the technology is enacted as on any tangible aspects the technology may have. The hierarchical framing is currently hegemonic within Wassenaar, and I show how actors that express this framing use several strategies in resolving anomalies that arise concerning the classification of dual-use technology. These strategies have had mixed success, and I show how they have adequately resolved some cases (e.g. quantum cryptography), while other areas have proved much more difficult (e.g. focal plane arrays and computers). With the development of controls on intangible technology transfers, a third, egalitarian framing is arising, and I argue that initial steps have already been taken to incorporate this framing with the discourse on dual-use technology. However, the rise of this framing also calls into question the fundamental assumption of export controls that technology is excludable, and therefore definable.

The effect of target fascination on control and situation awareness in a multiple remote tower center : A human factors study

Sjölin, Victor January 2015 (has links)
The Multiple Remote Tower Center concept (mRTC) is a cutting edge project which allows one air traffic control officer (ATCO) to be in charge of multiple remotely situated airports simultaneously. When implemented, it will revolutionise how air traffic is managed at smaller airports and allow for increased efficiency and decreased operational costs. Consequently, at the time of writing a lot of effort is going into evaluating this new way of air traffic management from a safety perspective. Air traffic management has been defined as an issue maintaining situational awareness and exercising control. This thesis aims to investigate how the phenomenon target fascination affects the ATCOs ability to exercise control over its controlled airspace and maintain its situation awareness. It does so by creating a baseline scenario of work in a mRTC, and then comparing the ATCOs performance in the baseline scenario with its performance in the same corresponding scenario, but with elements of target fascination introduced. The differences in the scenarios are analysed using the Contextual Control Model, the Extended Control Model and a holistic framework for studying situation awareness. The analysis shows that target fascination does affect the ATCOs ability to maintain control, but not radically so, and only for a short period of time. The target fascination forces the ATCO to rely on information in the immediate environment to a higher degree than during regular work, as opposed to making decisions based on a holistic understanding of the situation and high level goals. However, once the understanding of the situation have been re-established, the level of control quickly returns to normal levels. Situation awareness is thus a key concept in maintaining control. The situation awareness analysis show that target fascination affects situation awareness by causing the ATCOs understanding of the situation to become outdated without the ATCOs knowledge. Because of this, there may be developments in the situation that the ATCO is not aware of, which hinders it from acting as it normally would. In some cases an intervention from an external actor or element may be necessary to break the fascination and re-establish the ATCOs understanding for the situation. As soon as the fascination is broken, the ATCO quickly takes steps to re-establish its situation awareness and return to normal operations.

Western economic warfare 1947-1967 : a case study in foreign economic policy /

Adler-Karlsson, Gunnar. Myrdal, Gunnar, January 1968 (has links)
Inaug. - Diss.--Law--Stockholm, 1968.

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