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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Peasant Coffee Farmers and Climate Change: The Case of Café Justo in Chiapas, México

January 2018 (has links)
abstract: Small-scale, peasant farmers are some of the most vulnerable people to the effects of climate change. They rely on a stable climate to support their natural ways of farming, which typically depends on consistent rainfall, temperate weather, and predictable season cycles. The perceptions of how successful coffee production is during shifting climatic disruptions is of key importance, if mitigation or adaptation efforts are to be successfully implemented. By using ethnographic methods with members of a coffee cooperative in Mexico, called Cafe Justo, I found that peasant farmers are very perceptive of the climatic changes and recognize forthcoming challenges as a result of changes in weather and precipitation levels. Rain-fed agriculture remains particularly vulnerable to coffee market demands, as coffee production for the majority of the cooperative members is the primary source of income. Through interpretive analysis of in-depth interview data collected from 19 coffee-famers in Chiapas, Mexico, I identified factors associated with perceptions of changing climate and weather conditions. Social identities, general perceptions of climate change, and impacts on livelihoods were investigated through the speaking-with model, as it was presented by Nagar and Geiger in 2007. These findings have rich implications for co-learning between the small-scale, coffee farmers and the scientific community so that mitigation and adaptation strategies are discussed. The findings also merit further investigation into future migration changes due to mass exoduses of climate refugees who are no longer able to successfully cultivate and harvest the lands to serve their needs and those of their community. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Social Justice and Human Rights 2018

The Road to Women’s Empowerment in a Man's Crop : A field study of Ugandan women's empowerment process in the coffee farming industry

Özdemir, Hale January 2019 (has links)
In recent years the concept of empowerment has flourished to a large extent, not least in development studies. Empowering marginalised communities, poor people and women has become a priority for development agencies and organisations. This thesis aims to assess how women are empowered by a top-down approach through International Women’s Coffee Alliance (IWCA) and a bottom-up approach through the women themselves. The paper is based on a field study that took place in the coffee farms of Uganda where women face enormous challenges as they work in an exploited industry and live with husbands who often withhold the income of the work the women have done. Drawing on Naila Kabeer’s definition of empowerment, this paper looks at if and how the resources, agency and achievements of the women have led to empowerment in the levels of household, workplace and community. The research strategy used for this paper is data collected from semi-structured interviews with women working in coffee farms in Uganda. The results show that women become empowered to a large extent in the workplace and community levels but struggle in the household level. There is not sufficient transformative power from IWCA and the women themselves to change the structures regarding gender-norms that are vastly embedded in the culture. There is a need to raise more awareness and knowledge, not only for women and organisations but for the men as well, in order to reach women’s empowerment and gender equality.

Balanço hídrico e avaliação da chuva na cultura do cafeeiro / Water balance and rainfall evaluation in a coffee crop

Bruno, Isabeli Pereira 22 January 2007 (has links)
O cafeeiro é uma planta que tem seu crescimento e desenvolvimento fortemente afetado pelo regime hídrico, ora prejudicando, ora favorecendo a produção final, dependendo do estádio fenológico em que este se encontra durante uma possível seca. Para ter um conhecimento mais aprofundado do consumo de água do cafeeiro, assim como para um manejo da irrigação mais eficiente, uma ferramenta muito útil é o balanço hídrico, que pode ser medido no campo ou estimado através de modelos. O balanço hídrico de campo é demasiado trabalhoso, por isso os modelos são mais usados em virtude de sua rapidez e facilidade. No entanto, os modelos são frequentemente aplicados em condições agronômicas e ambientais diferentes das em que foram concebidos, necessitando de testes regionais. Um dos principais elementos de entrada para o cálculo do balanço hídrico é a precipitação pluviométrica, e o rigor em sua medida pode determinar se este será ou não condizente com a realidade, devendo sua variabilidade espacial ser levada em conta, o que não ocorre na maioria dos casos. O presente trabalho traz um estudo entre balanço hídrico medido no campo com café e os balanços hídricos climatológicos baseados na estimativa da evapotranspiração pelos métodos de Thornthwaite e Penman-Monteith, confeccionados em um programa computacional. Uma segunda parte trata do número ideal de pluviômetros a serem utilizados em uma área pequena, além das comparações destas medidas com duas estações meteorológicas. Ambos os estudos foram feitos para o município de Piracicaba - SP, com dados meteorológicos do período de 2003 a 2005. / The coffee plant has its growth and development strongly influenced by the water regime, either in favor or depressing the final yield, all depending on phonological stage. In order to have a better knowledge of the water requirement of the coffee crop, and also to have a more efficient irrigation management, a very useful tool is the water balance, which can be obtained through direct field measurements or through model estimation. The first are laborious and costly, while the second are simple and fast to be obtained. However, models are frequently applied to agronomic or environmental conditions that differ from those in which they were developed. One of the most important components for the calculation of water balances is the rainfall, and the precision of its measurement determines the confidence of the balances, indicating the need of taking into account rainfall variability, which is neglected in most cases. This study makes a comparison between climatologic water balances, based on the estimation of the evapotranspiration through the methods of Thornthwaite and Penman-Monteith, obtained though a computational program, and field water balances of a coffee crop. A second part of this study deals with the ideal number of pluviometers to be used in small areas, and the comparison of these measurements with two automatic meteorological stations. Both studies were carried out in Piracicaba, SP, Brazil, with data collected during 2003 - 2005.

Aplicação de extratos de algas marinhas em cafeeiro sob deficiência hídrica e estresse salino /

Bettini, Marcos de Oliveira, 1970. January 2015 (has links)
Orientador: Fernando Broetto / Banca: Marcelo Leonardo / Banca: André Luís Teixeira Fernandes / Banca: João arlos Cury Saad / Banca: José Renato Zanini / Resumo: O presente estudo relacionou os efeitos da aplicação de dois extratos de algas marinhas às características biométricas, relações hídricas, trocas gasosas e alterações bioquímicas em dois cultivares de café e sua interferência na tolerância à deficiência hídrica (DH) e estresse salino (ES). Foram conduzidos dois experimentos em blocos causalizados, em estufa com mudas de cafeeiro em vasos de 5 L irrigados por gotejamento, com 3 repetições por tratamento. O primeiro experimento sobre DH comparou três níveis de irrigação: D1-25%, D2-50% e D3-100% da necessidade hídrica da cultura em dois cultivares (Obatã e Catuaí 99) e dois tratamentos de extratos de algas e controle, sendo aplicados três ciclos DH, intercalados com dois períodos de recondicionamento. O segundo experimento de ES estudou o efeito da salinidade induzida com NaCl para as mesmas cultivares e para os mesmos tratamentos com extratos de alga. Neste caso foram aplicados dois ciclos de estresse salino intercalados com um período de recondicionamento. Os tratamentos com extratos de alga foram: Alga 1 - Aplicações semanais de soluções do extrato líquido solúvel da alga Ascophyllum nodosum. Alga 2 - Uma aplicação via solo da combinação de extratos sólidos das algas Ascophyllum nodosum e Lithothamnium calcareum. Os tratamentos com DH e ES apresentaram menor potencial hídrico foliar, assimilação de carbono, transpiração e área foliar, independentemente dos cultivares. A aplicação de extratos de alga induziu tolerância a estresses hídrico e salino. Plantas de cafeeiro tratadas com extratos de algas apresentaram maior área foliar, maior massa de raízes, maior potencial de água na folha, menor relação Na+/K+, assimilação de carbono e alterações na atividade de enzimas antioxidativas / Abstract: The effects of two seaweed extract were evaluated in terms of biometric characteristics, water relations, gas exchange and biochemical parameters for two coffee cultivars (Obatã e Catuaí 99). In order to have a better understanding how these products interfere in drought and salt stress tolerance. Two greenhouse trials arranged in randomized blocks with three replications per treatment were conducted with coffee transplants in 5 L pots under drip irrigation. The first drought stress experiment compared three irrigation levels (25%, 50% and 100% of water demand) in both coffee cultivars with two different seaweed extracts treatments and control. This experiment received three drought stress cycles of fifteen days interspersed with two periods of fifteen days of reconditioning. The second salt stress experiment induced with NaCL used same cultivars and seaweed extracts treatments in the first trial. In this case two salt stress cycles of thirty days interspersed with one thirty day period for reconditioning were applied. Seaweed extracts treatments were: A1 - Weekly Applications of diluted Ascophyllum nodosum soluble liquid extract. A2 - One combined application of Ascophyllum nodosum and Lithothamnium calcareum solid extracts. Water deficiency and salt stress treatments presented lower foliar water potential, net photosynthesis, transpiration and leaf area for both cultivars. Seaweed extracts application induced salt and drought stress tolerance. Coffee plants treated with seaweed extracts presented higher leaf area, root weight, stem water potential, carbon assimilation, lower rate Na+/K+, and changes in antioxidant enzymes activities. / Doutor

Hantering av inköpsrisk vid svenska kafferosterier : när smaken får avgöra En studie av hur riskhantering kan integreras i inköpsprocessen / Supply Risk Managment within Swedish Roasting-Houses : when taste is everything A study of how risk management can become an integral part of the purchasing process

Berlin, Jenny, Leidstedt, Hanna January 2004 (has links)
<p>Background: The strategic importance of purchasing departments is increasing, yet supply risks are rather uncharted. The procurement of coffee involves supply risks and the purchaser needs to be able to handle these to enable the roasting-house to produce coffee as specified. </p><p>Purpose: To chart risks in connection with the procurement of coffee as well as the possibilities of handling these. The thesis also examines if general risk management theories are applicable on the supply risk present within Swedish roasting-houses and can become an integral partof the purchasing process. </p><p>Method: A qualitative case study of the purchasing process of Swedish roasting- houses. </p><p>Result: An a priori-model, which can serve as the basis for evaluation of the purchasing process and risk management of a business, elaborated to fit the Swedish roasting business.</p>

Coffee Tourism : a community development tool

Karlsson, Henrik, Karlsson, Jesper January 2009 (has links)
<p><p>Smallholder coffee farmers in Tanzania today are facing a deep financial crises. This is the result of several different reasons but one important factor is the political and economic reforms Tanzania has experienced from being one of the strongest socialist states in Africa to one of the most liberalized. For smallholder coffee farmers this has meant dealing with difficult challenges such as big fluctuations in the coffee bean price but it has also meant opportunities. The purpose for this study is to see if, and to what extent coffee tourism can help in community development and be a leverage to the living standard for people who are dealing with this business. In order to do this the authors have conducted a minor field study in the northern part of Tanzania. We argue that coffee tourism can increase and help stabilize income for smallholder coffee farmers through diversification, contribute to community development and work as a counter-force to the structural changes and the crisis that rural areas in Tanzania are dealing with today.</p></p>

Rättvist pris på kaffe? : En efterfrågestudie på Rättvisemärkt kaffe / Fair price for coffee? : A demand study on Fairtrade coffee

Bergström, Anna, Ljungh, Karin January 2009 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka efterfrågan på Rättvisemärkt kaffe och vilka faktorer som påverkar denna. I uppsatsen diskuteras även hur rättvist Rättvisemärkt är egentligen och ifall producenter i u-länder påverkas positivt eller negativt av att konsumenter i väst handlar Rättvisemärkt.  </p><p>För att utreda efterfrågan har en betalningsviljestudie genomförts på studenter på Karlstads Universitet. Resultaten från studien pekar på att efterfrågan på Rättvisemärkt kaffe är relativt hög bland studenterna, vilket överensstämmer med tidigare rapporter som visat att efterfrågan på Rättvisemärkt kaffe ökar. Vad det gäller faktorer som påverkar betalningsviljan har kön samt inkomst visat sig vara av betydelse. Ålder verkar dock inte vara en avgörande faktor.</p><p>För att utreda hur rättvist Rättvisemärkt egentligen är har en litteraturbaserad studie om Rättvisemärkts för- och nackdelar gjorts. Vissa forskare menar att Rättvisemärkt har en positiv inverkan på bönder och arbetare i utvecklingsländer, medan andra anser att Rättvisemärkt inte alls fyller sitt syfte utan i många fall har negativ inverkan. </p> / <p>The essay aims to examine the demand for Fairtrade coffee and the factors influencing it. It also discusses how fair Fairtrade really is and whether producers in developing countries are positively or negatively affected by consumption of Fairtrade products in the west.    </p><p>In order to investigate the demand, a willingness-to-pay study was implemented on students at Karlstad University. The results from the study indicate that the demand for Fairtrade coffee is relatively high among the students, which is consistent with previous reports which have shown that the demand for Fairtrade coffee is increasing. Regarding factors affecting the willingness to pay, sex and income have proved themselves important. Age, however, does not seem to be an essential factor. </p><p>In order to examine how fair Fairtrade really is, a literature based study concerning Fairtrade’s benefits and disadvantages was conducted. Some researches argue that Fairtrade is affecting farmers and workers in developing countries positively while others argue that Fairtrade does not fulfill its purpose and in many cases has a negative impact.   </p>

Hantering av inköpsrisk vid svenska kafferosterier : när smaken får avgöra En studie av hur riskhantering kan integreras i inköpsprocessen / Supply Risk Managment within Swedish Roasting-Houses : when taste is everything A study of how risk management can become an integral part of the purchasing process

Berlin, Jenny, Leidstedt, Hanna January 2004 (has links)
Background: The strategic importance of purchasing departments is increasing, yet supply risks are rather uncharted. The procurement of coffee involves supply risks and the purchaser needs to be able to handle these to enable the roasting-house to produce coffee as specified. Purpose: To chart risks in connection with the procurement of coffee as well as the possibilities of handling these. The thesis also examines if general risk management theories are applicable on the supply risk present within Swedish roasting-houses and can become an integral partof the purchasing process. Method: A qualitative case study of the purchasing process of Swedish roasting- houses. Result: An a priori-model, which can serve as the basis for evaluation of the purchasing process and risk management of a business, elaborated to fit the Swedish roasting business.

Rättvist pris på kaffe? : En efterfrågestudie på Rättvisemärkt kaffe / Fair price for coffee? : A demand study on Fairtrade coffee

Bergström, Anna, Ljungh, Karin January 2009 (has links)
Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka efterfrågan på Rättvisemärkt kaffe och vilka faktorer som påverkar denna. I uppsatsen diskuteras även hur rättvist Rättvisemärkt är egentligen och ifall producenter i u-länder påverkas positivt eller negativt av att konsumenter i väst handlar Rättvisemärkt.   För att utreda efterfrågan har en betalningsviljestudie genomförts på studenter på Karlstads Universitet. Resultaten från studien pekar på att efterfrågan på Rättvisemärkt kaffe är relativt hög bland studenterna, vilket överensstämmer med tidigare rapporter som visat att efterfrågan på Rättvisemärkt kaffe ökar. Vad det gäller faktorer som påverkar betalningsviljan har kön samt inkomst visat sig vara av betydelse. Ålder verkar dock inte vara en avgörande faktor. För att utreda hur rättvist Rättvisemärkt egentligen är har en litteraturbaserad studie om Rättvisemärkts för- och nackdelar gjorts. Vissa forskare menar att Rättvisemärkt har en positiv inverkan på bönder och arbetare i utvecklingsländer, medan andra anser att Rättvisemärkt inte alls fyller sitt syfte utan i många fall har negativ inverkan. / The essay aims to examine the demand for Fairtrade coffee and the factors influencing it. It also discusses how fair Fairtrade really is and whether producers in developing countries are positively or negatively affected by consumption of Fairtrade products in the west.     In order to investigate the demand, a willingness-to-pay study was implemented on students at Karlstad University. The results from the study indicate that the demand for Fairtrade coffee is relatively high among the students, which is consistent with previous reports which have shown that the demand for Fairtrade coffee is increasing. Regarding factors affecting the willingness to pay, sex and income have proved themselves important. Age, however, does not seem to be an essential factor.  In order to examine how fair Fairtrade really is, a literature based study concerning Fairtrade’s benefits and disadvantages was conducted. Some researches argue that Fairtrade is affecting farmers and workers in developing countries positively while others argue that Fairtrade does not fulfill its purpose and in many cases has a negative impact.

A case study of gender, health, and Fair Trade in Nicaragua

Terstappen, Vincent Leonard 11 May 2010
The impact of global economic policies on health equity and social development has been well-documented and, in the current phase of economic globalization, profound health inequities have been attributed to these policies. In response to these inequitable trade conditions, which are especially pronounced in the trade of boom-and-bust commodities like coffee, alternative trade models such as Fair Trade have proliferated. Although there is great potential for these alternative economic policies to achieve health and gender equity, these considerations have largely been left out of existing analyses, which focus on gender-blind economic, organizational, and environmental indicators. <p>To address these omissions, this study explores the experiences, perceptions, and aspirations of an organized group of coffee-producing women with regards to Fair Trade. The study was conducted in Northern Nicaragua in 2009 and focuses on the experiences of women supported by a local feminist organization, la Fundación Entre Mujeres, in an embedded, single case study design. It is informed by participant-observation, interviews, and dialogic focus groups. The study situates participants perceptions and aspirations in a globalization and health framework as well as an empowerment framework. Considered in this light, womens experiences provide valuable insights about the perceived and potential health and gender impacts of alternative models of trade and provide a vision for the future directions of these models. <p>The womens experiences reveal that although valuable benefits are being experienced as a result of participation in Fair Trade especially in terms of a higher income and a commitment to organic agriculture there are lingering doubts as to whether Fair Trade is actually "fair" or simply "better". The women supported by la Fundación Entre Mujeres aspire to more equitable trade characterized by solidarity, justice, a focus on womens rights, and a fairer valuation and recognition of womens efforts inside and outside of coffee. In order to move towards this "fair" system of trade, the current Fair Trade model must become more oriented towards equitable control for all of its stakeholders and must broaden its definition of empowerment so as to more actively and vocally participate in the broader contexts of international trade that are influencing health and gender equity for women around the world.

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