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A Control Algorithm To Minimize Torque Ripple And Acoustic Noise Of Switched Reluctance MotorsBizkevelci, Erdal 01 June 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Despite its simple construction, robustness and low manufacturing cost, the application areas of SR motors are remained limited due to the high level of acoustic noise and torque ripple. In this thesis work, two different type of controllers are designed and implemented in order to minimize the acoustic noise and torque ripple which are considered as the major problems of SR motors. In this scope, first the possible acoustic noise sources are investigated. A sliding mode controller is designed and implemented to reduce the shaft torque ripple which is considered as a major source of acoustic noise. The performance of the controller is experimentally tested and it is observed that especially in low speed region reduction of torque ripple is significant. The torque ripple minimization performance of the controller is also tested at different speeds and the acoustic noise levels are recorded simultaneously. Comparing the noise mitigation with the noise reduction the correlation between the acoustic noise and shaft torque ripple is investigated. The results obtained from this investigation indicated that the torque ripple is not a major source of acoustic noise in SR motors. After this finding, radial force which is the other possible acoustic noise source of SRM is taken into consideration. The effects of control parameters on radial force and the motor efficiency are investigated via simulations. With the intuition obtained from this analysis, a switching angle neuro-controller is designed to minimize the peak level of radial forces. The performance of the mentioned controller is verified through noise records under steady state conditions. Regarding to the radial force simulations and the acoustic noise measurements, it is deduced that the radial force is the major source of acoustic noise. On the other hand, another controller is designed and implemented which increases the average torque per ampere value in order to increase the efficiency of the motor. It is seen that this controller has a good effect on increasing the efficiency but does not guarantee to operate at maximum efficiency.
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Effects of interfaces and preferred orientation on the electrical response of composites of alumina and silicon carbide whiskersBertram, Brian D. 14 November 2011 (has links)
Ceramic-matrix composites of alumina and silicon carbide whiskers have recently found novel commercial application as electromagnetic absorbers. However, a detailed understanding of how materials issues influence the composite electrical response, which underpins this application, has been absent until now. In this project, such composites were electrically measured over a wide range of conditions and modeled in terms of various aspects of the microstructure in order to understand how they work. For this purpose, three types of composites were made by different methods from the same set of ceramic powder blends loaded with different volume fractions of whiskers. In doing so, the interfaces between whiskers, the preferred orientations of whiskers, and the structure of electrically-connected whisker clusters were varied; the whisker aspect-ratio distributions were the same for all methods.
At the electrode interfaces, Schottky barriers at the junctions of the electrically-percolating wide-bandgap semiconductor whiskers on the surface were responsible for a significant portion of the total measured impedance. The associated electrical response was studied on the microscopic and macroscopic level, and the gap between these different scales was bridged. Also, a modeling approach was developed for the non-linear behavior of the composite which results from these barriers.
In regards to the whiskers within the composite bulk, the effects of various factors on the wide-band frequency dependence of the dielectric response and dc conductivity were explained and contextualized for the electromagnetic absorber application. Such factors include whisker preferred orientation, electrical percolation and cluster structure, the interfaces between electrically-connected SiC whiskers, and porosity. A quantitative correlation between the anisotropy of the microstructure and that of the conductivity was found, and was understood in terms of the interfacial SiC-Al2O3-SiC conduction mechanism. This behavior was shown to differ from the behavior commonly observed for other disordered mixtures of relatively conductive particles dispersed inside insulating polymer hosts. A description of this new mechanism was developed based on an observed correlation between the temperature dependencies of the static and radio-frequency electrical responses. Also, the aforementioned non-linear response model was expanded upon to describe conduction through and across electrically-percolated clusters. The model demonstrates how loading and interface behavior influence the topology and the strength of the non-linear response of the clusters.
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Topology Optimization Of Composite Heat-Sinks Involving Phase-Change MaterialSrinivas, V S S 02 1900 (has links)
The principal goal of this thesis is to develop a systematic method for the design of composite heat sinks (CHSs) that serve as passive and transient cooling devices for microelectronics. This is accomplished by posing the CHS design problem as a topology optimization problem wherein a phase-change material and a high-conductivity material are to be optimally distributed. Two different types of formulations are proposed. The first one aims to maximize the time of operation before a tolerable temperature is reached at the interface between a heat source and the CHS. The second one aims to minimize the maximum temperature across the heating interface for a given time of operation. The two materials are interpolated in topology optimization using the usual mixture law with penalty. The phase-change is modeled using the apparent heat capacity method in which the specific heat is taken as a nonlinear function of the temperature so that the latent heat absorption is accounted for at the melting point. The ensuing new transient topology optimization problem involving an interpolated material property that depends on the state variable is solved using continuous optimization algorithm. The validity of the phase-change modeling is verified with a one dimensional model as well as experimentation. Analytical sensitivity analysis is derived and verified with the finite difference derivatives. Several examples are solved to illustrate the intricacies of the problem and the effectiveness and the limitations of the proposed design method. Prototypes of an intuitively conceived CHS and optimized one are made. An experimental setup is devised to test the two prototypes. Based on the insight gained from the experiments, an improved conduction model is studied to also incorporate convective heat transfer also into the model.
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Simulation of Heat Transfer on a Gas Sensor ComponentDomeij Bäckryd, Rebecka January 2005 (has links)
<p>Gas sensors are today used in many different application areas, and one growing future market is battery operated sensors. As many gas sensor components are heated, one major limit of the operation time is caused by the power dissipated as heat. AppliedSensor is a company that develops and produces gas sensor components, modules and solutions, among which battery operated gas sensors are one targeted market.</p><p>The aim of the diploma work has been to simulate the heat transfer on a hydrogen gas sensor component and its closest surroundings consisting of a carrier mounted on a printed circuit board. The component is heated in order to improve the performance of the gas sensing element.</p><p>Power dissipation occurs by all three modes of heat transfer; conduction from the component through bond wires and carrier to the printed circuit board as well as convection and radiation from all the surfaces. It is of interest to AppliedSensor to understand which factors influence the heat transfer. This knowledge will be used to improve different aspects of the gas sensor, such as the power consumption.</p><p>Modeling and simulation have been performed in FEMLAB, a tool for solving partial differential equations by the finite element method. The sensor system has been defined by the geometry and the material properties of the objects. The system of partial differential equations, consisting of the heat equation describing conduction and boundary conditions specifying convection and radiation, was solved and the solution was validated against experimental data.</p><p>The convection increases with the increase of hydrogen concentration. A great effort was made to finding a model for the convection. Two different approaches were taken, the first based on known theory from the area and the second on experimental data. When the first method was compared to experiments, it turned out that the theory was insufficient to describe this small system involving hydrogen, which was an unexpected but interesting result. The second method matched the experiments well. For the continuation of the project at the company, a better model of the convection would be a great improvement.</p>
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Synthèse et caractérisation des composants d'un accumulateur au lithium : électrolytes polymères à conduction Li+, électrodes d'oxydes de lithium et de manganèseTreuil, Nadine 28 April 1998 (has links) (PDF)
Dans la perspective du développement de générateurs rechargeables au lithium, la problématique a été de prouver la valididté du concept Li/électrolyte polymère gélifié/LiMn2O4. La faisabilité d'électrolytes polymères à forte conductivité en ions lithium, obtenus par la technique de plastification externe, a été établie. Leur stabilité électrochimique est compatible avec une utilisation en tant que séparateur. Différents matériaux d'électrode positive, de structure spinelle (oxyde de lithium et de manganèse) ont été synthétisés puis caractérisés par des techniques diverses, en vue d'établir l'influence de la morphologie et de la composition sur le comportement électrochimiqie et d'éclaircir le mécanisme d'insertion des ions lithium.
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Etude de nouveaux oxyhydroxydes de cobalt pouvant être utilisés comme additif conducteur électronique ajoutés à l'hydroxyde de nickel dans les accumulateurs nickel/cadmium et nickel/métal hydrureButel, Maurice 06 July 1998 (has links) (PDF)
La tres faible conductivite electronique de l' hydroxyde de nickel utilise a l' electrode positive de l' accumulateur nickel - cadmium rend necessaire l' ajout d' un conducteur electronique. Actuellement, les fabricants d' accumulateurs ont recours a l' addition de phases cobaltees pour ameliorer les performances de l' electrode de nickel. Ce travail est donc consacre a l' etude des differentes especes chimiques et des mecanismes impliques lors de l' utilisation d' un oxyde de cobalt du type CoO comme conducteur electronique ajoute a l' electrode positive d' une batterie nickel-cadmium. La premiere partie est relative a la caracterisation physico-chimique des phases responsables de la conduction electronique au sein de l' electrode de nickel (oxyhydroxydes de cobalt) : etude structurale par la methode de Rietveld, determination de la formulation chimique et analyse des proprietes de conduction electronique. Une etude electrochimique de ces materiaux a egalement ete effectuee a l' aide des techniques de cyclages voltamperotrique et galvanostatique. La seconde partie est relative a l' etude des mecanismes reactionnels conduisant du monoxyde de cobalt a l' oxyhydroxyde de cobalt.
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Charge Transport Properties of Metal / Metal-Phthalocyanine / n-Si Structures / Ladungstransporteigenschaften von Metall / Metall-Phthalocyanine / n-Si StrukturenHussain, Afzal 20 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The field of hybrid electronics of molecules and traditional semiconductors is deemed to be a realistic route towards possible use of molecular electronics. Such hybrid electronics finds its potential technological applications in nuclear detectors, near-infrared detectors, organic thin film transistors and gas sensors. Specifically Metal / organic / n-Silicon structures in this regard are mostly reported to have two regimes of charge transport at lower and higher applied voltages in such two terminal devices. The fact is mostly attributed to the change in conduction mechanism while moving from lower to higher applied voltages. These reports describe interactions between the semiconductors and molecules in terms of both transport and electrostatics but finding the exact potential distribution between the two components still require numerical calculations. The challenge in this regard is to give the exact relations and the transport models, towards practical quantification of charge transport properties of metal / organic / inorganic semiconductor devices. Some of the most exiting questions in this regard are; whether the existing models are sufficient to describe the device performances of the hybrid devices or some new models are needed? What type of charge carriers are responsible for conduction at lower and higher applied voltages? What is the source of such charge carriers in the sandwiched organic layer between the metal and inorganic semiconductors? How the transition applied voltage for the change in conduction mechanism is determined? What is the role of dopants in the organic layer semiconductors? What are the possible explanations for observed temperature effects in such devices?
In present work the charge transport properties of metal / metal-phthalocyanine / n-Si structures with low (ND = 4×1014 cm-3), medium (ND = 1×1016 cm-3) and high (ND = 2×1019 cm-3) doped n-Si as injecting electrode and the effect of air exposure of the vacuum evaporated metal-phthalocyanine film in these structures is investigated. The results obtained through temperature dependent electrical characterizations of the structures suggest that in terms of dominant conduction mechanism in these devices Schottky-type conduction mechanism dominates the charge transport in low-bias region of these devices up to 0.8 V, 0.302 V and 0.15 V in case of low, medium and high doped n-Silicon devices. For higher voltages, in each case of devices, the space-charge-limited conduction, controlled by exponential trap distribution, is found to dominate the
charge transport properties of the devices. The interface density of states at the CuPc / n-Si interface of the devices are found to be lower in case of lower work function difference at the CuPc / n-Si interface of the devices. The results also suggest that the work function difference at the CuPc / n-Si interface of these devices causes charge transfer at the interface and these phenomena results in formation of interface dipole. The width of the Schottky depletion region at the CuPc / n-Si interface of these devices is found to be higher with higher work function difference at the interface. The investigation of charge transport properties of Al / ZnPc / medium n-Si and Au / ZnPc / medium n-Si devices suggest that the Schottky depletion region formed at the ZnPc / n-Si interface of these devices determines the charge transport in the low-bias region of both the devices. Therefore, the Schottky-type (injection limited) and the space-charge-limited (bulk limited) conduction are observed in the low and the high bias regions of these devices, respectively. The determined width of the Schottky depletion region at the ZnPc / n-Si interface of these devices is found to be similar for both the devices, therefore, the higher work function difference at the metal / ZnPc interface of the devices has no influence on the Schottky depletion region formed at the ZnPc / n-Si interface of the devices. The similar diode ideality factor, barrier height and the width of the Schottky depletion region, determined for both of these devices, demonstrates that these device characteristics originate from ZnPc / n-Si interface of these devices. Therefore, the work function difference at the metal / ZnPc interface of these devices has no noticeable influence on the device properties originating from ZnPc / n-Si interface in these devices. The investigation of charge transport properties of Al / CuPc / low n-Si devices with and without air exposure of the CuPc film, before depositing metal contact demonstrate that Schottky-type conduction mechanism dominates the charge transport in these devices up to bias of 0.45 V in case devices with the air exposure, and up to 0.8 V in case devices without the air exposure. This decrease in the threshold voltage, for the change in conduction mechanism in the devices, is attributed to wider Schottky depletion width determined at the CuPc / n-Si interface of the devices without the air exposure of CuPc film. For higher voltage the space-charge-limited conduction controlled by exponential trap distribution, is found to dominate the charge transport properties of the devices without the air exposure of CuPc, and in case of devices with the air exposure of CuPc film, the SCLC is controlled by single dominating trap level probably introduced by oxygen impurities.
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Implementation and Optimization of an Inverse Photoemission Spectroscopy SetupGina, Ervin 01 January 2012 (has links)
Inverse photoemission spectroscopy (IPES) is utilized for determining the unoccupied electron states of materials. It is a complementary technique to the widely used photoemission spectroscopy (PES) as it analyzes what PES cannot, the states above the Fermi energy. This method is essential to investigating the structure of a solid and its states. IPES has a broad range of uses and is only recently being utilized.
This thesis describes the setup, calibration and operation of an IPES experiment. The IPES setup consists of an electron gun which emits electrons towards a sample, where photons are released, which are measured in isochromat mode via a photon detector of a set energy bandwidth. By varying the electron energy at the source, a spectrum of the unoccupied density of states can be obtained. Since IPES is not commonly commercially available the design consists of many custom made components. The photon detector operates as a bandpass filter with a mixture of acetone/argon and a CaF2 window setting the cutoff energies. The counter electronics consist of a pre-amplifier, amplifier and analyzer to detect the count rate at each energy level above the Fermi energy.
Along with designing the hardware components, a Labview program was written to capture and log the data for further analysis. The software features several operating modes including automated scanning which allows the user to enter the desired scan parameters and the program will scan the sample accordingly. Also implemented in the program is the control of various external components such as the electron gun and high voltage power supply.
The new setup was tested for different gas mixtures and an optimum ratio was determined. Subsequently, IPES scans of several sample materials were performed for testing and optimization. A scan of Au was utilized for the determination of the Fermi edge energy and for comparison to literature spectra. The Fermi edge energy was then used in a measurement of indium tin oxide (ITO) determining the conduction band onset. This allowed the determination of the "transfer gap" of ITO. Future experiments will allow further application of IPES on materials and interfaces where characterization of their electronic structure is desired.
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Heat Transfer Enhancements Using Laminate Film Encapsulation for Phase Change Heat Storage MaterialsDesgrosseilliers, Louis Richard Joseph 27 July 2012 (has links)
A model is proposed to predict the heat spreading behaviour experienced by laminate materials when heated over only a part of the domain, which is broken up into two regions, known as the heated and fin regions. The 2D, steady-state, two-region fin model is unique in its treatment of multilayer conduction heat transfer, giving the exact solution in the heat-spreading layer only, in both Cartesian and cylindrical coordinates. The experimentally and numerically validated two region fin model can help designers to assess improved heat transfer rates for laminate pouches for use to encapsulate supercooled salt hydrate phase change materials for long-term heat storage. Waste aseptic cartons (e.g. Tetra Brik) are a potentially useful resource for making laminate heat storage pouches since value-added end-uses are largely absent in Canada and in many other countries. The model is also useful for assessing improved temperature uniformity in heat spreading devices with applied heat fluxes.
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Caractérisation photoélectrochimique des oxydes formés sur alliages base nickel en milieu primaire des réacteurs à eau pressuriséeLoucif, Abdelhalim 20 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés aux propriétés semi-conductrices des oxydes formés sur les alliages base nickel en milieu primaire des REP. L'objectif étant de mettre en évidence les effets de la pression partielle en hydrogène, de la nature de l'alliage et de l'état de surface sur les types de semi-conductions et les énergies de bandes interdites. La technique photoélectrochimique a été employée pour caractériser ces propriétés semi-conductrices. D'autres techniques de caractérisation complémentaires ont été également utilisées telles que le MEB-FEG, la diffraction des rayons X, la spectroscopie Raman et l'XPS. Les essais de corrosion ont été effectués en milieu primaire simulé (autoclave en titane, température 325°C, durée 500 heures). Des échantillons d'alliages 600 et 690 de polissage 1 µm diamant, ont été oxydés aux P(H2) < 0,01 ; 0,3 et 6,5 bar. L'état de surface ne concernait que l'alliage 600 oxydé à P(H2) = 0,3 bar. Nous avons utilisé une nouvelle méthode d'ajustement numérique pour la détermination des gaps. Les résultats obtenus montrent que seule la pression d'hydrogène affecte le type de semi-conduction des oxydes présentés par les hautes énergies, il passe du type-n (P(H2) < 0,01) en type proche de l'isolant (P(H2) = 0,3 et 6,5 bar). Un comportement du type-n a été enregistré à basse énergie quels que soit les paramètres d'étude. Les énergies de bande interdites des oxydes NiO, Cr2O3 et NiFe2O4 ont été révélées.
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