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Principles for the adoption of offsite construction in design and construction companiesSara Gusmao Brissi (11813714) 19 December 2021 (has links)
<p>The United States presents the appropriate conditions for a wider
adoption of offsite construction (OSC): steady growth in the construction
industry, high construction wages, shortage of labors, and demand for housing –
especially multifamily housing. The multifamily housing market is overheated,
but many design and construction companies are still struggling to stay strong
in this market, marked by tight profit margins, high competitiveness and
inefficiencies. OSC presents itself as a solution to help design and
construction companies to become more efficient and resilient to potential
market crises. However, the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC)
industry is hesitant to move to higher levels of OSC adoption, mainly because
stakeholders, including owners, developers, designers, and construction
companies, are not aware of the potential benefits resulting from OSC and are
not prepared to promote the changes necessary for the successful adoption of
OSC or for the engagement in modular construction, which would represent an
important move towards industrialized construction. This study focused on how
to implement strategic changes in design and construction companies,
particularly small and medium-size enterprises, interested in successfully
using OSC in multifamily housing projects, considering the need for more affordable
and sustainable multifamily housing in the United States. Using mixed methods,
the study involved five phases of data collection and data analysis and had the
contribution of professionals from the AEC industry. Focusing only on the AEC
industry of the United States, the researcher first identified the main factors
affecting the use of OSC in multifamily projects, as well as the most important
changes that design and construction companies need to adopt for the successful
use of OSC in multifamily projects. The factors and the changes helped to
structure and shape the scope of the principles, which were later consolidated
and validated through research with professionals from design and construction
companies. The final set of eight principles was divided into four topics: (1)
strategy and business model, (2) people, organization, and culture, (3) technology,
materials, and tools, and (4) processes and operations. In addition to helping
to shape more efficient and resilient construction companies, the application
of the proposed principles contributes to building more affordable and
sustainable housing in the United States.</p>
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Hodnocení a minimalizace rizik v oblasti BOZP u stavebních společností / Risk Assessment and Minimization in OSH in Construction CompaniesAlbrecht, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the evaluation and minimization of risks in the area of occupational health and safety (OSH), specifically on risks in the construction industry. The analysis of the current state evaluates the issue of current OSH from the European and national point of view, defines terms and contains basic principles of safe work with construction machines. The main task of this work is to analyze the risk associated with the performed activity on a model example and propose suitable measures for their minimization including financial evaluation.
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En jämförelse mellan modern och traditionell betong- med avseende på uttorkning / A Comparison Between Modern and Traditional Concrete - with Respect to DehydrationRehnberg, Henrik January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrunden till det här examensarbetet var en artikel i byggvärlden som tog upp hur en nybyggd fastighet i Skövde hade drabbats av fuktproblem. Med anledning av detta startades en utredning av SBUF som visade på att fuktproblemen berodde på att en ny sorts betong som innehåll mineraltillsatser användes. Man kom också fram till att problemen som uppstod berodde på att den nya, moderna betongen får förändrade fuktegenskaper när man tillsätter mineraltillsatser.Syftet med detta examensarbete var att genom en litteraturstudie avgöra hur den traditionella betongens uttorkningsegenskaper påverkas av de tillsatser som idag används för att göra den moderna betongen mer klimatsmart. Syftet var också att ta reda på om den nya betongens uttorkningsegenskaper har några fördelar som kan användas i verkligheten vid en nybyggnation.Det visar sig att den moderna betongen med mineraltillsats har en tätare porstruktur som gör att uttorkningen för den moderna betongen fördröjs. Diffusionsuttorkning sker i så liten utsträckning att den i princip inte existerar. Detta sågs först som negativa egenskaper, vilket det är när man pratar om uttorkning. Men det som byggföretagens koncept nu har visat är att det finns stora potential till att vända dessa fuktegenskaper till något positivt. Konceptet bygger på att man uppnår en tillräcklig täthet i betongen som tillsammans med ett lager avjämning räcker för att få en fuktsäker konstruktion.Konceptet har även visat sig ha potential till att spara in på kostnader i och med att byggtider kan förkortas. Den moderna betongen är även ett miljövänligare alternativ. Lösningen med att använda ett lager avjämning är endast ett koncept som byggföretagen har testat, som nu har visat sig fungera, men som också förutsätter att man gör på ett visst sätt.Man bör ha i åtanke att för att detta koncept ska bli till ett standardförfarande i framtiden återstår mycket att göra så som mer testning. En pålitlig mätmetod behöver också tas fram för att mäta täthet i betong. Under testningen av konceptet mättes aldrig tätheten i betongen utan man provade sig fram och antog att 3 månader skulle ge den önskade tätheten. Vilket det också gjorde.Byggföretagens utredning visade också att alla betongrecept inte fungerar för att uppnå tillräcklig täthet i betong. Detta beror på vattencementtalet och att en tillräcklig täthet uppnås. Detta koncept fungerar inte heller på en traditionell betong med ordinarie portlandcement då den sortens betong inte innehåller mineraltillsatser som gör att betongen utvecklar tätheten som behövs. / The background to this thesis was an article in the construction world that addressed how a newly built property in Skövde had been affected by moisture problems. Due to this, an investigation was started by SBUF which showed that the moisture problems were due to the use of a new type of concrete containing mineral additives. It was also concluded that the problems that arose were due to the new, modern concrete having changed moisture properties when adding mineral additives.The purpose of this thesis was to determine through a literature study how the drying properties of traditional concrete are affected by the additives used today to make modern concrete more climate smart. The purpose was also to find out whether the drying properties of the new concrete have any advantages that can be used in reality in a new construction.It turns out that the modern concrete with mineral additive has a denser pore structure which means that the dehydration of the modern concrete is delayed. Diffusion drying takes place to such a small extent that it in principle does not exist. This was first seen as a negative trait, which is when talking about dehydration. But what the construction companies' concept has now shown is that there is great potential for turning these moisture properties into something positive. The concept is based on achieving a sufficient density in the concrete which, together with a layer of leveling, is sufficient to obtain a moisture-proof construction.The concept has also been shown to have the potential to save on costs as construction times can be shortened. Modern concrete is also a more environmentally friendly alternative. The solution of using a layer of leveling is only a concept that the construction companies have tested, which has now been shown to work, but which also presupposes that you do it in a certain way.It should be borne in mind that in order for this concept to become a standard procedure in the future, much remains to be done, such as more testing. A reliable measurement method also needs to be developed to measure density in concrete. During the testing of the concept, the density of the concrete was never measured, but it was tested and it was assumed that 3 months would give the desired density. Which it did.The construction companies' investigation also showed that not all concrete recipes work to achieve sufficient density in concrete. This is due to the water cement number and that a sufficient density is achieved. This concept also does not work on a traditional concrete with ordinary Portland cement as the type of concrete does not contain mineral additives which means that the concrete develops the density needed.
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Återanvändning av schaktmassor ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv för entreprenadföretag / Recycling of excavated soil in a sustainability perspective for construction companiesFransson, Theodor, Callenryd, Jakob January 2022 (has links)
Regardless of the project within the construction industry there is a high probability that the soil needs preparation, this is often done through excavation. The outcome will likely be a large amount of soil, if these masses can’t be used within the project, they will in most cases be transported to a landfill and be classified as waste. The more transports to landfills and the longer the trip the more greenhouse gases will be produced. Instead, the transport of lower quality masses could go to a recycling facility for treatment as the landfill is not environmentally sustainable. The study is based on a qualitative method, where data is collected using semi-structured interviews. In order to obtain a high content validity and concept validity, the questions in the interviews must be designed from the questions and concepts used in the questions are correctly defining and operationalized. Reliability is obtained by having both authors participate in interviews and that the interviews are recorded audio. Bureaucratic obstacles, uncertainty, untested methods, unclear guidance, laws and requirements mean that many trample on the same place even though the will to work more sustainably exists, these are conclusions made by the collected empirical data. The study resulted in all actors interviewed in this report wanting the recycling and reuse of excavated masses to increase to benefit the environment. The path to that goal looks different for those involved, which is also often the reason why there is not more recycling than what is being recycled today. The implication of the result is that many solutions to these problems lie with the authorities that need to create an economic advantage to recycle compared to driving excavated soil to landfills, that is not sustainable in the long run. Another solution is to reduce processing times for permits and increase permitted storage times. The limitation of work in the interviews is that only one person from each party has been interviewed except for Holst Entreprenad AB, this does not give the entire organization a broad point of view. / Oavsett byggnation inom byggbranschen kommer marken med stor sannolikhet förberedas, detta sker oftast genom schaktning. Resultatet av schaktningen blir en större mängd massor, om dessa inte återanvänds direkt i projektet transporteras de i vissa fall till deponi där de tippas på hög och kommer att klassas som avfall. Desto fler transporter som går till deponi och desto längre sträckan är desto mer ökar koldioxidutsläppen. I stället för att köra sämre massor till deponi skulle transporterna gå till en återvinningsanläggning för behandling då deponi inte är miljömässigt hållbart i längden. Studien baseras på kvalitativ metod, där data samlas in med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. För att få en hög innehållsvaliditet samt begreppsvaliditet ska frågorna i intervjuerna utformas från frågeställningarna och begrepp som används i frågorna är korrekt definierande samt operationaliserade. Reliabilitet erhålls då båda författarna deltar i intervjuer samt att intervjuerna spelas in. Byråkratiska hinder, osäkerhet, obeprövade metoder, otydlig vägledning samt lagar och krav gör att många trampar på samma ställe även fast viljan att jobba mer hållbart finns. Studien resulterade i att samtliga aktörer som intervjuades i denna rapport vill att återvinningen och återanvändningen av schaktmassor ska öka för att gynna miljön. Vägen till det målet ser olika ut för de inblandade vilket också ofta är anledningen till att det inte återvinns mer än vad det görs idag. Innebörden av resultatet är att många av lösningarna på dessa problem ligger hos myndigheter som behöver skapa en ekonomisk fördel att återvinna jämfört med att köra uppgrävda massor till deponi som inte är hållbart i längden. Det som också skulle öka återanvändningen av schaktmassor är om handläggningstider för tillstånd förkortades och tillåtna upplagstider förlängdes. Arbetes begränsning i intervjuerna är att endast en person från respektive part har intervjuats med undantag från Holst Entreprenad AB, detta ger inte hela organisationens breda synpunkt.
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Svenska byggföretags ställning till Agenda 2030 : En analys av Sveriges tio största byggföretag kring hållbarhetsarbete och mål / The positioning of Swedish Construction Companies on the 2030 AgendaSadik, Bala, Elias, Sanar January 2019 (has links)
Detta examensarbete avhandlar hållbarhetsprojekten och målsättningar av Sveriges 10 största byggföretag samt deras ställningstaganden gentemot Agenda 2030. Faktum att begreppet hållbarhet kan uppfattas och definieras på olika sätt har skapat en viss otydlighet i världen kring begreppet. De största byggföretagen i Sverige presenterar en hållbarhetsredovisning som redogör för de framgångsrika hållbarhetsprojekten inom verksamheten samt företagets framtida planer. Byggföretagens tillvägagångssätt i deras arbete för att uppnå målen i Agenda 2030 är i stort sätt densamma, med undantag för vissa bolag som har unik taktik. Flera av de utvalda byggföretagen har även antalet mål uppsatta som sträcker sig längre fram än år 2030; vilket delvis beror på regeringens klimatlag för att uppnå ett klimatneutralt Sverige år 2045. I denna studie har fyra mål från Agenda 2030 blivit utvalda för granskning; sedan har byggföretagens hållbarhetsredovisningar undersökts i syfte att utläsa företagens ställningstaganden i förhållande till målen. Teorin om svag och stark hållbarhet tillämpad i en organisation har applicerats på respektive byggföretags hållbarhet vilket resulterade i ett tydligt mönster. Resultaten pekar mot att styrkan av hållbarhet i ett företag beror på dess omsättning, vilket var relativt klart eftersom hållbarhetsredovisningarna hos de företag som hade större omsättning var mer omfattande samtidigt som målsättningen var mer preciserad och antalet hållbarhetsprojekt högre. Härvid bör nämnas att signaleringsteorin till viss del motsäger antagandet om att hållbarhetsstyrkan av ett företag är beroende på dess omsättning. Signaleringsteorin menar att företag kan öka sitt värde och popularitet via frivillig redovisning samt betoning och upplyftning av de ’finare’ delarna ur verksamheten. Framtida studier kan finna denna studie som hjälpsam för bedrivandet av forskning inom samma fält. Ytterligare fördjupande rapporter inom samma område kan framtas med denna studie som grund, vilket möjligtvis kan ljusna förutsättningarna av djupdykande hållbarhetsresearch av alla typer av företag, bygg- eller inte. Hållbarhetsarbete är ett relevant ämne i världen just nu, varför ytterligare studier av denna karaktär fordras i syfte att uppnå en bättre förståelse för hållbarhetskonceptet och utvecklingen av effektiva strategier för en ännu mer hållbar värld / This thesis deals with the sustainability programmes and goals of Sweden's 10 largest constructioncompanies as well as their position on Agenda 2030. The fact that the concept of sustainability canbe perceived and defined in different ways around the world has created a certain ambiguity aroundthe notion. The largest construction companies in Sweden present sustainability reports that accountfor successful sustainability projects as well as future planning. The work of construction companiesin achieving the goals of Agenda 2030 is much the same, with the difference of some companieshaving unique approaches to achieving them. Several of the selected construction companies in thisthesis also have a number of goals set up that extend beyond the scope of 2030, partly because of theSwedish government's climate legislation for creating a climate-neutral Sweden by 2045.In this study, four goals from Agenda 2030 have been selected for analysis within the frame of thechosen construction companies' sustainability reports. The reports have been analyzed in order todecipher the companies’ different positions in regard to the chosen goals. The theory of weak andstrong sustainability applied in an organization has been applied to the sustainability of eachconstruction company, which produced a clear pattern as a result. The degree of strength within thesustainability efforts depends on the individual company’s turnover. This was relatively clear sincethe sustainability reports of the companies with a higher turnover were more comprehensive,contained more clearly presented progress, all while the number of Agenda 2030-goals was greater.Herein must be noted that the Signal Theory contradicts, to some extent, the assumption that thestrength of a company's sustainability is dependent on turnover, since companies can increase theirvalue and popularity through voluntary accounting and emphasize and highlight the ‘finer’ parts ofthe business.Future studies can find this study helpful in carrying out research within the same field. Even morein-depth investigational reports can be done using this study as a foundation, which could possiblybrighten prospects for deep-digging sustainability research into any type of company, constructionor non-construction. Sustainable work is a relevant topic in the world right now, which is whyfurther studies of this character will be needed in order to achieve a better understanding of thesustainability concept and development of effective strategies to make the world even moresustainable.
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Förstudier av kommersiella fastigheter : En analys av arbetssätt ur ett projektledarperspektiv / Feasibility studies of commercial real estates : An analysis of the pre-project planning phase in Swedish construction companiesRashidi, Ehsan January 2009 (has links)
<p>This thesis is written at WSP management and investigates the practice of pre-project planning and feasibility studies at Swedish construction companies, through the study of the ongoing feasibility study of the mall Sturegallerian in Stockholm, and through interviews with experienced project managers in the construction industry. There is currently a big span in the way Swedish construction companies plan the pre-project phase and the aim of this thesis is to present a more generic and standardized way that helps minimize project risks and maximize efficiency and profit.</p><p> </p><p>The result is a generic model which can be used in pre-project planning. The model describes the phases in the preproject planning process and the activities that span these phases. Is also describes the categories of professions that need to participate in the preproject planning group and which activities that each profession executes.</p><p> </p><p>The other result is a list of factors that need to be considered for a well performed pre-project phase, as found during the interviews. Among others the thesis stresses the importance of involving the client as a key participant in the process. The importance of testing the profitability of the idea is also being discussed. The interviews also indicated that the pre-project phase is not linear but rather transactional and that the original alternatives presented to the client lead to new client desires and requirements.</p>
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Customer Satisfaction - An Investigation of TrivselhusIvarsson, Linus, Nilsson, Alexander, Rimfält, Torbjörn January 2010 (has links)
Purpose: This thesis investigates and analyzes the customer satisfaction over a 10-year time period among Trivselhus customers. Background: More companies in the building sector are starting to realize the importance of using cus-tomer satisfaction as a tool to enhance their competitive advantage. Customer satisfaction brings several positive aspects to a company, which can contribute to a successful business. It is crucial to fulfill customers‟ wants and needs in order to obtain customer satisfaction. Building a house is one of the largest investment people make in life, with important deci-sions that can affect their current way of living. Customer satisfaction is, therefore, crucial for a company like Trivselhus, where it is essential to keep their customers satisfied by of-fering the right products that fulfill their expectations. Another increasingly important aspect in people‟s lives today is the environment. This has now come to affect the house building industries as they have to fulfill customer expecta-tions regarding energy efficiency and environmental friendliness. Method: To answer the purpose, primary data have been collected by conducting a telephone sur-vey. The survey was made randomly among Trivselhus customers. From the different theo-ries, important categories that affect customer satisfaction were found. Aspects from all these categories were included in the questionnaire to explain customer satisfaction. The analysis is based on statistical data generated from the survey. Central tendency values and regression analysis makes it possible to explain which variables affect customer satisfaction among Trivselhus customers. Conclusion: The outcome of the research signifies, that customer satisfaction among Trivselhus cus-tomers has not changed during all the years covered in this research. There are several va-riables affecting customer satisfaction. These variables are included in different categories; Complaints, Expectations, Service Quality, Energy, Product Quality, and Image. Further-more, there is not enough evidence to prove that energy efficiency and environmental friendliness affect customer satisfaction geographically. / Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka och analysera kundnöjdheten bland Trivselhus kun-der över en 10 års period. Bakgrund: Fler företag inom byggsektorn har börjat inse vikten utav att använda kundnöjdhet som ett redskap för att skaffa sig konkurrensfördelar. Kundnöjdhet medför flera positiva aspekter till ett företag, som kan bidra till en framgångsrik affärsverksamhet och det är viktigt att uppfylla kundernas förväntningar och behov för att få kunde nöjd. Att bygga ett hus är en utav de största investeringar som görs i livet, med viktiga beslut som kan påverka ens levnadssituation. Kundnöjdhet är därför avgörande för ett företag såsom Trivselhus, där det är viktigt att hålla sina kunder nöjda genom att erbjuda rätt produkter som uppfyller deras förväntningar och krav. En annan viktig aspekt idag är miljön. Det har visat sig att miljön har kommit att påverka byggsektorn eftersom de nu måste uppfylla kunders förväntningar även angående miljö och energi aspekter. Metod: För att besvara syftet har primärdata samlats in genom en telefonundersökning. Undersök-ningen gjordes slumpmässigt bland Trivselhus kunder. Från teorier hämtades viktiga kate-gorier som påverkar kundnöjdhet. Aspekter från alla dessa kategorier ingick i frågeställ-ningen för att kunna förklara kundnöjdhet. Analysen bygger på statistiska uppgifter. Me-delvärden samt regressions analys gör det möjligt att förklara vilka variabler som påverkar kundnöjdheten bland Trivselhus kunder. Slutsats: Resultatet utav studien visar att kundnöjdheten bland Trivselhus kunder inte förändrats under åren som behandlats, men det finns flera variabler som påverkar kundnöjdhet. Dessa variabler är inkluderade i olika kategorier; Klagomål, Förväntningar, Servicekvalitet, Energi, Produktkvalitet och Image. Vidare så finns det inte tillräckligt med bevis för att miljö och energi påverkar kundnöjdheten geografiskt.
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Förstudier av kommersiella fastigheter : En analys av arbetssätt ur ett projektledarperspektiv / Feasibility studies of commercial real estates : An analysis of the pre-project planning phase in Swedish construction companiesRashidi, Ehsan January 2009 (has links)
This thesis is written at WSP management and investigates the practice of pre-project planning and feasibility studies at Swedish construction companies, through the study of the ongoing feasibility study of the mall Sturegallerian in Stockholm, and through interviews with experienced project managers in the construction industry. There is currently a big span in the way Swedish construction companies plan the pre-project phase and the aim of this thesis is to present a more generic and standardized way that helps minimize project risks and maximize efficiency and profit. The result is a generic model which can be used in pre-project planning. The model describes the phases in the preproject planning process and the activities that span these phases. Is also describes the categories of professions that need to participate in the preproject planning group and which activities that each profession executes. The other result is a list of factors that need to be considered for a well performed pre-project phase, as found during the interviews. Among others the thesis stresses the importance of involving the client as a key participant in the process. The importance of testing the profitability of the idea is also being discussed. The interviews also indicated that the pre-project phase is not linear but rather transactional and that the original alternatives presented to the client lead to new client desires and requirements.
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Customer Satisfaction - An Investigation of TrivselhusIvarsson, Linus, Nilsson, Alexander, Rimfält, Torbjörn January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong><p>Purpose:</p><p>This thesis investigates and analyzes the customer satisfaction over a 10-year time period among Trivselhus customers.</p><strong><p>Background:</p><p>More companies in the building sector are starting to realize the importance of using cus-tomer satisfaction as a tool to enhance their competitive advantage. Customer satisfaction brings several positive aspects to a company, which can contribute to a successful business. It is crucial to fulfill customers‟ wants and needs in order to obtain customer satisfaction.</p><p>Building a house is one of the largest investment people make in life, with important deci-sions that can affect their current way of living. Customer satisfaction is, therefore, crucial for a company like Trivselhus, where it is essential to keep their customers satisfied by of-fering the right products that fulfill their expectations.</p><p>Another increasingly important aspect in people‟s lives today is the environment. This has now come to affect the house building industries as they have to fulfill customer expecta-tions regarding energy efficiency and environmental friendliness.</p><strong><p>Method:</p><p>To answer the purpose, primary data have been collected by conducting a telephone sur-vey. The survey was made randomly among Trivselhus customers. From the different theo-ries, important categories that affect customer satisfaction were found. Aspects from all these categories were included in the questionnaire to explain customer satisfaction. The analysis is based on statistical data generated from the survey. Central tendency values and regression analysis makes it possible to explain which variables affect customer satisfaction among Trivselhus customers.</p><strong><p>Conclusion:</p><p>The outcome of the research signifies, that customer satisfaction among Trivselhus cus-tomers has not changed during all the years covered in this research. There are several va-riables affecting customer satisfaction. These variables are included in different categories; Complaints, Expectations, Service Quality, Energy, Product Quality, and Image. Further-more, there is not enough evidence to prove that energy efficiency and environmental friendliness affect customer satisfaction geographically.</p></strong></strong></strong></strong></p> / <p>Syfte:</p><p>Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka och analysera kundnöjdheten bland Trivselhus kun-der över en 10 års period.</p><p>Bakgrund:</p><p>Fler företag inom byggsektorn har börjat inse vikten utav att använda kundnöjdhet som ett redskap för att skaffa sig konkurrensfördelar. Kundnöjdhet medför flera positiva aspekter till ett företag, som kan bidra till en framgångsrik affärsverksamhet och det är viktigt att uppfylla kundernas förväntningar och behov för att få kunde nöjd.</p><p>Att bygga ett hus är en utav de största investeringar som görs i livet, med viktiga beslut som kan påverka ens levnadssituation. Kundnöjdhet är därför avgörande för ett företag såsom Trivselhus, där det är viktigt att hålla sina kunder nöjda genom att erbjuda rätt produkter som uppfyller deras förväntningar och krav.</p><p>En annan viktig aspekt idag är miljön. Det har visat sig att miljön har kommit att påverka byggsektorn eftersom de nu måste uppfylla kunders förväntningar även angående miljö och energi aspekter.</p><p>Metod:</p><p>För att besvara syftet har primärdata samlats in genom en telefonundersökning. Undersök-ningen gjordes slumpmässigt bland Trivselhus kunder. Från teorier hämtades viktiga kate-gorier som påverkar kundnöjdhet. Aspekter från alla dessa kategorier ingick i frågeställ-ningen för att kunna förklara kundnöjdhet. Analysen bygger på statistiska uppgifter. Me-delvärden samt regressions analys gör det möjligt att förklara vilka variabler som påverkar kundnöjdheten bland Trivselhus kunder.</p><p>Slutsats:</p><p>Resultatet utav studien visar att kundnöjdheten bland Trivselhus kunder inte förändrats under åren som behandlats, men det finns flera variabler som påverkar kundnöjdhet. Dessa variabler är inkluderade i olika kategorier; Klagomål, Förväntningar, Servicekvalitet, Energi, Produktkvalitet och Image. Vidare så finns det inte tillräckligt med bevis för att miljö och energi påverkar kundnöjdheten geografiskt.</p>
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Identificação de melhorias no processo de controle da qualidade em empreendimentos habitacionais de baixa renda / Identification of improve in Quality Control Process of low-income housing projectsBartz, Cíntia Fassbender January 2007 (has links)
As empresas construtoras de empreendimentos habitacionais de baixa renda no Brasil têm sido impulsionadas a implementar Sistemas de Gestão da Qualidade (SGQ) em função de exigências de certificação por parte de órgãos financiadores deste segmento de mercado, envolvidas no Programa Brasileiro de Qualidade e Produtividade no Habitat (PBQP-H). No entanto, observa-se, ainda, a presença de muitas falhas de qualidade nos empreendimentos de baixa renda, apesar da certificação obtida pelas construtoras. Por outro lado, tendo implementado um SGQ, muitas empresas possuem dados sobre as falhas incidentes em seus produtos, através de registros obtidos por exigências dos próprios requisitos normativos. O objetivo deste trabalho consiste em propor melhorias no processo de controle da qualidade de empreendimentos habitacionais de baixa renda, utilizando para tanto registros de falhas nos produtos. Neste sentido, foram analisados empreendimentos que pertencem aos dois programas de provisão habitacional, o Programa de Arrendamento Residencial (PAR) e o Imóvel na Planta, ambos gerenciados pela Caixa Econômica Federal. A pesquisa foi dividida nas seguintes etapas: (a) revisão bibliográfica; (b) estudo exploratório para identificação da estrutura e funcionamento do sistema de gestão da qualidade de uma empresa construtora; (c) realização de estudos de caso em duas empresas construtoras de empreendimentos habitacionais de baixa renda, envolvendo a caracterização do processo de controle da qualidade nos seus empreendimentos e a análise de falhas de qualidade; (d) proposta de melhorias no processo de controle de qualidade. As principais contribuições da pesquisa estão relacionadas com o processamento de dados de registros de falhas. Este processamento possibilita a caracterização do comportamento das falhas e o estabelecimento de uma priorização das mesmas, utilizando ferramentas de fácil aplicação. A partir dos registros de falhas arquivados pelas empresas construtoras foi possível identificar oportunidades de melhorias para o processo de controle da qualidade, considerando as lacunas existentes neste processo que permitem a ocorrência das falhas. / The construction companies working on low-income housing projects in Brazil have been encouraged to implement Quality Management Systems (QMS) due to the demand for certification from funding organizations in this market segment, involved in the Brazilian Program for Quality and Productivity in the Habitat. However, there are still a large incidence of quality failures in low-income housing projects, despite the certification obtained by construction companies. By contrast, due to the implementation of QMS, many companies have data about the incidence of failures in their products, obtained from records in accordance with the normative system requirements. The objective of this study is to propose improvements in the quality control process of lowincome housing projects, using records of product failures. It was based on the study of projects from two housing provision programs, the Residential Leasing Program and the Blue Print Housing Program, both managed by the National Savings Bank. This research work was divided into the following stages: (a) literature review; (b) exploratory study on the structure and functioning of the quality management system of a construction companies; (c) two case studies in low-income house building companies, involving the characterization of the quality control process and the analysis of the main quality failures; (d) proposal for improving the quality control process. The main contributions of this study are related to data processing regarding quality failure records. This data processing enables the characterization of failure modes and the establishment of priorities, using fairly simple tools. Based on the failure records of the construction companies, it was possible to identify improvement opportunities in the quality control process, considering gaps in this process, that allow the occurrence of failures.
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