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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Open-Closed Mindedness of Students in Teacher Education and in Other College Fields

Low, W. Blair 01 May 1971 (has links)
Purpose of the Study This study sought to determine if teacher education students in two institutions of higher education were more authoritarian or closed minded than students in other fields of study . In addition, the study was designed to explore the relationship of other variables--sex, religious affiliation, church attendance, and city size and state of child residency-- to open-closed mindedness. Methods and Procedures Participating in this study were 1049 junior and senior students from Utah State University and 837 subjects from Weber State College. Subjects were primarily from a Latter-day Saint (Mormon) subculture. All subjects were administered the F Scale and Rokeach's D Scale as instruments for measuring authoritarianism and dogmatism, respectively. Two major hypotheses and 17 minor hypotheses concerning three general types of variables--personal characteristics , demographic background data, and educational characteristics---were tested. Analysis of covariance, simple and factorial, was used to analyze the data. The analyses were computed by the general least squares solution, which permitted adjustment for unequal cell frequencies . Differences between pairs of means were tested for significance using linear comparisons. Findings and Conclusions Differences among the mean D and F Scale scores for the various academic areas were found to be significant. Students majoring in academic areas generally considered to be humanistically oriented tended to be significantly less authoritarian than those students in academic areas organized around skills or "thingism" (e.g. , social science majors were less closed minded than engineering, business and math-science majors). In addition, in analyses using only students planning to receive secondary certificates, significant differences were found among the academic majors for both the D and F scales at USU, but not at WSC. When all students planning to teach--regardless of subject area--were categorized as one major--education--they were generally no more closed minded than any other major. Also, when prospective secondary education teachers were compared with their non-teaching counterparts in the same academic major, the differences were generally not significant. The study considered the relationship of certain variables to the D and F Scale scores. Sex was found to be related to the D and F Scale scores. Differences between males and females were significant (p<.OOl) at both institutions and for both scales. However, elementary or secondary males did not differ from their female counterparts at USU on either scale, although at WSC, male elementary and male secondary subjects were significantly more dogmatic than their female counterparts. City size and the state of residency in which subjects grew up, as well as church attendance, were significantly related to D and F Scale scores at USU . However, these factors were generally not significant for WSC subjects. In addition, church attendance and religious preference interactions were significant for the USU subjects. The results of this study suggest that education majors are not more closed minded than students in other college fields. In addition, the findings indicate that D and F Scale scores are not independent of such variables as sex, major, religion, church attendance, geographical location of childhood residency--city size and state--and even the institution of higher education attended, and these variables should be taken into account in research designs. The factorial analysis of covariance using a general least squares solution seems particularly appropriate because it also allows adjustments for unequal frequencies which frequently occur in sampling studies such as this one. Taking into account in research and statistical design the variables used in this study would help to eliminate inconsistent, uninterpretable findings and build a cumulative body of knowledge about the open-closed mindedness of teachers .

Evaluation of Certificate Enrollment over Application Layer Security / Utvärdering av certifikatsskrivning över applikationslagersäkerhet

Krontiris, Alexandros January 2018 (has links)
This thesis analyzes Application Layer security protocols for certificate enrollment and management. EDHOC, Ephemeral Diffie-HellmanOver COSE, is a recently developed key exchange protocol whichis designed to provide authentication and key-exchange functionality with compact message sizes and minimum round-trip-time. The workof this thesis extends the EDHOC protocol with a certificate enrollment functionality, targeting IoT constrained devices and it has been implemented for analysis and evaluation purposes. The main scope of this document is to study the security, performance and scalability (in descendingorder of importance) of enrollment over EDHOC compared to other certificate enrollment protocols. / Detta examensarbete analyserar säkerhetsprotokoll av typen ApplicationLayer för certifikatregistrering och hantering. EDHOC, Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman Over COSE, har implementerats, analyserats och utvärderats. EDHOC är ett nyligen utvecklat Application Layer-protokoll som är utformat för att tillhandahålla autentiserings- och nyckelfunktionsfunktioner med kompakta meddelandestorlekar och minimala rundturstider, inriktat på IoT-begränsade enheter. Huvudområdet för examensarbetet är att studera säkerhet, prestanda och skalbarhet (i fallande ordning av betydelse) hos EDHOC jämfört med andra föreslagna Application Layer-säkerhetsprotokoll som utför certifikatsskrivning.

End-to-end Security Enhancement of an IoT Platform Using Object Security

Tjäder, Hampus January 2017 (has links)
The Internet of Things (IoT) is seen as one of the next Internet revolutions. In a near future the majority of all connected devices to the Internet will be IoT devices. These devices will connect previously offline constrained systems, thus it is essential to ensure end-to-end security for such devices. Object Security is a concept where the actual packet or sensitive parts of the packet are encrypted instead of the radio channel. A compromised node in the network will with this mechanism still have the data encrypted ensuring full end-to-end security. This paper proposes an architecture for using the object security format COSE in a typical constrained short-range radio based IoT platform. The IoT platform utilizes Bluetooth Low Energy and the Constrained Application Protocol for data transmission via a capillary gateway. A proof-of-concept implementation based on the architecture validates that the security solution is implementable. An overhead comparison between current channel security guidelines and the proposed object security solution results in a similar size for each data packet. The thesis concludes that object security should be seen as an alternative for ensuring end-to-end security for the Internet of Things.

Grondeise van 'n verantwoordbare opvoedkundige sielkundige praktyk met besondere verwysing van pedoterapie / Ground structures for an accountable educational psychological practice with special reference to pedotherapy

Kruger, Jacolien 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Die begin van die nuwe millennium word gekenmerk deur radikale vooruitgang op tegnologiese gebied, paradigmatiese verskuiwings in natuur- en geesteswetenskappe, toenemende onsekerheid oor wat die ware aard van die mens is en hoe die een mens die ander verantwoordbaar kan help met die oplossing van probleme en herstel van menswaardigheid deur middel van opvoedkundige sielkundige ondersteuning. Navorsing is ondemeem om 'n beeld te verkry van wat 'n verantwoordbare opvoedkundige sielkundige praktyk met besondere verwysing na pedoterapie, kan wees. 'n Literatuurstudie is gedoen aangaande grondeise van 'n verantwoordbare opvoedkundige sielkundige praktyk in historieskomtemporere konteks. 'n Verdere literatuurstudie is gedoen aangaande 'n verantwoordelike en verantwoordbare pedoterapeutiese praktyk in opvoedings- en medemenslikheidsperspektief. 'n Teoretiese fundering van pedoterapie is gedoen, waarin daar, onder andere, klem geplaas is op 'n ontleding van die begrip en idee pedoterapie, pedoterapeutiese verhoudinge, diagnostisering, vorme van pedoterapie en die aard enrol van 'n mensbeeld in die opvoedkundige sielkundige praktyk. 'n Soektog na kategoriee waarmee 'n verantwoordbare Sielkundige Opvoedkundige wetenskap en opvoedkundige sielkundige praktyk beskryf kan word, is ondemeem. Daarna is kriteria vir die evaluering van pedoterapeutiese arbeid geformuleer. Die oorsprong vir en die waarde van 'n universele etiese kode vir terapeute is teen die agtergrond van 'n mensbeeld bespreek. Aan die hand van 'n empiriese ondersoek is daar bepaal wat die stand van opvoedkundige sielkundige teorie en praktyk teenswoordig sou wees. Hierdie empiriese ondersoek is met idiografiese onderhoude uitgevoer, waama idiogramme saamgestel is. Met die empiriese ondersoek is daar gepoog om 'n beeld te verkry van hoe vertroud hedendaagse praktisyns met teoretiese grondslae en die waarde van 'n ontologiese mensbeeld, die waarde van evalueringskriteria en die stand van die Sielkundige Opvoedkunde se toepassingsmoontlikhede vir die pedoterapeutiese praktyk is of nie is nie. Deelnemende opvoedkundige sielkundige praktisyns se praktyksbenadering in etiese en praktiese konteks is verkry asook bulle oordele van, onder meer, heersende voorskrifte en voorstelle ter bevordering van die opvoedkundige sielkundige praktyk. 'n Aantal aanbevelings is gemaak op grond van die bevindinge vanuit die totale studie. 'n Aanloop tot die daarstelling van 'n etiese kode vir opvoedkundige sielkundiges is gemaak. / The beginning of the new millennium is characterized by radical technological progress, paradigm shifts in natural and human sciences, increasing uncertainty about the real nature of the human being and how one person can assist another in an accountable way with solving problems in order to restore human dignity through educational psychological assistance. Research is carried out to determine what an accountable educational psychological practice, with special reference to pedotherapy, should entail. A literature study regarding basic requirements of an accountable educational psychological practice in historical and contemporary perspective is included. A further literature study is executed concerning an accountable pedotherapeutic practice. A theoretical grounding of pedotherapy is included in the literature study and specific attention is given to an analysis of the concepts and ideas of pedotherapy. pedotherapeutic relationships, the diagnostic approach and forms of pedotherapy. The nature and role of a view of human kind in educational psychological practice is also discussed. Categories describing an accountable science of Psychology of Education and its practice are presented. Subsequent criteria for the evaluation of pedotherapeutic endeavour are formulated. Origins for and the value of a universal code of ethics for pedotherapists are discussed against the background of a view of human kind. By means of an empirical investigation it is determined what the current status of Psychology of Education in theory and practice is. This investigation is conducted by means of idiographic interviews and afterwards idiogrammes are compiled to determine to what extent practitioners are conversant with theoretical foundations and an ontological view of human kind, the value of evaluation criteria and the possibilities presented by the insights of Psychology of Education and how practitioners approach their practice in ethical stance. Also the views of practitioners on current prescriptions and their suggestions for improving educational psychological practice are obtained. A number of recommendations is presented in the light of findings from the entire study. A trial run for the formulation of an ethical code for educational psychologists is presented. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Sielkundige Opvoedkunde)


BIGNAZZI, SARAH 01 March 2010 (has links)
Nell’odierna società postmoderna la percezione di insicurezza ha condotto l’opinione pubblica a manifestare pressanti esigenze di maggior tutela rispetto a potenziali fonti di rischio, la cui effettiva pericolosità non è ancora stata oggetto di accertamento. A tal fine è stato elaborato a partire dagli anni Sessanta il principio di precauzione che è stato progressivamente recepito sia a livello internazionale, sia (successivamente) a livello nazionale, con particolare riferimento alla tutela dei beni giuridici ambiente e salute. Oggetto di valutazione nella presente tesi è innanzitutto l’eventuale base scientifica dello stesso principio di precauzione e la necessaria valutazione del rischio, prodromica alla sua applicazione. Dopo di che è stata esaminata la compatibilità del principio di precauzione con l’attuale sistema penale italiano, ed in particolare con i criteri di accertamento richiesti per la sussistenza del nesso di causalità, con gli elementi che compongono la struttura dei reati di pericolo (astratto e concreto) ed infine con l’elemento soggettivo colposo. Si è inoltre esaminato un caso paradigmatico di applicazione del principio di precauzione nel diritto penale, con riguardo alla fattispecie codicistica del getto pericoloso di cose ex art. 674 c.p. Un caso «esemplare» di applicazione del principio di precauzione è poi rintracciabile nella disciplina in materia di sicurezza alimentare ed in particolare in quella (sia comunitaria che italiana) relativa all’impiego di organismi geneticamente modificati. / In today's postmodern society's perception of insecurity has led the public to demonstrate the pressing need for better protection against potential sources of risk, the actual risk which has not yet been investigated. To this goal, from the Sixties the precautionary principle has been progressively implemented both internationally, and (later) at the national level, with particular reference to the protection of environment and health. Evaluated in this thesis is first of all the possible scientific basis of the same principle of precaution and the necessary assessment of risk, prodromal to its application. After that has been considered the compatibility of the precautionary principle with the current Italian criminal law, particularly with the assessment criteria required for the existence of a causal link, with the elements that make up the structure of the offenses of danger (abstract and concrete) and finally with the element of subjective fault. It was also considered a paradigmatic case of application of the precautionary principle in criminal law, with regard to jet dangerous things according to the art. 674 Italian criminal code. An “exemplary” case of the application of the precautionary principle is also detectable in the discipline in terms of food safety and in particular in that (both Community and Italian) on the use of genetically modified organisms.

Grondeise van 'n verantwoordbare opvoedkundige sielkundige praktyk met besondere verwysing van pedoterapie / Ground structures for an accountable educational psychological practice with special reference to pedotherapy

Kruger, Jacolien 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Die begin van die nuwe millennium word gekenmerk deur radikale vooruitgang op tegnologiese gebied, paradigmatiese verskuiwings in natuur- en geesteswetenskappe, toenemende onsekerheid oor wat die ware aard van die mens is en hoe die een mens die ander verantwoordbaar kan help met die oplossing van probleme en herstel van menswaardigheid deur middel van opvoedkundige sielkundige ondersteuning. Navorsing is ondemeem om 'n beeld te verkry van wat 'n verantwoordbare opvoedkundige sielkundige praktyk met besondere verwysing na pedoterapie, kan wees. 'n Literatuurstudie is gedoen aangaande grondeise van 'n verantwoordbare opvoedkundige sielkundige praktyk in historieskomtemporere konteks. 'n Verdere literatuurstudie is gedoen aangaande 'n verantwoordelike en verantwoordbare pedoterapeutiese praktyk in opvoedings- en medemenslikheidsperspektief. 'n Teoretiese fundering van pedoterapie is gedoen, waarin daar, onder andere, klem geplaas is op 'n ontleding van die begrip en idee pedoterapie, pedoterapeutiese verhoudinge, diagnostisering, vorme van pedoterapie en die aard enrol van 'n mensbeeld in die opvoedkundige sielkundige praktyk. 'n Soektog na kategoriee waarmee 'n verantwoordbare Sielkundige Opvoedkundige wetenskap en opvoedkundige sielkundige praktyk beskryf kan word, is ondemeem. Daarna is kriteria vir die evaluering van pedoterapeutiese arbeid geformuleer. Die oorsprong vir en die waarde van 'n universele etiese kode vir terapeute is teen die agtergrond van 'n mensbeeld bespreek. Aan die hand van 'n empiriese ondersoek is daar bepaal wat die stand van opvoedkundige sielkundige teorie en praktyk teenswoordig sou wees. Hierdie empiriese ondersoek is met idiografiese onderhoude uitgevoer, waama idiogramme saamgestel is. Met die empiriese ondersoek is daar gepoog om 'n beeld te verkry van hoe vertroud hedendaagse praktisyns met teoretiese grondslae en die waarde van 'n ontologiese mensbeeld, die waarde van evalueringskriteria en die stand van die Sielkundige Opvoedkunde se toepassingsmoontlikhede vir die pedoterapeutiese praktyk is of nie is nie. Deelnemende opvoedkundige sielkundige praktisyns se praktyksbenadering in etiese en praktiese konteks is verkry asook bulle oordele van, onder meer, heersende voorskrifte en voorstelle ter bevordering van die opvoedkundige sielkundige praktyk. 'n Aantal aanbevelings is gemaak op grond van die bevindinge vanuit die totale studie. 'n Aanloop tot die daarstelling van 'n etiese kode vir opvoedkundige sielkundiges is gemaak. / The beginning of the new millennium is characterized by radical technological progress, paradigm shifts in natural and human sciences, increasing uncertainty about the real nature of the human being and how one person can assist another in an accountable way with solving problems in order to restore human dignity through educational psychological assistance. Research is carried out to determine what an accountable educational psychological practice, with special reference to pedotherapy, should entail. A literature study regarding basic requirements of an accountable educational psychological practice in historical and contemporary perspective is included. A further literature study is executed concerning an accountable pedotherapeutic practice. A theoretical grounding of pedotherapy is included in the literature study and specific attention is given to an analysis of the concepts and ideas of pedotherapy. pedotherapeutic relationships, the diagnostic approach and forms of pedotherapy. The nature and role of a view of human kind in educational psychological practice is also discussed. Categories describing an accountable science of Psychology of Education and its practice are presented. Subsequent criteria for the evaluation of pedotherapeutic endeavour are formulated. Origins for and the value of a universal code of ethics for pedotherapists are discussed against the background of a view of human kind. By means of an empirical investigation it is determined what the current status of Psychology of Education in theory and practice is. This investigation is conducted by means of idiographic interviews and afterwards idiogrammes are compiled to determine to what extent practitioners are conversant with theoretical foundations and an ontological view of human kind, the value of evaluation criteria and the possibilities presented by the insights of Psychology of Education and how practitioners approach their practice in ethical stance. Also the views of practitioners on current prescriptions and their suggestions for improving educational psychological practice are obtained. A number of recommendations is presented in the light of findings from the entire study. A trial run for the formulation of an ethical code for educational psychologists is presented. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Sielkundige Opvoedkunde)

Language maintenance and shift in the Greek community in Johannesburg

McDuling, Allistair James 02 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Greek / Keywords in English and Greek / This thesis explores the phenomenon of language shift and maintenance in the Greek community of Johannesburg, which is the largest Greek community in South Africa. The main aim of the study is to provide an account of the factors which assist in maintaining the Greek language which is under pressure from English, the dominant official language in the country. This study draws on the theoretical and methodological frameworks established in the many studies conducted on the Greek communities in the USA and Australia. The Greek community has played a significant role in assisting to shape the development of South Africa. Up until the 1980s, they were subject to discrimination from the host society; consequently, many immigrants lived together in certain suburbs and founded their own churches, clubs and schools. These factors contributed greatly to the retention of their language and culture. Since the late 1980s, the discriminatory attitude of the host society toward the immigrant communities has decreased notably, and subsequently, there has been an increased integration and assimilation into the host society. The process of assimilation has resulted, inter alia, in an increased use of English, the dominant language of the host society, consequently the retention of the mother tongue has declined. A number of factors were identified as playing an important role in the maintenance of Greek: education, religion, family, language loyalty and socio-cultural activities; and, to a lesser extent, media and overseas visits. Education has played a key role in maintaining the language, in particular through the establishment of Greek day and afternoon schools. Despite a preference for bilingual church services, the Greek Orthodox Church continues to play a vital role in the maintenance of Greek. The family, loyalty towards the language and culture and a notable pride in being Greek, and participation in socio-cultural activities contribute significantly to the maintenance of the Greek language. Despite a marked shift towards English in the younger generation, the future of Greek in South Africa may be characterized by relatively stable bilingualism, provided that current trends continue. / Η παροφςα μελζτθ πραγματεφεται το φαινόμενο τθσ αλλαγισ και διατιρθςθσ τθσ ελλθνικισ γλϊςςασ ςτθν ελλθνικι κοινότθτα του Γιοχάνεςμπουργκ, θ οποία αποτελεί τθν μεγαλφτερθ κοινότθτα ςτο Γιοχάνεςμπουργκ. Ο κφριοσ ςκοπόσ τθσ διατριβισ, είναι να παρουςιάςει τουσ παράγοντεσ που ςυμβάλλουν ςτθ διατιρθςθ τθσ ελλθνικισ γλϊςςασ, θ οποία καταπιζηεται γλωςςικά από τθν Αγγλικι, τθν κυρίαρχθ και επίςθμθ γλϊςςα τθσ χϊρασ. Η μελζτθ αυτι αντλεί τουσ κεωρθτικοφσ και μεκοδολογικοφσ τθσ άξονεσ από τισ διάφορεσ μελζτεσ που ωσ αντικείμενό τουσ ζχουν τθν μελζτθ των ελλθνικϊν κοινοτιτων ςτισ Ηνωμζνεσ Πολιτείεσ και ςτθν Αυςτραλία. Η Ελλθνικι κοινότθτα ζχει παίξει ςθμαντικό υποβοθκθτικό ρόλο ςτθν πορεία τθσ εξζλιξθσ τθσ Νότιασ Αφρικισ. Μζχρι το 1980 ιταν αντικείμενο φυλετικισ διάκριςθσ από τθ χϊρα υποδοχισ με αποτζλεςμα πολλοί μετανάςτεσ να ηουν ομαδικά ςε ςυγκεκριμζνεσ περιοχζσ, ιδρφοντασ τισ δικζσ τουσ εκκλθςίεσ, ςυλλόγουσ και ςχολεία. Οι προαναφερόμενοι παράγοντεσ ςυνζβαλαν αιςκθτά ςτθ διατιρθςθ τθσ γλϊςςασ και του ελλθνικοφ πολιτιςμοφ. Από τα τζλθ του 1980, θ πολιτικι διακρίςεων λόγω φυλετικισ καταγωγισ από τθ χϊρα υποδοχισ προσ τισ μεταναςτευτικζσ ομάδεσ ζχει μειωκεί αιςκθτά ενϊ μετζπειτα παρατθρείται μια αυξθμζνθ ενςωμάτωςθ και αφομοίωςθ ςτθν χϊρα-οικοδεςπότθσ. Η διαδικαςία ενςωμάτωςθσ ςυντζλεςε, inter alia, ςτθν αφξθςθ τθσ χριςθσ τθσ αγγλικισ γλϊςςασ, τθν κυρίαρχθ γλϊςςα τθσ χϊρασ υποδοχισ με αποτζλεςμα να μειϊνεται θ διατιρθςθ τθσ μθτρικισ γλϊςςασ. Αναγνωρίςτθκε ζνασ αρικμόσ παραγόντων με ςθμαντικό ρόλο ωσ προσ τθ διατιρθςθ τθσ ελλθνικισ γλϊςςασ: θ παιδεία, θ κρθςκεία, θ οικογζνεια, θ αφοςίωςθ ςτθ γλϊςςα και οι κοινωνικό-πολιτιςμικζσ δραςτθριότθτεσ ενϊ ςε μικρότερο ποςοςτό, τα μαηικά μζςα και οι διεκνείσ επιςκζψεισ. Η εκπαίδευςθ ζχει παίξει ςθμαντικό ρόλο ςτθ διατιρθςθ τθσ γλϊςςασ ιδιαίτερα μζςω τθσ ίδρυςθσ ελλθνικϊν θμεριςιων και απογευματινϊν ςχολείων. Η Ελλθνικι Ορκόδοξθ Εκκλθςία ςυνεχίηει να παίηει ουςιϊδθ ρόλο ςτθ διατιρθςθ τθσ γλϊςςασ παρότι υπάρχει μια προτίμθςθ για τισ δίγλωςςεσ εκκλθςιαςτικζσ λειτουργίεσ. Η οικογζνεια, θ αφοςίωςθ ςτθν γλϊςςα και ςτον πολιτιςμό, θ εμφανισ υπερθφάνεια ωσ προσ τθν ελλθνικι ταυτότθτα και θ ςυμμετοχι ςε κοινωνικό-πολιτιςμικζσ δραςτθριότθτεσ επίςθσ ςυμβάλλουν αιςκθτά ςτθ διατιρθςθ τθσ ελλθνικισ γλϊςςασ. Παρόλο το φαινόμενο τθσ γλωςςικισ αλλαγισ προσ τθν αγγλικι γλϊςςα από τθ νεότερθ γενεά, το μζλλον τθσ ελλθνικισ ςτθ Νότια Αφρικι μπορεί να χαρακτθριςτεί από μια ςτακερι διγλωςςία, υπό τθν προχπόκεςθ ότι κα ςυνεχιςτοφν οι τρζχουςεσ τάςεισ. / Linguistics and Modern Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (Linguistics)

Language maintenance and shift in the Greek community in Johannesburg

McDuling, Allistair James 02 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Greek / Keywords in English and Greek / This thesis explores the phenomenon of language shift and maintenance in the Greek community of Johannesburg, which is the largest Greek community in South Africa. The main aim of the study is to provide an account of the factors which assist in maintaining the Greek language which is under pressure from English, the dominant official language in the country. This study draws on the theoretical and methodological frameworks established in the many studies conducted on the Greek communities in the USA and Australia. The Greek community has played a significant role in assisting to shape the development of South Africa. Up until the 1980s, they were subject to discrimination from the host society; consequently, many immigrants lived together in certain suburbs and founded their own churches, clubs and schools. These factors contributed greatly to the retention of their language and culture. Since the late 1980s, the discriminatory attitude of the host society toward the immigrant communities has decreased notably, and subsequently, there has been an increased integration and assimilation into the host society. The process of assimilation has resulted, inter alia, in an increased use of English, the dominant language of the host society, consequently the retention of the mother tongue has declined. A number of factors were identified as playing an important role in the maintenance of Greek: education, religion, family, language loyalty and socio-cultural activities; and, to a lesser extent, media and overseas visits. Education has played a key role in maintaining the language, in particular through the establishment of Greek day and afternoon schools. Despite a preference for bilingual church services, the Greek Orthodox Church continues to play a vital role in the maintenance of Greek. The family, loyalty towards the language and culture and a notable pride in being Greek, and participation in socio-cultural activities contribute significantly to the maintenance of the Greek language. Despite a marked shift towards English in the younger generation, the future of Greek in South Africa may be characterized by relatively stable bilingualism, provided that current trends continue. / Η παροφςα μελζτθ πραγματεφεται το φαινόμενο τθσ αλλαγισ και διατιρθςθσ τθσ ελλθνικισ γλϊςςασ ςτθν ελλθνικι κοινότθτα του Γιοχάνεςμπουργκ, θ οποία αποτελεί τθν μεγαλφτερθ κοινότθτα ςτο Γιοχάνεςμπουργκ. Ο κφριοσ ςκοπόσ τθσ διατριβισ, είναι να παρουςιάςει τουσ παράγοντεσ που ςυμβάλλουν ςτθ διατιρθςθ τθσ ελλθνικισ γλϊςςασ, θ οποία καταπιζηεται γλωςςικά από τθν Αγγλικι, τθν κυρίαρχθ και επίςθμθ γλϊςςα τθσ χϊρασ. Η μελζτθ αυτι αντλεί τουσ κεωρθτικοφσ και μεκοδολογικοφσ τθσ άξονεσ από τισ διάφορεσ μελζτεσ που ωσ αντικείμενό τουσ ζχουν τθν μελζτθ των ελλθνικϊν κοινοτιτων ςτισ Ηνωμζνεσ Πολιτείεσ και ςτθν Αυςτραλία. Η Ελλθνικι κοινότθτα ζχει παίξει ςθμαντικό υποβοθκθτικό ρόλο ςτθν πορεία τθσ εξζλιξθσ τθσ Νότιασ Αφρικισ. Μζχρι το 1980 ιταν αντικείμενο φυλετικισ διάκριςθσ από τθ χϊρα υποδοχισ με αποτζλεςμα πολλοί μετανάςτεσ να ηουν ομαδικά ςε ςυγκεκριμζνεσ περιοχζσ, ιδρφοντασ τισ δικζσ τουσ εκκλθςίεσ, ςυλλόγουσ και ςχολεία. Οι προαναφερόμενοι παράγοντεσ ςυνζβαλαν αιςκθτά ςτθ διατιρθςθ τθσ γλϊςςασ και του ελλθνικοφ πολιτιςμοφ. Από τα τζλθ του 1980, θ πολιτικι διακρίςεων λόγω φυλετικισ καταγωγισ από τθ χϊρα υποδοχισ προσ τισ μεταναςτευτικζσ ομάδεσ ζχει μειωκεί αιςκθτά ενϊ μετζπειτα παρατθρείται μια αυξθμζνθ ενςωμάτωςθ και αφομοίωςθ ςτθν χϊρα-οικοδεςπότθσ. Η διαδικαςία ενςωμάτωςθσ ςυντζλεςε, inter alia, ςτθν αφξθςθ τθσ χριςθσ τθσ αγγλικισ γλϊςςασ, τθν κυρίαρχθ γλϊςςα τθσ χϊρασ υποδοχισ με αποτζλεςμα να μειϊνεται θ διατιρθςθ τθσ μθτρικισ γλϊςςασ. Αναγνωρίςτθκε ζνασ αρικμόσ παραγόντων με ςθμαντικό ρόλο ωσ προσ τθ διατιρθςθ τθσ ελλθνικισ γλϊςςασ: θ παιδεία, θ κρθςκεία, θ οικογζνεια, θ αφοςίωςθ ςτθ γλϊςςα και οι κοινωνικό-πολιτιςμικζσ δραςτθριότθτεσ ενϊ ςε μικρότερο ποςοςτό, τα μαηικά μζςα και οι διεκνείσ επιςκζψεισ. Η εκπαίδευςθ ζχει παίξει ςθμαντικό ρόλο ςτθ διατιρθςθ τθσ γλϊςςασ ιδιαίτερα μζςω τθσ ίδρυςθσ ελλθνικϊν θμεριςιων και απογευματινϊν ςχολείων. Η Ελλθνικι Ορκόδοξθ Εκκλθςία ςυνεχίηει να παίηει ουςιϊδθ ρόλο ςτθ διατιρθςθ τθσ γλϊςςασ παρότι υπάρχει μια προτίμθςθ για τισ δίγλωςςεσ εκκλθςιαςτικζσ λειτουργίεσ. Η οικογζνεια, θ αφοςίωςθ ςτθν γλϊςςα και ςτον πολιτιςμό, θ εμφανισ υπερθφάνεια ωσ προσ τθν ελλθνικι ταυτότθτα και θ ςυμμετοχι ςε κοινωνικό-πολιτιςμικζσ δραςτθριότθτεσ επίςθσ ςυμβάλλουν αιςκθτά ςτθ διατιρθςθ τθσ ελλθνικισ γλϊςςασ. Παρόλο το φαινόμενο τθσ γλωςςικισ αλλαγισ προσ τθν αγγλικι γλϊςςα από τθ νεότερθ γενεά, το μζλλον τθσ ελλθνικισ ςτθ Νότια Αφρικι μπορεί να χαρακτθριςτεί από μια ςτακερι διγλωςςία, υπό τθν προχπόκεςθ ότι κα ςυνεχιςτοφν οι τρζχουςεσ τάςεισ. / Linguistics and Modern Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (Linguistics)

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