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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Littératures migrantes du nouveau monde : exils, écritures, énigmes chez Ying Chen, Dany Laferrière et Wajdi Mouawad / Migrant literatures from the New World : exils, Writings and Enigmas in Ying Chen, Dany Laferriere and Wajdi Mouawad

Foreste, Julia Farrah 16 June 2015 (has links)
En Amérique du Nord aux XX et XXIe siècles, les auteurs étudiés : Ying Chen (La mémoire de l’eau, L’ingratitude et Quatre milles marches : un rêve chinois), Dany Laferrière (Comment faire l’amour avec un nègre sans se fatiguer, Pays sans chapeau et Je suis fatigué), et, Wajdi Mouawad (Incendies, Littoral et Je suis le méchant) avancent des oeuvres qui sont l’expression de voix, à la fois contrastantes, divergentes dans la littérature nationale québécoise. Prenant leur distance par rapport à des représentations stéréotypées de leur époque telles que la littérature d’exil et la littérature du voyage, les auteurs migrants campent des histoires à travers lesquelles s’offrent des images nouvelles de la ville nord-américaine, des lieux emblématiques, une rencontre à l’autre. L’auteur migrant se livre, d’ailleurs, à l’instar de sa trajectoire éclatée dans la ville, à un jeu avec le lecteur en endossant plusieurs rôles, plusieurs figures auctoriales. L’écriture migrante se révèle palimpseste : elle intègre différents modèles littéraires tout en les dépassant. Dans sa construction interne, dont le processus de création, on retrouve ce dérobement aux normes littéraires. Enfin, elle offre une vision du monde réconciliatrice et bienveillante en faisant cohabiter les vivants avec les morts. / In the America of the XXe century, works of Ying Chen, Dany Laferrière and Wajdi Mouawad express voices that are, at the same time, different, various and deviating for the ones of the quebecker’s national literature. Taking their distance toward stereotyped representations of their time, like the exilic literature or the travel literature, migrant authors set stories where brand new images of the northern towns emerge, as well as emblematic places and the meeting of the other occurs. The migrant author reveals, just like his exploded path, a game with the reader by taking over several roles, several auctorial figures. His writing is therefore, a palimpsest: it’s integrating various literary models while it goes beyond. In its intern construction, in its creation process, we may discover how it shielded literary norms. Finally, the migrant writer offers a view of the world that is both reconcile and indulgent by making live together the alives and the deads.

Књижевна дисперзија Борислава Михајловића Михиза / Književna disperzija Borislava Mihajlovića Mihiza / “Literary dispersion of Borislav MihajlovićMihiz”

Plavšić Maja 27 June 2016 (has links)
<p>Autorka ovog rada ima nameru da prikaže delo<br />književnog kritičara Borislava Mihajlovića<br />Mihiza u okviru jedne celine jer su njegovi<br />kritičarski radovi, uglavnom, i dalje rasuti po<br />književnim časopisima. Poseban akcenat je na<br />&scaron;estogodi&scaron;njem delovanju u časopisu &ldquo;Nin&rdquo;<br />(1951-1956) kada je ovaj kritičar stekao<br />reputaciju o&scaron;trog kritičara koji afirmi&scaron;e dobru<br />književnost koja se tek rađala u posleratnoj<br />Jugoslaviji. S obzirom na to da su ovom<br />kritičaru godinama osporavali postojanje<br />poetike i dublje kritičke misli, cilj ove<br />doktorske disertacije jeste da dokaže suprotno i<br />da se delo ovog kritičara sagleda u kontekstu<br />savremene srpske književnosti u čije temelje je i<br />sam utkao svoj pozama&scaron;an literarni opus.</p> / <p>Author of this paper has intention to present<br />opus of literary critic Borislav Mihajlović Mihiz<br />within one place because his critically opus is<br />still scattered in literary magazines. Special<br />focus will be on six years time when he wrote<br />for magazine &lsquo;Nin&rsquo; (1951-1956) and he earned<br />reputation of strict critic who likes very good<br />literature which has been written and published<br />in Yugoslavia after World War II. Lots of critics<br />were denied that Borislav Mihajlović Mihiz had<br />his poetic and serious critical approach so the<br />aim of this PhD theses is to prove the opposite<br />and to illuminate work of this writer in light of<br />modern Serbian literature in which foundation<br />he put his large opus.</p>

Internet et la liberté d'expression : l'exemple des critiques dirigées contre les oligopoles

Toussaint, Marie-Hélène 08 1900 (has links)
"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de maîtrise en droit option droit des technologies de l'information" / Ce mémoire de maîtrise présente une situation dans laquelle un citoyen ordinaire tente de diffuser sur Internet une opinion critique qu'il dirige contre une grande entreprise commerciale et tente d'analyser les éléments favorables à la diffusion de cette opinion critique ainsi que les embûches qui sont à prévoir. Cet exemple permet d'illustrer les forces et les faiblesses d'Internet en matière de liberté d'expression. Il permet de poser une mise en garde concernant les dangers de transposer les limites actuelles à la liberté d'expression des citoyens au contexte d'Internet. La première partie de l'analyse souligne les caractéristiques d'Internet et les différentes façons d'aborder la question de la liberté d'expression sur Internet selon les approches libertaire, libérale ou interventionniste, pour finalement faire le point sur l'apport d'Internet en matière d'information et de communication. La deuxième partie de l'analyse aborde la question de l'efficience en identifiant les éléments qui encouragent l'exercice de la liberté d'expression et ceux qui découragent les utilisateurs de s'exprimer sur Internet. L'exemple des critiques dirigées contre les oligopoles permet d'illustrer la nécessité d'établir des règles propres à Internet en matière de liberté d'expression. Cet exemple fait ressortir le caractère inadéquat des limites actuelles à la liberté d'expression établies par le droit de la presse, le droit de la radiodiffusion, le droit de propriété et le droit de la propriété intellectuelle. L'auteur vient à la conclusion qu'en matière de liberté d'expression, il serait souhaitable: 1) Que Internet soit considéré comme un espace public de discussion; 2) Que la préséance des intérêts économiques sur les intérêts démocratiques au niveau du développement de la société de l'information soit avouée; 3) Que les inégalités en termes d'opportunités d'expression soient reconnues; 4) Que les limites imposées en vertu des règles du droit de la propriété soient reconsidérées à la lumière des caractéristiques d'Internet. / This master thesis presents a case in which an ordinary citizen tries to spread on the Internet a criticizing opinion aimed at a large company, and attempts to analyse what are the elements in favour of this criticism broadcasting, as weil as the obstacles to be expected. This example allows us to illustrate the strengths and weaknesses of the Internet in matter of freedom of speech. It also allows to put forward a warning concerning the risks of transposing current Iimits of freedom of speech in an Internet context. The first part of the analysis underlines the Internet's characteristics and the different ways to broach the subject of freedom of speech over the Internet, following severaI approaches, to finally focus on the Internet's contribution in matter of information and communication. The second part of the analysis deals with the question of efficiency, while identifying the elements that encourage the exercise of freedom of speech and those that discourage Internet users from expressing themselves. The example of criticism aimed toward large companies allows to illustrate the need to establish the Internet's own rules in matter of freedom of speech. What emerges from this example is the inadequate character of current limits to freedom of speech as set up by freedom of the press, broadcasting law, property and intellectual property law. The author concludes that in matter of freedom of speech, it wouId be recommended: 1) that the Internet be considered as a public forum; 2) that the predominance of economic interests over democratic interests in the development of the information society be admitted; 3) that the inequalities in terms of expression opportunities be recognized; 4) that the limits imposed in accordance with property law be reconsidered in an Internet context.

Vanités et résistances de la pensée critique. Du kitsch philosophique dans "Maîtres anciens" de Thomas Bernhard

Lemieux, Catherine 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire interroge le rapport développé dans Maîtres anciens de Thomas Bernhard entre l’écriture littéraire, la pensée philosophique et le kitsch. Au-delà de la supposition surprenante que la philosophie puisse être affaire de goût, de séduction et de sentiments, l’analyse de la notion de kitsch philosophique permet d’envisager le discours critique comme une arme à double tranchant qui promet autant l’émancipation que l’autoaliénation du Kitschmensch pensant. C’est à travers la figure de Reger, protagoniste de la comédie orchestrée par Bernhard, que s’incarne cette perspective critique paradoxale qui témoigne de problèmes de légitimation et d’un scepticisme croissant face aux promesses des grands récits émancipateurs. À l’examen de cette mise en scène de la philosophie, apparaît une manière proprement littéraire de « penser la pensée ». Ce mémoire veut rendre compte de ce en quoi la pensée littéraire se distingue de l’essai philosophique mais aussi de tout autre métadiscours. La littérature, car elle montre plus qu’elle n’affirme, conséquemment permet de comprendre les points de contact et de tension entre la philosophie et le kitsch, entre la culture et la barbarie, d’une manière toute particulière. C’est cette particularité qui fait l’objet de cette étude et qui est considérée comme une forme de résistance à la commodification, la vanité, la domestication, bref la kitschification de la pensée critique. / In critically examining Thomas Bernhard’s Old Masters, this essay questions the relations between literary writing, philosophical thought and kitsch. Beyond the surprising assumption that philosophy might also be a matter of taste, seduction and sentiments, analyzing the notion of philosophical kitsch allows for consideration of critical discourse as a double-edged sword that promises not only the emancipation but also the autoalienation of the thinking Kitschmensch. The figure of Reger, the principal character in Bernhard’s orchestrated comedy, embodies this paradoxical critical perspective. This paradox of kitsch critical thought attests to problems of legitimation that arise alongside a growing scepticism towards the claims of grand emancipatory narratives. This examination of philosophy’s mise en scène in the novel allows for perceiving a specifically literary mode of thinking. This essay suggests that literary thinking differs from philosophical exposition as well as from metadiscourse generally. Literature, because it shows more than it affirms, therefore allows for understanding in a very specific manner the similarities and tensions between philosophy and kitsch, culture and barbarism. In sum, this study focuses in this literary specificity that comes to appear as a form of resistance to commodification, vanity, domestication – in short, to the kitschification of critical thought.

Conceptual Art: Historical Antecedents, Philosophies, and Form

Newberry, Brigette 01 January 1977 (has links)
This thesis shall address itself to the following: it shall concern itself with a definition of the phenomenon, the directions taken in the philosophical statements made on Conceptual Art, an investigation into the design of the forms used within the movement, and finally, the conceptual movement's historical placement will be considered along with its antecedents in the earlier years of the twentieth century.

G.A.M.E.: A Hypermedia Edition of James McNeill Whistler’s The Gentle Art of Making Enemies

Colombo, Amy 01 January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation, G.A.M.E., refashions James McNeill Whistler’s book, The Gentle Art of Making Enemies, into a hypermediated facsimile text and archive. By remediating the text, the socio-historical context of the Victorian time period in which Whistler lived is reestablished, making his book more accessible to twenty-first century audiences. The era studied in this dissertation includes the expansion of the idea of celebrity, the power of the press, and the concept of art for art’s sake from 1863 through 1892. In order to showcase these concepts, archival materials, such as personal correspondence, newspaper clippings, and published pamphlets, from this period were collected, digitized, and organized into a digital archive and edition. In 1890, Whistler, an American-born, British-based artist known for his arguments with the critics of his day, published The Gentle Art, a collection of previously printed letters and pamphlets. Throughout the book, Whistler refers to people, publications, and events relevant to himself and his work. Persons unfamiliar with those references may find themselves frustrated while reading due to the lost social and historical context referred to on the pages, because those references remain difficult to access. G.A.M.E., makes Whistler’s The Gentle Art more accessible by realizing the proto- hypertextual nature of his book. Like many modern-day websites, The Gentle Art contains numerous references to references – a virtual daisy chain of associations Whistler made to and with his work encircling his artistic philosophy, art for art’s sake. From 1890, when the book was published, until now, Whistler’s “links” have remained dormant on the page. G.A.M.E. activates those links and reanimates The Gentle Art via a hypermediated facsimile text for twenty-first century readers. The Gentle Art of Making Enemies is a window into the late Victorian art world. G.A.M.E. houses and archives this contextual material in order to resurrect The Gentle Art and reconcile it with the man who created it.

O dramaturgista no processo colaborativo de criação cênica: pensamento crítico em gesto / Dramaturg in collaborative process in performing arts: critical thinking in gesture

Gonçalves Junior, Antonio Luiz 18 June 2019 (has links)
Por meio da experiência em processos de criação do grupo Teatro da Vertigem, como dramaturgista durante oito anos, pudemos observar transformações na esfera de ação do dramaturgismo. Em continuidade com a ampliação da noção de dramaturgia e dos diferentes modos como têm se integrado aos processos de criação, ao abarcar a materialidade das obras cênicas, a experimentação nas práticas dramatúrgicas coloca a pesquisa artística em outro patamar de complexidade, o que torna necessário investigar sobre suas atividades e, especialmente, o papel da dimensão crítica no interior da criação. Particularmente, são exploradas três experiências no Teatro da Vertigem, a saber: Bom Retiro 958 metros, Patronato 999 metros e Dire ce qu\'on ne pense pas dans des langues qu\'on ne parle pas. São exemplos de trabalhos artísticos realizados no espaço da cidade, a partir da especificidade do lugar, também chamado site-specific work. Neles, o contexto socioespacial torna-se matéria prima da investigação do dramaturgista, ao acionar campos de tensão entre conceitos que, por sua vez, nutrem a produção, ao mesmo tempo em que esta interfere nos contextos. Portanto, esta pesquisa pretende demonstrar a possibilidade do dramaturgista atuar com o objetivo de aprofundar e problematizar a própria crítica que o trabalho artístico deseja efetuar, tendo em vista o processo contínuo de absorção e neutralização da crítica pela linguagem da mercadoria. Esta prática, estamos chamando de dramaturgismo crítico. / Through the experience in creative processes of the theatre group Teatro da Vertigem, as a dramaturg for eight years, transformations on the dramaturg work field were observed. Continuing the amplification of dramaturgy\'s notion and the different ways that it has been integrated to creation processes, which includes scenic work art\'s materiality, the experimentation on performing arts practices puts artistic research on another level of complexity. That demands investigation of its activities, concerning specially the role of the critic\'s dimension inside the creative process. Three experiences by Teatro da Vertigem are investigated: Bom Retiro 958 metros, Patronato 999 metros and Dire ce qu\'on ne pense pas dans des langues qu\'on ne parle pas. Those are examples of artistic works made at the city space, inspired by the particularities of that specific places, which is called site-specific work. In those works, the social and spatial background becomes the raw material of dramaturg\'s research, by activating tension between concepts that feeds the production. At the same time, this production interferes in that context. Therefore, this research aims to demonstrate the possibility of a dramaturg work with the goal of deepen and criticize the critique that the artistic work aims to do, considering the ongoing process, assembled by commodity\'s language, that absorbs and neutralizes the critique. This practice will be called \"critical dramaturgism\".

La critique littéraire d’Alfred Jarry à La Revue blanche : édition critique et commentée / The litterary criticism of Alfred Jarry in La Revue blanche : Critical and commented edition

Gosztola, Matthieu 12 October 2012 (has links)
Jarry semble avoir totalement abandonné les complications stylistiques qui caractérisaient ses premiers textes lorsqu’il fait œuvre de critique littéraire à la Revue blanche. En réalité, l’auteur de Messaline continue, mais de façon extrêmement sous-jacente, à pratiquer une forme d’obscurité, elle paradoxale, dans le sens où elle est inapparente, et qui se traduit par le développement constant d’une esthétique du raccourci et par un apparent retrait de sa présence de critique jusque dans l’acte même du compte rendu, Jarry donnant toute sa place au texte commente, en taisant cette façon qu’il a, incessamment, de le citer. Ainsi, ce travail est conduit d’une part par notre souci de faire affleurer la façon dont se fait jour l’esthétique du raccourci (Jarry procède par synthèses incessantes qui, à force d’affirmation, en deviennent soit obscures soit insaisissables) au sein de ces textes apparemment alimentaires que sont les critiques littéraires de Jarry, l’auteur du Surmâle présentant de véritables concrétions de sens, en lien avec la notion d’érudition, dans des domaines extrêmement divers. D’autre part, notre travail vise à montrer comment se fait jour chez Jarry le détournement de l’usage habituel de la citation, qui porte en creux une critique corrosive du statut de critique, l’auteur de la chandelle verte devenant un critique qui ne s’exprime le plus souvent que suivant l’absence totale de propos critique – puisque lorsqu’il s’agit d’énoncer des « jugements », c’est en fait pour continuer de tisser une filiation avec une communauté d’auteurs desquels il se sent proche et ainsi, principalement, avec le lieu du Mercure de France. / Jarry seems to have completely abandoned the learned syntaxic and lexical complications which characterized his first texts when he worked as a literary critic in la revue blanche. in fact, the author of messaline keeps exerting, but in an extremely underlying way, a kind of obscurity. that obscurity is paradoxical, in the sense that it is not apparent and that it ultimately results in the abiding development of an aesthetic of the abridged, and in an apparent setting back of his presence of critic, even in the very act of making reports. jarry gives all the importance to the commented text, hushing up the way he has to quote it, incessantly. thus, this work is led, on the one hand, by our concern of revealing the way the aesthetic of the abridged appears – jarry proceeds by ceaseless syntheses, which, by dint of being asserted, become either obscure or elusive – in those litterary criticisms which seem to be bread and butter work, because the author of le surmâle presents in them real concretions of sense, in connection with the notion of erudition, in extremely diverse fields. on the other hand, our work aims at showing how jarry diverts the usual use of the quotation – that carries a corrosive criticism of the status of critic – the author of la chandelle verte becoming a critic who expresses himself mostly according to the total absence of critical words, because when it is a question of expressing "judgments", this is in fact to continue to weave a filiation with an authors' community of which he feels close to, and thus, mainly, with the place of le mercure de france.

Les Vies d’écrivains français : développement et mutations d’un genre (1570-1770) / The Lives of French writers : development and transformations of a genre (1570-1770)

Bénard, Élodie 30 January 2015 (has links)
On a souvent considéré qu’au cours du XVIIIe siècle s’opérait une mutation dans l’histoire du genre biographique, qui se manifestait par le passage des « Vies » aux « biographies ». Pourtant d’importantes transformations affectent la manière de raconter la vie dès la fin du XVIe siècle. Ces changements sont particulièrement sensibles dans un sous-genre de la biographie, la Vie d’écrivain. En effet, outre l’affaiblissement de la pression rhétorique qui touche les pratiques narratives dans leur ensemble, celle-ci est modifiée par une nouvelle habitude éditoriale qui consiste à inclure une Vie de l’auteur en avant-propos de l’oeuvre et par l’évolution du statut de l’écrivain qui commence à se différencier des autres hommes de lettres. Pour comprendre la spécificité du genre, il convient de définir les conditions de production de la Vie d’écrivain, liées aux nouvelles exigences de l’historiographie et au développement de la culture mondaine, en particulier de l’art de la conversation. La Vie d’écrivain permet, par ailleurs, de mesurer l’évolution du régime de l’exemplarité, à travers la régression des modèles éthiques traditionnels, l’apparition de nouveaux modèles, mais aussi la recherche de plus en plus affirmée d’une singularité de l’auteur. Il faudra enfin s’interroger sur l’apport particulier des Vies d’écrivains à l’histoire littéraire, en relation avec la place accordée à la narration, qui constitue l’évolution majeure du genre au XVIIIe siècle. Ces différentes questions, rencontrées au fil de notre travail, nous aideront à mieux comprendre les ressorts d’une démarche inhérente à la biographie d’écrivain : le va-et-vient entre la vie et l’oeuvre. / It has often been considered that, throughout the 18th century, there took place a profound change in the history of biographical genre, expressed by the shift from “Lives” to “biographies”. However, important transformations have affected the way of telling life as far back as the end of the 17th century. The changes are particularly noticeable in one subgenre of biography, the Lives of writers. Actually, besides the weakening of the rhetorical pressure which concerns the narrative practices, as a whole, it is altered by a new editorial habit which consists in including a Life of the author as a preface to the works and by the evolution of the status of the writer who, then, starts differing from other men of letters. So as to understand the specificity of the genre, it is advisable to define the conditions of production of the Lives of writers, linked to the new demands of historiography and to the development of society culture, particularly the art of conversation. Furthermore, the Lives of writers allows to assess the evolution of the system of exemplarity, through the regression of traditional ethical models, the appearance of new models, but also the search – more and more emphasized – for the writer’s peculiarity. At last, we shall have to wonder about the particular contribution made by the Lives of writers to literary history, in relation to the place granted to narration, which constitutes the major evolution of the genre in the 18th century.These different questions, raised throughout our work, will help understand the motives of a process inherent in biographies of writers, namely, going back and forth between life and works.

Macunaíma: enumeração e metamorfose / Macunaíma: enumeration and Metamorphose

Figueiredo, Priscila Loyde Gomes 09 August 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste num estudo sobre o romance Macunaíma, de Mário de Andrade. Ele procura investigar o estilo enumerativo da obra. A intenção é relacionar tal procedimento, que toma sobretudo objetos da natureza brasileira, ao atraso material e cultural e à tentativa de preencher tal lacuna. Busca-se ainda interpretar as constantes metamorfoses ontológicas como um desdobramento desse estilo e do sentido a que ele dá forma. / This work is a study on Mário de Andrade\'s novel Macunaima. It focuses on numerative style wide used by the author, among others on the same period. The intent is relating such procedure, which involves above all objects from Brazilian nature, to the material and cultural backwardness and to a trial on fulfilling such lack. It seeks also to analyze the frequent ontological metamorphoses as a development of that style and of the meaning that it conceives.

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