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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Critical Success Factors Influencing the Degree of Alignment Between a Business Process and a CRM System : A Case Study of an IT Company / Kritiska framgångsfaktorer som påverkar matchningsgraden mellan en affärsprocess och ett CRM-system : En fallstudie av ett IT-företag

Tegelberg, Charlotta January 2018 (has links)
The need for information in real time and the technology development has become more fast and more efficient. Companies today need to be more responsive to their customers to stay on top. Also, companies’ business processes need effective support from information technology solutions. The fit, or alignment, between the business process and the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system design is crucial in order to leverage efforts within marketing and sales. If there is a misfit, companies do not take full advantage of the potential that CRM systems can leverage in terms of better managing relationships with customers, which in turn may result in higher rates of closed deals. The main purpose of this bachelor thesis in Information Systems is to identify and describe critical success factors influencing on the degree of alignment between a business process and a CRM system from an organisational perspective. The sub-purpose is to identify and describe the influence of process−system alignment on performance. The IT company Apica has been used as the case study company in the bachelor thesis. Apica is suitable for this study since it has already adopted a CRM system related to its sales process. A research literature-based analysis model was developed in order to be able to more precisely investigate the chosen purpose. The intention is to review critical success factors that influence the success of the process−system alignment. In the chosen qualitative approach, a semi-structured interview guide was developed, based on the analysis model. Five interviews with co-workers in the case study company were conducted. The analysis of the collected primary empirical data has led to the following conclusions. A high degree of process−system alignment concerning a well-defined and functional business process in relation to a CRM system has a positive influence on the company’s sales process performance. A higher degree of process−system alignment can improve the company’s process performance, increase the sales force productivity and lead to better decision making. According to the findings, the positive outcome of a process−system alignment depends mainly on three factors: management commitment, data management, and system integrations. The empirical results also suggests a new finding: A successfully aligned sales process with the CRM system also lead to knowledge sharing. Knowledge sharing contributes to that salespeople learn from deals made in the past. The historical data help salespeople in managing customer relationships, which may lead to shorter sales cycles and larger deal sizes, which implies increased sales.

Små hotell och deras arbete med sociala medier : En studie om kundcentrerad marknadsföring / Smal hotels and their work with social media : A study about customer-centered marketing

Sidiropoulou Coster, Sofia, Prokopovych, Anastasia, Bekshayeva, Kristina January 2018 (has links)
Sociala medier har medfört en revolutionerande förändring av människors livsstil och grundligt även förändrat hur affärsverksamheter samspelar med sina kunder. Numera spelar sociala medier en viktig roll när det gäller att vara konkurrenskraftig på marknaden. Genom sociala medier kan organisationer komma närmare sina kunder och skapa goda relationer. Denna studie undersöker hur små hotell i Stockholms län arbetar med marknadsföring via sociala medier med fokus på kundcentrering. Studien utgår från en kvalitativ ansats. De insamlade datamaterialet består av nio intervjuer med respondenter från olika hotell. Med hjälp av tidigare forskning har skribenterna tagit fram en teoretisk syntes vilken beskriver sju punkter som handlar om arbetet med kundcentrerad marknadsföring via sociala medier. Den teoretiska syntesen har varit till hjälp i analyseringen av empirin. Resultatet visar att små hotell kommit långt i arbetet med kundcentrering med hjälp av sociala medier. Det visade sig att hotellen tar god hänsyn till kunders feedback som också tillämpas inom verksamhetens utveckling. Resultatet visar även att de små hotellen ser fler möjligheter inom sociala medier som de skulle kunna utveckla och arbeta mer med. / Social media has brought a revolutionary change in people's lifestyles and has changed the interaction between businesses and their customers. Nowadays social media plays an important role when being competitive on the market. Through social media, organizations can come closer to their customers and create good relationships. This study research how small hotels in Stockholm County use marketing, through social media, as a tool when focusing on the customers. The study is based on a qualitative approach. The data collected consists of nine interviews with respondents from different hotels. With the help of previous research, the writers have developed a theoretical synthesis which describes seven points that deal with the work of customer-centered marketing, through social media. Theoretical synthesis has been helpful in the analysis of empiricism. The result shows that small hotels have come a long way in focusing on customer centering using social media. It turned out that the hotels take good care of customers feedback, that is also applied in the business development. The result also shows that the small hotels see more opportunities in social media that they could develop and continue to work with.

Relationer – En komplex ekvation : En kvalitativ studie om konsumentrelationer inom banksektorn / Relations - A Complex Equation : A Qualitative Study on Consumer Relations Within the Banking Sector

Berggren, Tobias, Sofia, Petersson, Tholén, Malin January 2017 (has links)
Syfte och forskningsfrågor: Vårt syfte är att utreda och analysera relationsskapande i banksektorn, vilket sker både genom fysisk personlig interaktion och via kundmedverkan online. Avsikten är att bidra till kunskap om vad som påverkar skapande och utvecklande av konsumentrelationer med denna utgångspunkt. 1. Vilka är centrala faktorer för skapande och utvecklande av relationer inom banksektorn? 2. Vilka aspekter är framträdande i kundens roll i det traditionella- respektive virtuella servicelandskapet? Metod: Studien av kvalitativ karaktär och har genomförts utifrån ett växelspel mellan deduktion och induktion, vilket resulterade i en abduktiv forskningsansats. Datainsamlingen har utförts genom fem semistrukturerade intervjuer med representanter från banksektorn, som har stor kompetens inom ämnet. Slutsats: Studien har resulterat i kunskap kring att det är väsentligt för banker att finnas tillgängliga både fysiskt, genom personliga möten, och via plattformar online. Vi har konstaterat att olika aspekter, beroende på vilket sätt banken möter kunden, fysiskt eller virtuellt, är viktiga för att utveckla och bibehålla kundrelationer. Vi har identifierat sju nyckelfaktorer för att relationen mellan banken och kunden ska bli så gynnsam som möjligt för båda parterna: proaktivitet, anammande av fintech-tjänster, sömlösa- och lättnavigerade plattformar, utbildande av kunder, aktivt arbete med sociala medier, tillvaratagande av CRM-system samt anpassande av den fysiska miljön för kundens välbefinnande. / Purpose and research questions: Our aim is to investigate and analyze the creation of relations within the banking sector, which occurs through physical personal interaction and online customer participation. The intention is to contribute with knowledge regarding what influences the creation and development of consumer relations. 1. Which are the key factors for creation and development of relations within the banking sector? 2. Which are the prominent aspects of the customer's role in the traditional and virtual servicescape? Method: The study is of qualitative character and was completed through an interaction between deduction and induction, which resulted in an abductive approach. The empirical data was gathered through five semistructured interviews with knowledgeable representatives from the banking sector. Conclusion: The study has resulted in knowledge, that it is essential for banks to be available both physically, through personal meetings, and through online platforms. We have found that different aspects, depending on the way the bank meet their customer, physically or virtually, is important for developing and maintaining the customer relations. We have identified seven key factors to make the relation between the bank and the customer as beneficial as possible for both parties: proactivity, acceptance of fintech services, seamless- and easy-navigated platforms, educating the customers, active social media channels, usage of CRM systems, and adaptation of the physical environment to satisfy the customers well-being.

En litteraturstudie om maktdistans påverkan på fartygs säkerhet / A literature study on the influence of power distance on ships safety

Jarestam, Mattias, Sördal, Michael January 2018 (has links)
När sjömän från olika länder arbetar tillsammans finns alltid risk för missförstånd. Detta påverkar säkerheten ombord på fartyg. Syftet med studien var att utreda om det finns någon ökad säkerhetsrisk på fartyg då den kulturella aspekten hög maktdistans hamnar i konflikt med högt säkerhetstänk. Detta gjordes med en systematisk litteraturstudie med inriktning på kvalitativ forskningsmetod. Resultateten visar att nationell kultur starkt påverkar till mänskliga fel, även däcksbefäls säkerhetsbeteenden. Vidare så visar studien att befälhavares ledarskap har en stor påverkan på däcksbefälens säkerhetsbeteende och säkerhetsattityder. Auktoritära, respektlöst och oärligt ledarskap är inget bra för däcksbefäl från länder med hög maktdistans, ej heller för multinationella däcksbefäl som arbetar tillsammans. Dessutom visar studien att Crew Resource Management inte alltid fungerar på däcksbefäl från länder med hög maktdistans. / When seamen from different countries work together there is always a risk of misunderstanding. This affects safety aboard ships. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether there is any increased safety risk to ships where the cultural aspect high power distance conflicts with high safety approach. This was done with a systematic literature study with focus on qualitative research methodology. The result shows that national culture strongly influences human error, including safety behaviors. Furthermore, the study shows that masters leadership has a major impact on the deck officer's safety behavior and safety attitudes. Authoritarian, disrespectful and dishonest leadership is not beneficial for deck officers from countries with high power distances, nor for multinational deck officers working together. In addition, the study shows that Crew Resource Management does not always work on deck officers from countries with high power distances.

Inovação no varejo: diretrizes para implementação de estratégia de gestão de clientes em ambiente multicanal / Innovation in retail: guidelines for implementation of customer management strategy in multichannel environment

Eduardo Bonilha 11 October 2016 (has links)
O setor de varejo brasileiro passa por um grande processo de transformação, em ambiente de alta competição e forte tendência de atuação multicanal, com surgimento de novas tecnologias e observação de mudanças no comportamento dos consumidores. Diante deste cenário, existe oportunidade para criar diferenciais competitivos por meio de estratégia de gestão de clientes, assim como já ocorre em outros setores. O objetivo deste estudo é identificar e analisar as diretrizes para implementação dos principais processos da estratégia de gestão de clientes em organizações de varejo em ambiente multicanal, de qualquer segmento de atuação, bem como entender desafios, restrições, oportunidades e outros aspectos relevantes. Após relato da experiência profissional do autor em projetos de gestão de clientes, em especial nos setores de serviços e varejo, buscou-se na teoria os principais temas relacionados - Varejo Multicanal, Consumidor Omnichannel e Gestão de Clientes - para posterior análise, comparação com a prática e direcionamento da pesquisa empírica. Como método de pesquisa, escolheu-se a abordagem exploratória e qualitativa, por meio de entrevista pessoal em profundidade com 13 especialistas em varejo e gestão de clientes, utilizando roteiro semiestruturado. Para avaliação das respostas obtidas, foram considerados os procedimentos de análise de conteúdo, que resultaram em 7 categorias temáticas: i) cenário competitivo do varejo brasileiro; ii) mudanças no comportamento dos consumidores; iii) características e integração do varejo multicanal; iv) processo de desenvolvimento da estratégia de clientes; v) processo de gestão da informação / conhecimento dos clientes; vi) processo de criação de valor / experiência dos clientes; vii) processo de avaliação de desempenho e resultados. À luz da experiência relatada e referencial teórico, as diretrizes para implementação da estratégia de gestão de clientes foram analisadas e consolidadas, alcançando os objetivos propostos e contribuindo para a prática em organizações de varejo multicanal, bem como para a inovação de marketing e organizacional. Como contribuição para a teoria, a pesquisa abordou alguns temas e conceitos ainda pouco explorados na literatura acadêmica, abrindo também espaço para o desenvolvimento de novos estudos. / Brazilian retail sector undergo a considerable transformation process, in high competition environment and strong trend of multichannel operation, with emergence of new technologies and changes in consumers behavior. In this scenario, there is opportunity to create competitive advantages through customer management strategy, as already in other sectors. The aim of this study is to identify and analyze the guidelines for implementation of the main processes of customer management strategy in retail organizations in multichannel environment, in any business segment, as well as understand the challenges, constraints, opportunities, and other relevant aspects. After reporting author\'s professional experience in customer management projects, especially in services and retail, it was researched in theory the main issues - Multichannel Retail, Omnichannel Consumer and Customer Management - for later analysis, comparation to practice and direction of empirical research. As a research method was chosen exploratory and qualitative approach, through personal in-depth interviews with 13 specialists in retail and customer management, using semi-structured script. For evaluation of the obtained responses, content analysis procedures were considered, which resulted in seven thematic categories: i) competitive landscape of the Brazilian retail sector; ii) changes in consumers behavior; iii) characteristics and integration of multichannel retail; iv) customer strategy development process; v) information management process / customer knowledge; vi) creating value process / customer experience; vii) performance evaluation and results process. In light of the reported experience and theoretical reference, guidelines for implementation of customer management strategy were analyzed and consolidated, achieving the proposed goals and contributing to the practice in multichannel retail organizations, as well for marketing and organizational innovation. As a contribution to the theory, this research addressed some issues and concepts still few explored in academic literature, also making room for the development of new studies.

Estudo da gestão do relacionamento do cliente - CRM (Customer Relationship Management) e proposta de soluções para uma empresa do setor sucroalcooleiro / Study of the customer relationship management CRM and proposal of solutions for a company of the sugar alcohol industry

Maria Isabel Franco Barretto 13 August 2004 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, as organizações enfrentam um mercado com alta competitividade e, obrigatoriamente, buscam vantagem competitiva. Diante desse cenário, o foco no cliente é apontado como solução para o alcance da vantagem competitiva sustentável. E, conseqüentemente, a filosofia do marketing Itol é inserida nesse contexto. Paralelamente, o grande desenvolvimento da tecnologia de informação aparece como uma variável ímpar nesse cenário, agravando a concorrência no mercado e, simultaneamente, viabilizando a filosofia do marketing Itol. Desse modo, surge o CRM (Customer Relationship Management) como estratégia de negócio. Este trabalho, baseado na pesquisa bibliográfica e no estudo de caso exploratório, propõe um conjunto de soluções de CRM para uma empresa do setor sucroalcooleiro. Ao longo desse estudo, procurou-se analisar os principais conceitos, ferramentas, condições propícias e obstáculos inseridos nesse assunto e, sobretudo, identificá-los e contextualizá-los na realidade empresarial pesquisada. Sendo assim, após esse estudo de caso, conclui-se que a concepção do CRM precisa ser uma necessidade organizacional e coerente com o respectivo contexto. Entretanto, percebe-se a pertinência das principais condições propícias e dificuldades para a implantação do CRM, que foram observadas e discutidas no decorrer da revisão bibliográfica. Finalmente, ressaltam-se a individualidade organizacional e a peculiaridade do respectivo mercado de atuação. Portanto, pode-se afirmara necessidade de personalizar cada estratégia de CRM. / In recent years, the organizations have being faced a very competitive marketplace and they must seek for a competitive advantage. According to the scenery, the focus on clients is pointed out as the solution to reach a sustainable competitive advantage. Consequently, the conception of the marketing one to one appears in this context. Moreover, the huge development of the information technology represents an important factor, which aggravates the competition in the marketplace and, at the same time, it enables the conception of the marketing one to one. In this case, the CRM (customer relationship management) surges as a business strategy. This dissertation, which is based on the bibliographic research and the case study, proposes a set of solutions of CRM for a company of the sugar alcohol industry. During this study, some aspects were analyzed such as main concepts, tools, good conditions and obstacles inside of this subject and, especially, defining them in the reality of this researched organization. To make a summary, after this study, it is possible to conclude that the conception of CRM should be a company necessity and coherent with its context. However, it is also possible to realize the relevance of the major suitable conditions and the difficulties to set up of the CRM, which were discussed in the bibliographic review. Finally, it must emphasize the organizational individuality and the peculiarity of the respective market. Therefore, it confirms the needof personalizing each strategy of CRM.

Využití social CRM v podnicích / The use of social CRM in companies

Vitásek, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
Submitted diploma thesis puts a target to analyze current state of using customer relationship management systems in small or mid-size companies located in Czech Republic. Second main goal of this work is (based on the historical development business information systems) characterize and describe changes of approach from classic CRM systems to Social CRM and usage of this social networks as new channel and space for business. There will be questionnaire base on the theoretical part of the thesis, which will be distributed to the Czech companies in the informatics industry. Results of this questionnaire will then show the current status of CRM and the connection to the social networks together with the possible ways of progress to the future. As well there will be described basic options for business pages on social networking site Facebook, and how easy it is to create such a profile.

Posouzení informačního systému firmy a návrh změn / Information System Assessment and Proposal of ICT Modification

Mišurová, Katarína January 2018 (has links)
A thesis deals with the assessment of the information system in an engineering company, the assessment of its efficiency and the proposal of the ICT modification to improve this system. Furthermore, the thesis deals with the proposal of the information system changes in the company and the elimination of the risks related to these changes. An analytical part also deals with the company analysis, the analysis of the company processes and the analysis of the current information system. .

Aplikace nových komunikačních technologií do firemní počítačové sítě / Aplication of New Communication Technologies into Company´s Computer Network

Šafránek, Filip January 2009 (has links)
The target of master's thesis is implementation solution of communication VoIP technologies and connection recording system and CRM system in order to saving costs for company INTERNET TRADING s.r.o..

Návrh systému CRM pro společnost KONZULTA Brno, a. s. / CRM System Proposal for KONZULTA Brno, a. s.

Cihlářová, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the problematics of CRM system solution for the public limited company KONZULTA Brno. It assesses the current condition and proposes effective solutions for the database systems for the company KONZULTA Brno, plc.

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