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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sociala medier i marknadsföring : En studie av modebranschen och teknik- och industribranschen / Social media marketing : A Study Between the Fashion Industry and Technology- and the Industrial Sector

Carlander, Minea, Moisio, Minna January 2011 (has links)
SammanfattningSociala medier växer som marknadsföringsverktyg och det är enligt forskare ett utmärkt sätt för företag att skapa dialog och bygga relationer med sina kunder. Flera tidigare studier som behandlar sociala medier och dess effekter har genomförts de senaste åren och det finns fortfarande ett stort intresse inom ämnet. Det vi har valt att undersöka är hur företag idag använder sig av sociala medier i sitt marknadsföringsarbete, vi har även valt att jämföra två olika branscher för att utöka kunskapen inom det redan utforskade området. Vi har därför valt att se på modebranschen och teknik- och industribranschen för att utreda om det finns skillnader mellan dessa när det kommer till arbetet med sociala medier. För att undersöka detta så har vi använt oss av kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra företag inom modebranschen och fyra företag inom teknik- och industribranschen. Vi har använt oss av primärkällor och sekundärkällor, där våra primära källor utgörs av våra kvalitativa intervjuer och våra sekundära källor är hämtade ur tryckta källor och elektroniska källor. Resultatet vi fick har lett oss fram till slutsatsen att modebranschen kan dra större nytta av att använda sig av sociala medier då de fyra företag vi intervjuat säljer en produkt, till skillnad från de fyra företag vi intervjuat inom teknik- och industribranschen som är tjänsteföretag. Modebranschen ser sociala medier som en mer naturlig del av marknadsföringen, medan teknik- och industribranschen är mer traditionell och använder sociala medier mer för att utveckla sin relationsmarknadsföring och även som en kundtjänstkanal. Modebranschen arbetar mycket med bloggar, kampanjer och tävlingar medan teknik- och industribranschen arbetar mycket med rekrytering via sociala medier. Båda branscher ser sociala medier som en ökande trend och förstår vikten av att synas i de forum där deras kunder verkar.

To probe deeply into the Customer Relationship Management strategy and operation flow of life Insurance.-ex. Nan Shan life Insurance Co, LTD.

Hsiao, Chen-Nung 28 July 2003 (has links)
Abstract To probe deeply into the Customer Relationship Management strategy and operation flow of life Insurance. - ex. Nan Shan life Insurance Co, LTD. Due to the well development of information technology (IT) during the recent years, the clearance of the contents and knowledge as well as the price offered of life insurance caused the dramatic competition in this industry. The commodity of life insurance is only an intangible contract , it has to be relied on the operation combining with company image, reputation and the trust from customers for long term. Also they are the promise and responsibility to their clients. The marketing of life insurance is different from the other industries , it is an intangible deal. Owing to the variation of the whole environment comes the drastic competition, life insurance is the buyer¡¦s market oriented instead of seller¡¦s . It says the cost to create a new account is about 6 times or even 5 less or 10 more to maintain an old customer. Therefore, this industry has to pay more attention on the current accounts on hand and try to attract new clients to be owned gradually. To look for a break through as the task of the greatest urgency at present is to make good use of Customer Concept, which is to take good care of the CRM, to enhance customers¡¦ loyalty and satisfaction as to keep our clients and wish them also to introduce new accounts for us. Therefore, CRM is the most important part of life insurance. Previousely most of the customers¡¦ data base is incomplete. Now it is the e century, we can take the advantage by using the IT service to do a good CRM one to one deeply as to cope with the competition. To look into the 21th century, now the form of customer group is varied, the market is also different, they reform the market direction of life insurance industry as well¡Xfrom the commodity oriented to the customer base. Besides, the insurants now expect the value of commodity and service much more than before and also very sensitive to them. They would like the custom made offer, voluntarily to participate in the offer, they no longer accept the offer passively. Consequentially, we have to make the design-in service and one-to-one commodity as our new marketing strategy. Following is the planning on CRM case study¡XHow to cite the 4 big steps of Pepper & Roger¡¦s Model and 5W to probe the execution of tactic and operation flow, meanwhile, to learn and to execute the 4 conceptions of Customer Process Cycle Model to achieve the company strategy target of this CRM case. The findings through this research are : 1. Nan Shan Life Insurance Co, LTD. especially stress the function and operation of Call Center and result in the significant achievements. It is the most important area and elite of CRM. 2. By the CRM system integration and collecting the customers¡¦ information from time to time, the system can understand the customer¡¦s value and update it. Moreover, with the concept and technique of CRM Data warehouse and Data mining, it can record and analysize the customer¡¦s behavior mode then look for the target market as to correct the strategy of service and marketing in time(to carry out the project marketing) 3. In regards to the customer segment, according to the items of those information that Nan Shan Life Insurance Co, LTD. searching and collecting, it is not easy to make out the customer value-based and only can segment the customers by Need-based. Moreover, it is uneasy to find out the value of effective segment customer for company, but, it can rely on customer¡¦s demand to look for suitable service and commodity to your customers. 4. As human is the main motive for interaction between insurance and customer, sales rep. is acting a key role in this business. The CRM system of Nan Shan Life Insurance Co, LTD. requests the rep. to have the deal done by using the e-tooling and IT. They are pretty successful in the efficiency. 5. The skeleton of IT in CRM is very intact, which provides extensive channels for data surfing. Do pay the attention on insurant¡¦s servicing articles and convenience, direct contact with customers and do the best to find the chance to contact your customers. There are so many ways to communicate effectively with the customers by science and technology, no space-time limitation on communication: ¡]1¡^ www.nanshanlife.com.tw ¡]2¡^ E-mail ¡]3¡^ Telephone (Call center) ¡]4¡^ Cellular phone news flash ¡]5¡^ Sales representatives ¡]6¡^ Mail or DM 6. The construction of e-tooling in Nan Shan life Insurance Co, LTD. is perfect. It is also excellent on providing the design-in commodity and servicing. There have been 10 marketing projects presented within one year, they are all P/S after the analysis from customer segment. However, the training for the outside field sales reps. has to be re-inforced because there were too many projects presented within a short period of time, they can not comprehend completely duly and fail to become CI and CK then it will change the customers¡¦ purchasing habit. 7. The customer¡¦s information will not be complete collected in case the rep. is not practicable in the operation of CRM. The following proposals are brought up after the research: ¡]1¡^ To share the company current situation and various information with the insurant via e-mail or internet, such as the operation of investment. To deem your customers as the stock shareholders or partners, you will get the trust from your accounts. On the other hand, they will also be proud that they are the insurant of Nanshan. Life Insurance. ¡]2¡^ Recommend to use ES From 2002, the reps. prefer to deal with the investment insurance policy. If the education system can combine with the ES to do the financial planning, you will be a financial specialist soon. ¡]3¡^ Rep. is the interface to communicate with customers, while, there is always no good performance on those activities for projected commodity with the less bonus. It can link up with the campaign of balance score card to evaluate the performance and give the pressure on rep. to achieve the execution efficiency and target of CRM. ¡]4¡^ Nan Shan Life Insurance Co, LTD. does not only have a very good performance on the 4 steps of CRM flow but also can be pattern for those companies in the same business who would like to achieve company target by the way of CRM. It can be even perfect if they can consider their own company culture, background and market demand then modify a bit to be their own.

Research for Process Innovation and Competitive Advantage of Iron & Steel Industry

Lee, Tsung-Chang 15 August 2003 (has links)
Abstract Since 1990, the scientific and technique are progressing fast, especially for information technique field is advancing day by day and year by year. It makes the business environment changing quickly. The advance of 3C technique, economic integration for international and blocking, global market and competition, it makes so much challenge and crisis. In highly competitive environment, ¡§speed¡¨ is based requirement. Enterprise should go through ¡§process innovation ¡§ method to progress business competitive ability and to control the market. After Internet Network is invented and developed, the management concept of ERP (enterprise resource planned), SCM ( supply chain management ) and CRM( custom relation management ) leads the full newly competitive environment. During this newly competitive environment stage, the business how to make more better competitive advantage is the subject of this study. There are two main subjects for this study: 1. Analysis the key factors for competitive advantage of steel business and set up the model of competitive ability evaluation. The index for competitive ability evaluation include¡G¡]1¡^Growth¡]2¡^Profitability¡]3¡^Financiality¡]4¡^Stability¡]5¡^Activity¡]6¡^Productivity. 2. Set up the model for process innovation of steel business. According to evaluated model, analysis and compare 14 main companies in the steel world. The 3-best competitive ability companies are: Nucor steel is first, Thyssen Krupp company is 2nd, and 3rd is China steel company. Conclusion: 1.Competitive ability of steel company is not related to company size. 2.¡§ Process Innovation ¡§ is best tool to improve the competitive ability. 3.Want to make value, it should follow the trend of age pulse and catch up it.

Vad krävs av en ERP-leverantör för att i framtiden tillfredställa mindre företag?

Felldin, Daniel January 2001 (has links)
<p>Ett ERP-system syftar till att ta hand om företagets resurser och skapa ett enhetligt integrerat system för dessa. ERP-system kan också användas för informationsutbyte mellan företaget, kunden och leverantörens system. Behov av ERP-system finns inom de flesta branscher oavsett storlek och inriktning men kritik har riktats mot att systemen inte lever upp till användarnas förväntningar eller tillfredställer användarens behov. Arbetets fokus ligger koncentrerat på hur mindre företags uppfattning om ERP-system är och vad som krävs av en ERP-leverantör för att i framtiden tillfredställa mindre företag. En surveyundersökning har använts för att få fram relevant information för att lösa min problemprecisering. Resultatet av arbetet visar att integrering med företagets externa aktörer, framför allt med kunders informationssystem, är det kriterium som är mest betydelsefullt i ett ERP-system i framtiden. ERP-leverantörer bör också inrikta sig mot att öka integreringen med de interna informationssystemen i företaget.</p>

Exploitation of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) for Strategic Marketing in Higher Education : Creating a Knowledge-based CRM Framework for Swedish Universities

Beheshti, Mohammad, Bagheri, Azadeh January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>Swedish universities have always received greater attention from international students thanks to their well-quality and tuition-free programs. However, due to the introduction of tuition fee for non-EU/EEA students from fall 2011, it is predictable that by raising the threat of losing a rather large portion of international students, Swedish universities may experience a critical period over the early years after this change. This is occurring in an environment in which universities attempt to leverage their tangible and intangible resources for maintaining their competitive niche in the worldwide market. Besides, many universities have moved towards establishing student-centric strategies as a means to achieve a high level of students’ satisfaction and long-lasting relationships. The issue has become so substantial in the recent years that, as Pausits (2007) has also suggested, universities need to transform into “relation-based organizations”.</p><p>To solve this possible problem and in order to help Swedish universities to pass this critical situation safely, this study has conducted a qualitative research on the basis of analysis of the empirical data gathered from a series of semi-structured phone and personal interviews with five Swedish universities that have the most number of international students (Lund, Uppsala, Linköping, Jönköping and Blekinge Universities) with the intense support of previous literature and the theoretical body of the study under investigation which has lead to the creation of a knowledge-based CRM model.</p><p>The main aim of this conceptual CRM model is to systematically organize the operations of building, managing and retaining relationships between Swedish universities and international students. This model has been formed by combination of two theories of CRM, as a business strategy which has been proved to be one the most efficient customer-oriented business approaches within the past decades, and Knowledge Management (KM) as the pivot for effective operation of the proposed CRM framework by providing a constant learning environment.</p>

Implementering av CRM / Implementing CRM

Gerdin, Linda, Koch, Ylva January 2002 (has links)
<p>Background: The fierce competetivness that characterize todays market force the companies to differentiate their offerings to a greater extent. The customers do no longer choose their supplier on the attributes of the products alone. Their purchase decisions also depend on the relationship the customers have with their supplier. With new customer channels like the Internet and advanced computer systems companies can increase the value for their customers through a better understanding of the customers needs and preferences. In this way companies can create longterm relationships with their customers. </p><p>Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to increase the understanding of the elements that are important for a successfull implementation of CRM. </p><p>Realization: To achieve the purpose of this thesis a case studie was conducted at TAC Svenska AB where the future implementation of CRM was examined. The emirical data was assembled through interviews with employees at the company. The questions delt with earlier organizational changes within the company and the employees attitudes regarding the implementation of CRM. </p><p>Results: To successfully implement CRM it is essential that companies consider several elements that are important when companies undergo organizational change. Some of the elements that we found to be of great importance were the commitment of the managers, communication and information, to establish short term goals and to create involvement among employees regarding the implementation.</p>

Organisering för strategisk CRM : Lärande om kundrelationer i en B2B-organisation

Roth, Philip January 2015 (has links)
In marketing research, customer relationship management (CRM) is often described as a strategy for collecting customer information through an IT- infrastructure in order to manage customer relationships (e.g. Boulding et al 2005; Keramati et al 2010; Nguyen and Mutum 2012). Most of the existing research within CRM has focused on IT-infrastructure and implementation issues rather than on how CRM can enable knowledge sharing among individuals and working teams. Difficulties regarding information and knowledge creation, as well as sharing knowledge in both formal and informal ways, are not particularly well addressed in CRM literature. Hence, this study adopts a holistic approach to CRM and aims to “Understand how a B2B-organisation organise for strategic CRM”, and “Investigate how organisational aspects can act as drivers or barriers for learning about customer relationships”. The holistic approach implies that organisational aspects (such as co-workers, organisational culture, internal processes and affordance, c.f. Finnegan and Currie 2010) should be captured and seen as integrated parts of strategic CRM together with the more tangible CRM- system. Besides that, this study attempts to answer the question, “How does a B2B-organisation work with CRM to learn about their customer relationships”. Previous research has shown that intra-organisational problems emerge when implementing and using CRM with both researchers and software providers approaching CRM from a technological perspective with a heavy emphasis on IT-infrastructure (e.g. Bohling et al 2006; Coltman et al 2011). Despite its importance, IT-infrastructure is just one aspect that managers have to consider when making decisions about implementing and organising for CRM. From previous research we can learn that organisational aspects, such as co-workers, internal processes, and organisational culture (e.g. Finnegan and Currie 2010; Jayachandran et al 2005) are important to consider when implementing and using CRM. Thus, discovering how B2B- companies organise for strategic CRM necessitates the use of a holistic approach to CRM, based on the philosophy of relationship marketing (e.g. Grönroos 2008a; Nguyen and Mutum 2012; Storbacka and Lehtinen 2000). The empirical context in this study is the accounting and auditing industry. During recent years Swedish accounting and auditing firms have faced changes in the macro environment due to changes in legislation, which hasviitransformed the industry to become more customer oriented and CRM has been brought to interest in many firms. Based on that, a third and more practitionary aimed aim for this study is to ”Identify for accounting and auditing industry relevant organisational aspects for use of CRM”.In the theory chapter I first review the philosophy of relationship marketing, highlights the differences between B2B- and B2C-contexts and shows the nature of B2B-relationships, where multiple parties often are involved in the relationship. The study then sheds light on current research streams in CRM-literature and identifies two major research streams, the technology- oriented one and an organisational-oriented one. The thesis proceeds to review information, knowledge and learning domains and integrates relevant theoretical frameworks from these research areas into CRM-literature. The theory chapter rounds off by presenting and discussing “communities of practice” as an organisational approach that enables and cultivates learning in organisations.The study adopts an explorative research approach connected to the research question and purposes and the empirical inquiry is conducted through an abductive approach and investigates a large auditing and consulting firm, a major actor in the Swedish audit- and accounting business, during the time period of 2,5 years. The empirical data is comprised of 44 meeting observations of key account teams, as well as a sales group and 31 in-depth interviews with members of the groups. Moreover, several meeting observations with members of a sales team and a responsible-advisor team were conducted in one of the auditing firm ́s local offices to provide an understanding of how CRM as an organizational strategy is adopted and used by different individuals and groups working with different types of customers.In the analysis I built on the theoretical framework and case findings to empirically identify relevant themes connected to the customer relationships, to the development and learning processes in working teams and among individuals, and to intra-organisational prerequisites and structures. The identified themes were then further analysed in order to find out how CRM as a strategic approach is used to learn about customer relationships. This study shows that managers have to integrate relevant intra- organisational aspects to be able to organise for and implement CRM with a purpose to generate learning about customer relationships in a successful way. While previous research have shown that the organizational aspects may vary depending on company-context, size and type of customers, this study suggests that managers should consider “strategic communities of practice” as an important strategy to enable knowledge sharing, and thusviiicultivate learning processes among individuals, groups and divisions. However, enabling and cultivating for strategic communities of practice is not suitable for all groups of individuals due to their work tasks, or what goals and objectives managers have with the particular group or team. This finding is important to address since CRM, when narrowly approached as an IT-infrastructure, does not capture all relevant information and results in a lot of important knowledge about customer relationships getting stuck in minds of smaller working groups - instead of being shared with colleagues in networks or communities of practice, and thus contributing to organisational learning about customer relationships. The study shows that if CRM is to act as an enabler for relationship-specific knowledge sharing, managers have to enable interactive knowledge sharing among co-workers through for example communities of practice. These interactions, along with traditional information collection are strongly needed, especially in the context of B2B-services companies. To conclude, CRM-literature have to be re-examined to further incorporate discussions regarding learning processes and knowledge sharing to target a deeper, as well as a more holistic, understanding of customer relationships.

A new method of data quality control in production data using the capacitance-resistance model

Cao, Fei, active 21st century 02 November 2011 (has links)
Production data are the most abundant data in the field. However, they can often be of poor quality because of undocumented operational problems, or changes in operating conditions, or even recording mistakes (Nobakht et al. 2009). If this poor quality or inconsistency is not recognized as such, it can be misinterpreted as a reservoir issue other than the data quality problem that it is. Thus quality control of production data is a crucial and necessary step that must precede any further interpretation using the production data. To restore production data, we propose to use the capacitance resistance model (CRM) to realize data reconciliation. CRM is a simple reservoir simulation model that characterizes the connectivity between injectors and producers using only production and injection rate data. Because the CRM model is based on the continuity equation, it can be used to analyze the production corresponding to the injection signal in the reservoir. The problematic production data are then put into the CRM model directly and the resulting CRM output parameters are used to evaluate what the correct production response would be under current injection scheme. We also make sensitivity analysis based on synthetic fields, which are heterogeneous ideal reservoir models with imposed geology and well features in Eclipse. The aim is to show how bad data could be misleading and the best way to restore the production data. Using the CRM model itself to control data quality is a novel method to obtain clean production data. We can then apply the new clean production data in reservoir simulators or any other processes where production data quality matters. This data quality control process can help better understand the reservoir, analyze its behavior in a more ensured way and make more reliable decisions. / text

Τα συστήματα CRM, οι προϋποθέσεις για την επιτυχία τους η περίπτωση της Mercedes Benz

Κωσταράς, Γεώργιος, Κόλλια, Ηλιάννα 18 August 2008 (has links)
Ο σκοπός της εργασίας είναι να δώσει στον αναγνώστη την δυνατότητα να γνωρίσει τον κόσμο της τεχνολογίας των πληροφοριών, την πελατοκεντρική φιλοσοφία και ειδικότερα την λειτουργία και τον διαχωρισμό των επιμέρους επιχειρηματικών εργαλείων που ονομάζονται CRM. / The objective of this paper is to make the reader familiar with the IT(Information Technology), the customer-centric philosophy and especially the functionality and the classification of the most common business tools called CRM.

Gaining Competitive Advantage through Customer Satisfaction, Trust and Confidence in Consideration of the Influence of Green Marketing

Landua, Ina January 2008 (has links)
Research Question/Purpose: Due to environmental legislation, economic influences and increasing concern about the environment among the general public, today’s businesses are becoming more committed to environmental issues. Some enterprises yet have implemented a green strategy. This thesis aims at identifying issues that determine the long-term efficiency of green marketing and how confidence and trust plays a role in order to gain competitive advantage through customer satisfaction and customer retention. The common denominator of both, CRM and green marketing is the creation of confidence, trust and value for customers. So, focus is laid on measures that lend credibility to companies’ green marketing by interviewing experts and observing their opinions about green marketing and eco-labeling. Design/Methodology/Approach: Interviews conducted with company professionals from IKEA and Konsum Gävleborg and a member of the municipality in Gävle, as well as findings from secondary sources of the company Nestlé were used to investigate the companies’ ways to respond to environmental concern and how they deal with green issues and ecological responsibility. The interviews provide valuable insights of the success of green marketing depending on the confidence between company and customer. Findings: By analyzing the results of the interviews with the literature review, the thesis reveals that environmental responsibility and ecological orientation needs to be based upon the entire business strategy of a company and implemented in its core principles in order to deal effectively and efficiently with this issue. Conclusions: Companies respond in different ways to ecological issues, through eco-labeling, cooperation with NGOs and energy-saving production processes. In conclusion, it can be said that the need for customer relationship commitment, trust, confidence and loyalty as a result of satisfaction are as important in customer relationship management as in green marketing, because competitive advantage can be achieved by environment-related activities and motivates companies to go green to promote ecologically sustainable practices. Research Limitations/Implications: There is a number of literature focusing on customer relationship management and implications of green issues for business strategy, but there are only a few on green marketing yet and the interaction between green marketing and CRM is missing attention, so far. Originality/Value: This work seeks to make a contribution towards bridging the ends of CRM and green marketing. It indicates a relationship between eco-orientation and company performance and implicates, on the basis of the theoretical and empirical findings, that integrating ecological features and good performance in a company is not impossible. Trust and confidence are as important concepts in green marketing as in CRM.

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