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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Teaching or being taught: the experience of foreign teachers in China

Zhu, Manting Unknown Date (has links)
The research recorded in this thesis examined the experience of eight foreign teachers who have taken up residence in China as teachers of oral English language. The study grew out of my reflections on my own challenging, yet rewarding, journey as an international student in New Zealand, and aimed to investigate and unfold the reality of foreigners living and working experience under the influence of traditional Chinese culture, specifically in Pan Yu district, Guang Zhou City, Guang Dong Province. I was interested to find the cultural differences that the teachers struggled to accept or understand. I wondered whether the foreign teachers would reshape their personal beliefs and values, especially about teaching, because of the cultural differences they encountered in China. A sample of eight foreign teachers, from Australia, America, Canada and New Zealand, took part in semi-structured interviews in which I hoped to capture critical incidents in their inter-cultural experience. I was also able to undertake two observations of classroom practice. The data collected was then analysed using Boyatzis' (1998) system of thematic analysis. The research found that participants had similar experiences during their residence in China. For instance, the majority of participants showed a long period of cultural adoption and they all defined their experience as challenging. All participants refused to reshape their moral beliefs about teaching in response to traditional Chinese culture, but that they all, to some extent, eventually adjusted to a Chinese way of thinking. However, issues that direct connected to their own cultural heritage remained unchanged. An interpretation of the findings was that perhaps, on one hand, while the environment and cultural difference initiated various forms of difficulties, on the other hand, participants are trying to reset their personal limits. Most likely, their desire to introduce their Chinese students to a different style of learning convinced them to hold on to personal beliefs about effective teaching and learning, hoping to pass this on to a new generation of Chinese. My research, however, focused on only very small proportion of foreign teachers in China. Further research should be pursued with an expanded focus, to find the potential of the implementation of cultural awareness programmes and support groups for foreigner.

Mångkulturell läkarvård i Sverige. Utländska läkares upplevelser av stress på arbetsplatsen / Multicultural medical care in Sweden. Foreign doctors' experiences of stress at work

Toma, Eva January 2010 (has links)
<p>Stress hör till vårdpersonalens vardag och talangen att hantera stress är en lämplig egenskap för ett bra vårdarbete. Undersökningens syfte var att beskriva hur utländska läkare upplever stress på arbetsplasten i sammanhang med språkbarriärer, kommunikationssvårigheter och kulturskillnader samt hur dessa svårigheter påverkade deras arbetsförande och privatlivet. Via sju intervjuer granskades läkares tankar, kunskaper och upplevelser och resultatet visade att dålig kommunikation och okunskap från patienter och kollegor hade en negativ påverkan på stressnivån i arbetet. Medan otillräckliga språkkunskaper i svenska uppfattades som ett stort hinder av informanterna. Resultatet visade även att socialt stöd och hjälp från kollegor och ansvariga chefer saknades vilket påverkade informanternas privatliv i form av försämrat självförtroende och minskad energi under ledig tid. Ett par förslag på förbättring för att minska stressnivån på informanternas arbetsplatser ges i slutet.</p>

Vad motiverar ungdomar till att börja idrotta och vad är det som hindrar dem? : en intervjustudie om skillnader och likheter mellan svenska ungdomar och invandrarungdomar

Jirevall, Emelie January 2009 (has links)
<p>Föreningsidrotten ökar men fortfarande är det många ungdomar som inte är tillräckligt fysiskt aktiva. Många undersökningar har gjorts angående motivation hos aktiva idrottare, men forskningen kring vad det är som motiverar ungdomar att börja idrotta är inte alls lika stor. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilka motivationsfaktorer som skulle få ungdomar att börja idrotta och vad det är som hindrar dem, samt se vilka skillnader och likheter det fanns mellan svenska ungdomars och invandrarungdomars svar. Genom att undersöka vad som skulle få ungdomar att börja idrotta och vad det är som hindrar dem, skulle detta kunna hjälpa idrottsföreningar i hur de ska rekrytera nya medlemmar. Det är också viktigt att undersöka om det är någon skillnad mellan svenska ungdomars och invandrarungdomars motivationsfaktorer och hinder. Enskilda intervjuer gjordes med svenska ungdomar och invandrarungdomar från två olika skolor. Intervjuerna som spelades in på band transkriberades, för att sedan analyseras utifrån en hermeneutisk ansats. Teman i form av inre och yttre motivation, samt inre och yttre hinder togs fram, därefter skapades kategorier utifrån de motivationsfaktorer och hinder som var särskilt betydelsefulla för ungdomarna. Resultatet visade att de faktorer som skulle motivera ungdomarna att börja idrotta var socialt stöd, tidigare positiva erfarenheter av idrott, bättre hälsa, att det var roligt och att de hittade en idrott som passade dem. Det som hindrade dem var tidsbrist, låg grad av self-efficacy, prestationskrav, den sociala miljön, andra preferenser, att det inte var roligt och jobbigt idrotta, samt att de inte hade hittat någon passande idrott. Det kunde inte urskiljas några större skillnader mellan de svenska ungdomarna och invandrarungdomarna, men de svenska ungdomarna motiverades av både inre och yttre faktorer medan invandrarungdomarna endast motiverades av inre faktorer.</p>

Swedish-German Project Team Members : Problems and Benefits due to Cultural Differences Concept to Succeed

Illner, Beate, Kruse, Wiebke January 2007 (has links)
<p>Most multicultural teams are not as successful as expected. Germany and Sweden are close trade partners and one form of cooperation are German-Swedish project teams. In this thesis the reader will get answers to the following questions: What are the problems and benefits among German-Swedish project team members due to cultural differences and in which way can problems be coped with and benefits be enhanced. This thesis does not focus on virtual teams, the leadership of multicultural teams and the formation of German-Swedish project teams.</p><p>The main components of the theoretical framework are cultural models which serve as basis for our analysis are Hofstede’s five dimensional model, Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner’s model and Hall’s model. For our research we interviewed eight members of German-Swedish project teams. We discovered problems among German-Swedish project team members deriving from differences in the communication styles, in the focus on cooperation versus task and in dealing with rules. Beneficial in the German-Swedish collaborations is that the cultures complement each other in focusing on the facts versus broadening the subject and in the focus on team spirit versus goal achievement. Another beneficial characteristic is the similarity of the German and Swedish culture.</p><p>After analysing the problems and benefits due to cultural differences in German-Swedish project teams, we present our concept to reduce the problems in German-Swedish project teams. The concept consists of steps which build up on one another and therefore represent an overall concept which can serve as a basis and inspiration for enhancing the collaboration in German-Swedish project teams. Our concept includes the steps: intercultural training, a mentor system in the team, internal advisors in the company and a cultural evaluation.</p>

Företagsetableringar i främmande kulturer : En fallstudie på Kina / Business establishments in foreign cultures : A case on China

Strand, Veronica, Ipek, Ebru January 2007 (has links)
<p>Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att öka förståelsen för företags internationella etableringsstrategier och titta på vilka möjligheter och hinder som finns i etableringsprocessen.</p><p>Metod: Uppsatsens forskningsstrategi har varit att göra en fallstudie på Kina och en surveyundersökning på svenska företag som idag är representerade på den kinesiska marknaden. Vidare kombinerar studien de två vetenskapliga angreppssätten kvalitativ och kvantitativ ansats. Både primärdata i form av surveyundersökningen och ett seminarium och sekundär data i form av olika litteratur såsom böcker, vetenskapliga artiklar och internet har använts för att knyta samman våra resultat.</p><p>Resultat: Uppsatsen resulterar i att de största möjligheterna som finns för svenska företag på den kinesiska marknaden är att öka sin</p><p>lönsamhet och sänka sina produktionskostnader. De största hindren är lagar och förordningar, kulturella skillnader, tullavgifter, skatter och piratkopiering.</p> / <p>Purpose: The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of</p><p>business-establishing strategies and to examine which opportunities and obstacles the process holds within.</p><p>Method: The investigation strategy used for this essay was to perform a case study on China and a survey at Swedish companies which are currently represented in the Chinese market. The essay combines a qualitative and quantitative approach. Both primary data - in the form of a survey and a seminar - and secondary data - literature found in books, scientific articles and the internet - have been used to achieve our results.</p><p>Results: The result of this essay is: the opportunities on the Chinese market for Swedish companies are to increase profitability and lower production costs. The biggest obstacles are laws and regulations, cultural differences, customs fees, taxes and bootlegging.</p>

Etableringshinder på den ryska respektive tyska marknaden : En fallstudie av Ikea

Forsman, Lotta, Albrecht, Matilda January 2007 (has links)
<p>Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka och inhämta information om den ryska och den tyska marknaden, både vad gäller lagar och restriktioner samt kulturskillnader, för att på så sätt få fram information som kan vara till nytta för svenska företag som funderar på att etablera sig på någon av dessa marknader.</p><p>Metod: Studien är kvalitativ och resultat har erhållits genom en fallstudie av Ikea och de problem företaget upplevde vid etableringen i Ryssland och Tyskland. Intervjuer, såväl personligen som via mail, har genomförts med anställda inom Ikea i respektive land. Till detta har sekundärdata inom det valda området studerats och analyserats.</p><p>Teoretiska perspektiv: Uppsatsens teoretiska syntes bygger på Porters sju etableringshinder, teorin om tariffära och icke-tariffära handelshinder och teorin om regional ekonomisk integration samt Hofstedes dimensionsmodell över nationella kulturer och teorin om hög- och lågkontextkulturer.</p><p>Resultat: Resultaten av undersökningen visar bland annat att de konkreta handelshinderna, såsom statlig politik och höga tullar, upplevs vara de största svårigheterna vid en etablering på den ryska marknaden, medan kulturella skillnader ses som det största etableringshindret på den tyska marknaden. Detta beror på Tysklands EU-medlemskap, då EU i stort sett reducerat de konkreta handelshinderna mellan medlemsländerna.</p> / <p>Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate and obtain information about the Russian and the German market regarding laws and restrictions as well as cultural differences, to elicit useful facts for those Swedish companies thinking about an establishment in both or one of these countries.</p><p>Methodology: This thesis is based on a qualitative approach containing a case study of Ikea. Interviews with employees at the company in both Russia and Germany have been made, as well as a literature study within our study field.</p><p>Theoretical perspectives: The frame of reference is based on the theory of Porter concerning trade barriers, the theory about tariff and non-tariff barriers as well as the one about regional economic integration. It also contains cultural theories, viz. Hofstede’s theory about national culture differences and the theory about high and low context cultures.</p><p>Results: Our results show that trade barriers such as national politics and customs tariffs appear to cause the greatest problems when Swedish companies establish themselves on the Russian market, whereas cultural differences seem to be the most prominent barrier on the German market. The reason for this is the EU-membership of Germany, since EU has reduced most of the trade barriers between its members.</p>

What to do with the Chinese?

Jansson, Carl, Lemoine, Karl January 2010 (has links)
<p>Today, the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) is a fast growing economy, which is still in a developing phase. According to this fact, many Western companies are expanding and establishing in China nowadays. When expanding to foreign markets and foreign cultures, adapting to the local values is something which needs to be considered by foreign managers. A vital aspect is how to motivate the employees. The way employees want to be motivated may differ a lot from one country to another due to cultural differences. Since not much research has been performed on Swedish companies established in China and how they motivate their Chinese employees, this dissertation tries to fill that gap.The purpose of this dissertation is to explore the gap between Western management practices and motivation of Eastern employees. To find out if there are different needs and wants of employees in developing countries as opposed to developed ones. A deductive research approach is used in this dissertation.A two perspective study has been performed, qualitative case studies and a quantitative survey. On one side, Western managers views on how to motivate their Eastern employees as case studies. On the other side, a survey performed on a Chinese population and their view of important motivation factors. Some concepts were tested in order to investigate if the Western managers and the Chinese population have the same views on motivation and how to overcome cultural differences. First, results have shown that the “third culture” as a management tool will have an influence on employee motivation. Second, clear goals and rules will have an influence on employee motivation. However, the use of cooperative goals for Eastern employees was not confirmed to be useful, according to the results of this study. As a conclusion, the findings from this study indicate that there is a gap between Western managers and Eastern employees’ beliefs regarding motivation. However, to overcome cultural differences when operating in cross-cultural settings it is necessary to create a “third culture”. This study has strengthened the theory of the “third culture”.Analysis and conclusions from this dissertation may be of some value for Swedish managers. The value in this dissertation lies in that it can give a “hint” regarding motivation to managers of companies which operate in China. Some theories studied in this dissertation have not been confirmed. Therefore, managers should consider theories, but also try to adjust them in order to make them fit to their specific business.</p>

A study of cultural differences in cross-border Mergers & Acquisitions : Case studies review in Swedish companies

Cao, Vu, Li, Rusi January 2010 (has links)
<p>Among the challenges that companies may face during the post M&A phase, cultural integration can be seen as one of the trickiest tasks. Cultural differences which are inevitable in any deal are always there. The link between how people from autonomous groups live together and the deal result is an interesting topic that needs to be investigated. Since we have an interest in developing the understanding of cultural differences during integration process in cross-border M&As, the research question “How do cultural differences arise in cross-border M&As during the integration process and do they impact the deal result?” is formulated.</p><p>This thesis presents a model that demonstrates elements of cultural differences from three levels, national, organizational and personal. In this model, these levels can be seen as interrelated to each other in which the inner layer is impacted by the outer one. As a result, personal culture, as the most inner layer, is doubly impacted by the other two, national and organizational levels. Given that the scope of our thesis is for cross-border M&As, after investigating these three levels of culture, we found that organizational and personal differences are real in any M&As no matter domestic or cross-border deals. Differences at national level, on the contrary, are the first element that should be mentioned as a root of cultural differences in companies from different nationalities.</p><p>From the understanding about emergence of cultural differences, we further study to see if they leave any effect on the deal result. In the empirical section, from the cultural gap analysis of each case, it was surprising to see that the relationship between cultural gap and deal result of two of four cases, are opposite to Rankine´s theory. At this point, we can see that M&As between companies similar in culture is not always successful or that failure between organizations having significantly different cultures is not always true, and then the empirical study on the acculturation dynamics made the further explanation that cultural differences are not the critical factor leading to success or failure, but rather how participants in integration perceive and respond to the cultural differences will impact the deal result.</p>

The Effects of Family Race/Ethnicity and Socioeconomic Status on Quality of Services and Family Outcomes for Families Participating in Part C Early Intervention Programs

Lalinde, Paula Sue 09 April 2008 (has links)
This study investigated the association between family socioeconomic status, family race/ethnicity, quality of services and the impact of those services on the family for families who had participated in a northeastern state's IDEA, Part C Early Intervention Program. Data for this study came from 1,108 families who responded to a survey distributed by the state's Early Intervention Program. The survey contained two Rasch-based measurement scales designed to yield measures of family perceptions of the quality of early intervention services they had received and the impact of those services on their family. Results of the study indicated that measures of quality of services were significantly and positively related to family outcomes. However, neither family race/ethnicity nor socioeconomic status was associated with quality of services. Results related to the strong association between quality of services and positive family outcomes are interpreted in light of previous research on the outcomes of family-centered care models. Results related to the parity of service quality across racial/ethnic and socioeconomic groups are interpreted in relation to two important characteristics of high-quality programs: cultural competency and service coordination.

Does culture moderate the relationship between awareness and internalization of Western ideals and the development of body dissatisfaction in women?

Warren, Cortney Soderlind 30 September 2004 (has links)
The sociocultural model of eating disorders suggests that awareness of a thin physical ideal directly affects internalization of that ideal, which in turn, directly affects body dissatisfaction. The current study evaluated the general accuracy of the sociocultural model and examined the potential for ethnicity to protect against eating disorder symptomatology by moderating the relationships between awareness and internalization and between internalization and body dissatisfaction. Spanish (n = 100), Mexican American (n = 100), and Euro-American (n = 100) female participants completed various questionnaires measuring sociocultural attitudes towards appearance and body dissatisfaction. Analysis of covariance with tests of homogeneity of slope and path analysis using maximum likelihood with robust standard errors tested the two relationships by ethnic group. Results supported the sociocultural model: there was strong evidence for the mediational effect of internalization on the relationship between awareness and body dissatisfaction. Furthermore, ethnicity moderated the relationships such that both relationships were significantly stronger for Euro-American women than for Mexican American or Spanish women. Within the Mexican American group level of acculturation also moderated these relationships. Taken together, the results of this study highlight how ethnicity can protect against the development of eating disorder symptoms. Denouncing the thin ideal, minimizing appearance as an indicator of female value, and emphasizing personal traits other than appearance as determinants of worth are important in protecting against the development of body dissatisfaction and more severe eating pathology.

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