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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Otimização de memória cache em tempo de execução para o processador embarcado LEON3 / Optimization of cache memory at runtime for embedded processor LEON3

Lucas Albers Cuminato 28 April 2014 (has links)
O consumo de energia é uma das questões mais importantes em sistemas embarcados. Estudos demonstram que neste tipo de sistema a cache é responsável por consumir a maior parte da energia fornecida ao processador. Na maioria dos processadores embarcados, os parâmetros de configuração da cache são fixos e não permitem mudanças após sua fabricação/síntese. Entretanto, este não é o cenário ideal, pois a configuração da cache pode não ser adequada para uma determinada aplicação, tendo como consequência menor desempenho na execução e consumo excessivo de energia. Neste contexto, este trabalho apresenta uma implementação em hardware, utilizando computação reconfigurável, capaz de reconfigurar automática, dinâmica e transparentemente a quantidade de ways e por consequência o tamanho da cache de dados do processador embarcado LEON3, de forma que a cache se adeque à aplicação em tempo de execução. Com esta técnica, espera-se melhorar o desempenho das aplicações e reduzir o consumo de energia do sistema. Os resultados dos experimentos demonstram que é possível reduzir em até 5% o consumo de energia das aplicações com degradação de apenas 0.1% de desempenho / Energy consumption is one of the most important issues in embedded systems. Studies have shown that in this type of system the cache consumes most of the power supplied to the processor. In most embedded processors, the cache configuration parameters are fixed and do not allow changes after manufacture/synthesis. However, this is not the ideal scenario, since the configuration of the cache may not be suitable for a particular application, resulting in lower performance and excessive energy consumption. In this context, this project proposes a hardware implementation, using reconfigurable computing, able to reconfigure the parameters of the LEON3 processor\'s cache in run-time improving applications performance and reducing the power consumption of the system. The result of the experiment shows it is possible to reduce the processor\'s power consumption up to 5% with only 0.1% degradation in performance

Implementação de cache no projeto ArchC / Cache implementation in the ArchC project

Almeida, Henrique Dante de, 1982- 20 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Paulo Cesar Centoducatte, Rodolfo Jardim de Azevedo / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T15:21:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Almeida_HenriqueDantede_M.pdf: 506967 bytes, checksum: ca41d5af5008feeb442f3b9d9322af51 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: O projeto ArchC visa criar uma linguagem de descrição de arquiteturas, com o objetivo de se construir simuladores e toolchains de arquiteturas computacionais completas. O objetivo deste trabalho é dotar ArchC com capacidade para gerar simuladores de caches. Para tanto foi realizado um estudo detalhado das caches (tipos, organizações, configurações etc) e do funcionamento e do código do ArchC. O resultado foi a descrição de uma coleção de caches parametrizáveis que podem ser adicionadas 'as arquiteturas descritas em ArchC. A implementação das caches é modular, possuindo código isolado para a memória de armazenamento da cache e políticas de operação. A corretude da cache foi verificada utilizando uma sequ¿encia de simulações de diversas configurações de cache e com comparações com o simulador dinero. A cache resultante apresentou um overhead, no tempo de simulaçao, que varia entre 10% e 60%, quando comparada a um simulador sem cache / Abstract: The ArchC project aims to create an architecture description language, with the goal of building complete computer architecture simulators and toolchains. The goal of this project is to add support in ArchC for simulating caches. To achieve this, a detailed study about caches (types, organization, configuration etc) and about the ArchC code was done. The result was a collection of parameterized caches that may be included on the architectures described with ArchC. The cache implementation is modular, having isolated code for the storage and operation policies. Implementation correctness was verified using a set of many cache configurations and with comparisons with the results from dinero simulator. The resulting cache showed an overhead varying between 10% and 60%, when compared to a simulator without caches / Mestrado / Ciência da Computação / Mestre em Ciência da Computação

Gestion hétérogène des données dans les hiérarchies mémoires pour l’optimisation énergétique des architectures multi-coeurs / Read Only Data Specific Management for an Energy Efficient Memory System

Vaumourin, Gregory 04 October 2016 (has links)
Les problématiques de consommation dans la hiérarchie mémoire sont très présentes dans les architectures actuelles que ce soit pour les systèmes embarqués limités par leurs batteries ou pour les supercalculateurs limités par leurs enveloppes thermiques. Introduire une information de classification dans le système mémoire permet une gestion hétérogène, adaptée à chaque type particulier de données. Nous nous sommes intéressé dans cette thèse plus précisément aux données en lecture seule et étudions les possibilités d’une gestion spécifique dans la hiérarchie mémoire à travers un codesign compilation/architecture. Cela permet d’ouvrir de nouveaux potentiels en terme de localité des données, passage à l’échelle des architectures ou design des mémoires. Evaluée par simulation sur une architecture multi-coeurs, la solution mise en oeuvre permet des gains significatifs en terme de réduction de la consommation d’énergie à performance constante. / The energy consumption of the memory system in modern architectures is a major issue for embedded system limited by their battery or supercalculators limited by their Thermal Design Power. Using a classification information in the memory system allows a heterogeneous management of data, more specific to each kind of data. During this thesis, we focused on the specific management of read-only data into the memory system through a compilation/architecture codesign. It allows to explore new potentials in terms of data locality, scalability of the system or cache designs. Evaluated by simulation with multi-core architecture, the proposed solution others significant energy consumption reduction while keeping the performance stable.

Caching Strategies And Design Issues In CD-ROM Based Multimedia Storage

Shastri, Vijnan 04 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Emulating Variable Block Size Caches

Muthulaxmi, S 05 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Dynamic Eviction Set Algorithms and Their Applicability to Cache Characterisation

Lindqvist, Maria January 2020 (has links)
Eviction sets are groups of memory addresses that map to the same cache set. They can be used to perform efficient information-leaking attacks against the cache memory, so-called cache side channel attacks. In this project, two different algorithms that find such sets are implemented and compared. The second of the algorithms improves on the first by using a concept called group testing. It is also evaluated if these algorithms can be used to analyse or reverse engineer the cache characteristics, which is a new area of application for this type of algorithms. The results show that the optimised algorithm performs significantly better than the previous state-of-the-art algorithm. This means that countermeasures developed against this type of attacks need to be designed with the possibility of faster attacks in mind. The results also shows, as a proof-of-concept, that it is possible to use these algorithms to create a tool for cache analysis.

Evaluation of cache memory configurations with performance monitoring in embedded real-time automotive systems : Determining performance characteristics of cache memory with hardware counters and software profiling. / Utvärdning av cacheminnekonfigurationer med prestandamätning i realtidsstyrda fordonssystem : Bestämning av prestandaegenskaper i cacheminnen med hårdvaruräknare och mjukvaruprofilering

Westman, Andreas January 2022 (has links)
Modern day automotive systems are highly dependent on real-time software control to manage the powertrain and high-level features, such as cruise control. The computational power available has increased tremendously from decades of microcontroller and hardware development on such platforms. In contrast, the access times to the memory are still substantial, creating a significant bottleneck in the system. Therefore, small cache memories are used to reduce access times and improve performance. With significantly smaller but faster memory, the configuration and behaviour of the cache play an important role and are also highly dependent on the platform. Several of the configurations have an impact on the platform behaviour not only in terms of execution time, but also in multithreaded coherency, robustness, security, and internal bus usage. To distinguish performance differences and cache behaviour between configurations, hardware counters and low-level processor events such as bus usage, line fills, reads, and writes are monitored in conjunction with task load profiling. This proves to be an effective measurement method for use in a real-time embedded automotive system to provide both average and worstcase scenarios. In addition, the collected results are used to suggest improvements to the configuration of the platform used for measurements. For example, no major performance benefits were measured from excluding certain parts of the memory to increase hit rate. Less robust write-policies copy-back proved to be more efficient and could be used in combination with error correction to increase security. Memory coherency in multithreaded execution also proved to be inefficient and a major source to increased miss-rate due to snooping. / Moderna fordonssystem är idag mycket beroende av realtidsmjukvara för att effektivt kontrollera både drivlina och med användarfunktioner som till exempel farthållare. Beräkningskraften tillgänglig på de mikrokontroller som används har ökat kraftigt från årtionden av utveckling. Åtkomsttiden mellan processorn och minnet är däremot fortfarande stor och skapar en stor flaskhals i systemet. För att minska åtkomsttiden används cacheminnen med mycket hög prestanda och begränsad minnesmängd. Med väsentligt mindre och snabbare cacheminnen krävs optimerade konfigurationer för att utnyttja minnet effektivt, vilket kan vara svårt då användningen och prestandan är varierande för olika system. Fler cachekonfigurationer påverkar systemet i mer än bara exekveringstid utan och i minnessynkronisering, tillförlitlighet, säkerhet och intern bussanvändning. För att särskilja olika prestandaegenskaper mellan olika konfigurationer används hårdvaruräknare och processorhändelser som bussanvändning, radändringar, läsningar och skrivningar i kombination med profilering av processoranvändning. Det visar sig vara en effektiv metod för att utvärdera olika scenarion som bästa-, sämsta-, och medelfall i realtidssystem i fordon. Utöver det, används resultaten för att föreslå nya konfigurationsförbättringar på plattformen som användes. Några exempel på detta är hur försök till att förbättra minnesträffar i cacheminnet genom att exkludera vissa typer av minnessektioner inte gav någon prestandaförbättring. Mindre tillförlitliga skrivmetoder som copy-back visade sig vara mer effektiva och kunde användas i kombination med feldetektering för att förbättra säkerheten.


GIESKE, EDMUND J. 06 October 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Dynamic Level-2 Cache Memory Locking by Utilizing Multiple Miss Tables

Mocniak, Andrew Louis 01 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Performance improvements using dynamic performance stubs

Trapp, Peter January 2011 (has links)
This thesis proposes a new methodology to extend the software performance engineering process. Common performance measurement and tuning principles mainly target to improve the software function itself. Hereby, the application source code is studied and improved independently of the overall system performance behavior. Moreover, the optimization of the software function has to be done without an estimation of the expected optimization gain. This often leads to an under- or overoptimization, and hence, does not utilize the system sufficiently. The proposed performance improvement methodology and framework, called dynamic performance stubs, improves the before mentioned insufficiencies by evaluating the overall system performance improvement. This is achieved by simulating the performance behavior of the original software functionality depending on an adjustable optimization level prior to the real optimization. So, it enables the software performance analyst to determine the systems’ overall performance behavior considering possible outcomes of different improvement approaches. Moreover, by using the dynamic performance stubs methodology, a cost-benefit analysis of different optimizations regarding the performance behavior can be done. The approach of the dynamic performance stubs is to replace the software bottleneck by a stub. This stub combines the simulation of the software functionality with the possibility to adjust the performance behavior depending on one or more different performance aspects of the replaced software function. A general methodology for using dynamic performance stubs as well as several methodologies for simulating different performance aspects is discussed. Finally, several case studies to show the application and usability of the dynamic performance stubs approach are presented.

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