Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cafeterias"" "subject:"cafeterías""
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Aplicação de conceitos e ferramentas da engenharia de produção para aprimoramento do funcionamento de restaurantes universitáriosRibeiro, Carolina Tagliani January 2017 (has links)
Os serviços de apoio ofertados pelas universidades federais desempenham papel importante na vida acadêmica do estudante, já que possuem como objetivo auxiliar a permanência e formação do aluno. Entre os serviços de apoio existentes está a oferta de refeições pelos restaurantes universitários, que devem se apoiar em uma gestão eficiente a fim de que o serviço possa ser ofertado de forma adequada. Esta dissertação aplica conceitos e ferramentas de engenharia de produção a fim de aprimorar o funcionamento dos restaurantes universitários de uma universidade federal brasileira. Inicialmente é abordada a temática de ajuste da política de solicitação de pedidos ao fornecedor pelo almoxarifado central dos restaurantes. Para isso, são realizadas as seguintes etapas: (i) coleta de dados históricos de demanda; (ii) modelagem das séries históricas com base nos modelos de previsão de demanda; (iii) geração da matriz bill of materials de uma refeição padrão; e (iv) geração do relatório MRP (Material Requirements Planning). Com a aplicação do método proposto, foi possível identificar que a forma atual de solicitação de pedidos não é adequada e que o relatório MRP pode ser utilizado no ambiente estudado, desde que seja abastecido com informações adicionais. Na sequência, estuda-se, através da simulação computacional, o arranjo físico e capacidade de um restaurante universitário, buscando aprimorar o fluxo de usuários durante o almoço através da redução do tamanhos de filas e tempos de espera. Para tanto, as etapas realizadas incluem (i) análise do sistema para identificação das atividades a serem inseridas no modelo de simulação; (ii) coleta de dados para abastecimento do modelo; (iii) construção e validação do modelo; e (iv) simulação e análise de cenários alternativos. A aplicação no restaurante estudado indica que a inclusão de um quarto aparelho de buffet, com a consequente redução da capacidade do salão em 20 lugares, gera benefícios significativos ao fluxo de usuários, reduzindo em 83% o tamanho médio da fila externa e em 73% o tempo médio de espera total. / The support services offered by federal universities play an important role in students’ academic life, since they aim to assist their stay and education at university. The supply of meals by university cafeterias is among the existing services, and it must rely on efficient management so that the service can be properly offered. This dissertation applies concepts and tools from Industrial Engineering in order to improve the operation of the university cafeterias of a Brazilian federal university. Initially, the issue of adjusting the ordering policy to the supplier by the cafeterias' central warehouse is addressed. To that end, the following steps are carried out: (i) collection of historical demand data; (ii) modeling of historical series based on demand forecasting models; (iii) generation of a matrix bill of materials of a standard meal; and (iv) generation of a MRP (Material Requirements Planning) report. The application of this method allowed the identification that the current form of ordering is not adequate, and that the MRP report can be used in the environment studied as long as it is provided with additional information. Next, the physical arrangement and the capacity of a university cafeteria are studied through computer simulation, in order to improve the flow of users by reducing queue size and waiting time. Therefore, the steps carried out include: (i) analysis of the system to identify the activities to be included in the simulation model; (ii) data collection to supply the model; (iii) development and validation of the model; and (iv) simulation and analysis of alternative scenarios. The application of this model in the cafeteria studied indicates that the inclusion of a fourth buffet equipment, in addition to reducing the capacity of the hall in 20 places, generates significant benefits to the flow of users, reducing the average queue size by 83% and the average waiting time by 73%.
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One-Year Evaluation of the Wellness in the Schools Program on School Lunch Consumption of Fruits, Vegetables, and Salad Bar Items in Urban Elementary StudentsAng, Ian Yi Han January 2017 (has links)
Children in the United States do not eat enough fruits and vegetables to meet current dietary guidelines of 1 to 1.5 cups of fruits, and 1.5 to 2 cups of vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are an important source of various nutrients, and higher consumption of fruits and vegetables help children meet adequate nutrition needs for physical growth, and to lower risk of various chronic diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases. School-based nutrition or wellness intervention programs by local governments or non-profit organizations are part of the multi- prong approach to help increase fruit and vegetable consumption in children.
One such school-based wellness intervention program based in New York City is Wellness In The Schools (WITS). WITS is a non-profit organization with the aim of implementing programs in schools that help facilitate healthy eating and positive group play in children. The two main arms of the WITS programming is the Cook for Kids and Coach for Kids programs. Overall, the goal of the WITS Cook for Kids program is to increase fruit and vegetable consumption, decrease processed foods consumed, and improve the perception of school lunch; the goal of the WITS Coach for Kids program is to increase physical activity, increase pro-social behaviors and team-based activities, and decrease schoolyard bullying at recess. A WITS Chef and a WITS Coach are placed in each school and work alongside school food and recess aids on every school day during the first year of intervention.
This dissertation study investigated the impact of one-year of WITS programming, as well as school lunch environmental factors, on school lunch consumption of fruits, vegetables, and salad bar items, in 2nd and 3rd grade students. The study utilized a non-randomized controlled trial design, with seven intervention schools receiving the WITS programming, and seven matched control schools. Intervention schools received the WITS programming starting from September 2015 that continued through the last week of June 2016 when the school year ended, while control schools did not receive any WITS programming. This study is significant in that it evaluated a real-world health program using a large sample of schools with match controls, along with using valid and reliable methods assessing multiple outcome measures of food consumption and environmental factors. WITS intervention and Control schools in this study were in an urban setting with high percentage of minority and high percentage poverty.
The first research question explored the differences in consumption of fruits, vegetables, and salad bar items at school lunch for 2nd and 3rd grade students. Comparisons were made between WITS intervention schools and Control schools, 2nd grade students and 3rd grade students, and girls and boys, after one year of the WITS intervention programming. School lunch food on tray and consumption of students was assessed by observation over three school days for each school at Time 0 and Time 1 study time periods. About thirty students were observed each observation day for each school, totaling over 1300 student observations each study time period.
The second research question focused on testing the impact of various school lunch environmental factors on 2nd and 3rd grade students’ consumption of fruits, vegetables, and salad bar items at school lunch. The school lunch environmental factors included: time duration of school lunch, wait time before getting school lunch, order of lunch and recess, pre-plating of fruits on lunch trays, slicing of fruits, whole fruits in an attractive serving bowl, number of fruit options, position of vegetables in lunch line, pre-plating of vegetables on lunch trays, number of vegetable options, position of salad bar, and number of salad bar items. These school lunch environmental factors were assessed using observation.
This study found that there were no differences in consumption of fruits, vegetables, and salad bar items between WITS intervention schools and Control schools at Time 0 or at Time 1. This study did find that 3rd grade students ate more fruits and salad than 2nd grade students, when analyzed for only students who had the food item on the tray and when analyzed for all students. Students in 3rd grade ate significantly more vegetable than students in 2nd grade, analyzed within students that had vegetable on tray. Additionally, more 3rd grade students had any salad on tray than 2nd grade students. This study also found that across all students, girls ate more fruits and salad than boys. More girls had any fruit and salad on tray than boys, and across all students, more girls ate any fruit and salad than boys.
Having lunch after recess, and slicing or pre-cutting of fruits were found to have a significant positive correlation with fruit consumption across all students. However, displaying whole fruits being served in an attractive serving bowl were found to have a significant negative correlation with fruit consumption across all students. Pre-plating of vegetables on lunch trays, and having two or more vegetable options were found to have a significant positive correlation with vegetable consumption across all students. Only wait time before getting school lunch was found to have a significant positive correlation with salad consumption across all students.
The WITS programming might not have been executed in full due to real-world limitations, which may have contributed to the lack of differences in fruit, vegetable and salad consumption between WITS intervention and Control schools. Future review of the level of implementation of all the components of the WITS programming would allow for improvements in the execution of the programming. The findings from this study also indicate that some school lunch environmental factors could have strong influences on the consumption of fruits, vegetables, and salad bar items. Interventions working on increasing fruit and vegetable consumption could thus consider incorporating steps to manipulate these factors to improve the impact of their programming.
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Undersökning av ungdomars kostvanor och val av inköp i skolkafeterior på gymnasieskolor i Uppsala länNorén, Josefine, Larsson, Magdalena January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>SAMMANFATTNING</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Syfte: </strong>Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka utbudet i skolkafeterior på gymnasieskolor i Uppsala län och därefter granska hur kafeteriorna följde råden och rekommendationerna från Livsmedelsverket angående vad som bör finnas till försäljning i skolkafeterior. Avsikten var också att undersöka ungdomars inställning till det utbud som fanns i skolkafeterian och även undersöka hur ungdomarnas matvanor såg ut.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Metod:</strong> Studien utfördes genom att rektorer på de sex aktuella skolorna kontaktades angående förfrågan om medverkan i studien. Efter godkännande besöktes skolorna och dess kafeterior där 10 slumpmässigt utvalda elever per skola fick fylla i en enkät. Skolkafeteriornas utbud undersöktes av författarna genom en inventeringsblankett.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Resultat:</strong> Skolkafeteriorna hade ett utbud som inte fullständigt följde Livsmedelsverkets rekommendationer om hälsosamma produkter. Ungdomarna tyckte dock att utbudet på deras skolkafeterior var bra. I medeltal åt ungdomarna frukost tre till fem gånger per vecka och samma sak gällde för skollunchen.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Slutsats: </strong>Ohälsosamma produkter finns lättillgängligt för dagens ungdomar som konsumerar dessa produkter. I ett framtida perspektiv påverkar detta hälsan negativt.<strong> </strong>Det är<strong> </strong>därför viktigt att tidigt fokusera på ungdomars kostvanor för att i ett längre perspektiv kunna påverka deras hälsa och livsstil positivt vilket är en angelägen uppgift inom en hälsofrämjande hälso- och sjukvård.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Nyckelord: </strong>Nutrition, Skolkafeterior, Ungdomar, Folkhälsa, Kostvanor</p> / <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Aim:</strong> The aim of this study was to investigate the supply of food in school cafeterias at upper secondary schools in Uppsala County and then examine how these cafeterias followed the advice and recommendations of the Swedish National Food Administration concerning what should be for sale in school cafeterias. The aim was also to investigate the school pupils’ attitude towards the food sold in the school cafeterias and to examine the eating habits among the pupils.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Method:</strong> The study was conducted as follows: the headmasters of the six chosen schools were contacted and asked about participating in the study. After approval, the school cafeterias were visited and 10 randomly selected pupils per school were asked to fill in a questionnaire. The supply of food in the school cafeterias was investigated by the authors of this study.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Result:</strong> The result indicated that the school cafeterias had a supply of food that did not entirely follow the recommendations of the Swedish National Food Administration about selling healthy food. The pupils, however, thought that the supply of their cafeterias was good. On average, the pupils ate breakfast and school dinner three to five times a week.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Today, unhealthy products are easily accessible for the school pupils who consume these products. This will influence the future health in a negative way. It is therefore important to focus on young people early, in order to have a positive influence on their health and lifestyle in a longer perspective.</p><p> <strong></strong></p><p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Nutrition, School cafeterias, Adolescent, Public Health, Food Habits<strong></strong></p>
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Challenges and procedures relative to food safety in school foodserviceGiampaoli, Joan 16 April 2001 (has links)
The purpose of this two phased study was to determine the challenges to
implementing food safety and hazard analysis and critical control point
(HACCP) in school foodservice and the adherence to food safety
procedures in 15 schools. In phase one, food safety and HACCP
procedures were studied utilizing a focus group and a national mailing of a
three part survey instrument to school foodservice directors. The
instrument examined the challenges and attitudes of directors toward the
use of HACCP programs and food safety practices in their operations.
Phase two examined the food safety procedures used in school kitchens.
The researcher and two trained observers audited 15 middle school
kitchens using an audit form developed by the researcher. Practices
audited included temperature monitoring, personal hygiene, cold storage
procedures, cleanliness of facility and other observable food safety
practices. The survey yielded a response rate of 58% and the challenge
and attitude statements were tested for reliability and analyzed using factor analysis and multiple regression. The responses indicated that the school
foodservice directors did not perceive the same challenges to food safety
as those revealed by the focus group participants. In general, the directors
were positive about the use of HACCP programs and food safety practices.
However, they did perceive the time and money necessary to maintain
these programs to be a challenge. Results from the food safety audits
revealed that food safety practices could be improved among the audited
operations. Poor food safety practices were observed in the areas of hand
washing, temperature monitoring, hair restraints, and sanitizing of
equipment. This study suggests that school foodservice directors need to
be committed to food safety programs if they are to be effective. Directors
need to continually train and monitor employees and maintain a positive
attitude about the necessity of food safety in order to assure safe food
handling practices. / Graduation date: 2002
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Undersökning av ungdomars kostvanor och val av inköp i skolkafeterior på gymnasieskolor i Uppsala länNorén, Josefine, Larsson, Magdalena January 2009 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka utbudet i skolkafeterior på gymnasieskolor i Uppsala län och därefter granska hur kafeteriorna följde råden och rekommendationerna från Livsmedelsverket angående vad som bör finnas till försäljning i skolkafeterior. Avsikten var också att undersöka ungdomars inställning till det utbud som fanns i skolkafeterian och även undersöka hur ungdomarnas matvanor såg ut. Metod: Studien utfördes genom att rektorer på de sex aktuella skolorna kontaktades angående förfrågan om medverkan i studien. Efter godkännande besöktes skolorna och dess kafeterior där 10 slumpmässigt utvalda elever per skola fick fylla i en enkät. Skolkafeteriornas utbud undersöktes av författarna genom en inventeringsblankett. Resultat: Skolkafeteriorna hade ett utbud som inte fullständigt följde Livsmedelsverkets rekommendationer om hälsosamma produkter. Ungdomarna tyckte dock att utbudet på deras skolkafeterior var bra. I medeltal åt ungdomarna frukost tre till fem gånger per vecka och samma sak gällde för skollunchen. Slutsats: Ohälsosamma produkter finns lättillgängligt för dagens ungdomar som konsumerar dessa produkter. I ett framtida perspektiv påverkar detta hälsan negativt. Det är därför viktigt att tidigt fokusera på ungdomars kostvanor för att i ett längre perspektiv kunna påverka deras hälsa och livsstil positivt vilket är en angelägen uppgift inom en hälsofrämjande hälso- och sjukvård. Nyckelord: Nutrition, Skolkafeterior, Ungdomar, Folkhälsa, Kostvanor / ABSTRACT Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the supply of food in school cafeterias at upper secondary schools in Uppsala County and then examine how these cafeterias followed the advice and recommendations of the Swedish National Food Administration concerning what should be for sale in school cafeterias. The aim was also to investigate the school pupils’ attitude towards the food sold in the school cafeterias and to examine the eating habits among the pupils. Method: The study was conducted as follows: the headmasters of the six chosen schools were contacted and asked about participating in the study. After approval, the school cafeterias were visited and 10 randomly selected pupils per school were asked to fill in a questionnaire. The supply of food in the school cafeterias was investigated by the authors of this study. Result: The result indicated that the school cafeterias had a supply of food that did not entirely follow the recommendations of the Swedish National Food Administration about selling healthy food. The pupils, however, thought that the supply of their cafeterias was good. On average, the pupils ate breakfast and school dinner three to five times a week. Conclusion: Today, unhealthy products are easily accessible for the school pupils who consume these products. This will influence the future health in a negative way. It is therefore important to focus on young people early, in order to have a positive influence on their health and lifestyle in a longer perspective. Keywords: Nutrition, School cafeterias, Adolescent, Public Health, Food Habits
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Educating for Environmental Literacy in America's Public SchoolsStoller-Patterson, Annie L 13 May 2012 (has links)
This paper explores how education for environmental literacy can be integrated into America's public school system. It investigates the benefits of environmental education and how green school buildings, sustainable cafeterias, school gardens and environmental education curriculum can be used to teach for environmental literacy at all grade levels. Includes sample lesson plan.
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Plate waste trends of kindergarten students participating in the National School Lunch Program /Dust, Sara Elizabeth, January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.S.)--Eastern Illinois University, 2004. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 67-73).
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No description available.
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Energy consumption and conservation in school foodservice systemsKobliner, Victoria Rousso 06 May 1994 (has links)
Graduation date: 1994
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The effect of price and availability of healthy food alternatives on student choices during school lunch a thesis presented to the Department of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance in candidacy for the degree of Master of Science /January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Northwest Missouri State University, 2009. / The full text of the thesis is included in the pdf file. Title from title screen of full text.pdf file (viewed on July 17, 2009) Includes bibliographical references.
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