Spelling suggestions: "subject:"calculative"" "subject:"calculatives""
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The possibility of unconcealing in literature according to Martin Heidegger and Michael OakeshottMasseo, Patrick 22 January 2016 (has links)
In the following thesis, I draw on these parallel ideas in works of Heidegger and Oakeshott, in order to develop two contrasting frameworks termed "the meditative idiom" and "the calculative idiom." My aim is to establish how these idioms can signal sweeping and mutually exclusive frameworks or mindsets by means of which human beings approach projects generally and literary projects in particular. Heidegger and Oakeshott present their accounts of various types of thinking and idioms in reference to the experience of literature in the context of living. My efforts to combine their frameworks continue in this same vein. This thesis focuses on what occurs when a person interacts with literature through the meditative or the calculative idioms. Drawing on Susan Sontag's essay Against Interpretation, I argue that when someone approaches literature with the aim of interpretation, they are working within the calculative idiom. This approach contrasts with the way events unfold in the meditative idiom or, better, the way this approach allows them to unfold and reveal themselves of themselves. Allowing as much is inherent to Heidegger's concept of aletheia as an "unconcealing." In this connection I claim that the meditative idiom prevents literature from becoming vitiated through interpretation. Along with consulting Heidegger, Oakeshott and Sontag, I draw upon other philosophers in attempt to elucidate what occurs during an interaction with literature.
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Structure and Process of Channel Program Selections: Retailers Choice among Parity Trade PromotionsPoddar, Amit 14 August 2007 (has links)
This research tried to explain the role of calculative commitment, loyalty commitment and power asymmetry on behavioral commitment in a business to business scenario. We specifically looked at the trade promotion scenario since retailers face more trade promotions than they can accept and extant research suggests that retailers always choose trade promotions that offer the greatest immediate benefit. This dissertation addressed the following managerial question, “How does a firm select a program (trade deal) when all its vendors offer the same short term economic incentives”. We proposed that other aspects of retailer’s relationship with its vendors determine / influence the program selection decision. First, incentives imbedded in channel relationships namely economic incentives (e.g., access to new products) and social incentives (e.g., affect toward vendor / salesperson) lead to a selection decision. Second, the power asymmetry the retailer has with the various vendors directly impacts decision making and also moderates the impact of the embedded economic / social incentives. We used commitment theory and an experimental design to test our model. We find that calculative commitment has the greatest impact on decision making followed by power asymmetry. We also find that loyalty commitment has the least impact. We also found that under high power asymmetry, calculative commitment has a bigger impact than loyalty commitment on behavioral commitment than under low power asymmetry when loyalty commitment has a bigger impact.
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Utilitarian Mindset across Cultures: The Calculative Strategy for Mobile Payment Adoption in the U.S. and ChinaGao, Bowen 22 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Budování představ čísla do 100 / Creating number concept up to 100Panovská, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with third-graders from one of Prague's elementary schools and their understanding of numbers. In addition to the Prodos textbooks, some didactical ideas were taken from the Fraus textbooks, which are aimed at the development of children's understanding mathematics. The experiments were carried out in a classroom and lasted one and a half year. Seven pupils were chosen to take part. The experiments were aimed at gauging their semantic and structural understanding of numbers. The pupils worked individually and were individually interviewed after the experiments. The assumption that pupils use strategies that are not taught in the classroom was confirmed, as well as the fact that the operation of subtraction is much more complicated than addition in mental arithmetic and also in written counting. However, the assumption that the pupils perform better when faced with financial matters as opposed to other situations was not confirmed. It came to light that when creating a verbal task, it is necessary to consider the pupil's understanding of the vocabulary used. Key Words: addition, subtraction, decomposition of number, computation, mathematics, calculative strategies
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Supplier-Buyer Relationships within the Small-Sized Fashion Retail Industry : A qualitative study of relationship marketing within small-sized fashion retailers in SwedenWilthorn, Cecilia, Larsson, Marie, Henriksson, Hampus January 2013 (has links)
Despite the vast research within the fields of buyer-supplier relationships and the fashion industry, a lack of comprehensive understanding concerning the connection between the two seems to be found. Research regarding long-term relations and key concepts in form of trust and commitment, are stated to be crucial in order to create a long-term relationship. However, the importance of these concepts application regarding small-sized fashion retailers was identified to be an unexplored area; thus, a research gap was detected. This highlights a need for further research of the characteristics of the buyer- supplier relationships within small-sized fashion retailers. The purpose of this study was consequently to investigate buyer-supplier relationships within small-sized fashion retailers. Furthermore, based on the literature review of the theoretical framework, three research questions were formulated. To gather empirical data, a multiple-case study was conducted and semi-structured interviews with four purchasing managers working in the fashion industry were performed. This study discloses that the concepts of trust and commitment were identified as being of great importance, in order to maintain a long-term relationship between the parties. Further, several factors, e.g. communication, conflict resolution and identification were distinguished to have a significant impact on the character of a close relationship. Finally this study concluded that the relation between the buyer and supplier is highly valued; with especially trust as a key factor. Both affective and calculative commitment was identified to exist, often depending on the size and dependence of the supplier. However, the prosperity of the business was ultimately argued to be the main reason for maintaining a partnership. Hence, the retailers preferred a close relationship, but sometimes accepted a transactional one due to their own customer demand.
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Micro-firms and the auditor : a study of the individual-firm commitment between auditors and exempted firms in SwedenTrifunovski, Alexandar, Steén, Max January 2012 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose with this dissertation is to examine the individual–firm commitment between auditors and exempted firms from the client perspective and how it is influenced by relational influencing factors. The impact of these factors is investigated through a three component model incorporating affective, calculative and normative commitment. Method: The study encompasses a triangular research method and can be seen as a twofold complementary approach. The choice of methodology seeks to qualitatively investigate how auditors actively work to impact the level of trust, social bonds and satisfaction as well as the level of commitment in their relationship with the exempted firm. The intention is to complement the findings from the qualitative study with quantitatively measured factors from the client’s perspective using a survey strategy. Conclusion: The findings of this study indicated that micro-firms are predominantly affectively committed to their auditor based on positive feelings of attachment and less due to normative and calculative reasons. Trust and satisfaction proved to be the most significant factors in ensuring long-term and enduring relationships between auditors and micro-firms. Implications: Affective commitment proved to be the most significant construct in explaining the characteristics of the auditor-micro firm relation in this study. By critically evaluating the relationship, the auditor can assess to which degree trust, social bonds and satisfaction can be implemented to strengthen the commitment of the exempted firm, thus influencing their long-term staying intention.
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A three-dimensional customer commitment model : its impact on relational outcomesAl-Abdi, Yaser January 2010 (has links)
Customer's ever increasing bargaining power makes it particularly important that practitioners and researchers more thoroughly understand the complex nature of customer commitment. Not surprisingly, however, although the construct of commitment has emerged as one of the key constructs in relationship marketing and has been widely studied in literature, there has been very little agreement on the conceptualisation of the construct. Building upon relationship marketing and organisational behaviour literature, the aim of this research is to extend our understanding of the nature of customer commitment by developing a three-dimensional customer commitment model relaying on commitment theory from the organisational behaviour literature; affective desire-based (AC), calculative cost-based (CC), and normative obligation-based (NC). Relationships among the commitment dimensions and relationships with a number of loyalty relational outcomes, namely, intention to stay (ITS), word of mouth (WOM), and willingness to pay (WTP) were investigated in this study. Using survey questionnaire distributed among customers of cell phone services (N=525), the data was analysed by structural equation modeling (SEM) and then additional analysis was employed to further demystify the complexity of the commitment concept. The results suggest that AC is the dominant source that generates customer loyalty, in line with the state of literature. Both cost-based and surprisingly obligation-based have shown detrimental effects on maintaining and developing the customer-service provider relationship. Additional analysis with various scenarios was implemented using mean split as cut score for high/low commitment dimensions. The findings suggest NC turns to have important positive role on relational outcomes when both AC and CC are below the mean split. When both AC and CC are high NC negatively affect at least ITS but at the same time make a clear positive effect on WTP. The findings can be instructional for identifying how firms can bend various marketing sources to secure more loyal customers to the service provider.
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It takes two to innovate : Attitudinal commitment and business model innovationOlsson, Maria, Matsson, Johan January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Darbuotojų įsipareigojimas organizacijai, jį lemiantys veiksniai ir ryšys su migracinėmis nuostatomis Palangos reabilitacijos ligoninėje / Employees’ Commitment to the Organization: its Determining Factors and Association with Attitudes towards Migration in Palanga Rehabilitation HospitalŽilienė, Judita 05 June 2013 (has links)
Darbo tikslas - ištirti ir išanalizuoti galimą ryšį tarp darbuotojų įsipareigojimo organizacijai ir migracinių nuostatų. Uždaviniai: 1.Apibrėžti darbuotojų įsipareigojimo organizacijai sąvokos reikšmę, išskiriant darbuotojų įsipareigojimą lemiančius veiksnius. 2. Atlikti darbuotojų įsipareigojimo organizacijai veiksnių tyrimą, nustatant sąsajas tarp darbuotojų įsipareigojimo organizacijai ir jų migracinių nuostatų. 3.Pateikti organizacijai rekomendacijas, kaip stiprinti darbuotojų įsipareigojimą organizacijai ir paveikti migracines nuostatas. Tyrimo metodika: Palangos reabilitacijos ligoninėje atlikta anoniminė darbuotojų anketinė apklausa. Per apklausą Palangos reabilitacijos ligoninėje apklausti 104 darbuotojai. Ryšys tarp darbuotojų įsipareigojimo organizacijai ir migracinių nuostatų apskaičiuoti ir įvertinti koreliacijos koeficiento pagalba. Rezultatai: Emociniam darbuotojų įsipareigojimui organizacijai yra svarbūs darbuotojų tarpusavio santykiai ir bendradarbiavimo kultūra, kas turi tiesioginį ryšį su darbuotojų migracinėmis nuostatomis. Reikšmingas veiksnys, turintis poveikį darbuotojo apsisprendimui migruoti yra efektyvi informacinė sklaida tarp darbuotojų ir vadovų. Tyrimu atskleista, kad jaunesnių iki 25 metų amžiaus darbuotojų grupėje yra didesnis suinteresuotumas migracijos atžvilgiu. Tai rodo reikšmingą darbuotojo darbinės patirties organizacijoje ir jo įsipareigojimo organizacijai ryšį. / Aim of the study is to evaluate and to analyse determining factors of employees’ commitment objectives association with attitudes towards migration. Objectives: 1. To define meaning of employees’ commitment to the organization and its determining factors. 2. To make research of Employees’ Commitment to the Organization establishing its Determining Factors and Association with Attitudes towards Migration. 3. To provide recommendations to increasing employees’ commitment and inform attitudes towards migration. Methods: The anonymous survey was conducted at Palanga Rehabilitation Hospital. Questionnaires were given to employees working in these institution (n=104). Correlation test was used to measure discriminant validity. Results: The results indicate that employees are mostly motivated by relationship and collaboration with colleagues, supervisors. Research shows that there is an influence between affective commitments towards migration. There is a significant influence between towards migration and internal organizational communication; greater is employees’ satisfaction in regards to personal feedback, the climate of communication. The conclusion is drawn that the tendency to emigrate will prevail in the future within the younger employees.
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技術理性教育的困境 / The predicaments of education through technological rationality吳仁俊 Unknown Date (has links)
技術理性社會(the society of technological rationality)會將升學視為很合算的經濟投資,而國家則將教育視為推動社會與經濟發展的一個關鍵性因素。在這樣的社會中,不僅依最有效率的方式來開發資源,更將人視為極度有待開發的「人力資源」(human resources)。這套企業化、技術化與科學性的語言與思考模式,藉由提升效能與改善生產力來取得群眾的支持與擁護;更將教育人員、知識份子和廣大經濟秩序的價值系統予以銜接。如此應運而生的技術理性教育方式,一方面協助生產並維持現存主宰經濟、政治與文化所需的知識類型,另一方面更進而合理化這套經濟和文化權力分配的模式。
技術理性能成為思維的主流模式,不僅得力於其能大大提升生產力、改善民眾生活與增加社會財富,進而獲得民眾的認同與取得合法性而已,同時也得力於數學與科學為其合理性的撐腰,對此的瞭解與批判主要應歸功於Marcuse與Husserl的貢獻。此外,作為技術批判先行者的Heidegger,則對算計性思維(calculative thinking)展開追根究柢的哲學性反思,就過度張揚的主體性、對象化的世界、技術成為時代的形上學(metaphysics)也有發人深省與獨到之處。藉由前述等學者的論述,本研究展開嘗試性地探索與追問,希望有助於技術理性框架性教育的鬆解。
關鍵詞:技術理性、額外壓抑、算計性思維、框架的教育 / This study aims to analyze what lies behind Taiwanese students’ brilliant performances on international assessment. Though our students surpass in math and science, they don’t seem to enjoy learning or have enough confidence in their own learning. On the contrary, Taiwanese students show very low interest in learning. The gap between students’ academic performances among one another has been widening. Throughout the process of deduction, this study excludes the Chinese cultural element of being humble. It is believed that surplus-repression, like the heavy study load caused by entrance exams and long school hours coupled with the common phenomenon of going to cram schools after school, leads to diverse results of students’ learning as well as immense influences on both their mental and physical development. These are parts of the educational predicaments we have to face them now.
The society of technological rationality considers advanced education as a good investment while the government treats education as a key component to promoting economic development. In this kind of society, the resources are used in the most efficient ways. Human beings, known as human resources, are considered potential resources waiting to be developed. This enterprise and technology driven, and scientifically thinking pattern, has gained support and popularity from the public by improving efficiency and productivity, so as to cast a link among educationalists, intellectuals, and the value system of the tremendous economic order. This generated education of technological rationality, in one way, assists production and maintains the knowledge genre that the present dominant economy, politics, and culture need. On the other hand, the education rationalizes the pattern that the economic and cultural power dominates.
Under this circumstance, education has gradually become a managing business; emphasizing on management, benefits, and expense. To implement the enterprise managing pattern into education, administration is to carry out designated policy and reach goals with the best efficiency. What the thus-gestated curricula viewpoints is trying to pursue is the elevation of social efficiency with its curricula arrangement. Hence, curricula would no longer mean context or content waiting to be comprehended, but the strategies to attain appointed objectives. In teaching, the focus would switch to make the most of information technology, thus making it the greatest tool to boost teaching efficiency and to transfer teaching into teaching engineering instead of adopting traditional teaching methods to improve teaching. These’re not only the educational predicaments but also the alienations of education.
The reason technological rationality has become the main stream in thinking is because it not only advances productivity excessively, shapes up public life, accumulates public wealth, and earns the public’s identity to get legitimacy, but it wins support for its rationality from math and science. Marcuse and Husserl should be honored for their devotion to figuring it out thoroughly. Nonetheless, Heidegger, the pioneer to conduct technological criticism, has initiated philosophical reflections over calculative thinking to go into whys and wherefores. He has got thought-provoking and unique opinions toward over-exaggerating subjectivity, objectized world, and technology becoming the era’s metaphysics. Based on the statements given by the previous scholars, this thesis is attempting to launch some explorations and queries, in hope of assisting the relief to the enframing education through technological rationality.
keywords: technological rationality, surplus-repression, calculative thinking, enframing education
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