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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

NMR Spectroscopic studies of calmodulin plasticity in calcium signalling / Untersuchung der Plastizität vom Calmodulin in der Signalübertragung von Calciumionen mittels NMR-Spektroskopie

Rodriguez-Castaneda, Fernando Alfredo 05 November 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Induction and Maintenance of Synaptic Plasticity

Graupner, Michael 18 June 2008 (has links)
Synaptic long-term modifications following neuronal activation are believed to be at the origin of learning and long-term memory. Recent experiments suggest that these long-term synaptic changes are all-or-none switch-like events between discrete states of a single synapse. The biochemical network involving calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) and its regulating protein signaling cascade has been hypothesized to durably maintain the synaptic state in form of a bistable switch. Furthermore, it has been shown experimentally that CaMKII and associated proteins such as protein kinase A and calcineurin are necessary for the induction of long-lasting increases (long-term potentiation, LTP) and/or long-lasting decreases (long-term depression, LTD) of synaptic efficacy. However, the biochemical mechanisms by which experimental LTP/LTD protocols lead to corresponding transitions between the two states in realistic models of such networks are still unknown. We present a detailed biochemical model of the calcium/calmodulin-dependent autophosphorylation of CaMKII and the protein signaling cascade governing the dephosphorylation of CaMKII. As previously shown, two stable states of the CaMKII phosphorylation level exist at resting intracellular calcium concentrations. Repetitive high calcium levels switch the system from a weakly- to a highly phosphorylated state (LTP). We show that the reverse transition (LTD) can be mediated by elevated phosphatase activity at intermediate calcium levels. It is shown that the CaMKII kinase-phosphatase system can qualitatively reproduce plasticity results in response to spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP) and presynaptic stimulation protocols. A reduced model based on the CaMKII system is used to elucidate which parameters control the synaptic plasticity outcomes in response to STDP protocols, and in particular how the plasticity results depend on the differential activation of phosphatase and kinase pathways and the level of noise in the calcium transients. Our results show that the protein network including CaMKII can account for (i) induction - through LTP/LTD-like transitions - and (ii) storage - due to its bistability - of synaptic changes. The model allows to link biochemical properties of the synapse with phenomenological 'learning rules' used by theoreticians in neural network studies.

The effects of CaMKII signaling on neuronal viability

Ashpole, Nicole M. 10 December 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). / Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) is a critical modulator of synaptic function, plasticity, and learning and memory. In neurons and astrocytes, CaMKII regulates cellular excitability, cytoskeletal structure, and cell metabolism. A rapid increase in CaMKII activity is observed within the first few minutes of ischemic stroke in vivo; this calcium-dependent process is also observed following glutamate stimulation in vitro. Activation of CaMKII during pathological conditions is immediately followed by inactivation and aggregation of the kinase. The extent of CaMKII inactivation is directly correlated with the extent of neuronal damage. The studies presented here show that these fluctuations in CaMKII activity are not correlated with neuronal death; rather, they play a causal role in neuronal death. Pharmacological inhibition of CaMKII in the time immediately surrounding glutamate insult protects cultured cortical neurons from excitotoxicity. Interestingly, pharmacological inhibition of CaMKII during excitotoxic insult also prevents the aggregation and prolonged inactivation of the kinase, suggesting that CaMKII activity during excitotoxic glutamate signaling is detrimental to neuronal viability because it leads to a prolonged loss of CaMKII activity, culminating in neuronal death. In support of this, CaMKII inhibition in the absence of excitotoxic insult induces cortical neuron apoptosis by dysregulating intracellular calcium homeostasis and increasing excitatory glutamate signaling. Blockade of the NMDA-receptors and enzymatic degradation of the extracellular glutamate signal affords neuroprotection from CaMKII inhibition-induced toxicity. Co-cultures of neurons and glutamate-buffering astrocytes also exhibit this slow-induced excitotoxicity, as CaMKII inhibitors reduce glutamate uptake within the astrocytes. CaMKII inhibition also dysregulates calcium homeostasis in astrocytes and leads to increased ATP release, which was neurotoxic when applied to naïve cortical neurons. Together, these findings indicate that during aberrant calcium signaling, the activation of CaMKII is toxic because it supports aggregation and prolonged inactivation of the kinase. Without CaMKII activity, neurons and astrocytes release stores of transmitters that further exacerbate neuronal toxicity.

The role of the LAMMER kinase Kns1 and the calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase Cmk2 in the adaptation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to alkaline pH stress

Marshall, Maria Nieves Martinez 01 February 2013 (has links)
Die LAMMER-Kinasen sind Dual-Spezifität-Proteinkinasen, die durch das namensgebende einzigartige LAMMER-Motiv gekennzeichnet sind. Sie sind evolutionär hoch konserviert und in den meisten Eukaryonten vorhanden. Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt die erste funktionelle Charakterisierung eines bisher kaum erforschten Vertreters der LAMMER-Proteinkinase Familie Kns1 aus der Bäckerhefe dar. Phänotypische Analysen belegten eine entscheidende Rolle für Kns1 in der Regulation der Toleranz gegenüber basischem pH-Stress. Das Entfernen des KNS1 Gens führte zu einer gesteigerten Empfindlichkeit der Zellen gegenüber basischen Wachstumsbedingungen. Weitere Analysen zeigten, dass Kns1 neben der katalytischen Aktivität auch nicht-katalytischen Mechanismen zur Förderung des Zellwachstums unter alkalischem pH-Stress nutzt. Die Reinigung des Kns1 Proteins in voller Länge aus E. coli ermöglichte die Identifizierung von neun in vitro-Autophosphorylierungsstellen mittels Massenspektrometrie. Die Mutation von Thr562, eine Autophosphorylierungsstelle innerhalb des LAMMER-Motivs, zu Alanin ergab in vitro eine Kinase mit intrinsischer katalytischer Aktivität, die sich jedoch in vivo hauptsächlich wie die katalytisch inaktive Kns1-Mutante verhielt. Die Calcium/Calmodulin-abhängige Proteinkinase II Cmk2, die konstitutiv autokatalytische Eigenschaften besitzt, wurde früher als mögliches in vitro Substrat von Kns1 vorgeschlagen. In dieser Arbeit beweise ich durch Verwendung einer katalytisch inaktiven Cmk2-Mutante als Substrat, dass Kns1 Cmk2 in vitro phosphoryliert. Darüber hinaus zeige ich, dass Cmk2 die basische pH-Toleranz der Zellen beschränkt. Gestützt durch genetische Hinweise agieren beide Proteine gemeinsam bei der Regulation der alkalischen Stresstoleranz, wobei Kns1 möglicherweise Cmk2 herabreguliert. Zusammenfassend beschreibt diese Arbeit eine neue und entscheidende Rolle von Kns1 und Cmk2 bei der Anpassung der Hefe an alkalisches Milieu. / The LAMMER protein kinases, termed after a unique signature motif found in their catalytic domains, are an evolutionary conserved family of dual-specificity kinases that are present in most eukaryotes. Here I report the first functional characterization of one of the most unexplored members of the LAMMER family, the budding yeast Kns1. Phenotypic analysis uncovered a crucial role for Kns1 in the control of the yeast tolerance to high pH stress. Deletion of the KNS1 gene conferred high sensitivity to alkaline pH, whereas its overexpression increased tolerance to this stress. Further analysis established that Kns1 promotes growth under alkaline pH stress using not only its catalytic activity but also non-catalytic mechanisms. Large-scale purification of full-length Kns1 from E. coli allowed for the identification of nine in vitro autophosphorylation sites on Kns1 by mass spectrometry. Mutation of the threonine residue at position 562, an autophosphorylation site located within the LAMMER motif, to a non-phosphorylatable residue yielded a kinase that preserves intrinsic catalytic activity in vitro but mostly behaves like the catalytically inactive mutant in vivo. This finding showed the physiological importance of autophosphorylation site Thr562 in the regulation of Kns1 function. The protein Cmk2, a calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II with autocatalytic properties, has been previously proposed as a possible in vitro substrate for Kns1. Here I demonstrate that Kns1 phosphorylates Cmk2 in vitro using a catalytically inactive Cmk2 mutant as substrate and show that Cmk2 restricts alkaline tolerance. Genetic evidence suggested that both proteins act in concert on a common pathway, in which Kns1 may downregulate Cmk2 to confer alkaline tolerance. In conclusion, this thesis describes a novel and crucial role for Kns1 and its in vitro substrate Cmk2 in the adaptation of yeast to alkaline stress.


Pang, Chunyan 01 January 2008 (has links)
The Rem, Rem2, Rad, and Gem/Kir GTPases, comprise a novel subfamily of the small Ras-related GTP-binding proteins known as the RGK GTPases, and have been shown to function as potent negative regulators of high voltage-activated (HVA) Ca2+ channels upon overexpression. HVA Ca2+ channels modulate Ca2+ influx in response to membrane depolarization to regulate a wide variety of cellular functions and they minimally consist of a pore-forming α1 subunit, an intracellular β subunit, and a transmembrane complex α2/δ subunit. While the mechanisms underlying RGK-mediated Ca2+ channel regulation remain poorly defined, it appears that both membrane localization and the binding of accessory Ca2+ channel β subunits (CaVβ) are required for suppression of Ca2+ channel currents. We identified a direct interaction between Rem and the L-type Cavα1 C-terminus (CCT), but not the CCT from CaV3.2 T-type channels. Deletion mapping studies suggest that the conserved CB-IQ domain is required for Rem:CCT association, a region known to contribute to both Ca2+-dependent channel inactivation and facilitation through interactions of Ca2+-bound calmodulin (CaM) with the proximal CCT. Furthermore, both Rem2 and Rad GTPases display similar patterns of CCT binding, suggesting that CCT represents a common binding partner for all RGK proteins. While previous studies have found that association of the Rem C-terminus with the plasma membrane is required for channel inhibition, it is not required for CaVβ- subunit binding. However, Rem:CCT association is well correlated with the plasma membrane localization of Rem and more importantly, Rem-mediated channel inhibition upon overexpression. Moreover, co-expression of the proximal CB-IQ containing region of CCT (residues 1507-1669) in HIT-T15 cells partially relieves Rem blockade of ionic current. Interestingly, Ca2+/CaM disrupts Rem:CCT association in vitro. Moreover, CaM overexpression partially relieves Rem-mediated L-type Ca2+ channel inhibition and Rem overexpression alters the kinetics of calcium-dependent inactivation. Together, these data suggest that the association of Rem with the CCT represents a crucial molecular determinant for Rem-mediated L-type Ca2+ channel regulation and provides new insights into this novel channel regulatory process. These studies also suggest that instead of acting as complete Ca2+ channel blockers, RGK proteins may function as endogenous regulators for the channel inactivation machinery.

Développement d’une méthode de simulation multi-échelle pour l’étude des grandes transformations dans les protéines

Dupuis, Lilianne 12 1900 (has links)
Les films de simulations qui accompagnent le document ont été réalisés avec Pymol. / Les protéines accomplissent leur fonction dans la cellule grâce à leur faculté de changer de forme. Chaque classe de protéines peut se caractériser par une structure spécia- lisée partagée par ses membres avec un certain degré de variabilité. Tel est le cas des protéines à motifs mains-EF, qui se transforment en liant et déliant l ’ion calcium. Ce motif permet à la Troponin C de s’ouvrir et se refermer afin de moduler le mécanisme de contraction des fibres musculaires. Un mécanisme similaire permet à la Calmoduline de gérer l’activité de divers canaux cellulaires. Les techniques de simulations numériques peuvent aider à comprendre les trajectoires de ces transformations. Le projet principal de cette thèse consistait à développer une méthode informatique multi-échelle permettant de simuler des mouvements complexes à l’intérieur d ’une protéine. La représentation multi-échelle développée peut changer et s’adapter en cours de simulation. La méthode, ART holographique, explore l’espace en générant des basculements d’ensembles atomiques, selon des champs de force atomistiques non biaisés indiquant à tout moment comment les ensembles doivent pivoter. La méthode réduit le calcul des fluctuations locales mais conserve une représentation spatiale complète. La représentation multi-échelle est combinée à une technique de recherche de passages de transition énergétiquement favorables, ART nouveau, qui conduit la trajectoire moléculaire d ’étape en étape. Appliquée à plusieurs protéines, dont la Calmodulin et la Troponin C, ART holographique génère des trajectoires de transformation entre des conformations distantes de celles-ci, déjà connues grâce aux techniques de RMN ou de cristallographie. L’usage d ’une représentation spatiale complète tout au long de la simulation favorise le discernement de certains détails des mécanismes. Le rôle, l’ordre d ’intervention, ainsi que la coopérativité de certains résidus et structures impliqués dans le mécanisme des paires main-EF ont été explorés plus en détail et un état intermédiaire est proposé. / Proteins accomplish their function inside cells by means of conformational changes. Each protein class may be characterized by a specialized structure shared by its members with some variability. EF-hands proteins present a special motif which transforms itself while binding or unbinding the calcium ion. This structure allows Troponin C domains to open and close as it modulates the muscular fibers contraction. A similar mechanism allow Calmodulin to manage the activity of a diversity of protein channels. Computational techniques may help discover how these transformations occur. The main project of this thesis was the development of a multi-scale computational method for the simulation of complex motions inside a protein. The multi-scale approach is designed to adapt and change all along the simulation. The method, holographic ART, explore conformational space by generating swiveling and rotation of atomic ensembles, leaded by non biased atomistic forcefields. This determines at each step the overall motion, keeping a complete spatial representation, but with minimal local fluctuations computation. The multi-scale representation is combined with a unbiased open ended algorithm for identifying transitions states, ART nouveau, which guides the molecular trajectory from state to state. Applied to several proteins, the method was able to generate transforma- tion trajectories between distant conformations known from NMR and crystallography techniques. The use of a complete spatial representation throughout the simulation allows the method to capture atomistic details of each event. The purpose, the intervention order, as well as cooperativity between some residues and sub-structures involved in the EF-hand pair mechanism have been explored more in detail and an intermediate state is proposed.

Method Development for Determining the Stability of Heat Stable Proteins Combined with Biophysical Characterization of Human Calmodulin and the Disease Associated Variant D130G

Aleckovic, Ehlimana, Andersson, Linnea, Chamoun, Sherley, Einarsson, Ellen, Ekstedt, Ebba, Eriksen, Emma, Madan-Andersson, Maria January 2016 (has links)
Calmodulin is a highly conserved calcium ion binding protein expressed in all eukaryotic species. The 149 amino acid residues in the primary structure are organized in seven α helices with the highly flexible central α helix connecting the two non-cooperative domains of calmodulin. Each domain contains two EF-hand motifs to which calcium ions bind in a cooperative manner, hence the binding of four calcium ions saturate one calmodulin molecule. In the cardiovascular area calmodulin is involved in the activation of cardiac muscle contraction, and mutations that arise in the genetic sequence of the protein often have severe consequences. One such consequential mutation that can arise brings about the replacement of the highly conserved aspartic acid with glycine at position 130 in the amino acid sequence. In this research, the thermal and chemical stability within the C domain of the D130G variant of human calmodulin was investigated using a new method only requiring circular dichroism spectroscopic measurements. Affinity studies within the C domain of the D130G variant of human calmodulin were performed using fluorescence spectroscopy, and the ligands chosen for this purpose were trifluoperazine and p- HTMI. All analytical experiments were performed with the C domain of wild type human calmodulin as a reference. From the new method, it was concluded that the C domain of the D130G variant of human calmodulin has a slightly decreased stability in terms of Tm and Cm values compared to the C domain of wild type human calmodulin. The affinity analyses indicated that neither trifluoperazine nor p-HTMI discriminates between the C domain of the D130G variant of human calmodulin and the C domain of wild type human calmodulin in terms of dissociation constants. The pivotal outcome from this research is that the new method is applicable for determination of the stability parameters Tm and Cm of heat stable proteins.

Nuclear-cytoplasmic interactions in rat oocytes and reconstructed eggs derived by somatic cell nuclear transfer

Yoo, Jae Gyu January 2006 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Expression and localization of Alzheimer's disease (AD)-related proteins in senescence-accelerated mouse (SAM) and normal mouse. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection

January 2002 (has links)
by Yao Hong-Bing. / "January 2002." / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2002. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 113-135). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / Abstracts in English and Chinese.

Proteomic Analysis and Long Term Live Cell Imaging of Primary Human Cells in Culture

Murray, Erica January 2011 (has links)
Regenerative medicine is a rapidly developing field, merging engineering and biological life sciences to create biological replacements for damaged tissue and organ function. Development of cellular based therapies has the potential of curing present untreatable diseases and conditions, such as diabetes. The identification of protein expression patterns, that guide undifferentiated cells to different lineages, can provide important information about the progression of cellular differentiation at various stages. This research project utilizes proteomics and in vitro live-cell microscopy to investigate two distinct cellular systems: (1) the signaling pathways of calmodulin (CaM) in the differentiation of a human glioblastoma cell line; and (2) the effect of islet neogenesis associated protein (INGAP) on human islet-derived progenitor cells (hIPCs). Using a proteomic readout with a long term live-cell imagining approach, it was hypothesized that highly specific binding proteins of a CaM-mutant, and proteins in hIPCs perturbed by INGAP, could be identified and studied in vitro, characterizing specific signaling pathways which control the function of CaM in brain tumour cells and the mechanism(s) of INGAP in islet-derived progenitor cells. This thesis presents the utility of a proteomics and an in vitro cell microscopy approach to investigate therapeutic proteins, such as INGAP, on cell culture systems. The results have established the limitations and the utility of DIGE, differential binding of a CaM-mutant versus calcium-CaM, and the cell specific uptake feasibility of using the TAT-binding domain. In the hIPC system, proteomic, phenotypic, motility, proliferation and nuclear effects of INGAP were determined. Specifically, hIPCs exposed to INGAP had 50% decrease in average nuclear speed, the translocation of two identified proteins caldesmon and tropomyosin and INGAP was found to bind specifically to hIPCs. However, hIPCs had no changes in insulin specific hormone expression.

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