Spelling suggestions: "subject:"canines"" "subject:"anines""
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Sex determination by measuring the maximum width of maxillary incisors, canines and mandibular canines in a sample of young South African adultsClaassens, L. January 2016 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / Sex determination of human remains is often a dilemma for forensic experts due to the decomposing factor, or, if only part of a body is found. The analysis of DNA is thought to be the most accurate method for sex determination, but the cost and time involvement usually causes a delay in the identification process and in some cases, DNA is not obtainable due to the state of decomposition or contamination. Sexual dimorphism refers to the difference in shape, form or appearance between male and females in the same species. It can also be described as the systematic difference between individuals of different sex in the same species. Dimorphism in the human skeletal system and dentition is well establish. It is generally assumed that the male dentition is larger than the female dentition. In this study, the mesio-distal width of the maxillary incisors and canines, as well as the mandibular canines were measured. Orthodontic study models were used in this study, 50 males and 50 females, in which the sizes of the maxillary central incisors, maxillary lateral incisors, and maxillary and mandibular canines were measured. The results showed that the sizes of the maxillary and the mandibular canines were significantly more accurate in determining sexual dimorphism than the incisors. The logistic regression model, using tooth 13 and 33, provides prediction accuracy of 52% for males and 74% for females.
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Therapy Dogs in Couple and Family Therapy - A Therapist's PerspectivePolicay, Rachel Hequembourg 30 May 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to contribute an increased understanding of therapists' experiences working with therapy dogs in couple and family therapy. This qualitative study sought to describe the overall experience of therapists who work with therapy dogs in couple and family therapy, including managing the therapy dog's presence with more than one client and the benefits and challenges of doing so. Eight individuals participated in semi-structured interviews and areas of inquiry included how therapists made the decision to work with a therapy dog, how the therapy dog was managed in session, the impact of the therapy dog's presence (e.g. benefits and challenges), and recommendations for therapists who aspire to work with Canine-Assisted Psychotherapy (CAP) in their practices. The data was analyzed using transcendental phenomenology. Findings from the data analysis suggest that the majority of therapists who use CAP with couples and families find it to be beneficial for the therapists, the couples and families, and the therapy dog, with only a few challenges. Participants focused more on being flexible and observing the system's dynamics surrounding the therapy dog, whereas in individual therapy it appears that therapy dogs are included to fulfill a treatment goal or enhance a therapy model. Additionally, the majority of participants reported on the therapy dog's ability to help the therapist better understand their couple and family clients and overcome particular challenges when working with more than one client. The findings contribute to the CAP literature, have clinical implications, and provide areas for further exploration. / Master of Science / The purpose of this study was to contribute an increased understanding of therapists’ experiences working with therapy dogs in couple and family therapy. This qualitative study sought to describe the overall experience of therapists who work with therapy dogs in couple and family therapy, including managing the therapy dog’s presence with more than one client and the benefits and challenges of doing so. Eight individuals participated in semi-structured interviews and areas of inquiry included how therapists made the decision to work with a therapy dog, how the therapy dog was managed in session, the impact of the therapy dog’s presence (e.g. benefits and challenges), and recommendations for therapists who aspire to work with Canine-Assisted Psychotherapy (CAP) in their practices. The data was analyzed using transcendental phenomenology. Findings from the data analysis suggest that the majority of therapists who use CAP with couples and families find it to be beneficial for the therapists, the couples and families, and the therapy dog, with only a few challenges. Participants focused more on being flexible and observing the system’s dynamics surrounding the therapy dog, whereas in individual therapy it appears that therapy dogs are included to fulfill a treatment goal or enhance a therapy model. Additionally, the majority of participants reported on the therapy dog’s ability to help the therapist better understand their couple and family clients and overcome particular challenges when working with more than one client. The findings contribute to the CAP literature, have clinical implications, and provide areas for further exploration.
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Verbreitung des caninen Herpesvirus (CHV-1) und des Canine Minute Virus (CnMV) unter Zuchthunden in Deutschland und Untersuchungen zur Genexpression des Virusprotein 2 von CnMVManteufel, Jill 23 May 2006 (has links)
Die Welpensterblichkeit wird auf 10-20 % der lebend geborenen Welpen geschätzt. Zwei Virusinfektionen scheinen bei Welpensterblichkeit und Fruchtbarkeitsstörungen des Hundes eine wesentliche Rolle zu spielen: das canine Herpesvirus Typ 1 (CHV-1) und das Canine Minute Virus (CnMV, synonym Minute Virus of Canines). Ziel der Arbeit war es, die Verbreitung dieser beiden Viren unter Zuchthunden in Deutschland zu untersuchen. Das klinische Erkrankungsbild ist bei beiden Viren ähnlich. Bei erwachsenen Tieren verläuft die Infektion meist unauffällig. Infektionen während der Trächtigkeit können zu Fruchtresorption, Aborten, Missbildungen und Welpensterblichkeit führen. Infizierte Welpen erkranken meist in den ersten drei Lebenswochen und sind apathisch, zeigen Saugunlust, haben Atemwegsprobleme, Erbrechen und leiden oft auch unter Durchfall. Die Mortalität ist hoch. Zwischen Juli 2004 und Oktober 2005 wurden 429 Serumproben gesammelt. Die Bestimmung der Seroprävalenz von CHV-1 erfolgt im Serumneutralisationstest (SNT) mit Madin Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK)-Zellen ohne den Zusatz von Komplement. CnMV-spezifische Antikörper wurden mittels indirekter Immunofluoreszenz (IFT) auf zuvor mit CnMV infizierten Walter Reed Canine Zellen (WRCC) nachgewiesen. Des Weiteren wurden 37 Abstriche, 34 Spermaproben, 16 Kotproben und 37 verstorbene Welpen aus 14 Würfen mittels PCR und Virusisolierung auf CHV-1 und CnMV direkt untersucht. 27,7 % (119/429) aller Serumproben hatten neutralisierende Antikörper gegen CHV-1. Die Seroprävalenz für CnMV beträgt 5,6 % (24/429). Die statistische Auswertung ergab nur für das Geschlecht einen signifikanten Einfluss auf den Serostatus von CHV-1. Alter, Zwingergröße, Anzahl Ausstellungsbesuche und Rasse spielten keine Rolle für die Seroprävalenz von CHV-1. Bei den klinischen Vorberichten Welpensterblichkeit (n = 24) und Fruchtresorptionen (n = 5) ist die Seroprävalenz von CHV-1 mit 37,5 % und 40 % bedeutend höher als die ermittelte Gesamtprävalenz von 27,7 %. Die Untersuchung der Abstriche, Sperma-, Kot- und Organproben von verstorbenen Welpen mittels PCR und zum Teil Virusisolierung auf CnMV und CHV-1 verlief in allen Fällen mit negativem Ergebnis. Der Nachweis von CnMV ist bis heute nur in wenigen Speziallabors möglich. Um die Nachweismöglichkeiten von CnMV zu verbessern und zu vereinfachen, wurde das Virusprotein-2-(VP2)-Gen von CnMV in den Vektor pET22b(+) kloniert. Das am C-terminalen Ende mit einem 6x His-Tag markierte Protein wurde im E.coli-Stamm BL21CodonPlus(DE3)RIL exprimiert, aufgereinigt und als Antigen im ELISA getestet. Die prokaryotische Genexpression des VP2 von CnMV ist für die Etablierung eines diagnostischen ELISA nicht geeignet. Während der Expression aggregierte das Protein zu unlöslichen Inclusion Bodies. Nach Aufreinigung ist das Protein immer noch mit E.coli-Proteinen kontaminiert. Im ELISA zeigte sich das rekombinante Antigen wenig spezifisch. In Fällen von Welpensterblichkeit (n = 14), waren diese in weit weniger Fällen als vermutet CHV-1 oder CnMV bedingt. Insgesamt scheint CnMV in Deutschland weit weniger verbreitet zu sein als in anderen Ländern der Welt.
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The Policy Shift: The Legalization of Cannabis and its Impact on Canines in CanadaDuesbury, Margherita January 2020 (has links)
On October 17, 2018, the Canadian Federal government legalized the recreational use of marijuana. This shift in the legal status of recreational drug use is far reaching and is generating interest within the research community. One unanticipated consequence of this new law is its effect on canines. This paper analyzes media coverage of the way in which the legalization of cannabis has newly changed the lives of animals, specifically dogs. Through a content analysis there were two broad themes identified: (1) the reduced opportunities for working dogs; (2) the negative health effects of cannabis on dogs. Using a One Health framework, the analysis discusses the potential policy and program development responses available to address the increasing interaction between humans, animals and legal marijuana. / Thesis / Master of Arts (MA)
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Variación de los Niveles de glucosa sanguínea en pacientes caninos sometidos a orquiectomíaVillar Amasifuen, Emily Scarlett January 2016 (has links)
En la actualidad es difícil encontrar que se monitoree la glucosa antes,
durante y al finalizar un proceso quirúrgico para comprobar el estado de
estrés del animal y el nivel de dolor que experimenta; ambos episodios
conllevan a cuadros de hiperglucemia; esta se presenta como respuesta en
el paciente tras haber sufrido un trauma o lesión, que en este caso lo causa
la cirugía, generando complicaciones como: Deshidratación, lenta
recuperación post-quirúrgica, daños neurológicos y en diversos tejidos del
organismo. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el porcentaje de
pacientes con hiperglucemia del curso de Cirugía de Animales Menores de la
Universidad Ricardo palma y la clínica veterinaria Hernández en la ciudad de
Lima. Se evaluaron 25 pacientes caninos de sexo macho sometidos a
castración, entre Agosto del 2014 y Julio del 2015; a los cuales se les evaluó
la glucosa en diferentes etapas de la cirugía con un glucómetro de acuerdo a
un tipo de cirujano. Los resultados fueron analizados mediante los programas
SPSS y Microsoft Excel. Los resultados promedio indicaron que de las 100
mediciones de glucosas obtenidas un 18% se encontraba en hiperglucemia,
siendo el máximo valor registrado el de 212 mg/dl; de los cuales el grupo de
Cirujano 1 (profesores) no mostro pacientes en estado hiperglucémico; sin
embargo en el grupo de Cirujano 3 (alumnos) el 87.5 % de los pacientes se
encontraban en hiperglucemia durante la etapa 3 de la cirugía. Los
resultados por American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) mostraron un
mayor porcentaje de hiperglucemia en los ASA 2. Se comprobó la existencia
de hiperglucemia en los procedimientos quirúrgicos de la Sala de Cirugía de
Animales Menores y Clínica veterinaria recomendándose realizar un
monitoreo más exhaustivo de constantes vitales en los diferentes
procedimientos quirúrgicos y clasificaciones ASA, empleando las diferentes
fichas de monitoreo incluyendo la medición de dolor.At present it is difficult to find that glucose is monitored before, during and
after a surgical procedure to check the status of animal stress and the level of
pain experienced; both episodes lead to hyperglycemia boxes; This response
occurs in the patient after a trauma or injury, which in this case is caused by
surgery, causing complications such as dehydration, slow post-surgical
recovery, neurological damage and various body tissues. The aim of this
study was to determine the percentage of patients with hyperglycemia course
of Small Animal Surgery University of Ricardo Palma and Hernandez
veterinary clinic in the city of Lima. 25 canine patients undergoing castration
of male sex were evaluated between August 2014 and July 2015; to which
glucose were evaluated at different stages of surgery with a meter according
to a type of surgery. The results were analyzed using SPSS and Microsoft
Excel programs. The average results showed that of the 100 glucose
measurements obtained 18% was in hyperglycemia, the maximum recorded
the 212 mg / dl value; of which one surgeon group (teachers) showed patients
in hyperglycemic state; however in the group of Surgeon 3 (students) 87.5%
of patients were in stage 3 hyperglycemia during surgery. The results for
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) showed a higher percentage of
hyperglycemia in ASA 2. the existence of hyperglycemia was found in
surgical procedures for the Board of Surgery and Small Animal Veterinary
Clinic recommending a more comprehensive monitoring of constant vital in
different surgical procedures and ASA classifications using different tabs
monitoring including measurement of pain.
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Considering the Canine: Human Discourses of Gender, Race, and Power in Interspecies EntanglementsJanuary 2017 (has links)
abstract: This dissertation explores discourses in the contemporary United States surrounding the creation, coding, sterilization, and general keeping of canines in order to interrogate how sex, gender, race, class, sexuality, and species together serve biopolitical formations of social control, patriarchal white supremacy, and heteronormativity. Interrogating these socially constructed and oftentimes stereotypical narratives through an interspecies lens demonstrates how taxonomies of power and systems of oppression and privilege become situated across species. This project utilizes interviews and ethnography, as well as analysis of popular culture, legislation and news media.
Interspeciesism is informed by feminist influences, functioning as a framing paradigm that engages with a politicized question of the animal that explicitly acknowledges human-animal entanglements across sites that are shaped by imperialism and colonialism. This interspecies project considers the political nature of relationships between humans and canines. It suggests that people situate their own identities and power not only in relation to other humans but also to other species. Simultaneously, the interspeciesm I engage with extends analyses of biopolitics, or the regulations of living bodies, beyond humans to all species. It interrogates how contemporary U.S. society has organized and identified itself in part through the ways in which it controls and monitors canines, often in relationship to the multiple ways dogs in the U.S. are racialized, classed and gendered by specific breeds. This coding of canine bodies with various taxonomies of power is not about dog breeds’ in-and-of themselves, but instead indicates that dominant U.S. society seeks to assert control over certain populations that are constructed as undesirable and unproductive.
Canines exist in a unique space in the U.S. cultural imaginary where they have multiple and oftentimes contradictory meanings that are influenced by a variety of power relations that transcend species. At stake is a critical concern regarding how interspecies bodies are made, controlled, formed, and refigured together under heteropatriarchal white supremacist modes of power. It draws attention to what these corporeal un(makings) imply for an ethics of being with, and thinking of, the other—human and animal. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Gender Studies 2017
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The Development of Calibrants through Characterization of Volatile Organic Compounds from Peroxide Based Explosives and a Non-target Chemical Calibration CompoundBeltz, Katylynn 13 February 2013 (has links)
Detection canines represent the fastest and most versatile means of illicit material detection. This research endeavor in its most simplistic form is the improvement of detection canines through training, training aids, and calibration. This study focuses on developing a universal calibration compound for which all detection canines, regardless of detection substance, can be tested daily to ensure that they are working with acceptable parameters. Surrogate continuation aids (SCAs) were developed for peroxide based explosives along with the validation of the SCAs already developed within the International Forensic Research Institute (IFRI) prototype surrogate explosives kit. Storage parameters of the SCAs were evaluated to give recommendations to the detection canine community on the best possible training aid storage solution that minimizes the likelihood of contamination. Two commonly used and accepted detection canine imprinting methods were also evaluated for the speed in which the canine is trained and their reliability.
As a result of the completion of this study, SCAs have been developed for explosive detection canine use covering: peroxide based explosives, TNT based explosives, nitroglycerin based explosives, tagged explosives, plasticized explosives, and smokeless powders. Through the use of these surrogate continuation aids a more uniform and reliable system of training can be implemented in the field than is currently used today. By examining the storage parameters of the SCAs, an ideal storage system has been developed using three levels of containment for the reduction of possible contamination. The developed calibration compound will ease the growing concerns over the legality and reliability of detection canine use by detailing the daily working parameters of the canine, allowing for Daubert rules of evidence admissibility to be applied. Through canine field testing, it has been shown that the IFRI SCAs outperform other commercially available training aids on the market. Additionally, of the imprinting methods tested, no difference was found in the speed in which the canines are trained or their reliability to detect illicit materials. Therefore, if the recommendations discovered in this study are followed, the detection canine community will greatly benefit through the use of scientifically validated training techniques and training aids.
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Sexual dimorphism by measuring the mesiodistal width of the permanent maxillary and mandibular canine in a sample of the South African population in the Northern Suburb of Cape Town.Abdellatif, Abdelhady January 2019 (has links)
Magister Scientiae Dentium - MSc(Dent) / Human identification is one of the major responsibilities in the field of Forensic Odontology as it plays a role in identifying deceased individuals using their oral and dental structures. Furthermore, human identification could be a challenging procedure in catastrophic disasters and mass fatality incidents in terms of decomposed and skeletonized human remains. Identification process can be applied using different methods such as fingerprint, DNA and detention. Gender-determination of the victim facilitates reconstruction and rebuilding in the profiling of a medico-legal case investigation. Gender-determination facilitates the procedure up to 50% for positive identification. Anthropology studies have shown that the sexual dimorphism of skeletal remains and teeth can facilitate the identification process. However, teeth are the hardest structures in the human body and virtually immortal as they can withstand diverse circumstances
This study aimed to investigate sexual dimorphism of teeth by measuring the mesiodistal width of the maxillary and mandibular permanent canines in a sample of the South African population living in Cape Town. Two hundred orthodontic study models were used, 50 males and 50 females, between 13-30 years of age.
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Host-Virus Evolution in the Canine ModelJarosz-DiPietro, Abigail S. 05 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Development of a Dynamic Headspace Concentration Technique for the Non-Contact Sampling of Human Odor Samples and the Creation of Canine Training AidsDeGreeff, Lauryn E 11 November 2010 (has links)
Human scent and human remains detection canines are used to locate living or deceased humans under many circumstances. Human scent canines locate individual humans on the basis of their unique scent profile, while human remains detection canines locate the general scent of decomposing human remains. Scent evidence is often collected by law enforcement agencies using a Scent Transfer Unit, a dynamic headspace concentration device. The goals of this research were to evaluate the STU-100 for the collection of human scent samples, and to apply this method to the collection of living and deceased human samples, and to the creation of canine training aids. The airflow rate and collection material used with the STU-100 were evaluated using a novel scent delivery method. Controlled Odor Mimic Permeation Systems were created containing representative standard compounds delivered at known rates, improving the reproducibility of optimization experiments. Flow rates and collection materials were compared. Higher air flow rates usually yielded significantly less total volatile compounds due to compound breakthrough through the collection material. Collection from polymer and cellulose-based materials demonstrated that the molecular backbone of the material is a factor in the trapping and releasing of compounds. The weave of the material also affects compound collection, as those materials with a tighter weave demonstrated enhanced collection efficiencies. Using the optimized method, volatiles were efficiently collected from living and deceased humans. Replicates of the living human samples showed good reproducibility; however, the odor profiles from individuals were not always distinguishable from one another. Analysis of the human remains samples revealed similarity in the type and ratio of compounds. Two types of prototype training aids were developed utilizing combinations of pure compounds as well as volatiles from actual human samples concentrated onto sorbents, which were subsequently used in field tests. The pseudo scent aids had moderate success in field tests, and the Odor pad aids had significant success. This research demonstrates that the STU-100 is a valuable tool for dog handlers and as a field instrument; however, modifications are warranted in order to improve its performance as a method for instrumental detection.
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