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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Característiques i inundabilitat per rierades sobtades (flash flood) als torrents costaners del nord del cap de Creus (Catalunya).

Mascareñas i Rubiés, Pere 18 January 2012 (has links)
Els treballs d’aquesta tesi es centren geogràficament en el sector del NE de Catalunya, i concretament entre el cap de Creus i la frontera amb França. Es tracta d’una zona amb conques torrencials petites però en les que s’originen inundacions amb una certa freqüència i sovint amb danys importants. Comprèn 11 conques distribuïdes en els termes municipals de Portbou, Colera, Llançà, la Selva de Mar i el Port de la Selva. Les conques presenten unes diferències entre si, però també moltes similituds, ja que es troben en una àrea amb pluges abundants en períodes curts de precipitació. Tenen també un pendent del perfil longitudinal molt brusc, amb els cims de capçalera al voltant dels 600 m. En conseqüència s’originen avingudes sobtades o rierades (flash flood). Geològicament es tracta d’una àrea bastant homogènia, en la que la major part del territori correspon a esquistos i pissarres paleozoïques (cambroordovicianes). Hi ha un petit retall granític en el sector meridional del tram mig de la conca de Llançà. Al fons de les valls els sediments al·luvials han originat les formes recents de tipus terrassa, que aporten informació al respecte de la dinàmica hídrica dels torrents. Hi ha zones recobertes per materials antròpics de recent aportació amb diferents finalitats. Les finalitats es van basar en la cerca del coneixement de la dinàmica dels torrents, de cara a la identificació i determinació de les zones vulnerables als perills d’inundació. Dins d’aquest marc es buscava determinar la freqüència i la magnitud de les inundacions, correlacionant-les amb les característiques geomorfològiques i antròpiques del sistema fluvial. Posteriorment els objectius es van ampliar amb l’anàlisi de la incertesa ja que aparegué aquest problema, de manera general en temàtiques del medi natural i també en la mateixa zona d’estudi. Així es va plantejar determinar el perquè es produeixen aquestes incerteses (aleatòria i epistèmica) i posteriorment mirar de reduir-les. D’aquí va sorgir la necessitat d’innovar i millorar la metodologia d’identificació i cartografia de zones inundables. També es va abordar el problema del canvi climàtic. Com a base del treball es va escollir el “Mètode geomorfològic integrat d’identificació i cartografia de zones inundables” o “Mètode geomorfològic integrat”. Els primers passos de la recerca van ser l’elaboració de la cartografia geomorfològica integrada, de la qual se n’ha derivat la cartografia d’inundabilitat de cada conca. Aquestes cartografies han estat informatitzades mitjançant el programa ArcGIS, i es presenten, a escala 1:3000, en el Volum 2 d’aquest treball, i classificats per conques, començant pel N (la frontera) i acabant pel SE (cap de Creus). Els treballs de camp han estat complementats amb la recollida de dades històriques referents a esdeveniments succeïts en el passat. Amb l’aplicació del Mètode geomorfològic integrat, i a rel de l’aparició de la incertesa abans descrita, es va anar a buscar innovacions i a plantejar la problemàtica de manca de dades prou generals mitjançant l’anàlisi de tipus multiconca-multifunció. Amb el “Mètode geomorfològic integrat” es van identificar, cartografiar i analitzar els elements indicadors de zones inundables, especialment les terrasses, de les quals, en totes les conques, se'n van diferenciar dues: la T0 o llera i la T1 o superior. Les incerteses que aparegueren en l’anàlisi es centraven especialment en els càlculs dels cabals dels torrents en moments punta, però també en les determinacions dels períodes de retorn Tr de les inundacions. Les incerteses es donen, essencialment, a causa de: a) la insuficiència de dades que permetin els càlculs dels cabals i les distorsions derivades de la seva aplicació; b) la insuficiència de dades pluviomètriques; c) la insuficiència de dades en el registre històric; d) la desigualtat en la distribució de la població; e) la imperfecta predicció dels episodis d’inundació a causa de la mida de les conques; i f) la rapidesa i variabilitat de la resposta hidrològica, que fan que el temps d’actuació davant la crescuda sigui molt reduït. Pel que fa a les tipologies de zones inundables, s’ha estudiat les normatives d’àmbit europeu, estatal i autonòmic, amb la finalitat d’aplicar-les a la zona d’estudi. Aparegueren problemes d’aplicabilitat, ja que es basen en el funcionament de grans rius. Els resultats de les conques extenses i de crescuda relativament lenta no encaixaven amb els de les conques petites que tenen avingudes brusques de tipus “flash flood”. Tampoc coincidien en els períodes de retorn ni amb les zonificacions de “Zona Fluvial”, “Sistema hídric” i “Zona Inundable”. És a partir de la cartografia geomorfològica integrada i de tota la resta d’informacions que s’ha arribat a establir una classificació qualitativa de la inundabilitat: alta, mitja i baixa. És la classificació que queda recollida en la cartografia d’inundabilitat, complementada amb altres elements d’interès que hi van relacionats (zona protegida, línies de circulació preferent, punts crítics, etc.). En relació al canvi climàtic s’han buscat referències per poder preveure comportaments en futurs escenaris. S’ha buscat indrets amb possibilitats d’estudiar registres sedimentaris de materials granulomètricament fins i de naturalesa orgànica que permetessin datacions. L’anàlisi multiconca-multifunció, s’ha basat en dos aspectes principals: la magnitud de les precipitacions, i les dades històriques dels efectes de les inundacions. Ha permès la quantificació de les freqüències d’inundació, prenent els períodes dels quals es disposa de més informacions i que són més representatives. S’ha obtingut un promedi de 3 anys de temps de separació entre inundacions o període de retorn. El concepte d’inundació es considera, aquí, que les aigües desbordin de la llera del torrent ocupada per la terrassa inferior T0, i passin a ocupar l’àrea de la terrassa superior T1. En aquest concepte no es té en consideració el gruix d’aigua desbordada ni la magnitud dels efectes ni dels danys ocasionats. De tot el conjunt de treballs, ha sigut possible la formulació de conclusions referents a: - les possibilitats de zonificació de les àrees inundables, - la reducció dels factors d’incertesa característics de les conques - la introducció de millores en el Mètode geomorfològic integrat d’identificació i la cartografia de les zones inundables - la determinació de la freqüència de les inundacions mitjançant l’anàlisi multiconca-multifunció, basat en dos aspectes principals: la magnitud de les precipitacions, i les dades històriques dels efectes de les inundacions Nota: L’estructura d’aquest treball de tesi doctoral desglossa les dades en dos volums. El primer volum comprèn la totalitat dels textos, i el segon només la cartografia: la geomorfològica integrada i la d’inundabilitat, classificades per conques i amb les corresponents llegendes de simbologies gràfiques. / The study area is located in NE Catalonia, Spain, between Cap de Creus and the border with France. The area consists of eleven small basins distributed over the municipalities of Portbou, Colera, Llançà, La Selva de Mar and El Port de la Selva. These basins are prone to devastating flash floods and display differences as well as similarities given that the area is characterised by high intensity short duration rainstorms. The slope of the longitudinal profile of the basins is abrupt and the watershed attains approximately 600 m. Geologically, the area is homogeneous, consisting of palaeozoic schists and slates (cambro ordovician). A small part of the southern sector of the middle of the Llança basin is composed of granite. Recent alluvial terraces are located at the bottom of the valleys and provide valuable insights into stream dynamics. Parts of the study area are covered with diverse materials as a result of human intervention. The aim of the thesis is to improve our understanding of stream dynamics in order to identify the areas that are prone to flood hazards. An attempt was made to determine the frequency and magnitude of floods by correlating them with the geomorphological and anthropogenic characteristics of the fluvial system. Subsequent aims arose given the special characteristics of the study area, which required an analysis of uncertainty (random and epistemic). Special emphasis was placed on innovating and improving the methodology of identification and mapping of flood prone areas. Climate change was also addressed. The “Integrated geomorphological method of identification and mapping of flood hazard areas” or “Integrated geomorphological method” was used. The study consists of two parts. The first part of the study is focused on the integrated geomorphological mapping and the second part is devoted to flood hazards from which the flood hazard map for each basin was derived. These maps were computerized using ArcGis software and are at 1:3000 scale. The basins from the N (the border with France) to the E (Cap de Creus) are classified in volume 2 of the thesis. Field work was complemented by historical data of past events. The multibasin-multifunction analysis was performed to address the uncertainties that resulted from using the integrated geomorphological method. The Integrated geomorphological method enabled us to identify, map and analyse all the features providing evidence of flood prone areas especially fluvial terraces of which two were differentiated in each basin: T0 or lower terrace and T1 or upper terrace. The uncertainties of analysis affected the calculation of peak discharges and the determinations of flood frequency. These uncertainties were attributed to a) paucity of data which resulted in distortions or in the impossibility of discharge calculations, b) scarcity of rainfall data, c) insufficient historical records, d) irregular distribution of population in the basins, e) inaccurate prediction of floods because the size of the basins and f) speed and variability of the hydrological response, which considerably reduces the time for action before the flood. European, national and regional norms and zoning were studied in an effort to make a hazard classification of the flood prone areas. Problems of applicability arose because the norms are based on dynamics of large rivers. The results of the large rivers with relatively slow floods were not consistent with those of small basins that generate flash floods. These results did not coincide with those of return periods nor with the regional zoning of “Zona fluvial”, Sistema hídric” and Zona inundable” in Catalonia. The integrated geomorphological mapping together with all other data enabled us to classify qualitatively flood hazards into: high, medium and low. This classification is presented in the flood hazard mapping and is complemented by other related information (protected zone, preferential flow lines, critical points, etc.). Climate data that could predict future scenarios were obtained. It was not possible to find sedimentary records of fine grained organic sediments to enable dating. The multibasin-multifunction analysis was based on two sets of data: the magnitude of rainfall associated with flooding and historical data of floods. This enabled us to quantify the frequency of flooding by selecting the periods with more data and those that were more representative. A gap of 3 years between flooding or return period was obtained. The concept of flooding considered in the study is as follows: water overflows the lower terrace (T0) and occupies the area of the upper terrace (T1). This concept considers neither the magnitude of overflow nor the damage caused. In the light of our findings, the following conclusions may be drawn: - possibility of zoning flood prone areas - reduction of uncertainty that is characteristic of these basins - improvement in the Integrated geomorphological method of identification and mapping of flood hazard areas - determination of flood frequency by multibasin-multifunction analysis based on two main data: magnitude of rainfall and historical data (effects of floods). NB This doctoral thesis consists of 2 volumes. The first contains the text and the second includes the maps (integrated geomorphological maps and flood hazard maps) classified by basins, and the corresponding legends.

Managing agriculture and water quality : four essays on the control of large-scale nitrogen pollution /

Brady, Mark January 2003 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniv., 2003. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

A study on profitability of Nordic large cap companies, effects of free cash flow and debt

Bayat Babolghani, Babak, Reuter, Sebastian January 2018 (has links)
This paper has studied the relationship between free cash flow & debt with profitability of the Nordic Nasdaq large cap for the period of 2012-1017. Population of the study consists of 223 Nordic companies listed in Nasdaq. From this population a sample of 100 companies from different sectors have been chosen by random sampling, but the sample does not include financial institutions because the way these kinds of institutions are financing differ from companies in other sectors. Data has been collected from Eikon program which provides financial information about the listed companies around the world based on the company's audited financial statements. validity and reliability of the data have been checked to make sure the data are not wrong. In this study, free cash flow, debt to equity ratio & debt ratio are considered as independent variables and profitability of the firm has been considered as dependent variable. In addition, diversity of the companies based on the countries they are established in is considered as dummy variable. Profitability of the firms have been measured by return on asset. The research philosophy is positivism and the research approach is deductive. Based on a quantitative research in which secondary data has been analyzed by running the Pearson correlation analysis and regression analysis. Result of the study revealed that; free cash flow has a positive effect on profitability of the Nordic Nasdaq large cap. In addition, the result of study showed that; debt ratio has negative effect on profitability of the targeted firms. But, the result showed that; the debt to equity ratio does not affect profitability of the firms. The result of running dummy variable revealed that; companies in Finland have 2,3 % lower return on assets compared with the companies located in Denmark. Also, the companies established in Sweden have a 2,3 % lower return on assets compared with Denmark.


MONICA ANDREA OLIVEIRA ALMEIDA 28 November 2016 (has links)
[pt] A pesquisa trata da adoção de ações afirmativas de corte racial na educação básica, especificamente, no Instituto de Aplicação Fernando Rodrigues da Silveira – CAp/UERJ. O objetivo geral da pesquisa foi compreender como se deu o processo de implementação da Legislação Estadual 6434/13 que determinou a implantação das ações afirmativas na modalidade de cotas raciais, sociais e para pessoas com deficiência no CAp/UERJ. O foco específico da pesquisa diz respeito às cotas raciais no sexto ano de escolaridade do segundo segmento do ensino fundamental. Assim, analisam-se as representações que alguns sujeitos da comunidade escolar, técnico-administrativos, diretor e, em especial, professores e professoras têm sobre as políticas de ação afirmativa. Pretendeu, ainda, investigar como a escola operacionalizou essa lei no tocante ao processo de acesso e matrícula, bem como os possíveis impactos no currículo e nas práticas pedagógicas. Para isso, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com dez docentes, cinco professoras pertencentes ao quadro efetivo e outros/as cinco contratados/as; três funcionárias técnico-administrativas e o diretor do colégio. As principais conclusões com o trabalho foram: (i) o pioneirismo da adoção de políticas de ação afirmativa de corte racial no primeiro e segundo segmentos do ensino fundamental; (ii) a permanência desses/as estudantes no colégio através de medidas socioeconômicas; (iii) as questões relativas às formas de avaliação, conteúdos selecionados e às práticas docentes que demonstraram a necessidade de que sejam discutidos processos de formação continuada de professores/as na perspectiva da diversidade étnico-racial e cultural que possam orientar as práticas pedagógicas. / [en] This research relates to the adoption of affirmative actions in regards to race in primary education, specifically in Instituto de Aplicação Fernando Rodrigues da Silveira – CAp/UERJ. The general aim of this research was to comprehend how the process of implementation of the State Law 6434/13 took place. This law determined the implementation of affirmative actions for racial and social reasons and for disabled individuals at CAp/UERJ. The specific focus of this research is related to racial quotas in the 6th year of elementary school. This way, the research analyzes the representations that some individuals from the school community, administrative technicians, directors and especially teachers have about this racial policy. This work also intended to investigate how the school dealt with this policy in its everyday operation in which referred to the process of access and enrollment as well as the possible impact in curriculum and pedagogical practice. In order to achieve those goals, we performed semistructured interviews with ten elementary school teachers; five of these were admitted through contests and the other five by temporary contracts; with three administrative technicians and with the school director. The main conclusions were: i) the adoption of the system of affirmative racial actions in elementary school was pioneer; ii) the student s attendance through social-economic arrangements; iii) the questions related to ways of assessment; selected content and teacher s practice showed that we need to discuss the continued formation for teachers concerning diversity, cultural and racial–ethnic perspective in order to guide their pedagogical practice.

Vliv promotorové sekvence na využití NAD+ jako substrátu pro iniciaci transkripce RNA polymerázou / Effect of promoter sequence on utilization of NAD+ as a substrate for transcription initiation by RNA polymerase

Pinkas, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
For a long time, 5' cap has been thought to be privilege only for eukaryotic organisms in form of 7-methylguanosine cap at the end of mRNA. This was changed only a few years ago. By using methods liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry a new molecule associated with RNA of Escherichia coli has been found. This molecule turned out to be nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+ ) attached to 5' end of some small regulatory RNAs (sRNA). Later it has been shown, that RNA polymerase can attach NAD+ at 5' of RNA ab initio, meaning that RNA polymerase can utilize NAD+ as a substrate for transcription initiation. To some extent substrate for transcription initiation is chosen based on promoter sequence. Crucial requirement is presence of adenine at +1 position of DNA coding strand. This thesis focuses on promoter sequence requirements for transcription initiation with NAD+ . As a template for transcription four promoters with different modifications and their chimeras are used: RNA1, Pveg, lac UV5 and rrnB P1. Also, I tried to compare RNA polymerase from E. coli and B. subtilis in terms of transcription initiation substrate usage. Lastly, I describe here isolation of NudC, enzyme that cleaves NAD+ to nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) and adenosine monophosphate (AMP). NudC will be used for upcoming...

Oxydation chimique in situ de la zone non saturée de sols contaminés par du goudron de houille : du laboratoire au terrain / In situ chemical oxidation of the unsaturated zone of soils contaminated with coal tar : from the laboratory to the field

Ranc, Bérénice 23 June 2017 (has links)
Il existe en France des centaines de friches industrielles polluées par du goudron de houille, un mélange récalcitrant de composés tels que les hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques. Lorsque la zone non saturée des sols est fortement contaminée, elle est usuellement excavée et remblayée. Cette thèse porte sur un traitement alternatif permettant une valorisation potentielle des sols sur site : l’oxydation chimique in situ, qui a déjà montré des résultats encourageants au laboratoire mais n’a que très peu été testée en grandeurs réelles. Les recherches ont donc été menées autour de trois échelles – bibliographie, laboratoire et pilote – afin de déterminer s’il existait un traitement oxydant répondant à des critères techniques, économiques et environnementaux acceptables pour être appliquée à l’échelle de la friche. La phase laboratoire a montré que l’ajout d’un soutien thermique augmentait significativement l’efficacité du traitement, i) par augmentation de la disponibilité de la pollution par préchauffage de la terre dans le cas du permanganate, ou ii) par activation thermique de l’oxydant dans le cas du persulfate. A l’échelle du pilote, une mise en contact homogène entre l’oxydant et la pollution n’a été possible que par noyage partiel de la terre avec les solutions oxydantes concentrées. L’activation du persulfate s’est révélée délicate à mettre en œuvre, le chauffage de solutions concentrées ayant mené à une décomposition parasite de l’oxydant. Au contraire, l’utilisation de solutions concentrées de permanganate a conduit à une dégradation des polluants encore plus élevée qu’au laboratoire grâce à la forte exothermicité de la réaction / In France, hundreds of brownfields are currently polluted with coal tar, a complex and recalcitrant mixture of organic compounds such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. When the unsaturated zone of soils is highly contaminated, it is commonly excavated and backfilled. This work deals with an alternative treatment, in situ chemical oxidation, that allows a potential reuse of soils directly on site. This technique has already provided encouraging results at the lab scale but has rarely been tested in the field. Research was made around three scales – bibliography, laboratory and pilot – in order to respond to the main problem: is there an oxidative treatment able to meet technical, economic and environmental criteria quite acceptable to be applied at brownfield level? The laboratory research phase showed that the addition of a moderate thermal support significantly increased treatment effectiveness, by i) an increase in pollutant availability by soil preheating in the case of permanganate, or ii) a thermal activation of the oxidant in the case of persulfate. At the pilot scale, a homogeneous contact between the oxidant and the pollutants was possible only by a partial flooding of the soil with the concentrated oxidizing solutions. The persulfate activation turned out to be difficult to implement because heating concentrated solutions led to a parasite decomposition of the oxidant. On the contrary, the use of concentrated solutions of permanganate led to an even higher degradation than in the laboratory, as a result of the strong exothermicity of the reaction

Estromatólitos e estruturas associadas na Capa Carbonática da Formação Mirassol D\'Oeste, Grupo Araras, Faixa Paraguai (Neoproterozoico, MT) / Stromatolites and associated structures in the cap carbonate from Mirassol D\'Oeste Formation, Araras Group, Paraguay Belt (Neoproterozoic, MT)

Guilherme Raffaeli Romero 22 September 2010 (has links)
As capas carbonáticas neoproterozóicas revestem-se de grande importância, uma vez que se formaram no meio a mudanças paleoclimáticas e evolutivas singulares, cujas origens e influências na história subsequente do planeta e da vida ainda não foram devidamente esclarecidas. Este trabalho procurou compreender parte desta história através do estudo da sedimentação estromatolítica associada à capa carbonática representada pela Formação Mirassol DOeste (base do Grupo Araras), que se formou há cerca de 635 Ma, imediatemente após a glaciação Marinoana, representada pela Formação Puga. A pesquisa foi realizada na região de Mirassol DOeste, Mato Grosso, na borda sudoeste do Cráton Amazônico junto a Faixa Paraguai. Foram estudadas características meso e microscópicas dos estromatólitos, bem como das feições sedimentológicas associadas (estruturas tubulares, megamarcas onduladas, megapeloides), em afloramento, amostras cortadas e lâminas petrográficas. A dois metros da base da formação, inicia-se uma sucessão de 10 metros de espessura de boundstones microbianos, caracterizados, petrograficamente, por lâminas alternadamente delgadas e espessas, compostas de peloides (restos micritizados de colônias microbianas) com micrita subordinada e fenestras. Constituem estromatólitos lateralmente contínuos e de morfologia simples. Estromatólitos estratiformes ocorrem ao longo de toda a sucessão, com formas dômicas, de dimensões métricas irregularmente espalhadas lateral e verticalmente, até dois ou três metros do topo da sucessão. Estromatólitos muito irregularmente ondulados, comumente assimétricos, com dimensões decímetros predominam a parte superior e estes estão recobertos por grainstones-packstones peloidais dolomíticos, com megapeloides milimétricos, em estratos marcados por megamarcas onduladas formadas por ondas. A sedimentação microbiana cessou na Formação Mirassol DOeste quando o ambiente de plataforma de baixa energia onde se desenvolvia começou a ser assolado pela ação de ondas de hipertempestades, que penetraram a região com o aumento do nível do mar. Estruturas tubulares verticais, de comprimento até decimétrico e diâmetro estreito (<3 cm), preenchidos, via de regra, por doloesparito maciço, perpassam a laminação estromatolítica principalmente das porções mais altas dos domos. Sugere-se que gênese dessas estruturas tenha sido pela percolação de gases e/ou líquidos derivados da decomposição de matéria orgânica nas esteiras microbianas. / Neoproterozoic cap carbonates are of great importance because they formed during a period of singular paleoclimatic and evolutionary changes, whose origin and influences upon subsequent geological and evolutionary history have yet to be unraveled. This dissertation sought to comprehend part of this story through the study of stromatolitic sedimentation associated with the cap carbonate represented by the Mirassol DOeste Formation (base of the Araras Group), deposited about 635 Ma ago, immediately following the Marinoan glaciation, represented by the Puga Formation. This research was carried out at Mirassol DOeste, Mato Grosso, on the southwest border of the Amazon craton next to the Paraguai fold belt. Meso and macroscopic characteristics of stromatolites and associated sedimentological features (tubular structures, megaripples, megapeloids) were studied in outcrop, cut specimens and petrographic thin sections. Two meters above the base of the formation a 10 m-thick succession of dolomitic microbial boundstones begins, characterized throughout by alternating thin and thick laminae made up of peloids (interpreted as the micritized remains of colonial microorganisms), subordinate dolomicrite, and fenestrae. They make up laterally continuous and morphologically simple stromatolites. Stratiform stromatolites occur throughout the succession, with irregularly scattered meter-sized domes till about two to three meters from the top. Above this point, very irregularly undulated, commonly asymmetric, decimeter-sized stromatolites predominate, and these, in turn, are covered by megaripple-marked dolomitic peloidal grainstones-packstones with millimetric megapeloids. Stromatolitic sedimentation ceased in the previously calm platform environment of the Mirassol DOeste Formation when wave action began to rework bottom sediments as extremely intense storms reached the locale with the rise in sea level. Narrow (<3 cm), vertical tubular structures of decimetric length and filled by massive dolosparite cut stromatolitic sediments, principally in the central portions of domal forms. These structures appear to have formed by the percolation of gas and/or liquids derived from the decomposition of organic material in the microbial mats.

Diagnostico de lesoes da tireoide pela espectroscopia de absorcao no infravermelho por tranformada de Fourier-FTIR / Thyroid lesions diagnosis by Fourier transformed infrared absorption spectroscopy (FTIR)

ALBERO, FELIPE G. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:27:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:06:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

O emprego de borracha termoplástica tipo estireno-butadieno-estireno em cimentos asfálticos de petróleo / The use of thermoplastic rubber type styrene-butadiene-styrene asphalt cements oil

Maciel, Emerson Rodrigues 17 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Wagner dos Santos Oliveira / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Química / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-17T00:29:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maciel_EmersonRodrigues_M.pdf: 10298208 bytes, checksum: d19a140f86e923ce68500657b2e841fa (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: Este trabalho apresenta resultados o estudo de pesquisa e desenvolvimento de misturas de polímeros em cimento asfáltico de petróleo. O asfalto é um excelente material aglutinante utilizado na construção de rodovias e vias urbanas, entretanto o aumento do número de veículos comerciais e da carga transportada por eixo tem levado a deteriorização prematura dos pavimentos. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o polímero do tipo estireno-butadieno-estireno quando incorporado ao asfalto traz melhoria nas propriedades físico-químicas e desempenho, sobretudo quando em contato com cargas pesadas, em climas quentes, tornando-o resistente à deformação permanente, pela preservação de sua flexibilidade e elasticidade. A incorporação de 4% polímero tipo estirenobutadieno-estireno ao asfalto resultou na melhoria de suas propriedades, principalmente a resistência ao envelhecimento, aumento no ponto de amolecimento, ganho de recuperação elástica. O asfalto modificado é uma boa solução, pois embora aumente os custos iniciais do produto, resulta em um ótimo custo benefício, reduzindo a necessidade de manutenção das rodovias ou vias urbanas ao longo dos anos / Abstract: This paper presents laboratorial research results comprising developing project of polymer mixtures in petroleum asphalt cement. The asphalt is an excellent binding material used in the highway constructions and unban roads, however the increase of the commercial vehicles number and the load transported by axle have led to the premature pavements failure. The laboratory outcomes obtained show that the SBS polymer, which is embedded to the asphalt, brings improvement in the physico - chemical properties and performance mainly for its good performance under heavy loads in hot climates becoming resistant to the permanent deformation, but maintaining the flexibility as the asphaltic concrete providing elasticity. The SBS polymer is a good solution, although it increases the initial costs of the product, however with a great costeffective regarding the maintenance of the highways or unban roads over the years / Mestrado / Ciencia e Tecnologia de Materiais / Mestre em Engenharia Química

Diagnostico de lesoes da tireoide pela espectroscopia de absorcao no infravermelho por tranformada de Fourier-FTIR / Thyroid lesions diagnosis by Fourier transformed infrared absorption spectroscopy (FTIR)

ALBERO, FELIPE G. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:27:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:06:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Os nódulos de tireóide constituem patologia comum, com uma incidência entre 4- 7% na população brasileira. Embora a punção aspirativa por agulha fina (PAAF) seja um método com boa sensibilidade, a discriminação entre lesões benignas e neoplasias malignas não é possível em todos os casos, permitindo a incidência de diagnósticos falsos-positivos, o que conduz a tireoideotectomia pelo risco de carcinoma. O escopo deste estudo foi verificar se a espectroscopia de absorção no infravermelho por transformada de Fourier (FTIR) pode contribuir no diagnóstico diferencial entre neoplasias malignas e benignas de tecidos e aspirados. Amostras de PAAF, homogenatos e tecidos de nódulos de tireóide com o diagnóstico histopatológico foram obtidos e preparados para análise espectroscópica por FTIR. As punções e homogenatos foram medidas por -FTIR (entre 950 1750 cm-1, com resolução de 4 cm-1 e 120 varreduras). As amostras de tecido foram analisadas diretamente pela técnica de ATR-FTIR, com resolução de 2 cm-1, 60 varreduras, região entre 950 1750 cm-1.. Todos os espectros foram corrigidos pela linha base e normalizados pela área sob a banda das amidas (1550-1640 cm-1) de modo a minimizar as variações de homogeneidade das amostras. Os espectros foram então convertidos em segundas derivadas usando-se o filtro de Savitzk-Golay com 13 pontos na janela. A variância de Ward e distância euclidiana foram usadas para se processar a análise de clusters. As amostras de PAAF revelaram um complexo padrão espectral. Todas as amostras mostraram alguns aglomerados de células ou grande concentração de hormônios, tendo representação em algumas bandas em 1545 e 1655 cm-1. Foram também encontradas bandas em torno de 1409, 1412, 1414, 1578 and 1579 cm-1, indicando a possível presença de açúcares, DNA e ácido cítrico de produtos metabólitos. Neste estudo, foi obtida uma excelente separação entre bócio adenomatoso e neoplasias malignas para as amostras de tecido, com 100% de sensibilidade em determinado cluster, mas 67% no geral e 50% de especificidade. Nos homogenatos e aspirados este valor foi menor (76,2% de sensibilidade e 52,6% de especificidade) porque incluiu outros tipos de lesões. Para uma maior diferenciação das amostras de PAAF de padrão folicular, um maior número de amostras se faz necessário. Os resultados deste estudo sugerem que a espectroscopia FTIR pode ser útil na diferenciação de carcinomas da tiróide em amostras de tecidos. / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

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