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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Carbon finance and reforestation : a survey of African cases

Lagrange, Chantal V. M. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Sustainable Development and Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis addresses the topic of carbon finance in the context of reforestation and avoided deforestation. The research is based on the Nhambita Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) and Agro-forestry carbon offset project in North West Mozambique. The thesis raises important questions in terms of the relevance of carbon offset projects to human and biophysical realities in Africa. The research was conducted through the lens of ethnographic development and explores how carbon offset projects are received by recipient communities. What issues do such projects attempt to address? Are the targeted issues the „real‟ issues, as they are perceived by local populations in developing countries? Who do such projects benefit and who do they benefit the most? The thesis comprises two academic papers. The first paper is a synthesis article presenting a review of key issues with regards to the roll-out of improved cooking stoves (ICS) in the context of carbon offset projects, combined with a pre-feasibility study on the introduction of ICS in the Nhambita village. It shows how biomass will continue to play a dominant role in addressing Southern African energy needs and how a large scale dissemination of ICS could play a seminal role in alleviating pressure on threatened ecosystems. The paper, however, recognizes that ICS programmes are not a panacea and discusses the pitfalls of paradigms underlying stove-provision programmes to date. Based on a review of the pertinent literature and on the field work conducted in Mozambique, conclusions are drawn that environmental and health considerations do not constitute a sufficient „pull‟ factor from the end user‟s perspective. It appears that best channels to engage with the targeted users are economic and social rationales. This debate is of particular relevance to climate change policy but it also offers insights in terms of the acceptance of such programmes by the target communities. The second paper is related to the first in that it discusses the opportunities and challenges associated with the developmental ambitions of carbon offset projects. By virtue of the market systems that regulate them, such carbon offset projects imply an innovative developmental praxis, whereby project recipients become the owners and the sellers of a tangible good in the form of carbon credits. This innovative dimension is, however, thwarted by the fact that such projects stir welfare expectations from project participants. Such livelihood improvement expectations become the fertile ground for difficulties reminiscent of the weakness of traditional aid. The intricacies underpinning this new mechanism that combines land use changes with environmental conservation and livelihood benefits are debated in the context of private entrepreneurship and global markets. The analysis is anchored in a socioanthropological interpretation of climate change science and lays the emphasis on the risks and constraints of such projects, from the perspective of the target communities. The paper concludes by discussing the policy implications of these findings. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis behandel die onderwerp van koolstoffinansies binne die konteks van herbebossing en vermyde ontbossing. Die navorsing is gebaseer op die Nhambita Veminderde Emissies van Ontbossing en Degradasie (REDD) en die agrobosbou koolstofkompensasieprojek in Noord-Wes Mosambiek Die tesis opper belangrike vrae ingevolge die relevansie van koolstofverminderingsprojekte vir die menslike en biofisiese realiteite van Afrika. Watter kwessies probeer sulke projekte aanspreek? Is die geteikende kwessies die „ware‟ kwessies, soos hulle gesien word deur plaaslike bevolkings in ontwikkelende lande? Wie trek voordeel uit sulke projekte en wie trek die meeste voordeel daaruit? Die tesis behels twee akademiese verhandelings. Die eerste verhandeling is „n sinteseartikel wat „n oorsig bied van sleutelkwessies ten opsigte van die uitrol van verbeterde kookstowe (VKS) binne die konteks van koolstofverminderingsprojekte, gekombineer met „n vooruitvoerbaarheidstudie oor die bekendstelling van VKS in die Nhambita-dorpie. Dit dui aan hoe biomassa sal voortgaan om „n dominante rol te vervul in die aanspreek van energiebehoeftes in Afrika en hoe die onderliggende paradigmas van vorige stoofvoorsieningsprogramme heroorweeg moet word om tot die debat by te dra. Hierdie benadering erken die belangrikheid van hierdie hernubare energiebron, terwyl dit die ekologiese implikasies van die swaar steun op biomassa besef, veral in Suider Afrika. Gebaseer op 'n oorsig van gepaste literatuur sowel as die veldwerk gedoen in Mosambiek, word die gevolgtrekking gemaak dat omgewings- en gesondheidsoorwegings nie genoeg stukrag verleen vanuit die eindgebruiker se perspektief nie. Die beste kanale om by die teikengebruikers betrokke te raak, is ekonomiese en sosiale rasionale. Hierdie debat is van besondere betekenis vir die klimaatsveranderingsbeleid maar word ook fyn bestudeer ten opsigte van die aanvaarding van sodanige programme deur die teikengemeenskappe. Die tweede verhandeling is verwant aan die eerste in die opsig dat dit die geleenthede en uitdagings bespreek wat verband hou met die ontwikkelingsbehoeftes van koolstofverminderingsprojekte. Uit hoofde van die markstelsel wat hulle reguleer, impliseer sulke koolstofverminderingsprojekte „n innoverende ontwikkelingspraktyk, waarvolgens projekontvangers die verkopers word van „n tasbare voordeel in die vorm van koolstofkrediete. Hierdie innoverende dimensie word gedwarsboom deur „n tradisionele benadering tot ontwikkeling wat ontstaan uit die welvaartverwagtings van projekdeelnemers. Sodanige bestaansverbeteringverwagtings word die teelaarde van probleme kenmerkend van die swakheid van tradisionele bystand. Die ingewikkeldhede van hierdie nuwe meganisme, wat landgebruikveranderings kombineer met omgewingsbewaring, asook die bestaansvoordele word gedebatteer binne die konteks van privaat entrepreneurskap en wêreldmarkte. Die ontleding is geanker in „n sosio-antropologiese interpretasie van klimaatsveranderingwetenskap en benadruk die risiko‟s en beperkings van sulke projekte, vanuit die perspektief van die teikengemeenskappe.

Carbon sequestration and trading potential in semi-arid South Africa : a Karoo case study

Paviour, Sarah-Jane 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The succulent thicket plant community of South Africa, particularly Portulacaria afra (in this study referred to as spekboom), occurring in the Thicket Biome, sequestrates an exceptional amount of carbon dioxide (due to its photosynthetic properties), particularly for a warm, semi-arid region and in this capacity is more akin to forest ecosystems. Spekboom has additional favourable characteristics over forested systems regarding carbon trading (CT), namely: economic water use; potential for combating desertification and poverty in arid environments; and ability to withstand stand-replacing fire (spekboom doesn’t burn) which improves its attraction as a commodity in CT and the payments for ecosystem services (PES) industry. Landowners interested in using the capacity of their land for carbon sequestration (CS) are challenged to calculate their plant communities’ sequestration ability and biodiversity potential and therefore to quantify the carbon credits to be sold. The aim of the study was to quantify the CS ability of a selected property unit by vegetation area and to establish the carbon credits value that can be sold in the carbon market. It commenced by highlighting the problem of global warming and its effect on climate change in South Africa. CS is described as a process and a solution to decrease high and rising atmospheric CO2 levels, and its use in the carbon market to attain a monetary value to promote the growing of vegetation or to protect and conserve biodiversity that will enhance carbon stocks. The study site is Bosch Luys Kloof Private Nature Reserve (BLK PNR) in the semi-arid Karoo. Because CS potential is known to follow a rainfall gradient, one expects the semi-arid Karoo to have a low CS potential. However, this area contains spekboom, an extraordinary thicket type that sequestrates carbon at similar rates to forest ecosystems and should therefore reap the benefits of CT. Yet, accurate mapping of this vegetation is critical for accurate carbon stocks assessment. The CS potential of all vegetation communities in the study area had to be established to estimate the carbon stocks in the whole property unit. ArcGIS was used to map the vegetation communities (sub biomes) and eCognition to refine mapping of the Gamka Thicket (containing spekboom) through an object-orientated approach to automated vegetation mapping. For accuracy assessment a heads-up digitized map was created for comparison. The true surface area was calculated for the vegetation classification to ensure accurate area accounting on the mountainous terrain and this calculated area of the mapped vegetation was used to convert area to carbon sequestration potential. By examining the different markets and trading mechanisms for trading in the carbon market, using CS, a marketing strategy for the land units was advised. Results show that due to BLK PNR's history of overstocking, spekboom remains degraded on the study site. This creates an opportunity to restore the vegetation with funding through CT. The sequestration potential of spekboom on BLK PNR was determined through a regional differentiation comparison. The regional differentiation comparison identified that rainfall amount and carbon accumulation are inversely proportional, therefore more arid conditions (<200mm a year, or a dry season longer than seven and a half months) cause spekboom to switch to Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) due to water stress, so increasing the rate of carbon accumulation. In wetter environments, where spekboom is not under water stress, it continues in carbon fixation of 3-phosphoglycerate (C3) having a lower carbon accumulation. This is a remarkable finding as CS is known to follow a rainfall gradient: in this instance spekboom is an exception to the norm. Mapped results showed that eCognition classified spekboom poorly, yielding between 64% and 69% correspondence to the accurate manually classified map. As expected three-dimensional area comparative results show that the true surface area on complex terrains was 10% higher than the original (and surveyed) land area of the estate. Results indicate that there are substantial carbon stocks for CT on BLK PNR. This study recommended the most practised form of CT (restoration) for BLK PNR. Over a period of 30 years of restoration on BLK PNR about 46 000 tons of carbon could be sequestrated. At the current price of carbon credits this could accumulate over R3.7 million over the 30-year restoration period. Combining restoration with conservation strategies into one project type has additional favourable characteristics as it takes into account the CS potential of all vegetation communities on the land unit and the ecosystem services it promotes. Conservation of BLK PNR would yield 758 000 tons of carbon. Calculated through emission abandonment, this could be valued at R8-10 million. The economic importance of the vegetation community’s biodiversity on BLK PNR and significant differences between biomes were recorded and implies a total intrinsic value in excess of R830 000 per annum. To date, pilot projects elsewhere have successfully acquired carbon credits for avoided deforestation through the climate, community and biodiversity alliance (CCBA). However, owing to the pilot stage status there is little literature that substantiates the calculation of the monetary value of conservation. This is a fertile area for further research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die sukkulent-struikplantgemeenskap van Suid-Afrika, in besonder Portulacaria afra (waarna in hierdie studie as Spekboom verwys word), wat in die Struikgewasbioom voorkom, neem ‘n uitsonderlike hoeveelheid koolstofdioksied op (weens die fotosintetiese eienskappe daarvan), veral vir ‘n warm, semi-ariede streek en is in hierdie kapasiteit meer verwant aan woud-ekosisteme. Spekboom het, met betrekking tot koolstofuitruiling (KU) of koolstofhandel, addisionele gunstige eienskappe bo dié van woudsisteme, naamlik lae waterbenutting; potensiaal vir die bestryding van woestynvorming en armoede in ariede omgewings; en die vermoë om brand te weerstaan (Spekboom brand nie), wat sy aantreklikheid as ‘n kommoditeit in KU verhoog, en die betaling vir dienste in die ekosisteem-industrie (BED) verbeter. Grondeienaars wat geïnteresseerd is in die benutting van hul grond vir koolstofopname (KO), word uitgedaag om hul plantgemeenskappe se opnamevermoë en potensiaal vir biodiversiteit te bereken, en gevolglik die hoeveelheid koolstofkrediete wat verkoop kan word, te kwantifiseer. Die doel van die studie was om die KO-vermoë van ‘n geselekteerde eiendomseenheid volgens die oppervlakte onder plantegroei te kwantifiseer en om die waarde van koolstofkrediete wat in die koolstofmark verkoop kan word, vas te stel. Ten aanvang is die probleem van aardverwarming en die uitwerking daarvan op klimaatsverandering in Suid-Afrika uitgelig. KO word beskryf as ‘n proses en oplossing om die hoë en stygende atmosferiese CO2-vlakke te verminder, en die gebruik daarvan in die koolstofmark, om ‘n monetêre waarde te verkry om plantbedekking te bevorder of om biodiversiteit, wat koolstofvoorraad sal vermeerder, te beskerm en te bewaar. Die studieperseel is Bosch Luys Kloof Privaat Natuurreservaat (BLK PNR) in die semi-ariede Karoo. Omrede KO-potensiaal bekend is daarvoor om ‘n reënvalgradiënt te volg, verwag mens dat die semi-ariede Karoo ‘n lae KO-potensiaal sal hê. Hierdie gebied bevat egter Spekboom, ‘n buitengewone struiksoort wat koolstof teen soortgelyke tempo’s as woud-ekosisteme opneem, en behoort daarom voordeel uit KU te trek. Akkurate kartering van hierdie plantegroei is kritiek vir akkurate assessering van koolstofvoorraad. Die KO-potensiaal van alle plantgemeenskappe in die studiegebied is derhalwe vasgestel om die koolstofvoorrade in die totale eiendomseenheid te skat. ArcGIS is gebruik om die plantgemeenskappe (sub-biome) te karteer en eCognition is gebruik om die kartering van die Gamkaruigte (wat Spekboom bevat) deur ‘n objek-georiënteerde benadering tot geoutomatiseerde plantegroeikartering te verfyn. Vir akkuraatheidsassessering is ‘n vergelykbare plantegroeikaart per hand versyfer. Die werklike oppervlakte van die gebied is vir die plantegroeiklassifikasie bereken om akkurate oppervlakberekening van die bergagtige terrein te verseker, en hierdie berekende oppervlakte van die gekarteerde plantegroei is gebruik om oppervlakte na koolstofopname-potensiaal te herlei. Advies oor ‘n bemarkingstrategie vir die grondeenhede is gegee, deur die verskillende markte en uitruilings- of handelsmeganismes vir handel in die koolstofmark te ondersoek. Resultate toon dat weens die BLK PNR se geskiedenis van oorbeweiding, Spekboom op die studieperseel gedegradeer het. Dit skep ‘n geleentheid om die plantegroei met befondsing deur KU te herstel. Die opname-potensiaal van Spekboom op BLK PNR is deur ‘n streeksdifferensiasie-vergelyking bepaal. Die streeksdifferensiasie-vergelyking toon dat hoeveelheid reënval en koolstofakkumulasie omgekeerd eweredig of proporsioneel is, en gevolglik veroorsaak meer ariede omstandighede (<200 mm/jaar, of ‘n droë seisoen van langer as sewe en ‘n half maande) dat Spekboom weens waterstres na Crassulacea-suurmetabolisme (CSM) oorskakel, en sodoende die tempo van koolstofakkumulasie verhoog. In natter omgewings, waar Spekboom nie aan waterstres onderwerp word nie, gaan dit voort met koolstofbinding van 3-fosfogliseraat (C3) en het ‘n laer koolstofakkumulasie. Dit is ‘n merkwaardige bevinding aangesien KO daarvoor bekend is dat dit ‘n reënvalgradiënt volg: in hierdie geval is Spekboom ‘n uitsondering op die reël. eCognition het Spekboom swak onderskei, en slegs ‘n ooreenstemming van tussen 64% en 69% met die akkurate hand-geklassifiseerde gehad. Soos verwag, toon vergelykende resultate van driedimensionele oppervlakte dat die werklike oppervlakte byna 10% hoër is as die oorspronklike (en gemete) grondoppervlak van die eiendom. Resultate dui aan dat daar aansienlike koolstofvoorrade vir KU op BLK PNR is. Hierdie studie beveel die mees gebruikte praktyke van KU (herstelproses) vir BLK PNR aan. Oor ‘n hersteltydperk van 30 jaar op BLK PNR kan ongeveer 46 000 ton koolstof opgeneem word. Teen die huidige prys van koolstofkrediete kan dit meer as R3.7 miljoen oor die hersteltydperk van 30 jaar akkumuleer. Die kombinasie van herstelprosesse en bewaringstrategieë in een tipe projek, hou addisionele voordeel in, omdat dit die KO-potensiaal van alle plantgemeenskappe op die grondeenheid en die ekosisteem-dienste in berekening bring. Bewaring van BLK PNR sal 757 913 ton koolstof lewer. As dit in terme van die staking van uitlatings bereken word, kan dit teen R8-10 miljoen gewaardeer word. Die ekonomiese belangrikheid van die ekosisteem en plantgemeenskap-biodiversiteit op BLK PNR impliseer ‘n totale intrinsieke waarde van meer as R800 000 per jaar. Loodsprojekte elders was suksesvol in die verkryging van koolstofkrediete vir die vermyding van ontbossing deur die klimaat-, gemeenskap- en biodiversiteitsalliansie (KGBA). Vanweë die loodsprojekstatus, is daar egter min literatuur beskikbaar wat die berekening van die monetêre waarde van bewaring staaf. Dit laat ruimte vir verdere navorsing.

Swedish companies' current use of carbon offsetting - underlying ethical view and preparedness for post-2020 carbon market conditions

Hwargård, Louise January 2020 (has links)
In 2015, the Paris Agreement was signed by nations all over the world. The new climate agreementwill replace previous Kyoto Protocol post-2020 and will likely change the conditions for using carbonoffsetting. It is probable that even more stringent controls will be required to ensure a credible carbon marketwhich avoids double counting and secures environmental integrity. Voluntary use of offsetting has to becompatible with the new rules set under the Paris Agreement to manage these risks. More countries will countemission reductions to their new nationally determined contributions, and therefore increases the risk ofdouble counting. Hence, the purpose of this master thesis was to reveal how the Swedish companies’ currentuse of voluntary carbon offsetting is compatible with the likely carbon market post-2020. The companiesreasons as why they use voluntary carbon offsetting, together with their underlying ethical view, based ontheir practices around carbon offsetting, were investigated. Eight qualitative semi-structured interviews withSwedish companies using voluntary carbon offsetting were conducted during February - March in 2020. Theresult was analysed through the ethical theories consequentialist and duty-based theory to understand theirunderlying ethical view in relation to their carbon offsetting. The result showed that there are two primaryreasons as why companies use voluntary carbon offsetting. The first reason is that voluntary carbon offsettingis a part of their strategy to reduce their climate impact, and the second reason is to gain the trust of customersand marketing themselves through voluntary carbon offsetting. The thesis concludes that for the companies’to best guarantee the expected outcome of their offsetting, and be compatible with the post-2020 carbonoffsetting, they should have a combination of consequentialist and duty-based underlying ethical view withstrong follow up. Furthermore, regardless of reason for using voluntary carbon offsetting, or their ethicalview towards the action, the companies may choose to move to the alternative of financially supportingthe host countries in their work to reduce their GHG emissions instead of offsetting post-2020.

Carbon Offsetting, a new form of CO2lonialism? : Local implications of tree-planting projects in East Africa / Klimatkompensation, en ny form av CO2lonialisering? : Sociala effekter av trädplanteringsprojekt i östra Afrika

Larsson, Cecilia, Orvehed, Moa January 2021 (has links)
Carbon offsetting has a growing presence on the global climate action agenda where it is promoted as a triple-win for the environment, business and development. However, the opinions on carbon offsetting are divided. Projects with agroforestry and participatory methods are highlighted as having more positive aspects, but critics emphasize that carbon offsetting can become an excuse for the Global North to continue business as usual while using the Global South as a carbon dump. Carbon offsetting can reproduce unequal power structures where countries, while formally decolonized, are still affected by coloniality. This study examines carbon offsetting through tree planting projects and the potential discrepancies between discourse and documented effects in East Africa with focus on Uganda. Four projects are compared with each other, focusing on documented social effects and impacts on land access. We analyze how power structures are expressed in carbon offsetting generally and in the projects. This is a literature study with a combined theoretical framework of political ecology and the decolonial approach. Findings imply that there, to varying degrees, are discrepancies between rhetoric and reality for the projects. Differences between the projects’ outcomes mainly boil down to their planting method, degree of participation and operating logic. All the projects are to varying degrees based on a coloniality, permeated by power structures and have some level of exclusion. However, findings also imply that best practices involve the local communities in a bottom up approach with an agroforestry method and carbon offsetting as a co-benefit.

Sustainable Solutions in the Aviation Industry : A scenario analysis of electrified aircrafts, sustainable aviation fuels and carbon offsetting

Jönsson, Niklas, Hillesöy, Fredrik January 2020 (has links)
Global warming is an issue that affects the entire world. The aviation industry accounts for around three percent of global emissions, and actions are needed to help steer the industry towards a sustainable transition with new technologies and alternative aviation fuels to reduce emissions. There are options today for passengers to compensate flight emissions through carbon offsetting. The purpose of this report is to investigate how the aviation and carbon offset industries are likely to develop in the future in order to provide knowledge that an air travel comparison site can use to adapt its carbon offset alternative to new market conditions. The empirical data in this study consist of interviews with stakeholders in the aviation and carbon offset industries as well as a politician. Industrial reports and a literature review were used in combination with the empirical data and analyzed with theories such as industrial dynamics, network innovation and scenario analysis to result in a possible future scenario of the industries. Further, conclusions with necessary actions in order to develop a more sustainable aviation industry and how carbon offsetting can be renewed due to a sustainable aviation transition. Additionally, managerial implications for an air travel comparison site followed with suggestions on how they can contribute to this transition. The conclusions from this study are to develop existing networks and establish new ones to share knowledge from many different stakeholders in the industry and use their capabilities to propose regulatory changes as well as prepare the industry for sustainable solutions in the future. Networks should also use their collective power to lobby for changes that will drive the transition towards a more sustainable aviation industry forward. The broad expertise that these networks possess can be used to provide customers with knowledge to make the option to carbon offset a flight more attractive. It is important that knowledge and marketing of carbon offsetting is transparent to inform customers of its effects on the climate. Biofuels and electrified aircrafts are sustainable solutions more suitable for the future due to the high price of biofuels and electrified aircrafts not ready to replace regular jet-aircrafts. Thus, carbon offsetting is the best option to reduce net emissions from a flight today. The short-term recommendations are for an air travel comparison site to be involved in the transition towards more sustainable aviation fuel by offering customers the option to purchase biofuel together with or as an alternative to carbon offset when booking a flight. An air travel comparison should also support organizations and firms working with sustainable solutions such as introduction of electrified aircrafts, through partnerships or investments to help steer the industry in a sustainable direction. The long-term recommendation for an air travel comparison site is to continuously stay updated with the latest research and knowledge expertise within the industry to adapt its carbon offset alternative to new conditions in the future. This study is to be considered as an informational foundation for an air travel comparison site to adapt its carbon offset alternative to a dynamic aviation industry. However, the study does not include empirical data from all stakeholders within the aviation industry hence the information used in this study is limited. / Global uppvärmning är ett aktuellt problem som påverkar hela världen. Flygindustrin står för runt tre procent av de globala utsläppen och åtgärder behövs för att styra industrin mot en hållbar utveckling med ny teknologi och alternativa flygbränsle för att minska utsläppen. Idag finns det möjlighet för passagerare att kompensera sina flygutsläpp genom klimatkompensation. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur flyg- samt klimatkompensationsindustrin troligtvis kommer att utvecklas i framtiden och hur företag inom flygindustrin kan tillämpa den kunskapen för att påverka utvecklingen mot en mer hållbar flygindustri. Med hjälp av kunskapen ska klimatkompensationsalternativ kunna anpassas utefter dem nya förutsättningarna i framtiden. Den empiriska data för denna studie består av intervjuer med intressenter från flyg- och klimatkompensationsbranscherna samt en politiker. Industrirapporter och en litteraturrecension har använts i kombination med empiriska data tillsammans med teorier såsom industriell dynamik, nätverksinnovation och scenario analys som resulterat i ett troligt framtidsscenario för industrierna. Vidare följer en slutsats samt ledningsliga implikationer och rekommendationer för en flygprisjämförelsesajt. Slutsatserna från denna studie är att utveckla redan befintliga samt etablera nya nätverk för att dela kunskap från många olika intressenter inom flygindustrin och använda sig av deras förmågor för att föreslå ändringar i lagstiftningen samt förbereda flygindustrin för hållbara lösningar i framtiden. Nätverk bör också använda deras samlade makt till att lobba för beslut som driver utvecklingen av en mer hållbar flygindustri framåt. Den breda expertisen som dessa nätverk besitter kan användas för att informera och förse kunder med kunskap om fördelarna med klimatkompensation och öka intresset för att klimatkompensera en flygresa. Marknadsföring och information om klimatkompensation behöver vara transparent för att kunder ska förstå effekterna det har på klimatet. Biobränslen och elektrifierade flyg är hållbara lösningar som är mer troliga för framtiden då priset på biobränslen är väldigt högt idag och elektrifierade flyg är långt ifrån redo att ersätta dagens jet-flyg. Därmed är klimatkompensation det bästa alternativet för att reducera nettoutsläpp idag. Kortsiktiga rekommendationer för en prisjämförelsesite är att vara involverande i övergången till mer hållbara bränslen genom att erbjuda kunder ett alternativ till att köpa biobränsle i kombination med att klimatkompensera. För att styra industrin i en mer hållbar riktning bör en flygprisjämförelsesite ge stöd i form av investeringar och samarbeten med organisationer och företag som arbetar med hållbara framtidslösningar som exempelvis utveckling av elektriska flygplan. Långsiktiga lösningar är att kontinuerligt hålla sig uppdaterade med den senaste forskningen och kunskapsexpertisen inom industrin för att anpassa sitt klimatkompensationsalternativ i framtiden. Denna studie ska betraktas som en informell grund för företag inom flygindustrin att påverka en övergång till en mer hållbar flygindustri samt utveckla sitt klimatkompensationsalternativ i framtiden. Studien innehåller ej empiriska data från alla intressenter inom flygbranschen och skall därför ses som begränsad.

Carbon Offsetting and Sustainable Aviation : A study of contemporary and future sustainable aviation via carbon offsetting

Nilson, Kasper, Tuvlind, Anton January 2020 (has links)
The aviation industry stands for about 2% of the global CO2 emissions and constitutes a large portion of what the individual can affect by their own decision making. A direct round-trip Stockholm to New York consumes about 50% of an individual's annual CO2 budget. This paper studies what role carbon offsetting has in the transition towards sustainable aviation. Sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs), electrical aviation and abstaining from flying are also considered as potential approaches to making aviation more sustainable. The research method is both empirical and theoretical. Empirically, a Carbon Offsetting Assessment Framework evaluates airlines’ and online travel agencies’ (OTAs’) work with carbon offsetting and SAF. This is done from a Sweden-centric perspective. The airlines BRA, KLM and SAS score highest. Theoretically, a discussion of the dynamics of the aviation industry’s transition into sustainability is carried out through the multi-level perspective (MLP). Carbon offsetting is considered the best short-term solution for sustainable aviation due to availability and costefficiency. SAF is currently too expensive and the usage too low to yield significant emission reductions but is a promising mid-term solution. In the long-run, electrical aviation is the solution that has the potential to lower direct emissions to almost zero but it relies on major energy storage development and is not commercially viable today. The study also explains why carbon offsetting not should be used as a letter of indulgence but still is a good way to be certain that climate positive actions happen now and not are postponed or not happen at all. / Flygindustrin står för ungefär 2% av de globala CO2-utsläppen och utgör en stor andel av vad individen kan påverka genom sitt eget beslutsfattande. En direktresa tur- och retur Stockholm till New York konsumerar ungefär 50% av en individs ärliga CO2-budget. Den här studien undersöker vilken roll klimatkompensation har i en övergång mot hållbart flyg. Hållbart flygbränsle (SAF), elflyg och att avstå från att flyga har också utvärderats som potentiella tillvägagångssätt för att göra flyget mer hållbart. Studiens forskningsmetod är både empirisk och teoretisk. En modell för att empiriskt utvärdera flygbolags och onlineresebyråers (OTAs) arbete med klimatkompensation och SAF appliceras på en Sverigecentriskt urval av aktörer. Flygbolagen BRA, KLM och SAS får högst poäng. Vidare förs en teoretisk diskussion om dynamiken i flygbranschens övergång mot hållbart flyg genom “the multi-level perspective” (MLP). Klimatkompensation anses vara den bästa kortsiktiga lösningen för hållbart flyg eftersom det är tillgängligt och kostnadseffektivt. SAF är idag för dyrt och användandet för lågt för att resultera i betydelsefulla utsläppsminskningar men är icke desto mindre en lovande teknik på medellång sikt. På lång sikt är elflyg lösningen som har potential att minska direktutsläpp till nästan noll men det står och faller med avsevärd teknikutveckling inom energilagring och är inte kommersiellt tillgängligt idag. Studien förklarar också varför klimatkompensation inte borde användas som ett avlatsbrev men att det fortfarande är ett bra sätt att försäkra sig om att klimatpositiva handlingar sker idag och inte blir uppskjutna eller uteblir.

Crise climatique et aviation : l’enjeu de la réduction d’émissions

Bertheux-Laurent, Méloée 04 1900 (has links)
Le présent mémoire a pour but la présentation des mécanismes permettant une réduction des émissions de gaz à effets de serre du secteur du transport aérien dans le contexte de la crise climatique . L’aviation est un domaine essentiel à la croissance des transports et des États, mais il s’agit d’une industrie polluante. Son aspect transfrontière et intrinsèquement international a demandé un encadrement au-delà des frontières. Les États se sont accordés sur la nécessité de solutions globales, notamment par l’entremise de conventions internationales, présentant des avancées, mais aussi des faiblesses. Le Protocole de Kyoto a confié à l’Organisation de l’aviation civile internationale (OACI), le soin de régler la question environnementale au niveau de l’aviation civile internationale. Ce mandat, donné à l’OACI, ne s’est pas fait sans embûche, notamment dans sa relation avec la mesure de marché de l’Union européenne, le système d’échange de quotas d’émissions (SEQE). Le droit européen ne s’applique qu’à une échelle régionale, mais son impact n’en demeure pas moins important. De plus, en parallèle de l’Union, l’OACI a elle aussi créé sa propre mesure de marché, le Carbone Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA). Le mémoire présentera ainsi certaines des conventions internationales utiles sur le changement climatique, signées et ratifiées dans le but d’une baisse des gaz à effets de serre au niveau mondial. Dans le prolongement de ces textes et plus particulièrement le Protocole de Kyoto, il sera étudié les mesures de marchés mises en place par l’Union européenne, qui est concurrencée par celle de l’OACI, le CORSIA. / The purpose of this brief is to present the mechanisms that will enable the civil aviation sector to flourish in the face of the climate crisis. Aviation is essential to growth, but it is a polluting industry. Its cross-border and intrinsically international nature requires a framework that transcends borders. States have agreed on the need for global solutions, through international conventions. However, these are not sufficient in themselves to enable the aviation sector to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. The Kyoto Protocol, which is not called into question by the 2016 Paris Agreement, entrusts the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) with the task of regulating these issues at the level of international civil aviation. Another source of law also deals with these issues: European law. Although this is a regional competence, its impact is nonetheless essential. The brief will present some of the international conventions on climate change that have been signed and ratified to reduce greenhouse gases. It will also look at the market measures put in place by both the ICAO and the European Union to reduce the sector's emissions.

The carbon tax as a market-based enforcement mechanism to ensure compliance with environmental law and address pollution

Van der Merwe, Timothy David 04 December 2018 (has links)
This study emanates from the worldwide issue of climate change, as well as the need for all nations to make an effort to reduce their carbon emissions and move towards greener economies. It delves into South Africa's current command-and-control environmental enforcement regime and highlights the pitfalls that allow major air polluters to avoid sanction of any form in many instances. This poor environmental enforcement and compliance effectively means that South Africa is unlikely to be capable of meeting targets set under international agreements. The study confirms that environmental enforcement is inadequately addressed in South Africa. This is attributable to the inherent shortcomings of command-and-control approaches, including that they are inflexible and offer few incentives for firms to modify behaviour to reduce emissions. Poor enforcement of environmental legislation results in negative externalities caused by air pollution being borne by people who did not create such pollution. The study therefore advocates the use of market-based mechanisms as an alternative to traditional command-and-control approaches to environmental enforcement. In light of the South African government's recent publication of the Draft Carbon Tax Bill, carbon taxes as a subset of market-based environmental enforcement mechanisms have the potential to better enforce the polluter pays principle. Mexico, arguably the most forward-thinking developing nation in terms of climate change mitigation, has taken numerous steps towards meeting international commitments, including the implementation of a carbon tax. While South Africa's proposed carbon tax does differ from Mexico's in some respects, the basic premise remains the same and some comparisons can be made in this regard, with accompanying lessons to be learned. Such lessons include that it is imperative that the carbon tax must be set at a high enough rate to meet international commitments whilst at the same time avoiding adverse economic effects, maintaining social welfare and stabilising economic output levels. The proposed carbon tax, while unable to achieve this on its own, is a good place to start and should be utilised in conjunction with the Draft Climate Change Bill to effectively and efficaciously bring about the required change. The proposed carbon tax undoubtedly has the potential to better hold major air polluters responsible for their CO2 and other GHG emissions. / Private Law / LL. M.

Assessment of trade-offs between timber and carbon values of Pterocarpus angolensis (Kiaat) in the Kavango Region of Namibia : a comparison of current and potential values

Moses, Moses 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScFor)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Kiaat trees in Namibia are threatened by unsustainable harvesting practice. This study’s aim was to estimate the total value of an average Kiaat tree selected for harvesting with a focus on current timber use value, value of an optimally utilised tree, carbon value, and alternative uses of Kiaat trees. To accomplish this aim, the following specific objectives were set: (1) to estimate the total tree volume and optimum utilisable timber volume of an average Kiaat tree; (2) to estimate the amount and value of carbon stored in the above-ground parts of an average Kiaat tree; (3) to determine timber utilisation levels; and (4) to identify alternative use options to reduce timber losses of Kiaat trees. Previous studies on Kiaat in Namibia and elsewhere focused on growth, development and socio-economical aspects of Kiaat trees. A combination of a socio-economic survey and tree volumes and biomass determination was used to collect data. The survey entailed Kiaat products assessment and face-to-face personal interviews with known key-informants in and around Rundu. Loggers with permits to harvest Kiaat trees were asked to harvest 40 Kiaat trees and data collected from each tree before and after felling included: lower-stem diameter, diameter at breast height (DBH), upper-stem diameter, stem length, stump height, recovered merchantable logs lengths and lower-and-upper diameters and lengths of branches greater than 10 cm in diameter. All canopy parts smaller than 10 cm in diameter were directly weighed, sampled and oven-dried at 105°C until constant weight. Volume of different tree parts was calculated and in combination with basic wood density used to calculate the biomass. It was established that a typically harvested Kiaat tree had an above-ground dry volume of 1.63 m3, of which 1.34 m3 (82%) was utilisable timber volume but that only 0.37 m3 (23%) was used and 0.97 m3 (59%) was left behind in the field. Merchantable logs were mainly cut into planks from which finished products - beds, chairs, doors and tables - were made. An average of 10.7 planks were cut per trunk and the local price of planks was N$45.26 at the time of the study. More income is generated from finished products compared to selling loose planks. Canopy parts were mainly cut into woodcrafts – bowls, music drums, and walking sticks. Current timber use value (N$484.73) surpasses carbon value (N$123.74). A further result of the study was that a significantly higher income could be earned for local livelihoods from Kiaat trees in the Kavango Region if trees were optimally used. Carbon trading is a noble conservation initiative, particularly when trees unsuitable for timber are considered. Use of timber trees exclusively for carbon trading is, however, not a viable option in respect of supporting local people’s livelihoods. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kiaatbome in Namibië word bedreig deur onvolhoubare ontginningspraktyke. Die doelwit van die studie was om die totale waarde van ‘n gemiddelde Kiaatboom, wat gekies is vir ontginning, te bepaal met die fokus op huidige houtwaarde, waarde van ‘n optimaal gebruikte boom, koolstofwaarde en alternatiewe gebruike vir Kiaatbome. Om hierdie doelwit te bereik is die volgende spesifieke sub-doelwitte gestel: (1) bepaal die totale boomvolume en optimale bruikbare houtvolume van ‘n gemiddelde Kiaatboom; (2) bepaal die hoeveelheid koolstof wat in die bogrondse dele van ‘n gemiddelde Kiaatboom gestoor word en bereken die monitêrewaarde daarvan; (3) bepaal die houtgebruiksvlakke en houtvermorsing van Kiaatbome; en (4) identifiseer alternatiewe gebruike om die vermorsing van Kiaatbome te verminder. Vorige studies oor Kiaat in Namibië en elders het gefokus op groei, ontwikkeling en sosio-ekonomiese aspekte van Kiaatbome. ‘n Kombinasie van ‘n sosio-ekonomiese opname en boomvolume en biomassa bepalings is gebruik vir die insameling van data. Die opname het ‘n Kiaat produkbepaling en gesig-tot-gesig persoonlike onderhoude met sleutel informante in en om Rundu behels. Boomkappers met permitte om kiaatbome te ontgin is gevra om 40 Kiaatbome te ontgin en data is versamel van elke boom voor en na ontginning. Die data het ingesluit: lae-stam deursnee, deursnee op borshoogte (DBH), bo-stam deursnee, stamlengte, stomphoogte, herwinde bruikbare stomplengte, bo- en onder- deursnee en lengtes van takke wat 10 cm of groter deursnee het. All kroondele 10 cm en kleiner in deursnee is geweeg en ‘n steekproef versamel wat oondroog gemaak is by 105ºC totdat konstante gewig bereik is. Die volume van verskillende boomdele is bereken en in kombinasie met houtdigtheid gebruik om biomassa te bereken. Dit is bereken dat ‘n tipiese geoeste Kiaatboom ‘n bogrondse droë volume van 1.63 m³ het, waarvan 1.34 m³ (82%) bruikbare houtvolume is. Net 0.37 m³ (23%) van die bruikbare houtvolume is egter gebruik en 0.97 m³ (59%) is agtergelaat in die veld. Bruikbare stompe is meestal opgesaag in planke waarvan finale produkte soos beddens, stoele, deure en tafels gemaak is. ‘n Gemiddeld van 10.7 planke is verkry per stomp en die plaaslike prys van planke was N$45.26 gedurende die studie tydperk. Meer inkomste is verkry van finale produkte as van die verkoop van los planke. Kroondele is meestal opgesaag in houtkunswerke soos bakke, musiekdromme en kieries. Die huidige houtwaarde van N$484.73 is meer as die koolstof waarde (N$123.74) van die bome. ‘n Belangrike resultaat van die studie is dat ‘n beduidende groter inkomste gegenereer kan word vir plaaslike lewensbestaan van Kiaatbome in die Kavangostreek as bome optimaal benut word. Koolstofhandel is ‘n edele bewaringskonsep, veral as bome ongeskik vir houtgebruik is soos in die geval van krom bome en jonger bome. Die eksklusiewe gebruik van houtbome vir koolstofhandel is nie ‘n lewensvatbare opsie om plaaslike mense se lewensbestaan te ondersteun nie.

Recognition, measurement and reporting for cap and trade schemes in the agricultural sector

Maina, Peter Njuguna 05 1900 (has links)
The pressing global demand to transform to a low-carbon business community, which is required by the urgency of mitigating climate change, significantly alters the operating procedures for carbon emitters and carbon revenue generators alike. Although agricultural activities are not considered as heavy carbon emission source, the increased public focus on climate change has catapulted the exploitation of sustainable agricultural land management mitigating strategies as intervention by the sector. Additionally, the focus on market-based mechanism to address climate change, which has led to the evolution of cap-and-trade schemes, makes the agricultural sector become a source of low-cost carbon offsets. However, the fact that cap-and-trade schemes in the agricultural sector are voluntary has resulted into not only very diverse farming practices but also diverse accounting practices. The consequences of the diversity practices are that, the impacts on financial performance and position are not comparable. Therefore, the overall objective of this study was to investigate the recognition, measurement and disclosure for cap-and-trade schemes in the agricultural sectors This study was conducted through literature reviews and empirical test. A qualitative research approach utilising constructivist methodology was employed. Primary data was collected in Kenya by administering three sets of semi-structured questionnaires to drafters of financial statements, loan officers and financial consultants. Secondary data involved content analysis of financial statements and reports of listed entities across the globe. It was established that proper accounting for cap-and-trade schemes adaptation activities is critical to the success of an entity’s environmental portfolio. Additionally, a model for valuing an organisation's carbon capture potential as suggested by this study enables entities to better report the impact of the adaptation activities on the financial performance and financial position. The outcome of this study enables entities to integrate the carbon capture potential on an entity sustainability reporting framework. / Colleges of Economic and Management Sciences / D. Phil. (Accounting Science)

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