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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Using Expired Air Carbon Monoxide to Determine Smoking Status During Pregnancy: Preliminary Identification of an Appropriately Sensitive and Specific Cut-Point

Bailey, Beth A. 01 October 2013 (has links)
Background: Measurement of carbon monoxide in expired air samples (ECO) is a non-invasive, cost-effective biochemical marker for smoking. Cut points of 6. ppm-10. ppm have been established, though appropriate cut-points for pregnant woman have been debated due to metabolic changes. This study assessed whether an ECO cut-point identifying at least 90% of pregnant smokers, and misidentifying fewer than 10% of non-smokers, could be established. Methods: Pregnant women (N=167) completed a validated self-report smoking assessment, a urine drug screen for cotinine (UDS), and provided an expired air sample twice during pregnancy. Results: Half of women reported non-smoking status early (51%) and late (53%) in pregnancy, confirmed by UDS. Using a traditional 8. ppm. +. cut-point for the early pregnancy reading, only 1% of non-smokers were incorrectly identified as smokers, but only 56% of all smokers, and 67% who smoked 5. + cigarettes in the previous 24. h, were identified. However, at 4. ppm. +, only 8% of non-smokers were misclassified as smokers, and 90% of all smokers and 96% who smoked 5. + cigarettes in the previous 24. h were identified. False positives were explained by heavy second hand smoke exposure and marijuana use. Results were similar for late pregnancy ECO, with ROC analysis revealing an area under the curve of 95 for early pregnancy, and 94 for late pregnancy readings. Conclusions: A lower 4. ppm ECO cut-point may be necessary to identify pregnant smokers using expired air samples, and this cut-point appears valid throughout pregnancy. Work is ongoing to validate findings in larger samples, but it appears if an appropriate cut-point is used, ECO is a valid method for determining smoking status in pregnancy.

Using Expired Air Carbon Monoxide to Determine Smoking Status During Pregnancy: Preliminary Identification of an Appropriately Sensitive and Specific Cut-Point

Bailey, Beth A. 01 October 2013 (has links)
Background: Measurement of carbon monoxide in expired air samples (ECO) is a non-invasive, cost-effective biochemical marker for smoking. Cut points of 6. ppm-10. ppm have been established, though appropriate cut-points for pregnant woman have been debated due to metabolic changes. This study assessed whether an ECO cut-point identifying at least 90% of pregnant smokers, and misidentifying fewer than 10% of non-smokers, could be established. Methods: Pregnant women (N=167) completed a validated self-report smoking assessment, a urine drug screen for cotinine (UDS), and provided an expired air sample twice during pregnancy. Results: Half of women reported non-smoking status early (51%) and late (53%) in pregnancy, confirmed by UDS. Using a traditional 8. ppm. +. cut-point for the early pregnancy reading, only 1% of non-smokers were incorrectly identified as smokers, but only 56% of all smokers, and 67% who smoked 5. + cigarettes in the previous 24. h, were identified. However, at 4. ppm. +, only 8% of non-smokers were misclassified as smokers, and 90% of all smokers and 96% who smoked 5. + cigarettes in the previous 24. h were identified. False positives were explained by heavy second hand smoke exposure and marijuana use. Results were similar for late pregnancy ECO, with ROC analysis revealing an area under the curve of 95 for early pregnancy, and 94 for late pregnancy readings. Conclusions: A lower 4. ppm ECO cut-point may be necessary to identify pregnant smokers using expired air samples, and this cut-point appears valid throughout pregnancy. Work is ongoing to validate findings in larger samples, but it appears if an appropriate cut-point is used, ECO is a valid method for determining smoking status in pregnancy.

The Pathophysiology of Smoking During Pregnancy: A Systems Biology Approach

Stone, William L., Bailey, Beth, Khraisha, Nesreen 01 June 2014 (has links)
This article focuses on a systems biology approach to studying the pathophysiology of cigarette smoking during pregnancy. Particular emphasis is given to the damaging role of oxidative stress. Cigarette smoking exerts multiple adverse affects but abundant evidence, mostly in adults, suggests that oxidative stress and free radical damage is a major pathophysiological factor. Smoking during pregnancy is known to contribute to numerous poor birth outcomes, such as low birth weight, preterm birth as well as life-long health and developmental problems. It is clinically important to know the separate contributions that cigarette derived-nicotine and smoking-induced free oxidative stress make to these poor outcomes. Surprisingly, the extent to which smoking dependent oxidative stress contributes to these poor outcomes is not well studied but the application of redox proteomics should be useful. Considerable biochemical evidence suggests that antioxidants, such as tocopherols and ascorbate, could be useful in minimizing oxidative stress induced pathology to the developing fetus in those women who, despite medical advice, continue to smoke. Nevertheless, this suggestion has yet to be tested in well-designed clinical studies.

Metal Oxide Nanofibers as Filters, Catalyst and Catalyst Support Structures

Swaminathan, Sneha 05 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Synthese metallorganischer Gerüstverbindungen und poröser Polymere für den Einsatz in der Katalyse, Sensorik und Stofftrennung

Nickerl, Georg 20 August 2014 (has links)
Poröse Materialien zeichnen sich durch hohe spezifische Oberflächen bzw. hohe spezifische Porenvolumina aus. Dies macht sie zu geeigneten Kandidaten für die Gasspeicherung, Stofftrennung und die heterogene Katalyse, die Hauptanwendungsgebiete poröser Materialien. Um poröse Materialien hinsichtlich der eben genannten Anwendungsfelder zu optimieren ist es von entscheidender Bedeutung, sie hinsichtlich ihrer jeweiligen Anwendung maßzuschneidern. Eine Klasse hochporöser Materialien, bei der das Maßschneidern der Poren möglich ist, ist die der metallorganischen Gerüstverbindungen [engl. Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs)]. MOFs zeichnen sich durch einen modularen Aufbau aus, der ein systematisches Design der Poren erlaubt. Auch poröse Polymere können durch Funktionalisierung der entsprechenden Monomere hinsichtlich verschiedener Anwendungsgebiete gezielt synthetisiert werden. Ein Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Integration des Metalls Rhodium als knotenbildendes Element in ein MOF. Dazu wurde Rhodium(II)-acetat, welches bereits das Schaufelradmotiv enthält, mit den trifunktionellen Carbonsäuren Trimesinsäure und 4,4´,4´´ Benzen-1,3,5-triyl-tribenzoesäure zu den MOFs DUT 82 und DUT 83 umgesetzt. Das Schaufelradmotiv als sekundäre Baueinheit in DUT-82 konnte durch röntgenabsorptionspektroskopische Untersuchungen nachgewiesen werden. Nach überkritischem Trocknen gefolgt von thermischer Aktivierung zeigten DUT-82 und DUT-83 eine permanente Porosität mit spezifischen BET-Oberflächen von bis zu 1150 m2g-1. Weiterhin konnte für DUT-82 eine sehr hohe Affinität zu Kohlenmonoxid, die selten für MOFs beobachtet wird, nachgewiesen werden. Berechnungen der Adsorptionsenthalpie ergaben bei niedrigen Beladungen einen Wert von ungefähr 50 kJmol-1, was für eine Chemisorption von Kohlenmonoxid an DUT-82 bei niedrigen Drücken spricht. Weiterhin zeigten katalytische Untersuchungen, dass sich DUT-82 als heterogener Hydrierkatalysator eignet. In einer Modellreaktion konnte Styrol erfolgreich zu Ethylbenzen umgesetzt werden. In einem weiteren Teil der Arbeit sollte ein MOF synthetisiert werden, das Stabilität und eine hohe Kapazität für Schwefelwasserstoff miteinander vereint. Eine Klasse bereits bekannter MOFs mit hoher Stabilität basiert auf dem [Zr6O4(OH)4]12+-Cluster. Durch Kombination des [Zr6O4(OH)4]12+-Clusters mit Bipyridindicarboxylat konnte das MOF UiO-67(bipy) hergestellt werden, welches isostrukturell zu UiO 67 ist. Untersuchungen an UiO 67(bipy) zeigten, dass das unbeladene Netzwerk keinen Schwefelwasserstoff adsorbiert. Die Bipyridinfunktionalität wurde anschließend für die permanente Integration weiterer Metallzentren (Metall = Cu, Ni, Co) genutzt. Dazu wurde UiO-67(bipy) zu wässrigen oder ethanolischen Metallsalzlösungen gegeben und es kam zur Adsorption der Metallsalze aus der Flüssigphase. Durch die postsynthetische Integration der Metallsalze konnte die Adsorptionskapazität der resultierenden Metallsalz@UiO-67(bipy)-Materialien für Schwefelwasserstoff bis auf 8 Gew.% gesteigert werden. Neben Adsorption und Katalyse ist die Sensorik ein weiteres Anwendungsfeld von MOFs. Eine organische Einheit, die sich als sensitive Komponente für eine Integration in ein MOF anbietet, ist Dihydro-1,2,4,5-tetrazin, das zu 1,2,4,5-Tetrazin oxidiert werden kann. Das bemerkenswerte Merkmal dieser Reaktion ist der radikale Farbwechsel von Gelb nach Pink. Nach erfolgreicher Synthese der Dihydro-1,2,4,5-tetrazindicarbonsäure sollte sie durch Kombination mit dem [Zr6O4(OH)4]12+-Cluster zu einem UiO-66 analogen Netzwerk in ein stabiles Netzwerk integriert werden. Da die direkte Syntheseroute eines UiO-66 analogen Netzwerks nicht zum Erfolg führte, wurde die mildere Variante des Linkeraustauschs gewählt. Über diese Route konnte das Dihydro-1,2,4,5-tetrazindicarboxylat erfolgreich partiell in das UiO-66 Netzwerk integriert werden. Anschließende Untersuchungen zeigten, dass die in das Netzwerk eingebaute Dihydro-1,2,4,5-tetrazin-Einheit sowohl in der Flüssig- als auch in der Gasphase erfolgreich oxidiert werden kann, was durch UV/vis-Messungen belegt werden konnte. Eine weitere Klasse poröser Materialien, die hervorragende chemische Stabilität aufweist, ist die der konjugierten Triazin-Netzwerke. Sie entstehen durch Cyclotrimerisierung multifunktioneller Nitrile. Durch geschickte Wahl der Monomere ist eine Funktionalisierung der Triazin-Netzwerke möglich. Um ein chirales Triazin-Netzwerk zu synthetisieren, wurde Spirobiindan erfolgreich mit Nitrilgruppen funktionalisiert. Die Umsetzung des Monomers in einer Zinkchlorid-Schmelze führte zu porösen Polymeren mit spezifischen BET-Oberflächen von bis zu 1180 m2g 1. Dabei konnte die Porengrößenverteilung des Triazin-Netzwerkes durch Variation des Verhältnisses von Zinkchlorid zu Monomer gezielt eingestellt werden. Die Polymersynthese erfolgte mit einer racemischen Mischung des Monomers und führte somit zu einem achiralen Polymer. Erste Untersuchungen zeigten, dass eine Trennung des racemisch vorliegenden Monomers mittels Hochleistungsflüssigchromatographie möglich ist. Die Imidazoliumgruppe ist eine weitere Baueinheit, die in Triazin-Polymere integriert werden sollte, da sie leicht in ein N-Heterocyclisches Carben überführt werden kann. N-Neterocyclische Carbene können direkt als Katalysator bzw. als Ligand für eine Vielzahl von Metallen zur Generierung eines Katalysators genutzt werden. Über mehrstufige Synthesen konnten zwei nitrilfunktionalisierte Imidazoliumsalze hergestellt werden. Die anschließende Cyclotrimerisierung führte zu porösen Polymeren mit spezifischen BET-Oberflächen von bis zu 680 m2g-1. Erste katalytische Untersuchungen zum Einsatz dieser Triazin-Netzwerke in Umpolungsreaktionen von Zimtaldehyd mit 2,2,2 Trifluoracetophenon zeigten jedoch lediglich einen geringen Umsatz zum gewünschten Produkt.


Osborn, Tim H. 05 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.


[pt] Os catalisadores de Ni/ZrO2, Ni/CaZrO2, Ni/SiO2 e Ni/Mg(Al)O foram empregados na reação de metanação do CO2. Os catalisadores foram caracterizados por XPS, XRD e os dados foram tratados pelo método de refinamento de Rietveld, EPR, TPR, TPSR de CO2 [mais] H2 e CO [mais] H2, reação modelo de desidrogenação do ciclohexano, TPD de CO2, análise química (FRX) e área superficial (BET). Com o objetivo de investigar o papel do suporte durante a metanação do CO2, os catalisadores foram preparados de modo a se obter a mesma área metálica de níquel. Os comportamentos catalíticos desses catalisadores na metanação do CO2 foram avaliados através de testes catalíticos convencionais e da taxa da reação. O catalisador Ni/ZrO2 apresentou maior atividade e seletividade para a metanação de CO2 quando comparado com os catalisadores de Ni/Mg(Al) O e Ni/SiO2. Sugere-se que as vacâncias de oxigênio sejam responsáveis pelo melhor desempenho do catalisador Ni/ZrO2. Ca foi adicionado ao catalisador Ni/ZrO2 com o objetivo de aumentar as vacâncias oxigênio. A área da superfície metálica do catalisador contendo Ca não se alterou, enquanto a taxa de consumo de CO2 quase triplicou. As análises de DRX, XPS e EPR mostraram que principalmente Ca[mais]2, mas também ions de Ni2[mais] estão na superfície da rede de ZrO2 no catalisador Ni/CaZrO2. Esses cátions formam vacâncias de oxigênio e pares de sítios de coordenação insaturados (cus), os quais são pares de sítios básicos e ácidos fortes. Em resumo, os dados obtidos indicaram que aumentando a concentração destes pares de sítios pela adição de Ca no Ni/ZrO2, não só aumenta a quantidade de CO2 adsorvido, mas também aumenta o número de sitios ativos da etapa limitante da reação. / [en] The Ni/ZrO2, Ni/CaZrO2, Ni/SiO2 and Ni/Mg(Al)O catalysts were employed in the CO2 methanation. The catalysts were characterized by XPS (reduced in situ and passivated), XRD (reduced in situ and passivated along with Rietveld refinement), EPR, TPSR of CO2 plus H2 and CO plus H2, cyclohexane dehydrogenation model reaction, CO2-TPD and chemical analysis. The metallic area of all of these catalysts was prepared to be similar among them in order to investigate the role of the support during the methanation of CO2. The behaviors of these catalysts in the CO2 methanation were analyzed employing a conventional catalytic test. The Ni/ZrO2 catalyst exhibited the highest activity and selectivity toward the methanation of CO2 against Ni/Mg(Al)O and Ni/SiO2. Oxygen vacancies are suggested to be responsible for the excellent performance of the Ni/ZrO2 catalyst. Based on the above, Ca was added to the Ni/ZrO2 catalyst, the metallic area did not change whereas the CO2 consumption rate almost tripled. The XRD, XPS and EPR analyses showed that mainly Ca positive 2 but also some Ni2 positive are on the ZrO2 lattice surface of the Ni/CaZrO2 catalyst. These cations form oxygen vacancies and unsaturated coordination sites (cus) pairs, which are strong basic and acid sites pairs, respectively. In short, increasing the concentration of these pairs by adding Ca to Ni/ZrO2, not only does the amount of CO2 adsorbed increase, but also the number of active sites of the rate limiting step, which is enhanced leading to an increase of the Zr based catalyst activity in the CO2 methanation.

Development of photocatalytic and photothermal steam reforming of methane / 光触媒的および光熱変換的メタン水蒸気改質反応の開発

SARWANA, WIRYA 23 March 2023 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第24693号 / 人博第1066号 / 新制||人||250(附属図書館) / 2022||人博||1066(吉田南総合図書館) / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科相関環境学専攻 / (主査)教授 吉田 寿雄, 教授 田部 勢津久, 教授 中村 敏浩, 教授 寺村 謙太郎 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DFAM

Mobile Laboratory Measurement of Black Carbon, Particulate Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Other Exhaust Emissions in Mexico City

Jiang, Mei 28 March 2005 (has links)
Black carbon (BC) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are two atmospheric pollutants produced by motor vehicles using carbonaceous fuels. As a part of the Mexico City Project, measurements of BC, PPAHs and many other gas- and particle-phase emissions were measured in Mexico City using a mobile laboratory during the Mexico City Metropolitan Area field campaign in April 2003 (MCMA-2003). The main goal of this research is to estimate emissions of BC and particulate PAHs (PPAHs) for Mexico City's vehicle fleet. The emissions of gas-phase pollutants such as carbon monoxide (CO), total nitrogen oxides (NOy) and volatile organic compounds (VOC) are also estimated. The mobile lab has previously been used to chase vehicles and measure their emissions, but analysis has traditionally focused on determining emission factors of individual vehicles associated with specific chasing events. The laboratory continuously samples ambient air from an inlet at the front of the van, and it is always "seeing" exhaust plumes from the vehicles around it while driving through traffic. We have developed an algorithm that automatically identifies the exhaust plume measurement points, which are then used as the basis for calculation of emission factors. In the nearly 90 hours of on-road sampling during the field campaign, we have identified ~30,000 exhaust measurement points. The large sample size enables us to estimate fleet-average emission factors and thus the emission inventory. Motor vehicles are estimated to emit annually 1,960 tons of BC, 56.2 tons of PPAHs, 1,320,000 tons of CO, 125,000 tons of NOy and 2440 tons of VOCs. The spatial and temporal patterns of BC and PPAHs in different locations with in MCMA are also studied. / Master of Science

Biomethanation of syngas: identification of metabolic pathways from CO in a natural anaerobic consortium

Sancho Navarro, Silvia 06 1900 (has links)
Au cours des dernières décennies, l’intérêt pour la gazéification de biomasses a considérablement augmenté, notamment en raison de la grande efficacité de recouvrement énergétique de ce procédé par rapport aux autres procédés de génération de bioénergies. Les composants majoritaires du gaz de synthèse, le monoxyde de carbone (CO) et l’hydrogène (H2) peuvent entre autres servir de substrats à divers microorganismes qui peuvent produire une variété de molécules chimiques d’intérêts, ou encore produire des biocarburants, particulièrement le méthane. Il est donc important d'étudier les consortiums méthanogènes naturels qui, en syntrophie, serait en mesure de convertir le gaz de synthèse en carburants utiles. Cette étude évalue principalement le potentiel de méthanisation du CO par un consortium microbien issu d’un réacteur de type UASB, ainsi que les voies métaboliques impliquées dans cette conversion en conditions mésophiles. Des tests d’activité ont donc été réalisés avec la boue anaérobie du réacteur sous différentes pressions partielles de CO variant de 0.1 à 1,65 atm (0.09 à 1.31 mmol CO/L), en présence ou absence de certains inhibiteurs métaboliques spécifiques. Dès le départ, la boue non acclimatée au CO présente une activité carboxidotrophique relativement intéressante et permet une croissance sur le CO. Les tests effectués avec de l’acide 2- bromoethanesulfonique (BES) ou avec de la vancomycine démontrent que le CO est majoritairement consommé par les bactéries acétogènes avant d’être converti en méthane par les méthanogènes acétotrophes. De plus, un plus grand potentiel de méthanisation a pu être atteint sous une atmosphère constituée uniquement de CO en acclimatant auparavant la boue. Cette adaptation est caractérisée par un changement dans la population microbienne désormais dominée par les méthanogènes hydrogénotrophes. Ceci suggère un potentiel de production à large échelle de biométhane à partir du gaz de synthèse avec l’aide de biofilms anaérobies. / Syngas produced through the thermal gasification of biomass for energy recovery has received increased attention in the past decades due to its higher efficiency compared to other bioenergy processes. The gas components of syngas, CO and H2, can serve as substrates for the conversion of desirable chemicals and fuels, namely methane, by a wide range of microorganisms. Meanwhile, anaerobic wastewater-treating sludges have been reported as good sources of carboxidotrophic microorganisms which can be exploited for methane production. Thus it is important to investigate existing methanogenic consortiums which, in syntrophy, are able to convert syngas into useful fuels. This study is mainly focused on the assessment of the carboxidotrophic methanogenic potential present in a natural consortium of microorganisms from a UASB reactor and the identification of CO conversion routes to methane under mesophilic temperatures. To achieve this, a series of kinetic-activity tests with the anaerobic sludge were performed under CO partial pressures varying from 0.1 to 1.65 atm (0.09-1.31 mmol/L) in both the presence and absence of specific metabolic inhibitors. The non-adapted sludge presented an interesting carboxidotrophic activity potential for growing conditions on CO alone. Inhibition experiments with 2- bromoethanesulfonic acid (BES) and vancomycin showed that CO was converted mainly to acetate by acetogenic bacteria, which was further transformed to methane by acetoclastic methanogens. Moreover, it was possible to achieve higher methanogenic potential under 100% CO by acclimation of the sludge. This adaptation led to a shift in the microbial population predominated by hydrogenophilic methanogens. This suggests a possible enrichment potential with anaerobic biofilms for large scale methane production from CO-rich syngas, and further advances the knowledge base for anaerobic reactor development.

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