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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sociálně aktivizační služby v domově pro seniory. Rozdíly v poskytování sociálně aktivizační služby z personálního hlediska v domovech pro seniory na území hlavního města Prahy / Social activation services in a retirement home. Differences in the provision of social activation services from a personnel point of view in retirement homes in the territory of the capital city of Prague

Mrázková, Eva January 2021 (has links)
(in English): The diploma thesis deals with the differences in the provision of social activation services from the personnel point of view in homes for the elderly. Its aim is to focus on the difference in the personnel implementation of the social activation service of the staff of the retirement home, due to their qualifications and the nature of work in this facility. In my work, I am looking for an answer to the question: "Who should perform social activation services in a retirement home?". In the theoretical part I present the concepts of aging, the theory of aging, old age and related changes in old age, adaptation and preparation. Description of the retirement home, social work in it and then the nature of the work and qualifications of the social worker, the worker in social services and the activating worker in the home for the elderly. The last chapter is activation, in which I deal with the activation program and communication within the activation. I process the practical part with the help of qualitative research in the form of a semi- structured interview. I am looking for an answer to who should perform a social activation service in the retirement home. My respondents are activation workers or social workers and social care assistant, who carry out activation in the facility....
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Vliv ošetřovatelských časopisů na rozvoj ošetřovatelství / The effect of nursing magazines on the development of nursing

BLÁHOVÁ, Marie January 2007 (has links)
This thesis ascertains the influence of nursing magazines on the development of nursing. The first aim of the thesis was to perform historical analysis of nursing magazines from their emergence to the present. I would like to state on the basis of the historical analysis processed that nursing magazines do influence the development of nursing in large measure. I analyzed six nursing magazines in total {--} Diplomovaná sestra (Graduated nurse), Zdravotnická pracovnice (Health care worker), Sestra (Nurse), Ošetřovatelství (Nursing), Diagnózy v ošetřovatelství (Diagnoses in nursing), Florence. The aim was met in my opinion, which I comment further in the theoretical part. The practical part includes research results, 17 diagrams, discussion and annex. The research is quantitative, performed with the help of the technique of a questionnaire consisting of 16 questions. I can state on the base of the results that nursing magazines have influence on introduction of new nursing procedures and aids by nurses-managers into health care practice in the ward, obtained from nursing magazines.

Syndrom vyhoření a jeho vliv na sexualitu nelékařských zdravotnických pracovníků ženského pohlaví na pracovištích neodkladné péče v nefakultních nemocnicích / The Burnout Syndrome and His Influence on Sexuality of Non- Medical Health Care Workers of the Female Sex in Emergency Care Setting in the Non- University Hospitals

Šafaříková, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
ÚVOD: Syndrom vyhoření relativně závažný problém projevující psychosomatickým onemocněním, emocionální vyčerpaností jedince. Vzniká především pomáhajících profesí, jako důsledek chronického stresu, ztráty motivace svém povolání CÍLE Cílem diplomové práce bylo zjistit syndrom vyhoření ovlivňuje sexualitu všeobecných sester pracovištích neodkladné péče v kultních nemocnicích. Výzkumné šetření probíhalo pomocí dvou dotazníků. První standardizovaný dotazník zjišťuje míru syndromu vyhoření, jde o českou verzi Shironomovy škály (Shirom, Melamed, 2006 in Ptáček 2013) Druhý dotazník je zaměřen na xuální funkce ženy (Mellan in Kratochvíl, 1999 . Výzkumný vzorek tvořily všeobecné sestry ženy, pracující na odděleních neodkladné péče v nefakultní nemocnici. VÝSLEDKY vyhodnocení dat bylo použito 62 dotazníků. Byly stanoveny čtyři pracovní hypotézy H1: Předpokládáme, že rozvojem syndromu vyhoření bude klesat žen pracujících jako všeobecná sestra odděleních neodkladné péče v nefakultních nemocnicích pohlavní touha. H2: Předpokládáme, že rozvojem syndromu vyhoření bude klesat acujících jako všeobecná sestra odděleních neodkladné péče nefakultních nemocnicích hodnocení sebe jako sexuální partnerky.H3: Předpokládáme, že nižším dosaženým vzděláním pracující odděleních neodkladné péče nefakultních nemocnicích budou dosahovat...
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Denna dagen, ett liv : En kvalitativ studie om personalens upplevelse av att arbeta inom palliativ vård / This day, a life : A qualitative study of the personnels experience of working in palliative care

Lindström, Klara, Saarela, Amanda January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: I västvärlden har döden kommit längre bort från vardagen. Att ta hand om densom ligger på dödsbädden var förut de närståendes ansvar och den enda professionellasom tillkallades var prästen. De senaste århundradena har detta förändrats. Livetsslutskede har alltmer lagts i professionella händer i takt med att professioner vuxit fram.Att döden inte är en naturlig del av livet på samma sätt som förut har formatnutidsmänniskans syn på döden vilket kan påverka de professionellas syn. Syfte: Attgenom fyra intervjuer belysa hur personal som arbetar inom palliativ vård ser på dödenoch sitt dagliga arbete, samt redogöra för vilken typ av stöd, om något, de får på sinarbetsplats. Metod: Kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med fyra personer som ärverksamma inom palliativ vård. Intervjudeltagarna var en kurator, två sjuksköterskor ochen volontär. Resultat: Det framkom att två av intervjudeltagarna har fått en mer medvetensyn på döden sedan de började arbeta inom palliativ vård. De andra två intervjudeltagarnassyn på döden var relativt oförändrad men för en av dem hade hens syn på livet förändrats.För sjuksköterskorna fanns det inget formellt stöd på arbetsplatsen. För kuratorn fanns detstöd på arbetsplatsen i form av en diakon som de kunde prata med gällande döden,arbetsplatsen hade även möten för personalen. För volontären fanns det stöd i form av enkurator samt en volontärsamordnare. Slutsats: Stödet för personalen skiljer sig åtberoende på vilken arbetsplats de arbetar på. Det är utmanande att möta döden i sitt arbetevilket understryker vikten av både formellt och informellt stöd. Deltagarnas syn på dödenblir inte särskilt förändrad av erfarenheter, om något endast i positiv mening i form avstörre medvetenhet om döden. Intervjudeltagarna verkar gå in i en professionell roll därdöden blir en naturlig del av deras yrke. Professionalisering kan även ske inom ramen fören frivillig uppgift. Det har även framkommit att det behöver utvecklas strategier förspråkbarriärer inom den palliativa vården.
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Knowledge and skills required by supervisors in order to provide effective supervision for child and youth care workers in South Africa

Michael, Jacqueline Cecilia 09 September 2013 (has links)
Many child and youth care organisations in South Africa struggle to implement adequate supervision structures for their child and youth care workers. If supervisors in this field had adequate knowledge and skills, they could enable child and youth care workers to grow and develop competently and provide more professional services to troubled young people in South Africa, This qualitative research sought to identify what knowledge and skills supervisors need in child and youth care settings in South Africa to provide effective supervision to workers. This research confirmed that there are specific skills and knowledge required by supervisors in child and youth care settings in South Africa and while there is an awareness of these in some settings, they are not being fully utilised in organised supervision structures. / Social Work / M.Tech. (Child and Youth Care)

Making sense and finding meaning : comparing narratives of older people with dementia and carers about the quality of an ordinary life

Robertson, Jane M. January 2010 (has links)
This research examines narratives about the quality of everyday life with dementia. The aim of the study is to compare and contrast differing perspectives about the impact of ageing and dementia upon the lives of older people with dementia. A total of 50 interviews with six older people with dementia and ten family and paid carers were conducted over a two-year period. Narrative analysis was used to examine the content and structure of their accounts to understand their perspectives on what matters most to people living with dementia. This in-depth analysis enabled an exploration of different social concepts and narrative constructions that people draw upon in making sense of their experiences of caring and living with dementia. The analysis demonstrated that older people incorporate ageing and dementia into a continuing sense of self. Positive constructions of living with dementia involve the ability to lead a meaningful life that supports pre-existing social roles and relationships and active engagement within the family and community. The emphasis is on living an ordinary life while responding to the challenges associated with cognitive impairment and social stigma. For family and paid carers, perceptions of a meaningful life depend on how the identity of the older person with dementia is positioned relative to past social roles and relationships. Positive constructions assume continuity as opposed to focusing on disruption in the person’s identity and life. Carer perspectives are also influenced by how the person is perceived to conform to social standards of normality. The narratives of older people with dementia reflect their active struggle to find meaning in terms of realising their sense of self within a social world that largely defines them as different and out of the ordinary. The narratives of carers resonate with emotional difficulty, reflecting their struggle to make sense of a life that is not represented as essentially normal. These findings show that, for all, finding meaning in everyday life depends upon making sense of that life as normal and ordinary.
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Experiences of dementia care workers in nursing homes : an exploratory study comparing Canada, Scotland, and the United States

Johnson, Roxanna H. January 2014 (has links)
This comparative research explores the work experiences of dementia care workers in nursing homes. The aim of this study is to understand concepts central to care and to gain insights from the care workers‟ perspectives. A comparative framework and symbolic interactionist approach is used to analyse data collected using ethnographic methods from 59 dementia care workers in Canada, Scotland, and the United States. The fieldwork settings are institutionalised; dominated by for-profit ownership; and provide care for a resident population with high cognitive and physical needs. The comparative findings underscore the importance of work conditions that provide care workers with sufficient resources to do their job and enough time to complete their work. The absence of these critical components creates stressful work conditions for the care workers. The lack of time, staff and supplies such as towels, wash cloths, and continence products do not allow the residents‟ choices in their care and disregard their dignity and rights. The inability to deliver care for the residents according to the guaranteed government care standards often result in the violation of human rights for the care workers and residents. The care workers are unable to supply the quality of care they know the residents need and are capable of providing given better circumstances. There are frequently not enough care workers, resources, or time to meet the level of care that relevant standards mandate or the care workers know is possible. The analysis reveals that care workers struggle to provide more than basic physical care and are seldom able to meet essential social care needs for the residents. Unwritten rules are implemented in each setting that include separating people with dementia, placing these residents out of view of the public, not allowing the residents access to go outside, and not providing them with engaging and meaningful interactions. While policies are frequently developed with good intentions, many are counter-productive without dementia knowledge. This comparative research reveals care practices and routines share strong similarities across the fieldwork sites while the care worker characteristics as a workforce vary the most between countries. Some differences involve the training required, average age, pay and mode of dress or appearances. Too often researchers frame stress issues for care workers as problems with attitudes, motivation, training and incentives. Yet, the broader social structures and conditions that set the context in which these problems have their origins are commonly ignored. Good working conditions for care workers are precursors to good care for the residents. This thesis concludes with recommendations for practice, research and policy development.
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O embate do processo de implantação de um currículo modular na educação superior : o curso de odontologia da UNIPLAC, Lages - SC

Toassi, Ramona Fernanda Ceriotti January 2008 (has links)
Le propos de la présente recherche est de comprendre le développement du procès de construction et d’implantation d’un curriculum modulaire pour le Cours d’Odontologie, basé sur les Directives Curriculaires Nationales, dans une université communautaire au Sud du Brésil. Au coeur de cette thématique, on a apporté la perspective des étudiants du cours, des enseignants et de l’équipe directive de l’Université. La méthodologie qualitative a utilisé une Étude de Cas, dont le champ de recherche a été les témoignages de participants de la réforme curriculaire dans le Cours de graduation en Odontologie de l’Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC – Université du Plateau de Santa Catarina), à Lages – SC. La collecte de données a été réalisée au moyen d’entrevues, tout au long de neuf mois, où ont participé les étudiants d’Odontologie (curriculum modulaire), les professeurs, à différents champs de travail et l’équipe directive de l’Université (le Coordinateur de cours, le Chef de Département et le Prorecteur pour l’enseignement). Outre les entrevues, la collecte de données a inclus l’analyse documentaire et l’observation (registres en journal de champ). Les données ont été analysées au moyen de l’Analyse Textuelle Discursive, proposée par Moraes et Galiazzi (2007). Les résultats sont réunis dans les catégories suivantes : 1) Le procès de réforme curriculaire : la proposition de changement possible dans la formation; 2) Les tensions du procès : la différence entre la théorie pensée et la réalité perçue (l’intégration : condition essentielle au curriculum modulaire/ L’organisation ou la manque d’organisation / chirurgiens-dentistes enseignants ou enseignants chirurgiens-dentistes : l’(in)capacité des enseignants du cours d’odontologie ; Évaluations, apprentissages et curriculum : difficultés d’intégration/ La coordination du cours d’odontologie : où est-elle ? Le nouveau émergent : le défi du changement) ; 3) La démarche du procès et ses avances; 4) L’expérience du curriculum intégré : un procès continu d’apprentissage et de dépassement ; 5) Le cours d’odontologie de l’UNIPLAC : qu’est-ce que nous voyons pour l’avenir ? On a été observé un long et complexe procès d’élaboration de la nouvelle structure curriculaire, notamment pour ce qui a concerné la participation et la motivation d’enseignants dans le collégial du cours d’Odontologie. Il y a eu des difficultés dans la compréhension du propos par les enseignants et par les étudiants. Quand même, la méthode proposée a été bien reçue et évaluée par les étudiants dans les différents semestres du cours. Les noeuds de plus grande densité du procès de changement curriculaire incluent : – la manque d’intégralité, d’organisation et de communication à l’intérieur des modules et entre les modules ; – l’ignorance, de la part des enseignants, du propos curriculaire ; – la forme d’engagement des enseignants dans l’institution ; – la difficulté dans le processus d’évaluation des étudiants ; – l’incapacité du coordinateur du cours ; – la manque de qualifications pour le collégial du cours d’Odontologie (avant et après l’implantation du nouveau curriculum). Il est nécessaire une reprise responsable dans la conduction du procès de réforme curriculaire et une gestion plus partagée et collective à l’Université. / O propósito da presente pesquisa foi compreender o desenvolvimento do processo de construção e implantação de um currículo modular para o Curso de Odontologia, baseado nas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais, em uma universidade comunitária no Sul do Brasil. Dentro desta temática, foi apresentada a perspectiva dos estudantes do curso, dos professores e da equipe diretiva da Universidade. A metodologia qualitativa utilizou um Estudo de Caso, cujo campo de investigação foram os depoimentos de participantes da reforma curricular no curso de graduação em Odontologia da Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC), em Lages - SC. A coleta de dados aconteceu por meio de entrevistas, ao longo de nove meses, em que participaram os discentes de Odontologia (currículo modular), os docentes, em diferentes áreas de atuação e a equipe diretiva da Universidade (Coordenador de curso, o Chefe de Departamento e o Pró-Reitor de Ensino). Além das entrevistas, a coleta de dados incluiu a análise documental e a observação (registros em diário de campo). Os dados foram analisados por meio da Análise Textual Discursiva, proposta por Moraes e Galiazzi (2007). Os resultados estão reunidos nas seguintes categorias: 1) O processo de reforma curricular: a proposta possível de mudança na formação; 2) As tensões do processo: a diferença entre a teoria pensada e a realidade percebida (A integração: condição essencial no currículo modular / A organização ou a falta dela /Cirurgiões-dentistas professores ou professores cirurgiõesdentistas: o (des) preparo dos professores do curso de odontologia; Avaliações, aprendizagens e currículo: dificuldades de integração / A coordenação do curso de odontologia: onde está? O novo emergente: o desafio da mudança); 3) O caminhar do processo e seus avanços; 4) A vivência do currículo integrado: um processo contínuo de aprendizagem e superação; 5) O curso de odontologia da UNIPLAC: o que vemos para o futuro? Foi observado um longo e complexo processo de elaboração da nova estrutura curricular, especialmente no que se referiu à participação e motivação de professores no colegiado do curso de Odontologia. Houve dificuldades no entendimento da proposta por professores e estudantes. Ainda assim, o método proposto foi bem recebido e avaliado pelos estudantes nos diferentes semestres do curso. Os nós de maior densidade do processo de mudança curricular incluem: - falta de integralidade, organização e comunicação dentro dos módulos e entre os módulos; - desconhecimento, por parte dos professores, da proposta curricular; - forma de contratação dos professores na instituição; - dificuldade no processo de avaliação dos estudantes; - despreparo do coordenador do curso; - falta de capacitações para o colegiado do curso de Odontologia (antes e após a implantação do novo currículo). Há necessidade da retomada responsável na condução do processo de reforma curricular e de uma gestão mais partilhada e coletiva na Universidade. / The aim of the present study was to comprehend the ongoing process of construction and implantation of an integrated curriculum for graduation in dental education, according to the National Curricular Guidelines, in a community university in the south of Brazil. In this sense, it was evaluated the expectations of the engaged students, professors, and the management group of the university. It was employed a qualitative methodology of case study based on the testimonies of the subjects moved ahead on the curricular reform for the graduation degree in Odontology of the Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC) in Lages, State of Santa Catarina. Data were gathered along 9 months by direct interviews to all the selected participants belonging to the groups of undergraduate students (from the new integrated curriculum), assistant and full professors (from different professional working areas), and members of the directive group in different hierarchical positions. Besides this approach, research data included documental analysis and notes in regard to direct in loco observations. The writing discursive analysis technique was employed as proposed by Moraes and Galiazzi (2007). Results were grouped in the following categories: 1) The curricular reform process: one possible proposal for changing graduation standards; 2) Process-related stress: differences between the imagined theory and the perceived truth (Integration: the crucial condition for an integrated curriculum/ Organization or lack of organization/ Dentists as professors or professors that are also dentists: teaching (non-)capacities of the professors of Odontology; Exams, lessons and curriculum: difficulties for the integration/ Where is the Odontology course coordination group? The new and emergent fact: the challenger changing); 3) The development of the process and its forward steps; 4) The ongoing experience of an integrated curriculum: a continuous process of learning and overcoming; 5) The graduation in Odontology at UNIPLAC: what can be foreseen? There was a long and complex process for the elaboration of the new curricular structure, mainly due to the motivation and participation of the professors engaged in the Odontology course. For them and the students, it was not an easy way to realize the rationale of the new curricular proposal. Even though, students from different graduation years felt themselves well adapted to the integrated curriculum and high rated their experience with the new curriculum when asked to. Main limitations that were noted included: - lack of integration, organization and dialogue within and among the modular themes; - professors’ lack of knowledge of the new integrated curriculum proposal; - how is the Univeristy policy for the professor application and selection procedure; - difficulties when evaluating students’ performance; - lack of pedagogical expertise for the course coordinator position; and, - lack of adequate training for the Odontology docent staff prior to and after the beginning of the new integrated curriculum. There is a clear need for redirecting this process of curricular reform aiming a more reliable and consistent way as well as a more participative and collective administration of the UNIPLAC. / El propósito de la presente investigación fue entender el desarrollo del proceso de construcción e implantación de un currículo modular para el Curso de Odontología, basado en las Directrices Curriculares Nacionales, en una universidad comunitaria del Sur de Brasil. En este tema se presenta la perspectiva de los estudiantes del curso, profesores y equipo directivo de la universidad. Se utilizó la metodología cualitativa de Estudio de Caso, cuyo campo de investigación fue las declaraciones de participantes de la reforma curricular en el curso de graduación en Odontología de la Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC), en la ciudad de Lages –Estado de Santa Catarina. La recolección de datos se realizó a través de entrevistas a lo largo de nueve meses en las que participaron los discentes de Odontología (currículo modular), los docentes de diferentes áreas de actuación y el equipo directivo de la universidad (el coordinador del curso, el jefe de Departamento y el pro-rector de Enseñanza). Además de las entrevistas, la recolección de datos incluyó el análisis documental y la observación (registros en diario de campo). Se analizaron los datos por medio del Análisis Textual Discursivo, propuesto por Moraes y Galiazzi (2007). Los resultados están reunidos en las siguientes categorías: 1) El proceso de reforma curricular: la propuesta posible de cambio en la formación; 2) Las tensiones del proceso: la diferencia entre la teoría pensada y la realidad percibida (La integración: condición esencial en el currículo modular / La organización o su falta / Cirujanos dentistas profesores o profesores cirujanos dentistas: la (im)pericia de los profesores del curso de Odontología / Evaluaciones, aprendizajes y currículo: dificultades de integración / La coordinación del curso de Odontología: ¿dónde está? / El nuevo emergente: el desafío del cambio); 3) El caminar del proceso y sus avances; 4) La vivencia del currículo integrado: un proceso continuo de aprendizaje y superación; 5) El curso de Odontología de la UNIPLAC: ¿qué vemos hacia el futuro? Se observó un largo y complejo proceso de elaboración de la nueva estructura curricular, especialmente en lo que se refirió a la participación y motivación de profesores en el colegiado del curso de Odontología. Profesores y estudiantes tuvieron dificultades en la comprensión de la propuesta, no obstante el método propuesto fue bien recibido y evaluado por los estudiantes de los distintos semestres del curso. Los nodos de mayor densidad del proceso de cambio curricular incluyen: falta de integralidad, organización y comunicación dentro de los módulos y entre estos; desconocimiento por parte de los profesores de la propuesta curricular; forma de contratación de los profesores en la institución; dificultad en el proceso de evaluación de los estudiantes; ineptitud del coordinador del curso; falta de capacitaciones para el colegiado del curso de Odontología (antes y después de la implantación del nuevo currículo). Hay la necesidad de la toma responsable en la conducción del proceso de reforma curricular y de una gestión más compartida y colectiva en la universidad.
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Pojetí smrti z pohledu odborné literatury, terminálně nemocných osob, jejich rodinných příslušníků a pracovníků hospicové péče / The Concept of Death from the Perspective of the Professional Literature, Terminally Ill People, Their Family Members and Hospice Care Workers

ČERNÁ, Pavla January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the theme of changing the life values in the context of the death and dying. The theoretical part is divided into two sections. First of them is focused on the attitudes to the death by the various disciplines, the second one is focused on the life values, specifics and experience with the process of dying. The practical part maps the attitudes to the death by the three groups of respondents ? the group of dying clients of hospices, the group of their family members and the last is the group of the staff (of residence and home hospice care). There are compared their responses with the results of another researches and thesis dealing with analogous topic in the Discussion. The main result of this thesis is that the most important values accented by the contact of the coming death are not the material values (like money, possesion), but the values connected with the quality interpersonal relations and family background like esteem, love, loyalty, devotion and gratitude is.

O embate do processo de implantação de um currículo modular na educação superior : o curso de odontologia da UNIPLAC, Lages - SC

Toassi, Ramona Fernanda Ceriotti January 2008 (has links)
Le propos de la présente recherche est de comprendre le développement du procès de construction et d’implantation d’un curriculum modulaire pour le Cours d’Odontologie, basé sur les Directives Curriculaires Nationales, dans une université communautaire au Sud du Brésil. Au coeur de cette thématique, on a apporté la perspective des étudiants du cours, des enseignants et de l’équipe directive de l’Université. La méthodologie qualitative a utilisé une Étude de Cas, dont le champ de recherche a été les témoignages de participants de la réforme curriculaire dans le Cours de graduation en Odontologie de l’Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC – Université du Plateau de Santa Catarina), à Lages – SC. La collecte de données a été réalisée au moyen d’entrevues, tout au long de neuf mois, où ont participé les étudiants d’Odontologie (curriculum modulaire), les professeurs, à différents champs de travail et l’équipe directive de l’Université (le Coordinateur de cours, le Chef de Département et le Prorecteur pour l’enseignement). Outre les entrevues, la collecte de données a inclus l’analyse documentaire et l’observation (registres en journal de champ). Les données ont été analysées au moyen de l’Analyse Textuelle Discursive, proposée par Moraes et Galiazzi (2007). Les résultats sont réunis dans les catégories suivantes : 1) Le procès de réforme curriculaire : la proposition de changement possible dans la formation; 2) Les tensions du procès : la différence entre la théorie pensée et la réalité perçue (l’intégration : condition essentielle au curriculum modulaire/ L’organisation ou la manque d’organisation / chirurgiens-dentistes enseignants ou enseignants chirurgiens-dentistes : l’(in)capacité des enseignants du cours d’odontologie ; Évaluations, apprentissages et curriculum : difficultés d’intégration/ La coordination du cours d’odontologie : où est-elle ? Le nouveau émergent : le défi du changement) ; 3) La démarche du procès et ses avances; 4) L’expérience du curriculum intégré : un procès continu d’apprentissage et de dépassement ; 5) Le cours d’odontologie de l’UNIPLAC : qu’est-ce que nous voyons pour l’avenir ? On a été observé un long et complexe procès d’élaboration de la nouvelle structure curriculaire, notamment pour ce qui a concerné la participation et la motivation d’enseignants dans le collégial du cours d’Odontologie. Il y a eu des difficultés dans la compréhension du propos par les enseignants et par les étudiants. Quand même, la méthode proposée a été bien reçue et évaluée par les étudiants dans les différents semestres du cours. Les noeuds de plus grande densité du procès de changement curriculaire incluent : – la manque d’intégralité, d’organisation et de communication à l’intérieur des modules et entre les modules ; – l’ignorance, de la part des enseignants, du propos curriculaire ; – la forme d’engagement des enseignants dans l’institution ; – la difficulté dans le processus d’évaluation des étudiants ; – l’incapacité du coordinateur du cours ; – la manque de qualifications pour le collégial du cours d’Odontologie (avant et après l’implantation du nouveau curriculum). Il est nécessaire une reprise responsable dans la conduction du procès de réforme curriculaire et une gestion plus partagée et collective à l’Université. / O propósito da presente pesquisa foi compreender o desenvolvimento do processo de construção e implantação de um currículo modular para o Curso de Odontologia, baseado nas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais, em uma universidade comunitária no Sul do Brasil. Dentro desta temática, foi apresentada a perspectiva dos estudantes do curso, dos professores e da equipe diretiva da Universidade. A metodologia qualitativa utilizou um Estudo de Caso, cujo campo de investigação foram os depoimentos de participantes da reforma curricular no curso de graduação em Odontologia da Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC), em Lages - SC. A coleta de dados aconteceu por meio de entrevistas, ao longo de nove meses, em que participaram os discentes de Odontologia (currículo modular), os docentes, em diferentes áreas de atuação e a equipe diretiva da Universidade (Coordenador de curso, o Chefe de Departamento e o Pró-Reitor de Ensino). Além das entrevistas, a coleta de dados incluiu a análise documental e a observação (registros em diário de campo). Os dados foram analisados por meio da Análise Textual Discursiva, proposta por Moraes e Galiazzi (2007). Os resultados estão reunidos nas seguintes categorias: 1) O processo de reforma curricular: a proposta possível de mudança na formação; 2) As tensões do processo: a diferença entre a teoria pensada e a realidade percebida (A integração: condição essencial no currículo modular / A organização ou a falta dela /Cirurgiões-dentistas professores ou professores cirurgiõesdentistas: o (des) preparo dos professores do curso de odontologia; Avaliações, aprendizagens e currículo: dificuldades de integração / A coordenação do curso de odontologia: onde está? O novo emergente: o desafio da mudança); 3) O caminhar do processo e seus avanços; 4) A vivência do currículo integrado: um processo contínuo de aprendizagem e superação; 5) O curso de odontologia da UNIPLAC: o que vemos para o futuro? Foi observado um longo e complexo processo de elaboração da nova estrutura curricular, especialmente no que se referiu à participação e motivação de professores no colegiado do curso de Odontologia. Houve dificuldades no entendimento da proposta por professores e estudantes. Ainda assim, o método proposto foi bem recebido e avaliado pelos estudantes nos diferentes semestres do curso. Os nós de maior densidade do processo de mudança curricular incluem: - falta de integralidade, organização e comunicação dentro dos módulos e entre os módulos; - desconhecimento, por parte dos professores, da proposta curricular; - forma de contratação dos professores na instituição; - dificuldade no processo de avaliação dos estudantes; - despreparo do coordenador do curso; - falta de capacitações para o colegiado do curso de Odontologia (antes e após a implantação do novo currículo). Há necessidade da retomada responsável na condução do processo de reforma curricular e de uma gestão mais partilhada e coletiva na Universidade. / The aim of the present study was to comprehend the ongoing process of construction and implantation of an integrated curriculum for graduation in dental education, according to the National Curricular Guidelines, in a community university in the south of Brazil. In this sense, it was evaluated the expectations of the engaged students, professors, and the management group of the university. It was employed a qualitative methodology of case study based on the testimonies of the subjects moved ahead on the curricular reform for the graduation degree in Odontology of the Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC) in Lages, State of Santa Catarina. Data were gathered along 9 months by direct interviews to all the selected participants belonging to the groups of undergraduate students (from the new integrated curriculum), assistant and full professors (from different professional working areas), and members of the directive group in different hierarchical positions. Besides this approach, research data included documental analysis and notes in regard to direct in loco observations. The writing discursive analysis technique was employed as proposed by Moraes and Galiazzi (2007). Results were grouped in the following categories: 1) The curricular reform process: one possible proposal for changing graduation standards; 2) Process-related stress: differences between the imagined theory and the perceived truth (Integration: the crucial condition for an integrated curriculum/ Organization or lack of organization/ Dentists as professors or professors that are also dentists: teaching (non-)capacities of the professors of Odontology; Exams, lessons and curriculum: difficulties for the integration/ Where is the Odontology course coordination group? The new and emergent fact: the challenger changing); 3) The development of the process and its forward steps; 4) The ongoing experience of an integrated curriculum: a continuous process of learning and overcoming; 5) The graduation in Odontology at UNIPLAC: what can be foreseen? There was a long and complex process for the elaboration of the new curricular structure, mainly due to the motivation and participation of the professors engaged in the Odontology course. For them and the students, it was not an easy way to realize the rationale of the new curricular proposal. Even though, students from different graduation years felt themselves well adapted to the integrated curriculum and high rated their experience with the new curriculum when asked to. Main limitations that were noted included: - lack of integration, organization and dialogue within and among the modular themes; - professors’ lack of knowledge of the new integrated curriculum proposal; - how is the Univeristy policy for the professor application and selection procedure; - difficulties when evaluating students’ performance; - lack of pedagogical expertise for the course coordinator position; and, - lack of adequate training for the Odontology docent staff prior to and after the beginning of the new integrated curriculum. There is a clear need for redirecting this process of curricular reform aiming a more reliable and consistent way as well as a more participative and collective administration of the UNIPLAC. / El propósito de la presente investigación fue entender el desarrollo del proceso de construcción e implantación de un currículo modular para el Curso de Odontología, basado en las Directrices Curriculares Nacionales, en una universidad comunitaria del Sur de Brasil. En este tema se presenta la perspectiva de los estudiantes del curso, profesores y equipo directivo de la universidad. Se utilizó la metodología cualitativa de Estudio de Caso, cuyo campo de investigación fue las declaraciones de participantes de la reforma curricular en el curso de graduación en Odontología de la Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC), en la ciudad de Lages –Estado de Santa Catarina. La recolección de datos se realizó a través de entrevistas a lo largo de nueve meses en las que participaron los discentes de Odontología (currículo modular), los docentes de diferentes áreas de actuación y el equipo directivo de la universidad (el coordinador del curso, el jefe de Departamento y el pro-rector de Enseñanza). Además de las entrevistas, la recolección de datos incluyó el análisis documental y la observación (registros en diario de campo). Se analizaron los datos por medio del Análisis Textual Discursivo, propuesto por Moraes y Galiazzi (2007). Los resultados están reunidos en las siguientes categorías: 1) El proceso de reforma curricular: la propuesta posible de cambio en la formación; 2) Las tensiones del proceso: la diferencia entre la teoría pensada y la realidad percibida (La integración: condición esencial en el currículo modular / La organización o su falta / Cirujanos dentistas profesores o profesores cirujanos dentistas: la (im)pericia de los profesores del curso de Odontología / Evaluaciones, aprendizajes y currículo: dificultades de integración / La coordinación del curso de Odontología: ¿dónde está? / El nuevo emergente: el desafío del cambio); 3) El caminar del proceso y sus avances; 4) La vivencia del currículo integrado: un proceso continuo de aprendizaje y superación; 5) El curso de Odontología de la UNIPLAC: ¿qué vemos hacia el futuro? Se observó un largo y complejo proceso de elaboración de la nueva estructura curricular, especialmente en lo que se refirió a la participación y motivación de profesores en el colegiado del curso de Odontología. Profesores y estudiantes tuvieron dificultades en la comprensión de la propuesta, no obstante el método propuesto fue bien recibido y evaluado por los estudiantes de los distintos semestres del curso. Los nodos de mayor densidad del proceso de cambio curricular incluyen: falta de integralidad, organización y comunicación dentro de los módulos y entre estos; desconocimiento por parte de los profesores de la propuesta curricular; forma de contratación de los profesores en la institución; dificultad en el proceso de evaluación de los estudiantes; ineptitud del coordinador del curso; falta de capacitaciones para el colegiado del curso de Odontología (antes y después de la implantación del nuevo currículo). Hay la necesidad de la toma responsable en la conducción del proceso de reforma curricular y de una gestión más compartida y colectiva en la universidad.
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