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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

III-IV gimnazijos klasių mokinių ugdymas karjerai: problemos ir galimybės / Career education of children in III-IV forms of the gymnasium: problems and possibilities

Urniežiūtė, Agnė 22 August 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo aktualumas. Profesijos pasirinkimas yra vienas svarbiausių ir reikšmingiausių žmogaus pasirinkimų, nes jis lemia tolesnio gyvenimo kokybę. Vieniems tokius sprendimus priimti sekasi lengviau, kitiems – sunkiau (Pociūtė, Isiūnaitė, 2011). Anot B. Pociūtės (2010), šiandien darbas žmogui, visuomenei reiškia ne tik finansinį šaltinį, bet ir gerokai daugiau. Darbas suteikia galimybę užimti tam tikrą padėtį visuomenėje, tapti pripažintam. Darbas nulemia ne tik žmogaus gyvenimo pobūdį, bet ir gyvenimo stilių bei draugų ratą. Racionalus, pagrįstas profesijos pasirinkimas reiškia ne tik profesinio elgesio plėtrą, bet ir pagrįstą požiūrį į kitus savo gyvenimo aspektus. Tyrimo objektas. III–IV gimnazijos klasių mokinių ugdymo karjerai problemos ir galimybės. Tyrimo tikslas. Ištirti III–IV gimnazijos klasių mokinių ugdymo karjerai problemas ir galimybes. / Relevance of the survey. The selection of profession is one of the most important and most significant choices of the human being, because it affects the quality of the further life. Some people can easily make such decisions, while others – encounter some problems (Pociūtė, Isiūnaitė, 2011). According to B. Pociūtė (2010) today the work for the human being and the society means not only the financial source but much more. The work gives a possibility to occupy some position in the society, to get recognised. The work determines not only the type of life of the human being, but also the lifestyle and friends. Rational, motivated choice of profession means not only the development of the professional behaviour, but also the reasoned attitude towards other aspects of the own life. Object of the survey. Problems and possibilities of the career education of children in III-IV forms of the gymnasium. Aim of the Work. To analyse problems and possibilities of the career education of children in III-IV forms of the gymnasium.

Personalo planavimas ir valdymas krašto apsaugos sistemoje / Personnel planning and management in national defence system

Lekavičienė, Renata 02 January 2007 (has links)
Darbe tiriama esama situacija Krašto apsaugos sistemos karininkų karjeros planavimo ir valdymo srityje. Siekiant nustatyti ar Krašto apsaugos sistemoje karininkams yra sudaromos sąlygos atskleisti ir efektyviai panaudoti bei plėtoti savo potencialą, tyrimas atliktas dviem etapais. Pirmame etape panaudojant dokumentų turinio analizės metodą, atliktas Krašto apsaugos ministerijos ir Lietuvos kariuomenės teisės aktų, reglamentuojančių krašto apsaugos sistemos personalo veiklą dokumentų turinio tyrimas. Tyrimo metu gauti duomenys dalinai patvirtino iškeltą hipotezę. Siekiant patvirtinti preliminarias išvadas bei gauti išsamesnės informacijos, antrame tyrimo etape panaudotas apklausos tyrimo metodas. Anketinė apklausa atlikta viename didžiausių Lietuvos kariuomenės padalinių – Lietuvos kariuomenės Lietuvos didžiojo kunigaikščio Gedimino štabo batalione. Gauti duomenys dalinai patvirtino iškeltą hipotezę bei pirmo etapo išvadas. Tyrimo metu nustatytos karininkų karjeros planavimo ir valdymo problemos bei pateikti siūlymai, kaip būtų galima jas išspręsti, norint padidinti karininkų karjeros planavimo ir valdymo efektyvumą. / The present paper investigates current situation of officer career planning and management in the National Defence System. A two-step study has been performed to investigate if military officers in the National Defence System are able to reveal and effectively employ and develop their potential. The first step of the study included the analysis of documentation of the National Defence Ministry and Armed Forces of Lithuania which regulate personnel management in the National Defence System. The data collected from the study partially corroborated the hypothesis. To validate the preliminary conclusions and obtain more detailed information a method of survey was used in the second step of the study. The survey was carried out in one of the largest units of Lithuanian Armed Forces, i. e. Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas Headquarters Battalion. The data collected have partially validated the hypothesis and first-step conclusions. The study has revealed the problems of officer career planning and management and gives suggestions how to solve them in order to increase the efficiency of the officer career planning and management.

Bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų pedagogų karjeros valdymas / Career management of high school teachers in Lithuania

Buračevskaja, Gražina 31 July 2012 (has links)
Ypatingą svarbą organizacijos personalo karjeros valdymas (planavimas, organizavimas, valdymas, kontrolė ir motyvavimas) įgauna šalies švietimo įstaigose – pradedant ikimokykliniu ugdymu ir baigiant aukštojo mokslo lygmeniu. Tiriant bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos mokytojų karjeros galimybės karjera labai dažnai priklauso nuo jos planavimo, organizavimo, tikslinio taikymo. Tik pažangi pedagogų siekius ir gebėjimus atitinkanti karjeros valdymo sistema leis įgyvendinti nacionalinės mokyklos mokymo programas, gerins mokymo kokybę, derins mokytojo ir mokyklos veiklos tikslus ir interesus. Pastaraisiais metais atsiranda vis daugiau nesutarimų bei prieštaravimų tarp valstybės švietimo institucijų ir atskirų mokyklos kolektyvų dėl jų personalo kvalifikacijos atestavimo, profesinių kategorijų suteikimo, darbo apmokėjimo, mokomojo krūvio ir kt. Todėl karjeros klausimai ir problemoms bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje tampa vis labiau aktualūs ir reikalauja atitinkamų sprendimų. Magistriniame buvo atliktas empirinis tyrimas, skirtas bendrojo lavinimo pedagogų karjeros valdymo problemoms, o taip pat gautų duomenų analizė ir jų įvertinimas. Šio tyrimo tikslas buvo įvertinti mokyklų pedagogų požiūrį į konkrečius karjeros valdymo aspektus, karjeros motyvavimą ir jos įgyvendinimo galimybes. Gauti rezultatai buvo panaudoti magistriniame baigiamajame darbe ir padėjo atskleisti karjeros valdymo trūkumus ir problemas bendrojo lavinimo švietimo įstaigose. Taip pat praktinį darbo reikšmingumą apibrėžia... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The personnel career management assumes the particular importance at country‘s educational institutions, begining from the preschool instituations till the higher educational institutions. Analysing the teachers‘ career opportunities at comprehesive schools it is obvious that the career depends on aiming true planning and organization. Only the advanced career management system which equivalents teachers objectives and abilities will alow to fullfill the national school studying programs, will improve studying quility, will be able to combine teachers and schools activity‘s goals and interests. In these latter years more and more disagreements are appearing between the state educational institutions and separate school’s collectives because of assessment of personnel qualifications, investiture of professional qualifications, salaries, teaching load and etc.. Therefore, career issues and problems at comprehensive school are becoming more essential and require appropriate solutions. In the following master paper the empirical analysis, which has been dedicated to the the career management of teacher at the comprehensive schools, and the research of the gathered results have been accomplished. The goal of this paper has been to evaluate the teachers attitude towards the concrete career management aspects, career motivation and it‘s implemention possibilities. The gathered results have been used in the master paper and have helped to reveal the drawbacks and problems of the... [to full text]

Sporto vadybininkų karjeros planavimo galimybės Lietuvoje / Sport management specialists’ career planning opportunities in Lithuania

Turskis, Aurimas 06 September 2013 (has links)
Sėkmingą karjerą dabar sunku įsivaizduoti kitaip nei paties žmogaus planuojamą, vystomą ir valdomą procesą, todėl šiandien karjeros planavimas yra iškeliamas kaip vienas svarbiausių aktyvaus darbo rinkos dalyvio gebėjimų. Sporto vadybininkų karjeros planavimas svarbi jų profesinio augimo dalis. Raktiniai žodžiai: karjera; sporto vadybininkas; karjeros planavimas. Darbo objektas – sporto vadybininkų karjeros planavimo galimybės Lietuvoje. Magistro baigiamojo darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti sporto vadybininkų karjeros planavimo Lietuvoje galimybes. Darbo tikslui pasiekti keliami uždaviniai: 1. Atskleisti sporto vadybininkų karjeros planavimo etapus. 2. Nustatyti karjeros svarbą Lietuvos sporto vadybininkams. 3. Ištirti sporto vadybininkų karjeros planavimo situaciją Lietuvoje. Tyrimo hipotezės: 1. Karjeros planavimas sporto vadybininkų darbovietėse vykdomas silpnai; sporto vadybininkams trūksta žinių, kaip planuoti savo karjerą. 2. Karjeros planavimo vykdymas ir karjeros galimybių egzistavimas darbovietėse siejamas su didesniu sporto vadybininkų pasitenkinimu savo karjera ir didesniu lojalumu darbovietei. 3. Sporto vadybininkų karjeros galimybių egzistavimas ir didesnis pasitenkinimas savo karjera susijęs su didesniu jų lojalumu savo darbovietėms. Svarbiausios išvados: Apklaustų sporto vadybininkų darbovietėse karjeros planavimas vykdomas silpnai, vadybininkams trūksta žinių, kaip planuoti savo karjerą. Sporto vadybininkų pasitenkinimas karjera ir lojalumas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / A successful career is now difficult to imagine the same person differently than planned, developed and managed the process of career planning and today is one of the key is removed as an active participant in the labor market skills. Sport management specialists‘ career planning is an important factor of their professional growth. Keywords: career, sport manager, career planning. The object - career planning opportunities for sport managers in Lithuania. Master's thesis goal - to analyze sport managers career planning opportunities in Lithuania. The tasks: 1) To reveal the steps of sport managers career planning; 2) To identify importance of career for Lithuania’s sport managers; 3) To evaluate the situation of sport managers career planning in Lithuania. Hupothesis: 1. Sport managers their organizations is weak; sport managers are in lack of knowledge how to plan their career. 2. The activity of career planning in organizations is related to higher sport managers satisfaction with their career and higher loyalty to their organizations. 3. The existence of career opportunities and higher sport managers satisfaction in their career and higher loyalty to their organizations. Main conclusions: The career planning in organizations of questioned sport managers is weak, and sport managers are in lack of knowledge how to plan their career. Higher sport managers satisfaction in their career and higher loyalty to their organizations is related to some steps of career... [to full text]

Attraktiv expatriering : Före, under och efter / Attractive expatriation : Before, under, after

Sundin, Elin, Rindestedt, Elin January 2012 (has links)
Syfte och utgångspunkt:    Att utifrån fyra organisationer undersöka faktorer som är viktiga för arbete med expatriering och att använda Mendenhall, Dunbar och Oddous modell som inspiration för att skapa en egen modell med faktorer värdefulla för en expatrieringsprocess.   Forskningsresan:                 Utifrån referensram samt ett empiriskt resultat av intervjuer identifieras fyra kategorier, betydelse av att ta med familjen, mentorskap och stöd, anpassning till kultur och karriärplanering. Det empiriska resultatet samt referensramen är sedan grunden till analys och slutsats.   Slutsats:                              I slutsatsen presenteras betydelsefulla faktorer för utgången av studiens syfte.   Dessa faktorer används sedan i den modell författarna skapat. Modellen visar hur behovet av de fyra kategorierna är beroende av den planerade utlandsstationeringens längd.   Metod:                                Författarna av studien utgår från en kvalitativ ansats med djupintervjuer som metod. Det empiriska resultatet baseras på det material som framkommit genom djupintervjuer med  respondenterna från de fyra organisationerna. / Purpose and starting point: That based on a study with four organizations identify factors that are important to work with regarding expatriation and to use Mendenhall, Dunbar and Oddous model as inspiration to create a separate model with factors of value to an expatriation process.   Research - Journey:            Based on the framework and the empirical results of the interviews identify four categories: importance of including family, mentoring and support, adaptation to culture and career planning. The empirical results and the reference frame is the base for analysis and conclusion.   Conclusion                          The conclusion presents significant factors for the outcome of the study's purpose. These factors are then used in the model, which the authors created. The model shows how the need for the four categories depends on the planned length of expatriation.   Method:                              The authors of the study base the study on a qualitative approach with in-depth interviews as a method. The empirical result is based on the material obtained through interviews with respondents from the four organizations.

The effect of a career guidance program on the career maturity levels of grade 11 and 12 learners / Avron Herr

Herr, Avron January 2002 (has links)
The single most common decision that people between the ages of 16 years and 22 years need to make is that of their career choice. Research in the field of career guidance has shown that the world of work is changing. It is generally accepted that an individual will be presented with many opportunities in the world of work and these give rise to the notion of multiple careers. To predict accurately what these opportunities might be is impractical and naive, if not impossible. Career guidance counsellors are now expected to understand the interrelationships between occupations and occupational groups; an understanding that is vital when providing a comprehensive and realistic career guidance service. The career guidance processes or programs that counsellors use, need to allow for the identification of base or entry level careers that will provide opportunity for both horizontal and vertical career movement. While the schooling system has traditionally been the primary role player in preparing learners for the world of work, recent budgetary cuts have forced schools to focus on academic subjects, and, as a result, career guidance as a subject has become ancillary to the school syllabus. This situation is unlikely to be remedied unless career guidance becomes an examinable subject as are mathematics, physical science, biology and so on. A literature study surrounding career guidance practices in South Africa and career choice and development theories from around the world, suggest that existing career guidance programs in South Africa need to be restructured to allow for a more comprehensive solution for learners, that need to make a career choice. The "PACE" career guidance program was designed to enhance the career knowledge of learners, increase their self awareness in relation to careers, and ultimately to accelerate the career maturity process. Learners from schools in East London were exposed to the program, with the intention of determining the effect of the program on their career maturity levels. Whilst certain elements which constitute career maturity were not influenced by the program, results obtained from the research indicated a significant increase in the overall career maturity level of these learners. Resulting from this dissertation, recommendations have been made relating to the length of a career guidance program, the point of departure and the point of exit, the importance of balancing realism with circumstances, and the necessity for career guidance practitioners to possess a thorough understanding of careers and the various paths that careers may follow. Suggestions regarding further research in the area of career guidance are also provided. / Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 2003

Auto-eficácia e personalidade no planejamento de carreira de universitários / Self-efficacy and personality on university student’s career planning

Ourique, Luciana Rubensan January 2010 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo principal avaliar as relações da personalidade e da Auto-eficácia Profissional com o comportamento de planejamento de carreira de universitários. Participaram do estudo 213 alunos de graduação, de ambos os sexos, com idade média de 24,8 anos (dp=4,14). Os instrumentos utilizados foram um Questionário Sociodemográfico, as Escalas de Desenvolvimento de Carreira de Universitários e a Bateria Fatorial de Personalidade. Para a análise dos dados, foram realizadas correlações de Pearson, testes t e análises de regressão. Os resultados indicaram que a Auto-eficácia e a personalidade atuaram como preditores do Planejamento de Carreira. A Auto-eficácia Profissional esteve positivamente correlacionada com o Planejamento de Carreira. Ainda, o Neuroticismo (correlação negativa), a Extroversão e a Realização mostraram-se positivamente correlacionados com esta variável. Discute-se sobre a importância de se considerar as diferenças individuais e de se promover a auto-eficácia no contexto de aconselhamento de carreira. / This study examined the role of personality and Professional Self-efficacy on university student’s career planning behavior. The sample was composed of 213 participants, male and female, with mean age of 24,8 years (sd=4,14). Three instruments were used: Factorial Battery of Personality, University Students Career Development Scales and Social Demographic Questionnaire. Data was submitted to Pearson correlation analysis, t-tests and regression analysis. Professional Self-efficacy and personality were found to have unique contributions on prediction of Career Planning. Moreover, Professional Self-efficacy was positively associated with Career Planning. Conscientiousness, low Neuroticism and Extraversion were positively associated with Career Planning. Results are discussed relatively to the importance of individual differences for self-efficacy promotion and consideration in career counseling context.

Planejamento de carreira : estudo exploratório na modalidade a distância

Pereira, Daniela Forgiarini January 2013 (has links)
O estudo proposto nessa Tese busca verificar como uma intervenção de carreira não presencial pode auxiliar o participante em sua planificação de metas em relação à carreira, relacionando os resultados às características de personalidade e aos estados afetivos. A motivação para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho interdisciplinar (Educação, Psicologia e Computação Afetiva) advém da dinamicidade do atual contexto do mercado de trabalho e da necessidade de ampliar o acesso a esse tipo de intervenção. As principais teorias que suportam a pesquisa são as de Super, Savickas, Holland, Scherer e o modelo dos Cinco Grandes Fatores da Personalidade (Big Five). Para fins de validação do estudo foi, inicialmente, desenvolvido o CarreiraEAD, um Objeto para apoio ao planejamento, suportado em um Ambiente Virtual de Ensino e Aprendizagem, o Moodle, que é dividido em introdução, aplicação do teste psicológico online L.A.B.E.L. (Lista de Adjetivos Bipolares e em Escala Likert), Inventário Pessoal do Passado, Observando o Presente e Planejando o Futuro. Entre todos os módulos foi aplicada uma Roda de Estados Afetivos (REA) a fim de verificar os estados afetivos durante o processo de planejamento de carreira. Neste experimento, alunos de graduação foram distribuídos em um de três diferentes grupos de análise. Todos os grupos foram realizados pelo mesmo Orientador de carreira. A diferença existente entre as intervenções baseou-se no modo como o Orientador mediou cada grupo. Os resultados demonstraram evidências de que os comportamentos que caracterizam o planejamento de carreira estão relacionados a estados afetivos e a traços de personalidade, como a conscienciosidade, a estabilidade emocional, o lócus de controle interno, a autonomia, a persistência, a criatividade/abertura a experiências e a tomada de risco. Foi realizada uma ANOVA fatorial de medidas repetidas com o objetivo de avaliar se houve mudança nos escores na Escala de Decisão de Carreira (EDC) para todo o grupo e para as diferentes formas de mediação. Os resultados demonstraram que houve uma variação significativa dos escores da EDC considerando todos os participantes [F(1, 36) = 10,23, p =0,003; Eta2 = 0,221; Poder = 0,88), sendo que, globalmente, os escores em T2 (Depois) foram maiores do que em T1 (Antes). O resultado do tamanho de efeito (Eta2) sugere que a diferença entre pré-teste e pós- teste, considerando os três grupos conjuntamente, foi relevante. Tal resultado é interessante na medida em que sugere a eficácia da intervenção. Um teste de comparações de médias (teste t de Student) indicou haver diferenças estatisticamente significativas no escore geral de estado afetivo entre participantes persistentes e desistentes, no CarreiraEAD, o que proporcionou a verificação de que os participantes que persisitiram apresentaram estados afetivos mais positivos. Em síntese, através dessa pesquisa foi possível perceber que o CarreiraEAD é uma forma eficaz de, considerando as características de personalidade e os estados afetivos, realizar o planejamento de carreira na modalidade virtual. / The study proposed on this thesis aims to verify how a career intervention in a virtual environment can assist the participants in planning his or her objectives regarding career, relating the outcome to personality traits and emotional states. The motivation for the development of this interdisciplinary work (Education, Psychology and Affective Computing) arises from the dynamics of the current context of the employment market and the need to increase the accessibility to this type of intervention. Super, Savickas, Holland, Scherer and the Five Factor Model of Personality (Big Five) are the main theories underpinning this research. CarreiraEAD, an instrument to support the planning, based on in a Virtual Teaching and Learning Environment, the Moodle, was initially developed to help in the validation of this study. CarreiraEAD is divided in introduction, application of the online psychological test L.A.B.E.L. (list of Bipolar Adjectives and Likert Scale), Personal Inventory of Past, Observing the Present and Planning the Future. Between the modules the Wheel of Affective States (WAS) was applied to verify affective states during the career planning process. Undergraduate students were assigned to one of three different analysis groups in this experiment. All groups were coordinated by the same career advisor. The difference between the interventions was based on the advisor approach to each group. The outcome showed evidences that the behaviors that characterize the career planning are related to affective states and personality traits such as conscientiousness, emotional stability, internal control locus, autonomy, persistence, creativity/openness to experience and risk taking. Factorial repeated measures ANOVA was performed with the aim of assessing whether there was a change in the scores of the Career Decision Scale (CDS) for the whole group and for different forms of mediation. Results showed that there was a significant variation in CDS scores considering all participants [F(1, 36) = 10.23, p =0.003, Eta2 = 0.221, Power =0.88), whereas globally the T2 scores (After) were higher than in T1(Before). Effect size (Eta2) results suggest that the difference between pretest and posttest was significant, considering the three groups jointly. This outcome is relevant since it suggests the intervention effectiveness. Mean test comparison (Student t test) showed a statistically significant difference in affective state total score between persistent participants and dropouts in CarreiraEAD, which elicited verification regarding the persistent participants, which showed more positive affective states. In summary, the present research enabled to validate that CarreiraEAD, considering the personality characteristics and emotional states, is an effective instrument to perform the career planning in a virtual environment.

Auto-eficácia e personalidade no planejamento de carreira de universitários / Self-efficacy and personality on university student’s career planning

Ourique, Luciana Rubensan January 2010 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo principal avaliar as relações da personalidade e da Auto-eficácia Profissional com o comportamento de planejamento de carreira de universitários. Participaram do estudo 213 alunos de graduação, de ambos os sexos, com idade média de 24,8 anos (dp=4,14). Os instrumentos utilizados foram um Questionário Sociodemográfico, as Escalas de Desenvolvimento de Carreira de Universitários e a Bateria Fatorial de Personalidade. Para a análise dos dados, foram realizadas correlações de Pearson, testes t e análises de regressão. Os resultados indicaram que a Auto-eficácia e a personalidade atuaram como preditores do Planejamento de Carreira. A Auto-eficácia Profissional esteve positivamente correlacionada com o Planejamento de Carreira. Ainda, o Neuroticismo (correlação negativa), a Extroversão e a Realização mostraram-se positivamente correlacionados com esta variável. Discute-se sobre a importância de se considerar as diferenças individuais e de se promover a auto-eficácia no contexto de aconselhamento de carreira. / This study examined the role of personality and Professional Self-efficacy on university student’s career planning behavior. The sample was composed of 213 participants, male and female, with mean age of 24,8 years (sd=4,14). Three instruments were used: Factorial Battery of Personality, University Students Career Development Scales and Social Demographic Questionnaire. Data was submitted to Pearson correlation analysis, t-tests and regression analysis. Professional Self-efficacy and personality were found to have unique contributions on prediction of Career Planning. Moreover, Professional Self-efficacy was positively associated with Career Planning. Conscientiousness, low Neuroticism and Extraversion were positively associated with Career Planning. Results are discussed relatively to the importance of individual differences for self-efficacy promotion and consideration in career counseling context.

Planejamento de carreira : estudo exploratório na modalidade a distância

Pereira, Daniela Forgiarini January 2013 (has links)
O estudo proposto nessa Tese busca verificar como uma intervenção de carreira não presencial pode auxiliar o participante em sua planificação de metas em relação à carreira, relacionando os resultados às características de personalidade e aos estados afetivos. A motivação para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho interdisciplinar (Educação, Psicologia e Computação Afetiva) advém da dinamicidade do atual contexto do mercado de trabalho e da necessidade de ampliar o acesso a esse tipo de intervenção. As principais teorias que suportam a pesquisa são as de Super, Savickas, Holland, Scherer e o modelo dos Cinco Grandes Fatores da Personalidade (Big Five). Para fins de validação do estudo foi, inicialmente, desenvolvido o CarreiraEAD, um Objeto para apoio ao planejamento, suportado em um Ambiente Virtual de Ensino e Aprendizagem, o Moodle, que é dividido em introdução, aplicação do teste psicológico online L.A.B.E.L. (Lista de Adjetivos Bipolares e em Escala Likert), Inventário Pessoal do Passado, Observando o Presente e Planejando o Futuro. Entre todos os módulos foi aplicada uma Roda de Estados Afetivos (REA) a fim de verificar os estados afetivos durante o processo de planejamento de carreira. Neste experimento, alunos de graduação foram distribuídos em um de três diferentes grupos de análise. Todos os grupos foram realizados pelo mesmo Orientador de carreira. A diferença existente entre as intervenções baseou-se no modo como o Orientador mediou cada grupo. Os resultados demonstraram evidências de que os comportamentos que caracterizam o planejamento de carreira estão relacionados a estados afetivos e a traços de personalidade, como a conscienciosidade, a estabilidade emocional, o lócus de controle interno, a autonomia, a persistência, a criatividade/abertura a experiências e a tomada de risco. Foi realizada uma ANOVA fatorial de medidas repetidas com o objetivo de avaliar se houve mudança nos escores na Escala de Decisão de Carreira (EDC) para todo o grupo e para as diferentes formas de mediação. Os resultados demonstraram que houve uma variação significativa dos escores da EDC considerando todos os participantes [F(1, 36) = 10,23, p =0,003; Eta2 = 0,221; Poder = 0,88), sendo que, globalmente, os escores em T2 (Depois) foram maiores do que em T1 (Antes). O resultado do tamanho de efeito (Eta2) sugere que a diferença entre pré-teste e pós- teste, considerando os três grupos conjuntamente, foi relevante. Tal resultado é interessante na medida em que sugere a eficácia da intervenção. Um teste de comparações de médias (teste t de Student) indicou haver diferenças estatisticamente significativas no escore geral de estado afetivo entre participantes persistentes e desistentes, no CarreiraEAD, o que proporcionou a verificação de que os participantes que persisitiram apresentaram estados afetivos mais positivos. Em síntese, através dessa pesquisa foi possível perceber que o CarreiraEAD é uma forma eficaz de, considerando as características de personalidade e os estados afetivos, realizar o planejamento de carreira na modalidade virtual. / The study proposed on this thesis aims to verify how a career intervention in a virtual environment can assist the participants in planning his or her objectives regarding career, relating the outcome to personality traits and emotional states. The motivation for the development of this interdisciplinary work (Education, Psychology and Affective Computing) arises from the dynamics of the current context of the employment market and the need to increase the accessibility to this type of intervention. Super, Savickas, Holland, Scherer and the Five Factor Model of Personality (Big Five) are the main theories underpinning this research. CarreiraEAD, an instrument to support the planning, based on in a Virtual Teaching and Learning Environment, the Moodle, was initially developed to help in the validation of this study. CarreiraEAD is divided in introduction, application of the online psychological test L.A.B.E.L. (list of Bipolar Adjectives and Likert Scale), Personal Inventory of Past, Observing the Present and Planning the Future. Between the modules the Wheel of Affective States (WAS) was applied to verify affective states during the career planning process. Undergraduate students were assigned to one of three different analysis groups in this experiment. All groups were coordinated by the same career advisor. The difference between the interventions was based on the advisor approach to each group. The outcome showed evidences that the behaviors that characterize the career planning are related to affective states and personality traits such as conscientiousness, emotional stability, internal control locus, autonomy, persistence, creativity/openness to experience and risk taking. Factorial repeated measures ANOVA was performed with the aim of assessing whether there was a change in the scores of the Career Decision Scale (CDS) for the whole group and for different forms of mediation. Results showed that there was a significant variation in CDS scores considering all participants [F(1, 36) = 10.23, p =0.003, Eta2 = 0.221, Power =0.88), whereas globally the T2 scores (After) were higher than in T1(Before). Effect size (Eta2) results suggest that the difference between pretest and posttest was significant, considering the three groups jointly. This outcome is relevant since it suggests the intervention effectiveness. Mean test comparison (Student t test) showed a statistically significant difference in affective state total score between persistent participants and dropouts in CarreiraEAD, which elicited verification regarding the persistent participants, which showed more positive affective states. In summary, the present research enabled to validate that CarreiraEAD, considering the personality characteristics and emotional states, is an effective instrument to perform the career planning in a virtual environment.

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