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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

How clergy experience preparing to move jobs in the Church of England

Blackie, Christine January 2014 (has links)
This research project sought to find out more about how clergy experience preparing to move jobs in the Church of England. This is important and timely for several reasons. First, there has been limited theoretical and empirical attention paid to the process and tasks of preparing for a career transition. Second, clergy are contemplating job moves in a dynamic institutional context which is affecting how they perceive and construct their future career trajectory. Third, I set out to investigate clergy as members of a workforce facing some of the same issues and concerns as those in other occupations rather than viewing them as being in any way special by virtue of their ordained status. The study is framed by career theories which attend to transition, turnover and the determinants and antecedents of career and job mobility. A total of 31 clergy from three Church of England dioceses were interviewed as part of a qualitative study. A social constructivist method was adopted and thematic analysis applied to the data with attention being paid to the reflexive research process. The findings indicate that a religious context is an important site for enhancing our understanding of the complex relationship between individual agency, structural constraints and the antecedents to preparing to move jobs. Following structural changes to how clergy are recruited, selected and appointed to posts participants are found to be experiencing cognitive dissonance as they anticipate a move. This is explained by a shift in the delegation of authority to individual clergy and the erosion of strategic ambiguity as a mode of communication between different parties. These are changes which undermine value systems rooted in history, tradition, custom and practice and calling which clergy rate highly. The study identifies facets of calling and vocation which clergy correlate with preparing to move jobs rather than an original call to ministry.

Les pulsations de la mobilité en entreprise : entre reconfiguration d’un marché interne et constitution d’un régime d’épreuve à la mobilité professionnelle / The beats of mobility within organizations : between reshaping the internal labour market and setting-up a testing regime for professional mobility

Claisse, Christophe 27 March 2017 (has links)
La thèse porte sur l’étude d’un dispositif d’accompagnement à la mobilité professionnelle au sein d’une ancienne administration d’État devenue société anonyme. Réalisée dans les centres financiers de la Banque Postale, l’enquête ethnographique combine entretiens et observations pour analyser conjointement la mobilité en cours de carrière comme l’agencement subjectif des séquences d’une vie, et la mobilité comme modalité de gestion du personnel d’une entreprise en transformation. Dans un contexte où l’individualisation des politiques de l’emploi se joint à celle des dispositifs de gestion des ressources humaines (Gazier, 2010), la thèse propose une analyse de la mobilité en contexte organisé, qui met en évidence le caractère normatif d’une injonction à la réalisation de soi par le travail. Elle met en avant le caractère multidimensionnel des transactions qui se jouent dans une épreuve de mobilité (sur le plan biographique, sur celui des usages – et détournements – des dispositifs de gestion, sur le rôle joué par les managers ou encore le cadre collectif négocié par les organisations syndicales). Ainsi, la thèse dissout les catégories dichotomiques utilisées pour décrire les parcours professionnels (mobilité subie ou choisie) en montrant que des mobilités dites subies peuvent être l’expression de véritables choix de carrière au service d’un projet de vie et que des mobilités dites choisies peuvent s’avérer foncièrement contraignantes. Au final, la thèse montre que le rapport entretenu par les individus avec leur carrière et l’usage qu’ils font de la mobilité comme outil au service de celle-ci, s’avère bien plus déterminant. / The focus of the thesis is the study of a support mechanism for employee mobility in a former state owned public administration that became a limited company. Carried out in the financial centres of La Banque Postale, the ethnographic inquiry combines qualitative interviews with workplace observations in order to analyse both career mobility as a subjective combination of life sequences, and professional mobility as a way of managing people in a firm in a state of transformation. In a context where both employment policies and human resources management systems tend towards individualized actions (Gazier, 2010), the thesis offers an analysis of professional mobility within an organized and structured context that highlights the normative nature of an injunction to self-realization through work. It emphasizes the multidimensional nature of bargainings involved in the course of mobility (on a biographical level, on the use - and misuse - of management tools, on the role played by managers or the collective framework negotiated by Trade Unions). Thus, the thesis dissolves the dichotomous categories used to describe professional careers (imposed or chosen mobility) by showing that so-called imposed mobility can be the expression of true career choices to serve a life project and that so-called chosen mobility may be fundamentally constraining. Finally, the thesis shows that the relationship maintained by individuals with their career and the use they make of professional mobility as a tool in order to achieve it, is far more decisive.

Career Mobility Patterns of Aspiring Female Leaders at California Community Colleges

Johnson, Tracy Lynn 01 January 2016 (has links)
Many women struggle to move up the career ladder. Women aspiring to executive positions in community colleges within the United States may face gender barriers, family-work life barriers, and barriers regarding their leadership ability. The problem studied was a gap in knowledge of how women succeeded in attaining executive positions in community colleges. The purpose of this study was to examine ways that female leaders at Southern California community colleges assumed executive-level roles at their institutions and the barriers they faced to attain those positions . The theory of upward mobility and the concept of self-efficacy comprised the study's conceptual framework. The research questions in this qualitative case study focused on barriers to women's upward mobility and ways that women overcame these barriers. Face-to-face structured interviews were conducted with a purposeful sample of 12 women who held positions of vice president or above at 8 Southern California community colleges within 2 counties. Interview data were coded using clustering and classification and resulted in 3 themes per research question. The results suggested that executive leaders must demonstrate communication savviness to address difficult situations, engage in active information searching and empower others through helpful communication. Findings of the study suggest formal mentorship was crucial for women in their quest for leadership roles. Prospective female leaders in higher education may be able to use the study results in navigating their careers. Positive social change may result with the greater visibility of women in executive leadership roles, thereby leading to reduced gender disparities and women achieving their highest potential in the workplace.

Physicians' work environment and health : a prospective controlled intervention study of management development programs targeting female physicians /

Jansson von Vultée, Pia, January 2004 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Univ., 2004. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Karriärvägar och karriärmönster bland disputerande läkare och medicinare /

Fridner, Ann, January 2004 (has links)
Diss. Uppsala : Univ., 2004.

The Allure of Departed Colleagues : An Examination of Career Mobility in Competitive Labor Markets

Gopakumar, M G January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
In global corporations, work is increasingly organized around projects and individuals are constantly working with new constellations of partners across locational and temporal boundaries. In order to be successful in such settings, individuals have to form and maintain relationships with those they need to learn from and coordinate with. Recent studies suggest that these social ties provide resources and support as well as create normative pressures that strengthen the attachment of employees with the firm and lead them to stay with the firm. In contrast, the strength of an individual’s attachment with the organization given the departure of connected colleagues remains largely under theorized, and consequently, its implications have not been adequately studied. We address these gaps by examining whether ties to colleagues who leave the firm activate different mechanisms which can weaken their binds with the organization. This study assume significance in the context of contemporary free-agent labor markets where career trajectories are proposed to unfold in a series of short stints at multiple firms as opposed to life-long career in a single firm. We develop theoretical arguments predicting the effect of workplace relationships on career mobility decisions by building on prior research into distributed work, changing nature of careers, social comparison, homophily, and structural equivalence. The main contention of this study is that the departure of one or more coworkers serves as powerful signals that unsettle the feeling of belongingness the focal employee enjoys with other teammates who choose to stay with the firm. Further, we propose that the influence of those departed employees will be higher when they are collocated and occupied similar professional roles as the focal employee. To test the arguments, we analyze entire project co-assignment data across five years that linked 728 geographically distributed employees who were engaged in software development and delivery activities at a multi-national high technology firm. Our findings suggest that instead of seeking belonging and viability with coworkers, employees are actively seeking cues from their network of colleagues and continuously making subjective assessments of career success. In distributed work settings, such cues circulate more among physically proximate than distant employees and formal roles of coworkers serve as referent points for those signals. These mechanisms collectively influence voluntary turnover decisions. Using a classification model, we further demonstrate how insights from this study can be used by human resource management practitioners to assess and contain the flight risk of their valuable talent.

The relationship between perceived career mobility, career mobility preference, job satisfaction and orgarnizational commitment

Joao, Tanzia Frances 11 1900 (has links)
The objective of this study was to explore the relationship between perceived career mobility, career mobility preference, job satisfaction and organisational commitment. A secondary objective was to determine whether various age, gender, tenure, marital status and race groups differed significantly regarding their perceived career mobility, career mobility preference, job satisfaction and organisational commitment. A perceived career mobility scale and career mobility preference scale, the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (short form) and the Organisational Commitment Scale, were applied to a non-probability convenience sample consisting of 82 South African accountants, auditors and financial staff members. Significant relationships were observed between the variables. Significant differences were found between age and race groups‟ perceived career mobility, gender and tenure groups‟ career mobility preference, and age and tenure groups‟ organisational commitment. The findings contribute valuable new knowledge that may be used to inform retention practices in the financial sector. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial & Organisational Psychology)

Parcours migratoires et scolaires d'enfants arméniens à Valence durant l'entre-deux-guerres / .

Gauthier, Jean-Sébastien 16 December 2016 (has links)
Lancés sur les routes de l’exil, suite au génocide de 1915 perpétré par le gouvernement JeuneTurc, les réfugiés arméniens sont à la recherche d’un territoire susceptible de les accueillir.Après un exode qui a duré plusieurs années, et qui les a conduits dans les pays de la péninsule balkanique et dans tout le Proche-Orient, certains font le choix de la France. C’est en 1922 ou 1923 (selon les sources) que les premiers réfugiés arrivent à Valence. D’autres leur emboîtent le pas les années suivantes. Mon étude tente de mettre en évidence les parcours migratoiresdes familles arméniennes valentinoises et des enfants scolarisés, depuis leurs lieux d’origine jusqu’à Valence. Plusieurs vagues migratoires, plus ou moins longues selon la durée de déplacements des populations, et parfois simultanées ou enchevêtrées, se succèdent. Très souvent, l’itinéraire, qui a conduit les familles arméniennes dans la cité drômoise, n’a pas été direct depuis leur débarquement à Marseille, mais jalonné d’étapes, qui sont autant de marqueurs des situations socio-économiques rencontrées avant leur installation à Valence, parfois définitive pour de nombreuses familles. Mon étude tente également de faire apparaîtreles différents parcours scolaires effectués au sein de l’école française. Dès les premières arrivées, les enfants entrent à l’école primaire et suivent des parcours variés, même si, pour les premiers arrivants, la préoccupation au sortir de la scolarité obligatoire reste l’obtention immédiate d’un emploi. Les parcours au sein d’un enseignement organisé en deux filièresprincipales et socialement inégalitaires ne sont pas simples et des difficultés diverses se dressent, amenant certains à abandonner soit leurs études secondaires, soit à se maintenir au sein de l’école primaire. Le système scolaire accueille ces enfants et l’enjeu linguistique passe au premier plan. D’autres élèves y mènent un parcours brillant. Sous l’influence de lasituation socioéconomique locale, les familles arméniennes opèrent des choix pour leurs enfants et des comportements se dessinent. Si pour certaines, le système scolaire doit permettre une émancipation et l’apprentissage d’un métier, au travers des professions d’ouvriers qualifiés ou de techniciens mais aussi d’emplois de bureau, pour d’autres, la reprise d’une affaire commerciale familiale ou l’apprentissage d’une profession artisanale s’impose. Le passage par l’école obligatoire permet d’atteindre un niveau linguistique plus sûr, mais aussi une qualification plus importante, qui enrichit l’affaire familiale. La destinée familiale a très souvent tracé un avenir scolaire aux enfants de la seconde génération, revu à l’âge adulte avec de nouvelles opportunités professionnelles. / Launched on the exile roads, after the 1915 genocide caused by the Jeune-Turc government, the Armenian refugees were in search of a territory open to welcome them. After an exodus which lasted several years and led them into the Balkan States and the whole Near East, some of them made the choice of France. The first refugees turned up in Valence in 1922 or 1923 (itdepends on the pieces of information). Others followed a few years later. My study attempts to show the Armenian families and children’s geographical routes, from their places of origin to Valence. Several more or less varied waves of immigrants occurred. Very often, the trip from Marseille to the “Cité drômoise” was not straight. The different stages of their French itinerary appear as markers of their varied social and economic conditions before their arrival in Valence. My contribution will also attempt to show the different school careers they made in French schools. As soon as the first arrived, children were sent to primary school and had varied school careers, even if labor remained a priority at the end of their compulsory education. The school careers in the two main educational profiles- socially unequal- were not simple and many pupils had difficulties in completing their primary or secondary schooling. The French school welcomed these foreign pupils and the acquisition of the French language was the most important issue. Other pupils had outstanding courses. Affected by the local socio-economic circumstances, the Armenian families made choices for their children. For some of them, school had to promote the learning of a trade, as skilled labourers, technicians or office workers. Others expected their children to continue the family business. Compulsory schooling promoted the acquisition of the French language but also increased the qualification levels. The Armenians wanted a future for their children and resigned themselves to the choices of their parents. After their teenage years, their professions changed and the families’ destinies advanced with new career opportunities.

Pós-graduação stricto sensu: busca de qualificação profissional ou suporte frente às vicissitudes do mundo do trabalho / Stricto sensu postgraduation: search for professional qualification or support for vicissitudes of the world of work

Bujdoso, Yasmin Lilla Veronica 13 April 2009 (has links)
Trata-se de uma pesquisa de caráter quantitativo e qualitativo, composta de um levantamento da pós-graduação brasileira com foco na comparação das áreas Direito, Engenharia Civil e Medicina e por 24 entrevistas semi-estruturadas individuais gravadas com 18 mestrandos e seis orientadores da Faculdade de Direito, da Escola Politécnica e da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. O objetivo geral da pesquisa é comparar como se desenvolve o processo de pós-graduação das três profissões mais tradicionais em uma universidade pública de destaque, relacionando o processo de elaboração da dissertação com a concomitante inserção do aluno na atividade profissional. Como resultado destaca-se que os mestrandos seguiriam a carreira acadêmica, mas simultaneamente à carreira profissional. Enquanto os mestrandos de Direito e Engenharia civil acreditavam no mestrado como facilitador para uma melhor inserção no mercado de trabalho, os de Medicina referiam a busca pelo mestrado como conseqüência natural pela sua proximidade com a universidade. Nas três áreas a universidade se defronta com contradições entre a formação de uma elite pensante, a real vocação do curso de pós-graduação stricto sensu na formação de pesquisadores, e sua qualificação profissional segundo um perfil demandado pelo mercado global. / This is a quantitative and qualitative approach research, consisting of a survey of Brazilian postgraduation focused in the comparison of Law, Civil Engineering and Medicine areas and composed by 24 semi-structured recorded individual interviews with 18 Masters students and six advisors of the Faculty of Law, the School of Engineering and the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University of São Paulo. The general objective of the research was compare the postgraduation developing process of the three most traditional professions in a distinct public university, relating the dissertation elaboration process with the concomitant insertion of the student in the professional activity. As result, was emphasized that Masters students would follow the academic career, but simultaneously to the professional career. While Law and civil Engineering Masters students considered Master Course as facilitative for a better insertion in the job market, Medicine ones related the seek for Master Course as natural consequence by their proximity to the university. In the three areas the university confronts with contradictions between the elite think tank formation, the real vocation of the postgraduation stricto sensu course in the researchers education, and their professional qualification according to a profile demanded by the global market.

Professional Preparation of the NCAA Division I Athletic Director: An Occupational Framework

Spenard, Jeffrey Charles 01 May 2011 (has links)
The study collected occupational data from the 99 National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I membership institutions head athletic directors. The purpose of this study was to identify common professional preparation and occupational characteristics among NCAA Division I athletic directors. Through issuing an electronic survey, the current study identified common characteristics and themes among Division I athletic directors specifically within the socio-demographical background, educational background, professional experience and career progression, and career and job satisfaction. The study also provided demographic information about the participant’s institutional athletic department. The necessity of this study is not due directly to the current lack of current literature and research within the collegiate administration, rather in reference to literature examining the athletic administration occupational field. The study provides an occupational framework in regards to the career progression, training, and characteristics of NCAA Division I athletic director career field. The study’s purpose was to examine the career growth of NCAA Division I athletic directors, as well as evaluate the demographic and socio-demographics characteristics of the NCAA Division I athletic director. The research and data collected from the study’s participants provided the author the opportunity to create a profile of the athletic administration career field and more specifically, the detailed qualities sought in a NCAA Division I athletic director. The results from the study are beneficial to aspiring persons that wish to work in the field of collegiate athletics administration by correlating common occupational framework for educational requirements, professional experience and years necessary to gather the appropriate experience and also to identify an overview of the job and career satisfaction common among current NCAA Division I athletic directors. In doing so, the study utilized homosocial reproduction as its theoretical framework. The study’s results concluded that the field of athletic administration, and specifically NCAA Division I athletic directors are disproportionally white males (89% white, 90% male), and further examined the educational and professional background characteristics and experiences which lead to this occupational characteristic.

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