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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


JULIANNA GRIPP SPINELLI 03 September 2020 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese analisou o processo de socialização profissional vivido por policiais femininas atuantes na Polícia Militar do Rio de Janeiro, que resulta na assunção da identidade policial, identificando as etapas deste processo e os aspectos ou condições que tornaram este decurso desafiador, levando em consideração a transposição das dificuldades inerentes aos estereótipos de gênero impressos nesta profissão e das limitações operacionais e culturais, típicas da carreira de policial militar. Além, disso, esta tese objetivou: discutir os aspectos ou condições que possam ter sido facilitadores deste processo; analisar os elementos identitários incorporados pelas entrevistadas, no transcurso da incorporação do ethos do policial e no processo de adaptação e socialização neste nicho profissional; compreender a construção identitária resultante desse processo, que culmina na construção da identidade da mulher policial e identificar os traços identitários estereotipados como femininos, ressaltados pelas entrevistadas ao se descreverem, que podem ser considerados como uma forma de resistência à incorporação de uma identidade masculinizada e embrutecida, tal qual se sugere que seja a identidade típica do policial. Para tanto, sob os preceitos da pesquisa qualitativa, foram realizadas vinte e três entrevistas em profundidade com policiais femininas atuantes em batalhões diversos do Estado do Rio de Janeiro e os depoimentos colhidos foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo. A relevância e originalidade da presente tese repousam na sua perspectiva teórico-analítica, uma vez que, nesta pesquisa, foram utilizadas teorias relativas às questões de gênero, à construção identitária relativa ao ethos do policial, além de teorias sobre identidade, construção identitária e socialização profissional amplamente utilizadas em pesquisas acadêmicas e de grande aderência aos objetivos deste trabalho. Os resultados indicam que ser mulher na PMERJ é uma realidade repleta de dificuldades, relacionadas à falta de preparo cultural desta instituição para a atuação destas profissionais. Além disto, sobre os estereótipos de gênero típicos da profissão de policial, é possível inferir que muitas entrevistadas percebem as barreiras de gênero a elas impostas, o que as coloca numa posição de inferioridade em relação a seus pares, devido ao consenso, reforçado, inclusive, por algumas delas, de que a atividade policial é mais adequada aos homens. No tocante à assunção da identidade policial, fenômeno experimentado por homens e mulheres de forma intensa, as entrevistadas relatam a incorporação de uma postura mais autoritária e impositiva; um estado de atenção permanente, visando a sua própria segurança e a de seus parceiros de trabalho e familiares; a diminuição da sensibilidade e o consequente aumento de uma postura mais dura perante muitas circunstâncias; o embrutecimento, sob a forma de masculinização, como estratégia de sobrevivência neste ambiente androcêntrico. Porém, ao mesmo tempo em que as entrevistadas incorporam novos elementos a suas construções identitárias, tornando-se mais duras e destemidas, estas também reforçam aspectos que podem ser interpretados como de resistência identitária, fortemente associados ao estereótipo feminino, em contrapartida ao ethos masculino do policial. A análise do processo de (re)construção identitária das policiais revelou o quanto este processo é paradoxal, marcado tanto por mudanças radicais, quanto por significativas resistências. / [en] This thesis analyzed the process of professional socialization experienced by female police officers in the Rio de Janeiro Military Police, which results in the assumption of the police officer identity, identifying the stages of this process and the aspects or conditions that have made this course challenging, considering the transposition of the difficulties inherent in the gender stereotypes printed in this profession and the typical operational and cultural limitations of the military police career. Furthermore, this thesis aimed to: discuss the aspects or conditions that may have facilitated this process; analyze the identity elements incorporated by the interviewees, in the course of incorporating the ethos of the police officer and in the process of adaptation and socialization in this professional niche; understand the resulting identity construction from this process, which culminates in the construction of the identity of the police woman and to identify the feminine stereotyped identities traits, emphasized by the interviewees when describing themselves, that can be considered as a form of resistance to the incorporation of a masculinized and brutalized identity, such as the typical identity of the police officer. To do so, under the precepts of qualitative research, twenty-three in-depth interviews were conducted with female police officers in battalions from the State of Rio de Janeiro, and the testimonies collected were submitted to content analysis. The relevance and originality of this thesis rests on its theoretical-analytical perspective, since, in this research, theories regarding gender issues, the identity construction related to the police ethos were used, as well as theories on identity, identity construction and socialization professionals widely used in academic research and of great adherence to the objectives of this work. The results indicate that being a woman in the PMERJ is a reality full of difficulties, related to the lack of cultural preparation of this institution for the performance of these professionals. Moreover, about the typical gender stereotypes of the police profession, it is possible to infer that many interviewees perceive the gender barriers imposed on them, which places them in a position of inferiority towards their peers, due to the consensus, even reinforced by some of them, that the police officer activity is more suitable for men. Regarding the assumption of the police officer identity, a phenomenon experienced intensely by men and women, the interviewees reported the incorporation of a more authoritarian and imposing stance; a state of permanent attention, aiming at their own safety and that of their work partners and relatives; the decrease of the sensitivity and the consequent increase of a harder posture under many circumstances; the brutalization, in the form of masculinization, as strategy of survival in this androcentric environment. However, as the interviewees incorporate new elements into their identity constructions, becoming hard and fearless, these also reinforce aspects that can be interpreted as identity resistance, strongly associated with the female stereotype, in contrast to the masculine ethos of the policeman. The analysis of the identity (re) construction process of the police woman revealed how paradoxical this process is, marked by both radical changes and significant resistance.

Timing of single motherhood : implications for employment careers in Great Britain and West Germany

Zagel, Hannah January 2013 (has links)
This thesis investigates how family–employment reconciliation issues associated with single motherhood affect women’s employment careers. The study fills a gap in the literature, which rarely considers single motherhood and employment as processes in the life course, much less in a cross-country comparative perspective. Patterns of employment trajectories during and after single motherhood are examined as the outcome of individual and institutional circumstances. Great Britain and West Germany are used as contrasting cases that represent relatively different contexts of labour market structures and family policy. Longitudinal individual-level data from the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS) and the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) are analysed, looking at the period between and including 1991–2008. The thesis develops a theoretical model that assumes differential career outcomes for experiencing single motherhood at different life stages. Higher difficulties of family–employment reconciliation are predicted for women experiencing single motherhood at a young age compared to later stages. The acquisition of marketable resources, which stands in the context of education systems, is assumed to be one of the central mechanisms mediating the relationship between age at single motherhood and employment. Moreover, policies directed at single parents affect reconciliation, shaping opportunity structures on which women can draw in single motherhood. Compared to the German context, Britain provides little institutional support securing labour market attachment for women in single motherhood, particularly when their children are young. Although providing more generous family policy measures in comparison, West German maternity leave regulations are often not applicable to women in single motherhood, and childcare is mostly granted on a half-day basis. The findings from three steps of empirical analysis provide new insights and highlight specific facets of established facts. First, fixed effects logistic regression is used, which exposes a negative association between single motherhood and entering full-time employment. No differences are observed between partnered and unpartnered mothers, but effective childcare arrangements support women’s transition in both Britain and West Germany. The second step of the analysis explores employment career patterns during and after single motherhood using sequence analysis. The emerging typical patterns are observed to different degrees in the two country contexts. On average, more employment trajectories dominated by non-employment are observed in Britain and by part-time employment in West Germany. In the last step, these findings are used in an explanatory framework, the results of which provide evidence for the life stage hypothesis. The analysis demonstrates that not only social class but also mother’s age, children’s age and skill levels seem to foster employment stability and labour market attachment during and after single motherhood.

The modelling of career options and Continuing Professional Development

Scannell, Michael Francis January 1998 (has links)
The aim of the research was to generate a model of the interactions between career options and the concept of continuing professional development. Professional development has, in many professions and organisations, become synonymous with managerial development, but the developmental needs of individuals who wish to remain in a professional role may differ from the developmental needs of individuals in a management role. Teachers were chosen as the professional group to be tested. Fifty-four teachers, all volunteers, from six secondary schools were separately interviewed under a structured format, and were also invited to complete a number of questionnaires. From analysis of the interviews and questionnaires a model of teachers' career options was produced which identified three main categories of teachers: senior managers (headteachers or deputy headteachers); aspirants to a senior manager's role; and classroom teachers. The analysis also identified a number of main factors, and sub-factors, that affected the obtaining of one of the three categories and each of the factors was developed through a targeted literature search and through analysis of the structured interviews. An additional number of factors that related only to classroom teachers were also analysed in a similar manner. Also investigated are how teachers plan their career, and the value of continuing professional development. The model of career options was then tested on members of two similar professions -midwives and nurses. Completion of the research resulted in a proposed model of career options and recommendations for continuing professional development for each option. Together the model and recommendations represent an original contribution to knowledge.

Career dynamics within the construction industry : a trade and craft perspective

Kappia, Joseph Gaiva January 2006 (has links)
Recruiting and retaining an adequate share of the UK workforce is vital to meeting the construction industry's demands and sustaining its current growth. This requires the industry to attract new employees, adopt a proactive approach to Human Resource Development (HRD) and the formulation of effective retention strategies. Career development programmes are required which can align the industry's needs with the career expectations of the individual employee. However, despite the importance of such schemes to the trade and craft occupations, most research devoted to career development has a professional and managerial focus. A need to redress this imbalance has been compounded by a variety of factors such as the scarcity of skilled people, falling recruitment levels and high employee turnover rates. The overall aim of the work reported in this thesis is to develop an understanding of trade and craft career dynamics. The information can be used as a framework for supporting specific career management and career development initiatives, which in turn will serve to actively encourage skill development, attract new employees and retain the services of the current workforce. Drawing on the conceptual languages of extant "Careers" and "Human Resource Management" theory, the research adopted an ethnographic research approach. An iterative multiphase research design framework was utilised, involving a combination of research paradigms. These quantitative and qualitative methods included: a questionnaire of 563 informants; discussions with 54 groups of trainees; and 88 indepth interviews with both New Entrant Trainees (NETs) and Qualified and Experienced (QE) construction workers. By encouraging systematic narrative accounts of the attitudes, behaviours and idea systems of the actors involved a better understanding of the nature of trade and craft employment was developed. Combining and comparing the fmdings of both datasets (NETs and QEs) and relating this to the outlined theoretical perspectives sheds new light on the career dynamics within the industry. The resear_c~-. found that although employees are not comprehensive in their information and search of career options; they do place a high priority on career development. However, career development is limited due to the realities (opportunities and operational conditions) of the industry; which influence attitudes of individuals and their peers. Employees often further encounter a series of career decision errors which affect the employment relationship. The fmdings suggest that good career development practice is capable of helping to attract, recruit and retain a sustainable share of the UK workforce. As such, the fmdings provide a platform from which effective employment strategies can be developed in the future.


Russell, Rebecca A. 01 January 2016 (has links)
Secondary agricultural education programs provide students an opportunity to gain a wide variety of knowledge about agriculture, as well as, the career opportunities within agriculture. The National FFA Organization is available for all youth enrolled in a secondary agricultural education program with a mission to make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success. In order to continue to have youth interested in agricultural colleges and the potential for pursuing agricultural careers, students must be educated about those program areas. Student perceptions of these program areas can greatly influence their motivation enroll in secondary agricultural education programs, join the National FFA Organization, and pursue agricultural career. This study used a survey method to determine the perceptions of students not enrolled in a high school agricultural program of secondary agricultural education programs, the National FFA Organization, and agricultural careers, as well as, determine the demographic characteristics of those students.

Career development and understanding consequences of context : Angolan perspectives from the oil industry

Arvinen-Muondo, Raisa J. January 2012 (has links)
Despite multidisciplinary and extensive coverage, existing career theory is largely premised on Western frameworks and limited research has been conducted into career development experiences of individuals from African countries in local or transnational settings. Thus the research presented in this thesis extends on existing constructionist career development commentary by gaining insight into the interplay between societal structures and individual action in an African context. The purpose of this study was to investigate factors influencing the career development of professional Angolans working in the oil and gas industry and how experiences associated with living and working in Western contexts influences the career development of such individuals. The aim was to go beyond discovery of factors and analyse data in the form of highly personalised accounts from key informants to deepen understanding of African career development in transnational settings, mindful of postcolonial factors. Data were collected over an 18-month period using ethnographic fieldwork and semi-structured interviewing with 24 participants. Within an ethnomethodological framework and drawing on developments in postcolonial theory, constructionist grounded theory approaches informed the hermeneutic analysis of data. Findings revealed that multiple and distinctly nuanced dynamics between institutional micro structures (e.g., family, education and employment) and societal macro structures (e.g., socio-economic, political, historical and cultural environments) significantly shape individual career decision making, behaviour and aspirations in the Angolan context. Experiences of living and working in Western settings were found to have a profound impact on personal and professional development as well as aspirations for international careers. The main limitations of this study derive from its relatively small sample size and particularist focus on a single industry, however its value stems from rich narratives captured and significant effort made to triangulate findings via ‘research conversations’ with informants and industry professionals. In light of the above, this study adds to existing career theory by incorporating postcolonial perspectives and career development experiences that go beyond planned structured careers in organisational settings by focusing on the individual consequences of international assignments in transnational settings. In light of this, insights offer value also for multinational organisations that are engaged in developing African talent.

Profesinės orientacijos renkantis pirmąją profesiją ir persikvalifikuojant / Professional Orientation In Choosing the First Career and In Retraining

Matulytė, Žydrūnė 16 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas. Profesinės orientacijos Tikslas. Išnagrinėti pirmą profesiją pasirinkusių ir persikvalifikuojančių asmenų profesines orientacijas Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Išnagrinėti profesines orientacijas ir jų pasireiškimo formas įvairaus amžiaus tarpsniuose. 2. Atskleisti asmenų pirmosios profesijos rinkimosi motyvus ir profesines orientacijas. 3. Ištirti persikvalifikuojančių asmenų poreikius, motyvus ir profesines orientacijas. 4. Palyginti profesines orientacijas asmenų, kurie renkasi pirmąją profesiją ir persikvalifikuoja. Hipotezės: 1. Asmenų pirmosios profesijos rinkimąsi labiau įtakoja išoriniai veiksniai, jų profesinės orientacijos mažiau išreikštos asmeniniais motyvais 2. Persikvalifikuojančių asmenų profesinėse orientacijose labiau išreikšti asmeniniai motyvai Tyrimo metodika 1. Mokslinės literatūros ir kitų informacijos šaltinių analizė 2. Anketinė apklausa 3. Matematinė tyrimo rezultatų analizė Tyrimo vietos: profesinė mokykla; kolegija; universitetas; suaugusiųjų mokymo centras. Tyrimo rezultatai: Lyginant persikvalifikuojančių ir besimokančių pirmosios profesijos asmenų profesines orientacijas, nerasta statistiškai reikšmingų skirtumų tarp grupių. Persikvalifikavimo priežastis yra dvejopo pobūdžio: vidinės (savirealizacijos ir karjeros) bei išorinės (didesnio užmokesčio ir darbo susiradimo). Tyrimo pradžioje iškelta hipotezė, kad asmenų pirmosios profesijos rinkimąsi labiau įtakoja išoriniai veiksniai, jų profesinės orientacijos mažiau išreikštos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Purpose: to examine professional orientationst of the persons, who have chosen their first professions and who are in retraining. Objectives of the study: 1. to examine professional orientations and their expression in a variety of age groups. 2. to reveal motives and professional orientations for the first careers. 3. to analyse needs, motives and professional orientations of persons in retraining. 4. to compare professional orientations of individuals who are choosing their first occupation and who are in re-training. Hypotheses: 1. The first choice of profession more influenced by external factors, their professional orientations are less expressed by personal reasons. 2. Personal motives are stronger expressed in professional orientations of persons in retraining. Research Methods: 1. Analysis of scientific literature and other sources of information 2. A questionnaire-based survey 3. Mathematical analysis of the survey results Test site: a vocational school; College; University; adult education center. The results : Comparison of professional orientations of persons in retraining and those studying for their first profession has found no statistically significant differences between the groups. The reasons for retraining are of two types: internal (self-realization and career) and external (higher wage and employment). The hypothesis that individuals' first choice of profession is more influenced by external factors, their professional orientations are less... [to full text]

Career progression in older managers : motivational and gender differences

Bown-Wilson, Dianne January 2011 (has links)
This study explores what UK managers aged 50 and over perceive as career progression at a time in life when opportunities for further promotion may have ceased. It examines motivational drivers and subjectively significant personal and organizational influences on career progression. It also investigates whether motivation for career progression is perceived to have changed over the career and the extent to which it may differ between male and female older managers. The research adopted a qualitative, inductive approach using a phenomenological methodology. Fieldwork comprised semi-structured interviews with 27 male and 13 female managers aged 50 and over from two large, UK financial services organizations. The findings show how motivation for career progression in managers aged over 50 is driven by individually diverse patterns of career drivers, personal and work-related influences, and attitudes towards career opportunities. These can be classified into a number of career progression orientations. The study contributes to knowledge in the area of subjective psychological career mobility in late career and the balance which individuals maintain between the organizational and personal aspects of their career. It demonstrates that motivational drivers of career progression are perceived to change over the career and that career progression is linked, on an individual basis, to past, current and future career mobility which may extend past the traditional retirement transition. It also reveals that, in general, older female managers may exhibit a greater drive for self-realisation through later life career renewal than their male counterparts.

Window dressing? : women, careers and retail management

Broadbridge, Adelina January 2010 (has links)
Via the submission of six published papers, this thesis draws together the body of work by Broadbridge on retail management and women’s careers. It reveals the factors that continue to be problematic for women’s careers and why in 2010 they continue to be under-represented in the retail management hierarchy. A contextual background to the selected papers is provided in three chapters which summarise some wider issues for the non specialist reader: an introduction to career development models, the gendered processes in management and a contemporary overview of retail employment in the UK. Of the six papers presented, each adopts a different theoretical perspective and so cumulatively a comprehensive understanding of the reasons for women’s continued under-representation in retail management positions is gained. The overall findings from the papers indicated that the main reasons for women’s and men’s differential experience in the retail management hierarchy can be located in issues of male control. Retail management is male dominated, male identified and male centred. This can present itself in a variety of different ways, and through overt or covert means of behaviour and underlying organisational cultures. Key theoretical contributions to the thesis are located in three sets of theory: the sexual division of labour and the organisation of retail work; the gendered retail career, and work-life balance and multiple role demands. Empirical and methodological contributions come from the corpus of data and the use and refinement of a mixed methods approach to understanding the subject area.

Idrott och hälsa, ”en checkstation” på idrottsprofilerade gymnasium. : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om idrottslärares åsikter om ämnet idrott och hälsa för elitidrottselever

Boström, Linus, Hellberg, Emma January 2017 (has links)
In Sweden athlete schools, where students are attending in terms of optimizing their athletic careers in correlation with their studies, are a widely spread phenomena over the country and the system is included within the ordinary school system. This study aims to examine how the subject Physical Education and Health (PEH) is taught at athlete schools in comparison to how it is taught in classes with ordinary upper secondary school students. This study is based on interviews with eight teachers from two different Swedish schools. The results show that teachers do adjust their teaching in order to achieve quality teaching to give the athletic students optimized possibilities to improve. The results show different teacher perspectives about what knowledge that is prioritized. Admittedly, the teachers confess having problems with whether they assess these students on their previous skills or if they actually learn new skills during their PEH. Hence, this study serves the purpose of revealing the importance of developing new and individualized strategies on how to form an optimized educational environment and quality teaching for those students.

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