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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigating a role for the ATP-binding cassette transporters A1 and G1 during synaptic remodeling in the adult mouse

Pearson, Vanessa. January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Structural Behaviour of Cold-formed Steel Cassette Wall Panels Subject to In-plane Shear Load

Dai, Xianghe January 2013 (has links)
No / This paper presents the structural behaviour of cold-formed steel cassette wall panels subjected to in-plane shear loads. To understand the influence of configuration, lining material and connector arrangement on the overall shear behaviour of typical cassette wall panels, different lining materials, fastener spacing and positions, edge stiffeners and specific boundary conditions were assumed in the numerical simulations. The comparison and analysis presented in this paper demonstrate typical effect factors to the load-bearing capacity of selected wall panel systems. In particular, the effect of wall opening to the structural shear behaviour of wall panels is highlighted.

Évaluation de la biomasse fongique dans les systèmes de ventilation

Biyeyeme Bi Mve, Marie Jeanne 12 1900 (has links)
Le nettoyage des systèmes de Chauffage, Ventilation et Climatisation de l’Air est important pour assurer une bonne qualité d’air intérieur. Le déclenchement de leur nettoyage est basé sur une inspection visuelle qui ne tient pas compte du contenu en moisissures, lesquelles ont des effets sur le système respiratoire. Cette recherche vise à proposer une méthode d’évaluation du contenu en moisissures afin d’aider les gestionnaires d’immeuble. Cinq générations de poussières ont été effectuées pour simuler un conduit de ventilation. Une cassette modifiée 37 mm et un filtre CPV pré-pesés ont utilisés pour collecter les poussières déposées avec une pompe calibrée à 15L/min. Les pourcentages de collecte des cassettes et des filtres ont été calculés pour 54 échantillons. Dix générations supplémentaires de poussières ont été effectuées concomitamment avec la génération de spores. Soixante échantillons ont été analysés selon quatre méthodes : culture, comptage direct des spores par microscopie (CDSM), dosage de β-N-acétylhexosaminidase (NAHA), 18S-q-PCR. La limite de détection (LD), la réplicabilité, la répétabilité, le nombre de spores et le coefficient de corrélation (r) ont été déterminés. Les récupérations de poussières étaient supérieures à 84%. Selon la méthode analytique, les concentrations médianes de spores/100 cm² allaient de 10 000 à 815 000. Les LD variaient dépendamment de la méthode de 120 à 218 000 spores/100 cm² et r de -0,08 à 0,83. La réplicabilité et la répétabilité étaient de 1% et 1% pour PCR; 5% et 10% pour CDSM; 6% et 15% pour NAHA; 12% et 11% pour culture. La méthode de collecte a démontré une excellente efficacité de récupération. La PCR est la méthode analytique recommandée pour l’évaluation fongique des systèmes de ventilation. Une validation terrain est en cours. / Cleaning systems for Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning is important to ensure good indoor air quality. The outbreak of their cleaning is based on a visual inspection does not take into account the content molds, which have effects on the respiratory system. This research aims at providing a mold content of the assessment methodology to help building managers. Five dust generations were made in an exposition chamber mimicking a HVAC duct system. A modified 37-mm cassette with a pre-weighed PVC filter was used to collect the settled dust at a flow rate of 15L/min. Particles recovery percentages collected by the cassettes and those deposited on the filters were calculated for 54 samples. Ten other generations were performed with dust using different levels of mold spores. Sixty samples were analyzed with four methods : culture on Malt Extract Agar, direct microscopic spores count (DMSC), Beta-N-Acetylhexosaminidase assay (NAHA) and 18S-q-PCR assay. The detection limit (DL), replicability, repeatability, the number of spores and correlation coefficient (r) were determined. The recovery percentages were greater than 84%. According methods, the median concentration of spores/100 cm² ranged from 10,000 to 815,000. The DL varies depending on the method from 120 to 218,000 spores/100 cm² and from -0.08 to 0.83. Replicability and repeatability were 1% and 1% for PCR, 5% and 10% for DMSC, 6% and 11% for NAHA, 12% and 11% for culture. The sampling method showed excellent dust collection efficiency. The PCR method is recommended for fungal evaluation of ventilation systems. A field validation is underway.

Etude de la transcétolase de Geobacillus stearothermophilus et modification de son énantiosélectivité par ingénierie enzymatique / Transketolase from Geobacillus stearothermophilus : characterization and modification of its enantioselectivity by protein engineering

Abdoul-Zabar, Juliane 10 January 2014 (has links)
La transcétolase (TK, EC est une enzyme catalysant la formation de cétoses de configuration D-thréo à partir d’aldéhydes α-hydroxylés (2R), par formation stéréospécifique d’une liaison C-C. L’objectif de ces travaux est d’inverser l’énantiosélectivité de cette enzyme par ingénierie afin d’obtenir des cétoses L-érytho (recherchés pour leurs applications potentielles dans les domaines pharmaceutique et/ou nutritionnel) à partir d’aldéhydes α-hydroxylés (2S). Dans ce but, une TK thermostable (mTKgst) issue de la bactérie thermophile Geobacillus stearothermophillus a d’abord été identifiée et produite. L’étude de sa structure tridimensionnelle a permis d’identifier deux résidus du site actif ayant un rôle potentiel dans l’inversion de son énantiosélectivité : Leu382 et Asp470. Des banques demTKgst mutées ont alors été créées, selon deux stratégies : rationnelle et semi-rationnelle. La première a consisté à muter les deux résidus sélectionnés par mutagenèse par saturation de site, tandis que la seconde a consisté à modifier deux séquences de cinq résidus contigus à aux positions clés, selon la mutagenèse par cassette. Afin d’identifier les mTKgst mutées d’intérêt, un test de criblage à haut-débit a été mis au point, basé sur le suivi pH-métrique de la réaction en présence de rouge de phénol. A l’issue du criblage, le variant mTKgst-L382D/D470S a été mis en évidence. Son activité vis-à-vis d’un aldéhyde modèle de configuration (2S) a été augmentée d’un facteur 5 par rapport à l’enzyme sauvage et la perte de l’énantiosélectivité vis-à-vis desaldéhydes (2R) a été confirmée. / Transketolase (TK, EC catalyzes the formation of D-threo ketoses from (2R)-α-hydroxyaldehydes by the stereospecific formation of a C-C bond. Our aim was to invert the enantioselectivity of TK by protein engineering in order to obtain L-erytho ketoses (sought after for their potential pharmaceutical and/or nutritional applications) from (2S)-α-hydroxyaldehydes. For that purpose, a thermostable TK from thermophilic bacterium Geobacillus stearothermophilus (mTKgst) has been identified and overexpressed. After the study of the 3D-structure of mTKgst, two residues located in its active site (Leu382 and Asp470) were selected as mutation targets for the inversion of the enzyme’s enantioselectivity. Both rational and semi-rational approaches were considered for the construction of the mutant mTKgst libraries. In the former, the two residues were modified by site-saturation mutagenesis. In the latter, short sequences of five amino acids, neighboring target ones, were modified using a cassette mutagenesis technique. A novel continuous pH-based assay has been developed for the high-throughput screening of the mTKgst libraries, using phenol red as pH indicator. The screening revealed mTKgst-L382D/D470S as the top mutant, showing a 5-fold activity improvement towards a model (2S)-hydroxyaldehyde and the loss of enantioselectivity towards the (2R)-aldehyde.

Approche métagénomique pour l'étude de la dégradation de la quinoléine dans les sols

Yuan, Jun 20 December 2012 (has links)
Grâce au développement des technologies de métagénomique au cours des dix dernières années, il a été constaté que les micro-organismes représentent la plus grande ressource de diversité métabolique et génétique sur Terre. En effet, un gramme de sol contient 109 cellules bactériennes et 103-104 différentes espèces bactériennes. Certaines sont en mesure de réaliser des réactions enzymatiques conduisant à la dégradation complète de certains polluants toxiques pour l’environnement comme les composés organiques tels que la quinoléine. Cependant, l'immense réservoir de molécules et enzymes microbiennes n'a pas encore été exploité, car plus de 99% d'entre elles ne sont, pour l’instant, pas cultivables in vitro. Mon travail s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une collaboration entre l’Université SJTU (Shanghai Jiao Tong Université en Chine) et le groupe de G. M.E (Génomique Microbienne Environmentale) du laboratoire Ampère à l’Ecole Centrale de Lyon. Nos partenaires à l’Université SJTU ont construit un réacteur de dénitrification à l'échelle du laboratoire capable de dégrader la quinoléine en retirant la demande chimique en oxygène. Un nouvel outil appelé "Genefish" a été developpé dans notre laboratoire comme une méthode alternative de la métagénomique pour aider à la découverte de nouveaux gènes d’intérêt industriel ou environnemental. A la suite des premiers travaux réalisés dans notre laboratoire, ma thèse présentée ici comporte deux parties.Dans la première partie de ce travail, nous avons étudié le potentiel de dégradation de la quinoléine présente dans les bactéries d’un sol de référence largement étudié au laboratoire. Pour cela nous avons mis en place des expériences de microcosme qui visent à révéler la diversité potentielle des bactéries responsables de la dégradation de la quinoléine. Des analyses comparatives des profils RISA (Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer analysis) nous ont permis de mettre en évidence des changements dans la structure de la communauté des bactéries du sol incubé en conditions aérobie et anaérobie en présence de quinoléine. La dégradation de la quinoléine a été confirmée par technique de GC/MS (Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry). Les travaux futurs seront de vérifier la communauté de bactéries responsables de la dégradation de quinoléine en utilisant la technique de NGS (Next Generation Sequencing).Le deuxième objectif de ma thèse a été d'utiliser Genefish dont la finalité est de capturer des gènes ciblés (le gène bcr qui serait responsable de la degradation de quinoléine dans le réacteur de nos partenaires) dans l'ADN métagénomique extrait du sol. Genefish consiste à élaborer une souche d’E.coli incluant un plasmide de capture permettant de pêcher les gènes recherchés dans un échantillon d’ADN metagénomique par recombinaison homologue. Le plasmide de capture comprend une cassette de deux gènes toxiques pour la souche qui activés par induction chimique vont permettre la sélection positive directe des clones recombinants, et deux sites multiples de clonage dans lesquels sont insérées les zones de recombinaison qui vont jouer le rôle d’hameçons. Nous avons testé la capacité de Genefish à capturer des produits PCR du gène bcr, l'efficacité de recombinaison reste faible à cause de la persistance de plusieurs copies du plasmide suicide dans la cellule après l’ évenement de recombinaison. Par conséquent, trois stratégies ont été essayées pour améliorer l’efficacité: la co-électroporation, la ségrégation de plasmide et la construction de plasmide suicide en mono-copie. Finalement, la stratégie de la ségrégation plasmidique fonctionne mais l'efficacité de recombinaison est encore trop faible peut-être due à l’incertitude des modèles de recombinaison homologue. Les travaux futurs se concentreront sur l'amélioration des fréquences de recombinaison par transfert de fragments du plasmide de capture dans le chromosome de la souche Genefish. / As the development of metagenomic technologies in the past ten years, it is unquestionned that microorganisms encompass the largest resource of metabolic and genetic diversity in the world. Actually, one gramme of soil contains more than 109 bacteria and 103-104 species. Some of their members are able to carry out enzymatic reactions leading to the complete degradation of pollutants (such as quinoline). So, the biodegradation of some highly toxic or organic compounds by microorganisms will be a general trend for pollutant treatment. However, the huge reservoir of molecules and enzymes from microorganisms still need to be explored because more than 99% of microorganisms cannot be cultivated in vitro.My work was based on collaboration between the University SJTU and Ecole Centrale de Lyon. Our partners at the University SJTU have built a laboratory scale denitrification reactor which was capable of degrading quinoline by removing the chemical oxygen demand. A new tool called "Genefish" has been developed in our laboratory as an alternative method for metagenomics which aims to discover novel industrial or environmental genes of interest. Following the early work in our laboratory, my thesis is presented here in two parts.In the first part, we set up a quinoline microcosm experiment both under aerobic and anaerobic condition using reference soil extensively studied in the laboratory at Ecole Centrale de LYON. This work aimed to reveal the potential bacterial diversity and even genes responsible for quinoline degradation. We used RISA(Ribosomal intergenic Spacer analysis) to analyze the bacteria community structure changes and GC/MS (Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry) was also used to detect the quinoline degradation and reveal potential quinoline metabolic pathways under aerobic and anaerobic condition. Results showed great bacteria community structure changes and high quinoline degradation activity after the quinoline addition under aerobic condition. The future work is to investigate the bacteria community which may be responsible for quinoline degradation using the technique of NGS (Next Generation Sequencing).The second object of my thesis was to use the Genefish tool to capture targeted genes (the bcr gene responsible for the quinoline degradation in the wastewater treatment bioreactor) from the soil metagenome. The aim was to construct an E.coli strain containing a capture plasmid and Red system for capturing targeted genes from metagenomic DNA by homologous recombination. The capture plasmid includes a toxic cassette consisting of two suicide genes which can be activated by chemical induction, finally support the positive recombinants selection. It also contains two multiply cloning sites in which highly conserved sequences were inserted and works as the bait during recombination. We have tested the capacity of Genefish to capture the PCR products of bcr gene; the efficiency was low because of the persistence of several copies of the capture plasmid into the Genefish strain after recombination events. So, three strategies were tried to improve the recombination efficiency: co-electroporation, plasmid segregation and mono-copy capture plasmid construction. Finally, the strategy of plasmid segregation works but the recombination efficiency was still low maybe caused by the uncertain model of homologous recombination. The further research will focus on the transfer of the toxic cassette and homologous arms into the host strain chromosome, this new strategy will exclude the bad effect of low copy number capture plasmid, uncertain model of λ Red induced homologous recombination and the homologous arms site in the capture plasmid which are the most important factors influencing the homologous recombination efficiency in Genefish.

Transport a metabolismus radioaktivně značených cytokininů v rostlinných buňkách a pletivech / Transport and Metabolism of Radio-Labelled Cytokinins in Plant Cells and Tissues

Nedvěd, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
Cytokinins are a large group of phytohormones. Since their discovery in the 1950s, they have shown to play a pivotal role in plant physiology. Most studies so far focused on cytokinin action mechanisms and their metabolic regulation. Identification of AtABCG14 and AtPUP14 as cytokinin-specific membrane carriers brought researchers' attention to cytokinin membrane transport, too. In this thesis, we performed experiments with radio-labelled cytokinin tracers. We show that trans-zeatin and isopentenyladenine, two major biologically active cytokinins, are readily transported across the plasma membrane in tobacco BY-2 cell suspension. Making use of mathematical modelling, we show that BY-2 cells possess a membrane transport system with an affinity toward cytokinins. Next, we show that atabcg14 and atpup14 mutations affect cytokinin metabolism in Arabidopsis thaliana plants. Keywords: cytokinin, Arabidopsis thaliana, tobacco BY-2 cell lines, membrane transport, purine permease, ATP-binding cassette, radio-labelling

Molecular characterisation of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) from South Africa

Oosthuysen, Wilhelm Frederick 03 June 2008 (has links)
ABSTRACT Few antibiotics are left that are effective against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and even strains resistant to these agents have been isolated. Previous studies have identified five distinct MRSA clonotypes, which are present globally. No comprehensive national study has previously been undertaken to investigate the MRSA types in South Africa, and this study was aimed at elucidating the genotypic population structure of South African MRSA isolates. SmaI digested genomic DNA, separated by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, was used to characterise 349 S. aureus isolates, obtained from various state and private diagnostic laboratories. PFGE results were complemented with those of spa typing and staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) typing results. Two-hundred-and-five different PFGE patterns were identified, which were grouped into twenty-four clusters. Three were major lineages, containing more than 20% of the isolates with a similarity cut-off of 70%. Only thirty-seven spa types were identified (fourteen novel spa types), which clustered into six spa-Clonal Complexes after BURP analysis. SCCmec types I-IV were identified, including variants of each type. Data suggest that the Archaic clone (RSA05), oldest of the epidemic clones, represents one of the major clones in South Africa. Strains that were part of this complex (n=98 (28.2%); t064; SCCmec type I-pls) clustered together with strain E2125/ATCC BAA-38 (t051; SCCmec type I). Another major complex, RSA16 (n=90 (25.7%); t012; SCCmec type II/IIB) possessed a single-locus variant (SLV) spa type and the same or a SLV SCCmec types as EMRSA-16 (t018; SCCmec type II). The third major complex, RSA03 (n=74 (21.2%); t037; SCCmec type III/IIIE), had similar spa and SCCmec types to control strainANS46 (t037; SCCmec type III). One MRSA and twelve MSSA isolates were also identified as carrying genes for the toxin Panton-Valentine leukocidin, which was confirmed by DNA nucleotide sequencing.

Deleção parcial do fator de transcrição ACE1 para otimização da produção de celulases por trichoderma reesei RUT-C30 / partial deletion of ACE1 transcription factor for optimization Trichoderma reesei RUT-C30 cellulase production

Dudek, Débora Nakadomari 07 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Rosangela Silva (rosangela.silva3@unioeste.br) on 2017-08-29T17:53:24Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação DEBORA.pdf: 1099973 bytes, checksum: aabc08a0f4d095fb9706cae57d8da79a (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-29T17:53:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação DEBORA.pdf: 1099973 bytes, checksum: aabc08a0f4d095fb9706cae57d8da79a (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-07 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Second generation bioethanol employs lignocellulosic materials in its preparation. One of the steps for these materials degradation utilizes cellulases produced by microorganisms. Among these, Trichoderma reesei fungus is one of the main cellulases producers used in industry. This fungus genetic modification can lead to enzimes production optimization, reducing cost and improving biofuels manufacture. Thus, the present work objective was delete the sequence encoding zinc fingers motifs of cellulase ACE1repressor transcription factor from T. reesei RUT-C30 fungus, seeking enzymatic production optimization. In primers construction for amplification ACE1 regions 5’ and 3' and the hph selection marker, which confers hygromycin B resistance, Joint Genome Institute - JGI site and the BioEdit ® program were used. The deletion cassette with pRS426 vector construction was mediated by Saccharomyces cerevisiae SC9721 yeast. After the cassette construction, T. reesei RUT-C30 transformation was made by protoplast and this transformation confirmation was effected by part of the hph using hphNestF and hphNestR amplification primers. After transformation with mutants obtained, endoglucanase, exoglucanase and total cellulase activity was quantified with carboxymethylcellulose substrates (CMC), microcrystalline cellulose (Avicel®) and Whatman paper filter (PF), respectively. The enzymatic production and biomass hydrolysis efficiency were performed comparing RUT-C30 strain for mutants. After deletion cassette construction, a 3501 bp fragment amplification confirmed the cassette formation. Posteriorly, RUT-C30 strain transformation, a 989 bp amplification was observed, confirming the 3 mutants target sequence deletion. With cellulase activity assay, 3 transformed strain showed higher enzymatic production when compared to RUT-C30 strain. In this comparison, a significant statistical difference was observed of RUT-C30Δace1-1 strain with Avicel® and PF (p <0.001) CMC (p <0.01), RUT-C30Δace1-2 strain with CMC (p<0,01) e PF (p<0,05), and RUT-C30Δace1-3 strain with Avicel (p<0,001), CMC and PF (p<0,01). The mutants also showed greater efficiency in biomass hydrolysis, with release sugar increase between 21 and 42%. Based on this study, mutants are promising for most efficient and viable ethanol production. Nevertheless, additional tests must be carried out to better understand these fungi applicability in the industrial level. / O bioetanol de segunda geração emprega materiais lignocelulósicos na sua elaboração. Uma das etapas para a degradação destes materiais utiliza celulases produzidas por microrganismos. Dentre estes, o fungo Trichoderma reesei é um dos principais produtores de celulases utilizadas na indústria. A modificação genética deste fungo pode levar à otimização da produção de suas enzimas, diminuindo o custo e melhorando a fabricação de biocombustíveis. Desta forma, o objetivo do trabalho foi deletar a região dos motivos dedos de zinco no gene que codifica o fator de transcrição repressor de celulase ACE1 do fungo T. reesei RUT-C30, buscando a otimização na produção enzimática. Na construção dos primers para amplificação das regiões 5’ e 3’ de ace1 e do marcador de seleção hph, que confere resistência à higromicina B, utilizou-se o site Joint Genome Institute – JGI e o programa BioEdit®. A construção do cassete de deleção com o vetor pRS426 foi mediado pela levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae SC9721. Posteriormente, a construção do cassete, a transformação de T. reesei RUT-C30 foi realizada através de protoplasto e a confirmação desta transformação foi efetuada por amplificação de parte do hph utilizando os primers hphNestF e hphNestR. Após a transformação, com os mutantes obtidos, a atividade de endoglucanase, exoglucanase e celulase total foi quantificada com os substratos carboximetilcelulose (CMC), celulose microcristalina (Avicel®) e papel de filtro Whatman (PF), respectivamente. A produção enzimática e a eficiência na hidrólise da biomassa foram realizadas comparando-se a linhagem RUT-C30 aos mutantes. Após a construção do cassete de deleção, a amplificação de um fragmento de 3501 pb confirmou a formação do cassete. E, posteriormente à transformação da linhagem RUT-C30, o amplificado de 989 pb foi observado, confirmando a deleção da sequência alvo em 3 mutantes. Com o ensaio de atividade de celulases, as 3 linhagens transformadas mostraram maior produção enzimática quando comparadas à linhagem RUT-C30. Nessa comparação, foi observada diferença estatística significativa da linhagem RUT-C30Δace1-1 com Avicel® e PF (p<0,001), da linhagem RUTC30Δace1- 2 com CMC (p<0,01) e PF (p<0,05) e da linhagem RUT-C30Δace1-3 com Avicel (p<0,001), CMC e PF (p<0,01). Os mutantes também apresentaram maior eficiência na hidrólise da biomassa, com aumento na liberação de açúcar entre 21 e 42%. Com base nos dados deste estudo, os mutantes apresentam-se promissores para a produção mais eficiente e viável de etanol. Apesar disso, testes adicionais devem ser realizados para melhor entendimento da aplicabilidade destes fungos a nível industrial.

Involvement of Membrane Transport Proteins in Intestinal Absorption and Hepatic Disposition of Drugs Using Fexofenadine as a Model Drug

Petri, Niclas January 2005 (has links)
<p>The aims of this thesis were to study the in vivo relevance of membrane transporters for intestinal absorption and the hepatic disposition of drugs in humans and preclinical models. Fexofenadine is a substrate for ABCB1 (P-glycoprotein) and members of the organic anion transporting polypeptide (OATP/SLCO) family. It is marginally metabolised in humans. </p><p>The influence of known inhibitors of ABCB1 and OATPs on the membrane transport and pharmacokinetics of fexofenadine was investigated in Caco-2 and porcine models and in humans. The permeability of fexofenadine remained low, even when significantly altered by the addition of an inhibitor. Using the Loc-I-Gut<sup>®</sup> technique in vivo in humans, it was possible to see that the jejunal effective permeability of fexofenadine was unchanged when given with verapamil. However, the systemic exposure and apparent absorption rate of fexofenadine increased. This suggests that the first-pass liver extraction of fexofenadine was reduced by verapamil, probably through the inhibition of sinusoidal OATP-mediated and/or canalicular ABCB1-mediated secretion. The unchanged permeability can be explained by simultaneous inhibition of jejunal apical OATP-uptake and ABCB1-efflux, which would leave fexofenadine to be transported by passive trancellular diffusion. A Loc-I-Gut<sup>®</sup> perfusion in the porcine model enabling blood sampling in the portal and hepatic veins and bile collection revealed increased jejunal permeability, but no subsequent verapamil-induced elevation in the systemic exposure of fexofenadine. This indicates a species-related difference in the localisation of and/or the substrate specificity of fexofenadine for the transporters involved. The absence of an effect on the first-pass liver extraction in the porcine model might be caused by the observed lower liver exposure of verapamil.</p><p>Finally, a novel intubation technique enabling dosing of fexofenadine in the jejunum, ileum and the colon showed that fexofenadine was absorbed less along the length the intestine in agreement with the properties of a low permeability drug.</p>

Microarray-based Detection for Multidrug Resistance in Human Tumours by Expression Profiling of ABC Transporter Genes and for Small B-cell non Hodgkin's Lymphoma Characterization. <br /><br /> Damier à ADN de faible densité pour la détection des gènes ABC transporteurs dans les tumeurs humaines et pour la caractérisation des lymphomes non Hodgkiniens à petites cellules B.

Gillet, Jean-Pierre 25 April 2006 (has links)
The multiplication of new markers used for diagnosis addresses new challenges in routine medical practice. One outstanding question is; how can we profile tumor markers expression using a meaningful and practical method for clinical purposes? Over the last 6 years, the microarray technology made a significant contribution to our understanding of many medical conditions. Benefiting from EAT’s expertise, we decided to design two cutting edge low density microarrays tools to study on one hand, ATP-binding cassette genes-mediated chemotherapy resistance and on the other hand, to characterize subtypes of Small B-Cell non-Hodgkin Lymphomas. The microarray (DualChip human ABC) specificity and the reproducibility of our results were tested first by comparison of ABC gene expression in three drug-resistant sublines and their respective drugsensitive counterparts. The results that we obtained were in accordance with ABC-transporters expression previously described for these cell lines using different methods. Interestingly, we were able to report a larger diversity of ABC-transporter expression than previously established with classical molecular biology screens. To further validate the relevance of this approach for diagnostic purposes, we profiled the expression of ABC genes in clinical samples of Acute Myeloid Leukemia, T-Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia from pediatric patients, and drug treated/untreated samples of mamma carcinoma biopsies. By doing so, we characterized the expression of new ABC transporters in pediatric leukemia and observed enrichment for ABC-transporters in breast cancers even prior drug treatment. In the second part of this work our microarray-based strategy was applied to diagnostic procedures in order discriminate between four different forms of small B cell non Hodgkin lymphomas. We applied gene expression profiling to RNA samples obtained from 71 patients. Through a supervised comparison of the various expression patterns, we isolated a group of genes that can be used to discriminate 75% of the patients investigated. As a conclusion, using a variety of cell lines and tumor samples we demonstrated that low-density microarrays can be used for molecular diagnosis in many meaningful ways including tumor classification and drug resistance profiling. <br /><br /> La diversité des marqueurs utilisés pour le diagnostic est un nouveau défi dans la pratique médicale quotidienne. Une question se pose donc; comment pouvons-nous déterminer le profil d’expression génique d’une tumeur en utilisant une approche efficace et pratique à des buts cliniques ? Au cours de ces 6 dernières années, les damiers à ADN ont contribué de façon significative à l’amélioration des connaissances dans de nombreux domaines de la recherche biomédicale. Bénéficiant de l’expertise de la société EAT, nous avons développé deux damiers à ADN de faible densité permettant d’une part, l’étude de la résistance à la chimiothérapie induite par les ABC transporteurs, et d’autre part, d’évaluer l’intérêt de ce genre d’outil pour le diagnostique clinique des lymphomes non Hodgkiniens à petites cellules B. Dans un premier temps, nous avons évalué la spécificité et la reproductibilité du damier DualChip human ABC. Pour cela, nous avons comparé le profil d'expression génique de trois lignées cellulaires résistantes à une drogue donnée avec le profil d’expression génique de leur lignée parentale sensible à cette drogue. Les résultats que nous avons obtenus étaient en accord avec ceux préalablement décrits. En outre, nous avons détecté un profil expression d’un plus grand nombre de gènes ABC transporteurs que celui établi précédemment à partir de techniques conventionnelles. Afin d’étudier davantage l’intérêt de cet outil dans le domaine diagnostique, nous avons étudié le profil d’expression des gènes ABC dans des échantillons cliniques de leucémie myéloïde aiguë, leucémie lymphoblastique aiguë de type T chez l’enfant et de carcinomes mammaires provenant de patients adultes traités et non traités. Nous avons ainsi pu mettre en évidence l’expression de nouveaux gènes ABC transporteurs dans les leucémies de l’enfant. Nous avons également observé un niveau d’expression élevé de nombreux gènes ABC transporteurs tant dans les tumeurs mammaires traitées que non traitées. Dans la seconde partie de ce travail, nous avons évalué le potentiel des damiers à ADN de faible densité dans le diagnostic de 4 sous-types de lymphomes non Hodgkiniens à petites cellules B. Nous avons étudié le profil d’expression génique d’échantillons provenant de 71 patients. Une analyse supervisée à partir du profil d’expression de tous les gènes étudiés a ensuite été entreprise. Cette étude a permis de mettre en évidence un groupe de gènes permettant de différencier 75% des patients investigués. L’ensemble de nos résultats a démontré que le damier à ADN de faible densité est un outil prometteur pour le diagnostic moléculaire dans des domaines variés incluant la classification des tumeurs et la détection de la résistance aux drogues.

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