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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A peçonha do escorpião Tityus serrulatus é reconhecida por receptores de reconhecimento padrão e induz ativação celular e inflamação / Tityus serrulatus scorpion venom is recognized by pattern recognition receptors and induces cell activation and inflammation

Zoccal, Karina Furlani 08 August 2014 (has links)
O escorpião Tityus serrulatus é considerado uma das espécies mais perigosas para os seres humanos no Brasil, e sua peçonha induz resposta inflamatória local e sistêmica. Neste projeto, tivemos como objetivo estudar a produção de mediadores inflamatórios, as vias de ativação celular e os receptores da imunidade inata responsáveis pelo reconhecimento da peçonha do escorpião T. serrulatus (TsV), bem como de suas toxinas. Nós demonstramos que TsV, e suas toxinas Ts1 e Ts6 induzem a produção de NO, IL-6 e TNF-? por células J774.1, as quais podem ser potencializadas pela presença de LPS. No entanto, Ts2 apresenta atividade anti-inflamatória por induzir produção de IL-10 e inibe a liberação de NO, IL-6 e TNF-?, induzida pelo LPS. Mostramos ainda que Ts2 ou Ts6 isoladas do TsV, além das citocinas, induzem a produção dos mediadores lipídicos (LTB4 e PGE2), e estes contribuem para o recrutamento de leucócitos para a cavidade peritoneal. Em conjunto, os nossos dados demonstraram que Ts2 e Ts6 induzem inflamação por mecanismos dependentes da produção de citocinas e mediadores lipídicos, e que Ts2 pode desempenhar papel regulador da resposta. No entanto, os mecanismos responsáveis pelo reconhecimento da peçonha e indução da liberação de mediadores inflamatórios por células de mamíferos, são desconhecidos. Assim, dando continuidade aos nossos estudos, demonstramos que os receptores TLR2, TLR4 e CD14 reconhecem TsV, e medeiam a produção de citocinas e mediadores lipídicos. Além disso, nós demonstramos que TsV ativa NF-?B dependente de MyD88, e o fator c-Jun, independente de MyD88. Semelhante ao TsV, a sua toxina majoritária, Ts1, induz a fosforilação de NF-?B dependente de MyD88, via reconhecimento por TLR2 e TLR4, enquanto a ativação c-Jun é via TLR4, mas independente de MyD88. Dentro deste contexto, nós propusemos o termo Padrões Moleculares Associados à Venenos (VAMP) para se referir às moléculas que são introduzidas no hospedeiro por picadas e são reconhecidas por receptores de reconhecimento padrão (PRRs), resultando em inflamação. Demonstramos ainda, a formação de corpúsculos lipídios (CLs) e a geração de eicosanóides, após o reconhecimento do TsV por TLR2 e TLR4. Nossos dados mostraram que a formação de eicosanóides se correlaciona com a formação dos CLs, que por sua vez são dependentes de TLR2 e TLR4, e da ativação de PPAR?, sugerindo que este receptor nuclear pode modular a produção de citocinas pró-inflamatórias. Assim, concluímos que PPAR? pode ser um candidato-alvo atrativo para novas estratégias terapêuticas para prevenção dos efeitos deletérios resultantes da intensa liberação sistêmica de mediadores inflamatórios após envenenamento. / Tityus serrulatus is the scorpion considered one of the most dangerous species to humans in Brazil, which venom induces local and systemic inflammatory response. In this project, we aimed to study In this project, we aimed to study the inflammatory mediators production, cell activation and receptors of innate immunity responsible for recognition of the venom of the scorpion T. serrulatus (TsV) as well as their toxins. We have demonstrated that TsV and their toxins Ts1 and Ts6 induce NO, IL-6 and TNF-? production in J774.1 cells, which may be potentiated by presence of LPS. However, Ts2 exhibits anti-inflammatory activity due induction of IL-10 production and inhibits the release of NO, IL- 6 and TNF-? induced by LPS. We also show that Ts2 or Ts6 isolated of TsV, besides of the cytokines, induce the production of lipid mediators (LTB4 and PGE2), and these mediators contribute to leukocytes recruitment into the peritoneal cavity. Taken together, our data demonstrated that Ts2 and Ts6 induce inflammation by mechanisms dependent on the production of cytokines and lipid mediators, and that Ts2 may play regulatory role on the cell response. Furthermore, continuing our studies, we demonstrated that TLR2, TLR4 and CD14 receptors recognize TsV, mediating cytokines and lipid mediators production. We also showed TsV MyD88- dependent activation of NF-?B, and a MyD88-independent activation of the factor c-Jun. Similar to TsV, the majority toxin Ts1 induces MyD88-dependent phosphorylation of NF-kB via TLR2 and TLR4 recognition, while the c-Jun activation is through TLR4 recognition, but independent of MyD88. Within this context, we propose the term Venom-Associated Molecular Pattern (VAMP), to refer molecules that are introduced into the host by st ings and recognized by PRRs, resulting in inflammation. Finally, we investigated the formation of lipid bodies (LBs) and generation of eicosanoids, through TsV recognition by TLR2 and TLR4. Our data showed that eicosanoid production correlates with the LBs formation, which are dependent on TLR2, TLR4 and PPAR? activation, suggesting that this nuclear receptor can modulate cytokines inflammatory. Thus, we suggest that PPAR? may be an attractive candidate target for novel therapeutic strategies to prevent the deleterious effects of intense systemic release of inflammatory mediators after envenomation.

Functional characterization of the CD300e leukocyte receptor

Brckalo, Tamara 24 January 2011 (has links)
The focus of this work was to functionally characterize the CD300e receptor expressed in human monocytes and myeloid dendritic cells and investigate the implications that receptor engagement has on their biology. We provide evidence formally supporting that CD300e functions as an activating receptor capable of regulating the innate immune response by triggering various pro- inflammatory functions including intracellular calcium mobilization, superoxide anion production, pro-inflammatory cytokine release and up-regulation of co-stimulatory molecules in myeloid cells. We also report that ligation of CD300e on the surface of monocytes results in their differentiation to functional MΦ2-like macrophages by an autocrine mechanism that involves M-CSF and its receptor (CD115). / L'objectiu d'aquest treball ha estat caracteritzar funcionalment el receptor CD300e expressat en monòcits i cèl·lules dendrítiques mieloides humanes, així com investigar les implicacions que l'activació d'aquest receptor pot tenir en la seva biologia. Demostrem formalment que el receptor CD300e funciona com un receptor activador capaç de regular la resposta immune innata activant diverses funcions proinflamatòries, incloent la mobilització de calci intracel·lular, la producció d'anió superòxid, la secreció de citocines proinflamatòries i la inducció de molècules coestimuladores en cèl·lules mieloides. També descrivim que l'activació del receptor CD300e a la superfície dels monòcits provoca la seva diferenciació cap a macròfags funcionals del tipus MΦ2 gràcies a un mecanisme autocrí que funciona a través del M-CSF i el seu receptor (CD115).

Étude du rôle de la MAP Kinase non-conventionnelle ERK3 dans le développement thymique et l'activation des lymphocytes T

Marquis, Miriam 05 1900 (has links)
Les voies de signalisation des MAP kinases (MAPK) conventionnelles jouent des rôles essentiels pendant le développement des lymphocytes T (LT) ainsi que lors de leur activation suite à la reconnaissance antigénique. En raison de ses différences structurelles ainsi que de son mode de régulation, ERK3 fait partie des MAPK dites non-conventionnelles. Encore aujourd’hui, les événements menant à l’activation de ERK3, ses substrats ou partenaires ainsi que sa fonction physiologique demeurent peu caractérisés. Nous avons entrepris dans cette thèse d’étudier le rôle de ERK3 lors du développement et de l’activation des LT en utilisant un modèle de souris déficient pour l’expression de ERK3. Nous avons premièrement établi que ERK3 est exprimée chez les thymocytes. Ensuite, nous avons évalué le développement thymique chez la souris ERK3-déficiente et nous avons observé une diminution significative de la cellularité aux étapes DN1, DP et SP CD4+ du développement des LT. La création de chimères hématopoïétiques ERK3-déficientes nous a permis de démontrer que la diminution du nombre de cellules observée aux étapes DN1 et DP est autonome aux thymocytes alors que le phénotype observé à l’étape SP CD4+ est dépendant de l’abolition simultanée de ERK3 dans l’épithélium thymique et dans les thymocytes. Une étude plus approfondie de l’étape DP nous a permis de démontrer qu’en absence de ERK3, les cellules DP meurent plus abondamment et accumulent des cassures doubles brins (DSB) dans leur ADN. De plus, nous avons démontré que ces cassures dans l’ADN sont réalisées par les enzymes RAG et qu’en absence de ces dernières, la cellularité thymique est presque rétablie chez la souris ERK3-déficiente. Ces résultats suggèrent que ERK3 est impliquée dans un mécanisme essentiel à la régulation des DSB pendant le réarrangement V(D)J de la chaîne  du récepteur des cellules T (RCT). Dans le deuxième article présenté dans cette thèse, nous avons montré que ERK3 est exprimé chez les LT périphériques, mais seulement suite à leur activation via le RCT. Une fois activés in vitro les LT ERK3-déficients présentent une diminution marquée de leur prolifération et dans la production de cytokines. De plus, les LT ERK3-déficients survivent de façon équivalente aux LT normaux, mais étonnamment, ils expriment des niveaux plus faibles de la molécule anti-apoptotique Bcl-2. Ces résultats suggèrent que la prolifération réduite des LT ERK3-déficients est la conséquence d’une altération majeure de leur activation. Ainsi, nos résultats établissent que ERK3 est une MAPK qui joue des rôles essentiels et uniques dans le développement thymique et dans l’activation des lymphocytes T périphériques. Grâce à ces travaux, nous attribuons pour la toute première fois une fonction in vivo pour ERK3 au cours de deux différentes étapes de la vie d’un LT. / Classical MAP kinases (MAPK) play essential roles during T cell development and activation. ERK3 is a member of the MAPK family for which no physiological function has been described yet. Also, ERK3 is an atypical MAPK since its structure and mode of regulation are different from the conventional MAPK. Even today, the events leading to ERK3 activation and its substrates or partners are still largely unknown. We have studied in this thesis the role of ERK3 during T cell development and activation by using a mouse model in which ERK3 is not expressed. First, we have established that ERK3 is expressed in thymocytes. Next, we have evaluated thymic development in ERK3-deficient mice and we have observed a significant decrease in cell number at DN1, DP and CD4SP stages of T cell development. ERK3-deficient hematopoietic chimeras revealed that the DN1 and DP phenotype are T-cell autonomous, while abrogation of CD4SP development requires ERK3-deficiency in both thymocytes and thymic epithelium. By investigating further the DP stage, we have shown that ERK3-deficient DP thymocytes are more prone to apoptosis and also accumulate DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). Moreover, we have shown that the increase DSBs are the direct consequence of RAG activity and that abolition of RAG almost restored thymic cellularity in ERK3-deficient mice. These results suggest that ERK3 is involved in an essential mechanism of DBSs regulation during TCR recombination. In the second article presented in this thesis, we have shown that ERK3 is expressed in peripheral T cell, but only when their TCR is activated. Also, ERK3-deficient T cells presented a strong reduction in proliferation and cytokine secretion following in vitro stimulation. Moreover, activated T cells lacking ERK3 are not more prone to death and surprisingly, they are unable to up-regulate the expression of the anti-apoptotic molecule Bcl-2 following TCR stimulation. These results suggest that the reduced proliferation of ERK3-deficient T cells is a consequence of their defective activation. Collectively, our results unveil essential and unsuspected roles for ERK3 in T cell development and activation. With this study, we establish for the first time an in vivo function for the atypical MAPK ERK3 in two different stages during T cell life.

B-cell-survival factors in multiple sclerosis and myasthenia gravis /

Thangarajh, Mathula, January 2007 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karolinska institutet, 2007. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

Infecção pelo vírus GB-C (GBV-C) em recém infectados pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana tipo 1 (HIV-1): prevalência, incidência e modulação da ativação celular / GB virus C in recently HIV-1 infected subjects: prevalence, incidence and modulation in the cellular activation

Giret, Maria Teresa Maidana [UNIFESP] 29 April 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-22T20:50:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009-04-29. Added 1 bitstream(s) on 2015-08-11T03:25:40Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 Publico-062a.pdf: 992519 bytes, checksum: 41750ff4e6e38ad6517d6c7541049844 (MD5). Added 1 bitstream(s) on 2015-08-11T03:25:40Z : No. of bitstreams: 2 Publico-062a.pdf: 992519 bytes, checksum: 41750ff4e6e38ad6517d6c7541049844 (MD5) Publico-062b.pdf: 1669897 bytes, checksum: 5ca81b8b1f9a75f45902de9ce4bc36f7 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / O GB vírus C (GBV-C) está constituído por uma fita única de RNA de polaridade positiva e pertence à família Flaviviridae. Possui uma seqüência e organização genómica parecida ao vírus da hepatite C, (HCV). A infecção pelo GBV-C não foi associada a nenhuma patologia, embora, na co infecção com o HIV, tenha sido associada a uma sobrevida maior e retardo no desenvolvimento da imunodeficiência. O efeito benéfico do GBV-C parece ser mediado por alterações na resposta imune celular; contudo, os possíveis mecanismos para explicar esse efeito ainda não foram esclarecidos. Neste trabalho investigamos a freqüência e características genotípicas assim como o impacto da infecção pelo GBV-C nos indivíduos infectados pelo HIV-1. No primeiro manuscrito examinamos os conhecimentos descritos na literatura referentes à coinfecção e propusemos algumas hipóteses para explicar esses efeitos. Posteriormente, descrevemos a taxa de infecção, a prevalência, incidência e características genotípicas do GBV-C nesta população. Assim, uma considerável freqüência de infecção pelo GBV-C foi observada e a análise filogenética dos isolados de GBV-C mostraram ser do genótipo 1 e 2. Foi observada também uma correlação inversa entre a carga viral do GBV-C e a carga viral do HIV na inclusão e um ano depois, assim como uma correlação positiva, mas não significativa, entre a carga viral do GBV-C e a contagem de linfócitos T CD4+. Finalmente, avaliamos o efeito da viremia pelo GBV-C na ativação celular em recém infectados pelo HIV-1. Os pacientes foram agrupados em GBV-C viremicos e não virémicos e foram avaliados para a contagem de linfócitos T, marcadores de ativação celular e carga viral do GBV-C e HIV-1. Foram realizadas análises de univariada e multivariada para identificar variáveis associadas com ativação celular. Demonstramos que a viremia pelo GBV-C foi correlacionada com uma diminuição da ativação celular nos indivíduos HIV positivos e este efeito mostrou se independente da carga viral do HIV. Assim, esta associação entre a replicação do GBV-C e menor ativação celular pode explicar, pelo menos em parte, a proteção conferida pelo GBV-C na progressão da doença nos indivíduos infectados pelo HIV-1. / GB virus C (GBV-C) is a single stranded positive sense RNA virus, which is a member of the Flaviviridae. It has a close sequence homology and genomic organization to hepatitis C virus (HCV). No disease has been associated with GBV-C infection but coinfection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) leads to improved morbidity and mortality for the HIV infected subjects. The mechanism of the beneficial effect of GBV-C appears to be mediated by alterations in the cellular immune response. In this study we investigated the frequency and genotyping characteristics as well as the impact of the GBV-C infection among recently HIV-1 infected individuals. In the first manuscript we examined the current knowledge concerning this co-infection and developed hypotheses to explain its effects. Subsequently, we described the rate of infection, the prevalence, incidence and genotypic GBV-C characteristics in this population. In that regard, a considerable frequency of GBV-C infection was observed and the phylogenetic analysis of the GBVC isolates revealed the predominance of genotypes 1 and 2. Also, it was observed an inverse correlation between GBV-C load and HIV-1 load at the enrollment and after one year of follow-up, and a positive, but not statistically significant, correlation between GBV-C load and CD4+ T lymphocyte counts. Finally, we have investigated the effect of GBV-C viremia on T cell activation in early HIV-1-infection. The volunteers were enrolled into two groups: GBV-C viremic and non viremic, all co-infected with HIV-1. They were evaluated for T cell counts, cellular activation markers, GBV-C RNA detection, and HIV-1 viral load. Non-parametric univariate and multivariate analyses were carried out to identify the variables associated with cellular activation. We demonstrated that the GBV-C viremia is correlated with a lower T cell activation in HIV-1-infected individuals and this effect was independent of HIV-1 viral load. The association between GBV-C replication and lower T-cell activation may explain, at least in part, the protection conferred by this virus against disease progression to immunodeficiency in HIV-1-infected patients. / TEDE / BV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertações

A peçonha do escorpião Tityus serrulatus é reconhecida por receptores de reconhecimento padrão e induz ativação celular e inflamação / Tityus serrulatus scorpion venom is recognized by pattern recognition receptors and induces cell activation and inflammation

Karina Furlani Zoccal 08 August 2014 (has links)
O escorpião Tityus serrulatus é considerado uma das espécies mais perigosas para os seres humanos no Brasil, e sua peçonha induz resposta inflamatória local e sistêmica. Neste projeto, tivemos como objetivo estudar a produção de mediadores inflamatórios, as vias de ativação celular e os receptores da imunidade inata responsáveis pelo reconhecimento da peçonha do escorpião T. serrulatus (TsV), bem como de suas toxinas. Nós demonstramos que TsV, e suas toxinas Ts1 e Ts6 induzem a produção de NO, IL-6 e TNF-? por células J774.1, as quais podem ser potencializadas pela presença de LPS. No entanto, Ts2 apresenta atividade anti-inflamatória por induzir produção de IL-10 e inibe a liberação de NO, IL-6 e TNF-?, induzida pelo LPS. Mostramos ainda que Ts2 ou Ts6 isoladas do TsV, além das citocinas, induzem a produção dos mediadores lipídicos (LTB4 e PGE2), e estes contribuem para o recrutamento de leucócitos para a cavidade peritoneal. Em conjunto, os nossos dados demonstraram que Ts2 e Ts6 induzem inflamação por mecanismos dependentes da produção de citocinas e mediadores lipídicos, e que Ts2 pode desempenhar papel regulador da resposta. No entanto, os mecanismos responsáveis pelo reconhecimento da peçonha e indução da liberação de mediadores inflamatórios por células de mamíferos, são desconhecidos. Assim, dando continuidade aos nossos estudos, demonstramos que os receptores TLR2, TLR4 e CD14 reconhecem TsV, e medeiam a produção de citocinas e mediadores lipídicos. Além disso, nós demonstramos que TsV ativa NF-?B dependente de MyD88, e o fator c-Jun, independente de MyD88. Semelhante ao TsV, a sua toxina majoritária, Ts1, induz a fosforilação de NF-?B dependente de MyD88, via reconhecimento por TLR2 e TLR4, enquanto a ativação c-Jun é via TLR4, mas independente de MyD88. Dentro deste contexto, nós propusemos o termo Padrões Moleculares Associados à Venenos (VAMP) para se referir às moléculas que são introduzidas no hospedeiro por picadas e são reconhecidas por receptores de reconhecimento padrão (PRRs), resultando em inflamação. Demonstramos ainda, a formação de corpúsculos lipídios (CLs) e a geração de eicosanóides, após o reconhecimento do TsV por TLR2 e TLR4. Nossos dados mostraram que a formação de eicosanóides se correlaciona com a formação dos CLs, que por sua vez são dependentes de TLR2 e TLR4, e da ativação de PPAR?, sugerindo que este receptor nuclear pode modular a produção de citocinas pró-inflamatórias. Assim, concluímos que PPAR? pode ser um candidato-alvo atrativo para novas estratégias terapêuticas para prevenção dos efeitos deletérios resultantes da intensa liberação sistêmica de mediadores inflamatórios após envenenamento. / Tityus serrulatus is the scorpion considered one of the most dangerous species to humans in Brazil, which venom induces local and systemic inflammatory response. In this project, we aimed to study In this project, we aimed to study the inflammatory mediators production, cell activation and receptors of innate immunity responsible for recognition of the venom of the scorpion T. serrulatus (TsV) as well as their toxins. We have demonstrated that TsV and their toxins Ts1 and Ts6 induce NO, IL-6 and TNF-? production in J774.1 cells, which may be potentiated by presence of LPS. However, Ts2 exhibits anti-inflammatory activity due induction of IL-10 production and inhibits the release of NO, IL- 6 and TNF-? induced by LPS. We also show that Ts2 or Ts6 isolated of TsV, besides of the cytokines, induce the production of lipid mediators (LTB4 and PGE2), and these mediators contribute to leukocytes recruitment into the peritoneal cavity. Taken together, our data demonstrated that Ts2 and Ts6 induce inflammation by mechanisms dependent on the production of cytokines and lipid mediators, and that Ts2 may play regulatory role on the cell response. Furthermore, continuing our studies, we demonstrated that TLR2, TLR4 and CD14 receptors recognize TsV, mediating cytokines and lipid mediators production. We also showed TsV MyD88- dependent activation of NF-?B, and a MyD88-independent activation of the factor c-Jun. Similar to TsV, the majority toxin Ts1 induces MyD88-dependent phosphorylation of NF-kB via TLR2 and TLR4 recognition, while the c-Jun activation is through TLR4 recognition, but independent of MyD88. Within this context, we propose the term Venom-Associated Molecular Pattern (VAMP), to refer molecules that are introduced into the host by st ings and recognized by PRRs, resulting in inflammation. Finally, we investigated the formation of lipid bodies (LBs) and generation of eicosanoids, through TsV recognition by TLR2 and TLR4. Our data showed that eicosanoid production correlates with the LBs formation, which are dependent on TLR2, TLR4 and PPAR? activation, suggesting that this nuclear receptor can modulate cytokines inflammatory. Thus, we suggest that PPAR? may be an attractive candidate target for novel therapeutic strategies to prevent the deleterious effects of intense systemic release of inflammatory mediators after envenomation.

Initiation of blood coagulation - Evaluating the relevance of specific surface functionalities using self assembled monolayers

Fischer, Marion 24 June 2010 (has links)
The surface of biomaterials can induce contacting blood to coagulate, similar to the response initiated by injured blood vessels to control blood loss. This poses a challenge to the use of biomaterials as the resulting coagulation can impair the performance of hemocompatible devices such as catheters, vascular stents and various extracorporeal tubings [1], what can moreover cause severe host reactions like embolism and infarction. Biomaterial induced coagulation processes limit the therapeutic use of medical products, what motivates the need for a better understanding of the basic mechanisms leading to this bio-incompatibility [2] in order to define modification strategies towards improved biomaterials [3]. Several approaches for the enhancement of hemocompatible surfaces include passive and active strategies for surface modifications. The materials’ chemical-physical properties like surface chemistry, wettability and polarity are parameters of passive modification approaches for improved hemocompatibility and are the focus of the present work. In the present study self assembled monolayers with different surface functionalities (-COOH, -OH, -CH3) were applied as well as two-component-layers with varying fractions of these, as they allow a defined graduation of surface wettability and charge. The ease of control over these parameters given by these model surfaces enables the evaluation of the influence of specific surface-properties on biological responses. To evaluate the effects of different surface chemistry on initial mechanisms of biomaterial induced coagulation, the surfaces were incubated with protein solution, human plasma, blood cell fractions or fresh heparinised human whole blood. Indicative hemocompatibility parameters were subsequently analysed focusing on protein adsorption, coagulation activation, contact activation (intrinsic/ enhancer pathway), impact of tissue factor (extrinsic/ activator pathway) and cellular systems (blood platelets and leukocytes).

Flow cytometric measurement of STAT5 phosphorylation in cytomegalovirus-stimulated T cells

Bitar, Michael, Boettcher, Marcus, Boldt, Andreas, Hauck, Fabian, Köhl, Ulrike, Liebert, Uwe G., Magg, Thomas, Schulz, Marian S., Sack, Ulrich 02 June 2023 (has links)
Cytomegalovirus (CMV)-specific T cells expand with CMV reactivation and are probably prerequisite for control and protection. Given the critical role STAT5A phosphorylation (pSTAT5A) in T cell proliferation, this study presents a simple and sensitive flow cytometric-based pSTAT5A assay to quickly identify CMV-specific T cell proliferation. We determined pSTAT5A in T cells treated with CMV-specific peptide mix (pp65 + IE1 peptides) from 20 healthy adult subjects and three immunodeficient patients with CARMIL-2 mutation. After stimulation, the percentage of pSTAT5A+ T cells in CMV-seropositive (CMV+) subjects significantly increased from 3.0% ± 1.9% (unstimulated) to 11.4% ± 5.9% (stimulated) for 24 h. After 7 days of stimulation, the percentage of expanded T cells amounted to 26% ± 17.2%. Conversely, the percentage of pSTAT5A+ T cells and T cell proliferation from CMV-seronegative (CMV−) subjects hardly changed (from 3.0% ± 1.3% to 3.7% ± 1.8% and from 4.3% ± 2.1% to 5.7% ± 1.7%, respectively). We analyzed the correlation between the percentage of pSTAT5A+ T cells versus (1) CMV-IgG concentrations versus (2) the percentage of expanded T cells and versus (3) the percentage of initial CMV-specific T cells. In immunodeficient patients with CARMIL-2 mutation, CMV-specific pSTAT5A and T cell proliferation were completely deficient. In conclusion, flow cytometric-based pSTAT5A assay represents an appropriate tool to quickly identify CMV-specific T cell proliferation and helps to understand dysfunctions in controlling other pathogens. Flow cytometric-based pSTAT5A assay may be a useful test in clinical practice and merits further validation in large studies.

Role of CD2 and its ligands in T cell activation

Li, Bin 08 1900 (has links)
CD2 is a transmembrane molecule and a “non-canonical” member of the signaling lymphocyte activation molecule (SLAM) family of receptors that is expressed on T cells and NK cells. Its ligands, mouse CD48 and human CD58, are widely expressed on hematopoietic cells including antigen-presenting cells (APCs) and T cells. Previous studies indicated that CD2 promotes T-cell receptor (TCR) signaling when it is engaged by its ligands displayed on APCs. However, the supporting experimental data were rather controversial, and there is no general agreement about the role of CD2 in T cell activation. To study the function of CD2 and its ligands in T cells, we examined T cell functions in newly generated mouse strains lacking CD2 or CD48 in the C57BL/6 background. Compared to wild-type (WT) mice, T cells from CD2-deficient (“knock-out”; KO) mice had severe activation defects. Surprisingly, expression of CD48 on T cells, not on APCs, was also necessary for optimal T cell responses. We found evidence of CD2 interacted with CD48 in cis on T cells and observed their co-localization by confocal microscopy and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). The only exception was CD2-dependent cytotoxicity, which required CD48 both on T cells and on APCs. Mechanistic studies using mass spectrometry and structure-function analyses revealed that the cis interactions between CD2 and CD48 on T cells boosted TCR signaling, an effect that correlated with the capacity of CD2 to recruit the kinase Lck. Similarly, our further study revealed that the cis interactions between CD2 and CD58 on human T cells were also necessary for maximal TCR signaling and T cell activation. Taken together, our studies provide clear evidence that cis interactions between CD2 and its ligands on T cells are important in TCR signaling and T cell activation. Modulation of these cis interactions can be a promising approach to suppress or enhance T cell activation in a therapeutic setting. / CD2 est une molécule transmembranaire et un membre “ non-canonique ” de la famille de la famille SLAM (« signaling lymphocyte activation molecule ») exprimée à la surface des lymphocytes T et des cellules NK (« natural killer »). Les ligands de CD2, CD48 chez la souris et CD58 chez l’humain, sont exprimés de manière ubiquitaire sur les cellules hématopoïétiques, y compris sur les cellules présentatrices d’antigène (CPA) et lymphocytes T. Des études antérieures ont indiqué que CD2 est impliqué dans la signalisation des récepteurs TCR (« T-cell receptor ») en réponse à son engagement par CD48 sur le CPA; cependant, les données expérimentales qui supportent ce modèle sont plutôt contradictoires et aucun accord n’a été trouvé sur les rôle de CD2 dans l’activation de lymphocytes T. Pour étudier la fonction de CD2 et ses ligands, nous avons examiné les fonctions des lymphocytes T chez des souches de souris dépourvues de CD2 ou CD48 nouvellement générées à partir du “fond génétique” C57BL/6. Par rapport aux souris de type sauvage (WT; « wild-type »), les lymphocytes T de souris CD2-déficientes (« knock-out »; KO) présentent des sévères défauts d’activation. Il est intéressant de noter que l’expression de CD48 sur les lymphocytes T, mais non sur les CPA, était aussi nécessaire pour les réponses des lymphocytes T. Nous avons également démontré que CD2 interagit en cis avec CD48 sur les cellules T et avons observé leur co-localisation par microscopie confocale et FRET (« fluorescence resonance energy transfer) ». La seule exception était la cytotoxicité CD2- dépendante, qui nécessitait l’expression de CD48 à la fois sur les lymphocytes T et sur les CPA. L’étude des mécanismes par la spectrométrie de masse et les analyses structurefonction ont démontré que les interactions en cis entre CD2 et CD48 permettent de stimuler la signalisation du TCR, ce qui corrèle avec la capacité de CD2 à recruter la kinase Lck. De manière similaire, notre étude plus approfondie a démontré que les interactions en cis entre CD2 et CD58 sur les lymphocytes T humains sont nécessaires pour la signalisation maximale du TCR et l’activation cellulaire T. L’ensemble de nos études ont mis en évidence que les interactions en cis entre CD2 et ses ligands sur les lymphocytes T jouent un rôle important dans la signalisation du TCR et l’activation de ces cellules. La modulation de ces interaction en cis pourrait être une approche potentielle pour augmenter ou interférer avec l’activation des lymphocytes T dans un contexte thérapeutique.

Intra- und extrazelluläre Signale während der T-Zellaktivierung und -differenzierung

Schumann, Julia 27 November 2014 (has links)
Im ersten Teil dieser Dissertation wurde der Einfluss des mitochondrialen Proteins TCAIM (T cell activation inhibitor, mitochondrial) auf die T-Zellaktivierung untersucht. Hierzu wurde eine transgene Mauslinie mit einem T-zellspezifischen knock-in (KI) von Tcaim in den Rosa26 Lokus generiert. Die Tcaim-Überexpression beeinflusste die Fission und Umverteilung von Mitochondrien und reduzierte die T-Zellrezeptor (TZR)-induzierte Bildung mitochondrialer, radikaler Sauerstoffspezies. In vitro stimulierte CD4+ Tcaim KI T-Zellen zeigten eine geringere Aktivierung, Proliferation und IL-2 Sekretion als Kontrollzellen. T-Zellen aus Tcaim KI Mäusen, die in Rag-1 knock-out Mäuse transferiert wurden, waren nicht fähig ein allogenes Haut-Transplantat abzustoßen und behielten einen naiven Phänotyp. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass TCAIM als mitochondriales Protein wichtige Schritte in der Zellaktivierung und der Bildung von Gedächtnis-T-Zellen beeinflusst. Der zweite Teil der Dissertation beschäftigte sich mit dem Einfluss der CD44-Oberflächenexpression auf die Differenzierung von T-Helfer (TH)-Zellen. Eine hohe CD44-Expression unterscheidet Effektor- von naiven T-Zellen. Durch die allogene Stimulation von CD4+ T-Zellen bildeten sich drei verschiedene Populationen: CD44+, CD44++ und CD44+++. Sowohl in vitro als auch in vivo generierte alloreaktive TH17-Zellen wurden in der CD44+++ Population, TH1-Zellen hingegen in der CD44++ Population, detektiert. Es wurde beschrieben, dass sowohl eine geringe TZR- als auch eine geringe CD28-Stimulation eher die Bildung von TH17- als TH1-Zellen unterstützen. Unter genau diesen Bedingungen kann CD44 als kostimulatorisches Molekül die Signaltransduktion verstärken. Tatsächlich zeigten allogenreaktive CD44+++ TH-Zellen eine höhere ZAP-70-Phosphorylierung als CD44++ TH-Zellen. Diese Ergebnisse unterstützen die Annahme, dass CD44 durch die Verstärkung der Signaltransduktion die TH17-Differenzierung fördern kann. / Within the first part of this thesis, the influence of the mitochondrial Protein TCAIM (T cell activation inhibitor, mitochondrial) on T cell activation was investigated. Tcaim expression correlated negatively with the rejection of allografts and it is down-regulated during T cell activation. To study effects of TCAIM during T cell activation, we generated a T cell-specific mouse strain with a Tcaim knock-in (KI) targeted to the Rosa26 locus. Tcaim overexpression changed the mitochondrial morphology and reduced the T cell receptor (TCR)-induced mitochondrial reactive oxygen species production. In vitro activation of Tcaim KI CD4+ T cells resulted in a decreased activation, proliferation and cytokine release. Importantly, Rag-1 knock-out mice, reconstituted with Tcaim KI T cells, tolerated allogeneic skin grafts. Thus, by regulating TCR-induced mitochondrial distribution and ROS production, TCAIM controls important steps during T cell activation and memory formation. The second part dealt with the influence of CD44 surface expression level for T helper cell (Th cell) differentiation. By association with lymphocyte-specific protein kinase (LCK) it can enhance T cell signaling. Allogeneic stimulation of CD4+ T cells resulted in the formation of three distinguishable populations: CD44+, CD44++ and CD44+++. In vitro and in vivo generated allo-reactive TH17 cells were mainly CD44+++. This is in contrast to TH1 cells which were dominantly CD44++. Titration experiments revealed that low TCR- and co-stimulation supports TH17 rather than TH1 development. Under exactly these conditions it was reported that CD44 can act as co-stimulatory molecule and replace CD28. Indeed, CD44+++CD4+ T cells contained already more phosphorylated ZAP-70 as compared to CD44++ cells. Our results support the notion that CD44 enhances TCR signaling strength by delivering LCK, which is required to support TH17 development.

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